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the greater shall be our joy, the more we have suffered here
below." (Pope St. Gregory)
Although we
humans often try to escape suffering, the truth is that suffering is an
important part of life. Christ, although innocent, carried a cross and
told us that it is necessary for us to do the same. Suffering, although
difficult, brings with it many & great rewards.
borne patiently...
Tests our faith
this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer
through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more
precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may
prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus
Christ." (1 Pt. 1:6-7)
is no doubt that suffering is the greatest trial against our faith; it
causes us either to lose it or to strengthen it." (Amorth)
Helps the Church
"And I glory in tribulations if I have been
counted worthy to endure any for the sake of the Church. This,
truly, is my glory and the lifting up of my head: the triumph of
the Church. For if we have been sharers of her troubles, we shall
be also of her consolation. We must work and suffer with our
mother." (St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church)
I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling
up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body,
which is the church" (Col. 1:24)
Purifies & tries us
"A true Christian is proved in the fire of
tribulation." (St. Robert Southwell)
"One and the same violence of affliction
proves, purifies and melts the good, and condemns, wastes and
casts out the bad." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
different kinds of sufferings are imposed on us to test and prove
us, and many forms of temptations are inflicted upon us by loss of
wealth, burning fevers, torments of wounds, by the death of dear
ones. Nothing else distinguishes the unjust and the just more than
this, that in adversities the unjust man complains and blasphemes
because of impatience, while the just man is proved by patience,
as it is written: 'I thy sorrow endure and in thy humiliation keep
patience, for gold and silver are tried in fire.'" (St.
Cyprian of Carthage)
"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various
trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
(Jms. 1:2-4)
Expiates our sins (and those of others)
we base worms, who have nothing to boast of before men only our
having concealed from them our baseness and ignominy, and to whom
the most cruel outrages from creatures would be too mild a
treatment, considering our sins, shall we, I say, complain of
injuries which we ought to receive with patience and joy as the
easy means of canceling our own sins, and procuring for ourselves
the greatest graces and mercy?" (Butler)
Proves our love for God
"The truly loving heart loves God's good
pleasure not in consolations only, but, and especially, in
afflictions also." (St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the
"What a weakness it is to love Jesus Christ
only when He caresses us, and to be cold immediately (when) He
afflicts us. This is not true love. Those who love thus, love
themselves too much to love God with all their heart." (St.
Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Strengthens us
"This, in short, is the difference between
us and others who know not God, that in misfortune they complain
and murmur, while adversity does not call us away from the truth
of virtue and faith, but strengthens us by its suffering."
(St. Cyprian)
Gives us endurance
"[St. Paul], an able wrestler, urges us on
in the struggle for immortality, so that we may receive a crown,
and so that we may regard as a precious crown that which we
acquire by our own struggle, and which does not grow on us
spontaneously. And because it comes to us in a struggle, it is
therefore the more precious; and as it is the more precious, let
us love it always the more. Those things which come to us
spontaneously are not loved as much as those which are obtained by
anxious care." (St. Irenaeus)
them not, however, lose heart; to face bitter combats is a mark of
Christians, and to endure grave labors to the end is a mark of
them who, as good soldiers of Christ, follow Him closely."
(Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno", 1931)
crown of victory is promised only to those who engage in the
struggle." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
the battle there is no victory" (St.. John of Avila)
Increases our merit before God
how little soever, that is suffered for God's sake, can pass without
merit in the sight of God." (Kempis)
this life is checkered by many and various afflictions, the
faithful are to be particularly reminded that those who patiently
bear all the trials and afflictions coming from the hand of God
acquire abundant satisfaction and merit; whereas those who suffer
with reluctance and impatience deprive themselves of all the
fruits of satisfaction, merely enduring the punishment which the
just judgment of God inflicts upon their sins." (Catechism
of the Council of Trent)
abstinence and prayer be of great merit, yet sickness, suffered
with patience, is of much greater." (St. Pachomius)
"The jewels which give the greatest
splendor to the crown of the saints in Heaven, are the
tribulations which they bore with patience, as coming from the
hands the Lord." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
Christ, when He redeemed us with plentiful redemption, took not
away the pains and sorrows which in such large proportion are
woven together in the web of our mortal life. He transformed them
into motives of virtue and occasions of merit; and no man can hope
for eternal reward unless he follow in the blood-stained
footprints of his Savior. 'If we suffer with Him, we shall also
reign with Him.' Christ's labors and sufferings, accepted of His
own free will, have marvelously sweetened all suffering and all
labor. And not only by His example, but by His grace and by the
hope held forth of everlasting recompense, has He made pain and
grief more easy to endure; 'for that which is at present momentary
and light of our tribulation, worketh for us above measure
exceedingly an eternal weight of glory.'" (Pope Leo XIII,
"Rerum Novarum", 1891)
Will be rewarded
suffering borne out of love for Christ, even poorly borne, will go
unrewarded in eternal life. Trust and hope in the merits of Jesus and in
this way even poor clay will become finest gold which will shine in the
palace of the king of heaven." (St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina)
great is the good which I expect that all pain is to me a delight." (St. Francis of Assisi)
is the reflection of St. Austin, that if, with the martyrs, we
seriously considered the rewards that await us, we should account
all trouble and pains in this life as nothing; and should be
astonished that the divine bounty gives so great a salary for so
little labor. To obtain eternal rest, should require, if it had
been possible, eternal labor; to purchase a happiness without
bounds, a man should be willing to suffer for a whole eternity.
