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unborn related
The generation to come will be told of the Lord, that they
may proclaim to a people yet unborn the deliverance you have
brought. [PS 22:32]
We do not keep them from our children; we recite them to the next generation,
The praiseworthy and mighty deeds of the LORD, the wonders that he performed. God set up a decree in Jacob, established a law in Israel:
What he commanded our ancestors, they were to teach their children; That the next generation might come to know, children yet to be born.
In turn they were to recite them to their children, that they too might put their trust in God,
And not forget the works of God, keeping his commandments. [PS
Let this be written for the next generation, for a people not
yet born, that they may praise the LORD [Taken from PS 102:19]
Again I considered all the oppressions that take place under the sun: the tears of the victims with none to comfort them! From the hand of their oppressors comes violence, and there is none to comfort them! And those now dead, I declared more fortunate in death than are the living to be still alive. And better off than both is the yet unborn, who has not seen the wicked work that is done under the sun. [ECCL
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unchanging related
God is not man that he should speak falsely, nor human, that he
should change his mind. Is he one to speak and not act, to decree
and not fulfill? [NUM 23:19]
But the plan of the LORD stands forever, wise designs through
all generations. [PS 33:11]
Of old you laid the earth's foundations; the heavens are
the work of your hands. They perish, but you remain; they all
wear out like a garment; Like clothing you change them and
they are changed, but you are the same, your years have no end. [PS
He plumbs the depths and penetrates the heart;
their innermost being he understands. The Most High possesses all
knowledge, and sees from of old the things that are to come: He
makes known the past and the future, and reveals the deepest
secrets. No understanding does he lack; no single thing escapes
him. Perennial is his almighty wisdom; he is from all eternity one
and the same, with nothing added, nothing taken away; no need of a
counselor for him! [SIRACH 42:18-22]
Even to your old age I am the same, even when your hair is gray I will bear you; It is I who have done this, I who will continue, and I who will carry you to safety. [ISA 46:4]
Surely I, the LORD, do
not change, nor do you cease to be sons of Jacob. [MAL 3:6]
"At the beginning, O Lord, you established
the earth, and the heavens are the works of your hands. They
will perish, but you remain; and they will all grow old like
a garment. You will roll them up like a cloak, and like a
garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your
years will have no end." [Taken from HEB 1:10-12]
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
[HEB 13:8]
Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers: all good giving and every perfect gift
is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change.
[JMS 1:16-17]
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/ unchastity related
"If a man, after
marrying a woman and having relations with her, comes to dislike
her, and makes monstrous charges against her and defames her by
saying, 'I married this woman, but when I first had relations with
her I did not find her a virgin,' the father and mother of the
girl shall take the evidence of her virginity and bring it to the
elders at the city gate. There the father of the girl shall say to
the elders, 'I gave my daughter to this man in marriage, but he
has come to dislike her, and now brings monstrous charges against
her, saying: I did not find your daughter a virgin. But here is
the evidence of my daughter's virginity!' And they shall spread
out the cloth before the elders of the city. Then these city
elders shall take the man and chastise him, besides fining him one
hundred silver shekels, which they shall give to the girl's
father, because the man defamed a virgin in Israel. Moreover, she
shall remain his wife, and he may not divorce her as long as he
lives. But if this charge is true, and evidence of the girl's
virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance
of her father's house and there her townsmen shall [inflict the prescribed
penalty], because she committed a crime against Israel
by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge
the evil from your midst." [DEUT 22:13-21] [Note: Under
Mosaic law, capital punishment was applied in such cases.]
By her eyelids and her haughty stare an unchaste
wife can be recognized. [SIRACH 26:9]
Then Peter said to him in reply, "Explain
(this) parable to us." He said to them, "Are even you
still without understanding? Do you not realize that everything
that enters the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled into
the latrine? But the things that come out of the mouth come from
the heart, and they defile. For from the heart come evil thoughts,
murder, adultery, unchastity, theft, false witness, blasphemy.
These are what defile a person, but to eat with unwashed hands
does not defile." [Taken from MT 15:15-20]
When he got home away from the crowd his
disciples questioned him about the parable. He said to them,
"Are even you likewise without understanding? Do you not
realize that everything that goes into a person from outside
cannot defile, since it enters not the heart but the stomach and
passes out into the latrine?" ... "But what comes out of
a person, that is what defiles. From within people, from their
hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery,
greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance,
folly. All these evils come from within and they defile." [Taken
from MK 7:17-23]
Some people have deviated from these and turned
to meaningless talk, wanting to be teachers of the law, but
without understanding either what they are saying or what they
assert with such assurance. We know that the law is good, provided
that one uses it as law, with the understanding that law is meant
not for a righteous person but for the lawless and unruly, the
godless and sinful, the unholy and profane, those who kill their
fathers or mothers, murderers, the unchaste, practicing
homosexuals, kidnapers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is
opposed to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the
blessed God, with which I have been entrusted. [1TM 1:6-11]
Now in my vision this is how I saw the horses
and their riders. They wore red, blue, and yellow breastplates,
and the horses' heads were like heads of lions, and out of their
mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur. By these three plagues of
fire, smoke, and sulfur that came out of their mouths a third of
the human race was killed. For the power of the horses is in their
mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like snakes, with
heads that inflict harm. The rest of the human race, who were not
killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their
hands, to give up the worship of demons and idols made from gold,
silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk.
Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic potions, their
unchastity, or their robberies. [RV 9:17-21]
The one who sat on the throne said,
"Behold, I make all things new." Then he said,
"Write these words down, for they are trustworthy and
true." He said to me, "They are accomplished. I (am) the
Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I
will give a gift from the spring of life-giving water. The victor
will inherit these gifts, and I shall be his God, and he will be
my son. But as for cowards, the unfaithful, the depraved,
murderers, the unchaste, sorcerers, idol-worshipers, and deceivers
of every sort, their lot is in the burning pool of fire and
sulfur, which is the second death." [RV 21:5-8]
Then he said to me, "Do not seal up the
prophetic words of this book, for the appointed time is near. Let
the wicked still act wickedly, and the filthy still be filthy. The
righteous must still do right, and the holy still be holy."
"Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I
will give to each according to his deeds. I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
Blessed are they who wash their robes so as to have the right to
the tree of life and enter the city through its gates. Outside are
the dogs, the sorcerers, the unchaste, the murderers, the
idol-worshipers, and all who love and practice deceit. [RV 22:10-15]
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/ impure [I]
/ lewdness [L]
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/ sins / sinned / sinful / sinner [S18a]
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incorrupt related
She had scarcely finished speaking when the youth said: "What are you waiting for? I will not obey the king's command. I obey the command of the law given to our forefathers through Moses. But you, who have contrived every kind of affliction for the Hebrews, will not escape the hands of God. We, indeed, are suffering because of our sins. Though our living Lord treats us harshly for a little while to correct us with chastisements, he will again be reconciled with his servants. But you, wretch, vilest of all men! do not, in your insolence, concern yourself with unfounded hopes, as you raise your hand against the children of Heaven. You have not yet escaped the judgment of the almighty and all-seeing God. My brothers, after enduring brief pain, have drunk of never-failing life, under God's covenant, but you, by the judgment of God, shall receive just punishments for your arrogance. Like my brothers, I offer up my body and my life for our ancestral laws, imploring God to show mercy soon to our nation, and by afflictions and blows to make you confess that he alone is God. Through me and my brothers, may there be an end to the wrath of the Almighty that has justly fallen on our whole nation." At that, the king became enraged and treated him even worse than the others, since he bitterly resented the boy's contempt. Thus he too died undefiled, putting all his trust in the Lord. [2MACC
The priests stretched out their hands toward heaven, calling upon the unfailing defender of our nation in these words: "Lord of all, though you are in need of nothing, you have approved of a temple for your dwelling place among us. Therefore, O holy One, Lord of all holiness, preserve forever undefiled this house, which has been so recently purified."
[Taken from 2MACC 14:34-36]
At this, everyone looked toward heaven and
praised the Lord who manifests his divine power, saying,
"Blessed be he who has kept his own Place undefiled!"
[2MACC 15:34]
Yes, blessed is she who, childless and
undefiled, knew not transgression of the marriage bed; she shall
bear fruit at the visitation of souls. [WISDOM 3:13]
For the first step toward discipline is a very earnest desire for
[wisdom]; then, care for discipline is love of her; love means the keeping of her laws;
To observe her laws is the basis for incorruptibility; and incorruptibility makes one close to God; thus the desire for Wisdom leads up to a kingdom.
[WISDOM 6:17-20]But the one whom God raised up did not see corruption. [ACTS
So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is
sown corruptible; it is raised incorruptible. [1COR 15:42]
This I declare, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed, in an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For that which is corruptible must clothe itself with incorruptibility, and that which is mortal must clothe itself with immortality. And when this which is corruptible clothes itself
with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality, then the word that is written shall come
about: "Death is swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?" [1COR 15:50-55]
To the king of ages, incorruptible, invisible,
the only God, honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. [1TM 1:17]
It was fitting that we should have such a high
priest: holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, higher
than the heavens. [HEB 7:26]
Let marriage be honored among all and the
marriage bed be kept undefiled, for God will judge the immoral and
adulterers. [HEB 13:4]
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God
and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their
affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world. [JMS 1:27]
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you who by the power of God are safeguarded through faith, to a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the final time. [1PT
I heard a sound from heaven like the sound of rushing water or a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. They were singing (what seemed to be) a new hymn before the throne, before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn this hymn except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been ransomed from the earth. These are they who were not defiled with women; they are virgins
and these are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been ransomed as the firstfruits of the human race for God and the Lamb.
[RV 14:2-4]
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/ chastity / chaste [C1]
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/ unfairly related
"In this year of
jubilee, then, every one of you shall return to his own property.
Therefore, when you sell any land to your neighbor or buy any from
him, do not deal unfairly. On the basis of the number of years
since the last jubilee shall you purchase the land from him; and
so also, on the basis of the number of years for crops, shall he
sell it to you. When the years are many, the price shall be so
much the more; when the years are few, the price shall be so much
the less. For it is really the number of crops that he sells you.
Do not deal unfairly, then; but stand in fear of your God. I, the
LORD, am your God. Observe my precepts and be careful to keep my
regulations, for then you will dwell securely in the land. The
land will yield its fruit and you will have food in abundance, so
that you may live there without worry." [Taken from LEV
Then Job answered and said: How long will you
vex my soul, grind me down with words? These ten times you have
reviled me, have assailed me without shame! Be it indeed that I am
at fault and that my fault remains with me, even so, if you would
vaunt yourselves against me and cast up to me any reproach, know
then that God has dealt unfairly with me, and compassed me round
with his net. If I cry out "Injustice!" I am not heard.
