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Saint Facts
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Item |
Fact(s) |
Martyrum |
Acts of the Martyrs) i. The official records of the trial and execution
of martyrs. ii. Any account of their life and death written or purporting to be written by eyewitnesses or
contemporaries, or founded upon such accounts. The value and degree
of authenticity of the Acts of the Martyrs which have come down to
us vary greatly" (Catholic Dictionary)
Sanctorum |
Acts of the Saints" (Lives of the Saints, published by the
Bollandists) - A multi volume set created over hundreds of years.
Bollandists are an] association of ecclesiastical scholars
engaged in editing the Acta Sanctorum. This work is a great
hagiographical collection begun during the first years of the
seventeenth century, and continued [for hundreds of years]. The collaborators are called Bollandists, as being
successors of Bolland, the editor of the first volume."
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "This monumental
work has become the foundation of all investigation in hagiography
and legend."
Saints Day |
feast (Nov. 1 in the Western church) on which are commemorated all
the saints of God, canonized and uncanonized, known and
unknown." (Catholic Dictionary)
Named After Saints |
every Catholic church had a consecrated altar which contained relics
(corresponding to the early practice of celebrating Mass on the
tombs of martyrs) and which had a title ("titulus") -
usually corresponding to the name of the church (except side
Apostles |
refers to the twelve men chosen by our Lord (click
here) and headed by St. Peter, and also to St. Paul and to St.
Matthias (who replaced Judas). However, this term may also refer and to others in the early
Church and to missionaries (e.g. St. Patrick is called
"the apostle of Ireland"). Note that not all apostles
are saints [e.g. Judas, who was lost (see Jn. 17:12:
"...none of them was lost except the son of destruction, in
order that the scripture might be fulfilled", Mt. 26:24 &
Mk. 14:21: "...woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is
betrayed. It would be better for that man if he had never been
born.")]. Today's bishops are the successors to the
apostles, and the Pope is the successor to St. Peter.
See: Vatican View
Section | Priests
& Vocations Section
Asceticism |
is self-discipline in all its forms, particularly those
voluntarily undertaken out of love of God and desire for spiritual
improvement; its meaning is sometimes improperly limited to
corporal austerity. It may be internal discipline applied, to the
mind, heart and will by purely internal effort, and at least a
little of this is imposed on every Christian as a condition of
salvation; or external, whether by the renunciations implied by
the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience...or by the various
forms of bodily mortification and austerity directed to making and
keeping the appetites conformed to right reason and God's law.
Asceticism is an integral part of Christian life, having its
sanction in our Lord's life...and teaching. It is not an end in
itself, discomfort of mind or body for its own sake, but a means
towards personal sanctification, freedom of soul, and approach to
God; its higher forms are entirely voluntary and based on the
distinction between precepts and counsels: it seeks first the
Kingdom of God and so attains to fullness of life." (Catholic
Beatification |
is the process by which enquiry is made into the sanctity of a
deceased person and, upon proof thereof, permission accorded for
his public veneration; this is usually limited to a particular
country, diocese, or religious order and does not extend, without
special permission, to the display of his image in church or to a
Mass and Office in his honour. Beatification generally, but not
necessarily, leads to canonization" (Catholic Dictionary).
Note that once an individual has been beatified, he or she is
referred to as "Blessed" (abbreviated "Bl.").
Also note that some beatifications are referred to as "virtual
beatifications" (e.g. certain cases which
deal with "immemorial public veneration" of a particular
are at present two ways in which the Church allows public worship
to be paid those who have lived in the fame of sanctity or died as
martyrs. Of these some are beatified, others are canonized...
