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Reducing to Antiquity |
it is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity
by every possible device. Thus, to cite some instances, one would
be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar
restored to its primitive table form; were he to want black
excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to
forbid the use of sacred images and statues in churches; were he
to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer's body
shows no trace of His cruel sufferings; and lastly were he to
disdain and reject polyphonic music or singing in parts, even
where it conforms to regulations issued by the Holy See."
(Pope Pius XII, "Mediator Dei", 1947 A.D.) [Note:
'Reducing to antiquity' does NOT refer to the
Traditionalists attempts to restore the traditional Latin
('Tridentine') Mass and pre-Vatican II practices, but to the
modernists quest to 'restore' the Church to a 'primitive form'
that better corresponds with Protestant sensibilities. In fact,
the 'reduction to antiquity' of the Modernists and the restoration
sought by the Traditionalists are diametrically opposed. The
'reducing to antiquity' of the Modernists has been condemned by
the popes - whereas true faithfulness to tradition has always been
guarded in the Church, and is even praised in Holy Scripture. For
more information, try the Latin
Mass / Catholic Tradition Section.)
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Blessed Virgin Will Succor Us in Our Trials
Also See:
Blessed Virgin Mary (Topic Page)
how bitterly and fiercely is Jesus Christ now being persecuted,
and the most holy religion which he founded! And how grave is the
peril that threatens many of being drawn away by the errors that
are afoot on all sides, to the abandonment of the faith! 'Then let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he
fall' (I Cor. x., 12). And let all, with humble prayer and
entreaty, implore of God, through the intercession of Mary, that
those who have abandoned the truth may repent. We know, indeed,
from experience that such prayer, born of charity and relying on
the Virgin, has never been vain. True, even in the future the
strife against the Church will never cease, 'for there must
be also heresies, that they also who are reproved may be made
manifest among you' (I Cor. xi., 19). But neither will the
Virgin ever cease to succor us in our trials, however grave they
be, and to carry on the fight fought by her since her conception,
so that every day we may repeat: 'Today the head of [Satan] was crushed by her' (Office Immac. Con., 11.
Vespers, Magnif.)." (Pope St. Pius X, "Ad Diem Illum
Laetissimum", 1904 A.D.)
See: Mary,
Our Mother Section
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of Heaven May Not Be Expected if Homage is Unworthy |
it is vain to hope that the blessing of heaven will descend
abundantly upon us, when our homage to the Most High, instead of
ascending in the odor of sweetness, puts into the hand of the Lord
the scourges wherewith of old the Divine Redeemer drove the
unworthy profaners from the Temple." (Pope St. Pius X,
"Inter Sollicitudines", 1905 A.D.)
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is Victorious |
faithful should also reflect who is their leader against
temptations of the enemy; namely, Christ the Lord, who was
victorious in the same combat. He overcame the devil; He is that
stronger man who, coming upon the strong armed man, overcame him,
deprived him of his arms, and stripped him of his spoils. Of
Christ's victory over the world, we read in St. John: Have
confidence: I have overcome the world; and in the Apocalypse, He
is called the conquering lion; and it is said of Him that He went
forth conquering that He might conquer, because by His victory He
has given power to others to conquer." (Catechism of the
Council of Trent)
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Promise to the Church Should Be Understood as Referring to the
Church as a Whole, and Not to Certain Portions of It |
the Lord wished that by the strength and solidity of the
foundation the gates of hell should be prevented from prevailing
against the Church. All are agreed that the divine promise must be
understood of the Church as a whole, and not of any certain
portions of it. These can indeed be overcome by the assaults of
the powers of hell, as in point of fact has befallen some of
them." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis Cognitum", 1896 A.D.)
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Church Cannot Be Overthrown |
I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will
build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
it." (Our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Peter, the first Pope, Mt.
will there be grief enough over the corruption of morals so
extensively increasing and promoted by irreligious and obscene
writings, theatrical spectacles and meretricious houses
established almost everywhere; by other depraved arts and
monstrous portents of every error disseminated in all directions;
by the abominable impurities of all vices and crimes growing
constantly and the deadly virus of unbelief and indifferentism
spread far and wide; by contempt for ecclesiastical authority,
sacred things, and laws and by the outrageous plundering of Church
possessions; by the bitter and constant abuse of consecrated
Church officials, of the students of religious communities, of
virgins dedicated to God; by the diabolical hatred of Christ, his
Church, teaching, and of this Apostolic See. These and almost
innumerable other evils perpetrated by the embittered enemies of
the Catholic Church and faith, we are daily compelled to lament.
