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(False) Paradise on Earth |
great Cardinal Newman, whom we need more than ever today, has
said: 'Saint Paul...labored more than all the Apostles: and why?
Not to civilize the world, not to smooth the face of society...not
to spread abroad knowledge, not to cultivate the whole earth into
a heaven, but to bring down a heaven upon earth. This has been the
real triumph of the Gospel...It has made men saints.' And this
great and holy mission of the Church is indissolubly linked with
the condemnation of all heresies, with the glorious anathema by
which the Church overcame all attempts of the Devil to undermine
it. When the great fighter against the modernist heresies, St.
Pius X, chose as his motto the admirable words instaurare omnia in
Christo, 'to renew everything in Christ,' he did not mean that we
ought to make of the earth a natural paradise, an ideal of a world
in harmony and peace, freed from all kinds of illness and poverty,
a humanity gaining always more natural empirical knowledge and a
greater domination over nature. No, he meant transforming all
natural values such as human love, marriage, family, cultural
life, art, politics, natural truths, in Christ whereby their most
intimate value will shine forth; but even above and more than
that, something completely new is added - the holy breath of
Christ. A mere imminently perfect world - if we may assume such an
impossible fiction for a moment - a world in which all people were
friendly and naturally kind, a world without illness, wars and
poverty, but in which no one would adore God, no one would bend
his knee before Christ, would have no right to exist for a moment;
it would be an abomination." (Dietrich von Hildebrand)
See: Renouncing
the World | The
Cross / Crosses | Necessity
of / Reasons for Suffering
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Military Training of Girls
Also See:
Catholic Women (Topic Page)
is well to repeat this warning here; for in these days there is
spreading a spirit of nationalism which is false and exaggerated,
as well as dangerous to true peace and prosperity. Under its
influence various excesses are committed in giving a military turn
to the so-called physical training of boys (sometimes even of
girls, contrary to the very instincts of human nature); or again
in usurping unreasonably on Sunday, the time which should be
devoted to religious duties and to family life at home."
(Pope Pius XI, "Divini Illius Magistri", 1929)
See: Order
of Things Established by God | Striving
Against Nature | Femininity
& The Virgin Mary | Women
/ Womanhood | Mothers
/ Motherhood | Women's
Work in the Home | Modesty/Proper
Dress [Pg.] | Feminists
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Almsgiving |
quenches a flaming fire, and alms atone for sins." (Sirach
"When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 6:2-4)
"Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lk. 12:33)
obtain grace from God by almsgiving. Our blind mind is illuminated
by it and we who are broken and fallen with a natural weakness are
raised up and supported." (Pope Clement XIII, "A Quo
Die", 1758)
person's superfluous income, that is, income which he does not
need to sustain life fittingly and with dignity, is not left
wholly to his own free determination. Rather the Sacred Scriptures
and the Fathers of the Church constantly declare in the most
explicit language that the rich are bound by a very grave precept
to practice almsgiving, beneficence, and munificence." (Pope
Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno", 1931)
See: Love
/ Charity | The
Poor / Poverty | Riches
/ Wealth | Good
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with Catholics
Also See:
Those Outside the Church (Topic Page)
society, therefore, which is ruled by and servilely obeys persons
who are not steadfast for the right and friendly to religion is
capable of being extremely prejudicial to the interests as well of
individuals as of the community; beneficial it cannot be. Let this
conclusion, therefore, remain firm - to shun not only those
associations which have been openly condemned by the judgment of
the Church, but those also which, in the opinion of intelligent
men, and especially of the bishops, are regarded as suspicious and
dangerous. Nay, rather, unless forced by necessity to do
otherwise, Catholics ought to prefer to associate with Catholics,
a course which will be very conducive to the safeguarding of their
faith." (Pope Leo XIII, "Longinqua", 1895)
See: Companions
/ Associations | Friends
/ Friendship | Non-Association
with Heretics / Schismatics (Coming Home Reflections) | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation (Coming Home Reflections)
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at the Service of Truth |
be at the service of the truth demands not only that all refrain
from error, from lies, from deceit of all kinds, but also that
they shun everything that can encourage a manner of living and
acting which is false, imperfect, or harmful to another
party." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
See: Truth
/ Error / Nature of Man (Coming Home Reflections)
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Are Made |
are made, not born." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
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Dogmas Are Unchangeable |
anyone shall have said that it is possible that to the dogmas
declared by the Church a meaning must sometimes be attributed
according to the progress of science, different from that which
the Church has understood and understands: let him be
anathema." (Vatican Council I, 1870 A.D.)
