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The Catholic
Church is Key to Happy Life |
Catholic Church is the key to a happy life. Those who follow her
precepts are deeply happy and fulfilled, those who don't suffer many
avoidable tragedies. Society is proof!" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor
of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the
See: The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
The Church is Heaven in Miniature | The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven |
The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Forgiveness
of Sins is a Comfort to the Guilty | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Praise of the Church
| Social
Fruits of Catholicism
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Catholic Law vs. Modern
Law |
law is based on man. Catholic law is based on God. Catholic law looks at
things from the angle of man's supreme and last end - that is to say,
God in Three Divine Persons; modern law from that of man as his own
self-sufficing end. Catholic law begins by taking account of the
dependence upon God of ever created thing, and especially of every
community and every State. Modern law bases that union of wills on which
a community is founded, merely on the will of each of the component
individuals, independent of the Divine Will. Catholic law is the
establishing of the reign of God by His own right over the individual
and over society. Modern law is the practical negation of Catholic truth
and of all divine truth. It is the official establishment, sanctioned by
law, of laicism, atheism, and all other errors. In short, Catholic law
is justice; it is the power and authority which spring from justice put
at the service of truth, which alone can save men and nations. Modern
law is the authority and power of justice put at the service of man to
degrade legally - and, therefore, it is thought, legitimately -
intelligence and wills, communities and societies to the level of
deified man, that is to say, of man considered as the beginning and the
end of all things. Compare the constitutions of nations proceeding from
modern principles, with those proceeding from Catholic principles, and
you will get some slight idea of the disasters produced by modern
law." (Fahey)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life |
The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate | The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Praise of the Church
| Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | The
World Needs the Church
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The Church
Alone Has Teaching Mandate |
Church] alone has been given by God the mandate and the right to teach
with authority" (Pope Pius XI, "Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio",
See: The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
| The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church |
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | The
World Needs the Church | Catholic
Basics Section | Non-Catholics
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Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
Christian, at almost every important stage of his mortal career, finds
at his side the priest with power received from God, in the act of
communicating or increasing that grace which is the supernatural life of
his soul. Scarcely is he born before the priest baptizing him, brings
him by a new birth to a more noble and precious life, a supernatural
life, and makes him a son of God and of the Church of Jesus Christ. To
strengthen him to fight bravely in spiritual combats, a priest invested
with special dignity makes him a soldier of Christ by holy chrism. Then,
as soon as he is able to recognize and value the Bread of Angels, the
priest gives It to him, the living and life-giving Food come down from
Heaven. If he fall, the priest raises him up again in the name of God,
and reconciles him to God with the Sacrament of Penance. Again, if he is
called by God to found a family and to collaborate with Him in the
transmission of human life throughout the world, thus increasing the
number of the faithful on earth and, thereafter, the ranks of the elect
in Heaven, the priest is there to bless his espousals and unblemished
love; and when, finally, arrived at the portals of eternity, the
Christian feels the need of strength and courage before presenting
himself at the tribunal of the Divine Judge, the priest with the holy
oils anoints the failing members of the sick or dying Christian, and
reconsecrates and comforts him. Thus the priest accompanies the
Christian throughout the pilgrimage of this life to the gates of Heaven.
He accompanies the body to its resting place in the grave with rites and
prayers of immortal hope. And even beyond the threshold of eternity he
follows the soul to aid it with Christian suffrages, if need there be of
further purification and alleviation. Thus, from the cradle to the grave
the priest is ever beside the faithful, a guide, a solace, a minister of
salvation and dispenser of grace and blessing." (Pope Pius XI,
"Ad Catholici Sacerdotii", 1935)
The Church is Heaven in Miniature | The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven | The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Forgiveness
of Sins is a Comfort to the Guilty | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Outside
the Church is Night |
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | The
World Needs the Church | Sacraments
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The Church is
Heaven in Miniature |
have the church which is a refuge, and, if I may dare to say so, is a
heaven in miniature. You have a sacrifice offered up and consummated;
you have the house wherein the Holy Ghost showers down abundant graces;
you have the tombs and relics of the martyrs and saints, and many other
things which should induce you to return from a state of sin and
indifference to that of grace and justice." (St. John Chrysostom,
Doctor of the Church)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life | The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven |
The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Forgiveness
of Sins is a Comfort to the Guilty | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Outside
the Church is Night |
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven |
contributes more to the spiritual joy and advantage of pious persons
than the contemplation of the exalted dignity of this most august
Sacrament [of the Holy Eucharist]. In the first place they learn how
great is the perfection of the Gospel Dispensation, under which we enjoy
the reality of that which under the Mosaic Law was only shadowed forth
by types and figures. Hence St. Denis divinely says that our Church is
midway between the Synagogue and the heavenly Jerusalem, and
consequently participates of the nature of both. Certainly, then, the
faithful can never sufficiently admire the perfection of the holy Church
and her exalted glory which seems to be removed only by one degree from
the bliss of heaven. In common with the inhabitants of heaven, we too
possess Christ, God and man, present with us. They are raised a degree of
us, inasmuch as they are present with Christ and enjoy the Beatific