Beatification is a permission for public worship [dulia]
restricted to certain places and to certain acts... The nature of
beatification makes it evident that the worship of the blessed is
restricted to certain places and persons, and may be given only
after permission. Such permission is usually granted to those
persons or places which have in some way been connected with the
blessed. In the case of a religious, it is granted to the members
of the order or congregation to which he belonged; if a canon of a
church, that church or chapter receives the permission; if a
martyr, a bishop, or resident of some place for a long period, the
concession is made to the place of his martyrdom or to his see or
to the place that he adorned with his virtues. In some cases the
place of his birth or burial is included. And in all these
instances it may be that the concession is made only to the mother
church, or to the church in which his body lies, or it may be
extended to the whole city or diocese... Beatification is an
entirely different matter from canonization, and is but a step to
it, being in no wise an irreformable decision of ecclesiastical
authority." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Beatify |
/ Beati |
for "Blessed". "The official title of one who has
been beatified (click
here). Beatus is also the epithet commonly used of canonized
saints in the liturgy [cf., the collects at (the traditional)
Mass]." (Catholic Dictionary)
of Saints |
called "lives of saints", these accounts of the saints'
lives are interesting and inspiring stories which have long been
recommend spiritual reading. The quality and readability of
accounts may vary widely. Some accounts are critical, while others
are uncritical collections (some of which may have suffered some embellishment over time).
They provide good examples for Catholics and also provide
important historical information. Although various details of some
accounts may be based on myths or legends,
one should not automatically assume that every event that seems unbelievable
is not true (remember that nothing is impossible for God). One should
also note that the term 'legend' may previously have included
items that were not fictional.
"lives of the saints" include the Acta Sanctorum (click
here), Butler's Lives of the Saints (click
here), and the Golden Legend (click
Bl. |
for "Blessed" (scroll down or click
Blessed |
to those who have been beatified (click
Lives of Saints |
"monument of work and research" (Catholic
Encyclopedia), this popular four volume set created by created by Alban Butler (d.
1773) took nearly 30 years to complete and was the "great work of his life".
The collection is considered "monumental" and may be
considered "one of the most revered books
after the Bible". Butler's "Lives of the Fathers,
Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints"
contains numerous biographies of various saints, organized by
date. This arrangement by date makes the work well-suited for
daily spiritual reading.
In recent years, at least one updated edition of this work has
been released, still bearing the name "Butler". Newer
versions have been charged with "destroying much
of the beauty" of the original work. Note: Older editions
(e.g. "pre-Thurston") may still be available. Contact an appropriate Catholic bookseller.
Changes |
the wake of the Second Vatican Council, many changes were made to
the liturgical calendar, including the elimination of numerous
universal feasts (including highly popular feasts, feasts of
popes, etc.). The old calendar is still in use, however, by
traditional orders and in places where Masses are celebrated
according to the old ('Tridentine') rite. For the location of such
Masses, contact your bishop. For more information about the
glorious traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, click
here. For feasts of the old and new calendar, try
of Saints |
to the liturgical calendar in which each day of the liturgical
year may be associated with one or more saint's feasts (and other
holidays). In addition to the universal calendar (the
"General Roman Calendar"), there may be various local
calendars, especially in the earlier years of the Church. Note that
the various calendars have grown and changed over the years,
including drastic changes to the Roman Calendar in the wake of the
Second Vatican Council (click
here). Also note that not all feast days appear on the General
Calendar. For liturgical feast days, try
here. For feast days from the Roman Martyrology, try
Canonization |
public and official declaration of the heroic virtue of a person
and the inclusion of his or her name in the canon (roll or
register) of the saints." (Catholic Dictionary) This
declaration is reserved to the pope and occurs after beatification
(but not for all those beatified). Formal canonization may take
centuries and may require miracles as heavenly testimony.
Catholic Church canonizes or beatifies only those whose lives have
been marked by the exercise of heroic virtue, and only after this
has been proved by common repute for sanctity and by conclusive
arguments... [T]he Church seeing in the saints nothing more than
friends and servants of God whose holy lives have made them worthy
of His special love. She does not pretend to make gods"
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
Canonization obliges that
public honor be given the saint. Note that canonization does not
"make" one a saint, but declares one to be a saint. Also
note that not all saints are canonized (in fact some great saints
were never formally canonized). In the past, the formal
declaration - which occurs only after a strict, extensive
investigation - has generally been considered to be infallible and
Pope John Paul II, many changes to the canonization process were
implemented, leading to an unprecedented number of canonizations.