I cry for help, but there is no redress. He has barred my way and
I cannot pass; he has veiled my path in darkness; He has stripped
me of my glory, and taken the diadem from my brow. He breaks me
down on every side, and I am gone; my hope he has uprooted like a
tree. His wrath he has kindled against me; he counts me among his
enemies. [Taken from JOB 19:1-11]
God greatly increased his people, made them too
many for their foes. He turned their hearts to hate his people, to
treat his servants unfairly. He sent his servant Moses, Aaron whom
he had chosen. [Taken from PS 105:24-26]
You say, "The LORD'S way is not fair!"
Hear now, house of Israel: Is it my way that is unfair, or rather,
are not your ways unfair? When a virtuous man turns away from
virtue to commit iniquity, and dies, it is because of the iniquity
he committed that he must die. But if a wicked man, turning from
the wickedness he has committed, does what is right and just, he
shall preserve his life; since he has turned away from all the
sins which he committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.
And yet the house of Israel says, "The LORD'S way is not
fair!" Is it my way that is not fair, house of Israel, or
rather, is it not that your ways are not fair? Therefore I will
judge you, house of Israel, each one according to his ways, says
the Lord GOD. Turn and be converted from all your crimes, that
they may be no cause of guilt for you. Cast away from you all the
crimes you have committed, and make for yourselves a new heart and
a new spirit. Why should you die, O house of Israel? For I have no
pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, says the Lord GOD.
Return and live! [EZEK 18:25-32]
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/ dishonesty [D11]
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/ fairly / fairness [F]
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unfaithful related
When Moses and the priest Eleazar, with all the princes of the community, went outside the camp to meet them, Moses became angry with the officers of the army, the clan and company commanders, who were returning from combat. "So you have spared all the women!" he exclaimed. "Why, they are the very ones who on Balaam's advice prompted the unfaithfulness of the Israelites toward the LORD in the Peor affair, which began the slaughter of the LORD'S community." [NUM
Thus it happened that in the fifth year of King Rehoboam,
Shishak, king of Egypt, attacked Jerusalem, for they had been
unfaithful to the LORD. [2CHRON 12:2]
While he was already in distress, the same King Ahaz became
even more unfaithful to the LORD. [2CHRON 28:22]
Then Ezra, the priest, stood up and said to them: "Your
unfaithfulness in taking foreign women as wives has added to
Israel's guilt." [EZRA 10:10]
But those who are far from you perish; you destroy those
unfaithful to you. [PS 73:27]
Such a man will be punished in the streets of the city; when he least expects it, he will be apprehended. So also with the woman who is unfaithful to her husband and offers as heir her son by a stranger. First, she has disobeyed the law of the Most High; secondly, she has wronged her husband;
Thirdly, in her wanton adultery she has borne children by another man.
[SIRACH 23:21-23]
While unmarried, lest she be seduced, or, as a wife, lest she
prove unfaithful; Lest she conceive in her father's home, or be
sterile in that of her husband. [SIRACH 42:10]
Rejoice not, O Israel, exult not like the nations! For you have
been unfaithful to your God, loving a harlot's hire upon every
threshing floor. [HOSEA 9:1]
He said to them in reply, "An evil and unfaithful
generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the
sign of Jonah the prophet." [MT 12:39]
"An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign
will be given it except the sign of Jonah." Then he left them
and went away. [MT 16:4]
And the Lord replied, "Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the master will put in charge of his servants to distribute (the) food allowance at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing so. Truly, I say to you, he will put him in charge of all his property. But if that servant says to himself, 'My master is delayed in coming,' and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk, then that servant's master will come on an unexpected day and at an unknown hour and will punish him severely and assign him a place with the unfaithful."
[LK 12:42-46]
What advantage is there then in being a Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? Much, in every respect. (For) in the first place, they were entrusted with the utterances of God. What if some were unfaithful? Will their infidelity nullify the fidelity of God? Of course not! God must be true, though every human
being is a liar, as it is written: "That you may be justified in your words, and conquer when you are judged." [ROM
If we are unfaithful he remains faithful, for he cannot deny
himself. [2TM 2:13]
Take care, brothers, that none of you may have an evil and
unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God. [HEB 3:12]
"But as for cowards, the unfaithful, the depraved, murderers,
the unchaste, sorcerers, idol-worshipers, and deceivers of every
sort, their lot is in the burning pool of fire and sulfur, which
is the second death." [RV 21:8]
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/ adulterer [A]
/ covetous [C]
/ commandments [C5a]
/ faithful [F1a]
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/ universal related
Most admirable and worthy of everlasting
remembrance was the mother, who saw her seven sons perish in a
single day, yet bore it courageously because of her hope in the
Lord. Filled with a noble spirit that stirred her womanly heart
with manly courage, she exhorted each of them in the language of
their forefathers with these words: "I do not know how you
came into existence in my womb; it was not I who gave you the
breath of life, nor was it I who set in order the elements of
which each of you is composed. Therefore, since it is the Creator
of the universe who shapes each man's beginning, as he brings
about the origin of everything, he, in his mercy, will give you
back both breath and life, because you now disregard yourselves
for the sake of his law." [2MACC 7:20-23]
Just as you know not how the breath of life fashions the human
frame in the mother's womb, So you know not the work of God which he is accomplishing in the universe. [ECCL 11:5]
Yes, the hope of the wicked is like thistledown
borne on the wind, and like fine, tempest-driven
foam; Like smoke scattered by the wind, and like the
passing memory of the nomad camping for a single day. But the
just live forever, and in the LORD is their
recompense, and the thought of them is with the Most High.