meaning of Sacred Dogmas, which must always be preserved, is that
which our Holy Mother the Church has determined. Never is it
permissible to depart from this in the name of a deeper
understanding." (First Vatican Council)
entirely reject the heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve
and change from one meaning to another different from the one
which the Church held previously." (From the Oath Against
Modernism, Prescribed by Pope St. Pius X, 1910 A.D.)
See: Against
Human 'Progress' in Religion (Coming Home Reflections)
| Infallibility
(Vatican View) | Novel
Teachings Are Forbidden (Coming Home Reflections) | Against
Modernism / Novelty (Latin Mass & Catholic Tradition
Reflections) | Truth
is Unchanging (Coming Home Reflections) | Popes
as Preservers of Tradition / Against New Doctrines (Vatican View
Reflections) | Unchanging
(Topical Scripture) | Can
Catholic Dogma Ever Change?
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Church in America |
"For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the
Constitution and government of your nation, fettered by no hostile
legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the
impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without
hindrance. Yet, though all this is true, it would be very
erroneous to draw the conclusion that in America is to be sought
the type of the most desirable status of the Church, or that it
would be universally lawful or expedient for State and Church to
be, as in America, dissevered and divorced. The fact that
Catholicity with you is in good condition, nay, is even enjoying a
prosperous growth, is by all means to be attributed to the
fecundity with which God has endowed His Church, in virtue of
which unless men or circumstances interfere, she spontaneously
expands and propagates herself; but she would bring forth more
abundant fruits if, in addition to liberty, she enjoyed the favor
of the laws and the patronage of the public authority." (Pope
Leo XIII, 1895 A.D.)
See: Classic
Encyclicals: United
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The Church
is Man's Guide to Heaven |
it is the Church, and not the State, that is to be man's guide to
heaven." (Pope Leo XIII, "Immortale Dei", 1885)
See: Catholic
Basics Section
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Church Law (Canon
Also See:
Canon Law (Topic Page)
11 Merely ecclesiastical laws bind those who have been baptized in
the Catholic Church or received into it, possess the efficient use
of reason, and, unless the law expressly provides otherwise, have
completed seven years of age." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
1401 The Church has its own and exclusive right to judge: 1°
cases which refer to matters which are spiritual or linked with
the spiritual; 2° the violation of ecclesiastical laws and
whatever contains an element of sin, to determine guilt and impose
ecclesiastical penalties." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
1400 §1 The objects of a trial are: 1° to pursue or vindicate
the rights of physical or juridical persons, or to declare
juridical facts; 2° to impose or to declare penalties in regard
to offences." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
See: Catholic
Basics Section | Canon
Law / Cross Reference | Vatican
View Section
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/ Flattery |
lying tongue is its owner's enemy, and the flattering mouth works
ruin." (Prov 26:28)
who rebukes a man gets more thanks in the end than one with a
flattering tongue." (Prov. 28:23)
man who flatters his neighbor is spreading a net under his
feet." (Prov. 29:5)
of angling for compliments, lest you lose God's favor in exchange
for people's praise." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
not therefore covet praise which can make you a sinner; you will
only collect contempt in the end if you do. It is better to love a
good person who reproves you in his kindness." (St.
Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
in this way especially does a friend differ from a flatterer: The
Flatterer speaks to give pleasure, but the friend refrains from
nothing, even that which causes pain." (St. Basil the Great,
Doctor of the Church)
and rebuke should be accepted as healing remedies for vice and as
conducive to good health. From this it is clear that those who
pretend to be tolerant because they wish to flatter - those who
thus fail to correct sinners - actually cause them to suffer
supreme loss and plot the destruction of that life which is their
true life." (St. Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church)
See: Friends
vs. Flatterers (Coming Home Reflections) | Flattery
Confirms Sinners (Coming Home Reflections) | Correction
/ Rebuke | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke (Coming Home
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/ Rebuke |
Lord admonishes us not to overlook one another's faults (cf. Mt.
18:15-17), yet not so as seeking for matter of blame, but watching
what you may amend. For our rebuke should be in love, not eager to
wound, but anxious to amend. If you pass it by, [you become worse
than him]. He by doing you a wrong has done himself a great hurt;
you slight your brother's wound, and are more to blame for your
silence than he for his ill words to you." (St. Augustine,
Doctor of the Church)
any one therefore offends against us, let us be very careful, not
for ourselves, for it is glorious to forget an injury, forget
therefore your own wrong, but not the wound your brother has
sustained; 'and tell him of his fault between him and you alone'
(Mt. 18:15), seeking his amendment and sparing his shame. For it
may be that out of shame he will seek to defend his fault, and
thus you will only harden, while you sought to do him good."
(St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
cannot put straight in others what is warped in yourself."
(St. Athanasius, Doctor of the Church)
who take notice of what is evil in their neighbors, and yet
refrain their tongue in silence, withdraw, as it were, the aid of
medicine from observed sores, and become the causers of death, in
that they would not cure the venom which they could have cured.
The tongue, therefore, should be discreetly curbed, not tied up
fast." (Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church)
and rebuke should be accepted as healing remedies for vice and as
conducive to good health. From this it is clear that those who
pretend to be tolerant because they wish to flatter - those who
thus fail to correct sinners - actually cause them to suffer
supreme loss and plot the destruction of that life which is their
true life." (St. Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church)
you should do if he does not yield is added, If he will not bear
you, take with you one or two (cf. Mt. 18:16). For the more
shameless and stubborn he shows himself, the more studious should
we be of applying the medicine, and not turn to wrath and hate. As
the physician, if he see that the disease does not abate, he does
not slack, but redoubles his efforts to heal. And observe how this
reproof is not for revenge, but for correction, seeing his command
is not to take two with him at first, but when he would not amend;
and even then he does not send a multitude to him, but one or two,
alleging the law, That in the mouth of two or three witnesses
every word may stand. This is that you may have witnesses that you
have done all your part." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the
the Apostle says, They that sin rebuke before all, that others may
fear to do the like. Sometimes therefore your brother is to be
spoken to between you and him alone, sometimes to be rebuked
before all. What you must do first, attend and learn; If your
brother, says He, sin against you, tell him of his fault between
you and him alone. Why? Because he has sinned against you. What is
it that he has sinned against you? You know that he has sinned,
and therefore since his sin was in private, let your rebuke be in
private too. For if you alone know of his trespass, and proceed to
rebuke him before all, you do not correct but betray him. Your
brother has sinned against you; if you alone know thereof, then he
has sinned against you only but if he did you a wrong in the
presence of many, then he has sinned against those also who were
witnesses of his fault. Those faults then are to be rebuked before
all, that are committed before all; those which are done in
private, are to be rebuked in private. Discern times, and the
Scriptures are consistent. But why do you correct your neighbor?
Because his trespass has hurt yourself? Far be it from you. If you
do it from self love, you do nothing; if you do it from love of
him, you do most rightly. Lastly, in what you shall say to him,
keep in view for whose sake it is that you ought to do it, for
your own or for his, for it follows, If he hear you, you has
gained your brother, do it therefore for his sake, that you may
gain him. And do you confess that by your sin against man you were
lost; for if you were not lost, how has he gained you? Let none
then make light of it when he sins against his brother." (St.
Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
See: Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke (Coming Home
Reflections) | The
Anathema is an Act of Love (Coming Home Reflections)
| Gospel
Doesn't Support False Tolerance (Coming Home Reflections)
| Those
Who Mention Only Jesus' Clemency (Coming Home Reflections)
| Tough
Love in the New Testament | Should
One Correct / Rebuke a Fallen Away Catholic?
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Corruption of the World Today |
has the world been so corrupt as it is now, for never has it been
so cunning, so wise in its own way, and so crafty. It cleverly
makes use of the truth to foster untruth, virtue to justify vice,
and the very maxims of Jesus Christ to endorse its own so that
even those who are wisest in the sight of God are often
deceived." (St. Louis de Montfort)
See: Sin
& Vice [Pg.] | State
of Things (Catholic News Reflections) | Catholic
News Reflections | Classic
Encyclicals: Errors
/ Modernism
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Education |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this
topic, including:
a Purely Secular Education
Sex-Education for Youths (Outside the Home)
of Schools
Child Has a Right to an Education in Harmony With Church Teaching
Complaint Regarding American Schools
Responsibility for Catholic Education
Right to Educate Their Children
is Learned Early is Hard to Eradicate From the Mind
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Enemies |
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors
do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the
same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 5:43-48)
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the
earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword. For I have come to set
a man 'against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
and one's enemies will be those of his household.'" (Our Lord
Jesus Christ, Mt. 10:34-36)
"But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you...
Do to others as you would have them do to you. For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. If you lend money to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit (is) that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, and get back the same amount. But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as (also) your Father is merciful."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lk. 6:27-28, 31-36)
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil; be concerned for what is noble in the sight of all. If possible, on your part, live at peace with all. Beloved, do not look for revenge but leave room for the wrath; for it is written,
'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.' Rather, 'if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his
head.' Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good."
(St. Paul, Rom. 12:17-21)
"The last enemy to be destroyed is
death" (1 Cor. 15:26)
"So now have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?"
(Gal. 4:16)
"For many, as I have often told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction."
(Phil. 3:18-19)
"Adulterers! Do you not know that to be a lover of the world means enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wants to be a lover of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
(Jms. 4:4)
man is his own enemy." (St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of
the Church)
don't love in your enemies what they are, but what you would have
them to become." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
an enemy ceases to be an enemy for the person who is obliged to
love him (cf. Mt 5:38-48; Lk 6:27-35), to 'do good' to him (cf. Lk
6:27, 33, 35) and to respond to his immediate needs promptly and
with no expectation of repayment (cf. Lk 6:34-35). The height of
this love is to pray for one's enemy. By so doing we achieve
harmony with the providential love of God: 'But I say to you, love
your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may
be children of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun
rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on
the unjust' (Mt 5:44-45; cf. Lk 6:28, 35)." (Pope John Paul
See: Persecution
| Affliction
| Trials
& Tribulations
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is a duty of conscience binding the spectators who, each time they
buy a ticket of admission, - as it were casting a vote - make
choice of good or bad motion pictures" (Pope Pius XII,
"Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
trust that all good and prudent men, following Our counsels, will
strive to ensure that the applause and approval of the general
public will not be wanting, as a prize for really worthwhile
films." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
and television shows, since they easily penetrate right into the
domestic circle, threaten to undermine the protective barriers by
which the education of the young must be kept safe and sound until
such time as advancing age gives the necessary strength to enable
them to overcome the buffetings of the world." (Pope Pius
XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
We declared in a letter to the Italian Bishops - 'it is a most
pressing need that the conscience of Catholics with regard to