Vision; while we, with a firm and unwavering faith, adore the Divine
Majesty present with us, not it is true, in a manner visible to mortal
eye, but hidden in a miracle of power under the veil of the sacred
mysteries. Furthermore the faithful experience in this Sacrament the
most perfect love of Christ our Savior. It became the goodness of the
Savior not to withdraw from us that nature which He assumed from us, but
to desire, as far as possible, to remain among us so that at all times
He might be seen to verify the words: My delight is to be with the
children of men. (Prov. viii. 31)." (Catechism of the Council of
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
The Church is Heaven in Miniature |
The Church Prefigured in the Old Testament |
The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission | Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church |
No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith |
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Outside
the Church is Night |
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless |
Church is the safe and sure guide to conscience, for to her safe-keeping
alone there has been confided the doctrines and the promise of the
assistance of Christ" (Pope Pius XI, "Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio",
faith of the universal Church...cannot err, since Our Lord said (Luke
22:32): 'I have prayed for thee,' Peter, 'that thy faith fail
not.'" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest
theologian in the history of the Church")
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | Catholic
Law vs. Modern Law |
The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate | The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | Catholic
Basics Section
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The Church
Prefigured in the Old Testament |
in the Books of both Testaments [St.] Jerome saw the Church of God
foretold. Did not practically every one of the illustrious and sainted
women who hold a place of honor in the Old Testament prefigure the
Church, God's Spouse? Did not the priesthood, the sacrifices, the
solemnities, nay, nearly everything described in the Old Testament
shadow forth that same Church? How many Psalms and Prophecies saw he
fulfilled in that Church? To him it was clear that the Church's greatest
privileges were set forth by Christ and His Apostles. Small wonder,
then, that growing familiarity with the Bible meant for Jerome growing
love of the Spouse of Christ." (Pope Benedict XV, "Spiritus
Paraclitus", 1920)
See: The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven |
The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
| The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church |
Love For the Church |
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church |
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | Scripture
/ Parables Section
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The Church's
Faithfulness to Her Mission |
[the Church] judges she cannot accept certain changes, it is because she
knows she is bound by Christ's manner of acting. Her attitude, despite
appearances, is therefore not one of archaism but of fidelity"
(Pope Paul VI)
Church, founded on these principles and mindful of her office, has done
nothing with greater zeal and endeavor than she has displayed in
guarding the integrity of the faith. Hence she regarded as rebels and
expelled from the ranks of her children all who held beliefs on any
point of doctrine different from her own." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis
Cognitum", 1896)
all the aberrations of human thought, infatuated by a false emancipation
from every law and curb; and amidst the awful corruptions of human
malice, the Church rises up like a bright lighthouse warning by the
clearness of its beam every deviation to right or left from the way of
truth, and pointing out to one and all the right course that they should
follow." (Pope Pius XI, "Ad Catholici Sacerdotii", 1935)
Church of Christ is the true and sole teacher of virtue and guardian of
morals. She it is who preserves in their purity the principles from
which duties flow, and, by setting forth most urgent reasons for
virtuous life, bids us not only to turn away from wicked deeds, but even
to curb all movements of the mind that are opposed to reason, even
though they be not carried out in action." (Pope Leo XIII, "Immortale
Dei", 1885)
who stand against the Church oppose her in three ways: with hate, with
words, and with bodily tortures. The Church on the other hand loves
them, as it is here, 'Love your enemies'; does good to them, as it is,
'Do good to them that hate you'; and prays for them, as it is, 'Pray for
them that persecute you and accuse you falsely' (Mt. 5)." (9th/12th
Century Gloss)
the history of the Church bears witness, members of the religious orders
under the inspiration of God's love, have often gone to such lengths in
their work of preaching the Gospel that they have given up their lives
for the salvation of souls, thus by their death spreading the unity of
the faith and the doctrine of Christian brotherhood and at the same time
extending farther and farther the boundaries of the Kingdom of
Christ." (Pope Pius XI, "Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio", 1922)
saw men and nations cut off from God, stirring up strife and discord and
hurrying along the road to ruin and death, while the Church of God
carries on her work of providing food for the spiritual life of men,
nurturing and fostering generation after generation of men and women
dedicated to Christ, faithful and subject to him in his earthly kingdom,
called by him to eternal bliss in the kingdom of heaven." (Pope
Pius XI, "Quas Primas", 1925)
"When have prayers not been offered in
the Church, to obtain the gift of faith for infidels and for her
enemies?" (As quoted by Pope Pius XI in "Ad Salutem", 1930)
Catholic Church, to whom God has entrusted the defense of the integrity
and purity of morals, standing erect in the midst of the moral ruin
which surrounds her, in order that she may preserve the chastity of the
nuptial union from being defiled by this foul stain, raises her voice in
token of her divine ambassadorship and through Our mouth proclaims anew:
any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is
deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an
offense against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in
such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin." (Pope Pius XI,
"Casti Connubii", 1930)
fact, the most persistent enemies of the Church, who from Moscow are
directing the struggle against Christian civilization, themselves bear
witness, by their unceasing attacks in word and act, that even to this
hour the Papacy has continued faithfully to protect the sanctuary of the
Christian religion, and that it has called public attention to the
perils of Communism more frequently and more effectively than any other
public authority on earth." (Pope Pius XI, "Divini Redemptoris",
the loving Mother [the Church] is spotless in the Sacraments by which
she gives birth to and nourishes her children; in the faith which she
has always preserved inviolate; in her sacred laws imposed on all; in
the evangelical counsels which she recommends; in those heavenly gifts
