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All Plausible
if Contrary Excluded |
will become plausible, if you read all that can be said in its favor,
and exclude all that can be said against it." (Cardinal Newman)
See: Truth / Error / Nature of Man
| Duty
to Reject Strange Doctrine
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Anathema is an Act of Love
Also See:
Love /
Charity (Topic Page)
anathema is an act of love of God because it condemns the offense
against God which lies in the distortion of Christian revelation and of
the teaching of the holy Church, and because it officially unmasks error
as error. The protection of the divine Revelation has been entrusted to
the holy Church, and to fulfill this holy trust is a central act of holy
obedience and of love for divine truth, and indeed for God Himself. And
it is an act of sublime love of neighbor to protect the faithful from
the poison of false teachings, for it is far more important and higher
objective good for man to remain in the truth faith, than to be relieved
in his physical or psychic sufferings. The anathema is for men in statu
viae (in their pilgrimage through life) something which protects that
greatest good, which is so important for the salvation of their souls.
It is thus a very great act of love because it protects the faithful
from the deceits of heretics, who speak in the name of the Church,
especially when they hold a position of authority and thus belong to the
ecclesia docens (the teaching Church). These heretics are listened to
which much sympathy and openness by the simple believing layman, and
this makes it quite easy to seduce him to error and to poison his faith.
Is it not a more fundamental, deeper act of love of neighbor to protect
the faithful by unmasking heretics - and suspending them if they hold
any office of authority - than to protect men against a plague, or to
mitigate their poverty, or even to eliminate social injustice?... And
even for him who is condemned it is an act of the greatest love of
neighbor. It is for him like the knife of a surgeon which cuts away the
cancer of a patient. It is a fully earnest admonition, an enlightenment
as to his errors, an invitation to return to the truth. It protects him
from completely lapsing into heresy without fully realizing it - it
enables him to grasp the full incompatibility of his theses with the
teaching of the holy Church, to feel the significance of his error, and
with terrible seriousness it forces him to decide 'for or against God
and His holy Church.'" (Von Hildebrand) Also
See: Flattery
Confirms Sinners | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | We
Must Not Refrain From Correcting Our Neighbor | Gospel
Doesn't Support False Tolerance | Heresy/Heretics
& Schism/Schismatics
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to Be a Bad Catholic Than a Good Protestant?
Also See:
Those Outside the Church (Topic Page)
"[P]eople often say: 'it is
better to be a good Protestant than a bad Catholic.' That is not true.
That would mean, at bottom, that one could be saved without the true faith.
No! A
bad Catholic remains a child of the family, although a prodigal, and
however great a sinner he may be, he still has the right to mercy.
Through his faith, a bad Catholic is nearer to God than a
Protestant is, for
he is a member of the household, whereas the heretic is not. And how
hard it is to make him become one!" (St. Peter Julian Eymard) Also
See: Against
Religious Indifferentism | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Cannot
Have God For Father Without Church For Mother | Protestantism
is Not Another Equally Pleasing Form of the Same Christian
Religion | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners
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Calls to
Wandering /
Lost Sheep |
pained by the injustice and downcast in fatherly sorrow, it is so far
from Our thought to repulse or to disown children who have been
miserably deceived and have strayed so far from the truth and salvation
that We cannot but invite them with all possible solicitude to return to
the maternal bosom of the Church. May they lend ready ears to Our voice,
may they return whence they have left, to the home that is truly their
Father's, and may they stand firm there where their own place is"
(Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno", 1931 A.D.)
ask each and every one of them to correspond to the interior movements
of grace, and to seek to withdraw form the state in which they cannot be
sure of their salvation. For even though by an unconscious desire and
longing they have a certain relationship with the Mystical Body of the
Redeemer, they still remain deprived of those many heavenly gifts and
helps which can only be enjoyed in the Catholic Church... We wait for
them with open and outstretched arms to come not to a stranger's house,
but to their own, their father's house." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis
Christi", 1943 A.D.)
at the present moment all of us ought to make still further disseminate far and wide the better knowledge and love of Jesus
Christ by teaching, persuading, exhorting, if perchance our voice can be
heard; and this, not so much to those who are ever ready to listen
willingly to Christian teachings, but to those most unfortunate men who,
whilst professing the Christian name, live strangers to the faith and
love of Christ. For these we feel the profoundest pity: these above all
would we urge to think seriously of their present life and what its
consequences will be if they do not repent. The greatest of all
misfortunes is never to have known Jesus Christ: yet such a state is
free from the sin of obstinacy and ingratitude. But first to have known
Him, and afterwards to deny or forget Him, is a crime so foul and so
insane that it seems impossible for any man to be guilty of it."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus", 1900 A.D.)
is on this account that many of those We allude to men of sound judgment
and seeking after truth, have looked to the Catholic Church for the sure
way of salvation; for they clearly understand that they could never be
united to Jesus Christ as their head if they were not members of His
body, which is the Church; nor really acquire the true Christian faith
if they rejected the legitimate teaching confided to Peter and his
successors. Such men as these have recognized in the Church of Rome the
form and image of the true Church, which is clearly made manifest by the
marks of God, her Author, placed upon her: and not a few who were
possessed with penetrating judgment and a special talent for historical
research, have shown forth in their remarkable writings the
uninterrupted succession of the Church of Rome from the apostles, the
integrity of her doctrine, and the consistency of her rule and
discipline. With the example of such men before you, Our heart appeals
to you even more than Our words: to you, Our Brethren, who for three
centuries and more differ from Us on Christian faith; and to you all
likewise, who in later times, for any reason whatsoever, have turned
away from Us: Let us all meet in the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God. Suffer that We should invite you to the
unity which has ever existed in the Catholic Church and can never fail;
suffer that We should lovingly hold out Our hand to you. The Church, as
the common mother of all, has long been calling you back to her; the
Catholics of the world await you with brotherly love, that you may
render holy worship to God together with us, united in perfect charity
by the profession of one Gospel, one faith, and one hope." (Pope
Leo XIII, "Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae", 1894 A.D.)
