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As soon as they had been brought outside, he was told: "Flee for your life! Don't look back or stop anywhere on the Plain. Get off to the hills at once, or you will be swept away." "Oh, no, my lord!" replied Lot. "You have already thought enough of your servant to do me the great kindness of intervening to save my life. But I cannot flee to the hills to keep the disaster from overtaking me, and so I shall die. Look, this town ahead is near enough to escape to. It's only a small place. Let me flee there - it's a small place, isn't it? - that my life may be saved." "Well, then," he replied, "I will also grant you the favor you now ask. I will not overthrow the town you speak of. Hurry, escape there! I cannot do anything until you arrive there." That is why the town is called Zoar. [GEN 19:17-22]

But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are about to die because of the woman you have taken, for she has a husband." Abimelech, who had not approached her, said: "O Lord, would you slay a man even though he is innocent? He himself told me, 'She is my sister,' and she herself also stated, 'He is my brother.' I did it in good faith and with clean hands." God answered him in the dream: "Yes, I know you did it in good faith. In fact, it was I who kept you from sinning against me; that is why I did not let you touch her. Therefore, return the man's wife - as a spokesman he will intercede for you - that your life may be saved. If you do not return her, you can be sure that you and all who are yours will certainly die." [GEN 20:3-7]

Esau exclaimed, "He has been well named Jacob! He has now supplanted me twice! First he took away my birthright, and now he has taken away my blessing." Then he pleaded, "Haven't you saved a blessing for me?" [GEN 27:36]

Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau! Otherwise I fear that when he comes he will strike me down and slay the mothers and children. [GEN 32:12]

When Reuben heard this, he tried to save him from their hands, saying: "We must not take his life. Instead of shedding blood," he continued, "just throw him into that cistern there in the desert; but don't kill him outright." His purpose was to rescue him from their hands and restore him to his father. So when Joseph came up to them, they stripped him of the long tunic he had on; then they took him and threw him into the cistern, which was empty and dry. [GEN 37:21-24]

"Come closer to me," he told his brothers. When they had done so, he said: "I am your brother Joseph, whom you once sold into Egypt. But now do not be distressed, and do not reproach yourselves for having sold me here. It was really for the sake of saving lives that God sent me here ahead of you. For two years now the famine has been in the land, and for five more years tillage will yield no harvest. God, therefore, sent me on ahead of you to ensure for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives in an extraordinary deliverance. So it was not really you but God who had me come here; and he has made of me a father to Pharaoh, lord of all his household, and ruler over the whole land of Egypt." [Taken from GEN 45:4-8]

Joseph told the people: "Now that I have acquired you and your land for Pharaoh, here is your seed for sowing the land. But when the harvest is in, you must give a fifth of it to Pharaoh, while you keep four-fifths as seed for your fields and as food for yourselves and your families (and as food for your children)." "You have saved our lives!" they answered. "We are grateful to my lord that we can be Pharaoh's slaves." Thus Joseph made it a law for the land in Egypt, which is still in force, that a fifth of its produce should go to Pharaoh. Only the land of the priests did not pass over to Pharaoh. [GEN 47:23-26]

Pharaoh, too, heard of the affair and sought to put him to death. But Moses fled from him and stayed in the land of Midian. As he was seated there by a well, seven daughters of a priest of Midian came to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father's flock. But some shepherds came and drove them away. Then Moses got up and defended them and watered their flock. When they returned to their father Reuel, he said to them, "How is it you have returned so soon today?" They answered, "An Egyptian saved us from the interference of the shepherds. He even drew water for us and watered the flock!" "Where is the man?" he asked his daughters. "Why did you leave him there? Invite him to have something to eat." Moses agreed to live with him, and the man gave him his daughter Zipporah in marriage. [EX 2:15-21]

Thus the LORD saved Israel on that day from the power of the Egyptians. When Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the seashore and beheld the great power that the LORD had shown against the Egyptians, they feared the LORD and believed in him and in his servant Moses. [EX 14:30-31]

My strength and my courage is the LORD, and he has been my savior. He is my God, I praise him; the God of my father, I extol him. [EX 15:2] 

When in your own land you go to war against an enemy that is attacking you, you shall sound the alarm on the trumpets, and the LORD, your God, will remember you and save you from your foes. [NUM 10:9]

They spurned the God who made them and scorned their saving Rock. They provoked him with strange gods and angered him with abominable idols. [Taken from DEUT 32:15-16]

"How fortunate you are, O Israel! Where else is a nation victorious in the LORD? The LORD is your saving shield, and his sword is your glory. Your enemies fawn upon you, as you stride upon their heights." [DEUT 33:29]

"Now then, swear to me by the LORD that, since I am showing kindness to you, you in turn will show kindness to my family; and give me an unmistakable token that you are to spare my father and mother, brothers and sisters, and all their kin, and save us from death." [Taken from JOSH 2:12-13]

Joshua did what he had decided: while he saved them from being killed by the Israelites, at the same time he made them, as they still are, hewers of wood and drawers of water for the community and for the altar of the LORD, in the place of the LORD'S choice. [JOSH 9:26-27]

The five Amorite kings, of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon, united all their forces and marched against Gibeon, where they took up siege positions. Thereupon, the men of Gibeon sent an appeal to Joshua in his camp at Gilgal: "Do not abandon your servants. Come up here quickly and save us. Help us, because all the Amorite kings of the mountain country have joined forces against us." [JOSH 10:5-6]

Then Balak, son of Zippor, king of Moab, prepared to war against Israel. He summoned Balaam, son of Beor, to curse you; but I would not listen to Balaam. On the contrary, he had to bless you, and I saved you from him. [JOSH 24:9-10]

Whenever the LORD raised up judges for them, he would be with the judge and save them from the power of their enemies as long as the judge lived; it was thus the LORD took pity on their distressful cries of affliction under their oppressors. But when the judge died, they would relapse and do worse than their fathers, following other gods in service and worship, relinquishing none of their evil practices or stubborn conduct. [JUDG 2:18-19]