television should be formed by the sound principles of the
Christian religion'; the more so, in order that this kind of art
may not be at the service of error or the snares of vice, but may
prove to be rather a help' to educate and train men, and recall
them to their higher state'." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda
Prorsus", 1957)
make a father's appeal to the young so dear to Us, trusting that -
since it is a question of entertainment in which their innocence
can be exposed to danger - they will be outstanding for their
Christian restraint and prudence. It is their grave obligation to
check and control that natural and unrestrained eagerness to see
and hear anything; and they must keep their mind free from
immodest and earthly pleasures and direct it to higher
things." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
first duty of the radio listener is that of choosing carefully and
deliberately from the programmes offered; these must not be
permitted to enter the home indiscriminately, but access should be
given them on the same principles as are observed in a deliberate
and prudent invitation to a friend. A person would act wrongly if
he made no selection in introducing friends into his home. So
radio programmes which are given entrance there, must be such as
encourage truth and goodness, and do not draw members of the
family away from the fulfillment of their duty, whether to
individuals or to society; they should be such as strengthen them
to carry out these duties properly, and, in the case of children
and youths, cause no harm, but rather assist and extend the
salutary control of parents and teachers." (Pope Pius XII,
"Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
let listeners to the Radio be aware that they are obliged to
encourage reputable programmes, and particularly those by which
the mind is directed towards God. In this age in particular, when
false and pernicious doctrines are being spread over the air,
when, by deliberate 'jamming', a kind of aerial 'iron curtain' is
being created with the express purpose of preventing the entry of
truth which would overthrow the empire of atheistic materialism,
in this age, We say, when hundreds of thousands of the human race
are still looking for the dawning light of the Gospel message,
when the sick and others likewise handicapped look forward
anxiously to taking part in some manner in the prayers and the
ceremonies of the Mass of the Christian community, should not the
faithful, especially those who make daily use of the advantages of
the Radio, show themselves eager to encourage programmes of this
kind?" (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
is useless for anyone to suppose that excellent principles and an
upright conscience on the part of those engaged in these arts are
sufficient either to ensure that nothing but good flows from the
small white screen, or to remove all that is evil. In this matter,
then, prudence and watchful care are especially demanded of those
who make use of television. Due moderation in its use, prudence in
admitting the children to viewing according to their different
ages, a balanced judgment based on what has been seen before, and
finally, exclusion of children from what are in any sense improper
spectacles: all these are the duties which weigh heavily on
parents and on all engaged in education. We do not overlook the
fact that the directives We have just given in the last section,
can sometimes produce serious difficulties and considerable
inconveniences; for the awareness of their role as educators will
often demand that parents give clear example to their offspring,
and also bid them deny themselves - not without some personal
sacrifice - some programmes they would like to see. But who thinks
the burden on parents is too heavy when the supreme good of the
children is at stake?" (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus",
See: Catholic
Fun & Activities (Reflections)
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Fear |
has a person to fear who lives in the arms and bosom of God?"
(St. Paul of the Cross)
See: Courage
| Fear
of Hell | Fear
of Death | Fear
of the Lord (Topical Scripture)
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of Hell |
8. If anyone shall say that the fear of hell, whereby by grieving
for sins we flee to the mercy of God or refrain from sinning, is a
sin or makes sinners worse: let him be anathema." (Council of
Trent, 1547 A.D.)
See: Death
& Dying [Pg.] | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Eternal
Punishment / Hell (Topical Scripture) | Fear
of the Lord
(Topical Scripture)
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Feminists |
feminist] is someone who loathes being a woman and who dislikes the
chief feminine characteristics." (Chesterton)
See: Femininity
& The Virgin Mary | Women
/ Womanhood | Mothers
/ Motherhood | Order
of Things Established by God | Striving
Against Nature | Against
Women Wearing Men's Clothing
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the Crowd |
we are content to follow the crowd, we condemn ourselves by taking
the broad road ["Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, 7:13-14)]." (Butler)
See: Narrow
Path to Eternal Life | Our
Actions Must Correspond to Our Faith | Opinion
of Others | Associating
with Catholics | Companions
/ Associations | Sin
& Vice [Pg.]