Christ has said of Himself We may truly repeat of Ourselves: 'Other
sheep I have that are not of this fold: them also I must bring and they
shall hear my voice' (John x., 16). Let all those, therefore, who
detest the wide-spread irreligion of our times, and acknowledge and
confess Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and the Savior of the human
race, but who have wandered away from the Spouse [the Church], listen to
Our voice. Let them not refuse to obey Our paternal charity. Those who
acknowledge Christ must acknowledge Him wholly and entirely. 'The
Head and the Body are Christ wholly and entirely. The Head is the
only-begotten Son of God, the Body is His Church; the Bridegroom and the
Bride, two in one flesh. All who dissent from the Scriptures concerning
Christ, although they may be found in all places in which the Church is
found, are not in the Church; and again all those who agree with the
Scriptures concerning the Head, and do not communicate in the unity of
the Church, are not in the Church' (S. Augustinus, Contra
Donatistas Epistola, sive De Unit. Eccl., cap. iv., n. 7). And with the
same yearning Our soul goes out to those whom the foul breath of
irreligion has not entirely corrupted, and who at least seek to have the
true God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, as their Father. Let such as
these take counsel with themselves, and realize that they can in no wise
be counted among the children of God, unless they take Christ Jesus as
their Brother, and at the same time the Church as their mother. We
lovingly address to all the words of St. Augustine: 'Let us love
the Lord our God; let us love His Church; the Lord as our Father, the
Church as our Mother. Let no one say, I go indeed to idols, I consult
fortune-tellers and soothsayers; but I leave not the Church of God: I am
a Catholic. Clinging to thy Mother, thou offendest thy Father. Another,
too, says: 'Far be it from me; I do not consult fortune-telling, I seek
not soothsaying, I seek not profane divinations, I go not to the worship
of devils, I serve not stones: but I am on the side of Donatus.' What
doth it profit thee not to offend the Father, who avenges an offence
against the Mother? What doth it profit to confess the Lord, to honor
God, to preach Him, to acknowledge His Son, and to confess that He sits
on the right hand of the Father, if you blaspheme His Church?... If you
had a beneficent friend, whom you honored daily - and even once
calumniated his spouse, would you ever enter his house? Hold fast,
therefore, O dearly beloved, hold fast altogether God as your Father,
and the Church as your Mother' (Enarratio in Psal. lxxxviii., sermo
ii., n. 14)." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis Cognitum", 1896
See: Calls
to Repentance | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | No
Repentance is Too Late | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Fallen
Away Catholics / Those Who Leave the Church
| Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Zeal
for Souls | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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Not Living Their Faith Will Be Swept Away |
Catholic who does not live really and sincerely according to the Faith
he professes will not long be master of himself in these days when the
winds of strife and persecution blow so fiercely, but will be swept away
defenseless in this new deluge which threatens the world. And, thus,
while he is preparing his own ruin, he is exposing to ridicule the very
name of Christian." (Pope Pius XI, "Divini Redemptoris")
See: Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Fallen
Away Catholics | Cannot
Live as One Chooses | Against
'Cafeteria Catholicism' | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | No
Peace When We Wander From God | Those
Not in the State of Grace May Not Receive Holy Communion | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | No
Repentance is Too Late | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Penance
(Sacraments/Reflections) | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment
Also See:
Hell / Eternal
Damnation (Topic Page)
to Augustine (De Civitate Dei xxi, 20,21), there have been some who
predicted a delivery from eternal punishment not for all men, but only
for Christians, although they stated the matter in different ways. For
some said that whoever received the sacraments of faith would be immune
from eternal punishment. But this is contrary to the truth, since some
receive the sacraments of faith, and yet have not faith, without which 'it is impossible to please God' (Hebrews 11:6). Wherefore
others said that those alone will be exempt from eternal punishment who
have received the sacraments of faith, and professed the Catholic faith.
But against this it would seem to be that at one time some people
profess the Catholic faith, and afterwards abandon it, and these are
deserving not of a lesser but of a greater punishment, since according
to 2 Peter 2:21, 'it had been better for them not to have known the
way of justice than, after they have known it, to turn back.'