Although the changes have simplified the process and made it less
expensive and faster, the changes have led some of the faithful to express
concern over various aspects of the new procedures [e.g.
elimination of the "devil's advocate", reduction of the
waiting period (allowing the process to be conducted while 'emotions
are high'), loosening of procedures, reduction in the number
of required miracles, concerns over conflicts of interest,
concerns over the elimination of unfavorable witnesses deemed
"unsuitable", concerns over "political
correctness" in the canonization process, concerns over
"diminishing value of canonization" and that the large
number of new saints turns the focus of the people away from the
most important saints in the Church's history, concerns regarding "insufficient
scrutiny", concern that the process is rushed, concern that
evaluation of doctrinal orthodoxy of candidates for sainthood may
receive insufficient consideration, concern that
the waiting period is an insufficient amount of time for the
"full truth" regarding individuals to come out (e.g.
when the waiting period is 5 years instead of 50 years) and that
the reduced waiting period no longer fosters an objective look at
a person's life, concern that
the process may not prevent factual errors, concern that the
process has become politicized (e.g. using canonization to advance
certain causes), concern over lost
confidence in the process, concerns regarding the reduced role of
the pope, and even some concern regarding the infallible nature of
canonizations, etc.]
History |
the veneration of saints traces from the earliest days of the Church, the process for naming particular individuals as saints
has seen variation over the years. At first, 'canonizations' were
informal. This practice, unfortunately, was sometimes subject to
abuse. Later, certain matters were handled by the bishop. Eventually, a
formal process was instituted, reserving much of the process to Rome. As stated by the Catholic Encyclopedia: "It
must be obvious, however, that while private moral certainty of
their sanctity and possession of heavenly glory may suffice for
private veneration of the saints, it cannot suffice for public and
common acts of that kind. No member of a social body may,
independently of its authority, perform an act proper to that
body. It follows naturally that for the public veneration of the
saints the ecclesiastical authority of the pastors and rulers of
the Church was constantly required. The Church had at heart,
indeed, the honour of the martyrs, but she did not therefore grant
liturgical honours indiscriminately to all those who had died for
the Faith." (Catholic Encyclopedia) In recent years, under
Pope John Paul II, the formal process has undergone extensive
change (see above or click
here), but the formal declaration of canonization still remains
reserved to the pope.
See: Making
of a Saint |
Vatican View Section
Canonize |
Cause |
"The preliminary enquiry and subsequent
processes of beatification and canonization. A cause opens with an
ordinary process under the bishop's jurisdiction in order to
determine whether a sufficient case can be presented to the Roman authority"
(Catholic Dictionary) During the process, there are various steps
(e.g. an enquiry into the sanctity of the deceased person,
examination of his or her writings, etc.), possibly leading to the
beatification (click here)
and, ultimately, canonization (click
here) of the person.
Named After Saints |
Catholic churches are always dedicated to God alone, they are
often dedicated to God in honor of a saint. The particular saint's
name may be chosen due to possession of the saint's relics,
special devotion to the saint by the founder of the church, the
saint's labors in the area, etc. This practice may be traced back
to the earliest days of Christianity, where Masses were said on
the tombs of saints.
of the Saints |
division of the [traditional] Missal and Breviary in which are
found masses and Offices for all those saints who have not special
ones assigned to them, or who have only certain parts proper; the
rest is then supplied from the common. It is divided into various
classes" (Catholic Dictionary)
of the Saints |
communion of saints means the union which exists between the
members of the Church on earth (the Church Militant) with one
another, and with the blessed in heaven (the Church Triumphant)
and with the suffering souls in purgatory (the Church
Suffering)." (Baltimore Catechism)
saints really are "our friends in heaven".
They do not cease to have charity for us because they are in
heaven, rather they are "bound to us by love". In fact,
if anything, they are even more willing and able to help us now
that they are "before the throne of eternal Goodness".