All these agonies seem to prolong and delay that most yearned for
time when we shall see the full triumph of our most holy religion,
of justice, and of truth. This triumph cannot fail us, however,
even if it is not given us to know the time destined for it by
almighty God. Even though our heavenly Father permits his holy
Church to be afflicted and plagued by various tribulations and
distresses while serving during this most miserable and earthly
pilgrimage, nevertheless, because it has been founded by Christ,
the Lord, upon an immovable and most firm rock, it cannot be
shaken or overthrown by any force or violence. Rather, 'it is
strengthened, not weakened by persecutions. The Lord's vineyard is
always clothed with a richer harvest, for while each grain dies
singly, it is born again many-fold.' That is what we see
happening, beloved sons and venerable brothers, even in these most
sorrowful times as a special blessing from God. For although the
immaculate Spouse of Christ may be vehemently troubled at the
present time by the work of the wicked, yet she is triumphing over
her enemies. Yes, indeed, she is conquering her enemies and shines
wonderfully bright with your unparalleled faithfulness, love, and
respect towards us and this Chair of Peter, and with your
outstanding constancy and that of the other venerable brothers,
the bishops of the whole Catholic world. She shines with many
pious works of Christian charity multiplying rapidly each day;
with the light of blessed faith illuminating many regions evermore
each day; with the exceptional love and devotion shown by
Catholics towards the Church itself, towards us, and this Holy
See; with the eminent and immortal glory of martyrdom." (Pope
Pius IX, "Quanto Conficiamur Moerore", 1863 A.D.)
See: The
Unshakeable Church (Love of Catholic Faith Reflections) | The
Papacy is Indestructible / Perpetual (Vatican View Reflections)
| Vatican View Section
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Church is Both Divine & Human |
our Lord, the Catholic Church is both divine and human:] Treat the Catholic Church as Divine only and you will
stumble only the scandals, her failures, and her shortcomings.
Treat her as Human only and you will be silenced by her miracles,
her sanctity, and her eternal resurrections." (Benson)
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Enemy Seeks to Destroy the Church and Corrupt the People |
are certainly aware, our beloved sons and venerable brothers, that
every kind of impious and deceitful writing, lies, calumny, and
blasphemy has been let loose from hell. No pain has been spared to
transfer schools to non-Catholic teachers and to appropriate
churches for non-Catholic worship. With a multiple of other,
surely diabolical treacheries, arts, and undertakings, the enemies
of God employ every effort to destroy completely - if that were
possible - the Catholic Church, seduce and corrupt the people,
especially guileless youth, and uproot our holy faith and religion
from the souls of all." (Pope Pius IX, "Quanto Conficiamur
Moerore", 1863 A.D.)
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to Oppose Error is to Approve of It |
to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to
suppress it." (Pope St. Felix III)
See: Error
/ Truth (Coming Home Reflections)
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Opinions Influence & Pervert Actions |
turns his attention to the bitter strifes
of these days and seeks a reason for the troubles that vex public
and private life must come to the conclusion that a fruitful cause
of the evils which now afflict, as well as those which threaten,
us lies in this: that false conclusions concerning divine and
human things, which originated in the schools of philosophy, have
now crept into all the orders of the State, and have been accepted
by the common consent of the masses. For, since it is in the very
nature of man to follow the guide of reason in his actions, if his
intellect sins at all his will soon follows; and thus it happens
that false opinions, whose seat is in the understanding, influence
human actions and pervert them. Whereas, on the other hand, if men
be of sound mind and take their stand on true and solid
principles, there will result a vast amount of benefits for the
public and private good" (Pope Leo XIII, "Aeterni Patris",
1879 A.D.)
See: Truth
/ Error / Nature of Man (Coming Home Reflections)
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Duty of the Flock When Shepherd Becomes a Wolf |
the shepherd becomes a wolf, the first duty of the flock is to
defend itself." (Dom Gueranger)
See: Bad
/ Fallen Priests (Priests & Vocations Reflections)
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Laments |
it is one of the most painful and grievous sights to see so many
souls, redeemed by the blood of Christ, snatched from salvation by
the whirlwind of an age of error, precipitated into the abyss of
eternal death." (Pope Leo XIII, "Supremi Apostolatus
Officio", 1883 A.D.)
much cause we have to grieve over the most cruel and sacrilegious
war brought upon the Catholic Church in almost all regions of the
world during these turbulent times" (Pope Pius IX, "Quanto
Conficiamur Moerore", 1863 A.D.)
just like the present age, our pontificate is weighed down by ever
so many cares, anxieties, and troubles, by reason of very severe
calamities that have taken place and by reason of the fact that
many have strayed away from truth and virtue." (Pope Pius
XII, "Munificentissimus Deus", 1950 A.D.)
