happy / happiness related
"Later on, when
your son asks you what these ordinances, statutes and decrees mean
which the LORD, our God, has enjoined on you, you shall say to
your son, 'We were once slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, but the LORD
brought us out of Egypt with his strong hand and wrought before
our eyes signs and wonders, great and dire, against Egypt and
against Pharaoh and his whole house. He brought us from there to
lead us into the land he promised on oath to our fathers, and to
give it to us. Therefore, the LORD commanded us to observe all
these statutes in fear of the LORD, our God, that we may always
have as prosperous and happy a life as we have today; and our
justice before the LORD, our God, is to consist in carefully
observing all these commandments he has enjoined on us.'" [DEUT
6:20-25] On this occasion Solomon and all the Israelites, who had assembled in large numbers from Labo of Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt, celebrated the festival before the LORD, our God, for seven days.
On the eighth day he dismissed the people, who bade the king farewell and went to their homes, rejoicing and happy over all the blessings the LORD had given to his servant David and to his people Israel.
[1KGS 8:65-66]
"The report I heard in my country about your deeds and
your wisdom is true," [the queen of Sheba] told the king.
"Though I did not believe the report until I came and saw
with my own eyes, I have discovered that they were not telling me
the half. Your wisdom and prosperity surpass the report I heard.
Happy are your men, happy these servants of yours, who stand
before you always and listen to your wisdom. Blessed be the LORD,
your God, whom it has pleased to place you on the throne of
Israel. In his enduring love for Israel, the LORD has made you
king to carry out judgment and justice." [Taken from 1KGS 10:6-9]
Happy are your men, happy these servants of yours, who stand
before you always and listen to your wisdom. [2CHRON 9:7]
She got up, and they started to pray and beg that deliverance
might be theirs. He began with these words: "Blessed are you,
O God of our fathers; praised be your name forever and ever. Let
the heavens and all your creation praise you forever. You made
Adam and you gave him his wife Eve to be his help and support; and
from these two the human race descended. You said, 'It is not good
for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.'
Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of
lust, but for a noble purpose. Call down your mercy on me and on
her, and allow us to live together to a happy old age."
[TOBIT 8:5-7]
Then Raguel praised the God of heaven in these words:
"Blessed are you, O God, with every holy and pure blessing!
Let all your chosen ones praise you; let them bless you forever!
Blessed are you, who have made me glad; what I feared did not
happen. Rather you have dealt with us according to your great
mercy. Blessed are you, for you were merciful toward two only
children. Grant them, Master, mercy and deliverance, and bring
their lives to fulfillment with happiness and mercy." [TOBIT
He summoned Tobiah and made an oath in his presence, saying: "For fourteen days you shall not stir from here, but shall remain here eating and drinking with me; and you shall bring joy to my
daughter's sorrowing spirit. Take, to begin with, half of whatever I own when you go back in good health to your father; the other half will be yours when I and my wife die. Be of good cheer, my son! I am your father, and Edna is your mother; and we belong to you and to your beloved now and forever. So be happy, son!"
[TOBIT 8:20-21]
When Tobiah left Raguel, he was full of happiness and joy, and
he blessed the Lord of heaven and earth, the King of all, for
making his journey so successful. Finally he said good-bye to
Raguel and his wife Edna, and added, "May I honor you all the
days of my life!" [TOBIT 10:14]
Ahiqar and his nephew Nadab also came to rejoice with Tobit.
They celebrated Tobiah's wedding feast for seven happy days, and
he received many gifts. [TOBIT 11:18]
O Jerusalem, holy city, he scourged you for the works of your
hands, but will again pity the children of the righteous. Praise
the Lord for his goodness, and bless the King of the ages, so that
his tent may be rebuilt in you with joy. May he gladden within you
all who were captives; all who were ravaged may he cherish within
you for all generations to come. A bright light will shine to all
parts of the earth; many nations shall come to you from afar, And
the inhabitants of all the limits of the earth, drawn to you by
the name of the Lord God, Bearing in their hands their gifts for
the King of heaven. Every generation shall give joyful praise in
you, and shall call you the chosen one, through all ages forever.