That indeed is impossible; but our trials might have been very
long. What are a thousand years, or ten hundred thousand ages, in
comparison to eternity? There can be no proportion between what is
finite, and that which is infinite. Yet God in his great mercy
does not bid us suffer so long. He says, not a million, or a
thousand years, or even five hundred, but only labor the few years
that you live; and in these the dew of my consolations shall not
be wanting; and I will recompense your patience for all with a
glory that has no end. Though we were to be loaded with miseries,
pain, and grief our whole life, the thoughts of heaven alone ought
to make us bear its sharpest trials with cheerfulness and
joy." (Butler)
Can help both ourselves and others
the heart of a father We exhort all those who from whatever cause
are plunged in grief and anguish to lift their eyes trustfully to
heaven and to offer their sorrows to Him who will one day reward
them abundantly. Let them all remember that their sufferings are
not in vain, but that they will turn to their own immense gain and
that of the Church, if to this end they bear them with
patience." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis
Christi", 1943)
Increases our compassion
Keeps us focused on the true purpose of our lives / detaches us from the
"Seeing therefore that all our troubles,
penalties, restraints, and afflictions are but means to remind us
of our state and the dangers of our profession, and but seeds of
eternal glory, how much soever they may seem covered and corrupted
here on earth, let us solace ourselves in hope of our joyful
harvest. We are but pilgrims here; we have no place of abode, but
seek a future place of rest. If the way had been filled with
pleasures, with true delights, we should easily have been drawn
aside in our journey towards heaven, attracted and withheld by the
pleasant view and desire of these allurements. God hath therefore
made our journey tedious, uncomfortable and distressing, that we
may hasten to our repose, and swiftly run over the course of this
life." (St. Robert Southwell)
"All the joys of this life are accompanied
by sorrows: if they were not, we would grow too much absorbed in
them." (St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church)
Makes us more Christ-like
in Heaven, nothing will be sweeter than to resemble Him in His glory, so
here on earth, nothing is more to our advantage than to be like Him in
His Passion." (St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church)
we say that we are walking in His footsteps if we are not on the road to
Calvary?" (Liturgical Year)
Pleases God
how can a person who seeks to please God, enjoy greater happiness than
that which arises from cheerfully embracing the cross which God sends
him, and from the conviction that, in embracing it, he pleases God in
the highest degree?" (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
Keeps us from becoming arrogant
"If things always went wrong, no one could
endure it; if things always went well, everyone would become
arrogant." (St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church)
Teaches us to trust God
God in His good Providence allows so many terrors, sorrows, and
dangers to be put in our way by our enemy that He may break down
our spirit, give us lowly hearts, and train us to submissiveness
of mind and humility, so that we may never in the future feel any
trust in our own prudence, but all entire trust in His Divine
Protection." (St. Francis Xavier)
Reminds us of our dependence on Christ
Heals us
and sorrow are the almost necessary medicines of the impetuosity
of nature. Without these, men though men, are like spoilt
children; they act as if they considered everything must give way
to their own wishes and conveniences." (Cardinal Newman)
"In the same way that a powerful medicine
cures an illness, so illness itself is a medicine to cure passion.
And there is much profit of soul in bearing illness quietly and
giving thanks to God." (St. Syncletice)
"O my God, how good thou art. Thou does use
the very sickness of man's body to heal the soul." (St.
Anthony Mary Claret)
"Sorrow is given us on purpose to cure us
of sin." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)
Brings out the good in us
born patiently brings out all that is good in us." (Fr. O'Sullivan)
May convert sinners
is only by sacrifice and suffering, offered as penance, that you will be
able, by the grace of God, to convert sinners." (St. John Vianney)
Is necessary to gain heaven
does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of
me." (Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 10:38)
Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wishes to come after me must deny
himself, take up his cross, and follow me.'" (Mt 16:24)
summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them, 'Whoever wishes
to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow
me.'" (Mk. 8:34)
[Jesus] said to all, 'If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny
himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Lk. 9:23)
does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my
disciple." (Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lk. 14:27)
O my God, if they are so few to bear the cross, there will only be few
to adore thee in eternity." (St. John Vianney)
you expect to go to heaven for nothing? Did not our dear Savior
track the whole way to it with His tears and blood? And yet you
start at every little pain." (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
those who are willing to be saved through the cross will find salvation
there. But those who desire to be saved without it will perish
miserably. There is no salvation except in this cross." (St.
Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church)
prototype, the example on which one should reflect and model one's self
is Jesus Christ. But Jesus chose the cross as his standard, so he wants
all his followers to tread the path to Calvary, carrying the cross and
then dying stretched out on it. Only this way do we reach
salvation." (St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina)
Is for our good
"We must remember that all incapacity and
distress is sent to us by God. Life and death, health and
sickness, are all ordered by Him; and in whatever form they come,
it is always to help us and for our good." (St. Vincent de
sending us tribulations, God intends to make us saints." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"For as the toils of the contests bring
athletes their crowns, so the test which comes to Christians
through their tribulations leads them on to perfection, if with
fitting patience in all thanksgiving we accept the Lord's
dispensations." (St. Basil)
sufferth not His servants to be afflicted save for their good."