Because the Israelites had offended the LORD by forgetting the LORD, their God, and serving the Baals and the Asherahs, the anger of the LORD flared up against them, and he allowed them to fall into the power of Cushan-rishathaim, king of Aram Naharaim, whom they served for eight years. But when the Israelites cried out to the LORD, he raised up for them a savior, Othniel, son of Caleb's younger brother Kenaz, who rescued them. [JUDG 3:7-9] 

Again the Israelites offended the LORD, who because of this offense strengthened Eglon, king of Moab, against Israel. In alliance with the Ammonites and Amalekites, he attacked and defeated Israel, taking possession of the city of palms. The Israelites then served Eglon, king of Moab, for eighteen years. But when the Israelites cried out to the LORD, he raised up for them a savior, the Benjaminite Ehud, son of Gera, who was left-handed. It was by him that the Israelites sent their tribute to Eglon, king of Moab. [JUDG 3:12-15]

Then the angel of the LORD came and sat under the terebinth in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite. While his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press to save it from the Midianites, the angel of the LORD appeared to him and said, "The LORD is with you, O champion!" "My Lord," Gideon said to him, "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are his wondrous deeds of which our fathers told us when they said, 'Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?' For now the LORD has abandoned us and has delivered us into the power of Midian." The LORD turned to him and said, "Go with the strength you have and save Israel from the power of Midian. It is I who send you." But he answered him, "Please, my lord, how can I save Israel? My family is the meanest in Manasseh, and I am the most insignificant in my father's house." "I shall be with you," the LORD said to him, "and you will cut down Midian to the last man." [Taken from JUDG 6:11-16]

Gideon said to God, "If indeed you are going to save Israel through me, as you promised, I am putting this woolen fleece on the threshing floor. If dew comes on the fleece alone, while all the ground is dry, I shall know that you will save Israel through me, as you promised." That is what took place. Early the next morning he wrung the dew from the fleece, squeezing out of it a bowlful of water. Gideon then said to God, "Do not be angry with me if I speak once more. Let me make just one more test with the fleece. Let the fleece alone be dry, but let there be dew on all the ground." That night God did so; the fleece alone was dry, but there was dew on all the ground. [JUDG 6:36-40]

When Gideon led the soldiers down to the water, the LORD said to him, "You shall set to one side everyone who laps up the water as a dog does with its tongue; to the other, everyone who kneels down to drink." Those who lapped up the water raised to their mouths by hand numbered three hundred, but all the rest of the soldiers knelt down to drink the water. The LORD said to Gideon, "By means of the three hundred who lapped up the water I will save you and will deliver Midian into your power. So let all the other soldiers go home." [JUDG 7:5-7]

After Abimelech there rose to save Israel the Issacharite Tola, son of Puah, son of Dodo, a resident of Shamir in the mountain region of Ephraim. [JUDG 10:1]

Then the Israelites cried out to the LORD, "We have sinned against you; we have forsaken our God and have served the Baals." The LORD answered the Israelites: "Did not the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, the Philistines, the Sidonians, the Amalekites, and the Midianites oppress you? Yet when you cried out to me, and I saved you from their grasp, you still forsook me and worshiped other gods. Therefore I will save you no more. Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen; let them save you now that you are in distress." But the Israelites said to the LORD, "We have sinned. Do to us whatever you please. Only save us this day." [JUDG 10:10-15]

When the troops retired to the camp, the elders of Israel said, "Why has the LORD permitted us to be defeated today by the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the LORD from Shiloh that it may go into battle among us and save us from the grasp of our enemies." [1SAM 4:3]

When the Philistines heard that the Israelites had gathered at Mizpah, their lords went up against Israel. Hearing this, the Israelites became afraid of the Philistines and said to Samuel, "Implore the LORD our God unceasingly for us, to save us from the clutches of the Philistines." [1SAM 7:7-8]

The day before Saul's arrival, the LORD had given Samuel the revelation: "At this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin whom you are to anoint as commander of my people Israel. He shall save my people from the clutches of the Philistines, for I have witnessed their misery and accepted their cry for help." [1SAM 9:15-16]

Then, from a flask he had with him, Samuel poured oil on Saul's head; he also kissed him, saying: "The LORD anoints you commander over his heritage. You are to govern the LORD'S people Israel, and to save them from the grasp of their enemies round about." [Taken from 1SAM 10:1]

Samuel said to all the people, "Do you see the man whom the LORD has chosen? There is none like him among all the people!" Then all the people shouted, "Long live the king!" Samuel next explained to the people the law of royalty and wrote it in a book, which he placed in the presence of the LORD. This done, Samuel dismissed the people, each to his own place. Saul also went home to Gibeah, accompanied by warriors whose hearts the LORD had touched. But certain worthless men said, "How can this fellow save us?" They despised him and brought him no present. [1SAM 10:24-27]

The people then said to Samuel: "Who questioned whether Saul should rule over us? Hand over the men and we will put them to death." But Saul broke in to say, "No man is to be put to death this day, for today the LORD has saved Israel." [1SAM 11:12-13]

Do not turn to meaningless idols which can neither profit nor save; they are nothing. [1SAM 12:21]

Thus the LORD saved Israel that day. [Taken from 1SAM 14:23]

David answered him: "You come against me with sword and spear and scimitar, but I come against you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel that you have insulted. Today the LORD shall deliver you into my hand... All this multitude, too, shall learn that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves. For the battle is the LORD'S, and he shall deliver you into our hands." [Taken from 1SAM 17:45-47]

The same night, Saul sent messengers to David's house to guard it, that he might kill him in the morning. David's wife Michal informed him, "Unless you save yourself tonight, tomorrow you will be killed." Then Michal let David down through a window, and he made his escape in safety. [1SAM 19:11-12]

Abner then said in discussion with the elders of Israel: "For a long time you have been seeking David as your king. Now take action, for the LORD has said of David, 'By my servant David I will save my people Israel from the grasp of the Philistines and from the grasp of all their enemies.'" [2SAM 3:17-18]

Then Joab went to his residence and said: "Though they saved your life and your sons' and daughters' lives, also the lives of your wives and those of your concubines, you have put all your servants to shame today by loving those who hate you and hating those who love you. For you have shown today that officers and servants mean nothing to you. Indeed I am now certain that if Absalom were alive today and all of us dead, you would think that more suitable. Now then, get up! Go out and speak kindly to your servants. I swear by the LORD that if you do not go out, not a single man will remain with you overnight, and this will be a far greater disaster for you than any that has afflicted you from your youth until now." [2SAM 19:6-8]