Accursed are all who speak a harsh word against you; accursed are
all who destroy you and pull down your walls, And all who
overthrow your towers and set fire to your homes; but forever
blessed are all those who build you up. Go, then, rejoice over the
children of the righteous, who shall all be gathered together and
shall bless the Lord of the ages. Happy are those who love you,
and happy those who rejoice in your prosperity. Happy are all the
men who shall grieve over you, over all your chastisements, For
they shall rejoice in you as they behold all your joy forever. My
spirit blesses the Lord, the great King; Jerusalem shall be
rebuilt as his home forever. Happy for me if a remnant of my
offspring survive to see your glory and to praise the King of
heaven! The gates of Jerusalem shall be built with sapphire and
emerald, and all your walls with precious stones. The towers of
Jerusalem shall be built with gold, and their battlements with
pure gold. The streets of Jerusalem shall be paved with rubies and
stones of Ophir; The gates of Jerusalem shall sing hymns of
gladness, and all her houses shall cry out, "Alleluia!
Blessed be God who has raised you up! may he be blessed for all
ages!" For in you they shall praise his holy name forever. [Taken
from TOBIT 13:9-18]
That day Haman left happy and in good spirits. But when he saw
that Mordecai at the royal gate did not rise, and showed no fear
of him, he was filled with anger toward him. [ESTH 5:9]
"Gathering together with joy and happiness before God,
they shall celebrate these days on the fourteenth and fifteenth of
the month Adar throughout all future generations of his people
Israel." [ESTH F:10]
The lawbreakers were cowed by fear of [Judas, who was called
Maccabeus], and all evildoers were dismayed. By his hand
redemption was happily achieved, and he afflicted many kings; He
made Jacob glad by his deeds, and his memory is blessed forever. [Taken
from 1MACC 3:6-7]
Alexander sent ambassadors to Ptolemy, king of Egypt, with this
message: "Now that I have returned to my realm, taken my seat
on the throne of my fathers, and established my rule by crushing
Demetrius and gaining control of my country - for I engaged him in
battle, defeated him and his army, and recovered the royal throne
- let us now establish friendship with each other. Give me your
daughter for my wife; and as your son-in-law, I will give to you
and to her gifts worthy of you." King Ptolemy answered in
these words: "Happy the day on which you returned to the land
of your fathers and took your seat on their royal throne! I will
do for you what you have written; but meet me in Ptolemais, so
that we may see each other, and I will become your father-in-law
as you have proposed." So Ptolemy with his daughter Cleopatra
set out from Egypt and came to Ptolemais in the year one hundred
and sixty-two. There King Alexander met him, and Ptolemy gave him
his daughter Cleopatra in marriage. Their wedding was celebrated
at Ptolemais with great splendor according to the custom of kings.
King Alexander also wrote to Jonathan to come and meet him. So he
went with pomp to Ptolemais, where he met the two kings and gave
them and their friends silver and gold and many gifts and thus won
their favor. Some pestilent Israelites, transgressors of the law,
united against him to accuse him, but the king paid no heed to
them. He ordered Jonathan to be divested of his ordinary garments
and to be clothed in royal purple; and so it was done. The king
also had him seated at his side. He said to his magistrates:
"Go with him to the center of the city and make a
proclamation that no one is to bring charges against him on any
grounds or be troublesome to him in any way." When his
accusers saw the honor paid to him in the proclamation, and the
purple with which he was clothed, they all fled. The king also
honored him by numbering him among his Chief Friends and made him
military commander and governor of the province. So Jonathan
returned in peace and happiness to Jerusalem.
[1MACC 10:51-66]
The land was at rest all the days of Simon, who sought the good
of his nation. His people were delighted with his power and his
magnificence throughout his reign. As his crowning glory he
captured the port of Joppa and made it a gateway to the isles of
the sea. He enlarged the borders of his nation and gained control
of the country. He took many enemies prisoners of war and made
himself master of Gazara, Beth-zur, and the citadel. He cleansed
the citadel of its impurities; there was no one to withstand him.