Not only do they want to help us, but they are close to God and
have influence with Him. God enables them to hear our prayers and
their intercession has been felt by countless people, even in the
most extraordinary ways. Of course they are not gods and have no
power of their own, but all is done through Christ.
who argue that the saints are "dead" should consider
that Jesus spoke with Elijah and Moses many years after their
lives on earth ended (Mt. 17:3), that Jesus told the thief on the
cross that he would be with Jesus in paradise after their deaths
(Lk. 23:43), that the souls of the just are in the hand of God
(Wisdom 3:1), that He is not God of the dead, but of the living,
for to him all are alive (Lk. 20:38), and that Scripture shows us
that saints are most assuredly alive and aware of what transpires
on earth (see Rv. 6:9-11)
the saints are alive, and before God. They care for us, they
understand us, they have faced trials, they want our good, and
they can be trusted. History is an unfailing witness that they
really, truly do aid us. Be sure to regularly ask for their
See: Honoring
& Intercession of the Saints | Communion
of the Saints (Reflections)
Confessors |
refer to those who suffered for the faith or to certain saints who
were not martyrs.
Co-patrons |
saints share a patronage, they may be called co-patrons - for
example: Sts. Cyril & Methodius (brothers) are co-patrons of
/ Cultus |
Cultus, in a general sense is equivalent to worship, adoration,
veneration. But it is generally used with particular reference to
the hyperdulia accorded to our Lady, the dulia given to the saints
and the relative dulia to their relics, to pictures, etc... The
word is cognate with 'cultivation'... and derives ultimately from
Latin colere, to till." (Catholic Dictionary)
Martyrum |
Roman calendar containing the feasts of the martyrs.
Advocate' |
Diaboli [Latin for 'Advocate of the Devil' or 'Devil's Advocate'] - A
popular title given to one of the most important officers of the
Sacred Congregation of Rites, established in 1587, by [Pope] Sixtus V, to
deal juridically with processes of beatification and canonization.
His official title is Promoter of the Faith (Promotor Fidei). His
duty [traditionally required] him to prepare in writing all possible arguments,
even at times seemingly slight, against the raising of any one to
the honours of the altar. The interest and honour of the Church
are concerned in preventing any one from receiving those honours
whose death is not juridically proved to have been 'precious in
the sight of God' ... [Traditionally], No important act in the process of
beatification or canonization is valid unless performed in the
presence of the Promoter of the Faith formally recognized. His
duty is to protest against the omission of the forms laid down,
and to insist upon the consideration of any objection. The first
formal mention of such an officer is found in the canonization of
St. Lawrence Justinian under [Pope] Leo X (1513-21). [Pope] Urban VIII, in 1631,
made his presence necessary, at least by deputy, for the validity
of any act connected with the process of beatification or
canonization." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
the 'Devil's Advocate' would seek to "prevent any rash decisions concerning
miracles or virtues of the candidates for the honours of the
altar. All documents of beatification and canonization processes
must be submitted to his examination, and the difficulties and
doubts he raises over the virtues and miracles are laid before the
congregation and must be satisfactorily answered before any
further steps can be taken in the processes. It is his duty to
suggest natural explanations for alleged miracles, and even to
bring forward human and selfish motives for deeds that have been
accounted heroic virtues... Owing to his peculiar duty of
antagonizing the proofs put forward on behalf of persons proposed
for saintly honours, the Promoter of the Faith is commonly
referred to, half jocosely, as the devil's advocate."
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
that the "devil's advocate"
might argue that miracles are fraudulent, he might question various
motives, he might look for "holes in evidence", etc. In
general, his actions helped secure the integrity of the
canonization process. Note: The "Devil's Advocate"
was eliminated under Pope John Paul II (click
here for more information).
to the Saints |
popular, are spontaneous pious movements of the Christian body towards
this or that aspect of the faith, sanctified individual or
historical event, approved by authority and usually expressed in
authorized vernacular formulas and observances. They are very
numerous" (Catholic Dictionary).
to the Saints may include: chaplets, prayers, novenas, medals,
statues, etc. Note: Click
here for prayers to the saints, click here for
information on devotions/sacramentals.
