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Communion of the
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Examples of the Saints
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Saints (Topic Page)
"The sermons of the saints are their
examples." (St. John Vianney)
"Christians need human examples in order to
better follow God." (Pope Paul VI)
examples of the saints are given us as a light to lead us in the
right path, let us follow it, and we shall be saved." (Dom
looking upon [the saints] we come to learn the way which leads to
Jesus, just as Jesus is our Way which leads to the Father."
(Dom Gueranger)
"Those who seek to perfect themselves in
every aspect of virtue should look to the lives of the saints,
which are like living and breathing works of art, and thus by
imitation try to reproduce their virtues in their own life."
(St. Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church)
is right, too, to seek example and inspiration from the great
saints of the Church. Pure as they were, they inflicted such
mortifications upon themselves as to leave us almost aghast with
admiration. And as we contemplate their saintly heroism, shall not
we be moved by God's grace to impose on ourselves some voluntary
sufferings and deprivations, we whose consciences are perhaps
weighed down by so heavy a burden of guilt? And who does not know
that this sort of penance is the more acceptable to God in that it
springs not from the natural infirmities of soul or body, but from
a free and generous resolve of the will, and as such is a most
welcome sacrifice in God's sight?" (Pope John XXIII, 1962 A.D.)
we are not commanded to follow the saints to the extremities where
their heroic virtue leads them, nevertheless from their
inaccessible heights, they still guide us along the easier paths
of the plain. As the eagle upon the orb of day, they fixed their
unflinching gaze upon the Sun of Justice; and, irresistibly
attracted by His divine splendor, they poised their flight far
above the cloudy region where we are glad to screen our feeble
eyes. But however varied by the degrees of brightness for them and
for us, the light itself is unchangeable, provided that, like
them, we draw it from the authentic source. When the weakness of
our sight would lead us to mistake false glimmerings for the
truth, let us think of these friends of God; if we have not
courage enough to imitate them, where the commandments leave us
free to do so or not, let us at least conform our judgments and
appreciations to theirs: their view is more trustworthy, because
father reaching; their sanctity is nothing but the rectitude
wherewith they follow up unflinchingly, even to its central focus,
the heavenly ray, whereof we can scarcely bear a tempered
reflection. Above all, let us not be led so far astray by the
will-o'-the-wisps of this world of darkness as to wish to direct,
by their false light, the actions of the saints: can the owl
judge better of the light than the eagle?" (Liturgical Year)
the course of the liturgical year, besides the mysteries of Jesus
Christ, the feasts of the saints are celebrated. Even though these
feasts are of a lower and subordinate order, the Church always
strives to put before the faithful examples of sanctity in order
to move them to cultivate in themselves the virtues of the divine
Redeemer. We should imitate the virtues of the saints just as they
imitated Christ, for in their virtues there shines forth under
different aspects the splendor of Jesus Christ. Among some of
these saints the zeal of the apostolate stood out, in others
courage prevailed even to the shedding of blood, constant
vigilance marked others out as they kept watch for the divine
Redeemer, while in others the virginal purity of soul was
resplendent and their modesty revealed the beauty of Christian
humility; there burned in all of them the fire of charity towards
God and their neighbor. The sacred liturgy puts all these gems of
sanctity before us so that we may consider them for our salvation,
and 'rejoicing at their merits, we may be inflamed by their
example.' It is necessary, then, to practice 'in simplicity
innocence, in charity concord, in humility modesty, diligence in
government, readiness in helping those who labor, mercy in serving
the poor, in defending truth constancy, in the strict maintenance
of discipline justice, so that nothing may be wanting in us of the
virtues which have been proposed for our imitation. These are the
footprints left by the saints in their journey homeward, that
guided by them we might follow them into glory.' In order that we
may be helped by our senses, also, the Church wishes that images
of the saints be displayed in our churches, always, however, with
the same intention 'that we imitate the virtues of those whose
images we venerate.' But there is another reason why the Christian
people should honor the saints in heaven, namely, to implore their
help and 'that we be aided by the pleadings of those whose praise
is our delight.' Hence, it is easy to understand why the sacred
liturgy provides us with many different prayers to invoke the
intercession of the saints." (Pope Pius XII, "Mediator
Dei", 1947 A.D.)