"O LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my rock of refuge! My shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold, my refuge, my savior, from violence you keep me safe. 'Praised be the LORD,' I exclaim, and I am safe from my enemies." [Taken from 2SAM 22:2-4]

You save lowly people, though on the lofty your eyes look down. [2SAM 22:28]

"You have given me your saving shield, and your help has made me great." [2SAM 22:36]

"You girded me with strength for war; you subdued my adversaries beneath me. My enemies you put to flight before me and those who hated me I destroyed. They cried for help-but no one saved them; to the LORD - but he answered them not." [2SAM 22:40-42]

"The LORD live! And blessed be my Rock! Extolled be my God, rock of my salvation." [2SAM 22:47]

Is not my house firm before God? He has made an eternal covenant with me, set forth in detail and secured. Will he not bring to fruition all my salvation and my every desire? [2SAM 23:5]

Then Nathan said to Bathsheba, Solomon's mother: "Have you not heard that Adonijah, son of Haggith, has become king without the knowledge of our lord David? Come now, let me advise you so that you may save your life and that of your son Solomon. Go, visit King David, and say to him, 'Did you not, lord king, swear to your handmaid: Your son Solomon shall be king after me and shall sit upon my throne? Why, then, has Adonijah become king?' And while you are still there speaking to the king, I will come in after you and confirm what you have said." [1KGS 1:11-14]

The LORD was angry with Israel and for a long time left them in the power of Hazael, king of Aram, and of Ben-hadad, son of Hazael. Then Jehoahaz entreated the LORD, who heard him, since he saw the oppression to which the king of Aram had subjected Israel. So the LORD gave Israel a savior, and the Israelites, freed from the power of Aram, dwelt in their own homes as formerly. Nevertheless, they did not desist from the sins which the house of Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit, but persisted in them. The sacred pole also remained standing in Samaria. [2KGS 13:3-6]

Since the LORD had not determined to blot out the name of Israel from under the heavens, he saved them through Jeroboam, son of Joash. [2KGS 14:27]

Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it; then he went up to the temple of the LORD, and spreading it out before him, he prayed in the LORD'S presence: "O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned upon the cherubim! You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made the heavens and the earth. Incline your ear, O LORD, and listen! Open your eyes, O LORD, and see! Hear the words of Sennacherib which he sent to taunt the living God. Truly, O LORD, the kings of Assyria have laid waste the nations and their lands, and cast their gods into the fire; they destroyed them because they were not gods, but the work of human hands, wood and stone. Therefore, O LORD, our God, save us from the power of this man, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone, O LORD, are God." [2KGS 19:14-19]

"Therefore, thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: 'He shall not reach this city, nor shoot an arrow at it, nor come before it with a shield, nor cast up siege-works against it. He shall return by the same way he came, without entering the city, says the LORD. I will shield and save this city for my own sake, and for the sake of my servant David.'" [2KGS 19:32-34]

Sing to the LORD, all the earth, announce his salvation, day after day Tell his glory among the nations; among all peoples, his wondrous deeds. [1CHRON 16:23-24]

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his kindness endures forever; And say, "Save us, O God, our savior, gather us and deliver us from the nations, That we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in praising you." [1CHRON 16:34-35]

When Joab saw that there was a battle line both in front of and behind him, he chose some of the best fighters among the Israelites and set them in array against the Arameans; the rest of the army, which he placed under the command of his brother Abishai, then lined up to oppose the Ammonites. And he said: "If the Arameans prove too strong for me, you must come to my help; and if the Ammonites prove too strong for you, I will save you. Hold steadfast and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and the cities of our God; then may the LORD do what seems best to him." [1CHRON 19:10-13]

My God, may your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayer of this place. And now, "Advance, LORD God, to your resting place, you and the ark of your majesty. May your priests, LORD God, be clothed with salvation, may your faithful ones rejoice in good things. LORD God, reject not the plea of your anointed, remember the devotion of David, your servant." [2CHRON 6:40-42]

Then the anger of the LORD blazed out against Amaziah, and he sent a prophet to him who said: "Why have you had recourse to this people's gods that could not save their own people from your hand?" While he was still speaking, however, the king said to him: "Have you been made the king's counselor? Be silent! Why should it be necessary to kill you?" Therefore the prophet desisted. "I know, however," he said, "that God has let you take counsel to your own destruction, because you have done this thing and have refused to hear my counsel." [2CHRON 25:15-16]

Then the LORD sent an angel, who destroyed every valiant warrior, leader and commander in the camp of the Assyrian king, so that he had to return shamefaced to his own country. And when he entered the temple of his god, some of his own offspring struck him down there with the sword. Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, as from every other power; he gave them rest on every side. [2CHRON 32:21-22]

They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, "Their hands will slacken in the work, and it will never be completed." But instead, I now redoubled my efforts. I went to the house of Shemaiah, son of Delaiah, son of Mehetabel, who was unable to go about, and he said: "Let us meet in the house of God, inside the temple building; let us lock the doors of the temple. For men are coming to kill you; by night they are coming to kill you." My answer was: "A man like me take flight? Can a man like me enter the temple to save his life? I will not go!" For on consideration it was plain to me that God had not sent him; rather, because Tobiah and Sanballat had bribed him, he voiced this prophecy concerning me that I might act on it out of fear and commit this sin. Then they would have had a shameful story with which to discredit me. [NEH 6:9-13]

"But they were contemptuous and rebellious: they cast your law behind their backs, they slew your prophets who bore witness against them in order to bring them back to you, and they were guilty of great effronteries. Therefore you delivered them into the power of their enemies, who oppressed them. But in the time of their oppression they would cry out to you, and you would hear them from heaven, and according to your great mercy give them saviors to deliver them from the power of their enemies." [Taken from NEH 9:26-27]