of the Church |
ecclesiastical writer, noted both for the greatness of his
learning and the holiness of his life, whose feast has been
extended to the whole Western church with a Mass and Office either
of his own or of the common of Doctors" (Catholic Dictionary)
of the Church (Lat. Doctores Ecclesiae) - Certain ecclesiastical
writers have received this title on account of the great advantage
the whole Church has derived from their doctrine... The requisite
conditions are enumerated as three: eminens doctrina, insignis
vitae sanctitas, Ecclesiae declaratio (i.e. eminent learning, a
high degree of sanctity, and proclamation by the Church). Benedict
XIV explains the third as a declaration by the supreme pontiff or
by a general council... The decree is issued by the Congregation of Sacred Rites
and approved by the pope, after a careful examination, if
necessary, of the saint's writings. It is not in any way an ex
cathedra decision, nor does it even amount to a declaration that
no error is to be found in the teaching of the Doctor. It is,
indeed, well known that the very greatest of them are not wholly
immune from error." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
here for a list of the Doctors of the Church.
"four Doctors" of the Western Church are St. Gregory the
Great, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, and St. Jerome while the "four
doctors" of the Eastern Church are St. John Chrysostom, St.
Basil, and St. Gregory Nazianzen, and St. Athanasius. Note that this refers
to those with early pre-eminence.
Pope Paul VI declared the first female Doctors of the Church in
1970 (St. Teresa of Avila and St. Catherine of Siena). Pope John Paul II
declared St. Thérèse of Lisieux a doctor of the Church in 1997.
Pope Benedict XVI declared St. Hildegard of Bingen a doctor of the
Church in 2012
Dulia |
reverence and homage paid to saints and angels on account of their
supernatural excellence and union with God. To be distinguished from the adoration of God (latria) and the special honor paid to
Mary (hyperdulia)." (Catholic Dictionary)
(Greek doulia; Lat. servitus), a theological term signifying the
honour paid to the saints, while latria means worship given to God
alone, and hyperdulia the veneration offered to the Blessed Virgin
Mary... Catholic theologians insist that the difference is one of
kind and not merely of degree; dulia and latria being as far apart
as are the creature and the Creator... A further distinction is
made between dulia in the absolute sense, the honour paid to
persons, and dulia in the relative sense, the honour paid to
inanimate objects, such as images and relics. With regard to the
saints, dulia includes veneration and invocation; the former being
the honour paid directly to them, the latter having primarily in
view the petitioner's advantage." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Emblems |
particular image associated with a person in a pictorial representation. For example: a lily for St. Joseph, a cross for
St. Helena, a dove for St. Gregory, etc. Note that one saint may
have various emblems and that many saints may share one emblem
(e.g. a palm for martyrs). Emblems may relate to an event in the
saint's life, to a certain characteristic of the saint, etc.
of the Saints |
examples of the saints inspire us, help "form us in
virtue", and are "living images
of the Gospel". Written account of their lives, biographies
called "Lives of the Saints" (click
here), have been widely praised as excellent, profitable spiritual
reading. |
of the Church |
refer to the early Christian writers (e.g. from the first six to
twelve centuries) whose writings are considered "worthy of
respect". Their unanimous agreement on a particular point of
doctrine is of special value. Although their writings are
important, they are not all orthodox and free from error. Not all
Fathers of the Church are saints (in fact, at least one was excommunicated). Note that the Fathers are often categorized as
Fathers & Western Fathers. Those who lived very near to
apostolic times may be called Apostolic Fathers.
Days |
Days, or Holy Days, are days which are celebrated in commemoration
of the sacred mysteries and events recorded in the history of our
redemption, in memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ, or of His
apostles, martyrs, and saints, by special services and rest from
work. A feast not only commemorates an event or person, but also
serves to excite the spiritual life by reminding us of the event
it commemorates... The succession of these seasons
form the ecclesiastical year, in which the feasts of Our Lord form
the ground and framework, the feasts of the Blessed Virgin and the
Saints the ornamental tracery." (Catholic Encyclopedia) Note
that feast days have been celebrated since the earliest days of
the Church, especially on the anniversary of a saint's death. Also
note that each saint has a feast, even if it is not celebrated
liturgically. Note: For liturgical feast days, try
here. For feast days from the Roman Martyrology, try
here. For Marian feast days, click
Feasts |
special day set apart for the liturgical commemoration of the Holy
Trinity, of some event or mystery in the life of saints, or of some other event of religious importance." (Catholic
liturgical feast days, try
here. For feast days from the Roman Martyrology, try
here. For Marian feast days, click
American Born Saint |
St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton was the first American born person to be canonized.