and extraordinary graces through which with inexhaustible fecundity, she
generates hosts of martyrs, virgins and confessors. But it cannot be
laid to her charge if some members fall, weak or wounded. In their name
she prays to God daily: 'Forgive us our trespasses;' and with the brave
heart of a mother she applies herself at once to the work of nursing
them back to spiritual health." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici
Corporis Christi", 1943)
is the will of Jesus Christ that the whole body of the Church, no less
than the individual members, should resemble Him. And we see this
realized when, following in the footsteps of her Founder, the Church
teaches, governs, and offers the divine Sacrifice. When she embraces the
evangelical counsels she reflects the Redeemer's poverty, obedience and
virginal purity. Adorned with institutes of many different kinds as with
so many precious jewels, she represents Christ deep in prayer on the
mountain, or preaching to the people, or healing the sick and wounded
and bringing sinners back to the path of virtue - in a word, doing good
to all. What wonder then, if, while on this earth she, like Christ,
suffer persecutions, insults and sorrows." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici
Corporis Christi", 1943)
are leaving nothing undone to provide timely relief for so many ills and
all possible comfort for the accumulated miseries that weigh on not a
few nations. But of the almost countless ills born of the dire struggle
none so hurts or so wounds Our paternal heart as that which involves a
host of innocent children, millions of whom it is estimated are in many
countries without the necessities of life and are suffering from cold,
hunger and disease. Often, too, in their utter dereliction they feel the
want not only of food, clothes and shelter but also of the affection
which their tender years so need. As you know, Venerable Brethren, We
have done all that We could to solve this problem." (Pope Pius XII,
"Quemadmodum", 1946)
the Catholic Church declares in the strongest terms the simplicity,
spirituality, and immortality of the soul, so with unequalled constancy
and publicity she ever also asserts its freedom. These truths she has
always taught, and has sustained them as a dogma of faith, and
whensoever heretics or innovators have attacked the liberty of man, the
Church has defended it and protected this noble possession from
destruction. History bears witness to the energy with which she met the
fury of the Manichaeans and others like them; and the earnestness with
which in later years she defended human liberty at the Council of Trent,
and against the followers of Jansenius, is known to all. At no time, and
in no place, has she held truce with fatalism." (Pope Leo XIII,
"Libertas Praestantissimum", 1888)
Ourselves have several times declared what great dangers are impending,
and have pointed out the best ways of warding them off. To princes and
other rulers of the State we have offered the protection of religion,
and we have exhorted the people to make abundant use of the great
benefits which the Church supplies. Our present object is to make rulers
understand that this protection, which is stronger than any, is again
offered to them; and We earnestly exhort them in our Lord to defend
religion, and to consult the interest of their Lord to defend religion,
and to consult the interest of their States by giving that liberty to
the Church which cannot be taken away without injury and ruin to the
commonwealth." (Pope Leo XIII, "Diuturnum", 1881)
by the Divine Spirit, the Sacred Writers composed those books [of the
Bible], which God, in His paternal charity towards the human race,
deigned to bestow on them in order 'to teach, to reprove, to correct, to
instruct in justice: that the man of God may be perfect, furnished to
every good work.' This heaven-sent treasure Holy Church considers as the
most precious source of doctrine on faith and morals. No wonder
therefore that, as she received it intact from the hands of the
Apostles, so she kept it with all care, defended it from every false and
perverse interpretation and used it diligently as an instrument for
securing the eternal salvation of souls, as almost countless documents
in every age strikingly bear witness." (Pope Pius XII, "Divino
Afflante Spiritu", 1943)
from the very first ages of the Church, the Catholic doctrine has
encountered a multitude of most bitter adversaries, who, deriding the
Christian dogmas and institutions, maintained that there were many gods,
that the material world never had a beginning or cause, and that the
course of events was one of blind and fatal necessity, not regulated by
the will of Divine Providence. But the learned men whom We call
apologists speedily encountered these teachers of foolish doctrine and,
under the guidance of faith, found arguments in human wisdom also to
prove that one God, who stands preeminent in every kind of perfection,
is to be worshipped; that all things were created from nothing by His
omnipotent power; that by His wisdom they flourish and serve each their
own special purposes." (Pope Leo XIII, "Aeterni Patris",
since Jesus Christ delivered Himself up for the salvation of the human
race, and to this end directed all His teaching and commands, so He
ordered the Church to strive, by the truth of its doctrine, to sanctify
and to save mankind. But faith alone cannot compass so great, excellent,
and important an end. There must needs be also the fitting and devout
worship of God, which is to be found chiefly in the divine [Eucharistic]
Sacrifice and in the dispensation of the Sacraments, as well as salutary
laws and discipline. All these must be found in the Church, since it
continues the mission of the Savior forever. The Church alone offers to
the human race that religion - that state of absolute perfection - which
He wished, as it were, to be incorporated in it. And it alone supplies
those means of salvation which accord with the ordinary counsels of
Providence." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis Cognitum", 1896)
Catholic Church, true Mother of Christians! Not only doest thou preach
to us, as is meet, how purely and chastely we are to worship God
Himself, Whom to possess is life most blessed; thou does moreover so
cherish neighborly love and charity, that all the infirmities to which
sinful souls are subject, find their most potent remedy in thee.
Childlike thou are in molding the child, strong with the young man,
gentle with the aged, dealing with each according to his needs of mind
of body. Thou does subject child to parent in a sort of free servitude,
and settest parent over child in a jurisdiction of love. Thou bindest
brethren to brethren by the bond of religion, stronger and closer then
the bond of blood ... Thou unitest citizen to citizen, nation to nation,
yea, all men, in a union not of companionship only, but of brotherhood,
reminding them of their common origin. Thou teachest kings to care for
their people, and biddest people to be subject to their kings. Thou
teachest assiduously to whom honor is due, to whom love, to whom
reverence, to whom fear, to whom comfort, to whom rebuke, to whom
punishment; showing us that whilst not all things nor the same things
are due to all, charity is due to all and offense to none.' (St.
Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
satisfy this pastoral duty, our predecessors always gave tireless
attention that the saving doctrine of Christ be spread among all the
peoples of the earth, and with equal care they watched that, wherever it
was received, it was preserved sound and pure. Therefore, the bishops of
the whole world, now individually, now gathered in Synods, following a
long custom of the churches and the formula of the ancient rule,
referred to this Holy See those dangers particularly which emerged in
the affairs of faith, that there especially the damages to faith might
be repaired where faith cannot experience a failure. The Roman Pontiffs,
moreover, according as the condition of the times and affairs advised,
sometimes by calling ecumenical Councils or by examining the opinion of
the Church spread throughout the world; sometimes by particular synods,
sometimes by employing other helps which divine Providence supplied,
have defined that those matters must be held which with God's help they
have recognized as in agreement with Sacred Scripture and apostolic
tradition. For, the Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of
Peter that by His revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but that
by His help they might guard sacredly the revelation transmitted through
the apostles and the deposit of faith, and might faithfully set it
forth. Indeed, all the venerable fathers have embraced their apostolic
doctrine, and the holy orthodox Doctors have venerated and followed it,
knowing full well that the See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by
any error, according to the divine promise of our Lord the Savior made
to the chief of His disciples: 'I have prayed for thee, that thy faith
fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren' [Luke
22:32]. So, this gift of truth and a never failing faith was divinely
conferred upon Peter and his successors in this chair, that they might
administer their high duty for the salvation of all; that the entire
flock of Christ, turned away by them from the poisonous food of error,
might be nourished on the sustenance of heavenly doctrine, that with the
occasion of schism removed the whole Church might be saved as one, and
relying on her foundation might stay firm against the gates of
hell." (Vatican Council I, 1870 A.D.)
See: The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate
The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Praise of the Church
| Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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Church's Tender Care for Minorities / Abolishing Slavery |
We cannot pass over in silence those whose long-continued unhappy lot
implores and demands succor from men of apostolic zeal; We refer to the
Indians and the Negroes who are to be found within the confines of
America, the greatest portion of whom have not yet dispelled the
darkness of superstition. How wide a field for cultivation! How great a
multitude of human beings to be made partakers of the blessing derived
through Jesus Christ!" (Pope Leo XIII, "Longinqua", 1895)
confess that We feel a special paternal affection, which is certainly
inspired of Heaven, for the Negro people dwelling among you; for in the
field of religion and education We know that they need special care and
comfort and are very deserving of it. We therefore invoke an abundance
of heavenly blessing and We pray fruitful success for those whose
generous zeal is devoted to their welfare." (Pope Pius XII, "Sertum
Laetitiae", 1939)
the powerful influence of the Church has ever been manifested in the
custody and protection of the civil and political liberty of the people.
The enumeration of its merits in this respect does not belong to our
present purpose. It is sufficient to recall the fact that slavery, that
old reproach of the heathen nations, was mainly abolished by the
beneficent efforts of the Church." (Pope Leo XIII, "Libertas
Praestantissimum", 1888)
See: The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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Divine Origin of
the Catholic Church
Also See:
Catholic Apologetics (Topic Page)
said to him [that is, St. Peter, the first pope] in reply, 'Blessed are
you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to
you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld
shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of
heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and
whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'" (Mt.
in this bestowing of a new name [on Simon, i.e. Peter, 'Rock'] is a
happy foundation of the Church, and a rock worthy of that building,
which should break up the laws of hell, burst the gates of Tartarus, and
all the shackles of death. And to show the firmness of this Church thus
built upon a rock, He adds, And the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it." (St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church)
will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so
important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began,
seek it among those who received it from God Himself." (St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton)
she [the Church] is Divine and has herself come down from heaven; so she
does not guess, or think, or hope - she knows." (Benson)
Church is of God, for He Himself built it with His blood." (St.
Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in
the history of the Church")
"'Christ loved the Church, and delivered Himself up for it, that
He might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of
life, that He might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having
spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and
without blemish (cf. Eph. 5:25-27).'" (Pope Pius XII, "Haurietis
Aquas", 1956)
both the juridical mission of the Church, and the power to teach, govern
and administer the Sacraments, derive their supernatural efficacy and
force for the building up of the Body of Christ from the fact that Jesus
Christ, hanging on the Cross, opened up to His Church the fountain of
those divine gifts, which prevent her from ever teaching false doctrine
and enable her to rule them for the salvation of their souls through
divinely enlightened pastors and to bestow on them an abundance of
heavenly graces." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis
Christi", 1943)
how many, how wonderful, how splendid are the proofs at hand by which
human reason ought to be entirely and most clearly convinced that the
religion of Christ is divine, and that 'every principle of our dogmas
has received its root from above, from the Lord of the heavens,' and
that, therefore, nothing is more certain than our faith, nothing more
secure, that there is nothing more holy and nothing which is supported
on firmer principles. For, in truth, this faith is the teacher of life,
the index of salvation, the expeller of all faults, and the fecund
parent and nurse of virtues, confirmed by the birth, life, death,
resurrection, wisdom, miracles, prophecies of its author and
consummator, Christ Jesus; everywhere resplendent with the light of a
supernatural teaching and enriched with the treasures of heavenly
riches, especially clear and significant by the predictions of so many
prophets, by the splendor of so many miracles, by the constancy of so
many martyrs, by the glory of so many saints, revealing the salutary
laws of Christ and acquiring greater strength every day from these most
cruel persecutions, (this faith) has pervaded the whole earth by land
and sea, from the rising to the setting of the sun, under the one
standard of the Cross, and also, having overcome the deceits of
idolaters and torn away the mist of errors and triumphed over enemies of
every kind, it has illuminated with the light of divine knowledge all
peoples, races, nations, howsoever barbarous in culture and different in
disposition, customs, laws, and institutions; and has subjected them to
the most sweet yoke of Christ Himself, 'announcing peace' to all,
'announcing good' [Isa. 52:7]. All of this certainly shines everywhere
with so great a glory of divine wisdom and power that the mind and
intelligence of each one clearly understands that the Christian Faith is
the work of God. And so, human reason, knowing clearly and openly from
these most splendid and equally strong proofs that God is the author of
the same faith, can proceed no further; but, having completely cast
aside and removed every difficulty and doubt, it should render all
obedience to this faith, since it holds as certain that whatever faith
itself proposes to man to be believed or to be done, has been
transmitted by God." (Pope Pius IX, 1846 A.D.)