Tobit exclaimed: "Welcome! God save you, brother! Do not be provoked with me, brother, for wanting to learn the truth about your family. So it turns out that you are a kinsman, and from a noble and good line! I knew Hananiah and Nathaniah, the two sons of Shemaiah the elder; with me they used to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where we would worship together. No, they did not stray from the right path; your kinsmen are good men. You are certainly of good lineage, and welcome!" [TOBIT 5:14]

"As soon as the demon smells the odor they give off, he will flee and never again show himself near her. Then when you are about to have intercourse with her, both of you first rise up to pray. Beg the Lord of heaven to show you mercy and grant you deliverance. But do not be afraid, for she was set apart for you before the world existed. You will save her, and she will go with you. And I suppose that you will have children by her, who will take the place of brothers for you. So do not worry." When Tobiah heard Raphael say that she was his kinswoman, of his own family's lineage, he fell deeply in love with her, and his heart became set on her. [Taken from TOBIT 6:18]

Prayer and fasting are good, but better than either is almsgiving accompanied by righteousness. A little with righteousness is better than abundance with wickedness. It is better to give alms than to store up gold; for almsgiving saves one from death and expiates every sin. Those who regularly give alms shall enjoy a full life; but those habitually guilty of sin are their own worst enemies. [TOBIT 12:8-10]

All the nations of the world shall be converted and shall offer God true worship; all shall abandon their idols which have deceitfully led them into error, and shall bless the God of the ages in righteousness. Because all the Israelites who are to be saved in those days will truly be mindful of God, they shall be gathered together and go to Jerusalem; in security shall they dwell forever in the land of Abraham, which will be given over to them. Those who sincerely love God shall rejoice, but those who become guilty of sin shall completely disappear from the land. [Taken from TOBIT 14:6-7]

"So while we wait for the salvation that comes from him, let us call upon him to help us, and he will hear our cry if it is his good pleasure." [Taken from JDTH 8:17]

"Your strength is not in numbers, nor does your power depend upon stalwart men; but you are the God of the lowly, the helper of the oppressed, the supporter of the weak, the protector of the forsaken, the savior of those without hope." [JDTH 9:11]

When the men heard her words and gazed upon her face, which appeared wondrously beautiful to them, they said to her, "By coming down thus promptly to see our master, you have saved your life. Now go to his tent; some of our men will accompany you to present you to him. When you stand before him, have no fear in your heart; give him the report you speak of, and he will treat you well." [JDTH 10:14-16]

"Remember the days of your lowly estate," Mordecai had him say, "when you were brought up in my charge; for Haman, who is second to the king, has asked for our death. Invoke the Lord and speak to the king for us: save us from death." [ESTH B:8-9]

Recalling all that the Lord had done, he prayed to him and said: "O Lord God, almighty King, all things are in your power, and there is no one to oppose you in your will to save Israel. You made heaven and earth and every wonderful thing under the heavens. You are Lord of all, and there is no one who can resist you, Lord. You know all things. You know, O Lord, that it was not out of insolence or pride or desire for fame that I acted thus in not bowing down to the proud Haman. Gladly would I have kissed the soles of his feet for the salvation of Israel. But I acted as I did so as not to place the honor of man above that of God. I will not bow down to anyone but you, my Lord. It is not out of pride that I am acting thus. And now, Lord God, King, God of Abraham, spare your people, for our enemies plan our ruin and are bent upon destroying the inheritance that was yours from the beginning. Do not spurn your portion, which you redeemed for yourself out of Egypt. Hear my prayer; have pity on your inheritance and turn our sorrow into joy: thus we shall live to sing praise to your name, O Lord. Do not silence those who praise you." [ESTH C:1-10]

"Save us by your power, and help me, who am alone and have no one but you, O Lord. You know all things." [Taken from ESTH C:25]

"O God, more powerful than all, hear the voice of those in despair. Save us from the power of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear." [Taken from ESTH C:30]

On the third day, putting an end to her prayers, she took off her penitential garments and arrayed herself in her royal attire. In making her state appearance, after invoking the all-seeing God and savior, she took with her two maids; on the one she leaned gently for support, while the other followed her, bearing her train. She glowed with the perfection of her beauty and her countenance was as joyous as it was lovely, though her heart was shrunk with fear. [ESTH D:1-5]

But, unequal to this dignity, he strove to deprive us of kingdom and of life; and by weaving intricate webs of deceit, he demanded the destruction of Mordecai, our savior and constant benefactor, and of Esther, our blameless royal consort, together with their whole race. For by such measures he hoped to catch us defenseless and to transfer the rule of the Persians to the Macedonians. [Taken from ESTH E:12-14]

Then Mordecai said: "This is the work of God. I recall the dream I had about these very things, and not a single detail has been left unfulfilled - the tiny spring that grew into a river, the light of the sun, the many waters. The river is Esther, whom the king married and made queen. The two dragons are myself and Haman. The nations are those who assembled to destroy the name of the Jews, but my people is Israel, who cried to God and was saved. The LORD saved his people and delivered us from all these evils. God worked signs and great wonders, such as have not occurred among the nations. For this purpose he arranged two lots: one for the people of God, the second for all the other nations. These two lots were fulfilled in the hour, the time, and the day of judgment before God and among all the nations. God remembered his people and rendered justice to his inheritance." [ESTH F:1-9]

Mattathias and his friends went about and tore down the pagan altars; they also enforced circumcision for any uncircumcised boys whom they found in the territory of Israel. They put to flight the arrogant, and the work prospered in their hands. They saved the law from the hands of the Gentiles and of the kings and did not let the sinner triumph. [1MACC 2:45-48]

Elijah, for his burning zeal for the law, was taken up to heaven. Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael, for their faith, were saved from the fire. Daniel, for his innocence, was delivered from the jaws of lions. And so, consider this from generation to generation, that none who hope in him shall fail in strength. [Taken from 1MACC 2:58-61]

Judas said to the men with him: "Do not be afraid of their numbers or dread their attack. Remember how our fathers were saved in the Red Sea, when Pharaoh pursued them with an army. So now let us cry to Heaven in the hope that he will favor us, remember his covenant with our fathers, and destroy this army before us today. All the Gentiles shall know that there is One who redeems and delivers Israel." [1MACC 4:8-11]