(St. Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church)
sends us crosses, not because he wishes evil to us, but because he
desires our welfare, and because he knows that they are conducive to our
salvation." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
Awakens faith
"That illness has been your salvation. You
have suffered, but your life has not been in danger. This is what
the Lord has said; 'I will strike him, and I will cure him.' He
has struck you, your illness has awakened your faith, and that has
been your cure." (St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church)
"[Faith] grows brighter and stronger under
trial." (Liturgical Year)
Brings us closer to Christ
through the centuries and generations it has been seen that in
suffering there is concealed a particular power that draws a
person interiorly close to Christ, a special grace. To this grace
many saints, such as Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Ignatius of
Loyola and others, owe their profound conversion. A result of such
a conversion is not only that the individual discovers the
salvific meaning of suffering but above all that he becomes a
completely new person. He discovers a new dimension, as it were,
of his entire life and vocation. This discovery is a particular
confirmation of the spiritual greatness which in man surpasses the
body in a way that is completely beyond compare. When this body is
gravely ill, totally incapacitated, and the person is almost
incapable of living and acting, all the more do interior maturity
and spiritual greatness become evident, constituting a touching
lesson to those who are healthy and normal. This interior maturity
and spiritual greatness in suffering are certainly the result of a
particular conversion and cooperation with the grace of the
Crucified Redeemer." (Pope John Paul II)
Corrects faults
and sweetly kiss the hand of God that strikes you, because it is
always the hand of a Father who strikes you because he loves
you." (St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina)
Teaches us humility
"What do you
think the bed of tribulation
is? It is simply the school of humility." (St. Francis de
Sales, Doctor of the Church)
Punishes & helps us
is better to be punished and cleansed now than to be sent to the torment
to come, when it will be time for punishing only, and not for
cleansing" (St. Gregory of Nazianz, Doctor of the Church, c. 373)
"[T]he punishments
inflicted by God under the Christian dispensation are part of his
justice and mercy, and have a moral purpose; they lead us to
realize more vividly that life is an undeserved gift from God;
they lead us to employ our lives in those activities by which the
moral purpose of our existence is fulfilled; they lead us to
become more helpful and compassionate to our neighbors; they allow
us to expiate our sins and those of others." (Amerio)
"[A] Christian may reasonably take misfortune and treat
it as an expiation, penalty or correction for his own sins or
those of others, given the fact that he is in some sense a sinner,
and that the attainment of true virtue is incomparably more
important than any suffering." (Amerio)
Sanctifies us and helps ensure our salvation
"Every illness and every trial is permitted
by God as the means whereby we can best ensure our salvation and
as the material most fitted for our sanctification." (Bl.
Sebastian Valfre)
Makes us worthy to receive greater graces
"God is
touched by our sorrows and does not
allow them to last forever. He takes pleasure in trying our love
for a time because he sees that trials purify us and render us
worthy to receive his greater graces." (St. Claude de la
Earns merit
"It is in this life that the basis is laid on
which a person deserves to have his condition in the afterlife
alleviated or aggravated; and therefore let no one hope that what
he neglected to do here he will merit with God when he dies." (St.
Augustine, Doctor of the Church, 5th century)
May save others
"At the hour of your death you will see
that you have saved more souls by your illness than by all the
good works you might have accomplished in health." (St. John
May reduce purgatory time
suffered in this life voluntarily cleanses much more than pain
inflicted after death...the pain of martyrdom is of short
duration in comparison with the pain endured in purgatory."
(St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest
theologian in the history of the Church")
Here For More 'Suffering/Death' Reflections
are the steps to heaven." (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
suffering is slight to gain Heaven." (St. Joseph
consider that the sufferings of this present time are as
nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us."
(Rom. 8:18)
out of love for God is better than working miracles."
(St. John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church)
suffer, but few know how to suffer well. Suffering is a gift
from God; blessed is he who knows how to profit by it."
(St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina)
To gain the most
merit from suffering, it is important to know "how to suffer".
example, the faithful Catholic should...
Contemplate Jesus Crucified
there anything that a generous heart would not willingly suffer on
contemplating Jesus crucified?" (St. Raphaela Mary)
Abandon sin
who suffers tribulations in this world, should, in the first place,
abandon sin and endeavor to recover the grace of God; for as long as he
remains in sin, the merit of all his sufferings is lost." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
Offer up their sufferings
suffering to God and it can become 'an instrument of salvation, a path
to holiness, that helps us reach Heaven'" (Pope John Paul II)
* Use Christ's sufferings as a guide
"He submitted Himself to the elements, to
cold and heat, hunger and thirst... Concealing His power and
giving it up, taking on the likeness of man, so that He might
teach us weak and wretched mortals with what patience we ought to
bear tribulations." (Bl. Angela of Foligno)
goes down to be killed; Bread goes down to suffer hunger; the Way goes
down to be exhausted on his journey; the Spring goes down to suffer
thirst; and you refuse to suffer?" (St. Augustine, Doctor of the
was never anyone more beloved by God, nor anyone more despised by men
than Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified by his own people. Notice the
gratitude that the world shows him in return for all of his extraordinary
deeds and miracles. He is put to death as if he were the worst of
thieves and dies as the poorest of men. He does not die in a comfortable
feather bed, but on the hard wood of the Cross; not in a house or under
a protecting roof, but in the open air, in a frightfully foul place; not
in a private room, but publicly on a Cross; not in the company of his
disciples, but between two thieves; not in the arms of his loving
Mother, but between those of a tall Cross. He did not even have a few
handfuls of straw beneath him, nor over him a covering of the poorest
linen. He had no pillow for his head, but a crown of sharp thorns
instead. There were no sandals on his feet nor gloves on his hands, but
as substitutes he had iron nails that pierced through his flesh and
bones. In this dire distress of his, there was no one to minister to
him, but an impenitent thief at his side, a degenerate criminal, who
showered him with shameful insults. There was no one to console him...He
could move neither hand nor foot, nor turn on his side - he found no
relief for his body's pain, not even in the slightest. He remained
immobile, stretched to the straining point, every organ dreadfully
distended. No one there tried to console him. No one thought of helping
him. No one was interested in him... There remained only his tongue that