See: Imitating
the Saints | Illustrative
Sayings of the Saints | Humility
& the Saints | Practices
/ Behaviors of the Saints | The
"Science of the Saints" | Those
Who Consider the Examples of the Saints as Follies | Trials
/ Persecutions / Sufferings of Saints | Mottos
/ Last
Words | Honoring
& Intercession of the Saints | Saint
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Glory of the Saints
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"The honor and glory of the saints surpass all
eloquence, for God himself would praise all the saints with the
whole world, all men and angels as an audience, and he will crown
them like victors, and they will be seated on the throne of Christ
as participants in his kingdom, something that surpasses every
dignity." (St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church)
See: Honoring
& Intercession of the Saints | Honor
of Saints is Honor to God
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Half a Saint?
"You cannot be half a saint. You must be a
whole saint or no saint at all." (St. Therese of Lisieux,
Doctor of the Church)
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of Saints is Honor to God |
"Those in the Catholic Church, whom some
rebuke for praying to saints and going on pilgrimages, do not seek
any saint as their savior. Instead, they seek saints as those whom
their Savior loves, and whose intercession and prayer for the
seeker He will be content to hear. For his own sake, He would have
those He loves honored. And when they are thus honored for His
sake, then the honor that is given them for His sake overflows
especially to Himself." (St. Thomas More)
honors the martyrs, then, honors Christ as well, and whoever
rejects His holy ones rejects God, too." (St. Maximus of
therefore, we admire the greatness of the saints, and recount
their wonderful works, we are glorifying Jesus, the King of all
Saints." (Dom Gueranger)
"We honor the servants that honor may
redound to the Lord." (Pope John XV, 993 A.D.)
See: Honoring
& Intercession of the Saints | In
Defense of Praying to the Saints | Communion
of the Saints | Saint
Facts | Prayers
to Saints / Prayers in Honor of the Saints
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Humility & the
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 18:4)
"Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 23:12)
has been regarded by the saints as the basis and guardian of all
virtues." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"...humility repulses Satan and preserves us
in the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. For this reason all
the saints, and especially the King of Saints and His Mother, ever
honored and cherished this virtue above all others." (St.
Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church)
See: Practices
/ Behaviors of the Saints
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of the Saints
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"I die because I am not dead" (St.
John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church)
"I would give my life a thousand times that
God might not be offended." (St. Gerard Majella)
"Jesus, Mary, The Cross: I want no other
friends but these." (St. Bernadette Soubirous)
God, I love thee" (St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Doctor of
the Church)
"They who praise me, truly
reproach and confound me." (St.
Bernard, Abbot)
God I am deemed worthy to be hated by the world" (St. Jerome,
Doctor of the Church)
"Great God! How I love you, O how I love
you!" (St. Gemma Galgani)
weep for my sins; if we had only once offended God, we could never
sufficiently bewail this misfortune." (St. Isadore of Scete)
"Too late have I loved Thee, O beauty so ancient, yet so
new! Too late have I loved Thee!" (St. Augustine, Doctor of
the Church)
sweet wood, sweet are thy nails, and sweet thy burden; thou wast
worthy to bear the King and Lord of heaven!" (St. Didacus)
do not regard any of the affairs of God as things with which I
have no concern." (St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the
"What ill or evil, Lord, can harm this
joyous heart that you alone can charm? I love you more with every
breath, so how can I fear life or death?" (St. Louis de Montfort)
"Had I a thousand bodies, O my God, a
thousand loves and a thousand lives, I would immolate them all to
your service." (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
"Whatever will come my way, whether good or
bad, I may accept it calmly, and always give thanks to God, who
has ever shown me how I should believe in him unfailing without
end." (St. Patrick of Ireland)
and Heavenly Maid, Lady, Queen, protect and keep me under your
wing lest Satan the sower of destruction glory over me, lest my
wicked foe be victorious against me." (St. Ephrem, Doctor of
the Church)
"God can dispose of me according to his
pleasure; he can take from me fortune, health, honor, life; my
duty is to receive everything from his hand with submission and
without complaint." (St. Ignatius Loyola)
"All the ends of the earth, all the
kingdoms of the world would be of no profit to me; so far as I am
concerned, to die in Jesus Christ is better than to be monarch of
earth's widest bounds. He who died for us is all that I seek; He
who rose again for us is my whole desire." (St. Ignatius of
"The interests of God shall be Our
interest, and for these We are resolved to spend all Our strength
and Our very life. Hence, should anyone ask Us for a symbol as the
expression of Our will, We will give this and no other: 'To renew
all things in Christ.'" (Pope St. Pius X, "E Supremi", 1903 A.D.)