Seeing that the army was strong, he prayed thus: "Blessed are you, O Savior of Israel, who broke the rush of the mighty one by the hand of your servant David and delivered the camp of the Philistines into the hand of Jonathan, the son of Saul, and his armor-bearer. Give this army into the hands of your people Israel; make them ashamed of their troops and their cavalry. Strike them with fear, weaken the boldness of their strength, and let them tremble at their own destruction. Strike them down by the sword of those who love you, that all who know your name may hymn your praise." Then they engaged in battle, and about five thousand of Lysias' men fell in hand-to-hand fighting. When Lysias saw his ranks beginning to give way, and the increased boldness of Judas, whose men were ready either to live or to die bravely, he withdrew to Antioch and began to recruit mercenaries so as to return to Judea with greater numbers. [1MACC 4:30-35]

Joseph and Azariah were beaten, and were pursued to the frontiers of Judea, and about two thousand Israelites fell that day. It was a bad defeat for the people, because they had not obeyed Judas and his brothers, thinking that they would do brave deeds. But they did not belong to the family of those men to whom it was granted to achieve Israel's salvation. [1MACC 5:60-62]

Eleazar, called Avaran, saw one of the beasts bigger than any of the others and covered with royal armor, and he thought the king must be on it. So he gave up his life to save his people and win an everlasting name for himself. [1MACC 6:43-44]

As Judas saw that his army was melting away just when the battle was imminent, he was panic-stricken, because he had no time to gather them together. But in spite of his discouragement, he said to those who remained: "Let us go forward to meet our enemies; perhaps we can put up a good fight against them." They tried to dissuade him, saying: "We certainly cannot. Let us save our lives now, and come back with our kinsmen, and then fight against them. Now we are too few." But Judas said: "Far be it from me to do such a thing as to flee from them! If our time has come, let us die bravely for our kinsmen and not leave a stain upon our glory!" [1MACC 9:7-10]

Jonathan and Simon took their brother Judas and buried him in the tomb of their fathers at Modein. All Israel bewailed him in great grief. They mourned for him many days, and they said, "How the mighty one has fallen, the savior of Israel!" [1MACC 9:19-21]

So Jonathan sent three thousand good fighting men to him at Antioch. When they came to the king, he was delighted over their arrival, for the populace, one hundred and twenty thousand strong, had massed in the center of the city in an attempt to kill him. But he took refuge in the palace, while the populace gained control of the main streets and began to fight. So the king called the Jews to his aid. They all rallied around him and spread out through the city. On that day they killed about a hundred thousand men in the city, which, at the same time, they set on fire and plundered on a large scale. Thus they saved the king's life. [1MACC 11:44-48]

With the help of Heaven for our support, we have been saved from our enemies, and they have been humbled. [Taken from 1MACC 12:15]

When Simon heard that Trypho was gathering a large army to invade and ravage the land of Judah, and saw that the people were in dread and terror, he went up to Jerusalem. There he assembled the people and exhorted them in these words: "You know what I, my brothers, and my father's house have done for the laws and the sanctuary; what battles and disasters we have been through. It was for the sake of these, for the sake of Israel, that all my brothers have perished, and I alone am left. Far be it from me, then, to save my own life in any time of distress, for I am not better than my brothers. Rather will I avenge my nation and the sanctuary, as well as your wives and children, for all the nations out of hatred have united to destroy us." As the people heard these words, their spirit was rekindled. [1MACC 13:1-7]

Simon called his two oldest sons, Judas and John, and said to them: "I and my brothers and my father's house have fought the battles of Israel from our youth until today, and many times we succeeded in saving Israel. I have now grown old, but you, by the mercy of Heaven, have come to man's estate. Take my place and my brother's, and go out and fight for our nation; and may the help of Heaven be with you!" [1MACC 16:2-3]

Since we have been saved by God from grave dangers, we give him great thanks for having fought on our side against the king; it was he who drove out those who fought against the holy city. [2MACC 1:11-12]

It is God who has saved all his people and has restored to all of them their heritage, the kingdom, the priesthood, and the sacred rites, as he promised through the law. We trust in God, that he will soon have mercy on us and gather us together from everywhere under the heavens to his holy Place, for he has rescued us from great perils and has purified his Place. [2MACC 2:17-18]

When the youth paid no attention to him at all, the king appealed to the mother, urging her to advise her boy to save his life. After he had urged her for a long time, she went through the motions of persuading her son. In derision of the cruel tyrant, she leaned over close to her son and said in their native language: "Son, have pity on me, who carried you in my womb for nine months, nursed you for three years, brought you up, educated and supported you to your present age. I beg you, child, to look at the heavens and the earth and see all that is in them; then you will know that God did not make them out of existing things; and in the same way the human race came into existence. Do not be afraid of this executioner, but be worthy of your brothers and accept death, so that in the time of mercy I may receive you again with them." She had scarcely finished speaking when the youth said: "What are you waiting for? I will not obey the king's command. I obey the command of the law given to our forefathers through Moses." [Taken from 2MACC 7:25-30]

When Maccabeus and his men learned that Lysias was besieging the strongholds, they and all the people begged the Lord with lamentations and tears to send a good angel to save Israel. [2MACC 11:6]

Timothy himself fell into the hands of the men under Dositheus and Sosipater; but with great cunning, he asked them to spare his life and let him go, because he had in his power the parents and relatives of many of them, and could make these suffer. When he had fully confirmed his solemn pledge to restore them unharmed, they let him go for the sake of saving their brethren. [2MACC 12:24-25]

But the poor from the edge of the sword and from the hand of the mighty, he saves. [JOB 5:15]

And this shall be my salvation, that no impious man can come into his presence. [JOB 13:16]

Though he has known no quiet in his greed, his treasures shall not save him. [JOB 20:20]

For he brings down the pride of the haughty, but the man of humble mien he saves. [JOB 22:29]

But he saves the unfortunate through their affliction, and instructs them through distress. [JOB 36:15]

Have you an arm like that of God, or can you thunder with a voice like his? Adorn yourself with grandeur and majesty, and array yourself with glory and splendor. Let loose the fury of your wrath; tear down the wicked and shatter them. Bring down the haughty with a glance; bury them in the dust together; in the hidden world imprison them. Then will I too acknowledge that your own right hand can save you. [JOB 40:9-14]