Moreover it is clear that heresiarchs who renounce the Catholic faith
and invent new heresies sin more grievously than those who have
conformed to some heresy from the first. And therefore some have
maintained that those alone are exempt from eternal punishment, who
persevere to the end in the Catholic faith, however guilty they may have
been of other crimes. But this is clearly contrary to Holy Writ, for it
is written (James 2:20): 'Faith without works is dead,' and
(Matthew 7:21) 'Not every one that saith to Me, Lord, Lord, shall
enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of My Father
Who is in heaven': and in many other passages Holy Scripture
threatens sinners with eternal punishment. Consequently those who
persevere in the faith unto the end will not all be exempt from eternal
punishment, unless in the end they prove to be free from other
crimes." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and
"greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
See: Catholics
Not Living Their Faith Will Be Swept Away | Fallen
Away Catholics | No
Repentance is Too Late | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Penance
(Sacraments/Reflections) | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Catholic
Basics | Fear
of the Lord (Topical Scripture) | Hell
(Topical Scripture) | Repentance
(Topical Scripture)
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Searching After Obstinate Sheep |
wandering sheep, obstinate sheep, are offended because we run after
them, as if their wandering made them cease to be ours. - Why dost thou
call us? They say; why dost thou peruse us? - But the very reason of our
cries and our anguish is that they are running into their ruin. - If I
am lost, if I die, what is it to thee? What does thou want with me? -
What I want is to call thee back from thy wandering; what I desire is to
snatch thee from death. - But what if I will to wander? What if I will
to be lost? - Thou willest to wander? Thou willest to be lost? How much
more earnestly do I wish it not! Yea, I dare to say it, I am
importunate; for I hear the Apostle saying: 'Preach the word: be instant
in season, out of season' (cf. 2 Tm. iv. 2). In season, when they are
willing; out of season, when they are unwilling. Yes then, I am
importunate: thou willest to perish, I will it not. And he wills it not,
who threatened the shepherds saying: 'That which was driven away you
have not brought again, neither have you sought that which was lost.' Am
I to fear thee more than Him? I fear thee not; the tribunal of [yours]
cannot take the place of Christ's judgment seat, before which we must
all appear. Whether thou will it or not, I shall call back the wandering
sheep, I shall seek the lost sheep. The thorns may tear me; but however
narrow the opening may be, it shall not check my pursuit; I will beat
every bush, as long as the Lord gives me strength; so only I can get to
thee wherever thou strivest to perish." (St. Augustine, Doctor of
the Church)
See: Calls
to Wandering / Lost Sheep | Calls
to Repentance | No
Repentance is Too Late | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | The
Anathema is an Act of Love | Zeal
for Souls | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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Also See:
Becoming a Catholic / Converting (Topic Page)
"There is no happiness in the world
comparable to that of the experience known as conversion."
(Benson) "The Church is a house with a hundred
gates: and no two men enter at exactly the same angle." (Chesterton) "There are in truth three states of the
converted: the beginning, the middle, and the perfection. In the
beginning the experience the charms of sweetness, in the middle
the contests of temptation, and in the end the plenitude of
perfection." (Pope St. Gregory I, Doctor of the Church, 6th century A.D.) "Oh, long sought after, tardily found, desire of the eyes, joy of the heart, the truth after many shadows, the
fullness after many foretastes, the home after many storms, come to her poor wanderers, for she it is and she alone, who can unfold the meaning of your being and the secret of your destiny. She alone can open to you the gate of heaven and put you on your way." (Cardinal Newman) "God has not chosen every one to salvation:
it is a rare gift to be a Catholic; it may be offered to us once
in our lives and never again; and, if we have not seized on the
accepted time, nor know in our day the things which are for our
peace, oh, the misery for us! What shall we be
able to say when death comes, and we are not converted, and it is
directly and immediately our own doing that we are not?"
(Cardinal Newman) Also
See: Conversion
/ Repentance | Calls
to Repentance | No
Repentance is Too Late | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Some
Don't Want To Convert Because They Want to Continue in Their
Sinful Ways | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Religion
and Peace / Happiness | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Zeal
for Souls | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Tips
for Apologists | Non-Catholics
(apologetics) | Catholic
Basics | Conversion
(Topical Scripture)
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Not Despair of Salvation of Those Still Living |
"...the grace of God encourages us never to
despair of anyone's salvation while he lives" (Pope Pius XI,
"Ad Salutem", 1930 A.D.) "We need not despair of any man, as long as
he lives." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
"To the one who still remains in this
world, no repentance is too late." (St. Cyprian of Carthage)
See: Do
Not Despair of the Living | None
Should Presume Their Own Salvation or Despair of Neighbor's
Salvation | Calls
to Repentance | Conversion
/ Repentance | No
Repentance is Too Late | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | Fallen
Away Catholics | Better
to Be a Bad Catholic Than a Good Protestant? | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Zeal
for Souls | Penance
(Sacraments/Reflections) | Tips
for Apologists
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vs. Flatterers |
in this way especially does a friend differ from a flatterer: The
Flatterer speaks to give pleasure, but the friend refrains from nothing,
even that which causes pain." (St. Basil the Great, Doctor of
the Church)
See: The
Anathema is an Act of Love | Flattery
Confirms Sinners | Gospel
Doesn't Support False Tolerance | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Those
Who Mention Only Jesus' Clemency | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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Doesn't Support False Tolerance |
modern theory that you should always treat the religious convictions of
other people with profound respect finds no support in the Gospels.
Mutual tolerance of religious views is the product not of faith, but of
doubt." {Lunn}
is the fashion in some quarters to first put aside the divinity of Jesus
Christ, and then to mention only His unlimited clemency, His compassion
for all human miseries and His pressing exhortations to the love of our
neighbor and to the brotherhood of men. True, Jesus has loved us with an
immense, infinite love... But for the realization of this temporal and
eternal happiness, He has laid down with supreme authority the condition
that we must belong to His flock, that we must accept His doctrine, that
we must practice virtue, and that we must accept the teaching and
guidance of Peter and his successors. Further, while Jesus was kind to
sinners and to those who went astray, He did not respect their false
ideas, however sincere they might have appeared. He loved them all, but
He instructed them in order to convert them and save them." (Pope
St. Pius X, Our Apostolic Mandate)
See: Duty
to Profess / Defend the Faith | Duty
to Reject Strange Doctrine | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | The
Anathema is an Act of Love | One
Should Not Be Open Minded to Error | We
Must Not Refrain From Correcting Our Neighbor | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Non-Association
with Heretics / Schismatics | Novel
Teachings Are Forbidden | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Heresy
/ Error (Topical Scripture)
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Knowledge / Greater Blame |
there is the greater gift of knowledge, there the transgressor lies
under the greater blame." (St. Bede the Venerable, Doctor of the
See: Ignorance
| Duty
to Profess / Defend the Faith | One
Should Not Be Open Minded to Error | Truth
& the Nature of Man | Truth
is Unchanging | We
Must Persevere
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Ignorance |
many and how grave are the consequences of ignorance in matters of
religion!" (Pope St. Pius X, "Acerbo Nimis", 1905 A.D.)