Vincent Ferrer, showing his humility] "My whole life is nothing
but stench: I am all infection both in soul and body; everything
in me exhales a smell of corruption, caused by the abominations of
my sins and injustices and what is worse, I feel the stench
increasing daily in me and renewed always more
often speak with my Teacher, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,
because I can learn from Him. Jesus is the Teacher of the science
of holiness. I go to Him because I would like to learn from Him
how to become a saint. Of what use to me is all knowledge and
education, if I do not become holy?" (St. Francis de Sales,
Doctor of the Church)
in my mind I have ever magnified the Father more than the Son may
I be deprived of his loving mercy, and if I have ever lessened the
authority of the Holy Spirit may blindness come upon me. If my
life has not been in conformity with my speech may I be cast into
exterior darkness, and if I speak hypocritically, may I burn with
the ungodly." (St. Ephraem the Syrian, Doctor of the Church)
See: Practices
/ Behaviors of the Saints | Mottos
/ Last
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Imitating the Saints
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"Therefore, I urge you, be imitators of me."
(St. Paul, 1 Cor. 4:16)
"Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." (St. Paul, 1
Cor. 11:1)
"Join with others in being imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who thus conduct themselves according to the model you have in us."
(St. Paul, Phil. 3:17)
"We should imitate the virtues of the
saints just as they imitated Christ, for in their virtues there
shines forth under different aspects the splendor of Jesus
Christ." (Pope Pius XII)
"Follow the saints, because those who follow
them will become saints." (Pope St. Clement I)
See: Examples
of the Saints | Striving
to Become a Saint
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Defense of Praying to the Saints
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"You say you see no reason why we should pray
to the saints since God can hear us and help us just as well, and
will do so gladly, as any saint in heaven. Well, then, what need,
I ask, do you have to ask any physician to help your fever, or to
ask and pay any surgeon to heal your sore leg? For God can both
hear you and help you as well as the best of doctors, He loves you
more than they do, and He can help you sooner." (St. Thomas
"But if the Apostles and martyrs
while still in the body can pray for others, at a time when they
ought still be solicitous about themselves, how much more will
they do so after their crowns, victories, and triumphs?" (St.
Jerome, Doctor of the Church, c. 406 A.D.)
"If Saint Paul exhorts us to pray for one
another, and we gladly think it right to ask every poor man to
pray for us, should we think it evil to ask the holy saints in
heaven to do the same?" (St. Thomas More)
"Considering that when the saints lived in
this world they were at liberty to roam the earth, do you really
think that in heaven God would have them tied to a post?"
(St. Thomas More)
St. Paul beseeches the brethren (Rom.15:30; 2 Cor. 1:11; Col.4:3;
Eph. 6:18-19) to help him by their prayers for him to God, we must
with even greater reason maintain that we can be helped by the
prayers of the saints, and ask their intercession with humility.
If we may beseech those who still live on earth, why not those who
live in heaven?" (Catholic Encyclopedia)
first commandment does not forbid us to pray to the Saints,
because if we are allowed to ask the prayers of our fellow
creatures upon earth, we should be allowed also to ask the prayers
of our fellow creatures in heaven. Moreover, the Saints must have
an interest in our welfare, because whatever tends to make us
good, tends also to the glory of God." (Baltimore Catechism)
See: Communion
of the Saints |
& Intercession of the Saints | Honor
of Saints is Honor to God | Prayers
to Saints / Prayers in Honor of the Saints
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Martyrdom of St.