he could use. He prayed for his enemies" (Thomas a Kempis)
Suffer for love of Christ
suffered all the dreadful pains of His Passion for each one of us. How
can we refuse to suffer a little for love of Him?" (Fr. O'Sullivan)
Trust God
must have a great confidence in God in times of illness or grief,
because it is precisely then that God waits to see whether or not
we shall put our trust in him." (St. John Vianney)
Thank God in all things
"To thank God in all things that are
agreeable to us, is acceptable to him; but to accept with
cheerfulness what is repugnant to our inclinations, is still more
pleasing to him. Father M. Avila used to say, that 'a single
blessed be God, in adversity, is better than six thousand
thanksgivings in prosperity.'" (St. Alphonsus Liguori,
Doctor of the Church)
"And I beg the sick brother to give thanks
to the Creator for everything; and whether healthy or sick, since
all those whom God has predestined for everlasting life (cf. Acts
13:48) He instructs by means of the afflictions of punishment and
sickness in the spirit of repentance. As the Lord says: I correct
and punish those whom I love (Rv. 3:19)." (St. Francis of
the Divine Master up the steep slope of Calvary, loaded with the cross
and when it pleases Him to place us on the cross by confining us to a
bed of pain, let us thank Him and consider ourselves lucky to be honored
in this way, aware that to be on the cross with Jesus is infinitely more
perfect than merely contemplating Him on the cross." (St. Padre Pio
of Pietrelcina)
Rejoice in tribulations
"Great indeed are the advantages of
tribulations. The Lord sends them to us not because he wishes our
misfortune, but because he desires our welfare. Hence, when they
come upon us, we must embrace them with thanksgiving, and must not
only resign ourselves to the divine will, but must also rejoice
that God treats us as he treated his son Jesus Christ, whose life
upon this Earth was always full of tribulation." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
proud that you are helping God to bear the Cross, and don't grasp at
comforts. It is only mercenaries who expect to be paid by the day. Serve
Him without pay." (St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church)
greatest joy and exaltation are born only of suffering, and hence
that we should rejoice if we partake of the sufferings of Christ,
that when His glory shall be revealed we may also be glad with
exceeding joy." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis
Christi", 1943 A.D.)
Accept sufferings with patience
"If God sends you adversity, accept it with
patience and give thanks for it to our Lord, realizing that you
have deserved it and that it will be for your own good. If He
gives you prosperity, thank Him humbly for it, so that the gift
which should improve you may not, through pride or in any other
way make you worse; for one should not use God's gifts to war
against Him." (St. Louis IX)
there be a true way that leads to the Everlasting Kingdom, it is most
certainly that of suffering, patiently endured." (St. Colette)
us, then, brethren, courageously resolve to bear patently with all the
sufferings which shall come upon us during the remaining days of our
lives: to secure Heaven they are all little and nothing." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
Bear afflictions with fortitude
troubled by poverty, by sickness, by persecution, or afflictions
and anxieties of any sort, let us be convinced that none of these
things can happen to us without the permission of God, who is the
supreme Arbiter of all things. We should, therefore, not suffer
our minds to be too much disturbed by them, but bear up against
them with fortitude, having always on our lips the words: The will
of the Lord be done; and also those of holy Job, As it hath
pleased the Lord, so it is done: blessed be the name of the Lord."
(Catechism of the Council of Trent)
Accept suffering as necessary
wonder why God, who is goodness itself, allows us to suffer...
But, what would you think of a doctor who lost his patient because
he was afraid to give him the necessary but unpleasant
treatment?" (St. John Vianney)
Lift up our eyes to Heaven
"Let us likewise, when we are afflicted by
the miseries of this life, raise up our eyes to Heaven, and
console ourselves, saying with a sign, Heaven! Heaven! Let us
reflect that if we be faithful to God, all these sorrows,
miseries, and fears will one day have an end, and we shall be
admitted into that blessed country, where we shall enjoy complete
happiness as long as God will be God. Behold, the saints are
expecting us, Mary is expecting us, and Jesus stands with a crown
in His hand, to make us kings in that eternal kingdom." (St.
Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good
spirits? He should sing praise." (Jms. 5:13)
"Indeed, the condition of human life is
pointed out by the Lord Himself, when He admonishes us that we are
to take up our cross daily and follow Him. Since, therefore,
everyone must realize the trials and dangers inseparable from this
life, it will not be difficult to convince the faithful that they
ought to implore of God deliverance from evil, since no inducement
to prayer exercises a more powerful influence over men than a
desire and hope of deliverance from those evils which oppress or
threaten them. There is in the heart of everyone a natural
inclination to have instant recourse to God in the face of danger,
as it is written: Fill their face with shame, and they shall seek
thy name, O Lord." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
a person is healthy, his eyes are, for the most part, looking to
the earth; when he is flat on his back, his eyes look to Heaven.
Perhaps it is truer to say that Heaven looks down on him. In such
moments when fever, agony, and pain make it hard to pray, the
suggestion of prayer that comes from merely holding the Rosary -
or better still, for caressing the Crucifix at the end of it - is
tremendous. Because our prayers are known by heart, the heart can
now pour them out and thus fulfill the scriptural injunction to
'pray always'. Prisoners of war during World War II have told me
how the Rosary enabled men to pray, almost continuously, for days
before their death. The favorite mysteries then were generally the
sorrowful ones, for by meditating on the suffering of Our Savior
on the Cross, men were inspired to unite their pains with Him, so
that, sharing in His Cross, they might also share in His
Resurrection." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
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Prayers & Novenas
Cast your cares on God
all your worries upon [God] because he cares for you." (1 Pt. 5:7)
your care upon God for you are his and he will not forget you. Do
not think that he is leaving you alone, for that would be wrong to
him." (St. John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church)
Be gentle & kind
"When you are ill, be sure to be gentle and
kind, and do not chafe if those serving you sometimes neglect you,
or if the brethren rarely visit you. Think of Jesus, forsaken on
his Cross, and stop complaining about trifling inconveniences. Ask
Jesus to come to you and seek your support in him, for he can
change your desolation into consolation. Forget about this world's
disappointing comforts and do not fret about whether your friends
love you; rather desire that the angels always be your companions
and ask the saints to pray for you. Lift up your eyes to the
Crucified and meditate on his sacred wounds. Implore the glorious
Virgin by pouring out a special prayer in her honor, for she alone
stood staunchly at the foot of the Cross and heard Jesus crying
out in a loud voice to the Father. Clear your head of all worldly
thoughts and images and concentrate on your heavenly homeland.