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/ Secret Societies |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this topic
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& Neighbors |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this
topic, including:
/ Associations
/ Friendship
Neighbor / Care & Treatment of Our Neighbor
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Laws |
law of nature and its Author cannot be flouted with
impunity." (Pope Pius XI, "Divini Redemptoris")
laws promulgated by God [will never be] in conflict with man's
ignoring the laws governing human nature and by breaking the
bounds within which they operate, the human person is led not
towards progress but toward death." (Pope St. Pius X, "Our
Apostolic Mandate")
See: The
Commandments (Catholic Basics) | Catholic
Basics | Command
/ Commandments (Topical Scripture)
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Also See:
God (Topic Page)
God's plan nothing happens by chance." (Pope John Paul II)
him who seeks only to please God and to save his soul, the
necessities will never be lacking." (St. John Vianney)
not distrust the Providence of God. He who made your corn to grow
will assuredly help to gather it in." (St. John Vianney)
God in His good Providence allows so many terrors, sorrows, and
dangers to be put in our way by our enemy that He may break down
our spirit, give us lowly hearts, and train us to submissiveness
of mind and humility, so that we may never in the future feel any
trust in our own prudence, but all entire trust in His Divine
Protection." (St. Francis Xavier)
all your undertakings rely wholly on God's providence, through
which alone they can succeed; but seek steadily on your part to
cooperate with it, and then rest satisfied that if you are
trusting all to God, whatever happens will be best for you,
whether it seems to your own judgement good or bad." (St.
Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church)
See: All
Things Are From God | Divine
Providence (Our Father's Love Reflections) | Divine
Providence (Catholic News Section) | Our
Father's Love Section | Suffering
& Death Reflections [Pg.]
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Also See:
God (Topic Page)
doubt that God keeps you in His divine arms and that the time will
come when He will teach you His most holy will." (St. Paul of
the Cross)
who dies resigned to the divine will, dies a saint; but they who
shall have not been united to the divine will during life, shall
not conform to it at death, and shall not be saved. The
accomplishment of the divine will should be the sole object of all
our thoughts during the remainder of our days. To this end we
should direct all our devotions, our meditations, communions,
visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and all our prayers. W should
constantly beg of God to teach and help us to do his will. 'Teach
me to do thy will' (Ps. cxlii. 10). Let us, at the same time,
offer ourselves to accept without reserve whatever he ordains,
saying, with the Apostle: 'Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?'
(Acts. ix. 6). Lord, tell me what thou dost wish me to do; I
desire to do thy will. And in all things, whether they be pleasing
or painful, let us always have in our mouths that petition of the
Pater Noster - 'thy will be done'. Let us frequently repeat it in
the day, with all the affection of our hearts. Happy we, if we
live and die saying: 'Thy will be done! Thy will be done!"' (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
See: God's
Providence | God's
Laws | Our
Father's Love Section | Will
of God (Topical Scripture)
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Government |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this
topic, including:
of Democracy
/ Liberty
of Voting
Helps the State
of Church & State Condemned
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Faith |
people have faith, but a faith which is habitual rather than
active, like a sword buried in its scabbard." (Ven. Mary of
See: Feed
Your Faith Section
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Happiness |
is to be found only in the home where God is loved and honored,
where each one loves, and helps, and cares for the others."
(St. Theophane Venard)
you want to be happy, my friends? Fix your eyes on heaven; it is
there that your hearts will find that which will satisfy them
completely." (St. John Vianney)
wealth, nor honors, nor vanity can make a man happy during his
life on earth, but only attachment to the service of God, when we
are fortunate enough to realize that and carry it out
properly." (St. John Vianney)
think ourselves imperfect, and others perfect - that is happiness.
That creatures should recognize that we are without virtue takes
nothing from us, makes us no poorer; it is they who by this lose
interior joy; for there is nothing sweeter than to think well of
our neighbor." (St. Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church)
blind perversity of us miserable humans is lamentable. Although we
desire happiness ardently, not only do we not do those things by
which we may obtain our desire, but rather, with contrary
disaffection, we take steps to add to our misery. In my opinion,
we would never do this if a false image of happiness were not
deceiving us or a semblance of real misery frightening us off from
happiness." (St. Aelred of Rievaulx)
a man was extremely poor and someone said to him: 'Brother, you
can have this thing of mine to put to good use for three days, and
for this you will receive an unlimited treasure,' would not that
poor man, if he was sure this was true, eagerly strive to put that
thing to good use? The thing which is loaned to us by God is our
flesh, and the whole time of our life is like three days. So if
you want to enjoy happiness, work at earning it, for if you don't
work, how should you rest?" (Br.