Therefore shall they receive the splendid crown, the
beauteous diadem, from the hand of the LORD - For he shall
shelter them with his right hand, and protect them with his
arm. He shall take his zeal for armor and he shall arm
creation to requite the enemy; He shall don justice for a
breastplate and shall wear sure judgment for a helmet; He
shall take invincible rectitude as a shield and whet his sudden
anger for a sword, And the universe shall war with him
against the foolhardy. Well-aimed shafts of lightnings shall go
forth and from the clouds as from a well-drawn bow shall leap
to the mark; and as from his sling, wrathful hailstones shall
be hurled. The water of the sea shall be enraged against
them and the streams shall abruptly overflow; A mighty wind
shall confront them and a tempest winnow them out; Thus
lawlessness shall lay the whole earth waste and evildoing
overturn the thrones of potentates. [WISDOM 5:14-23]
For he gave me sound knowledge of existing
things, that I might know the organization of the universe
and the force of its elements, The beginning and the end and
the midpoint of times, the changes in the sun's course and
the variations of the seasons. Cycles of years, positions of
the stars, natures of animals, tempers of beasts, powers of
the winds and thoughts of men, uses of plants and virtues of
roots - Such things as are hidden I learned and such as are plain;
for Wisdom, the artificer of all, taught me. For in her is a
spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle,
agile, clear, unstained, certain, not baneful, loving
the good, keen, unhampered, beneficent, kindly, firm, secure,
tranquil, all-powerful, all-seeing, and pervading all
spirits, though they be intelligent, pure and very subtle. [WISDOM
She, when the nations were sunk in universal
wickedness, knew the just man, kept him blameless before
God, and preserved him resolute against pity for his child.
She delivered the just man from among the wicked who
were being destroyed, when he fled as fire descended
upon Pentapolis - Where as a testimony to its
wickedness, there yet remain a smoking desert, Plants
bearing fruit that never ripens, and the tomb of a
disbelieving soul, a standing pillar of salt. For those who
forsook Wisdom first were bereft of knowledge of the
right, And then they left mankind a memorial of their folly
- so that they could not even be hidden in their fall. But
Wisdom delivered from tribulations those who served her. [WISDOM
For not without means was your almighty
hand, that had fashioned the universe from formless
matter, to send upon them a drove of bears or fierce lions,
Or new-created, wrathful, unknown beasts to breathe forth
fiery breath, Or pour out roaring smoke, or flash
terrible sparks from their eyes. Not only could these attack and
completely destroy them; even their frightful appearance
itself could slay. Even without these, they could have been killed
at a single blast, pursued by retribution and
winnowed out by your mighty spirit; But you have disposed all
things by measure and number and weight. For with you great
strength abides always; who can resist the might of your arm?
Indeed, before you the whole universe is as a grain from
a balance, or a drop of morning dew come down upon the
earth. But you have mercy on all, because you can do all
things; and you overlook the sins of men that they may
repent. For you love all things that are and loathe nothing
that you have made; for what you hated, you would not have
fashioned. And how could a thing remain, unless you willed
it; or be preserved, had it not been called forth by you? But
you spare all things, because they are yours, O LORD and
lover of souls, for your imperishable spirit is in all things! [WISDOM
11:17-26, 12:1]
Again, one preparing for a voyage and about to
traverse the wild waves cries out to wood more unsound
than the boat that bears him. For the urge for profits devised
this latter, and Wisdom the artificer produced it. But your
providence, O Father! guides it, for you have furnished even
in the sea a road, and through the waves a steady path,
Showing that you can save from any danger, so that even one
without skill may embark. But you will that the products of your
Wisdom be not idle; therefore men trust their lives even to
frailest wood, and have been safe crossing the surge on a
raft. For of old, when the proud giants were being
destroyed, the hope of the universe, who took refuge on a
raft, left to the world a future for his race, under the
guidance of your hand. For blest is the wood through which
justice comes about; but the handmade idol is accursed, and its
maker as well: he for having produced it, and it, because
though corruptible, it was termed a god. Equally odious to
God are the evildoer and his evil deed; and the thing made shall
be punished with its contriver. [WISDOM 14:1-10]
For the wicked who refused to know you were
punished by the might of your arm, Pursued by unwonted rains
and hailstorms and unremitting downpours, and consumed
by fire. For against all expectation, in water which quenches
anything, the fire grew more active; For the universe
fights on behalf of the just. [WISDOM 16:16-17]
Come to our aid, O God of the universe, and
put all the nations in dread of you! Raise your hand against the
heathen, that they may realize your power. As you have used
us to show them your holiness, so now use them to show us
your glory. Thus they will know, as we know, that there is no
God but you. [SIRACH 36:1-4]
How beautiful are all his works! even to
the spark and the fleeting vision! The universe lives and abides
forever; to meet each need, each creature is preserved. All
of them differ, one from another, yet none of them has he
made in vain, For each in turn, as it comes, is
good; can one ever see enough of their splendor? [SIRACH 42:23-25]
Say to the king and to the queen
mother: come down from your throne; From your heads
fall your magnificent crowns. The cities of the Negeb are
besieged, with no one to relieve them; All Judah is
banished in universal exile. [JER 13:18-19]
"Repent, therefore, and be converted, that
your sins may be wiped away, and that the Lord may grant you times
of refreshment and send you the Messiah already appointed for you,
Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the times of universal
restoration of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy
prophets from of old. For Moses said: 'A prophet like me will the
Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen;
to him you shall listen in all that he may say to you.