Christ God as your Father, Jesus and your brother, Mary as your
mother, the angels as your friends, and the saints as your
relatives. For you are descended from a noble and distinguished
family - not according to the flesh but in the freedom of the
Spirit. Surrounded by such spiritual defenses and with so many
dear patrons upon whom you can call for assistance, you can
confidently wait the day of the final Judgment and anchor your
hope in the goodness of the merciful Savior." (Thomas a
Don't complain or curse
"When something distasteful or unpleasant
comes your way, remember Christ crucified and be silent."
(St. John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church)
"If something irritating or troublesome
happens, instead of loading with cursing whatever is not going the
way we want it to, it would be just as easy and a great deal more
beneficial for us to say: 'God bless it!'." (St. John Vianney)
good Religious complained one day: 'O Lord, what have I done to be
treated thus?' Our Lord answered him: 'And I, what had I done when I was
led to Calvary?'" (St. John Vianney)
Keep quiet about sufferings
to suffer a little for the love of God without telling everyone about
it." (St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church)
Remain calm
must] understand clearly that if we remain clam, serene, and patient,
suffering loses all its sting, but the moment we get excited, the
smallest suffering increase a hundredfold." (Fr. O'Sullivan)
Bear suffering nobly
then, He that had no necessity of being crucified was crucified for our
sake, how much more, then, ought we bear all things nobly?" (St.
John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, c. 403 A.D.)
Do not fear
not be afraid of anything that you are going to suffer. Indeed, the
devil will throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and
you will face an ordeal for ten days. Remain faithful until death, and I
will give you the crown of life." (Rv. 2:10)
come, my dear, don't be frightened at your burden; our Lord will help
you to carry it." (St. John Vianney)
Learn how to "profit from your sorrows"
not think that your burden is heavy; it is very light, compared with
what you deserve to bear and with what Jesus Christ our Lord bore for
your sake; it is slight indeed in comparison to the reward it will bring
you. Remember that we shall soon quit this world, and then all the past
will seem to us like a short dream, and we shall see that it is better
to have labored than to have rested here. Learn how to profit by your
sorrows, for they bring great riches to the soul. They cleans it from
past sin; what fire is to gold, that tribulation is to the just man,
whose heart if purifies. Trials only injure the wicked, for instead of
being grateful to God they murmur against Him. Their punishment does
them no good, because they turn their sufferings into sins, and so lose
where they might have gained, earning hell by painful labor. Do not
imitate them, but let your courage increase with your trials. God proves
His sons by sorrow, and no one will be crowned but that he has been
through the combat. St. James says: Blessed is the man who endureth
temptation, for when he hath been proved, he shall receive the crown of
life (Jms. 1:4), which God promises to those who love Him. If only we
realized the value of this crown, how gladly should we now suffer
affliction! Would that we understood how blessed, both now and
hereafter, are the tears we shed in this life... Live here as a
stranger, your body on earth, but your heart above, so that when our
Lord calls you, He may not find you sleeping, but ready to go with Him,
and to hear the sweet words: Well done, thou good and faithful servant,
enter thou into the joy of the Lord (Mt. 25:21)." (St. John of
Ask God to heal you if it is His will
"If when we are ill, our recovery will
contribute to the glory of God and the good of our soul, he who
healed so many when he was on earth, will certainly heal us. If,
on the contrary, the illness is more advantageous to us, he will
instead give us the strength to suffer." (St. John Vianney)
"[W]hat physicians may not, Jesus Christ
can always do!" (Liturgical Year)
Realize that afflictions come from God:
could bear sorrows more readily if they could be assured that they
came directly from God." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
is not simply an evil, for no one suffered more than the Son of God
Himself, more than His Blessed Mother or more than the Saints. Every
suffering comes from God. It may appear to come to us by chance or
accident or from someone else, but in reality, every suffering comes to
us from God. Nothing happens to us without His wish or permission. Not
even a hair falls from our heads without His consent." (Fr.
Accept God's will
"But, how great is the folly of those who
resist the divine will, and instead of receiving tribulations with
patience, get into a rage, and accuse God of treating them with
injustice and cruelty! Perhaps they expect that, in consequence of
their opposition, what God wills shall not happen? 'Who resists
his will?' (Rom. 9:19). Miserable men! Instead of lightening the
cross which God sends them, they make it more heavy and painful.
'Who hath resisted him, and hath peace?' (Job 9:4). Let us be
resigned to the divine will, and we shall thus render our crosses
light, and shall gain great treasures of merits for eternal life.
In sending us tribulations, God intends to make us saints."
(St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
all the vicissitudes of life such as illness, losses, and so on,
be ever mindful to bow with resignation to the Will of God, and
repose on these words: 'God will have it so; so it be done.'"
(St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"And so anything
that takes places does so according to the will of our Creator.
Who can oppose the will of God? And so let us accept what happens,
for if we react with anger we will be unable to cope with whatever
happens and will ourselves be destroyed." (St. Basil the
Great, Doctor of the Church)
Realize that it will be turned to your good
good or evil befalls you, be confident that God will convert it
all to your good." (St. Jane Frances de Chantal)
Remember that God does not leave us comfortless
"Our Lord does not leave us comfortless
when He sends us sorrow." (Benson)
God sends no trial without consolation." (St. John Vianney)
Remember that God will not less us be tried beyond our strength
"No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it."