See: Happiness
(Topical Scripture)
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/ Virtue |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this
topic, including:
/ Holiness
Towards Ourselves
One's Self
the World
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Family (Prayer)
Also See:
Family (Topic Page)
Lord Jesus Christ, who, becoming subject to Mary and Joseph, didst
hallow home life by singular virtues; by the help of both, do thou
grant that we may be taught by the example of thy Holy Family, and
have fellowship with it for evermore: Who livest." (Collect,
Feast of the Holy Family)
See: Prayer
| Prayers
& Devotions | Mary,
Our Mother Section | Saints
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Image of God |
ought to respect the image of God in everyone. It is there."
(St. Raphaela Mary)
from being created by God to his own image, you do not comprehend
the value of your soul, learn it from Jesus Christ, who has
redeemed you with his own blood." (St. Alphonsus Liguori,
Doctor of the Church)
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Also See:
Indulgences (Topic Page)
the power of granting indulgences was conferred by Christ on the
Church, and she has made use of such power divinely given to her,
even in the earliest times, the holy synod teaches and commands
that the use of indulgences, most salutary to Christian people and
approved by the authority of the sacred Councils, is to be
retained in the Church, and it condemns those with anathema who
assert that they are useless or deny that there is in the Church
the power of granting them" (Council of Trent)
See: Indulgences
(Catholic Basics Reflections) | Indulgences
& Devotions Section)
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Injuries |
he who thinks himself injured ought above all to be persuaded that
the man on whom he desires to be revenged was not the principal
cause of the loss or injury. Thus that admirable man, Job, when
violently injured by the Sabeans, the Chaldeans, and by Satan,
took no account of these, but as a righteous and very holy man
exclaimed with no less truth than pity: The Lord gave, the Lord
hath taken away. The words and the example of that man of patience
should, therefore, convince Christians, and the conviction is most
just, that whatever chastisements we endure in this life come from
the hand of God, the Father and Author of all justice and mercy.
He chastises us not as enemies, but, in His infinite goodness,
corrects us as children. To view the matter in its true light,
men, in these causes, are nothing more than the ministers and
agents of God. One man, it is true, may cherish the worst feelings
toward another, he may harbor the most malignant hatred against
him; but, without the permission of God, he can do him no injury.
This is why Joseph was able patently to endure the wicked counsels
of his brethren, and David, the injuries inflicted on him by Semei.
Here also applies an argument which St. Chrysostom has ably and
learnedly handled. It is that no man is injured but by himself.
Let the man, who considers himself injured by another, consider
the matter in the right way and he will certainly find that he has
received no injury or loss from others. For although he may have
experienced injury from external causes, he is himself his
greatest enemy by wickedly staining his soul with hatred,
malevolence and envy." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
See: Affliction
| All
Things Are From God | The
Cross / Crosses | Sickness
/ Illness | Sorrow
/ Sorrows | Suffering
| Trials
& Tribulations
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Judgment |
pass judgment on another is to usurp shamelessly a prerogative of
God, and to condemn is to ruin one's soul." (St. John
to reprove sin is the duty of the good, which when the bad do,
they act a part, dissembling their own character, and assuming one
that does not belong to them." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the
is nothing which is more of a help to a good life than to believe
that God will be our Judge, Whom hidden things do not escape, Whom
unseemly things offend, and Whom good things delight." (St.