the food of heresy" (Liturgical Year)
matters of religion, the majority of men in our times must be considered
uninstructed." (Pope St. Pius X, "Acerbo Nimis", 1905
worst of poverties is the ignorance of divine truths, because it would
make a man poor and miserable for eternity" (Gueranger)
is hardly surprising that so many lapse from the Faith when they have
not been taught what the Faith is." (Davies)
can that be true happiness which has no assurance of lasting in
eternity, while the soul either in ignorance of the truth does not know
what misery is approaching, or is, in its happiness, unhappily
terrified?" (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church, c. 420 A.D.)
above all, know that many evils generally arise from ignorance of divine
matters essential for salvation. Hence, you will understand that it
behooves you to use every care and diligence that so detrimental a
condition be prevented." (Pope Pius IX, "Quanto Conficiamur
is rather ignorance than ill-will which keeps multitudes away from Jesus
Christ. There are many who study humanity and the natural world; few who
study the Son of God. The first step, then, is to substitute knowledge
for ignorance, so that He may no longer be despised or rejected because
He is unknown." (Pope Leo XIII, "Tametsi Futura
Prospicientibus", 1900 A.D.)
declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal
punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of
those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be
numbered among the elect." (Pope Benedict XIV, as cited by Pope St.
Pius X in "Acerbo Nimis", 1905 A.D.)
does ignorance of God beget us? Despair! A man who ponders all the evil
he has done becomes anxious about himself. If he does not know how good
and forgiving the Lord is, how willing to forgive and welcome him back,
he falls into despair and becomes impenitent. He does not realize that
Omnipotent Goodness could manage all his affairs, not wanting anyone to
perish but that the sinner could be converted and live." (St.
Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church)
man who walks with open eyes may, indeed, turn aside from the right
path, but a blind man is in much more imminent danger of wandering away.
Furthermore, there is always some hope for a reform of perverse conduct
so long as the light of faith is not entirely extinguished; but if lack
of faith is added to depraved morality because of ignorance, the evil
hardly admits of remedy, and the road to ruin lies open. How many and
how grave are the consequences of ignorance in matters of religion! And
on the other hand, how necessary and how beneficial is religious
instruction! It is indeed vain to expect a fulfillment of the duties of
a Christian by one who does not even know them." (Pope St. Pius X,
"Acerbo Nimis", 1905 A.D.)
this Apostolic Center of the Church of Christ, We turn Our eyes toward
those who, unfortunately in great numbers, are either ignorant of Christ
and His Redemption or do not follow in their entirety His teachings, or
who are separated from the unity of His Church and thus are without His
Fold, although they too have been called by Christ to membership in His
Church. The Vicar of the Good Shepherd, seeing so many of his sheep gone
astray, cannot but recall and make his own the simple but expressive
words of Christ, words which are permeated through and through by the
longings born of divine desire: 'And other sheep I have, that are
not of this fold: them also I must bring.' (John x, 16) He cannot
but rejoice in the wonderful prophecy which filled even the Sacred Heart
of Jesus with joy. 'And they shall hear my voice, and there shall
be one fold and one shepherd.' May God, and We join with you and
with all the faithful in this prayer, shortly bring to fulfillment His
prophecy by transforming this consoling vision of the future into a
present reality." (Pope Pius XI, "Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio",
1922 A.D.)
answer that, Ignorance differs from nescience, in that nescience denotes
mere absence of knowledge; wherefore whoever lacks knowledge about
anything, can be said to be nescient about it: in which sense Dionysius
puts nescience in the angels (De Coelesti Hierarchia vii). On the other
hand, ignorance denotes privation of knowledge, i.e. lack of knowledge
of those things that one has a natural aptitude to know. Some of these
we are under an obligation to know, those, to wit, without the knowledge
of which we are unable to accomplish a due act rightly. Wherefore all
are bound in common to know the articles of faith, and the universal
principles of right, and each individual is bound to know matters
regarding his duty or state. Meanwhile there are other things which a
man may have a natural aptitude to know, yet he is not bound to know
them, such as the geometrical theorems, and contingent particulars,
except in some individual case. Now it is evident that whoever neglects
to have or do what he ought to have or do, commits a sin of omission.