Everyone who does not listen to that prophet will be cut off
from the people.' Moreover, all the prophets who spoke, from
Samuel and those afterwards, also announced these days. You are
the children of the prophets and of the covenant that God made
with your ancestors when he said to Abraham, 'In your offspring
all the families of the earth shall be blessed.' For you first,
God raised up his servant and sent him to bless you by turning
each of you from your evil ways." [Taken from ACTS 3:19-26]
In times past, God spoke in partial and various
ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, he
spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and
through whom he created the universe, who is the refulgence of his
glory, the very imprint of his being, and who sustains
all things by his mighty word. When he had accomplished
purification from sins, he took his seat at the right hand of
the Majesty on high, as far superior to the angels as the
name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. [HEB 1:1-4]
Faith is the realization of what is hoped for
and evidence of things not seen. Because of it the ancients were
well attested. By faith we understand that the universe was
ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into
being through the invisible. [HEB 11:1-3]
I looked again and heard the voices of many
angels who surrounded the throne and the living creatures and the
elders. They were countless in number, and they cried out in a
loud voice: "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to
receive power and riches, wisdom and strength, honor and
glory and blessing." Then I heard every creature in heaven
and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, everything
in the universe, cry out: "To the one who sits on
the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor, glory and
might, forever and ever." The four living creatures
answered, "Amen," and the elders fell down and
worshiped. [RV 5:11-14]
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The Rock - how faultless
are his deeds, how right all his ways! A faithful God, without
deceit, how just and upright he is! Yet basely has he been treated
by his degenerate children, a perverse and crooked race! Is the
LORD to be thus repaid by you, O stupid and foolish people? Is he
not your father who created you? Has he not made you and
established you? [Taken from DEUT 32:4-6]
In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a
dream at night. God said, "Ask something of me and I will
give it to you." Solomon answered: "You have shown great
favor to your servant, my father David, because he behaved
faithfully toward you, with justice and an upright heart; and you
have continued this great favor toward him, even today, seating a
son of his on his throne. O LORD, my God, you have made me, your
servant, king to succeed my father David; but I am a mere youth,
not knowing at all how to act. I serve you in the midst of the
people whom you have chosen, a people so vast that it cannot be
numbered or counted. Give your servant, therefore, an
understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right
from wrong. For who is able to govern this vast people of
yours?" The LORD was pleased that Solomon made this request. [1KGS
The LORD said to him: "I have heard the
prayer of petition which you offered in my presence. I have
consecrated this temple which you have built; I confer my name
upon it forever, and my eyes and my heart shall be there always.
As for you, if you live in my presence as your father David lived,
sincerely and uprightly, doing just as I have commanded you,
keeping my statutes and decrees, I will establish your throne of
sovereignty over Israel forever, as I promised your father David
when I said, 'You shall always have someone from your line on the
throne of Israel.' But if you and your descendants ever withdraw
from me, fail to keep the commandments and statutes which I set
before you, and proceed to venerate and worship strange gods, I
will cut off Israel from the land I gave them and repudiate the
temple I have consecrated to my honor. Israel shall become a
proverb and a byword among all nations, and this temple shall
become a heap of ruins. Every passerby shall catch his breath in
amazement, and ask, 'Why has the LORD done this to the land and to
this temple?' Men will answer: 'They forsook the LORD, their God,
who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt; they adopted
strange gods which they worshiped and served. That is why the LORD
has brought down upon them all this evil.'" [1KGS 9:3-9]
O LORD our God, all this wealth that we have
brought together to build you a house in honor of your holy name
comes from you and is entirely yours. I know, O my God, that you
put hearts to the test and that you take pleasure in uprightness.
With a sincere heart I have willingly given all these things, and
now with joy I have seen your people here present also giving to
you generously. O LORD, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and
Israel, keep such thoughts in the hearts and minds of your people
forever, and direct their hearts toward you. [Taken from 1CHRON
This Hezekiah did in all Judah. He did what was
good, upright and faithful before the LORD, his God. Everything
that he undertook, for the service of the house of God or for the
law and the commandments, was to do the will of his God. He did
this wholeheartedly, and he prospered. [2CHRON 31:20-21]
"Through all your days, my son, keep the
Lord in mind, and suppress every desire to sin or to break his
commandments. Perform good works all the days of your life, and do
not tread the paths of wrongdoing. For if you are steadfast in
your service, your good works will bring success, not only to you,
but also to all those who live uprightly." [Taken from TOBIT
The following morning they got an early start
and traveled to the wedding celebration. When they entered
Raguel's house, they found Tobiah reclining at table. He sprang up
and greeted Gabael, who wept and blessed him, exclaiming: "O
noble and good child, son of a noble and good, upright and
charitable man, may the Lord grant heavenly blessing to you and to
your wife, and to your wife's father and mother. Blessed be God,
because I have seen the very image of my cousin Tobit!" [TOBIT
"Now, children, I give you this command:
serve God faithfully and do what is right before him; you must
tell your children to do what is upright and to give alms, to be
mindful of God and at all times to bless his name sincerely and
with all their strength." [Taken from TOBIT 14:9]
Then Uzziah said to her: "Blessed are you,
daughter, by the Most High God, above all the women on earth; and
blessed be the Lord God, the creator of heaven and earth, who
guided your blow at the head of the chief of our enemies. Your
deed of hope will never be forgotten by those who tell of the
might of God. May God make this redound to your everlasting honor,
rewarding you with blessings, because you risked your life when
your people were being oppressed, and you averted our disaster,
walking uprightly before our God." And all the people
answered, "Amen! Amen!" [JDTH 13:18-20]
Was not Abraham found faithful in trial, and it
was reputed to him as uprightness? [1MACC 2:52]
In the land of Uz there was a blameless and
upright man named Job, who feared God and avoided evil. [JOB 1:1]
And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you
noticed my servant Job, and that there is no one on earth like
him, blameless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil?"