Ignatius of Antioch
protest to everyone that I die for God willingly, if only you do
not hinder me. I implore you, do not proffer me an unseasonable
kindness. Let the wild beasts have me, for through them my way to God lies open. I am
God's wheat, and I am ground by the teeth of wild beasts that I
may be found pure bread of Christ. Rather, entice the wild animals
that they may become my tomb, and leave nothing at all of my body.
Thus when I sleep in death I shall burden no one. Then shall I be
truly a disciple of Jesus Christ when the world cannot see even my
body. Beseech the Lord on my behalf, that through these
instruments I may be found a sacrifice to God...
May the beasts prepared for me by my joy! And I pray that
they will make short work of me. I will coax them with flattery to
devour me without delay, and not treat me as some others whom they
have been afraid to touch. But if they should be reluctant and
unwilling, I will compel them by force." (St. Ignatius of
Antioch, martyr, 107 A.D.)
do I begin to be a disciple of Christ, and care for nothing in
this world, that so I may find Jesus. Let fire, or the cross, or
wild beasts, or the breaking of my bones, or the cutting of me to
pieces, or the shattering of my whole body, yea, all the tortures
of the devil - let them all come upon me, only let me enjoy my
God." (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
See: Martyrs
/ Martyrdom | Mottos
/ Last
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/ Martyrdom
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/ Last Words
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Practices / Behaviors
of the Saints
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"It is an old custom of the saints of God to
have some little prayers ready and to be frequently darting them
up to heaven during the day, lifting their minds to God out of the
mire of this world. He who adopts this plan will obtain great
fruits with little pains." (St. Philip Neri)
"St. Theresa offered herself to God fifty
times in the day, that he might dispose of her as he pleased; and
declared her readiness to embrace either prosperity or adversity.
The perfection of our oblation consists in offering ourselves to
God without reserve." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the
"I observe this in a great many people; an
single word of blame disturbs and disquiets them...[whereas the]
saints were pained if their virtues were known, and pleased that
their imperfections should be seen." (St. John Vianney)
"St. Aloysius Gonzaga, when he was a
student, if found fault with on any occasion, never tried to
excuse himself. If he was wrong, he was wrong; if he was right, he
would say to himself: I have often been wrong before." (St.
John Vianney)
"The saints were filled with the love of
God... When you love a person, you show him more or less
affection, according as the ardor of your love for him is more or
less great." (St. John Vianney)
spirit of thanksgiving has been in all ages the characteristic of
the saints." (Muller)
is no saint who was not a lover of retirement and penance." (Butler)
"All the saints
have a great devotion to Our Lady" (St. John Vianney)
"The saints were so completely dead to
themselves that they cared very little whether others agreed with
them or not." (St. John Vianney)
"The saints never complain." (St. John
"All saints have been adorned with good
works." (Pope St. Clement I, c. 95 A.D.)