American to be Canonized |
St. Francis Xavier
Cabrini was the first American (U.S.) citizen to be canonized.
Canonized Non-Martyr |
Martin of Tours was the first non-martyred saint to be honored by the whole
Martyr |
first martyr to give his life for Christ was St. Stephen the
Deacon (Acts vii, 54-9)" (Catholic Dictionary) He is called
"Protomartyr". Note: This refers to the period after
the death of Christ. The Holy Innocents and John the Baptist are
also venerated as martyrs. |
Canonization |
first known, solemn canonization was of
St. Ulrich in 993 by Pope John XV.
of Religious Orders |
religious orders named after, or founded by, saints include:
- Named after St. Augustine
- Named after St. Benedict
(Order of Preachers) - Founded by St. Dominic
(Order of Friars Minor) - Founded by St. Francis of Assisi
(Society of Jesus) - Founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola
- Named after St. Francis de Sales (founded by St. John Bosco)
(Order of Servants of Mary) - Founded by the Seven Holy Founders (canonized
Crowned Martyrs |
to as the "Four Holy Crowned Ones", these martyrs were killed at the beginning of the fourth century, but their names
were unknown.
Holy Helpers |
to a popular devotion in which fourteen saints are
invoked against many troubles and by those of various
occupations. Their traditional feast day is August 8. These saints
may be invoked
individually or collectively. They have been considered to be
"especially efficacious" in their assistance.
fourteen holy helpers are: St. George, St. Blaise, St. Erasmus, St.
Pantaleon, St. Vitus, St. Christopher, St. Dionysius, St. Cyriacus, St.
Achatius, St. Eustace, St. Giles,
St. Margaret, St. Catharine, and St. Barbara.
The feast of the Fourteen Holy Helpers was suppressed in the wake
of the Second Vatican Council of the 1960's.
Roman Calendar |
'Calendar of Saints'
Legend |
to a highly popular, classic collection of stories of the saints from the middle ages.
Saints |
Saints" include: St. Albert the Great, St. Basil the Great,
Pope St. Gregory the Great, and Pope St. Leo the Great. Others
sometimes called "the
great" include: St. Gertrude the Great and Pope St. Nicholas the
Great. |
Hagiography |
name given to that branch of learning which has the saints and
their worship [veneration] for its object." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Virtue |
"[H]eroic a habit of good conduct that has become a second
nature, a new motive power stronger than all corresponding inborn
inclinations, capable of rendering easy a series of acts each of
which, for the ordinary man, would be beset with very great, if
not insurmountable, difficlties. Such a degree of virtue belongs
only to souls already purified from all attachment to things
worldly, and solidly anchored in the love of God." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
virtue of Christian heroes, of those who lived as saints or who achieved
heroism in the moment of death by martyrdom. It implies an unusual
control of the insurgent passions, and a promptitude and facility
in well-doing which are above the common. According to [Pope]
Benedict XIV, for the manifestation of heroic virtue the matter
must be difficult, so as to demand spiritual energy above the
ordinary and the practice must be prompt, unhesitating, joyful,
enthusiastic and habitual. St. Thomas brings the heroic virtues under
the gifts of the Holy Ghost." (Catholic Dictionary)
Cards / Prayer Cards |
cards with an image of our Lord, of our Lady, of the saints, or of
other holy persons (e.g. Blesseds, Venerables). They may contain a
prayer or other information on the reverse side. Catholic prayer
cards are often given out at funerals (providing the name and
dates of the deceased on the reverse).
Helpers |
"Fourteen Holy Helpers"
the Saints |
Here for 'Honoring & Intercession of the Saints'
is One Made a Saint? |
indicated above, one is "declared" a saint rather than
"made" a saint. The process leading up to this
declaration involves various steps (e.g. introduction of the
cause, investigation, beatification, etc.). The process may be initiated
locally (with the bishop), but the final decision resides with the
pope. Also
See: Canonization
| Beatification | Stages
in the Canonization Process |
Hyperdulia |
"Worship of Hyperdulia" is a technical term referring to
the highest degree of veneration allowed to a creature. It is paid
to the Blessed Virgin Mary alone. This special homage paid to the
Blessed Virgin is not to be confused with the "Worship of
Latria" (given to God alone), but is more closely related to
the "Worship of Dulia" (and is in fact a higher form of
dulia), the veneration due to the angels
and saints. Mary, of course, is the greatest creature of all,
surpassing all the angels and saints.