But Satan answered the LORD and said, "Is it for nothing that
Job is God-fearing? Have you not surrounded him and his family and
all that he has with your protection? You have blessed the work of
his hands, and his livestock are spread over the land. But now put
forth your hand and touch anything that he has, and surely he will
blaspheme you to your face." And the LORD said to Satan,
"Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a
hand upon his person." So Satan went forth from the presence
of the LORD. [JOB 1:8-12]
Once again the sons of God came to present
themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. And the
LORD said to Satan, "Whence do you come?" And Satan
answered the LORD and said, "From roaming the earth and
patrolling it." And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you
noticed my servant Job, and that there is no one on earth like
him, faultless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil? He
still holds fast to his innocence although you incited me against
him to ruin him without cause." And Satan answered the LORD
and said, "Skin for skin! All that a man has will he give for
his life. But now put forth your hand and touch his bone and his
flesh, and surely he will blaspheme you to your face." And
the LORD said to Satan, "He is in your power; only spare his
life." [JOB 2:1-6]
Reflect now, what innocent person perishes?
Since when are the upright destroyed? [JOB 4:7]
Still, if you yourself have recourse to God and
make supplication to the Almighty, should you be blameless and
upright, surely now he will awake for you and restore your
rightful domain; Your former state will be of little moment, for
in time to come you will flourish indeed. [JOB 8:5-7]
Behold, God will not cast away the upright;
neither will he take the hand of the wicked. [JOB 8:20]
My lot is described as evil, and I am made a
byword of the people; their object lesson I have become. My eye
has grown blind with anguish, and all my frame is shrunken to a
shadow. Upright men are astonished at this, and the innocent
aroused against the wicked. Yet the righteous shall hold to his
way, and he who has clean hands increase in strength. But turn
now, and come on again; for I shall not find a wise man among you! [JOB
Again Job answered and said: Though I know my
complaint is bitter, his hand is heavy upon me in my groanings.
Oh, that today I might find him, that I might come to his judgment
seat! I would set out my cause before him, and fill my mouth with
arguments; I would learn the words with which he would answer, and
understand what he would reply to me. Even should he contend
against me with his great power, yet, would that he himself might
heed me! There the upright man might reason with him, and I should
once and for all preserve my rights. But if I go to the east, he
is not there; or to the west, I cannot perceive him; Where the
north enfolds him, I behold him not; by the south he is veiled,
and I see him not. [Taken from JOB 23:1-9]
The LORD is just and loves just deeds; the
upright shall see his face. [PS 11:7]
Good and upright is the LORD, who shows sinners
the way, Guides the humble rightly, and teaches the humble the
way. All the paths of the LORD are faithful love toward those who
honor the covenant demands. [PS 25:8-10]
Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but love surrounds those who trust in the LORD. Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you just; exult, all you upright of heart. [PS
Rejoice, you just, in the LORD; praise from the
upright is fitting. Give thanks to the LORD on the harp; on the
ten-stringed lyre offer praise. Sing to God a new song; skillfully
play with joyful chant. For the LORD'S word is true; all his works
are trustworthy. The LORD loves justice and right and fills the
earth with goodness. [PS 33:1-5]
Observe the honest, mark the upright; those at peace with God have a future. But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off.
[PS 37:37-38]
They will be brought down by their own tongues;
all who see them will shake their heads. Then all will fear and
proclaim God's deed, pondering what has been done. The just will
rejoice and take refuge in the LORD; all the upright will glory in
their God. [Taken from PS 64:9-11]
How good God is to the
upright, the Lord, to those who are clean of heart! [PS 73:1]
Happy those whom you guide, LORD, whom you teach
by your instruction. You give them rest from evil days, while a
pit is being dug for the wicked. You, LORD, will not forsake your
people, nor abandon your very own. Judgment shall again be just,
and all the upright of heart will follow it. [PS 94:12-15]
Hallelujah. I will praise the LORD with all my
heart in the assembled congregation of the upright. Great are the
works of the LORD, to be treasured for all their delights.
Majestic and glorious is your work, your wise design endures
forever. [PS 111:1-3]
Hallelujah! Happy are those who fear the LORD,
who greatly delight in God's commands. Their descendants shall be
mighty in the land, generation upright and blessed. Wealth and
riches shall be in their homes; their prosperity shall endure
forever. They shine through the darkness, a light for the upright;
they are gracious, merciful, and just. [PS 112:1-4]
Do good, LORD, to the good, to those who are upright of heart.
But those who turn aside to crooked ways may the LORD send down with the wicked.
Peace upon Israel! [PS 125:4-5]
Slanderers will not survive on earth; evil will quickly entrap the violent. For I know the LORD will secure justice for the needy, their rights for the poor. Then the just will give thanks to your name; the upright will dwell in your presence.
[PS 140:12-14]
For the LORD gives wisdom, from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding; He has counsel in store for the
upright, he is the shield of those who walk honestly, Guarding the
paths of justice, protecting the way of his pious ones. [PROV 2:6-8]
For the upright will dwell in the land, the honest will remain in it;
But the wicked will be cut off from the land, the faithless will be rooted out of it.
