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on Scripture |
first it must be clearly understood whom we have to oppose and
contend against, and what are their tactics and their arms. In
earlier times the contest was chiefly with those who, relying on
private judgment and repudiating the divine traditions and
teaching office of the Church, held the Scriptures to be the one
source of revelation and the final appeal in matters of Faith.
Now, we have to meet the Rationalists, true children and
inheritors of the older heretics, who, trusting in their turn to
their own way of thinking, have rejected even the scraps and
remnants of Christian belief which had been handed down to them.
They deny that there is any such thing as revelation or
inspiration, or Holy Scripture at all; they see, instead, only the
forgeries and the falsehoods of men; they set down the Scripture
narratives as stupid fables and lying stories: the prophecies and
the oracles of God are to them either predictions made up after
the event or forecasts formed by the light of nature; the miracles
and the wonders of God's power are not what they are said to be,
but the startling effects of natural law, or else mere tricks and
myths; and the Apostolic Gospels and writings are not the work of
the Apostles at all. These detestable errors, whereby they think
they destroy the truth of the divine Books, are obtruded on the
world as the peremptory pronouncements of a certain newly-invented
'free science;' a science, however, which is so far from final
that they are perpetually modifying and supplementing it. And
there are some of them who, notwithstanding their impious opinions
and utterances about God, and Christ, the Gospels and the rest of
Holy Scripture, would fain be considered both theologians and
Christians and men of the Gospel, and who attempt to disguise by
such honorable names their rashness and their pride. To them we
must add not a few professors of other sciences who approve their
views and give them assistance, and are urged to attack the Bible
by a similar intolerance of revelation. And it is deplorable to
see these attacks growing every day more numerous and more severe.
It is sometimes men of learning and judgment who are assailed; but
these have little difficulty in defending themselves from evil
consequences. The efforts and the arts of the enemy are chiefly
directed against the more ignorant masses of the people. They
diffuse their deadly poison by means of books, pamphlets, and
newspapers; they spread it by addresses and by conversation; they
are found everywhere; and they are in possession of numerous
schools, taken by violence from the Church, in which, by ridicule
and scurrilous jesting, they pervert the credulous and unformed
minds of the young to the contempt of Holy Scripture. Should not
these things, Venerable Brethren, stir up and set on fire the
heart of every Pastor, so that to this 'knowledge, falsely so
called,' may be opposed the ancient and true science which the
Church, through the Apostles, has received from Christ, and that
Holy Scripture may find the champions that are needed in so
momentous a battle?" (Pope Leo XIII, "Providentissimus
Deus", 1893)
See: Biblical
Societies Condemned | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Modernists
/ Scripture | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Those
Outside the Church / Scripture | Those
Who Deny the Supernatural in Holy Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations
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of Holy Scripture |
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of Church Fathers / Scripture Interpretation |
"Now, the authority of the Fathers, by whom
after the apostles, the growing Church was disseminated, watered,
built, protected, and nurtured, is the highest authority, as often
as they all in one and the same way interpret a Biblical text, as
pertaining to the doctrine of faith and morals." (Pope Leo
XIII, "Providentissimus Deus", 1893 A.D.) "In things of faith and morals belonging to
the building up of Christian doctrine, that is to be considered
the true sense of holy Scripture, which has been held and is held
by our holy mother the Church, whose place it is to judge of the
true sense and interpretation of the Scriptures; and, therefore...
it is permitted to no one to interpret holy Scripture against such
sense or also against the unanimous agreement of the [Church]
fathers." (Council of Trent)
"But, since the rules which the holy Synod of Trent
salutarily decreed concerning the interpretation of Divine
Scripture in order to restrain impetuous minds, are wrongly
explained by certain men, We, renewing the same decree, declare
this to be its intention: that, in matters of faith and morals
pertaining to the instruction of Christian Doctrine, that must be
considered as the true sense of Sacred Scripture which Holy Mother
Church has held and holds, whose office it is to judge concerning
the true understanding and interpretation of the Sacred
Scriptures; and, for that reason, no one is permitted to interpret
Sacred Scripture itself contrary to this sense, or even contrary
to the unanimous agreement of the Fathers." (Vatican Council
I, 1870 A.D.)
See: The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | St.
Jerome / Holy Scripture
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of Various Books of Scripture |
[Question:] Whether the arguments accumulated by
critics to impugn the Mosaic authenticity of the Sacred Books,
which are designated by the name of Pentateuch, are of such weight
that, in spite of the very many indications of both Testaments
taken together, the continuous conviction of the Jewish people,
also the unbroken tradition of the Church in addition to the
internal evidences drawn from the text itself, they justify
affirming that these books were not written by Moses, but were
composed for the most part from sources later than the time of
Moses? Reply: No. (Response of the Commission on Biblical Studies,
June 27, 1906 A.D.)
[Question:] Whether the Mosaic authenticity of
the Pentateuch necessarily demands such a redaction of the whole
work that it must be held absolutely that Moses wrote all and each
book with his own hand, or dictated them to copyists; or, whether
also the hypothesis can be permitted of those who think that the
work was conceived by him under the influence of divine
inspiration, and was committed to another or several to be put
into writing, but in such manner that they rendered his thought
faithfully, wrote nothing contrary to his wish, omitted nothing;
and, finally, when the work was composed in this way, approved by
Moses as its chief and inspired author, it was published under his
name. Reply: No, for the first part; yes, for the second.
(Response of the Commission on Biblical Studies, June 27, 1906
[Question:] Whether without prejudice to the
Mosaic authenticity of the Pentateuch it can be granted that Moses
for the composition of the work made use of sources, namely
written documents or oral tradition, from which, according to the
peculiar goal set before him, and under the influence of divine
inspiration, he made some borrowings, and these, arranged word for
word according to sense or amplified, he inserted into the work
itself? Reply: Yes. (Response of the Commission on Biblical
Studies, June 27, 1906 A.D.)
Whether solid arguments stand out, even taken collectively, to
induce the conviction that the Book of Isaias is not to be
attributed to Isaias himself alone, but to two, or even to several
authors. - Reply: In the negative. (Response of the Biblical
Commission, June 28th, 1908)
[Question:] Whether the evident judgment of
tradition, from the beginnings of the Church in wonderful
agreement with and confirmed by manifold arguments, namely, the
eloquent testimonies of the Holy Fathers and ecclesiastical
writers, the citations and allusions which occur in the writings
of the same, the practice of the ancient heretics, the versions of
the Books of the New Testament, the most ancient and almost entire
body of manuscripts, and also the internal reasons taken from the
very text of the Sacred Books, definitely compels the affirmation
that Mark, the disciple and expounder of Peter, and Luke the
physician, the hearer and companion of Paul, are in fact the
authors of the Gospels which are respectively attributed to them?
- Reply: In the affirmative. (Reply of the Biblical Commission,
June 26, 1912 A.D.)
[Question:] Whether after noting the universal
and constant agreement of the Church from the earliest times,
which is clearly shown by the eloquent testimonies of the Fathers,
the inscriptions of the manuscripts of the Gospels, even the most
ancient versions of the Sacred Scriptures, and the catalogues
handed down by the Holy Fathers, the ecclesiastical writers, the
Highest Pontiffs, and the Councils, and finally the liturgical
practice of the Eastern and Western Church, it can and should be
affirmed with certainty that Matthew, the Apostle of Christ, is in
fact the author of the vulgate Gospel under his name? - Reply: In
the affirmative. (Response of the Biblical Commission, June 19,
1911 A.D.)
See: Author
of Holy Scripture | Canon
of Scripture |
/ Holy Scripture |
/ New Testament
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Societies Condemned |
"Indeed, you are aware that from the first
ages called Christian, it has been the peculiar artifice of
heretics that, repudiating the traditional Word of God, and
rejecting the authority of the Catholic Church, they either
falsify the Scriptures at hand, or alter the explanation of the
meaning. In short, you are not ignorant of how much diligence and
wisdom is needed to translate faithfully into another tongue the
words of the Lord; so that, surely, nothing could happen more
easily than that in the versions of these Scriptures, multiplied
by the Biblical societies, very grave errors creep in from the
imprudence or deceit of so many translators; further, the very
multitude and variety of those versions conceal these errors for a
long time to the destruction of many. However, it is of little or
no interest at all to these societies whether the men likely to
read these Bibles translated into the vulgar tongue, fall into
some errors rather than others, provided they grow accustomed
little by little to claiming free judgment for themselves with
regard to the sense of the Scriptures, and also to despising the
divine tradition of the Fathers which has been guarded by the
teaching of the Catholic Church, and to repudiating the teaching
office itself of the Church. Toward this end those same Biblical
associates do not cease to slander the Church and this Holy See of
Peter, as if it were attempting for these many centuries to keep
the faithful people from a knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures;
although, on the other hand, there are extant many very
illuminating documents of remarkable learning which the Supreme
Pontiffs and other Catholic bishops under their leadership, have
used in these more recent times, that Catholic peoples might be
educated more exactly according to the written and traditional
word of God.. Among those rules, which have been written by the
Fathers chosen by the Council of Trent and approved by Pius IV ...