Ambrose, Doctor of the Church)
Lord having admonished us concerning hasty and unjust judgment;
and because that they are most given to rash judgment, who judge
concerning things uncertain; and they most readily find fault, who
love rather to speak evil and to condemn than to cure and to
correct; a fault that springs either from pride or jealousy -
therefore He subjoins, Why see you the sliver in your brother's
eye, and see not the beam in your own eye?" (St. Isidore of
Seville, Doctor of the Church)
then we are brought under the necessity of finding fault with any,
let us first consider whether the sin be such as we have never
had; secondly that we are yet men, and may fall into it; then,
whether it be one that we have had, and are now without, and then
let our common frailty come into our mind, that pity and not hate
may go before correction. Should we find ourselves in the same
fault, let us not reprove, but groan with the offender, and invite
him to struggle with us. Seldom indeed and in cases of great
necessity is reproof to be employed; and then only that the Lord
may be served and not ourselves." (St. Augustine, Doctor of
the Church)
it is to be noted, that whenever He intends to denounce any great
sin, He begins with an epithet of reproach, as below, You wicked
servant, I forgave you all that debt; and so here, You hypocrite,
cast out first. For each one knows better the things of himself
than the things of others, and sees more the things that be great,
than the things that be lesser, and loves himself more than his
neighbor. Therefore He bids him who is chargeable with many sins,
not to be a harsh judge of another's faults, especially if they be
small. Herein not forbidding to arraign and correct but forbidding
to make light of our own sins, and magnify those of others. For it
is necessary that you first diligently to examine how great may be
your own sins, and then try those of your neighbor; whence it
follows, and then shall you see clearly, to cast the sliver out of
your brother's eye." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the
Tully says (De Inventione Rhetorica ii), suspicion denotes evil
thinking based on slight indications, and this is due to three
causes. First, from a man being evil in himself, and from this
very fact, as though conscious of his own wickedness, he is prone
to think evil of others, according to Ecclesiastes 10:3, 'The fool
when he walketh in the way, whereas he himself is a fool,
esteemeth all men fools.' Secondly, this is due to a man being
ill-disposed towards another: for when a man hates or despises
another, or is angry with or envious of him, he is led by slight
indications to think evil of him, because everyone easily believes
what he desires. Thirdly, this is due to long experience:
wherefore the Philosopher says (De Rhetorica ii,13) that 'old
people are very suspicious, for they have often experienced the
faults of others.' The first two causes of suspicion evidently
connote perversity of the affections, while the third diminishes
the nature of suspicion, in as much as experience leads to
certainty which is contrary to the nature of suspicion.
Consequently suspicion denotes a certain amount of vice, and the
further it goes, the more vicious it is. Now there are three
degrees of suspicion. The first degree is when a man begins to
doubt of another's goodness from slight indications. This is a
venial and a light sin; for 'it belongs to human temptation
without which no man can go through this life,' according to a
gloss on 1 Corinthians 4:5, 'Judge not before the time.' The
second degree is when a man, from slight indications, esteems
another man's wickedness as certain. This is a mortal sin, if it
be about a grave matter, since it cannot be without contempt of
one's neighbor. Hence the same gloss goes on to say: 'If then we
cannot avoid suspicions, because we are human, we must
nevertheless restrain our judgment, and refrain from forming a
definite and fixed opinion.' The third degree is when a judge goes
so far as to condemn a man on suspicion: this pertains directly to
injustice, and consequently is a mortal sin." (St. Thomas
Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the
history of the Church")
See: Correction
/ Rebuke | Sin
& Vice [Pg.] | Judgment
(Catholic Basics Reflections) | Judgment
(Topical Scripture)
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assortment of activity types related to Latin (including: word searches,
crosswords, coloring activities, challenges, fill-ins, spelling bee,
quizzes, unscrambles, true/false, multiple choice, matching, cross-offs,
circling, word associations, translation exercises, and more...), and
treats of various topics (including: common Latin words, Latin language
facts, Latin grammar, nouns & verbs, abbreviations,
phrases / sayings / mottos, prefixes, cardinal numbers, grammatical gender,
inflection, word roots, diacritics / accenting, pronunciation, Latin
prayers / hymns, Scripture verses, Catholic phrases, and more...).
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