See: The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate
| The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
The Church Prefigured in the Old Testament |
The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission | Name
'Catholic' Distinguishes from Heretics | Praise of the Church
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Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | Catholic
Basics Section | Non-Catholics
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of Sins is a Comfort to the Guilty
Also See:
Penance /
Confession (Topic Page)
a comfort to the guilty, when, stung with remorse and repenting of his
sins, he hears the word of the priest who says to him in God's name: 'I
absolve thee from thy sins!' These words fall, it is true, from the lips
of one who, in his turn, must needs beg the same absolution from another
priest. This does not debase the merciful gift; but makes it, rather,
appear greater; since beyond the weak creature is seen more clearly the
hand of God through whose power is wrought this wonder. As an
illustrious layman has written, treating with rare competence of
spiritual things: '...when a priest, groaning in spirit at his own
unworthiness and at the loftiness of his office, places his consecrated
hands upon our heads; when, humiliated at finding himself the dispenser
of the Blood of the Covenant; each time amazed as he pronounces the
words that give life; when a sinner has absolved a sinner; we, who rise
from our knees before him, feel we have done nothing debasing...We have
been at the feet of a man who represented Jesus Christ,...we have been
there to receive the dignity of free men and of sons of God.'"
(Pope Pius XI, "Ad Catholici Sacerdotii", 1935)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission | Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church |
No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | Sacraments
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Love For the Church |
the extent that one loves the Church of Christ, to that extent does he
possess the Holy Spirit." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the
can be no true sanctity without [love of the Church]" (Gueranger)
filial love for the Church is the sign of the elect; obedience to her
commandments is the mark of a soul in which God has set His
kingdom." (Gueranger)
moreover, are bound to love the Church as their common mother, to obey
her laws, promote her honor, defend her rights, and to endeavor to make
her respected and loved by those over whom they have authority."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Immortale Dei", 1885)
can, certainly, and should love ourselves, bear ourselves kindly toward
our fellow men, nourish affection for the State and the governing
powers; but at the same time we can and must cherish toward the Church a
feeling of filial piety, and love God with the deepest love of which we
are capable." (Pope Leo XIII, "Sapientiae Christianae",
if the natural law enjoins us to love devotedly and to defend the
country in which we had birth, and in which we were brought up, so that
every good citizen hesitates not to face death for his native land, very
much more is it the urgent duty of Christians to be ever quickened by
like feelings toward the Church. For the Church is the holy City of the
living God, born of God Himself, and by Him built up and established.
Upon this earth, indeed, she accomplishes her pilgrimage, but by
instructing and guiding men she summons them to eternal happiness. We
are bound, then, to love dearly the country whence we have received the
means of enjoyment this mortal life affords, but we have a much more
urgent obligation to love, with ardent love, the Church to which we owe
the life of the soul, a life that will endure forever. For fitting it is
to prefer the good of the soul to the well-being of the body, inasmuch
as duties toward God are of a far more hallowed character than those
toward men." (Pope Leo XIII, "Sapientiae Christianae",
cannot refrain from again and again exhorting all to love holy Mother
Church with a devoted and active love. If we have really at heart the
salvation of the whole human family, purchased by the precious Blood, we
must offer every day to the Eternal Father our prayers, works and
sufferings, for her safety and for her continued and ever more fruitful
increase. And while the skies are heavy with storm clouds, and exceeding
great dangers threaten the whole of human society and the Church
herself, let us commit ourselves and all that we have to the Father of
Mercies, crying out: 'Look down, we beseech Thee, Lord, on this Thy
family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be betrayed
into the hands of evil men and to undergo the torment of the
Cross.'" (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis Christi",
is a true and genuine Catholic who loves the truth of God, the Church,
and the Body of Christ; who puts nothing before divine religion and the
Catholic Faith, neither the authority nor the love nor the genius nor
the eloquence nor the philosophy of any man whatsoever, but despising
all that and being fixed, stable, and persevering in his faith, is
determined in himself to hold and believe that only which he knows the
Catholic Church has held universally and from ancient times." (St.