Wherefore through negligence, ignorance of what one is bound to know, is
a sin; whereas it is not imputed as a sin to man, if he fails to know
what he is unable to know. Consequently ignorance of such like things is
called invincible, because it cannot be overcome by study. For this
reason such like ignorance, not being voluntary, since it is not in our
power to be rid of it, is not a sin: wherefore it is evident that no
invincible ignorance is a sin. On the other hand, vincible ignorance is
a sin, if it be about matters one is bound to know; but not, if it be
about things one is not bound to know." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor
of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the
See: Ignorance
/ Sin | Invincible
Ignorance | Those
Who Do Not Wish To See / Hear | False
Opinions Influence / Pervert Actions | Truth / Error / Nature of Man
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Laments |
it is impossible to think of such a large portion of mankind deviating,
as it were, from the right path, as they move away from Us, and not
experience a sentiment of innermost grief." (Pope Leo XIII, "Praeclara
Gratulationis Publicae", 1894 A.D.)
it is one of the most painful and grievous sights to see so many souls,
redeemed by the blood of Christ, snatched from salvation by the
whirlwind of an age of error, precipitated into the abyss of eternal
death." (Pope Leo XIII, "Supremi Apostolatus Officio",
1883 A.D.)
manifold sins committed by the Church's children against the divine
precept show that they who so sin are rotten members, members alien to
the body of Christ. Nevertheless the Church forgets not that she gave
them birth in the laver of salvation; she forgets not the promises they
then made to renounce the devil, and the pomps of the world, and all
sin. Therefore does she weep over their fall, being their true mother,
and never losing the hope of winning their resurrection by her tears. O
what a flood of tears is thus every day shed before God! What fervent
prayers does this spotless virgin send, by the ministry of the holy
angels, up to Christ, who is the salvation of sinners!" (St.
Laurence Justinian)
we recall with grateful hearts, as is only fitting, these and other
outstanding gains, which the divine mercy has bestowed on the church
especially by means of the last ecumenical synod [the
Council of Trent], we cannot subdue the
bitter grief that we feel at most serious evils, which have largely
arisen either because the authority of the sacred synod was held in
contempt by all too many, or because its wise decrees were neglected.
Everybody knows that those heresies, condemned by the fathers of Trent,
which rejected the divine magisterium of the Church and allowed
religious questions to be a matter for the judgment of each individual,
have gradually collapsed into a multiplicity of sects, either at
variance or in agreement with one another; and by this means a good many
people have had all faith in Christ destroyed. Indeed even the holy
Bible itself, which they at one time claimed to be the sole source and
judge of the Christian faith, is no longer held to be divine, but they
begin to assimilate it to the inventions of myth... With this impiety
spreading in every direction, it has come about, alas, that many even
among the children of the Catholic Church have strayed from the path of
genuine piety, and as the truth was gradually diluted in them, their
Catholic sensibility was weakened. Led away by diverse and strange
teachings and confusing nature and grace, human knowledge and divine
faith, they are found to distort the genuine sense of the dogmas which
holy mother Church holds and teaches, and to endanger the integrity and
genuineness of the faith." (First Vatican Council)
are well aware, venerable brothers, of the many misfortunes which now
afflict the Catholic Church. You know, too, that holy religion is being
attacked by the pollution of errors of every kind and by the unbridled
rashness of renegades. At the same time heretics and unbelievers attempt
by cleverness and deceit to pervert the hearts and minds of the faithful
You are aware...that practically no effort has been left
untried in the attempt to overthrow the unshakeable building of the holy
city. In particular, We are obliged, alas! to see the wicked enemies of
truth spread everywhere unpunished. They harass religion with ridicule,
the Church with insults, and Catholics with arrogance and calumny. They
even enter cities and towns, establish schools of error and impiety, and
publish their poisonous teachings which are adapted to secret deceit by
misusing the natural sciences and recent discoveries. Furthermore they
enter the hovels of the poor, traverse the countryside, and seek the
acquaintance of the farmers and the lowest classes. They try every
method of attracting the uneducated, especially the youth, to their
sects, and of making them desert the Catholic faith, whether by means of
Bibles inaccurately translated into the vernacular, pestilential
newspapers and pamphlets of little weight, or by seductive speeches,
pretended charity, and gifts of money. There is hardly any uncivilized
district left in the entire world to which headquarters of the main
societies of heretics and unbelievers have not sent scouts and
emissaries without counting the cost. These men, by waging secret or
open war on the Catholic religion and its pastors and ministers, tear
the faithful from the bosom of the Church and prevent unbelievers from
entering it." (Pope Gregory XVI, "Probe Nostis", 1840
it is yet more to be lamented, Venerable Brethren, that among the
faithful themselves, washed in Baptism with the blood [of Christ], and
enriched with grace, there are found so many men of every class, who
laboring under an incredible ignorance of Divine things and infected
with false doctrines, far from their Father's home, lead a life involved
in vices, a life which is not brightened by the light of true faith, nor
gladdened by the hope of future beatitude, nor refreshed and cherished
by the fire of charity; so that they truly seem to sit in darkness and
in the shadow of death. Moreover, among the faithful there is a greatly
increasing carelessness of ecclesiastical discipline, and of those
ancient institutions on which all Christian life rests, by which
domestic society is governed, and the sanctity of marriage is
safeguarded; the education of children is altogether neglected, or else
it is depraved by too indulgent blandishments, and the Church is even
robbed of the power of giving the young a Christian education; there is
a sad forgetfulness of Christian modesty especially in the life and the
dress of women; there is an unbridled cupidity of transitory things, a
want of moderation in civic affairs, an unbounded ambition of popular
favor, a depreciation of legitimate authority, and lastly a contempt for
the word of God, whereby faith itself is injured, or is brought into
proximate peril. But all these evils as it were culminate in the
cowardice and the sloth of those who, after the manner of the sleeping
and fleeing disciples, wavering in their faith, miserably forsake Christ
when He is oppressed by anguish or surrounded by the satellites of
Satan, and in the perfidy of those others who following the example of
the traitor Judas, either partake of the holy table rashly and
sacrilegiously, or go over to the camp of the enemy." (Pope Pius
XI, "Miserentissimus Redemptor", 1928 A.D.)