The people cultivated their land in peace; the land yielded its
produce and the trees of the field their fruit. Old men sat in the
squares, all talking about the good times, while the young men
wore the glorious apparel of war. He supplied the cities with food
and equipped them with means of defense, till his glorious name
reached the ends of the earth. He brought peace to the land, and
Israel was filled with happiness. Every man sat under his vine and
his fig tree, with no one to disturb him. No one was left to
attack them in their land; the kings in those days were crushed.
He strengthened all the lowly among his people and was zealous for
the law; he suppressed all the lawless and the wicked. He made the
temple splendid and enriched its equipment. [1MACC 14:4-15]
Antiochus, suspecting insult in her words, thought he was being
ridiculed. As the youngest brother was still alive, the king
appealed to him, not with mere words, but with promises on oath,
to make him rich and happy if he would abandon his ancestral
customs: he would make him his Friend and entrust him with high
office. When the youth paid no attention to him at all, the king
appealed to the mother, urging her to advise her boy to save his
life. After he had urged her for a long time, she went through the
motions of persuading her son. In derision of the cruel tyrant,
she leaned over close to her son and said in their native
language: "Son, have pity on me, who carried you in my womb
for nine months, nursed you for three years, brought you up,
educated and supported you to your present age. I beg you, child,
to look at the heavens and the earth and see all that is in them;
then you will know that God did not make them out of existing
things; and in the same way the human race came into existence. Do
not be afraid of this executioner, but be worthy of your brothers
and accept death, so that in the time of mercy I may receive you
again with them." She had scarcely finished speaking when the
youth said: "What are you waiting for? I will not obey the
king's command. I obey the command of the law given to our
forefathers through Moses." [Taken from 2MACC 7:24-30]
Happy is the man whom God reproves! The Almighty's chastening
do not reject. [JOB 5:17]
Remember that my life is like the wind; I shall not see
happiness again. [JOB 7:7]
My days are swifter than a runner, they flee away; they see no
happiness [Taken from JOB 9:25]
If their happiness is not in their own hands and if the counsel
of the wicked is repulsive to God, How often is the lamp of the
wicked put out? How often does destruction come upon them, the
portion he allots in his anger? Let them be like straw before the
wind, and like chaff which the storm snatches away! May God not
store up the man's misery for his children; let him requite the
man himself so that he feels it, Let his own eyes see the
calamity, and the wrath of the Almighty let him drink! For what
interest has he in his family after him, when the number of his
months is finished? One dies in his full vigor, wholly at ease and
content; His figure is full and nourished, and his bones are rich
in marrow. Another dies in bitterness of soul, having never tasted
happiness. Alike they lie down in the dust, and worms cover them
both. [JOB 21:16-26]
Or if they are bound with fetters and held fast by bonds of
affliction, Then he makes known to them what they have done and
their sins of boastful pride. He opens their ears to correction
and exhorts them to turn back from evil. If they obey and serve
him, they spend their days in prosperity, their years in
happiness. But if they obey not, they perish; they die for lack of
knowledge. [JOB 36:8-12]
Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, Nor go
the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the
law of the LORD is their joy; God's law they study day and night.
They are like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields
its fruit in season; Its leaves never wither; whatever they do
prospers. [PS 1:1-3]
Serve the LORD with fear; with trembling bow down in homage,
Lest God be angry and you perish from the way in a sudden blaze of
anger. Happy are all who take refuge in God! [PS 2:11]
Happy the sinner whose fault is removed, whose sin is forgiven.
Happy those to whom the LORD imputes no guilt, in whose spirit is no deceit.