Vincent of Lerins, c. 434 A.D.)
is the Church: a spiritual, but at the same time an exterior and visible
society; just in the same way as man is spiritual and because of his
soul and material because of his body, which is an essential part of his
being. The Christian, therefore, should love the Church such as God has
made her; he should detest that false and hypocritical spiritualism
which, with a view to subvert the work of Christ, would confine religion
within the exclusively spiritual domain. We never can admit such a
limitation. The Divine Word has assumed our flesh; he permitted his
creature man to hear and see and handle him; and when he organized his
Church on earth, he made it speaking, visible, and so to say palpable.
We are a vast state; we have our king, or magistrates, our fellow
citizens; and we should be willing to lay down our lives for this
supernatural country, whose excellence is as far superior to that of our
earthly country as heaven is better than the whole earth." (Gueranger)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
The Church is Heaven in Miniature | The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
| Praise of the Church
| Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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'Catholic' Distinguishes from Heretics
Also See:
Those Outside the Church (Topic Page)
we are called Catholics, it is by this name that our people are kept
apart from any heretical name." (St. Pacianus of Barcelona)
The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate |
The Church Prefigured in the Old Testament |
The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission | Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | Non-Catholics
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No Greater
Gift Than the Catholic Faith |
gift of God either to individuals or to nations is greater than to
receive by His grace the Catholic faith, and having received it, to keep
it with perseverance. This gift contains an abundance of other gifts by
means of which individual persons receive both eternal happiness in
heaven and greatness and prosperity for their state on earth."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Quod Multum", 1886)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
The Church is Heaven in Miniature | The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven | The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church |
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Outside
the Church is Night |
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church |
nothing more glorious, nothing nobler, nothing surely more honorable can
be imagined than to belong to the One, Holy Catholic, Apostolic and
Roman Church, in which we become members of one Body as venerable as it
is unique; are guided by one supreme Head; are filled with one divine
Spirit; are nourished during our earthly exile by one doctrine and one
heavenly Bread, until at last we enter into the one, unending
blessedness of heaven." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis
Christi", 1943)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The
Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life |
The Church is Heaven in Miniature | The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven | The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
| Outside
the Church is Night |
Praise of the Church | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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Outside the Church is
Night |
thing in this world is different from all other. It has a personality
and a force. It is recognized, and (when recognized) most violently
loved or hated. It is the Catholic Church. Within that household the
human spirit has roof and hearth. Outside it, is the Night." (Belloc)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The Church is Heaven in Miniature
| The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven |
The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission | Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church |
No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith |
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Praise of the Church
| Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church
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Praise of the Church |
is equal to the Church; (says St. John Chrysostom,) 'how many have
opposed the Church and have themselves perished? The Church reaches to
the heavens; such is the Church's greatness. She conquers when attacked;
when beset by snares she triumphs; she struggles and is not overthrown,
she fights and is not conquered.' Not only is she not conquered, but she
preserves that corrective power over nature, and that effective strength
of life that springs from God Himself, and is unchanged by time."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Exeunte Iam Anno", 1888)
grand is our faith!" (Gueranger)
is written in praise of the Church (Psalm 45:10) that she is 'surrounded
with variety': and a gloss on these words says that 'the Queen,' namely
the Church, 'is bedecked with the teaching of the apostles, the
confession of martyrs, the purity of virgins, the sorrowings of
penitents.'" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and
"greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
Church of our God! Thou art sanctified in truth! By thee we are taught
the whole doctrine of our Jesus! By thee we are put in the path of that
holiness, which is thy very life. What would we have more, having truth
and holiness? They that seek them out of thee, seek in vain. Happy, we
who have nothing to seek, because we have thee for our mother, who art
ever lavishing upon us all thy grand gifts and lights!" (Gueranger)
is just to return thanks to thee, O eternal God, through Christ our
Lord, Who delivered to the Church the eminent power he had received from
thee, and, on account of that honor, constituted her queen and bride. To
her sovereignty he subjected all things, and ordered her judgments to be
ratified in heaven. She is the mother of all the living, and her glory
is enhanced by the number of her children; for daily by the Holy Spirit
she brings forth sons to God. The whole world is filled with her
branches: and suspending her shoots on the tree that supports her, she
raises them up to the kingdom of heaven. She is the city built on the
summit of the lofty mountain, visible to all, well known to all; whose
builder and indweller is the same Jesus Christ our Lord thy Son, whom
together with thee, O almighty Father, the angels praise."
then, owes its safety to the Ark. O saving Ark, that wast planned by God
Himself, and didst sail unhurt amidst the universal wreck! But if we can
thus bless this contemptible wood, how fervently should we love that
other Ark, of which Noah's was but the figure, and which, for [then]
eighteen hundred years, has been saving and bringing men to their God!
How fervently should we bless that Church, the bride of our Jesus, out
of which there is no salvation, and in which we find that truth which
delivers us from error and doubt, that grace which purifies the heart,
and that food which nourishes the soul and fits her for immortality! O
sacred Ark! Thou art inhabited, not by one family alone, but by people
of every nation under the sun. Ever since that glorious day, when our
Lord launched thee in the sea of this world, thou hast been tossed by
tempests, yet never wrecked. Thou wilt reach the eternal shore,
witnessing, by thy unworn vigor and beauty to the divine guidance of the
Pilot, who loves thee, both for thine own sake, and for the work thou
art doing for His glory. It is by thee that He peoples the world with
His elect, and it is for them that He created the world. When He is
angry, He remembers mercy, because of thee, for it is through thee that
He has made His covenant with mankind. O veritable Ark! Be though our
refuge in the deluge!" (Gueranger)
See: The
Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life | The Church is Heaven in Miniature
| The
Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven | The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission
| Divine
Origin of the Catholic Church | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | Outside
the Church is Night | Social
Fruits of Catholicism | The
Unshakable Church | The
World Needs the Church
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Social Fruits of
Catholicism |
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The Unshakable Church
Also See:
Catholic History (Topic Page)
empires, forms of government, have succeeded each other, and only one
institution has stood unchanged - the Church." (Gueranger)
true religion has shown forth with greater splendor the more it has been
oppressed." (Pope St. Symmachus, c. 506 A.D.)