See: Calls
to Repentance | Calls
to Wandering / Lost Sheep | Continued
Searching After Obstinate Sheep | Conversion
/ Repentance | Loss
of the Fear of God | No
Peace When We Wander From God | No
Repentance is Too Late | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | We
Must Persevere | Current
Issues / Catholic News (Reflections) | Scandals
in the Church / Bad Catholics | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Tips
for Apologists
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of the Fear of God |
"The spirit of independence and of false liberty, which is
nowadays so rife amongst us, is a great enemy to the fear of God; and
one of the miseries of our age, is that there is little fear of God.
Familiarity with God but too frequently usurps the place of that
essential basis of the Christian life. The result is, that there is no
progress in virtue, such people are a prey to illusion; and the
sacraments, which previously worked so powerfully in their souls, are
now well-nigh unproductive. The reason is, that the gift of fear has
been superceded by a conceited self-complacency. Humility has no further
sway; a secret and habitual pride has paralyzed the soul; and seeing
that these people scout the very idea of their ever trembling before the
great God of heaven, we may well ask them if they know who God is."
See: Fear
of the Lord / Habitual Sins | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Fear
of the Lord (Topical Scripture) | Sin
(Topical Scripture) | Judgment
(Topical Scripture) | Hell
(Topical Scripture)
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One Can Be Certain That He Will Be Saved |
"Can. 15. If anyone shall say that a man
who is born again and justified is bound by faith to believe that
he is assuredly in the number of the predestined: let him be
anathema." (Council of Trent)
"Can. 16. If anyone shall say that he will
for certain with an absolute and infallible certainty have that
great gift of perseverance up to the end, unless he shall have
learned this by a special revelation: let him be anathema."
(Council of Trent)
"Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win. Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one. Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be
disqualified." (St. Paul, 1 Cor. 9:24-27)
See: None
Should Presume Their Own Salvation or Despair of Neighbor's
Salvation | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Those
Who Mention Only Jesus' Clemency | We
Must Persevere | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Catholic
Basics | Non-Catholics
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Should Presume Their Own Salvation or Despair of Neighbor's
Salvation |
be very many come to the faith, yet but few arrive at the heavenly
kingdom; many follow God in words, but shun Him in their lives. Whereof
spring two things to be thought upon. The first, that none should
presume ought concerning himself; for though he be called to the faith,
he knows not whether he shall be chosen to the kingdom. Secondly, that
none should despair of his neighbor, even though he see him lying in
vices; because he knows not the riches of the Divine mercy." (St.
Gregory of Nazianzus, Doctor of the Church)
See: No
One Can Be Certain That He Will Be Saved | Do
Not Despair of Salvation of Those Still Living | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | We
Must Persevere
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Who Calls Himself Catholic But is Actually No Longer Catholic |
faith is rare. Pride of intellect is at its height, and docility to the
Church's teachings is far from being general. A man calls himself a
Christian and a Catholic, and yet he has his own views upon certain
subjects, which he would very reluctantly give up, where they to be
condemned by the only authority on earth which has the power to guide us
in what we are to hold or reject in matters pertaining to faith. He
reads dangerous, sometimes even bad, books, without thinking of
inquiring if the laws of the Church forbid such books. His religious
instruction has been of a very meager kind, and he seems to wish it to
remain so, for he takes no pains to come to a solid and perfect
knowledge of his religion; the result is, that his mind is filled with
the fashionable prejudices of the world he lives in, and, on more than
one point, he may depend upon his having imbibed heretical notions. He
is looked upon as a Catholic; he satisfies the exterior obligations of
his religion, either because of his early training, or because the rest
of his family does so, or because he feels more satisfied to do than to
omit them: and yet - how sad it is to say it! - he is not a Catholic,
for his faith is gone." (Gueranger)
See: Who
Really is a Christian / Truly Following & Believing in Christ
| Against
'Cafeteria Catholicism' | Catholics
Not Living Their Faith Will Be Swept Away | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Those
Not in the State of Grace May Not Receive Holy Communion | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Fallen
Away Catholics | We
Must Persevere
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The Purpose
of Life |
sole purpose of life in time is to gain merit for life in
eternity." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church) "God
made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to
be happy with Him forever in the next." (Baltimore Catechism)
See: Religion
and Peace / Happiness | No
Peace When We Wander From God | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | We
Must Persevere | Catholic
Basics | Our
Father's Love
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and Peace / Happiness |
what else is it to live happily, except to know that one has something
eternally?" (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy
the heart?" (St. Gerard Majella)
is no good capable of making any rational or intellectual creature happy
except God." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
greater blessing could we have than to come to the knowledge of
God?" (Gueranger)
would he not give to his children who ask, since he has already granted
them the gift of being his children?" (St. Augustine, Doctor of the
is a strange thing: I have met plenty of people who repented at not
having loved God. Never have I met one who repented of having loved
him." (St. John Vianney)
can that be true happiness which has no assurance of lasting in
eternity, while the soul either in ignorance of the truth does not know
what misery is approaching, or is, in its happiness, unhappily
terrified?" (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church, c. 420 A.D.)