How many say of me, "God will not save that one." But you, LORD, are a shield around me; my glory, you keep my head high. [Taken from PS 3:3-4]

Arise, LORD! Save me, my God! You will shatter the jaws of all my foes; you will break the teeth of the wicked. [PS 3:8]

Answer when I call, my saving God. In my troubles, you cleared a way; show me favor; hear my prayer. [PS 4:2]

Turn, LORD, save my life; in your mercy rescue me. [PS 6:5]

LORD my God, in you I take refuge; rescue me; save me from all who pursue me [Taken from PS 7:2]

A shield before me is God who saves the honest heart. [PS 7:11]

Have mercy on me, LORD; see how my foes afflict me! You alone can raise me from the gates of death. Then I will declare all your praises, sing joyously of your salvation in the gates of daughter Zion. [PS 9:14-15]

He said: I love you, LORD, my strength, LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, my saving horn, my stronghold! Praised be the LORD, I exclaim! I have been delivered from my enemies. [PS 18:2-4]

Humble people you save; haughty eyes you bring low. [PS 18:28]

My foes you put to flight before me; those who hated me I destroyed. They cried for help, but no one saved them; cried to the LORD but got no answer. [PS 18:41-42]

The LORD lives! Blessed be my rock! Exalted be God, my savior! [PS 18:47]

Save me from the lion's mouth, my poor life from the horns of wild bulls. [PS 22:22]

Who may go up the mountain of the LORD? Who can stand in his holy place? "The clean of hand and pure of heart, who are not devoted to idols, who have not sworn falsely. They will receive blessings from the LORD, and justice from their saving God. Such are the people that love the LORD, that seek the face of the God of Jacob." [Taken from PS 24:3-6]

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior. For you I wait all the long day, because of your goodness, LORD. [PS 25:5]

Hear my voice, LORD, when I call; have mercy on me and answer me. "Come," says my heart, "seek God's face"; your face, LORD, do I seek! Do not hide your face from me; do not repel your servant in anger. You are my help; do not cast me off; do not forsake me, God my savior! Even if my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will take me in. [PS 27:7-10]

LORD, you are the strength of your people, the saving refuge of your anointed king. Save your people, bless your inheritance; feed and sustain them forever! [PS 28:8-9]

In you, LORD, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your justice deliver me; incline your ear to me; make haste to rescue me! Be my rock of refuge, a stronghold to save me. You are my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake lead and guide me. Free me from the net they have set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commend my spirit; you will redeem me, LORD, faithful God. [PS 31:2-6]

My times are in your hands; rescue me from my enemies, from the hands of my pursuers. Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your kindness. [PS 31:16-17]

A king is not saved by a mighty army, nor a warrior delivered by great strength. Useless is the horse for safety; its great strength, no sure escape. But the LORD'S eyes are upon the reverent, upon those who hope for his gracious help, Delivering them from death, keeping them alive in times of famine. [PS 33:16-19]

In my misfortune I called, the LORD heard and saved me from all distress. [PS 34:7]

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed. [PS 34:19]

Oppose, LORD, those who oppose me; war upon those who make war upon me. Take up the shield and buckler; rise up in my defense. Brandish lance and battle-ax against my pursuers. Say to my heart, "I am your salvation." Let those who seek my life be put to shame and disgrace. Let those who plot evil against me be turned back and confounded. [PS 35:1-4]

Lord, how long will you look on? Save me from roaring beasts, my precious life from lions! [PS 35:17]

The salvation of the just is from the LORD, their refuge in time of distress. The LORD helps and rescues them, rescues and saves them from the wicked, because in God they take refuge. [PS 37:39-40]

Forsake me not, O LORD; my God, be not far from me! Come quickly to help me, my Lord and my salvation! [PS 38:22-23]

Why are you downcast, my soul; why do you groan within me? Wait for God, whom I shall praise again, my savior and my God. [PS 42:6]

Like your name, O God, your praise reaches the ends of the earth. Your right hand is fully victorious. Mount Zion is glad! The cities of Judah rejoice because of your saving deeds! [PS 48:11-12]

"Those who offer praise as a sacrifice honor me; to the obedient I will show the salvation of God." [Taken from PS 50:23]

Restore my joy in your salvation; sustain in me a willing spirit. [PS 51:14]

Rescue me from death, God, my saving God, that my tongue may praise your healing power. [PS 51:16]

O God, by your name save me. By your strength defend my cause. [PS 54:3]

But I will call upon God, and the LORD will save me. [PS 55:17]

May God send help from heaven to save me, shame those who trample upon me. May God send fidelity and love. [Taken from PS 57:4]

Deliver me from evildoers; from the bloodthirsty save me. [PS 59:3]

My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation. God alone is my rock and salvation, my secure height; I shall never fall. [PS 62:2-3]

You answer us with awesome deeds of justice, O God our savior, The hope of all the ends of the earth and of far distant islands. [PS 65:6]

May God be gracious to us and bless us; may God's face shine upon us. So shall your rule be known upon the earth, your saving power among all the nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you! [Taken from PS 67:2-4]

Blessed be the Lord day by day, God, our salvation, who carries us. Our God is a God who saves; escape from death is in the LORD God's hands. [Taken from PS 68:20-21]

Save me, God, for the waters have reached my neck. [PS 69:2]

But I am afflicted and in pain; let your saving help protect me, God, That I may praise God's name in song and glorify it with thanksgiving. [PS 69:30-31]

In you, LORD, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your justice rescue and deliver me; listen to me and save me! [PS 71:1-2]

He shows pity to the needy and the poor and saves the lives of the poor. [PS 72:13]

The LORD heard and grew angry; fire blazed up against Jacob; anger flared up against Israel. For they did not believe in God, did not trust in his saving power. [PS 78:21-22]

Help us, God our savior, for the glory of your name. Deliver us, pardon our sins for your name's sake. [PS 79:9]

Shepherd of Israel, listen, guide of the flock of Joseph! From your throne upon the cherubim reveal yourself to Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Stir up your power, come to save us. O LORD of hosts, restore us; Let your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. [PS 80:2-4]