[PS 32:1-2]
Happy the nation whose God is the LORD, the people chosen as
his very own. [PS 33:12]
Learn to savor how good the LORD is; happy are those who take
refuge in him. [PS 34:9]
Happy those whose trust is the LORD, who turn not to
idolatry or to those who stray after falsehood. [PS 40:5]
Happy those concerned for the lowly and poor; when misfortune
strikes, the LORD delivers them. The LORD keeps and preserves
them, makes them happy in the land, and does not betray them to
their enemies. The LORD sustains them on their sickbed, allays the
malady when they are ill. [PS 41:2-4]
Happy the chosen ones you bring to dwell in your courts. May we
be filled with the good things of your house, the blessings of
your holy temple! [PS 65:5]
Happy are those who dwell in your house! They never cease to
praise you. [Taken from PS 84:5]
Happy are those who find refuge in you, whose hearts are set on
pilgrim roads. As they pass through the Baca valley, they find
spring water to drink. Also from pools the Lord provides water for
those who lose their way. They pass through outer and inner wall
and see the God of gods on Zion. [PS] For a sun and shield is the
LORD God, bestowing all grace and glory. The LORD withholds no
good thing from those who walk without reproach. O LORD of hosts,
happy are those who trust in you! [PS 84:6-13]
Happy the people who know you, LORD, who walk in the radiance
of your face. In your name they sing joyfully all the day; at your
victory they raise the festal shout. You are their majestic
strength; by your favor our horn is exalted. Truly the LORD is our
shield, the Holy One of Israel, our king! [PS 89:16-19]
Happy those whom you guide, LORD, whom you teach by your
instruction. You give them rest from evil days, while a pit is
being dug for the wicked. You, LORD, will not forsake your people,
nor abandon your very own. Judgment shall again be just, and all
the upright of heart will follow it. [PS 94:12-15]
Happy those who do what is right, whose deeds are always just.
[PS 106:3]
Hallelujah! Happy are those who fear the LORD, who greatly
delight in God's commands. [PS 112:1]
Happy those whose way is blameless, who walk by the teaching of
the LORD. Happy those who observe God's decrees, who seek the LORD
with all their heart. They do no wrong; they walk in God's ways.
[PS 119:1-3]
When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, then we thought we
were dreaming. Our mouths were filled with laughter; our tongues
sang for joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD
had done great things for them." The LORD has done great
things for us; Oh, how happy we were! Restore again our fortunes,
LORD, like the dry stream beds of the Negeb. [PS 126:1-4]
Happy are all who fear the LORD, who walk in the ways of God.
What your hands provide you will enjoy; you will be happy and
prosper: Like a fruitful vine your wife within your home, Like
olive plants your children around your table. Just so will they be
blessed who fear the LORD. [PS 128:1-4]
Fair Babylon, you destroyer, happy those who pay you back the
evil you have done us! [PS 137:8]
Happy the people whose God is the
LORD. [Taken from PS 144:15]
Happy those whose help is Jacob's God, whose hope is in the
LORD, their God, The maker of heaven and earth, the seas and all
that is in them, Who keeps faith forever, secures justice for the
oppressed, gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free;
the LORD gives sight to the blind. The LORD raises up those who
are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD protects
the stranger, sustains the orphan and the widow, but thwarts the
way of the wicked. The LORD shall reign forever, your God, Zion,
through all generations! Hallelujah! [PS 146:5-10]
Happy the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains
understanding! For her profit is better than profit in silver, and
better than gold is her revenue; She is more precious than corals,
and none of your choice possessions can compare with her. Long
life is in her right hand, in her left are riches and honor; Her
ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace; She is a tree
of life to those who grasp her, and he is happy who holds her
fast. [PROV 3:13-18]
"I, Wisdom, dwell with experience, and judicious knowledge
I attain. (The fear of the LORD is to hate evil;) Pride,
arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse mouth I hate. Mine are
counsel and advice; Mine is strength; I am understanding. By me
kings reign, and lawgivers establish justice; By me princes
govern, and nobles; all the rulers of earth. Those who love me I
also love, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and
honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than
gold, yes, than pure gold, and my revenue than choice silver. On
the way of duty I walk, along the paths of justice, Granting
wealth to those who love me, and filling their treasuries. The
LORD begot me, the first-born of his ways, the forerunner of his
prodigies of long ago; From of old I was poured forth, at the
first, before the earth. So now, O children, listen to me;
instruction and wisdom do not reject! Happy the man who obeys me,
and happy those who keep my ways, Happy the man watching daily at
my gates, waiting at my doorposts; For he who finds me finds life,
and wins favor from the LORD; But he who misses me harms himself;
all who hate me love death." [PROV 8:12-23,32-36]
He sins who despises the hungry; but happy is he who is kind to
the poor! [PROV 14:21]
He who plans a thing will be successful; happy is he who trusts
in the LORD! [PROV 16:20]
He who finds a wife finds happiness; it is a favor he receives