you would be wise, recognize that you were created for God's glory and
your own eternal salvation, that this is your end, this is the center of
your soul, this the treasure of your heart. If you reach this end, you
will be happy. If you fall short of it, you will be
wretched." (St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church)
gift of God either to individuals or to nations is greater than to
receive by His grace the Catholic faith, and having received it, to keep
it with perseverance. This gift contains an abundance of other gifts by
means of which individual persons receive both eternal happiness in
heaven and greatness and prosperity for their state on earth."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Quod Multum", 1886 A.D.)
let them be convinced that nowhere, even on earth, can they find full
happiness save with Him who, being rich, became poor for our sakes that
through His poverty we might become rich, Who was poor and in labors
from His youth, Who invited to Himself all that labor and are heavily
burdened that He might refresh them fully in the love of His heart, and
Who, lastly, without any respect for persons will require more of them
to whom more has been given and 'will render to everyone according
to his conduct.'" (Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno",
1931 A.D.)
See: The
Purpose of Life | Nothing
More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church | No
Peace When We Wander From God | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Catholic
Basics | Our
Father's Love | Why
I Love Being Catholic | Feed
Your Faith
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Devote Greater Solicitude For Soul Than For Body |
are many people who exert greater care for their bodies than they do for
their soul. But they should devote a greater solicitude for their soul,
where the image of God is. When the flesh, which they have loved so
much, begins to be devoured by worms in the grave, the soul is presented
to God by the angels in heaven. Then, if it has been good, it is
crowned; but if evil, it will be cast out into darkness."
(St. Caesar of Arles)
See: The
Purpose of Life | We
Must Attend To Our Own Souls | No
Peace When We Wander From God | The
Worth of One Saved Soul | Zeal
for Souls | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | We
Must Persevere | Tough
Love in the New Testament | Catholic
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Considering Their Deserved Punishment Would Prefer That There Be
Nothing After Death
Also See:
Hell / Eternal
Damnation (Topic Page)
am not ignorant of the fact that many, in the consciousness of what they
deserve, would rather hope than actually believe that there is nothing
for them after death. They would prefer to be annihilated rather than be
restored for punishment. Nor is there either measure or end to these
torments...just as the fires of Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius and of
burning lands everywhere blaze without being wasted; so also that fiery
punishment is fed not by consuming those who burn, but is nourished by
the unending eating away of their bodies. That they who do not know God
are deservedly tortured for their impiety and injustice, none but a
godless man can doubt; for the crime of not knowing the Author of all
and Lord of all is not less than that of offending Him." (Minucius
Felix, 3rd century A.D.)
See: Calls
to Repentance | Conversion
/ Repentance | No
Repentance is Too Late | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | Sinners
Should Call on Mary | Fallen
Away Catholics | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Penance
(Sacraments/Reflections) | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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Not in the State of Grace May Not Receive Holy Communion
Also See:
Communion (Topic Page)
it is not becoming for anyone to approach any of the sacred functions
except solemnly, certainly, the more the holiness and the divinity of
this heavenly sacrament is understood by a Christian, the more
diligently ought he to take heed lest he approach to receive it without
great reverence and holiness, especially when we read in the
Apostle those words full of terror: 'He that eateth and drinketh
unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself not discerning the
body of the Lord' (1 Cor. 11:29). Therefore, the precept, 'Let
a man prove himself' (1 Cor. 11:28), must be recalled to mind by
him who wishes to communicate. Now ecclesiastical usage declares that
this examination is necessary, that no one conscious of mortal sin,
however contrite he may seem to himself, should approach the Holy
Eucharist without a previous sacramental confession. This, the holy
Synod has decreed, is always to be observed by all Christians, even by
those priests on whom by their office it may be incumbent to celebrate,
provided the recourses of a confessor be not lacking to them. But if in
an urgent necessity a priest should celebrate without previous
confession, let him confess as soon as possible."
(Council of Trent)
See: Penance
(Sacraments/Reflections) | Holy
(Sacraments/Reflections) | Sacraments
(Reflections) | Sacraments
Section | Catholics
Not Living Their Faith Will Be Swept Away | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Fallen
Away Catholics | Against
'Cafeteria Catholicism' | Loss
of the Fear of God | Sin
/ Repentance / Forgiveness | The
Church Can Forgive All Sin | Tips
for the Conversion of Sinners | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Those
Who Mention Only Jesus' Clemency | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Who Make Scripture Mean What They Want it to Mean |
prefer to say nothing of men who, like myself, have passed from profane
literature to Biblical study, but who, if they happen once to have
caught men's ears by their ornate sermons, straightway begin to fancy
that whatsoever they say is God's law. Apparently they do not think it
worthwhile to discover what the Prophets and Apostles really meant; they
are content to string together texts made to fit the meaning they want.
One would almost fancy that instead of being a degraded species of
oratory, it must be a fine thing to pervert the meaning of the text and
compel the reluctant Scripture to yield the meaning one wants!"
(St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
See: Personal
Interpretation of Scripture / Rejection of Truth | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture (Scripture Reflections)
| Error
/ Truth | Duty
to Reject Strange Doctrine | Novel
Teachings Are Forbidden | One
Should Not Be Open Minded to Error | False
Opinions Influence / Pervert Actions | Heresy/Heretics
& Schism/Schismatics | Popes
as Preservers of Tradition / Against New Doctrines (Vatican
View Reflections) | Infallibility
(Vatican View) | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Scripture
(Reflections) | Truth
(Topical Scripture) | Heresy
/ Error (Topical Scripture) | Biblical
Societies Rejected
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
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Who Mention Only Jesus' Clemency |
"[I]t is the fashion in
some quarters to first put aside the divinity of Jesus Christ, and then
to mention only His unlimited clemency, His compassion for all human
miseries, and His pressing exhortations to the love of our neighbor and
to the brotherhood of men. True, Jesus has loved us with an immense,
infinite love, and He came on earth to suffer and die so that, gathered
around Him in justice and love, motivated by the same sentiments of
mutual charity, all men might live in peace and happiness. But for the
realization of this temporal and eternal happiness, He has laid down
with supreme authority the condition that we must belong to His flock,
that we must accept His doctrine, that we must practice virtue, and that
we must accept the teaching and guidance of Peter and his successors.