"The saints had no hatred, no bitterness;
they forgive everything and think they deserve much more for their
offenses against God." (St. John Vianney)
"All the saints are in heaven because they
have prayed much. They would be less holy if they had prayed less,
and they would not have been there at all, if they had not
prayed" (St. Alphonsus, Doctor of the Church)
"All those who have become saints have
frequented the Sacraments and have raised their souls to God by
prayer." (St. John Vianney)
See: Examples
of the Saints | Illustrative
Sayings of the Saints | Humility
& the Saints | The
Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary | The
Saints Are the Greatest Benefactors of Society | The
Saints Did Not All Begin Well | The
"Science of the Saints" | Trials
/ Persecutions / Sufferings of Saints | Prayers
of the Saints | Mottos
/ Last
Words | Imitating
the Saints | Striving
to Become a Saint | Increase
Holiness (Reflections)
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Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary
Also See:
Blessed Virgin Mary (Topic Page)
"All the saints
have a great devotion to Our Lady" (St. John Vianney)
you consider all the saints, you will see that all of them had a
devotion to the Blessed Virgin; her intercession is most powerful,
she is the mother of God and the Mother of men." (Bl. Brother
Andre Bessette)
See: Blessed
Virgin Mary | Mary,
Our Mother
(Reflections) | Mary,
Our Mother Section
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Saints Are Looking Glasses of God
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"Every saint is a little looking-glass of
God: a facet of the jewel which constitutes the Catholic
Church" {Drew}
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Saints Are the
Greatest Benefactors of Society
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
true Christian does not renounce the activities of this life, he
does not stunt his natural faculties; but he develops and perfects
them, by coordinating them with the supernatural. He thus ennobles
what is merely natural in life and secures for it new strength in
the material and temporal order, no less then in the spiritual and
eternal. This fact is proved by the whole history of Christianity
and its institutions, which is nothing else but the history of
true civilization and progress up to the present day. It stands
out conspicuously in the lives of the numerous Saints, whom the
Church, and she alone, produces, in whom is perfectly realized the
purpose of Christian education, and who have in every way ennobled
and benefited human society. Indeed, the Saints have ever been,
are, and ever will be the greatest benefactors of society, and
perfect models for every class and profession, for every state and
condition of life, from the simple and uncultured peasant to the
master of sciences and letters, from the humble artisan to the
commander of armies, from the father of a family to the ruler of
peoples and nations, from simple maidens and matrons of the
domestic hearth to queens and empresses. What shall we say of the
immense work which has been accomplished even for the temporal
well-being of men by missionaries of the Gospel, who have brought
and still bring to barbarous tribes the benefits of civilization
together with the light of the Faith? What of the founders of so
many social and charitable institutions, of the vast numbers of
saintly educators, men and women, who have perpetuated and
multiplied their life work, by leaving after them prolific
institutions of Christian education, in aid of families and for
the inestimable advantage of nations?" (Pope Pius XI, "Divini Illius Magistri",
1929 A.D.)
much good have the saints not done, how many admirable deeds have
they not performed by their kindness even in circumstances and in
environments penetrated by lies and degraded by vice?" (Pope
Pius XII, "Menti Nostrae", 1950 A.D.)
See: Love
of the Catholic Church (Reflections)
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The Saints Did Not All
Begin Well
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"The saints did not all begin well, but they
all ended well." (St. John Vianney)
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The Saints
Try to Prevent Us From Sinning
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Sin (Topic Page)
"All the angels and saints are engaged in
trying to prevent us from committing sins." (St. John Vianney)
See: Communion
of the Saints |
& Intercession of the Saints
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(Various) |
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topic, including:
Virgin Mary
Andrew Avellino
Bernard of Clairvaux
Francis de Sales
Francis of Assisi (links)
Jerome (links)
Laurence Justinian
Louis IX
Martin of Tours
Mary Magdalene
Peter & Paul
Teresa on St. Peter of Alcantara
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Save Me Lest I Fall / Saints
"O Jesus, watch over me always, especially
today, or I shall betray you like Judas." (St. Philip Neri)
"I have in me the seeds of every vice:
there is not one that I am not capable of committing. Only the
grace of God prevents me from falling into the abyss." (St.