and set in the front part of the Index of prohibited books, in the
general sanction of the statutes one reads that Bibles published
in a vulgar tongue were not permitted to anyone, except to those
to whom the reading of them was judged to be beneficial for the
increase of their faith and piety. To this same rule, limited
immediately by a new caution because of the persistent deceits of
heretics, this declaration was at length appended by the authority
of Benedict XIV, that permission is granted for reading vernacular
versions which have been approved by the Apostolic See, or have
been edited with annotations drawn from the Holy Fathers of the
Church or from learned Catholic men... All the aforesaid
Biblical societies, condemned a short time ago by our
predecessors, we again condemn with Apostolic authority. Hence,
let it be known to everyone that all those will be guilty of a
very grave fault in the eyes of God and of the Church who enrolls in any of these societies, or
aids [them], or favors [them] in any way whatsoever." (Pope Gregory
XVI, "Inter praecipuas", 1844 A.D.)
is the goal too of the crafty Bible Societies which renew the old skill
of the heretics and ceaselessly force on people of all kinds, even the
uneducated, gifts of the Bible. They issue these in large numbers and at
great cost, in vernacular translations, which infringe the holy rules of
the Church. The commentaries which are included often contain perverse
explanations; so, having rejected divine tradition, the doctrine of the
Fathers and the authority of the Catholic Church, they all interpret the
words of the Lord by their own private judgment, thereby perverting
their meaning. As a result, they fall into the greatest errors. Gregory
XVI of happy memory, Our superior predecessor, followed the lead of his
own predecessors in rejecting these societies in his apostolic letters.
It is Our will to condemn them likewise." (Pope Pius IX, "Qui
Pluribus", 1846)
crafty enemies of the Church and human society attempt to seduce the
people in many ways. One of their chief methods is the misuse of the new
technique of book-production. They are wholly absorbed in the ceaseless
daily publication and proliferation of impious pamphlets, newspapers and
leaflets which are full of lies, calumnies and seduction. Furthermore,
under the protection of the Bible Societies which have long since been
condemned by this Holy See, they distribute to the faithful under the
pretext of religion, the holy bible in vernacular translations. Since
these infringe the Church's rules, they are consequently subverted and
most daringly twisted to yield a vile meaning. So you realize very well
what vigilant and careful efforts you must make to inspire in your
faithful people an utter horror of reading these pestilential books.
Remind them explicitly with regard to divine scripture that no man,
relying on his own wisdom, is able to claim the privilege of rashly
twisting the scriptures to his own meaning in opposition to the meaning
which holy mother Church holds and has held. It was the Church alone
that Christ commissioned to guard the deposit of the faith and to decide
the true meaning and interpretation of the divine pronouncements."
(Pope Pius IX, "Nostis et Nobiscum", 1849)
See: The
Church Existed Before the Bible | The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Difficulty
of Scripture | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Those
Outside the Church / Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations
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Canon of
Scripture |
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Church Existed Before the Bible |
"The Church was gathered and the faith was
believed before every any part of the New Testament was put in
writing." (St. Thomas More)
See: The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching |
/ Holy Scripture | Holy
Scripture Does Not Reveal All | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not Subject To
Correction |
Error CONDEMNED by Pope St. Pius X in "Lamentabili": "The Church's
interpretation of the Sacred Books is not indeed to be spurned,
but it is subject to the more accurate judgment and the correction
of exegetes." (Pope St. Pius X, This proposition was
condemned in "Lamentabili", 1907
See: Attacks
on Scripture | Author
of Holy Scripture | Authority
of Church Fathers / Scripture Interpretation | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Modernists
/ Scripture | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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of Over-
Familiarity with the Gospels |
"Reading, as we do, the Gospels from our youth up, we are in
danger of becoming so familiar with them as to be dead to their
force, and to view them as mere history." (Cardinal Newman)
See: Learning
From Holy Scripture | Neglect
of Scripture | Praise
/ Benefits of Scripture | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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in Translating Scripture |
"It is difficult in following lines laid down
by others not sometimes to diverge from them, and it is hard to
preserve in a translation the charm of expressions which in
another language are most felicitous. Each particular word conveys
a meaning of its own, and possibly I have no equivalent by which
to render it, and if I make a circuit to reach my goal, I have to
go many miles to cover a short distance. To these difficulties
must be added the windings of hyperbata, differences in the use of
cases, divergences of metaphor; and last of all the peculiar and
if I may so call it, inbred character of the language. If I render
word for word, the result will sound uncouth, and if compelled by
necessity I alter anything in the order or wording, I shall seem
to have departed from the function of a translator." (St.
Jerome, "the Church's eminent bible translator", Doctor
of the Church, 4th century A.D.) Also
See: Difficulty
of Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Septuagint
| Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | The
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of Scripture |
consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved
brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, also wrote to
you, speaking of these things as he does in all his letters. In
them there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant
and unstable distort to their own destruction, just as they do the
other scriptures." (St. Peter, 2 Pt. 3:15-16)
"Wherefore, as no one should be so
presumptuous as to think that he understands the whole of the
Scripture, in which St. Augustine himself confessed that there was
more that he did not know, than that he knew, so, if he should
come upon anything that seems incapable of solution, he must take
to heart the cautious rule of the same holy Doctor: 'It is better
even to be oppressed by unknown but useful signs, than to
interpret them uselessly and thus to throw off the yoke only to be
caught in the trap of error.'" (Pope Leo XIII,
Providentissimus Deus)
"By the secret council of the Holy Spirit,
the Scriptures have been crafted in such a way that they are plain
and simple enough for every man to find in them what he needs to
understand. Yet again, they are so lofty and difficult that no man
is so cunning that he won't find there things far beyond his
reach, things far too deep for him." (St. Thomas More) "Therefore, in that famous letter of his to
the faithful of the Church at Meta, Our predecessor, Innocent III,
quite wisely prescribes as follows: 'In truth the secret mysteries
of faith are not to be exposed to all everywhere, since they
cannot be understood by all everywhere, but only by those who can
grasp them with the intellect of faith. Therefore, to the more
simple the Apostle says: 'I gave you milk to drink as unto little
ones in Christ... [1 Cor. 3:2].' For solid food is for the elders,
as he said: 'We speak wisdom ... among the perfect' [1 Cor 2:6];
'for I judged not myself to know anything among you, but Jesus
Christ and Him Crucified' [1 Cor. 2:2]. For so great is the depth
of Divine Scripture that not only the simple and the unlettered,
but even the learned and prudent are not fully able to explore the
understanding of it. Therefore, Scripture says that many
'searching have failed in their search' [Ps. 63:7]." (Pope Pius
VII, 1816 A.D.)
"A competent religious guide must be clear
and intelligible to all, so that every one may fully understand
the true meaning of the instructions it contains. Is the Bible a
book intelligible to all? Far from it; it is full of obscurities
and difficulties not only for the illiterate, but even for the
learned." (Gibbons) Also
See: The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Literal
/ Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Modernists
/ Scripture | Multiple
Meanings / Holy Scripture | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture
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Encour- agement
to Read Scripture |
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Never Inspires Anything Not Conformable to Scripture |
Spirit of God never inspires anything that is not conformable to
holy Scripture; if there were the slightest divergence, that, of
itself alone, would suffice to prove so evidently the action of
the evil spirit, that, were the whole world to assure me it was
the divine Spirit, I would never believe it." (St. Teresa of
Avila, Doctor of the Church)
See: Author
of Holy Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture
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/ Good News |
word 'Evangelium' (Gospel), is rendered in Latin 'bonus nuntius,' or
'bona annuntiatio' (good news). It may indeed be used on all occasions
whenever any good is announced; but it has come to be appropriated to
the announcement of the Savior." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the
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Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching
Also See:
Jesus (Topic Page)
the Evangelists are silent as to the greater part of Christ's teaching;
for whereas He preached for the space nearly of three years, all the
teaching which they have written down would scarcely, one might say,
suffice for the discourse of a single day. For out of a great many
things extracting a few, they have given only a taste as it were of the
sweetness of His teaching." (St. Theophylact)
See: The
Church Existed Before the Bible | Holy
Scripture Does Not Reveal All | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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/ Holy Scripture |
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Scripture Does Not Reveal All |
"In short, it must be said that our authors
knew the truth about the nature of the skies; but it was not the
intention of the Spirit of God, who spoke through them, to teach
men anything that would not be of use to them for their
salvation." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church, circa 407
See: The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error |
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Scripture May Not Be Recom-
mended For All
The Church has always given Scripture the highest value and
reverence and has done much to promote its beneficial use. In
fact, the Bible would not exist without the Catholic Church.