"As a result of this filthy medley of errors which
creeps in from every side, and as the result of the unbridled
license to think, speak and write, We see the following: morals
deteriorated, Christ's most holy religion despised, the majesty of
divine worship rejected, the power of this Apostolic See
plundered, the authority of the Church attacked and reduced to
base slavery, the rights of bishops trampled on, the sanctity of
marriage infringed, the rule of every government violently shaken
and many other losses for both the Christian and the civil
commonwealth. Venerable brothers, We are compelled to weep and
share in your lament that this is the case." (Pope Pius IX,
"Qui Pluribus", 1846 A.D.)
God may console Us with you, We are nonetheless sad. This is due
to the numberless errors and the teachings of perverse doctrines
which, no longer secretly and clandestinely but openly and
vigorously, attack the Catholic faith. You know how evil men have
raised the standard of revolt against religion through philosophy
(of which they proclaim themselves doctors) and through empty
fallacies devised according to natural reason. In the first place,
the Roman See is assailed and the bonds of unity are, every day,
being severed. The authority of the Church is weakened and the
protectors of things sacred are snatched away and held in
contempt. The holy precepts are despised, the celebration of
divine offices is ridiculed, and the worship of God is cursed by
the sinner. All things which concern religion are relegated to the
fables of old women and the superstitions of priests. Truly lions
have roared in Israel. With tears We say: 'Truly they have
conspired against the Lord and against His Christ.' Truly the
impious have said: 'Raze it, raze it down to its
foundations.'" (Pope Pius VIII, "Traditi Humilitati",
1829 A.D.)
"Can we be Catholic in mind and heart and gaze with dry
eyes on that land where our wondrous Redeemer deigned to establish
the seat of His kingdom? Now We see His teachings attacked and His
reverence outraged, His Church embattled and His Vicar opposed. So
many souls redeemed by His blood are now lost, the choicest
portion of His flock, a people faithful to Him for nineteen
centuries. How can We bear to look upon His chosen people exposed
to a constant and ever-present danger of apostasy, pushed toward
error and vice, material miseries, and moral degradation?...
Finally, the general social order is undermined at its
foundations. Books and journals, schools and universities, clubs
and theaters, monuments and political discourse, photographs and
the fine arts, everything conspires to pervert minds and corrupt
hearts. Meanwhile the oppressed and suffering people tremble and
the anarchic sects arouse themselves. The working classes raise
their heads and go to swell the ranks of socialism, communism, and
anarchy. Characters exhaust themselves and many souls, no longer
knowing how to suffer nobly nor how to redeem themselves manfully,
take their lives with cowardly suicide." (Pope Leo XIII,
"Custodi Di Quella Fede", 1892 A.D.)
See: State
of Things / Laments
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Should Not Place One's Happiness in the Desire for Possessions |
beloved sons and venerable brothers, we cannot be silent about
another most pernicious error, an evil that is pitifully tearing
apart and deeply disturbing minds, hearts, and souls. We are
referring to that unbridled and damnable self-love and
self-interest that drive many to seek their own advantage and
profit with clearly no regard for their neighbor. We mean that
thoroughly insatiable passion for power and possessions that
overrides all the rules of justice and honesty and never ceases by
every means possible to amass and greedily heap up wealth.
Completely absorbed in the things of earth, forgetful of God,
religion and their souls, they wrongly place all their happiness
in procuring riches and money. Let such people recollect and
meditate seriously upon the very sobering words of Christ, the
Lord: 'What will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and
forfeits his life?' Let them also reflect upon the teaching of
Paul: 'Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a
snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that drag men down
to ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all
evil; it is through this craving that some have wandered away and
pierced their hearts with many pangs.'" (Pope Pius IX, "Quanto
Conficiamur Moerore", 1863 A.D.)