Further, while Jesus was kind to sinners and to those who went astray,
He did not respect their false ideas, however sincere they might have
appeared. He loved them all, but He instructed them in order to convert
them and save them. While He called to Himself in order to comfort them,
those who toiled and suffered, it was not to preach to them the jealousy
of a chimerical equality. While He lifted up the lowly, it was not to
instill in them the sentiment of a dignity independent from, and
rebellious against, the duty of obedience. While His heart overflowed
with gentleness toward the souls of goodwill, He could also arm Himself
with holy indignation against the profaners of the House of God, against
the wretched men who scandalized the little ones, against the
authorities who crush the people with the weight of heavy burdens
without putting out a hand to lift them. He was as strong as he was
gentle. He reproved, threatened, chastised; knowing and teaching us that
fear is the beginning of wisdom, and that it is sometimes proper for a
man to cut off an offending limb to save his body. Finally, He did not
announce for future society the reign of an ideal happiness from which
suffering would be banished; but, by His lessons and by His example, He
traced the path of the happiness which is possible on earth and of
perfect happiness in heaven: the royal way of the Cross." (Pope St.
Pius X, "Notre Charge Apostolique", 1910 A.D.)
See: Tough
Love in the New Testament | No
One Can Be Certain That He Will Be Saved | Christians
Who Do Not Persevere Are Subject To Eternal Punishment | Loss
of the Fear of God | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Fear
of the Lord (Topical Scripture)
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Who Resist Lawful Authority Resist God's Ordering |
"Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves."
(St. Paul, Rom. 13:2)
pains to impress on the Christian people a due obedience and subjection
to rulers and governments. Do this by teaching, in accordance with the
warning of the Apostle, that all authority comes from God. Whoever
resists authority resists the ordering made by God Himself, consequently
achieving his own condemnation; disobeying authority is always sinful
except when an order is given which is opposed to the laws of God and
the Church." (Bl. Pope Pius IX, "Qui Pluribus", 1846
A.D.) Also
See: The
Chair of Peter | Those
Who Reject the Church Reject Christ | Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | Necessity
of Union With the Roman Pontiff (Vatican View Reflections)
| Those
Who Say They Are Not Confided to Peter Confess That They Are Not
Christ's Sheep | Catholic
Life | Vatican
View Section | Priests
& Vocations | Catholic
Basics | Non-Catholics
(apologetics) | Church
(Topical Scripture)
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Delayed St. Augustine's Conversion |
chief reason why I continued to live so long in the errors of the
Manichees and impugned the Catholic Church with so much violence, was
because I thought that all I had heard against the Church was true. But
when I found out that it was all false, I made known this falsehood to
the world, in order to undeceive others who were caught in the same
snare. I mingled joys and blushes, and was ashamed that I had now for so
many years been barking and railing, not against the Catholic faith, but
only against the fictions of my carnal concepts. For so temerarious and
impious was I that those things which I might have learned by Catholics
by inquiry, I charged upon them by accusation. I was readier to impose
falsehood than to be informed of the truth." (St. Augustine, Doctor
of the Church)
See: Conversion
| Recognizing
the True Religion | Truth / Error / Nature of Man
| Catholic
Basics | Non-Catholics
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Really is a Christian / Truly Following & Believing in Christ |
"It will not be out of place to consider
the ancient tradition, teaching and faith of the Catholic Church,
which was revealed by the Lord, proclaimed by the Apostles, and
guarded by the Fathers. For upon this faith the Church is built,
and if anyone were to lapse from it he would no longer be
Christian either in fact or in name." (St. Athanasius, Doctor
of the Church)
"How can a man say he believes in Christ if
he doesn't do what Christ commanded him to do?" (St. Cyprian
of Carthage)
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jn. 14:15)
"Even the
appear to have Christ, for none of them denies the name of Christ;
yet anyone who does not confess all that pertains to Christ does
in fact deny Christ." (St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church)
See: Who
Are Truly Numbered Among the Members of the Church | Those
Not United to the Body of the Church Are Not Her Members or in Communion With Christ
| Those
Who Reject the Church Reject Christ | Those
Gathered Outside the Church of Christ | Those
Not Following Christ / Those Not of Christ | Those
Who Say They Are Not Confided to Peter Confess That They Are Not
Christ's Sheep | Necessity
of Union With the Roman Pontiff (Vatican View Reflections)
| Necessity
of Being Catholic For Salvation | One
Who Calls Himself Catholic But is Actually No Longer Catholic
| Church
(Topical Scripture) | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Worth of One Saved Soul |
"One soul saved is worth more than our
lives." (St. Madeleine Sophie Barat) Also
See: Zeal
for Souls | Should
Devote Greater Solicitude For Soul Than For Body | We
Must Have Charity For All People | Solicitude
For Those Outside the Church | Our
Solicitude & Our Duty to Correct / Rebuke | Catholic
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