[PROV 2:21-22]
Envy not the lawless man and choose none of his ways: To the LORD the perverse man is an abomination, but with the upright is his friendship.
[PROV 3:31-32]
The honesty of the upright guides them; the
faithless are ruined by their duplicity. [PROV 11:3]
The virtue of the upright saves them, but the
faithless are caught in their own intrigue. [PROV 11:6]
The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush, but
the speech of the upright saves them. [PROV 12:6]
He who walks uprightly fears the LORD, but he
who is devious in his ways spurns him. [PROV 14:2]
The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but
the tent of the upright will flourish. [PROV 14:11]
The path of the upright avoids misfortune; he
who pays attention to his way safeguards his life. [PROV 16:17]
The wicked man is brazenfaced, but the upright
man pays heed to his ways. [PROV 21:29]
He who seduces the upright into an evil way will
himself fall into his own pit. (And blameless men will gain
prosperity.) [PROV 28:10]
He who walks uprightly is safe, but he whose
ways are crooked falls into the pit. [PROV 28:18]
Bloodthirsty men hate the honest man, but the
upright show concern for his life. [PROV 29:10]
The evildoer is an abomination to the just, and
he who walks uprightly is an abomination to the wicked. [PROV
A merchant can hardly remain upright, nor a
shopkeeper free from sin; For the sake of profit many sin, and the struggle for wealth blinds the eyes. Like a peg driven between fitted stones, between buying and selling sin is wedged in.
[SIRACH 26:20, 27:1-2]
How has she turned adulteress, the faithful
city, so upright! Justice used to lodge within her, but now,
murderers. [ISA 1:21]
The wicked man, spared, does not learn justice;
in an upright land he acts perversely, and sees not the majesty of
the LORD. [ISA 26:10]
For our offenses before you are many, our sins
bear witness against us. Yes, our offenses are present to us, and
our crimes we know: Transgressing, and denying the LORD, turning
back from following our God, threatening outrage, and apostasy,
uttering words of falsehood the heart has conceived. Right is
repelled, and justice stands far off; For truth stumbles in the
public square, uprightness cannot enter. Honesty is lacking, and
the man who turns from evil is despoiled. The LORD saw this, and
was aggrieved that right did not exist. He saw that there was no
one, and was appalled that there was none to intervene; So his own
arm brought about the victory, and his justice lent him its
support. He put on justice as his breastplate, salvation, as the
helmet on his head; He clothed himself with garments of vengeance,
wrapped himself in a mantle of zeal.
[ISA 59:12-17]
Roam the streets of Jerusalem, look about and
observe, search through her public places, to find even one who
lives uprightly and seeks to be faithful, and I will pardon her!
Though they say, "As the LORD lives," they swear
falsely. O LORD, do your eyes not look for honesty? You struck
them, but they did not cringe; you laid them low, but they refused
correction; They set their faces harder than stone, and refused to
return to you. It is only the lowly, I thought, who are foolish;
For they know not the way of the LORD, their duty to their God. I
will go to the great ones and speak with them; For they know the
way of the LORD, their duty to their God. But, one and all, they
had broken the yoke, torn off the harness. [JER 5:1-5]
Thus says the LORD: Let not the wise man glory
in his wisdom, nor the strong man glory in his strength, nor the
rich man glory in his riches; But rather, let him who glories,
glory in this, that in his prudence he knows me, knows that I, the
LORD, bring about kindness, justice and uprightness on the earth;
For with such am I pleased, says the LORD. [JER 9:22-23]
Now, son of man, turn toward the daughters of
your people who prophesy their own thoughts; against these,
prophesy: Thus says the Lord GOD: Because you have disheartened
the upright man with lies when I did not wish him grieved, and
have encouraged the wicked man not to turn from his evil conduct
and save his life; therefore you shall no longer see false visions
and practice divination, but I will rescue my people from your
power. Thus you shall know that I am the LORD. [EZEK 13:17.22-23]
How can it be said, O house of Jacob, "Is
the LORD short of patience, or are such his deeds?" Do not my
words promise good to him who walks uprightly? But of late my
people has risen up as an enemy: you have stripped off the mantle
covering the tunic of those who go their way in confidence, as
though it were spoils of war. [Taken from MICAH 2:7-8]
The faithful are gone from the earth, among men
the upright are no more! They all lie in wait to shed blood, each
one ensnares the other. Their hands succeed at evil; the prince
makes demands, the judge is had for a price, the great man speaks
as he pleases, the best of them is like a brier, the most upright
like a thorn hedge. The day announced by your watchmen! your
punishment has come; now is the time of your confusion. [MICAH 7:2-4]
My covenant with him was one of life and peace;
fear I put in him, and he feared me, and stood in awe of my name.