(1 Cor. 10:13)
Remember that Christ & Mary both suffered, even though sinless
the Father gave His Son a Cross and the Mother a sword, then somehow
sorrow does fit into the Divine plan of life. If Divine Innocence and
His Mother, who was a sinless creature, both underwent agonies, it
cannot be that life is a snare and a mockery, but rather it is made
clear that love and sorrow often go together in this life and that only
in the next life is sorrow left behind." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
Mary, who was sinless, would with joy accept a Sword from Divine
sinlessness, then who of us, who are guilty of sin, shall ever
complain if the same Jesus permits us a sorrow for the remission
of our sins?" (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
Remember that suffering does not last forever
pleasant or painful, the present does not last forever."
(St. Robert Southwell)
Reflect on the future rewards
merchant does not consider the trouble he undergoes in his
commerce, but the profit he gains by it." (St. John Vianney)
Don't give up
"I am fed upon the bread of tribulation and
the water of affliction, but nevertheless, I have not given up,
and I will not give up, doing my duty." (Pope St. Silverius)
Remember Mary
is already in the dust of human lives; she lives amidst terror,
brain-washings, false accusations, libels, and all the other instruments
of terror. The Immaculate is with the maculate, the sinless with the
sinner, and she bears no rancor or bitterness toward them - only pity
that they do not see or know how loving that Love is that they are
sending to His death. In her purity, Mary is on the mountaintop; in her
compassion she is amidst curses, death cells, hangmen, executioners, and
blood. A man may despair in his consciousness of sin from crying to God
for forgiveness, but he cannot shrink from invoking the intercession of
God's Mother, who saw sinners do these things and yet prayed for their
forgiveness. If the good Holy Mother, Mary, who deserved to be speared
evil, could nevertheless, in the special providence of her Son, have a
Cross, then how shall we, who deserve not to be ranked with her, expect
to escape our meeting with a cross? 'What have I done to deserve this?'
is a cry of pride. What did Jesus do? What did Mary do? Let their be no
complaint against God for sending a cross; let there only be wisdom
enough to see that Mary is there making it lighter, making it sweeter,
making it hers!" (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
Above is not comprehensive
Of course, one should also be sure to receive the Sacraments as appropriate (e.g.
Penance / Confession, Viaticum, Extreme Unction / Anointing of the
Sick), and make other preparations for death as applicable (e.g. see
below "When
a Loved One is Suffering or Dying")
Here For More 'Suffering/Death' Reflections
with patience, resignation, and humility is something far
more glorious and more desirable than the most glittering
scepters" (Butler)
are called to help one another, especially in times of suffering. A good
Catholic may help those suffering or dying in various ways. Consider:
Calling a priest to dispense the Sacraments (e.g. Penance / Confession, Viaticum,
Extreme Unction / Anointing of the Sick) and give any applicable
blessings. "Is anyone among you sick?
He should summon the presbyters [priests]
of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint (him) with oil in the name of the Lord,
and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be
forgiven." (Jms. 5:14-15) [Note: This refers to the
Sacrament of Extreme Unction (or Anointing of the Sick) which
should be received by all Catholics before death. For more
information, click
Although the sacrament of Extreme Unction should certainly be
received while one is clearly living, a priest is justly called even
after apparent death (e.g. when the person has no heartbeat, no
brainwaves, no breathing, etc.), since one cannot be certain that the
soul has left the body until the body reaches a certain, irreversible
state (i.e. putrefaction). [Note: If a priest
does not wish to come after apparent death, he may be reminded of his
obligation. Note that he may give the sacrament conditionally if he
thinks the person is dead.]
note: A plenary indulgence (a complete remission of all temporal
punishment due to sin) may be available at death. A person who,
in a state of grace, gains a plenary indulgence and then dies without
any subsequent sin would go right to heaven and would be spared the
great pains of purgatory. For more information on such indulgences and
their requirements / conditions, contact a good priest.
Note: For
more information on Purgatory, click
here. [Please note: It is not, however, helpful to maintain that any
particular deceased person has, in fact, actually gained such a plenary
indulgence. One may not receive the indulgence for a variety of reasons
(including the attachment even to a venial sin). Rather, it is best to
help the sick person receive the indulgence before they die and then to
assume after their death that they did not receive it. That way, you may
be less likely to omit prayers for that person, who may be in great need
of them if they did not, in fact, actually gain the plenary indulgence.]
Only validly ordained bishops & priests may confer the Sacraments
of Penance and Extreme Unction / Anointing of the Sick. Lay persons (and
nuns) may NOT administer these sacraments.
the time of death, the priest should be called to pray for the dying
person and to celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist in
the form of Viaticum. The Roman Ritual contains a special section,
Pastoral Care of the Dying (Part II of Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites
of Anointing and Viaticum), to direct the priest and the other faithful
in assisting spiritually the dying person. The Roman Ritual indicates
the distinct purpose of this special section: The ministry to the dying
places emphasis on trust in the Lord's promise of eternal life rather
than on the struggle against illness which is characteristic of the
pastoral care of the sick. (Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of
Anointing and Viaticum, 1983 ed., No. 161) Care should be taken to call
upon the ministry of the priest in a timely manner, not waiting until
the moment of death. The greatest help to the dying person is the prayer
of the Church and, most of all, the reception of the Holy Eucharist as
Viaticum, the spiritual food for the journey from this life to the life
which is to come. If the person has already died, the priest should also
be called to offer the Church's prayers for the dead and to bless the
body. (Cf. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum,
Nos. 223-231)" (On the Christian Burial of the Dead, Bishop Raymond
L. Burke/La Crosse)
Praying for the suffering person (especially Masses, Rosaries, chaplets, Eucharistic
adoration, Marian prayers, prayers for the dying, etc.). Note:
For prayers for the sick and dying, try
the Prayers & Devotions Section
(Tip: for A-Z index of prayers, click
Being there for the suffering person.