When salutary, however, the Church, as a loving Mother, attempts
to protect her children from "distort [ing the Scriptures] to
their own destruction" (See 2 Pt. 3:15-16). For example,
Church history shows that the Church has forbidden the Bible to
non-clerics (except for its reading at church) to protect the
mostly illiterate flock from those who were twisting the
scriptures to positively recommend fornication and abortion, and
who were even denying the Trinity. Although enemies of the
Church often use such events against her, they are clearly taking
matters out of context. |
Error CONDEMNED in "Unigenitus": "The reading of Sacred
Scripture is for all." (Errors of Paschasius Quesnel,
Condemned in the dogmatic Constitution, "Unigenitus,"
Sept. 8, 1713)
Error CONDEMNED in "Unigenitus": "It is useful and
necessary at all times, in all places, and for every kind of
person, to study and to know the spirit, the piety, and the
mysteries of Sacred Scripture." (Errors of Paschasius Quesnel,
Condemned in the dogmatic Constitution, "Unigenitus,"
Sept. 8, 1713)
Error CONDEMNED in "Unigenitus": "The sacred obscurity of
the Word of God is no reason for the laity to dispense themselves
from reading it." (Errors of Paschasius Quesnel, Condemned in
the dogmatic Constitution, "Unigenitus," Sept. 8, 1713)
Error CONDEMNED in "Unigenitus": "To forbid Christians to
read Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, is to forbid the
use of light to the sons of light, and to cause them to suffer a
kind of excommunication." (Errors of Paschasius Quesnel,
Condemned in the dogmatic Constitution, "Unigenitus,"
Sept. 8, 1713)
Error CONDEMNED in "Unigenitus": "To snatch away from the
hands of Christians the New Testament, or to hold it closed
against them by taking away from them the means of understanding
it, is to close for them the mouth of Christ." (Errors of
Paschasius Quesnel, Condemned in the dogmatic Constitution, "Unigenitus,"
Sept. 8, 1713)
"Therefore, in that famous letter of his to
the faithful of the Church at Meta, Our predecessor, Innocent III,
quite wisely prescribes as follows: 'In truth the secret mysteries
of faith are not to be exposed to all everywhere, since they
cannot be understood by all everywhere, but only by those who can
grasp them with the intellect of faith. Therefore, to the more
simple the Apostle says: 'I gave you milk to drink as unto little
ones in Christ... [1 Cor. 3:2].' For solid food is for the elders,
as he said: 'We speak wisdom ... among the perfect' [1 Cor. 2:6];
'for I judged not myself to know anything among you, but Jesus
Christ and Him Crucified' [1 Cor. 2:2]. For so great is the depth
of Divine Scripture that not only the simple and the unlettered,
but even the learned and prudent are not fully able to explore the
understanding of it. Therefore, Scripture says that many
'searching have failed in their search' [Ps. 63:7]." (Pope
Pius VII, 1816 A.D.)
"... lest, indeed, any simple and
ignorant person should presume to reach the sublimity of Sacred
Scripture, or to preach it to others. For it is written: Seek not
the things that are too high for thee [Sir. 3:22] Therefore, the
Apostle warns not to be more wise than it behooveth to be wise,
but to be wise unto sobriety [Rom. 12:3]. But, noteworthy are the
Constitutions, not only of Innocent III, just mentioned, but also
of Pius IV, Clement VIII, and Benedict XIV in which the precaution
was laid down that, if Scripture should be easily open to all, it
would perhaps become cheapened and be exposed to contempt, or, if
poorly understood by the mediocre, would lead to error. But, what
the mind of the Church is in regard to the reading and
interpretation of Scripture your fraternity may know very clearly
from the excellent Constitution of another of Our predecessors,
Clement XI, Unigenitus, in which those doctrines were thoroughly
condemned in which it was asserted that it is useful and necessary
to every age, to every place, to every type of person to know the
mysteries of Sacred Scripture, the reading of which was to be open
to all, and that it was harmful to withdraw Christian people from
it, nay more, that the mouth of Christ was closed for the faithful
when the New Testament was snatched from their hands" (Pope Pius VII, 1816 A.D.)
See: Biblical
Societies Condemned | The
Church Existed Before the Bible | The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Difficulty
of Scripture | Encouragement
to Read Scripture |
/ Holy Scripture | Importance
of Scripture | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Praise
/ Benefits of Scripture | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Those
Outside the Church / Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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of Scripture |
"[U]nless we believe in Scripture we can neither
be Christians nor be saved." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church) "To be ignorant of the
Scripture is not to
know Christ." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
See: Canon
of Scripture | The
Church Existed Before the Bible | Encouragement
to Read Scripture | The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching |
/ Holy Scripture | Jesus
/ Holy Scripture | Neglect
of Scripture | Praise
/ Benefits of Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Those
Who Reject Scripture | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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Jesus /
Holy Scripture
Also See:
Jesus (Topic Page)
are invited to flock to Christ's passion wherever in Scripture it is
read of" (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
ratified the New Testament in His blood." (Second Vatican Council)
is there anything more full or more express on the subject of the Savior
of the world than is to be found in the whole range of the Bible."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Providentissimus Deus", 1893)
"...[Jesus] quotes [Scripture] against Sadducees
and Pharisees, and retorts from them upon Satan himself when he
dares to tempt Him. At the close of His life His utterances are
from Holy Scripture, and it is the Scripture that He expounds to
His disciples after His resurrection, until He ascends to the
glory of His Father" (Pope Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus) "As
to the Prophets, how many there were who foretold Christ's Passion
and death is too well known to require development here. Not to
speak of David, whose Psalms embrace all the principal mysteries
of Redemption, the oracles of Isaias in particular are so clear
and graphic that he might be said rather to have recorded a past
than predicted a future event." (Catechism of the Council of
Trent) "We
know what He felt about Holy Scripture: when He said, 'It is
written,' and 'the Scripture must needs be fulfilled,' we have
therein an argument which admits of no exception and which should
put an end to all controversy. Yet it is worthwhile dwelling on
this point a little: when Christ preached to the people, whether
on the Mount by the lakeside, or in the synagogue at Nazareth, or
in His own city of Capharnaum, He took His points and His
arguments from the Bible. From the same source came His weapons
when disputing with the Scribes and Pharisees. Whether teaching or
disputing He quotes from all parts of Scripture and takes His
example from it; He quotes it as an argument which must be
accepted. He refers without any discrimination of sources to the
stories of Jonas and the Ninivites, of the Queen of Sheba and
Solomon, of Elias and Eliseus, of David and of Noe, of Lot and the
Sodomites, and even of Lot's wife. (cf. Mt. 12:3, 39-42; Lk.
17:26-29, 32). How solemn His witness to the truth of the sacred
books: 'One jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the Law till all
be fulfilled' (Mt. 5:18); and again: 'The Scripture cannot be
broken' (Jn. 10:35); and consequently: 'He therefore that shall
break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men
shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven' (Mt. 5:19).
Before His Ascension, too, when He would steep His Apostles in the
same doctrine: 'He opened their understanding that they might
understand the Scriptures. And He said to them: thus it is
written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise again
from the dead the third day' (Lk. 24:45)." (Pope Benedict XV,
"Spiritus Paraclitus", 1920 A.D.) Also
See: Author
of Holy Scripture | Gospel
/ Good News | The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching | Holy
Scripture Does Not Reveal All |
/ New Testament | Parables
| Jesus' Teachings
(Scripture / Parables Section)
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From Holy Scripture |
"Holy Writ is set before the eye of the
mind like a kind of mirror, that we may see our inward face in it;
for therein we learn the deformities, therein we learn the
beauties we possess; there we are made sensible of what progress we
are making, there too how far we are from proficiency." (Pope
St. Gregory I the Great, Doctor of the Church, circa 604 A.D.)