See: Riches
/ Wealth (Catholic Life Reflections)
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Age is Hostile to Justice & Truth |
lot has been cast in an age that is bitterly hostile to justice
and truth" (Pope Leo XIII, "Mirae Caritatis", 1902
See: Truth
/ Error / Nature of Man (Coming Home Reflections)
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of the Church Ultimately Leads to Benefits |
true religion has shown forth with greater splendor the more it
has been oppressed." (Pope St. Symmachus, c. 506 A.D.)
the Lord wishes that other persecution should be suffered, the
Church feels no alarm; on the contrary, persecutions purify her
and confer upon her fresh force and a new beauty." (Pope Pius
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to Primal Constitution Constitutes Recovery |
"When a society is perishing,
the wholesome advice to give to those who would restore it is to call it
to the principles from which it sprang; for the purpose and perfection
of an association is to aim at and to attain that for which it is
formed, and its efforts should be put in motion and inspired by the end
and object which originally gave it being. Hence, to fall away from its
primal constitution implies disease; to go back to it, recovery."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Rerum Novarum", 1891 A.D.)
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Laws Are a Species of Violence |
law is law only by virtue of its accordance with right reason; and
thus it is manifest that it flows from the eternal law. And in so
far as it deviates from right reason it is called an unjust law;
in such case it is no law at all, but rather a species of violence." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
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Victory Will Be With God |
no one of sound mind can doubt the issue of this contest between
man and the Most High. Man, abusing his liberty, can violate the
right and the majesty of the Creator of the Universe; but the
victory will ever be with God - nay, defeat is at hand at the
moment when man, under the delusion of his triumph, rises up with
most audacity. Of this we are assured in the holy books by God
Himself. Unmindful, as it were, of His strength and greatness, He
'overlooks the sins of men' (Wisd. xi., 24), but swiftly, after
these apparent retreats, 'awaked like a mighty man that hath been
surfeited with wine' (Ps. 1xxvii., 65), 'He shall break the heads
of his enemies' (Ps. 1xxvii., 22), that all may know 'that God is
the king of all the earth' (Ib. 1xvi, 8), 'that the Gentiles may
know themselves to be men' (Ib. ix., 20)." (Pope St. Pius X,
"E Supremi", 1903 A.D.)
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Has Been Declared Against Everything Supernatural |
to God, so infinitely good, is all the more necessary because, far
from abating, the struggle grows fiercer and expands unceasingly.
It is no longer only the Christian faith that they would uproot at
all costs from the hearts of the people; it is any belief which
lifting man above the horizon of this world would supernaturally
bring back his wearied eyes to heaven. Illusion on the subject is
no longer possible. War has been declared against everything
supernatural, because behind the supernatural stands God, and
because it is God that they want to tear out of the mind and heart
of man." (Pope St. Pius X, "Une Fois Encore", 1907
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Misc. |
at the present time...wish God and His Church to be altogether
exiled and excluded from the midst of human society" (Pope
Leo XIII, "Arcanum", 1880 A.D.)
only-begotten Jesus Christ, Word of the Eternal Father: Hear me
invoke your clemency! Speak peace, I beseech you, to the tempest
that shakes your Church, and with the effusion of the blood of one
who is your servant, end the persecution of your people, Lord.
Amen." (St. Peter of Alexandria)
"Look at the great foundation of the
Church, that most solid of rocks, upon whom Christ built the
Church! And what does the Lord say to him? 'O you of little
faith,' He says, 'why did you doubt!'" [Origen ("the greatest scholar of Christian antiquity" - although he would eventually be excommunicated and be regarded as a heretic),
3rd century A.D.]
to what We have called the goods of the soul, which consist
chiefly in the practice of the true religion and in the unswerving
observance of the Christian precepts, We see them daily losing
esteem among men, either by reason of forgetfulness or disregard,
in such wise that all that is gained for the well-being of the
body seems to be lost for that of the soul. A striking proof of
the lessening and weakening of the Christian faith is seen in the
insults too often done to the Catholic Church, openly and publicly
- insults, indeed, which an age cherishing religion would
not have tolerated. For these reasons, an incredible multitude of
men is in danger of not achieving salvation; and even nations and
empires themselves cannot long remain unharmed, since, when
Christian institutions and morality decline, the main foundation
of human society goes together with them." (Pope Leo XIII,
"Sapientiae Christianae", 1890 A.D.)