is the peculiar property of the Church that when she is buffeted, she is
triumphant; when she is assaulted with argument she proves herself in
the right; when she is deserted by her supporters, she holds the
field." (St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church)
Church can never be brought down. Indeed it grows under persecution, and
those who attack it are destroyed." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of
the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the
vain will the Princes of the earth seek, in their conceited
calculations, to destroy the Church: God, who has founded her, will make
her triumph. Empires shall pass away, and their persecutions: the Church
will survive them all, knowing neither wrinkle or decay." (Dom
Church has ever proved indestructible. Her persecutors have failed to
destroy her; in fact, it was during times of persecution that the Church
grew more and more; while the persecutors themselves, and those whom the
Church would destroy, are the very ones who came to nothing... Again,
errors have assailed her; but in fact, the greater number of errors that
have arisen, the more has the truth been made manifest...Nor has the
Church failed before the assaults of demons: for she is like a tower of
refuge to all who fight against the devil." (St. Thomas Aquinas,
Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the
societies depend for their very existence upon a congenial human
envelopment; she [the Church] flourishes in the most uncongenial. Other
societies have their day and pass down to dissolution and corruption;
she alone knows no corruption. Other dynasties rise and fall; [She]
remains unmoved. Other causes wax and wane with the worldly influence
which they can command; she is usually the most effective when her
earthly interest is at the lowest ebb... [She] takes mortal things - a
perishing pagan language, a debased architecture, an infant science or
philosophy - and infuses them into her own immortality. She takes
superstitions of a countryside, and retaining their 'accidents',
'transubstantiates' them into truth; the customs or rites of a pagan
society, and makes them the symbols of living worship. And into all she
infuses a spirit that is all her own - a spirit of delicate grace and
beauty of which she alone has the secret." (Benson)
for what concerns the exterior and temporal prosperity of the Church, it
is evident that she has to cope with most malicious and powerful
adversaries. Too often has she suffered at their hands the abolition of
her rights, the diminution and oppression of her liberties, scorn and
affronts to her authority, and every conceivable outrage. And if in
their wickedness her enemies have not accomplished all the injury they
had resolved upon and striven to do, they nevertheless seem to go on
unchecked. But, despite them the Church, amidst all these conflicts,
will always stand out and increase in greatness and glory. Nor can human
reason rightly understand why evil, apparently so dominant, should yet
be so restricted as regards its results; whilst the Church, driven into
straits, comes forth glorious and triumphant." (Pope Leo XIII,
"Octobri Mense", 1891)
should realize that all attempts to overthrow the 'House of God' are in
vain. For this is the Church founded on Peter, 'Rock,' not merely in
name but in truth. Against this 'the gates of hell will not prevail',
'for it is founded on a rock.' There has never been an enemy of the
Christian religion who was not simultaneously at wicked war with the See
of Peter, since while this See remained strong the survival of the
Christian religion was assured. As St. Irenaeus proclaims openly to all,
'by the order and succession of the Roman pontiffs the tradition from
the Apostles in the Church and the proclamation of the truth has come
down to us. And this is the fullest demonstration that it is the one and
the same life-giving faith which has been preserved in the Church until
now since the time of the Apostles and has been handed on in
truth.'" (Pope Pius VII, "Diu Satis", 1800)
precious and necessary gift of Infallibility in the Church! Gift without
which the mission of the Son of God would have been a failure! Gift
whereby faith, that essential element of man's salvation, is preserved
upon the earth! Yes, we have the promise; and the effects of this
promise are evident even to them that are not of the Church. Where is
there an unprejudiced man, who would not recognize in the hand of God in
the perpetuity of the Catholic Symbol of Faith, whereas everything else
on earth is for ever changing? Can we attribute to natural causes such a
result as this - that a society, whose link is unity of belief, should
live through so many ages, and yet lose nothing of the truth it
possessed at its commencement, nor imbibe anything of the falseness of
the world around it; that it should have been attacked by thousands of
sects, and yet have triumphed over them all, survived them all, and be
as pure in the faith now at this present day, as it was on the day when
first formed by its divine Founder? Is it not an unheard-of prodigy,
that hundreds of millions of men, differing from each other in country,
character, and customs, yea, and frequently enemies to each other,
should be united in one like submission to the same authority, which,
with a single world, governs their reason in matters of faith?" (Gueranger)
me, O man, there is no power like the power of the Church. Cease thy
battling, lest thou lose thy strength; wage not war with heaven. When it
is with man thou warrest, thou mayst win or lose; but when thy fighting
is against the Church, it is impossible though shouldst conquer, for God
is above all in strength... If though will not believe [Christ's] word,
believe facts. How many tyrants have sought to crush the Church? They
had their gridirons and fiery furnaces, and wild beasts, and swords -
and all failed. Where are those enemies now? Buried and forgotten. And
the Church? Brighter than the sun. All they had is now past, but her
riches are immortal. If the Christians conquered when they were but few
in number, canst thou hope to vanquish them, now that the whole earth is
filled with the holy religion? 'Heaven and earth shall pass, but my
words shall not pass.' Wonder not at it; for the Church is dearer unto
God than the very heavens. He took flesh not from heaven, but from his
Church on earth; and heaven is for the Church, not the Church for
heaven." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)
human is lasting; but the Church's ceaseless duration will excite the