"Study your heart in the light of the Holy
Scriptures, and you will know therein who you were, who you are,
and who you aught to be." (St. Fulgence of Ruspe) "...from the Bible's pages we learn spiritual
perfection." (Pope Benedict XV, "Spiritus Paraclitus",
1920 A.D.)
"For the Sacred Books were not given by God
to men to satisfy their curiosity or to provide them with material
for study and research, but, as the Apostle observes, in order
that these Divine Oracles might 'instruct us to salvation, by the
faith which is in Christ Jesus' and 'that the man of God may be
perfect, furnished to every good work.'" (Pope Pius XII,
Divino Afflante Spiritu)
"Learn the heart of God in the words of
God, that you may sigh more eagerly for things eternal, that your
soul may be kindled with greater longings for heavenly joys."
(Pope St. Gregory I the Great, Doctor of the Church, 595 A.D.)
See: The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Difficulty
of Scripture | Encouragement
to Read Scripture | Holy
Scripture Does Not Reveal All | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Importance
of Scripture | Multiple
Meanings / Holy Scripture | Neglect
of Scripture | Praise
/ Benefits of Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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/ Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture |
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Love /
Holy Scripture
Also See:
Love /
Charity (Topic Page)
"The fulfillment and end of Scripture is
the love of God and our neighbor.. Whoever, then, thinks that he
understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but puts
such an interpretation upon them as does not tend to build up this
two-fold love of God and our neighbor, does not yet understand
them as he ought." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
"If thou didst know the whole Bible by
heart, and the sayings of all the philosophers, what would it all
profit thee without the love of God and His grace?" (Kempis)
"Inasmuch as in the Law and in the Gospel the first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord God whole-heartedly, and then there is another like it, to love one's neighbor as oneself, it is shown that the Law and the Gospel have one and the same Author. The precepts of the perfect life, since they are the same in both Testaments, point out the same God, who certainly has prescribed particular precepts adapted to each, while for the more prominent and greatest commandments, without which it is not possible to be saved, He recommends the same in both."
(St. Irenaeus, 2nd century A.D.)
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Well Grounded in Scriptures is Bulwark of Church |
"A man who is well grounded in the testimonies of the Scripture is the
bulwark of the Church." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
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of Scripture |
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/ Scripture
Also See:
Modernism (Topic Page)
"Nay, rather, they do in fact describe it
with no hesitation, so that you would believe that they saw the
very writers with their own eyes as they applied their hand in
every age to amplifying the Sacred Books. Moreover, to support
these actions they call to their aid a criticism which they call
textual; and they strive to convince us that this or that fact or
expression is not in its own place, and they bring forward other
such arguments. - You would indeed say that they had prescribed
for themselves certain types, as it were, of narrations and
discourses, as a result of which they decide with certainty what
stands in its own place or in a strange place. - Let him who
wishes judge how skilled they can be to make decisions in this
way. Moreover, he who gives heed to them as they talk about their
studies on the Sacred Books, as a result of which it was granted
them to discover so many things improperly stated, would almost
believe that no man before them had turned the pages of these same
books; and that an almost infinite number of doctors had not
examined them from every point of view, a group clearly far
superior to them in mind, and erudition, and sanctity of life.
These very wise doctors indeed, far from finding fault with the
Sacred Scriptures in any part, rather, the more thoroughly they
investigated them, the more they gave thanks to divine authority
for having deigned so to speak with men. But alas, our doctors
with respect to the Sacred Books did not rely upon those aids on
which the modernists did; thus they did not have philosophy as a
master and guide, nor did they choose themselves as their own
authority in making decisions. Now, then, we think that it is
clear of what sort the method of the modernists is in the field of
history. The philosopher goes ahead; the historian succeeds him;
right behind, in order, works criticism, both internal and
textual. And since it is characteristic of the first cause to
communicate its power to its consequences, it becomes evident that
such criticism is not criticism at all; that it is rightly called
agnostic, immanentist, and evolutionist; and that so, he who
professes it and uses it, professes the errors implicit in the
same and opposes Catholic doctrine. - For this reason it can seem
most strange that criticism of this kind has such weight today
among Catholics. This obviously has a twofold cause: first of all
the pact by which the historians and the critics of this kind are
so closely joined, the differences of nationality and the
dissension of religions being placed in the background; then the
endless effrontery by which all with one voice extol whatever each
of them prattles, and attribute it to the progress of science; by
which in close array they attack him who wishes to examine the new
marvel or his own; by which they accuse him who denies it of
ignorance, adorn him with praises who embraces and defends it.
Thus no small number are deceived who, if they should examine the
matter more closely, would be horrified. From this powerful
domineering on the part of those in error, and this heedless
compliance on the part of fickle souls, a corruption in the
surrounding atmosphere results which penetrates everywhere and
diffuses its pestilence." (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi
dominici gregis", 1907 A.D.)
"Nor do modern innovators stop here: they
even try to claim St. Jerome as a patron of their views on the
ground that he maintained that historic truth and sequence were
not observed in the Bible, 'precisely as things actually took
place, but in accordance with what men thought at that time,' and
that he even held that this was the true norm for history. A
strange distortion of St. Jerome's words! He does not say that
when giving us an account of events the writer was ignorant of the
truth and simply adopted the false views then current; he merely
says that in giving names to persons or things he followed general
custom. Thus the Evangelist calls St. Joseph the father of Jesus,
but what he meant by the title 'father' here is abundantly clear
from the whole context. For St. Jerome 'the true norm of history'
is this: when it is question of such appellatives (as 'father,'
etc), and when there is no danger or error, then a writer must
adopt the ordinary forms of speech simply because such forms of
speech are in ordinary use. More than this: Jerome maintains that
belief in the Biblical narrative is as necessary to salvation as
is belief in the doctrines of the faith" (Pope Benedict XV, "Spiritus
Paraclitus", 1920 A.D.) "We,
Venerable Brethren, for whom there is but one and only truth, and who
hold that the Sacred Books, 'written under the inspiration of the Holy
Ghost, have God for their author' declare that this is equivalent to
attributing to God Himself the lie of utility or officious lie, and We
say with St. Augustine: 'In an authority so high, admit but one
officious lie, and there will not remain a single passage of those
apparently difficult to practice or to believe, which on the same most
pernicious rule may not be explained as a lie uttered by the author
willfully and to serve a purpose'. And thus it will come about, the holy
Doctor continues, that everybody will believe and refuse to believe what
he likes or dislikes. But the Modernists pursue their way gaily. They
grant also that certain arguments adduced in the Sacred Books, like
those, for example, which are based on the prophecies, have no rational
foundation to rest on. But they will defend even these as artifices of
preaching, which are justified by life. Do they stop here? No, indeed,
for they are ready to admit, nay, to proclaim that Christ Himself
manifestly erred in determining the time when the coming of the Kingdom
of God was to take place, and they tell us that we must not be surprised
at this since even Christ was subject to the laws of life! After this
what is to become of the dogmas of the Church? The dogmas brim over with
flagrant contradictions, but what matter that since, apart from the fact
that vital logic accepts them, they are not repugnant to symbolical
truth. Are we not dealing with the infinite, and has not the infinite an
infinite variety of aspects? In short, to maintain and defend these
theories they do not hesitate to declare that the noblest homage that
can be paid to the Infinite is to make it the object of contradictory
propositions! But when they justify even contradiction, what is it that
they will refuse to justify?" (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi
Dominici Gregis", 1907)
See: Attacks
on Scripture | The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulty
of Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Literal
/ Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | No
Opposition Between Scripture and Church Dogmas | Not
Contradicting Scripture Belongs to Piety | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture |
Scripture Transcends Science | Those
Who Deny the Supernatural in Holy Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | Written
/ Oral Tradition | Current
Issues (Reflections)
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Meanings / Holy Scripture |
"It is one of the glories of the Scripture
that it can embrace many meanings in a single passage." (St.
Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian
in the history of the Church")
See: The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Difficulty
of Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Literal
/ Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Modernists
/ Scripture | No
Opposition Between Scripture and Church Dogmas | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture |
Scripture Transcends Science
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of Scripture |
be ignorant of the Scripture is not to know Christ." (St.
Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
it not strange that those who sit by the market can tell the names, and
families, and cities of charioteers, and dancers, and the kinds of power
possessed by each, and can give exact account of the good or bad
qualities of the very horses, but that those who come hither should know
nothing of what is done here, but should be ignorant of the number even
of the sacred Books?" (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)
us now after this be ashamed, and blush. A woman who had had five
husbands, and who was of Samaria, was so eager concerning doctrines,
that neither the time of day, nor her having come for another purpose,
nor anything else, led her away from enquiring on such matters but we
not only do not enquire concerning doctrines, but towards them all our
dispositions are careless and indifferent. Therefore everything is
neglected. For which of you when in his house takes some Christian book
in hand and goes over its contents, and searches the Scriptures? None
can say that he does so, but with most we shall find draughts and dice,
but books nowhere, except among a few. And even these few have the same
dispositions as the many; for they tie up their books, and keep them
always put away in cases, and all their care is for the fineness of the
parchments, and the beauty of the letters, not for reading them. For
they have not bought them to obtain advantage and benefit from them, but
take pains about such matters to show their wealth and pride. Such is
the excess of vainglory. I do not hear any one glory that he knows the
contents, but that he hath a book written in letters of gold. And what
gain, tell me, is this? The Scriptures were not given us for this only,
that we might have them in books, but that we might engrave them on our
hearts." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)
See: Encouragement
to Read Scripture | The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching | Holy
Scripture May Not Be Recommended For All | Importance
of Scripture | Learning
From Holy Scripture | Praise
/ Benefits of Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Those
Busy With Sins / Holy Scripture
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Opposition Between Scripture and Church Dogmas |
Error CONDEMNED by Pope St. Pius X in "Lamentabili": "Opposition can and
actually does exist between facts which are narrated in Sacred
Scripture, and the dogmas of the Church based on these, so that a
critic can reject as false, facts which the Church believes to be
most certain." (Pope St. Pius X, This proposition was
condemned in "Lamentabili",
1907 A.D.)
See: The
Church Existed Before the Bible | The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching |
/ Holy Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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Contradicting Scripture Belongs to Piety |
it belongs to piety to honor the saints, and not to contradict the
Scriptures whether one understands them or not, as [St.] Augustine says" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church
and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
See: Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Private
Interpretation / Twisting Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture
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Old /
New Testament |
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Parables |
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/ Benefits of Scripture |
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Holy Scripture / Permission |
wishing, as is just, to impose a restraint, in this matter, also on
printers, who now without restraint, - thinking, that is, that
whatsoever they please is allowed them, - print, without the license of
ecclesiastical superiors, the said books of sacred Scripture, and the
notes and comments upon them of all persons indifferently, with the
press ofttimes unnamed, often even fictitious, and what is more grievous
still, without the author's name; and also keep for indiscriminate sale
books of this kind printed elsewhere; (this Synod) ordains and decrees,
that, henceforth, the sacred Scripture, and especially the said old and
vulgate edition, be printed in the most correct manner possible; and
that it shall not be lawful for any one to print, or cause to be
printed, any books whatever, on sacred matters, without the name of the
author; nor to sell them in future, or even to keep them, unless they
shall have been first examined, and approved of, by the Ordinary; under
pain of the anathema and fine imposed in a canon of the last Council of
Lateran: and, if they be Regulars, besides this examination and
approval, they shall be bound to obtain a license also from their own
superiors, who shall have examined the books according to the form of
their own statutes. As to those who lend, or circulate them in
manuscript, without their having been first examined, and approved of,
they shall be subjected to the same penalties as printers: and they who
shall have them in their possession or shall read them, shall, unless
they discover the authors, be themselves regarded as the authors. And
the said approbation of books of this kind shall be given in writing;
and for this end it shall appear authentically at the beginning of the
book, whether the book be written, or printed; and all this, that is,
both the approbation and the examination, shall be done gratis, that so
what ought to be approved, may be approved, and what ought to be
condemned, may be condemned." (Council of Trent)
See: Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Septuagint
| Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | The
Vulgate | Ecclesiastical
Review of Written Materials (Catholic Book Review & Exchange
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Interpretation / Twisting Scripture |
"Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the
Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God."
(St. Peter, 2 Pt. 1:20-21) "Then the angel of the Lord spoke to Philip,
'Get up and head south on the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, the desert
route.' So he got up and set out. Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of the Candace, that is, the queen of the Ethiopians, in charge of her entire treasury, who had come to Jerusalem to worship, and was returning home. Seated in his chariot, he was reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit said to Philip,
'Go and join up with that chariot.' Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said,
'Do you understand what you are reading?' He replied, 'How can I, unless someone instructs
me?' So he invited Philip to get in and sit with him... Then Philip opened his mouth and, beginning with this scripture passage, he proclaimed Jesus to him."
(Acts 8:26-31,35) "And consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, also wrote to you, speaking of these things as he does in all his letters. In them there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant and unstable distort to their own destruction, just as they do the other scriptures."
(St. Peter, 2 Pt. 3:15-16) "[H]uman
reason...has neither the power to fathom the word of God, nor the right
to sit in judgement over it." (Gueranger) "I
prefer to say nothing of men who, like myself, have passed from profane
[that is, secular] literature to biblical study, but who, if they happen once to have
caught men's ears by their ornate sermons, straightway begin to fancy
that whatsoever they say is God's law. Apparently they do not think it
worthwhile to discover what the Prophets and Apostles really meant; they
are content to string together texts made to fit the meaning they want.
One would almost fancy that instead of being a degraded species of
oratory, it must be a fine thing to pervert the meaning of the text and
compel the reluctant Scripture to yield the meaning one wants!"
(St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
"If we read even in the divine Scriptures
about hidden thing and things most removed from our eyes, it will
be possible, saving always the faith which fills us, to formulate
various opinions about these matters. Let us, then, not be too
hasty in accepting any such opinions which, were the truth to be
sought more carefully, might afterwards be found unsound, and lest
we might be found in error by our attempting to establish what is
but our own view and not that of the divine Scriptures, as if we
would wish our view to be that of the Scriptures, whereas we ought
to wish that the view taken by the Scriptures should become our
own." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church, circa 407 A.D.)
"If a man should doubt the knowledge and
understanding of anything written in Scripture, he is not wise
then to take upon himself the authority to interpret, boldly
depending on his own mind. Instead, he should depend on the
interpretation of the holy teachers an the saints of old, and on
the interpretation that has been received and allowed by the
universal Church. For it was the Church through which the
Scripture has come into our hands and been delivered to us in the
first place, and without the Church, as St. Augustine says, we
could not know which books were Holy Scripture." (St. Thomas
More) "...the great error of those others as well
who boldly venture to explain and interpret the words of God by
their own judgment, misusing their reason and holding the opinion
that these words are like a human work. God Himself has set up a
living authority to establish and teach the true and legitimate
meaning of His heavenly revelation. This authority judges
infallibly all disputes which concern matters of faith and morals,
lest the faithful be swirled around by every wind of doctrine
which springs from the evilness of men in encompassing error. And
this living infallible authority is active only in that Church
which was built by Christ the Lord upon Peter, the head of the
entire Church, leader and shepherd, whose faith He promised would
never fail. This Church has had an unbroken line of succession
from Peter himself; these legitimate pontiffs are the heirs and
defenders of the same teaching, rank, office and power. And the
Church is where Peter is, and Peter speaks in the Roman Pontiff,
living at all times in his successors and making judgment,
providing the truth of the faith to those who seek it. The divine
words therefore mean what this Roman See of the most blessed Peter
holds and has held. For this mother and teacher of all the
churches has always preserved entire and unharmed the faith
entrusted to it by Christ the Lord. Furthermore, it has taught it
to the faithful, showing all men truth and the path of salvation.