have good reason to deplore the public institutions in which the
teaching of the sciences and arts is purposely so organized that
the name of God is passed over in silence or visited with
vituperation; to deplore the license - growing more shameless by the
day - of the press in publishing whatever it pleases, and the
license of speech in addressing any kind of insult to Christ our
God and His Church. And We deplore no less the consequent laxity
and apathy in the practice of the Catholic religion which if not
quite open apostasy from the Faith, is certainly going to prove an
easy road to it, since it is a manner of life having nothing in
common with faith. Nobody who ponders this disorder and the
surrender of the most fundamental principles will be astonished if
afflicted nations everywhere are groaning under the heavy hand of
God's vengeance and stand anxious and trembling in fear of worse
calamities." (Pope Leo XIII, "Magnae Dei Matris",
1892 A.D.)
learn from the writings and deeds of the holy fathers that the Catholic faith without which (as the Apostle says) it is
impossible to please God, has often been attacked by false
followers of the same faith, or rather by perverse assailants, and
by those who, desirous of the world's glory, are led on by proud
curiosity to know more than they should; and that it has been
defended against such persons by the Church's faithful spiritual
knights armed with the shield of faith. Indeed these kinds of wars
were prefigured in the physical wars of the Israelite people
against idolatrous nations. Therefore in these spiritual wars the
holy Catholic Church, illuminated in the truth of faith by the
rays of light from above and remaining ever spotless through the
Lord's providence and with the help of the patronage of the
saints, has triumphed most gloriously over the darkness of error
as over profligate enemies." (Council of Constance)
is well established that the first and profound source of the
evils by which the modern state is afflicted, from this fact, that
the universal standard of morality is denied and rejected, not
only in the private life of individuals but also in the state
itself, and in the mutual relationships which exist between races
and nations; that is, the natural law is being nullified by
detraction and neglect. This natural law rests on God as its
foundation, the omnipotent creator and author of all, and likewise
the supreme and most perfect legislator, the most wise and just
vindicator of human actions. When the eternal Godhead is rashly
denied, then the principle of all probity totters and sways, and
the voice of nature becomes silent, or gradually is weakened,
which teaches the unlearned as well as those who have not as yet
acquired the experience of civilization what is right and what is
not right; what is permitted, and what is not permitted, and warns
them that some day they must render an account for their good and
evil deeds before the Supreme Judge." (Pius XII, "Summi
Pontificatus", 1939 A.D.)
who live in the lap of luxury call themselves brethren of the
multitude whom in their heart of hearts they despise; and in the
same way with minds puffed up by pride, they take no thought to
obey any law, or fear any power. They call self love liberty, and
think themselves 'born free like a wild ass's colt.' Snares and
temptation to sin abound; We know that impious or immoral dramas
are exhibited on the stage; that books and journals are written to
jeer at virtue and ennoble crime; that the very arts, which were
intended to give pleasure and proper recreation, have been made to
minister to impurity. Nor can We look to the future without fear,
for new seeds of evil are sown, and as it were poured into the
heart of the rising generation. As for the public schools, there
is no ecclesiastical authority left in them, and in the years when
it is most fitting for tender minds to be trained carefully in
Christian virtue, the precepts of religion are for the most part
unheard. Men more advanced in age encounter a yet graver peril
from evil teaching, which is of such a kind as to blind the young
by misleading words, instead of filling them with the knowledge of
the truth. Many now-a-days seek to learn by the aid of reason
alone, laying divine faith entirely aside; and, through the
removal of its bright light, they stumble and fail to discern the
truth" (Pope Leo XIII, "Exeunte Iam Anno", 1888
Church, it is certain, at no time and in no particular is deserted
by God; hence, there is no reason why she should be alarmed at the
wickedness of men; but in the case of nations falling away from
Christian virtue there is not a like ground of assurance, 'for sin
maketh nations miserable.' If every bygone age has experienced the
force of this truth, wherefore should not our own? There are, in
truth, very many signs which proclaim that just punishments are
already menacing, and the condition of modern States tends to
confirm this belief, since we perceive many of them in sad plight
from intestine disorders, and not one entirely exempt. But, should
those leagued together in wickedness hurry onward in the road they
have boldly chosen, should they increase in influence and power in
proportion as they make headway in their evil purposes and crafty
schemes, there will be ground to fear lest the very foundations
nature has laid for States to rest upon be utterly destroyed. Nor
can such misgivings be removed by any mere human effort,
especially as a vast number of men, having rejected the Christian
faith, are on that account justly incurring the penalty of their
pride, since blinded by their passions they search in vain for
truth, laying hold on the false for the true, and thinking
themselves wise when they call 'evil good, and good evil,' and
'put darkness in the place of light, and light in the place of
darkness.' It is therefore necessary that God come to the rescue,
and that, mindful of His mercy, He turn an eye of compassion on
human society." (Pope Leo XIII, "Sapientiae Christianae",
1890 A.D.)
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