Claude de la Colombiere)
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The "Science
of the Saints"
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"What a sacred ignorance it is that loses
sight of the wisdom and prudence of this age in order to learn the
science and wisdom of the saints in the school of the Holy
Spirit!" (St. Paul of the Cross)
"Here learn the science of the saints: All
is to be found in the passion of Jesus." (St. Paul of the
"The whole science of the saints consists
in knowing and following the will of God." (St. Isidore of
Seville, Doctor of the Church)
See: Practices
/ Behaviors of the Saints | Illustrative
Sayings of the Saints | Examples
of the Saints | Trials
/ Persecutions / Sufferings of Saints | Mottos
/ Last
Words | Imitating
the Saints
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Louis' Parting Words to His Son
son, the first thing I admonish thee is thou set thy heart to love
God, for without that nothing else is of any worth. Beware of
doing what displeases God, that is to say mortal sin; yea rather
oughtest thou to suffer all manner of torments. If God send thee
adversity, receive it in patience, and give thanks for it to our
Lord, and think that thou hast done Him ill service. If He give
thee prosperity, thank Him humbly for the same and not be the
worse, either by pride or in any other manner, for that very thing
that ought to make thee better; for we must not use God's gifts
against Himself. Have a kind and pitiful heart towards the poor
and the unfortunate, and comfort and assist them as much as thou
canst. Keep up the good customs of thy kingdom, and put down all
bad ones. Love all that is good and hate all that is evil of any
sort. Suffer no ill word about God or our Lady or the saints to be
spoken in thy presence, that thou dost not straightway punish. In
the administering of justice be loyal to thy subjects, without
turning aside to the right hand or to the left; but help the
right, and take the part of the poor until the whole truth be
cleared up. Honor and love all ecclesiastical persons, and take
care that they be not deprived of the gifts and alms that thy
predecessors may have given them. Dear son, I admonish thee that
thou be ever devoted to the Church of Rome, and to the
sovereign Bishop our father, that is the Pope, and that thou bear
him reverence and honor as thou oughtest to do to thy spiritual
father. Exert thyself that every vile sin be abolished from thy
land; especially to the best of thy power put down all wicked
oaths and heresy. Fair son, I give thee all the blessings that a
good father can give to a son; may the blessed Trinity and all the
saints guard thee and protect thee from all evils; may God give
thee grace to do His will always, and may He be honored by thee,
and may thou and I after this mortal life be together in His
company and praise Him without end." (St. Louis, King of
See: St.
Louis IX
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Striving to Become
a Saint
Also See:
Growth (Topic Page)
"So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 5:48)
"Make up your mind to become a saint."
(St. Mary Mazzarello)
"He will be a
saint if he be truly
mortified." (St. Francis Borgia)
else but our own resistance prevents the Holy Ghost from making
saints of us." (Liturgical Year)
"We can, if we will, become a saint, for
God will never refuse to help us to do so." (St. John Vianney)
"To be a saint, you must be beside
yourself. You must lose your head." (St. John Vianney) [Note:
Of course this is not to be taken literally.]
"If you embrace all things in life as
coming from the hands of God, and even embrace death to fulfill
His holy will, assuredly you will die a saint." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"The example of all the saints confirms the fundamental
maxim of our divine Redeemer, that the foundation of all solid
virtue and of true sanctity, is to be laid by subduing the
passions and dying to ourselves. Pride, sensuality, covetousness,
and every vice must be rooted out of the heart, the senses must he
mortified, the inconstancy of the mind must be settled, and its
inclination to roving and dissipation fixed by recollection and
all depraved affections curbed. Both in cloisters and in the
world, many Christians (Catholics) take pains to become virtuous by
multiplying religious practices, yet lose in a great measure the
fruit of their labors, because they never study with their whole
hearts to die to themselves. So long as self-love reigns in their
souls, almost without control, this will often blind and deceive
them, and will easily infect even their good works, and their
devotion will be liable to a thousand illusions, and always very
imperfect. Hence religious persons, after many years spent in the
rigorous observance of their rule, still fail upon the least trial
or contradiction which thwarts their favorite inclination, and are
stopped in their spiritual progress as it were by every grain of
sand in their way; their whole life they crawl like base insects
in the mire of their imperfections, whereas if they studied once
in good earnest to curb sensuality and to renounce their own lights, their own will, and the inordinate love of themselves,
difficulties would disappear before them, and they would in a
short time arrive at the perfection of true virtue, and enjoy the
liberty of the children of God, and his interior peace, the true
road to which is only humility, meekness, and perfect self-denial.