" (Pope Pius IX, "Qui Pluribus", 1846 A.D.) Also
See: Attacks
on Scripture | Biblical Societies
Condemned | The
Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not
Subject To Correction | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Difficulty
of Scripture | Literal
/ Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture | Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Modernists
/ Scripture | Proper
Interpretation of Scripture |
Scripture Transcends Science | Those
Who Deny the Supernatural in Holy Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | Written
/ Oral Tradition | Non-Catholics
Section (apologetics)
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Interpretation of Scripture |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this topic
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/ Hell
Also See:
Hell (Topic Page)
according to [St.] Augustine (De Genesi ad literam xxxiii): 'I have not yet
found Scripture mentioning hell in a favorable sense.'" (St. Thomas
Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the
history of the Church")
See: Hell
(Topical Scripture) | Tough
Love in the New Testament
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Transcends Science |
Writ by the manner of its speech transcends every science, because in
one and the same sentence, while it describes a fact, it reveals a
mystery." (Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church
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Septuagint |
"Desiring to know these writings, [Ptolemy, the
King of Egypt] sent for seventy wise men from Jerusalem who knew
both the Greek and the Hebrew languages, and appointed them to
translate the books... He supplied attendants to care for their every
need, and also to prevent their communicating with each other, so
that it might be possible to know the accuracy of the translation,
by their agreement, one with another. When he found that the
seventy men had given not only the same meaning, but even the same
words, and failed to agree with each other by not so much as a
single word, but had written the same things about the same
things, he was struck with amazement, and believed that he
translation had been written with divine authority." (Aristean
account of the translation of the Septuagint, Exhortation to the Greeks, circa 260-302 A.D.) "How
are we to understand those who reject the Septuagint [e.g.
Protestants], whereas we can see that certain Scriptural
quotations of our
Lord Jesus himself may be attributed to it? Dare think
they know better than Christ?" Also
See: Difficulties
in Translating Scripture |
/ New Testament | Those
Who Reject Scripture | The
Vulgate | Non-Catholics Section
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Jerome / Holy Scripture |
literature made any appeal to [St.] Jerome unless it derived its
light from Holy Scripture." (Pope Benedict XV, "Spiritus
Paraclitus", 1920)
St. Jerome - 'strenuous Catholic, learned in the Scriptures,'
'teacher of Catholics,' 'model of virtue, world's teacher' - has
by his earnest and illuminative defense of Catholic doctrine on
Holy Scripture left us most precious instructions... Indeed, such
was his love for Holy Scripture that he ceased not from writing or
dictating till his hand stiffened in death and his voice was
silent forever." (Pope Benedict XV, "Spiritus Paraclitus",
Jerome's] unceasing reading of the Bible and his painstaking study
of each book - nay, of every phrase and word - gave him a
knowledge of the text such as no other ecclesiastical writer of
old possessed. It is due to this familiarity with the text and to
his own acute judgment that the Vulgate version Jerome made is, in
the judgment of all capable men, preferable to any other ancient
version, since it appears to give us the sense of the original
more accurately and with greater elegance than they. The said
Vulgate, 'approved by so many centuries of use in the
Church' was pronounced by the Council of Trent 'authentic,' and the same Council insisted that it was
to be used in teaching and in the liturgy." (Pope Benedict
XV, "Spiritus Paraclitus", 1920)
"[St. Jerome's] voice is now still, though
at one time the whole Catholic world listened to it when it echoed
from the desert; yet Jerome still speaks in his writings, which
'shine like lamps throughout the world.' Jerome still calls to us.
His voice rings out, telling us of the super-excellence of Holy
Scripture, of its integral character and historical
trustworthiness, telling us, too, of the pleasant fruits resulting
from reading and meditating upon it. His voice summons all the
Church's children to return to a truly Christian standard of life,
to shake themselves free from a pagan type of morality which seems
to have sprung to life again in these days. His voice calls upon
us, and especially on Italian piety and zeal, to restore to the
See of Peter divinely established here that honor and liberty
which its Apostolic dignity and duty demand. The voice of Jerome
summons those Christian nations which have unhappily fallen away
from Mother Church to turn once more to her in whom lies all hope
of eternal salvation." (Pope Benedict XV, "Spiritus
Paraclitus", 1920 A.D.) Also
See: The
Vulgate | Saints
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of Faith / Holy Scripture |
"We must neither doubt nor hesitate with
respect to the words of the Lord; rather, we must be fully
persuaded that every word of God is true and possible, even if our
nature should rebel against the idea - for in this lies the test
of faith." (St. Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church)
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Busy With Sins / Holy Scripture
Also See:
Sin (Topic Page)
"If you would heed the Word of life, cut
yourself off from evil things. The hearing of the Word profits
nothing to the one who is busy with sins." (St. Ephraem the
Syrian, Doctor of the Church)
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Outside the Church / Scripture
Also See:
Those Outside the Church (Topic Page)
not the heretic entrap you by bringing examples from the Scriptures. The
devil makes use of the testimony of the Scriptures not to teach but to
deceive." (St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church)
of perverse sects indeed cannot bear what is found in Holy Scripture
concerning the Catholic faith, as we cannot bear their sacrilegious
vanities; for not to bear means not to acquiesce in." (St.
Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
it is most unbecoming to pass by, in ignorance or contempt, the
excellent work which Catholics have left in abundance, and to have
recourse to the works of non-Catholics - and to seek in them, to the
detriment of sound doctrine and often to the peril of faith, the
explanation of passages on which Catholics long ago have successfully
employed their talent and their labor. For although the studies of
non-Catholics, used with prudence, may sometimes be of use to the
Catholic student, he should, nevertheless, bear well in mind - as the
Fathers also teach in numerous passages - that the sense of Holy
Scripture can nowhere be found incorrupt outside of the Church, and
cannot be expected to be found in writers who, being without the true
faith, only gnaw the bark of the Sacred Scripture, and never attain its
pith." (Pope Leo XIII, "Providentissimus Deus", 1893)
must also be wary of those who publish the Bible with new
interpretations contrary to the Church's laws. They skillfully distort
the meaning by their own interpretation. They print the Bibles in the
vernacular and, absorbing an incredible expense, offer them free even to
the uneducated. Furthermore, the Bibles are rarely without perverse
little inserts to insure that the reader imbibes their lethal poison
instead of the saving water of salvation. Long ago the Apostolic See
warned about this serious hazard to the faith and drew up a list of the
authors of these pernicious notions. The rules of this Index were
published by the Council of Trent; the ordinance required that
translations of the Bible into the vernacular not be permitted without
the approval of the Apostolic See and further required that they be
published with commentaries from the Fathers. The sacred Synod of Trent
had decreed in order to restrain impudent characters, that no one,
relying on his own prudence in matters of faith and of conduct which
concerns Christian doctrine, might twist the sacred Scriptures to his
own opinion, or to an opinion contrary to that of the Church or the
popes. Though such machinations against the Catholic faith had been
assailed long ago by these canonical proscriptions, Our recent
predecessors made a special effort to check these spreading evils.
With these arms may you too strive to fight the battles of the Lord
which endanger the sacred teachings, lest this deadly virus spread in
your flock." (Pope Pius VIII, "Traditi Humilitati", 1829)
possibly, some one may ask, Do heretics also appeal to Scripture? They
do indeed, and with a vengeance; for you may see them scamper through
every single book of Holy Scripture - through the books of Moses, the
books of Kings, the Psalms, the Epistles, the Gospels, the Prophets.
Whether among their own people, or among strangers, in private or in
public, in speaking or in writing, at convivial meetings, or in the
streets, hardly ever do they bring forward anything of their own which
they do not endeavor to shelter under words of Scripture. Read the works
of Paul of Samosata, of Priscillian, of Eunomius, of Jovinian, and the
rest of those pests, and you will see an infinite heap of instances,
hardly a single page, which does not bristle with plausible quotations
from the New Testament or the Old. But the more secretly they conceal
themselves under shelter of the Divine Law, so much the more are they to
be feared and guarded against. For they know that the evil stench of
their doctrine will hardly find acceptance with any one if it be exhaled
pure and simple. They sprinkle it over, therefore, with the perfume of
heavenly language, in order that one who would be ready to despise human
error, may hesitate to condemn divine words. They do, in fact, what
nurses do when they would prepare some bitter draught for children; they
smear the edge of the cup all round with honey, that the unsuspecting
child, having first tasted the sweet, may have no fear of the bitter. So
too do these act, who disguise poisonous herbs and noxious juices under
the names of medicines, so that no one almost, when he reads the label,
suspects the poison... Heretics, in quoting Scripture, follow the
example of the Devil. But some one will say, What proof have we that the
Devil is wont to appeal to Holy Scripture? Let him read the Gospels
wherein it is written, 'Then the Devil took Him (the Lord the Savior)
and set Him upon a pinnacle of the Temple, and said unto Him: If thou be
the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give His
angels charge concerning thee, that they may keep thee in all thy ways:
In their hands they shall bear thee up, lest perchance thou dash thy
foot against a stone.' What sort of treatment must men, insignificant
wretches that they are, look for at the hands of him who assailed even
the Lord of Glory with quotations from Scripture? 'If thou be the Son of
God,' saith he, 'cast thy self down.' Wherefore? 'For,' saith he, 'it is
written.' It behooves us to pay special attention to this passage and
bear it in mind, that, warned by so important an instance of Evangelical
authority, we may be assured beyond doubt, when we find people alleging
passages from the Apostles or Prophets against the Catholic Faith, that
the Devil speaks through their mouths. For as then the Head spoke to the
Head, so now also the members speak to the members, the members of the
Devil to the members of Christ, misbelievers to believers, sacrilegious
to religious, in one word, Heretics to Catholics." (St. Vincent of
See: Misinterpretation
of Scripture | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | Biblical
Societies Condemned | Non-Catholics
Section (apologetics)
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Who Deny the Supernatural in Holy Scripture |
anyone says that all miracles are impossible, and that therefore all
reports of them, even those contained in Sacred Scripture, are to be set
aside as fables or myths; or that miracles can never be known with
certainty, nor can the divine origin of the Christian religion be proved
from them: let him be anathema." (First Vatican Council)
See: Modernists
/ Scripture | Those
Who Reject Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error
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Who Reject Scripture |
anyone, however, should not accept the said books as sacred and
canonical, entire with all their parts, as they were wont to be
read in the Catholic Church, and as they are contained in the old
Latin Vulgate edition, and if anyone should knowingly and deliberately he
should condemn the aforesaid traditions let him be anathema. (Council of Trent, 1546 A.D.)