Helping the suffering person to have the proper dispositions, especially
when death is near: "We call the words Christ spoke while
hanging on the Cross 'the seven last words of Jesus on the Cross.' They
teach us the dispositions we should have at the hour of death."
(Baltimore Catechism)
Providing the person with appropriate religions objects (e.g. blessed
items such as
rosaries, holy
images, crucifix). Note:
For more information on sacramentals,
Sympathizing with the suffering person: "When
one is in pain, it is
natural that the sympathy of a friend should afford consolation:
whereof the Philosopher indicates a twofold reason (Ethica
Nicomachea ix,11). The first is because, since sorrow has a
depressing effect, it is like a weight whereof we strive to
unburden ourselves: so that when a man sees others saddened by his
own sorrow, it seems as though others were bearing the burden with
him, striving, as it were, to lessen its weight; wherefore the
load of sorrow becomes lighter for him: something like what occurs
in the carrying of bodily burdens. The second and better reason is
because when a man's friends condole with him, he sees that he is
loved by them, and this affords him pleasure... Consequently,
since every pleasure assuages follows that sorrow is
mitigated by a sympathizing friend." (St. Thomas Aquinas,
Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the
history of the Church")
Encouraging the suffering person to face death and prepare themselves
for it (especially by repentance): "Still more pernicious is
the language addressed sometimes by friends and relations to a person
suffering with a mortal disease and on the point of death, when they
assure him that there is no danger of dying, telling him to be of good
spirits, dissuading him from confession, as though the very thought
should fill him with melancholy, and finally withdrawing his attention
from all care and thought of the dangers which beset him in the last
perilous hour." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
they repent, all who desire it will be able to obtain mercy from
God." (St. Justin the Martyr, c. 155 A.D.)
once you have departed this life, there is no longer any place for
repentance, no way of making satisfaction. Here life is either lost or
kept. Here, by the worship of God and by the fruit of faith, provision
is made for eternal salvation. Let no one be kept back either by his
sins or by his years from coming to obtain salvation. To him who still
remains in this world there is no repentance that is too late."
(St. Cyprian of Carthage, 252 A.D.)
Gently reminding the person of hard truths in order to encourage
conversion: "But let everyone know that whenever or however a
person dies in mortal sin without making amends when he could have done
so and did not, the devil snatches up his soul out of his body with so
much anguish and tribulation that no one can know it unless he has
experienced it." (St. Francis of Assisi)
he dieth, that must he be forever; as the tree falleth, so must it
lie." (Cardinal Newman)
we were required to die twice, we could jettison one death. But man dies
once only, and upon this death depends his eternity. Where the tree
falls, there it shall lie. If, at the hour of death, someone is living
in bad habit, the poor soul will fall on the side of hell. If, on the
other hand, he is in the state of grace, it will take the road for
heaven. Oh, happy road!" (St. John Vianney)
we know these things and are well aware of that terrible day and of that
fire, and have in mind those terrible torments, let us turn aside at
last from the path on which we have strayed. For the hour will come when
the theater of this world will be dissolved, after which there will be
no more contending for the prize, no more exertions to be made after the
end of this life, no more crowns to be merited after the collapse of
this theater. This is the time for repentance, that the time of
judgment." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, 4th century
Don't deny or trivialize judgment. "Human beings die once, and
after this the judgment" (Heb. 9:27) [Note: Click here
for "Tough Love in the New Testament". Click here
for "Reward / Punishment" Reflections.]
Encourage them to trust God: "Human life and death are thus in
the hands of God, in his power: 'In his hand is the life of every living
thing and the breath of all mankind', exclaims Job (12:10). 'The Lord
brings to death and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol and raises
up' (1 Sam. 2:6). He alone can say: 'It is I who bring both death and
life' (Deut. 32:39). But God does not exercise this power in an arbitrary
and threatening way, but rather as part of his care and loving concern
for his creatures. If it is true that human life is in the hands of God,
it is no less true that these are loving hands, like those of a mother
who accepts, nurtures and takes care of her child" (Pope John Paul
Encourage them to call on Mary: "He will not taste death
forever who in his dying moments has recourse to the Blessed Virgin
Mary." (Pope Pius XI)
Help them prepare for the final struggle: "At death, the Devil
exerts all his powers to secure the soul that is about to leave this
world; for he knows, from the symptoms of the disease, that he has but
little time to gain her for eternity." (St. Alphonsus Liguori,
Doctor of the Church)
the devil tries to terrorize you, invoke the name of Jesus and raise the
standard of the holy Cross. If he counters by narrating your many sins
and past misdeeds, then respond by reciting the infinite merits of
Christ. Also remember the seven words Jesus spoke from the Cross for
your instruction... [W]hen you are about to depart this world, you are
not to be remiss in voicing and frequently repeating the words of his
final commendation ("Father, into your hands I commend my
spirit"). You will find at the end that there are none more
meaningful than these." (Thomas a Kempis)
whole life of a Christian ought to be nothing else than a constant
preparation for that tremendous hour which will decide our eternal lot,
and in which the devil will assail us with the utmost effort of his
fury; and our own weakness in mind and body, the lively remembrance of
our past sins, and other alarming circumstances and difficulties, will
make us stand in need of the strongest assistance of divine grace and
the special patronage of her who is the protectress of all in distress,
particularly of her devout clients in their last and most dangerous
conflict." (Muller)
* Remember
that death can come at any moment: "Every action of yours,
every thought, should be those of one who expects to die before the day
is out." (Thomas a Kempis)
Remember that death is inevitable for all of us:
physicians cannot heal us, they can merely ward off death for a
little." (Benson)
must...look on this present life as a path to the grave. The path may be
long or short, but to the tomb it must lead us." (Gueranger)
Remind them that we must accept death whenever it pleases God to call
Remind them that death is not the end: "Death opens up the way
to true life" (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
For Information Regarding Organ Donation, See Flier: "Organ
Donation: Act of Charity or License to Kill?"