from the LORD. [PROV 18:22]
When a man walks in integrity and justice, happy are his
children after him! [PROV 20:7]
Happy the man who is always on his guard; but he who hardens
his heart will fall into evil. [PROV 28:14]
Without prophecy the people become demoralized; but happy is he
who keeps the law. [PROV 29:18]
He who fears the LORD will have a happy end; even on the day of
his death he will be blessed. [SIRACH 1:11]
Wisdom instructs her children and admonishes those who seek
her. He who loves her loves life; those who seek her out win her
favor. He who holds her fast inherits glory; wherever he dwells,
the LORD bestows blessings. Those who serve her serve the Holy
One; those who love her the LORD loves. He who obeys her judges
nations; he who hearkens to her dwells in her inmost chambers. If
one trusts her, he will possess her; his descendants too will
inherit her. She walks with him as a stranger, and at first she
puts him to the test; Fear and dread she brings upon him and tries
him with her discipline; With her precepts she puts him to the
proof, until his heart is fully with her. Then she comes back to
bring him happiness and reveal her secrets to him. But if he fails
her, she will abandon him and deliver him into the hands of
despoilers. [SIRACH 4:11-19]
Take no counsel with a fool, for he can keep nothing to
himself. Before a stranger do nothing that should be kept secret,
for you know not what it will engender. Open your heart to no man,
and banish not your happiness. [SIRACH 8:17-19]
Call no man happy before his death, for by how he ends, a man
is known. [SIRACH 11:28]
Happy the man whose mouth brings him no grief, who is not stung
by remorse for sin. [SIRACH 14:1]
Happy the man whose conscience does not reproach him, who has
not lost hope. [SIRACH 14:2]
Happy the man who meditates on wisdom, and reflects on
knowledge; Who ponders her ways in his heart, and understands her
paths; Who pursues her like a scout, and lies in wait at her entry
way; Who peeps through her windows, and listens at her doors; Who
encamps near her house, and fastens his tent pegs next to her
walls; Who pitches his tent beside her, and lives as her welcome
neighbor; Who builds his nest in her leafage, and lodges in her
branches; Who takes shelter with her from the heat, and dwells in
her home. [SIRACH 14:20-27]
Happy is he who dwells with a sensible wife, and he who plows
not like a donkey yoked with an ox. Happy is he who sins not with
his tongue, and he who serves not his inferior. [SIRACH 25:8]
Happy is he who finds a friend and he who speaks to attentive
ears. [SIRACH 25:9]
Depressed mind, saddened face, broken heart - this from an evil
wife. Feeble hands and quaking knees - from a wife who brings no
happiness to her husband. [SIRACH 25:22]
Happy the husband of a good wife, twice-lengthened are his
days; A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full
is his life. A good wife is a generous gift bestowed upon him who
fears the LORD; Be he rich or poor, his heart is content, and a
smile is ever on his face. [SIRACH 26:1-4]
A meddlesome tongue subverts many, and makes them refugees
among the peoples; It destroys walled cities, and overthrows
powerful dynasties. A meddlesome tongue can drive virtuous women
from their homes and rob them of the fruit of their toil; Whoever
heeds it has no rest, nor can he dwell in peace. A blow from a
whip raises a welt, but a blow from the tongue smashes bones; Many
have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not as many as by the
tongue. Happy he who is sheltered from it, and has not endured its
wrath; Who has not borne its yoke nor been fettered with its
chain; For its yoke is a yoke of iron and its chains are chains of
bronze! Dire is the death it inflicts, besides which even the
nether world is a gain; It will not take hold among the just nor
scorch them in its flame, But those who forsake the LORD will fall
victims to it, as it burns among them unquenchably! It will hurl
itself against them like a lion; like a panther, it will tear them
to pieces. As you hedge round your vineyard with thorns, set
barred doors over your mouth; As you seal up your silver and gold,
so balance and weigh your words. Take care not to slip by your
tongue and fall victim to your foe waiting in ambush. [SIRACH 28:14-26]
Better a poor man strong and robust, than a rich man with
wasted frame. More precious than gold is health and well-being,
contentment of spirit than coral. No treasure greater than a
healthy body; no happiness, than a joyful heart! [SIRACH 30:14-16]
Happy the rich man found without fault, who turns not aside
after gain! [SIRACH 31:8]
Lively is the courage of those who fear the LORD, for they put
their hope in their savior; He who fears the LORD is never
alarmed, never afraid; for the LORD is his hope. Happy the soul
that fears the LORD! In whom does he trust, and who is his
support? The eyes of the LORD are upon those who love him; he is
their mighty shield and strong support, A shelter from the heat, a
shade from the noonday sun, a guard against stumbling, a help
against falling. He buoys up the spirits, brings a sparkle to the
eyes, gives health and life and blessing. [SIRACH 34:13-17]
Wise instruction, appropriate proverbs, I have written in this
book, I, Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sirach, as they gushed
forth from my heart's understanding. Happy the man who meditates
upon these things, wise the man who takes them to heart! If he
puts them into practice, he can cope with anything, for the fear
of the LORD is his lamp. [SIRACH 50:27-29]
Happy the just, for it will be well with them, the fruit of their works they will eat.