True doctrine was in his mouth, and no dishonesty was found upon
his lips; He walked with me in integrity and in uprightness, and
turned many away from evil. For the lips of the priest are to keep
knowledge, and instruction is to be sought from his mouth, because
he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts. [Taken from MAL 2:5-7]
When Simon saw that the Spirit was conferred by
the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money and
said, "Give me this power too, so that anyone upon whom I lay
my hands may receive the Holy Spirit." But Peter said to him,
"May your money perish with you, because you thought that you
could buy the gift of God with money. You have no share or lot in
this matter, for your heart is not upright before God. Repent of
this wickedness of yours and pray to the Lord that, if possible,
your intention may be forgiven. For I see that you are filled with
bitter gall and are in the bonds of iniquity." Simon said in
reply, "Pray for me to the Lord, that nothing of what you
have said may come upon me." [ACTS 8:18-24]
Then Peter went down to the men and said,
"I am the one you are looking for. What is the reason for
your being here?" They answered, "Cornelius, a
centurion, an upright and God-fearing man, respected by the whole
Jewish nation, was directed by a holy angel to summon you to his
house and to hear what you have to say." So he invited them
in and showed them hospitality. The next day he got up and went
with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa went with him. [ACTS
Then Peter proceeded to speak and said, "In
truth, I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation
whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him. You
know the word (that) he sent to the Israelites as he proclaimed
peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all, what has happened
all over Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John
preached, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit
and power. He went about doing good and healing all those
oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. We are witnesses of
all that he did both in the country of the Jews and (in)
Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree. This
man God raised (on) the third day and granted that he be visible,
not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in
advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
He commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is
the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. To
him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in
him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name." While
Peter was still speaking these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon
all who were listening to the word. The circumcised believers who
had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy
Spirit should have been poured out on the Gentiles also, for they
could hear them speaking in tongues and glorifying God. Then Peter
responded, "Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these
people, who have received the Holy Spirit even as we have?"
He ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then
they invited him to stay for a few days. [ACTS 10:34-49]
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The iStations Book - Stations of the Cross

Two Traditional Way of the
Cross Methods for Catholics Based on Our 'Best Selling' App
Features beautiful images, TWO traditional
methods, including a Franciscan method, selected prayers in English & Latin
Get it today!
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Kindle Version Just $4.99
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Catholic Annual Prayer Book

Includes: 365+ Daily Prayers (Jan.-Dec.);
Holiday / Seasonal Prayers; Hundreds of Prayers Indexed by Title;
Nearly 200 Aspirations / Short Prayers; Over 100 Latin Prayers & Aspirations; 500+
Topics for Meditation; Hundreds of Prayer Tips & Insights; And More...
Includes prayers drawn from Holy Scripture, the
liturgy, writings of popes & saints, the Raccolta, the Roman Breviary, the Roman
Missal, etc.
A daily prayer companion for
Catholics that is 'suitable for any year'!
Kindle Version Just $8.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
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Now Available!
Coloring Book For Catholics: 50+ Latin
(Beginning - Intermediate - Advanced)

"This 'unique', tradition-minded coloring book
which contains some of the most popular Catholic prayers in Latin is a fun way
to become more familiar with Latin prayers & increase Latin language retention!"
This 'educational & fun' publication is useful
for prayerful relaxation, educational recreation ('learn while you play'),
becoming more familiar with Latin prayers & hundreds of Latin words, learning or
memorizing Latin prayers, increasing Latin retention, and more...
An enjoyable and
instructive tool with respect to Latin (the 'beautiful & majestic language of
heaven' and 'official language of the Church' - a language 'consecrated' by the
inscription on the Cross that helps to foster a universal bond in prayer with
Catholics around the world), this publication is suitable for Catholics of most any
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"This Catholic coloring book
- which provides hours of wholesome & educational recreation - is so much better
for your soul than television!"
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
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Now Available!
My Little Latin Mass Coloring Book

25+ Traditional Latin Mass Coloring Images For Children Or Adults [Low
"Enjoyable & Educational!"
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Catholic Classics Reprint Now Available!
In Heaven We Know Our Own - Or, Solace for
the Suffering

This 'Catholic Classic', which offers consoling
'proof' that the faithful departed remember, love & care for those in heaven and
for those still remaining on earth, is a "great balm of comfort" to those who
have lost a spouse, child, parent, friend, or other loved one. "A thoughtful
bereavement gift, and a 'must-have' for grieving Catholics!"
Get your copy today!
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Kindle Version Just $2.99!
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Setting The Record Straight About Luther
Important Things Catholics Should Know About
The 'Reformer'

Don't miss this
'eye-opening' treatise concerning Martin Luther, the catalyst / leader of the
' Reformation ' (a.k.a. Protestant Rebellion)
Includes: Facts which demonstrate that Luther
was NOT sent by God, Luther received approval of his teaching from Satan,
Luther's misbehavior, some results of Luther's teachings, Luther admits he could
be wrong, and more...
Get your copy today!
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Kindle Version Just $5.99
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Now Available!
BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics
Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

"Suitable For Children Or
Adults!" ~ "Perfect For Home Schoolers!"
+ + +
As many faithful Catholics already know,
the majestic
Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church –
promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with
our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties
back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin,
and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious
treasure that is the
Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of
English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in
educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings
many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"
If you enjoy Latin, you may be glad to know that
this full-sized (8.5" x 11"), tradition-minded publication features an
assortment of activity types related to Latin (including: word searches,
crosswords, coloring activities, challenges, fill-ins, spelling bee,
quizzes, unscrambles, true/false, multiple choice, matching, cross-offs,
circling, word associations, translation exercises, and more...), and
treats of various topics (including: common Latin words, Latin language
facts, Latin grammar, nouns & verbs, abbreviations,
phrases / sayings / mottos, prefixes, cardinal numbers, grammatical gender,
inflection, word roots, diacritics / accenting, pronunciation, Latin
prayers / hymns, Scripture verses, Catholic phrases, and more...).
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" Fun & Educational! "
Get Your Copy Today!
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