Did we know the treasure and happiness which this would procure
us, we should, in imitation of the ancient holy monks, desire to
meet with superiors who would exercise us by the severest trials,
and think ourselves most obliged to those who apply the strongest
remedies to purge and cure our sick souls." (Butler)
See: Imitating
the Saints | Examples
of the Saints | Illustrative
Sayings of the Saints | The
"Science of the Saints" | Practices
/ Behaviors of the Saints | Honoring
& Intercession of the Saints | Increase
Holiness (Reflections) | Increase
Holiness Section
| Feed
Your Faith Section
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Those Who Consider the
Examples of the Saints as Follies
"Oh, how much are worldlings deceived that
rejoice in the time of weeping, and make their place of
imprisonment a place of pleasure; that consider the examples of
the saints as follies, and their end as dishonorable; that think
to go to heaven by the wide way that only leadeth to
perdition!" (St. Robert Southwell)
See: Examples
of the Saints | Imitating
the Saints |
/ Behaviors of the Saints | The
"Science of the Saints" | Trials
/ Persecutions / Sufferings of Saints | Striving
to Become a Saint | Honoring
& Intercession of the Saints | Prayers
to Saints / Prayers in Honor of the Saints
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
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/ Persecutions / Sufferings of Saints
Also See:
Saints (Topic Page)
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of
righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 5:10-12)
"Then they will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 24:9)
"If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you, 'No slave is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. And they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know the one who sent me."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Jn. 15:18-21)
"The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so that we may
also be glorified with him. I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us."
(St. Paul, Rom. 8:16-18)
"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is
lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church, of which I am a minister in accordance with God's stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God, the mystery hidden from ages and from generations past."
(St. Paul, Col. 1:24-26)
"In fact, all who want to live religiously in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."
(St. Paul, 2 Tm. 3:12)
serve to bring forth saints." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the
"The greatest saints were those who
suffered the most." (St. John Vianney)
"A saint has said: 'I would rather suffer
with Jesus Christ than reign with him in Heaven.'" (St. John
"What saint
has ever won his crown without
first contending for it?" (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church, 4th century A.D.)
"The saints did not become saints without
many a sacrifice and many a struggle." (St. John Vianney)
"We always find that those who walked closest
to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials."
(St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church)
am fed upon the bread of tribulation and the water of affliction,
but nevertheless, I have not given up, and I will not give up,
doing my duty." (Pope St. Silverius)
"The saints rejoiced at injuries and
persecutions, because in forgiving them they had something to
present to God when they prayed to Him." (St. Teresa of Avila,
Doctor of the Church)
have resolved to labor without truce for the faith of Christ and
to suffer all torments, yea death itself, which in such a cause
would be sweet to me." (St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of
the Church)
"Even the saints have been tormented by
temptations. The Devil labors harder to make the saints fall than
to make the wicked sin: he regards the saints as more valuable
prey." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"The jewels which give the greatest
splendor to the crown of the saints in heaven are the tribulations
which they bore with patience, as coming from the hands of the
Lord." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"He who wishes to share in the glory of the
saints must suffer in this life as the saints have suffered. None
of the saints has been esteemed or treated will by the world - all
of them have been despised and persecuted." (St. Alphonsus
Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"Fire and cross, battling with wild beasts,
their clawing and tearing, the breaking of bones and mangling of
members, the grinding of my whole body, the wicked torments of the
devil - let them assail me, so long as I get to Jesus
Christ." (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
"The Lord has willed that we should even
rejoice over persecutions because, when persecutions occur, then
the faith is crowned, God's soldiers are put to the test and
heaven is opened to martyrs. We have not enlisted in an army
merely to think of peace and to decline battle, seeing that the
Lord, the master of humility, endurance and suffering, has taken
the first place in the conflict, that He might first do what He
taught us to do and that He might himself first endure for us what
He exhorts us to endure." (St. Cyprian, 3rd century A.D.)
they have anything to suffer or to sacrifice through remaining
faithful to these duties, let them take courage in the thought
that the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and is gained only
by doing violence to
ourselves [not physical violence, but rather other actions which
discipline the body - e.g. appropriate mortifications / penances]; and that he who loves himself and
what is his own more than Jesus Christ, is not worthy of Him. The
example of the many invincible champions who, throughout all time,
have generously sacrificed everything for the faith, and the
special helps of grace which make the yoke of Jesus Christ sweet
and His burden light, ought to animate powerfully their courage
and to sustain them in the glorious contest." (Pope Leo XIII,
"Dall'alto Dell'apostolico
Seggio", 1890 A.D.)
See: Martyrs
/ Martyrdom | Mottos
/ Last
Words | Suffering
/ Death (Catholic Life Section)
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