Restore us once more, God our savior; abandon your wrath against us. Will you be angry with us forever, drag out your anger for all generations? Please give us life again, that your people may rejoice in you. Show us, LORD, your love; grant us your salvation. [PS 85:5-8]

Near indeed is salvation for the loyal; prosperity will fill our land. [PS 85:10]

Preserve my life, for I am loyal; save your servant who trusts in you. [PS 86:2]

But you, Lord, are a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, most loving and true. Turn to me, have pity on me; give your strength to your servant; save this child of your handmaid. Give me a sign of your favor: make my enemies see, to their confusion, that you, LORD, help and comfort me. [PS 86:15-17]

Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high. All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor. With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power. [PS 91:14-16]

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. [PS 95:1]

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, bless his name; announce his salvation day after day. Tell God's glory among the nations; among all peoples, God's marvelous deeds. [PS 96:1-3]

Remember me, LORD, as you favor your people; come to me with your saving help, That I may see the prosperity of your chosen, rejoice in the joy of your people, and glory with your heritage. [PS 106:4-5]

Our ancestors in Egypt did not attend to your wonders. They did not remember your great love; they defied the Most High at the Red Sea. Yet he saved them for his name's sake to make his power known. [PS 106:7-8]

Save us, LORD, our God; gather us from among the nations That we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in praising you. [PS 106:47]

Some lived in darkness and gloom, in prison, bound with chains, Because they rebelled against God's word, scorned the counsel of the Most High, Who humbled their hearts through hardship; they stumbled with no one to help. In their distress they cried to the LORD, who saved them in their peril, Led them forth from darkness and gloom and broke their chains asunder. Let them thank the LORD for such kindness, such wondrous deeds for mere mortals. [PS 107:10-15]

Help me, LORD, my God; save me in your kindness. [PS 109:26]

I love the LORD, who listened to my voice in supplication, Who turned an ear to me on the day I called. I was caught by the cords of death; the snares of Sheol had seized me; I felt agony and dread. Then I called on the name of the LORD, "O LORD, save my life!" [PS 116:1-4]

The LORD protects the simple; I was helpless, but God saved me. [PS 116:6]

I will raise the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD. [PS 116:13]

I was hard pressed and falling, but the LORD came to my help. The LORD, my strength and might, came to me as savior. [PS 118:13-14]

I thank you for you answered me; you have been my savior. [PS 118:21]

LORD, grant salvation! LORD, grant good fortune! [PS 118:25]

Let your love come to me, LORD, salvation in accord with your promise. [PS 119:41]

My soul longs for your salvation; I put my hope in your word. [PS 119:81]

I am yours; save me, for I cherish your precepts. [PS 119:94]

My eyes long to see your salvation and the justice of your promise. [PS 119:123]

I call with all my heart, O LORD; answer me that I may observe your laws. I call to you to save me that I may keep your decrees. [PS 119:145-146]

Salvation is far from sinners because they do not cherish your laws. [PS 119:155]

I look for your salvation, LORD, and I fulfill your commands. [PS 119:166]

I long for your salvation, LORD; your teaching is my delight. [PS 119:174]

The LORD is on high, but cares for the lowly and knows the proud from afar. Though I walk in the midst of dangers, you guard my life when my enemies rage. You stretch out your hand; your right hand saves me. The LORD is with me to the end. LORD, your love endures forever. Never forsake the work of your hands! [PS 138:6-8]

You, LORD, are near to all who call upon you, to all who call upon you in truth. You satisfy the desire of those who fear you; you hear their cry and save them. [PS 145:18-19]

Put no trust in princes, in mere mortals powerless to save. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth; that day all their planning comes to nothing. [PS 146:3-4]

My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands, Turning your ear to wisdom, inclining your heart to understanding; Yes, if you call to intelligence, and to understanding raise your voice; If you seek her like silver, and like hidden treasures search her out: Then will you understand the fear of the LORD; the knowledge of God you will find; For the LORD gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; He has counsel in store for the upright, he is the shield of those who walk honestly, Guarding the paths of justice, protecting the way of his pious ones. Then you will understand rectitude and justice, honesty, every good path; For wisdom will enter your heart, knowledge will please your soul, Discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you; Saving you from the way of evil men, from men of perverse speech, Who leave the straight paths to walk in the way of darkness, Who delight in doing evil, rejoice in perversity; Whose ways are crooked, and devious their paths; Saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress with her smooth words, Who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the pact with her God; For her path sinks down to death, and her footsteps lead to the shades [Taken from PROV 2:1-18]

Ill-gotten treasures profit nothing, but virtue saves from death. [PROV 10:2]

Wealth is useless on the day of wrath, but virtue saves from death. [PROV 11:4]

The virtue of the upright saves them, but the faithless are caught in their own intrigue. [PROV 11:6]

The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush, but the speech of the upright saves them. [PROV 12:6]

The truthful witness saves lives, but he who utters lies is a betrayer. [PROV 14:25]

Withhold not chastisement from a boy; if you beat him with the rod, he will not die. Beat him with the rod, and you will save him from the nether world. [PROV 23:13-14] [Note: Obviously, however, discipline must be done within reason.]

There is no man who is master of the breath of life so as to retain it, and none has mastery of the day of death. There is no exemption from the struggle, nor are the wicked saved by their wickedness. [ECCL 8:8]

Then shall the just one with great assurance confront his oppressors who set at nought his labors. Seeing this, they shall be shaken with dreadful fear, and amazed at the unlooked-for salvation. They shall say among themselves, rueful and groaning through anguish of spirit: "This is he whom once we held as a laughingstock and as a type for mockery, fools that we were! His life we accounted madness, and his death dishonored. See how he is accounted among the sons of God; how his lot is with the saints!" [Taken from WISDOM 5:1-5]

And thus were the paths of those on earth made straight, and men learned what was your pleasure, and were saved by Wisdom. [WISDOM 9:18]

When on his account the earth was flooded, Wisdom again saved it, piloting the just man on frailest wood. [WISDOM 10:4]