spleen of incredulity and baffle all its calculations. Persecutions,
heresies, schisms, apostasies, and scandals - all will strive to work
her ruin; but she will survive them all. The descendants of her
bitterest foes will call her mother. Thrones and dynasties, nations, and
even whole races, will be carried away by the tide of time, she alone
will subsist throughout the ages, stretching out her arms to receive all
men, teaching ever the same truths, repeating, even to the last day, the
same symbol of faith, and ever faithful to the instructions given her by
our Risen Jesus during these forty days preceding his Ascension (Acts
1:3)." (Gueranger)
world goes on its laborious way, proud of its riches, of its power, of
its arms, of its genius; the Church goes onward along the course of ages
with an even step, trusting in God only, to Whom, day and night, she
lifts her eyes and her suppliant hands. Even though in her prudence she
neglects not the human aid which Providence and the times afford her,
not in these does she put her trust, which rests in prayer, in
supplication, in the invocation of God. Thus it is that she renews her
vital breath; the diligence of her prayer has caused her, in her
aloofness from worldly things and in her continual union with the Divine
will, to live the tranquil and peaceful life of Our very Lord Jesus
Christ; being herself the image of Christ, Whose happy and perpetual joy
was hardly marred by the horror of the torments He endured for us. This
important doctrine of Christian wisdom has been ever believed and
practiced by Christians worthy of the name." (Pope Leo XIII, "Octobri
Mense", 1891)
Church, instituted by the Lord and confirmed by the Apostles, is one for
all men; but the frantic folly of the diverse impious sects has cut them
off from her. It cannot be denied that this tearing asunder of the faith
has arisen from the defect of poor intelligence, which twists what is
read to confirm to its opinion, instead of adjusting its opinion to the
meaning of what is read. However, while individual parties fight among
themselves, the Church stands revealed not only by her own doctrines,
but by those also of her adversaries. And although they are all ranged
against her, she confutes the most wicked error which they all share, by
the very fact that she is alone and one. All the heretics, therefore,
come against the Church; but while all the heretics can conquer each
other, they can win nothing for themselves. For their victory is the
triumph of the Church over all of them. One heresy struggles against
that teaching of another, which the faith of the Church has already
condemned in the other heresy, - for there is nothing which the heretics
hold in common, - and the result is that they affirm our faith while
fighting among themselves." (St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the
Church, c. 356 A.D.)
these ages sped, the Church of God, though afflicted by many a disaster
and social upheaval, torn by many a heresy and schism, anguished by the
treason of her followers and by the disloyalty of her sons,
nevertheless, trusting in the promises of her Founder, while human
institutions of varying origin that surrounded her fell in ruins, not
only stood safe and unharmed, but also in every age glowed with brighter
beauty in noble lives of holiness and devotion, while in many Christians
she made the fire of charity burn with growing heat. Moreover, thanks to
her missionaries and martyrs she brought into her Fold fresh nations,
among whom the pristine glory of virginity renews its bloom and the rank
of priest and Bishop keeps its vigor. In fine, so deeply has she imbued
all peoples with her spirit of charity and justice, that the very men
who treat her with indifference or hostility, cannot refrain from
borrowing her way of speaking and acting." (Pope Pius XI, "Ad
Salutem", 1930)
holy Roman Church! Thou hast for ever put thy trust in the Lord; and He,
faithful to His promise, has humbled before thee the haughty ones that
defied thee, and the proud cities that were against thee. Where now are
the Caesars, who boasted that they had drowned thee in thine own blood?
Where the emperors, who would ravish the inviolate virginity of thy
faith? Where the heretics, who, during the past centuries of thine
existence, have assailed every article of thy teaching and denied what
they listed? Where the ungrateful princes, who would fain make a slave
of thee, who hast made them what they were? Where that empire of
Mahomet, which has so many times raged against thee, for that thou, the
defenseless State, did arrest the pride of its conquests? Where the
reformers, who were bent on giving the world a Christianity, in which
thou was to have no part? Where the more modern sophists, in whose
philosophy thou wast set down as a system that had been tried, and was a
failure, and is now a ruin? And those kings who are acting the tyrant
over thee, and those people that will have liberty independently and at
the risk of truth, where will they be in another hundred years? Gone and
forgotten as the noisy anger of a torrent; whilst thou, O holy Church of
Rome, built on the immovable rock, wilt be as calm, as young, as
unwrinkled as ever. Thy path through all the ages of this world's
duration, will be right as that of the just man; thou wilt ever be the
same unchanging Church, as thou hast been during the [two thousand]
years past, whilst everything else under the sun has been but change.
Whence this thy stability, but from Him who is very truth and justice?
Glory be to Him in thee!" (Dom Gueranger)
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the preservation of the moral order neither the laws and sanctions of
the temporal power are sufficient, nor is the beauty of virtue and the
expounding of its necessity. Religious authority must enter in to
enlighten the mind, to direct the will, and to strengthen human frailty
by the assistance of divine grace. Such an authority is found nowhere
save in the Church instituted by Christ the Lord." (Pope Pius XI,
"Casti Connubii", 1930)
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Law vs. Modern Law |
The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate | The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless
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Origin of the Catholic Church | No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith
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Unshakable Church
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