Woe to the wicked man! All goes ill, with the work of his hands he will be repaid.
[ISA 3:10-11]
Happy are you who sow beside every stream, and let the ox and
the ass go freely! [ISA 32:20]
Thus says the LORD: Observe what is right, do what is just; for
my salvation is about to come, my justice, about to be revealed.
Happy is the man who does this, the son of man who holds to it;
Who keeps the sabbath free from profanation, and his hand from any
evildoing. [ISA 56:1-2]
Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; The
things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind.
Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I
create; For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a
delight; I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people. No
longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there, or the sound of
crying; No longer shall there be in it an infant who lives but a
few days, or an old man who does not round out his full lifetime;
He dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years, and he who
fails of a hundred shall be thought accursed. They shall live in
the houses they build, and eat the fruit of the vineyards they
plant; They shall not build houses for others to live in, or plant
for others to eat. As the years of a tree, so the years of my
people; and my chosen ones shall long enjoy the produce of their
hands. They shall not toil in vain, nor beget children for sudden
destruction; For a race blessed by the LORD are they and their
offspring. Before they call, I will answer; while they are yet
speaking, I will hearken to them. The wolf and the lamb shall
graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox (but the
serpent's food shall be dust). None shall hurt or destroy on all
my holy mountain, says the LORD. [ISA 65:17-25]
When I found your words, I devoured them; they became my joy
and the happiness of my heart, because I bore your name, O LORD,
God of hosts. [JER 15:16]
Thus says the LORD: See! I will restore the tents of Jacob, his
dwellings I will pity; City shall be rebuilt upon hill, and palace
restored as it was. From them will resound songs of praise, the
laughter of happy men. I will make them not few, but many; they
will not be tiny, for I will glorify them. His sons shall be as of
old, his assembly before me shall stand firm; I will punish all
his oppressors. [JER 30:18-20]
My soul is deprived of peace, I have forgotten what happiness
is [Taken from LAM 3:17]
And when the LORD God provided a gourd plant, that grew up over
Jonah's head, giving shade that relieved him of any discomfort,
Jonah was very happy over the plant. But the next morning at dawn
God sent a worm which attacked the plant, so that it withered. And
when the sun arose, God sent a burning east wind; and the sun beat
upon Jonah's head till he became faint. Then he asked for death,
saying, "I would be better off dead than alive." But God
said to Jonah, "Have you reason to be angry over the
plant?" "I have reason to be angry," Jonah
answered, "angry enough to die." Then the LORD said,
"You are concerned over the plant which cost you no labor and
which you did not raise; it came up in one night and in one night
it perished. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh, the great
city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand
persons who cannot distinguish their right hand from their left,
not to mention the many cattle?" [JONAH 4:6-11]
Also try:
/ joyful / joyous [J1]
/ gladly / gladness [G2]
/ hopes / hoped [H17]
/ peaceful / peaceable [P4a]
/ graced / graceful [G6]
/ consolation / comfort [C8]
/ thanksgiving / thankful [T4]
/ sorrowful [S23]
/ wept / wail [T2]
/ woes [W8]
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