Again, one preparing for a voyage and about to traverse the wild waves cries out to wood more unsound than the boat that bears him. For the urge for profits devised this latter, and Wisdom the artificer produced it. But your providence, O Father! guides it, for you have furnished even in the sea a road, and through the waves a steady path, Showing that you can save from any danger, so that even one without skill may embark. But you will that the products of your Wisdom be not idle; therefore men trust their lives even to frailest wood, and have been safe crossing the surge on a raft. [WISDOM 14:1-5]

But as a warning, for a short time they were terrorized, though they had a sign of salvation, to remind them of the precept of your law. For he who turned toward it was saved, not by what he saw, but by you, the savior of all. And by this also you convinced our foes that you are he who delivers from all evil. [WISDOM 16:6-8]

For the bites of locusts and of flies slew them, and no remedy was found to save their lives because they deserved to be punished by such means; But not even the fangs of poisonous reptiles overcame your sons, for your mercy brought the antidote to heal them. For as a reminder of your injunctions, they were stung, and swiftly they were saved, Lest they should fall into deep forgetfulness and become unresponsive to your beneficence. For indeed, neither herb nor application cured them, but your all-healing word, O LORD! [WISDOM 16:9-12]

When they determined to put to death the infants of the holy ones, and when a single boy had been cast forth but saved, As a reproof you carried off their multitude of sons and made them perish all at once in the mighty water. That night was known beforehand to our fathers, that, with sure knowledge of the oaths in which they put their faith, they might have courage. Your people awaited the salvation of the just and the destruction of their foes. [WISDOM 18:5-7]

Compassionate and merciful is the LORD; he forgives sins, he saves in time of trouble. [SIRACH 2:11]

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; For he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself. [SIRACH 6:14-17]

What you have not saved in your youth, how will you acquire in your old age? [SIRACH 25:3]

Dispose of your treasure as the Most High commands, for that will profit you more than the gold. Store up almsgiving in your treasure house, and it will save you from every evil; Better than a stout shield and a sturdy spear it will fight for you against the foe. [SIRACH 29:11-13]

Often I was in danger of death, but by these attainments I was saved. [SIRACH 34:12]

Lively is the courage of those who fear the LORD, for they put their hope in their savior; He who fears the LORD is never alarmed, never afraid; for the LORD is his hope. [SIRACH 34:13-14]

Valiant leader was Joshua, son of Nun, assistant to Moses in the prophetic office, Formed to be, as his name implies, the great savior of God's chosen ones, To punish the enemy and to win the inheritance for Israel. [SIRACH 46:1]

During his reign Sennacherib led an invasion and sent his adjutant; He shook his fist at Zion and blasphemed God in his pride. The people's hearts melted within them, and they were in anguish like that of childbirth. But they called upon the Most High God and lifted up their hands to him; He heard the prayer they uttered, and saved them through Isaiah. [SIRACH 48:18-20]

I give you thanks, O God of my father; I praise you, O God my savior! I will make known your name, refuge of my life; you have been my helper against my adversaries. You have saved me from death, and kept back my body from the pit, From the clutches of the nether world you have snatched my feet; you have delivered me, in your great mercy From the scourge of a slanderous tongue, and from lips that went over to falsehood; From the snare of those who watched for my downfall, and from the power of those who sought my life; From many a danger you have saved me, from flames that hemmed me in on every side; From the midst of unremitting fire, From the deep belly of the nether world; From deceiving lips and painters of lies, from the arrows of dishonest tongues. I was at the point of death, my soul was nearing the depths of the nether world; I turned every way, but there was no one to help me, I looked for one to sustain me, but could find no one. But then I remembered the mercies of the LORD, his kindness through ages past; For he saves those who take refuge in him, and rescues them from every evil. So I raised my voice from the very earth, from the gates of the nether world, my cry. I called out: O Lord, you are my father, you are my champion and my savior; Do not abandon me in time of trouble, in the midst of storms and dangers. I will ever praise your name and be constant in my prayers to you. Thereupon the LORD heard my voice, he listened to my appeal; He saved me from evil of every kind and preserved me in time of trouble. For this reason I thank him and I praise him; I bless the name of the LORD. [SIRACH 51:1-12]

On that day, you will say: I give you thanks, O LORD; though you have been angry with me, your anger has abated, and you have consoled me. God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the LORD, and he has been my savior. With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation, and say on that day: Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name; among the nations make known his deeds, proclaim how exalted is his name. Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement; let this be known throughout all the earth. Shout with exultation, O city of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel! [ISA 12:1-6]

For you have forgotten God, your savior, and remembered not the Rock, your strength. Therefore, though you plant your pagan plants and set out your foreign vine slips, Though you make them grow the day you plant them and make your sprouts blossom on the next morning, The harvest shall disappear on the day of the grievous blow, the incurable blight. [ISA 17:10-11]

It shall be a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt, when they cry out to the LORD against their oppressors, and he sends them a savior to defend and deliver them. [ISA 19:20]

On that day it will be said: "Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the LORD for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!" [ISA 25:9]

O LORD, oppressed by your punishment, we cried out in anguish under your chastising. As a woman about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pains, so were we in your presence, O LORD. We conceived and writhed in pain, giving birth to wind; Salvation we have not achieved for the earth, the inhabitants of the world cannot bring it forth. [ISA 26:16-18]

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust your strength lies. But this you did not wish. [ISA 30:15]

O LORD, have pity on us, for you we wait. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of trouble! [ISA 33:2]

That which makes her seasons lasting, the riches that save her, are wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is her treasure. [ISA 33:6]

Indeed the LORD will be there with us, majestic; yes, the LORD our judge, the LORD our lawgiver, the LORD our king, he it is who will save us. [ISA 33:22]

Strengthen the hands that are feeble, make firm the knees that are weak, Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he comes with vindication; With divine recompense he comes to save you. Then will the eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of the deaf be cleared; Then will the lame leap like a stag, then the tongue of the dumb will sing. Streams will burst forth in the desert, and rivers in the steppe. [Taken from ISA 35:3-6]

Therefore, thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: He shall not reach this city, nor shoot an arrow at it, nor come before it with a shield, nor cast up siegeworks against it. He shall return by the same way he came, without entering the city, says the LORD. I will shield and save this city for my own sake, and for the sake of my servant David. [ISA 37:33-35]

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