"If any one shall not
receive as sacred and
canonical the books of Holy Scripture entire with all their parts,
as the holy synod of Trent has enumerated them, or shall deny that
they have been divinely inspired; let him be anathema."
(Vatican Council I, 1870 A.D.)
See: Those
Outside the Church / Scripture | Those
Who Venerate Other 'Scriptures' | Importance
of Scripture | Praise
/ Benefits of Scripture | Modernists
/ Scripture |
of Faith / Holy Scripture | Written
/ Oral Tradition | Old
/ New Testament | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | Scripture
Transcends Science | Non-Catholics
Section (apologetics)
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Who Venerate Other 'Scriptures' |
"If anyone either believes that any
scriptures, except those which the Catholic Church has received,
ought to be held in authority or venerates them...let him be anathema." (Creed of the Council of Toledo,
400/447 A.D.) Also
See: Canon
of Scripture | Those
Outside the Church / Scripture | Those
Who Reject Scripture | Importance
of Scripture | Test
of Faith / Holy Scripture | Holy
Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error | The
Church Existed Before the Bible | Non-Catholics
Section (apologetics)
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Translations / Faulty Translations |
Click here for 'Reflections' related to this topic
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Vulgate |
"[St. Jerome's] unceasing reading of the
Bible and his painstaking study of each book - nay, of every
phrase and word - gave him a knowledge of the text such as no
other ecclesiastical writer of old possessed. It is due to this
familiarity with the text and to his own acute judgment that the
Vulgate version Jerome made is, in the judgment of all capable
men, preferable to any other ancient version, since it appears to
give us the sense of the original more accurately and with greater
elegance than they. The said Vulgate, 'approved by so many
centuries of use in the Church' was pronounced by the Council of
Trent 'authentic,' and the same Council insisted that it was to be
used in teaching and in the liturgy" (Pope Benedict XV,
"Spiritus Paraclitus", 1920 A.D.) "If any one should not receive as sacred
and canonical the entire books with all their parts, as they are
wont to be read in the Catholic Church and are contained in the
old Vulgate Latin edition, and if anyone should knowingly and of
set purpose despise the aforesaid traditions, let him be
anathema." (Council of Trent)
"Moreover, the same sacred and holy Synod
taking into consideration that no small benefit can accrue to the
Church of God, if it be made known which one of all the Latin
editions of the sacred books which are in circulation is to be
considered authentic, has decided and declares that the said old
Vulgate edition, which has been approved by the Church itself
through long usage for so many centuries in public lectures,
disputations, sermons, and expositions, be considered authentic,
and that no one under any pretext whatsoever dare or presume to
reject it." (Council of Trent, 1546 A.D.)
"But that the Synod of Trent wished the
Vulgate to be the Latin version 'which all should use as
authentic,' applies, as all know, to the Latin Church only, and to
the public use of Scripture, and does not diminish the authority
and force of the early texts. For at that time no consideration
was being given to early texts, but to the Latin versions which
were being circulated at that time, among which the Council
decreed that that version was rightly to be preferred which was
approved by the long use of so many centuries within the Church.
So this eminent authority of the Vulgate, or, as it is expressed,
authenticity, was established by the Council not especially for
critical reasons, but rather because of its authorized use in the
Church continued through the course of so many centuries; and by
this use it is demonstrated that this text, as the Church has
understood and understands, in matters of faith and morals is
entirely free of error, so that, on the testimony and confirmation
of the Church herself, in discussions, quotations, and meetings it
can be cited safely and without danger of error; and accordingly
such authenticity is expressed primarily not by the term critical
but rather juridical. Therefore, this authority of the Vulgate in
matters of doctrine does not at all prevent - rather it almost
demands today - this same doctrine being called upon for help,
whereby the correct meaning of Sacred Scripture may daily be made
clearer and be better explained. And not even this is prohibited
by the decree of the Council of Trent, namely, that for the use
and benefit of the faithful in Christ and for the easier
understanding of divine works translations be made into common
languages; and these, too, from the early texts, as we know has
already been praiseworthily done with the approval of the
authority of the Church in many regions." (Pope Pius XII,
"Divino afflante Spiritu", September 30, 1943 A.D.) Also
See: Canon
of Scripture | Difficulties
in Translating Scripture | Septuagint
| St.
Jerome / Holy Scripture | Those
Who Venerate Other 'Scriptures' | Vernacular
Translations / Faulty Translations | Written
/ Oral Tradition
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/ Oral Tradition
Also See:
Traditional Catholic (Topic Page)
brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were
taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours."
(St. Paul, 2 Thes. 2:15) "The
other matters I shall set in order when I come." (St. Paul, 1
Cor. 11:34) "Although I have much to write to you, I do not intend to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and to speak face to face so that our joy may be complete."
(St. John, 2 Jn. 1:12) "Catholics hold that the apostles made over
the divine revelation to the generation after them, not only in
writing, but by word of mouth, and in the ritual of the Church. We
consider that the New Testament is not the whole of what they left
us; that they left us a number of doctrines, not in writing at
all, but living in the minds and mouths of the faithful."
(Cardinal Newman) "It is not necessary that all the divine
words have an allegorical meaning. Consideration and perception is
needed in order to know the meaning of the argument of each. It is
needful also to make use of Tradition; for not everything can be
gotten from Sacred Scripture. The holy Apostles handed down some
things in the Scriptures, other things in Tradition." (St.
Epiphanius of Salamis, circa 374 A.D.)
"Tradition is more extensive than Sacred
Scripture... revelation is contained not only in sacred Scripture
but also in tradition." (Wiltgen) "Now
the Evangelists are silent as to the greater part of Christ's
teaching; for whereas He preached for the space nearly of three
years, all the teaching which they have written down would
scarcely, one might say, suffice for the discourse of a single
day. For out of a great many things extracting a few, they have
given only a taste as it were of the sweetness of His
teaching." (St. Theophylact) "Hence
there exists a close connection and communication between sacred
tradition and Sacred Scripture. For both of them, flowing from the same
divine wellspring, in a certain way merge into a unity and tend toward
the same end. For Sacred Scripture is the word of God inasmuch as it is
consigned to writing under the inspiration of the divine Spirit, while
sacred tradition takes the word of God entrusted by Christ the Lord and
the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and hands it on to their successors in
its full purity, so that led by the light of the Spirit of truth they
may in proclaiming it preserve this word of God faithfully, explain it,
and make it more widely known. Consequently it is not from Sacred
Scripture alone that the Church draws her certainty about everything
which has been revealed. Therefore both sacred tradition and Sacred
Scripture are to be accepted and venerated with the same sense of
devotion and reverence... Sacred
tradition and sacred scripture form one sacred deposit of the word of
God, which is committed to the Church." (Second Vatican Council)
"...the Church defined its doctrine by tradition,
not sola scriptura (by Scripture alone) - to adopt the rallying
cry of a controversy that would rend the Church a millennium and a
half later. When Apostles like Paul - whose letters pre-date the
written Gospels - refer to Scripture, they refer to what
Christians now call the Old Testament. The early tradition of the
Church was oral rather than written, and the New Testament
writings are, as Father Philip Hughes notes 'supplementary to the
basic knowledge which they presuppose.' The Biblical canon of what
was true, valuable, binding, and instructive took centuries to
compile and assess. The Bible as we have it today assumed its
general form by the end of the second century. The canon of St.