See: Dulia
& Canonization |
In the past,
canonizations - which occur only after a strict, extensive
investigation - have generally been considered to be infallible and
irreversible. As stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia (early
20th century): "Is
the pope infallible in issuing a decree of canonization? Most
theologians answer in the affirmative. It is the opinion of St.
Antoninus, Melchior Cano, Suarez, Bellarmine, Bañez, Vasquez,
and, among the canonists, of Gonzales Tellez, Fagnanus,
Schmalzgrüber, Barbosa, Reiffenstül, Covarruvias (Variar. resol.,
I, x, no 13), Albitius (De Inconstantiâ in fide, xi, no 205),
Petra (Comm. in Const. Apost., I, in notes to Const. I, Alex.,
III, no 17 sqq.), Joannes a S. Thomâ (on II-II, Q. I, disp. 9, a.
2), Silvester (Summa, s. v. Canonizatio), Del Bene (De Officio
Inquisit. II, dub. 253), and many others. In Quodlib. IX, a. 16,
St. Thomas says: Since the honour we pay the saints is in a
certain sense a profession of faith, i.e., a belief in the glory
of the Saints [quâ sanctorum gloriam credimus] we must piously
believe that in this matter also the judgment of the Church is not
liable to error.. These words of St. Thomas, as is evident from
the authorities just cited, all favouring a positive
infallibility, have been interpreted by his school in favour of
papal infallibility in the matter of canonization, and this
interpretation is supported by several other passages... This
infallibility, however according to the holy doctor, is only a
point of pious belief. Theologians generally agree as to the fact
of papal infallibility in this matter of canonization, but
disagree as to the quality of certitude due to a papal decree in
such matter... This general agreement of theologians as to papal
infallibility in canonization must not be extended to
beatification... Canonists and theologians generally deny the
infallible character of decrees of beatification, whether formal
or equivalent, since it is always a permission, not a command;
while it leads to canonization, it is not the last step."
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
this time, many changes to the canonization process were
implemented, leading to an unprecedented number of canonizations.
Although the changes have simplified the process and made it less
expensive and faster, the changes have led some of the faithful to express
a number of concerns over the new procedures (click
here for more information), and have even led some to express concern regarding the infallible nature of
modern canonizations.
of Saints |
to the saints' intercession with God on our behalf, generally in
response to prayers. In many cases throughout history, this
intercession has been manifested in a miraculous manner.
See: Communion of the Saints
| Praying to Saints |
Honoring &
Intercession of the Saints
of the Saints |
means calling upon another for help or protection, particularly
when we are in need or danger. It is used specially with regard to
calling upon God or the saints, and hence it means prayer."
(Baltimore Catechism)
See: Communion of the Saints
| Praying to Saints |
Honoring &
Intercession of the Saints
of the Saints |
here for 'Litany of the Saints' (Prayers & Devotions Section
Saints' |
term is often applied spontaneously - and with very little, or
incomplete, knowledge - to persons who are apparently holy.
Considering that all living persons are subject to falling (some
so-called 'living saints' have fallen quite publicly) and that
sometimes appearances are deceptive, the use of this term
can be unfitting. Usually is expressed as a person's opinion (and
that often ironically considering that the same person might rush
to correct another person who expressed a negative opinion that
they "shouldn't judge others"). Of course, all saints
were once living and one cannot be formally declared a saint until
after one's death - and this is reserved to the Pope.
In the early Church, all Christians (that is, Catholics), were
called "saints". Since then, however, the term has acquired a more limited meaning.
to Saints / Prayers in Honor of the Saints
of the Saints
& Intercession of the Saints
Saints Index
Reference': Table of Saints - Based on the Roman Martyrology (Pre-1970)
(Classic Encyclicals)
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