Above is not comprehensive
Here For More 'Suffering/Death' Reflections
Topics May Include...
of Death
Things Are From God
Cross / Crosses
& Dying [Pg.]
& Those We Love
/ Pain
of Death
Happy Death is Our Principal Concern In Life
One Dies is How One Remains Forever
Death |
For Death
Moment of Death
of / Reasons for Suffering
Deaths & The Blessed Virgin
of Death
For Death
/ Illness
/ Sorrows
& Tribulations
Moment of Death
of Advice
of Encouragement |
all the things of life, a happy death is our principal
concern. For if we attain that, it matters little if we lose
all the rest. But if we do not attain that, nothing else is
of any value." (Bl. Juniperro Serra)
are assured by Christ that death is not the end. In
for the just, death is the beginning of true life. Scripture
assures us of this fact, as do the saints:
am not dying; I am entering life." (St. Therese of Lisieux, Doctor
of the Church)
it is flesh that dies; the soul is immortal." (St. Epiphanius of
Salamis, c. 374 A.D.)
the good man to die is gain." (St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church,
4th century A.D.)
you awake in that world, you will find that nothing could tempt you to
return to this!" (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
are compelled to assent to the resurrection of the dead, which God will
bring about at its appointed time, when in His works He will make good
His own promises." (St. Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century A.D.)
I pray you is dying? Just what it is to put off a garment. For the body
is about the soul as a garment; and after laying this aside for a short
time by means of death, we shall resume it again with more
splendor." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, 4th century
brethren who are freed from this world by the Lord's summons are not to
be mourned, since we know that they are not lost to us, but only sent on
ahead of us. Departing from us, they precede us as travelers, just as
navigators are accustomed to do." (St. Cyprian of Carthage)
is not Death that will come to fetch me, it is the good God. Death is no
phantom, no horrible specter, as presented in pictures. In the catechism
it is stated that death is the separation of soul and body, that is all!
Well, I am not afraid of a separation which will unite me to the good
God forever." (St. Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church)
consoling it is to see a just man die! His death is good, because it
ends his miseries; it is better still, because he begins a new life; it
is excellent, because it places him in sweet security. From this bed of
mourning, whereon he leaves a precious load of virtues, he goes to take
possession of the true land of the living, Jesus acknowledges him as His
brother and as His friend, for he has died to the world before closing
his eyes from its dazzling light. Such is the death of the saints, a
death very precious in the sight of God." (St. Bernard of
Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church)
we miss our loved ones, we must accept death when it pleases God: "We
must accept our own death, and that of our relations, when God shall
send it to us, and not desire it at any other time; for it is sometimes
necessary that it should happen at that particular moment, for the good
of our own and their souls." (St. Philip Neri)
the promise of eternal life, however, we must not lose sight of the fact
that those who die will often have sins to expiate. It is wrong (and
uncharitable) to instantly "canonize" loved ones after death. Such
actions leave the poor souls - who are unable to assist themselves
- without relief from those remaining
on earth. In fact, it has been
said that seven years of penance is due for
mortal sin committed during one's life. Therefore, it is good to assume
that any particular loved one - no matter how good they appeared to you
in life - may be in Purgatory and therefore is in great in need of
prayers, Masses, etc. Note that it is very possible that some
of your friends and relatives who passed away long ago may still remain
in Purgatory.
purgatorial fire itself will be more difficult than any punishments that
can be seen or imagined or felt in this life." (St. Caesar of
Arles, c. 540 A.D.)
must say many prayers for the souls of the faithful departed, for one
must be so pure to enter heaven!" (St. John Vianney)
and night I am pursued by the same thought: One does not pray enough for
the dead. Eighty thousand people die in this nation [France] every
day." (Bl. Eugenie Smet)
to the holy Doctors, for every mortal sin a man is obliged by God to
seven years of penance in this world, or the equivalent in purgatory;
the reason being that every mortal sin is an offense against the seven
Gifts of the Holy Ghost." (St. Vincent Ferrer)
you assign, on the average, as St. Frances of Rome says, seven years for
the expiation of one mortal sin, remitted as to the guilt, who does not
see that we arrive at an appalling duration and that the expiation may
especially be prolonged for many years, and even for centuries? Years
and centuries of torments! Oh! if we only thought of it, with what care
should we not avoid the least faults! with what fervor should we not
practice penance to make satisfaction in this world!" (Fr. Schouppe)
Here for Prayers for Deceased Persons
sure to pray regularly for the deceased (especially
rosaries). And, besides praying for the deceased
and gaining indulgences, you should also arrange to have Masses said on
their behalf (especially
Gregorian Masses, and particularly Masses at
privileged altars). Don't limit your charity to the living!
Here For More 'Death & Dying' Reflections
Topics May Include...
/ Burial
& Those We Love
Becomes Evil Only By the Retribution Which Follows
is Not the End / Resurrection |
of the Just
of the Wicked
Funerals / Burial
For the Dead
Teaching on Cremation |
Here For Information on the Purgatory Release Project (Catholic
Activities Section)
Topics May Include...
do the poor souls need my help?
souls are in Purgatory?
I believe in Purgatory?
do the poor souls suffer?
penance eliminate all Purgatory time? |
if none of my loved ones are in Purgatory?
do my prayers help?
else can I assist the poor souls?
should I join the PRP effort?
can I participate in the Purgatory Release Project (PRP)?
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silence of death will tell us so plainly that our life is
but a vapor, the world a passing scene, its dearest hopes
illusive; that God and eternity are our all and all
forever." (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
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