Athanasius was agreed upon by the end of the fourth century and
became the definitive, authoritative canon for the Western Church
with Pope Innocent I's approval of it in 405." (Crocker) "The sacred and holy ecumenical and general
Synod of Trent, lawfully assembled in the Holy Spirit, with the
same three Legates of the Apostolic See presiding over it, keeping
this constantly in view, that with the abolishing of errors, the
purity itself of the Gospel is preserved in the Church, which
promised before through the Prophets in the Holy Scriptures our
Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God first promulgated with His own
mouth, and then commanded 'to be preached' by His apostles 'to
every creature' as the source of every saving truth and of
instruction in morals [Matt. 28:19 ff., Mark 16:15], and [the
Synod] clearly perceiving that this truth and instruction are
contained in the written books and in the unwritten traditions,
which have been received by the apostles from the mouth of Christ
Himself, or from the apostles themselves, at the dictation of the
Holy Spirit, have come down even to us, transmitted as it were
from hand to hand, [the Synod] following the examples of the
orthodox Fathers, receives and holds in veneration with an equal
affection of piety and reverence all the books both of the Old and
of the New Testament, since one God is the author or both, and
also the traditions themselves, those that appertain both to faith
and to morals, as having been dictated either by Christ's own word
of mouth, or by the Holy Spirit, and preserved in the Catholic
Church by a continuous succession. (Council of Trent, 1546 A.D.)
See: The
Church Existed Before the Bible | The
Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching | Non-Catholics
Section (apologetics) | Latin
Mass/Catholic Tradition Section
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100+ Catholic Word Searches (Incl. Advent,
Christmas, Lent, Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Grace, Rosary, Fatima, And More...)
"Relaxing, educational, good
for your memory, mind, focus, vocabulary, and good for your soul!"
Get Your Copy Today!
Word Search - Bilingual Edition: Latin / English
Search Words In Latin, Meanings In English

55 Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded,
Relaxing & Educational!"
Topics Include: Advent, Christmas, Lent,
Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Rosary & More...
"Perfect For Catholic
Teens & Adults!" ~ "Great For Home Schoolers!"
Get Your Copy Today!
Why Latin? / Latin Info.
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Word Search - Bilingual Edition: French / English
Search Words In French, Meanings In English

Absolutely NO Knowledge Of
French Is Required!
50+ Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded,
Relaxing & Educational!"
Topics Include: Advent, Christmas, Lent,
Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Rosary & More...
"Perfect For Catholic Teens & Adults!" ~ "Great
For Home Schoolers!"
Fun for any time! Also great for...
* Planning a Catholic pilgrimage to France
* Learning some (or brushing up on some) French
* Increasing your French vocabulary
* Adding fun to a homeschool curriculum
* Enjoying a unique challenge, even if you
don't speak a word of French!
Free Sample Here
Get Your Copy Today!
Why Learn French?
Click link or image above for more information & to purchase.
Now Available!
Great Inspirational Catholic Coloring Books...

Plus These Handy Coloring Books & Resources...

Lots of Love Coloring Book (Vol.1) - 40 Love-Themed / Affirming Coloring Pages (Easy/Fairly Easy) - "Includes a Variety of Coloring Pages Suitable for Children or Adults!" ~ "Great for Sharing!"

My Colors - Easy & Convenient Color Sample
Sheets ~ Coloring Resources Book: 125+ Assorted Color Sample Sheets - "Perfect
For Testing, Selecting & Organizing Pen, Marker, Pencil or Crayon Colors!"

My Colors 2 - Easy & Flexible Color
Combination Grids ~ Coloring Resources Book: 50+ Color Sample Sheets In 3 Grid
Sizes - "Perfect For Previewing, Testing & Selecting Pen, Marker, Pencil Or
Crayon Color Combinations!"
[Please Note: Proceeds from sales of these books may support My Catholic]
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Purchase, Click Image(s) Above
Click Here For Coloring Examples
Now Available!
700+ Consoling Thoughts From Holy Scripture
"Inspirational & Uplifting!"

"Some of the most consoling
& comforting words from Holy Scripture, all in one place!"
+ + +
Compiled From Traditional Catholic Scripture
(Douay-Rheims Translation)
Get it today!
+ + +
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $7.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
The iStations Book - Stations of the Cross

Two Traditional Way of the
Cross Methods for Catholics Based on Our 'Best Selling' App
Features beautiful images, TWO traditional
methods, including a Franciscan method, selected prayers in English & Latin
Get it today!
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $4.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
Catholic Annual Prayer Book

Includes: 365+ Daily Prayers (Jan.-Dec.);
Holiday / Seasonal Prayers; Hundreds of Prayers Indexed by Title;
Nearly 200 Aspirations / Short Prayers; Over 100 Latin Prayers & Aspirations; 500+
Topics for Meditation; Hundreds of Prayer Tips & Insights; And More...
Includes prayers drawn from Holy Scripture, the
liturgy, writings of popes & saints, the Raccolta, the Roman Breviary, the Roman
Missal, etc.
A daily prayer companion for
Catholics that is 'suitable for any year'!
Kindle Version Just $8.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Click Here to Buy
Now Available!
Coloring Book For Catholics: 50+ Latin
(Beginning - Intermediate - Advanced)

"This 'unique', tradition-minded coloring book
which contains some of the most popular Catholic prayers in Latin is a fun way
to become more familiar with Latin prayers & increase Latin language retention!"
This 'educational & fun' publication is useful
for prayerful relaxation, educational recreation ('learn while you play'),
becoming more familiar with Latin prayers & hundreds of Latin words, learning or
memorizing Latin prayers, increasing Latin retention, and more...
An enjoyable and
instructive tool with respect to Latin (the 'beautiful & majestic language of
heaven' and 'official language of the Church' - a language 'consecrated' by the
inscription on the Cross that helps to foster a universal bond in prayer with
Catholics around the world), this publication is suitable for Catholics of most any
+ + +
"This Catholic coloring book
- which provides hours of wholesome & educational recreation - is so much better
for your soul than television!"
+ + +
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Click Here to Buy
Now Available!
My Little Latin Mass Coloring Book

25+ Traditional Latin Mass Coloring Images For Children Or Adults [Low
"Enjoyable & Educational!"
+ + +
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Click Here to Buy
Catholic Classics Reprint Now Available!
In Heaven We Know Our Own - Or, Solace for
the Suffering

This 'Catholic Classic', which offers consoling
'proof' that the faithful departed remember, love & care for those in heaven and
for those still remaining on earth, is a "great balm of comfort" to those who
have lost a spouse, child, parent, friend, or other loved one. "A thoughtful
bereavement gift, and a 'must-have' for grieving Catholics!"
Get your copy today!
For More Information & To
Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $2.99!
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
Setting The Record Straight About Luther
Important Things Catholics Should Know About
The 'Reformer'

Don't miss this
'eye-opening' treatise concerning Martin Luther, the catalyst / leader of the
' Reformation ' (a.k.a. Protestant Rebellion)
Includes: Facts which demonstrate that Luther
was NOT sent by God, Luther received approval of his teaching from Satan,
Luther's misbehavior, some results of Luther's teachings, Luther admits he could
be wrong, and more...
Get your copy today!
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $5.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics
Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

"Suitable For Children Or
Adults!" ~ "Perfect For Home Schoolers!"
+ + +
As many faithful Catholics already know,
the majestic
Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church –
promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with
our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties
back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin,
and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious
treasure that is the
Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of
English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in
educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings
many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"
If you enjoy Latin, you may be glad to know that
this full-sized (8.5" x 11"), tradition-minded publication features an
assortment of activity types related to Latin (including: word searches,
crosswords, coloring activities, challenges, fill-ins, spelling bee,
quizzes, unscrambles, true/false, multiple choice, matching, cross-offs,
circling, word associations, translation exercises, and more...), and
treats of various topics (including: common Latin words, Latin language
facts, Latin grammar, nouns & verbs, abbreviations,
phrases / sayings / mottos, prefixes, cardinal numbers, grammatical gender,
inflection, word roots, diacritics / accenting, pronunciation, Latin
prayers / hymns, Scripture verses, Catholic phrases, and more...).
+ + +
" Fun & Educational! "
Get Your Copy Today!
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