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Prayers, Novenas & Hymns (Prayers to Saints) |
Prayers, Novenas & Hymns | Prayers & Devotions Section |
Prayers, Novenas & Hymns:
Prayers to Saints / Prayers in Honor of the Saints
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to a Saint (1) |
___, aid me!
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
to a Saint (2) |
___, help me!
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
to a Saint (3) |
___, pray for us.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Invocation to St.
Aloysius (For Clerics) |
Here for 'Invocation
to St. Aloysius (For Clerics)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Invocation to St.
Nicholas |
Nicholas, glorious Confessor of Christ, assist us in thy loving
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Invocation to St.
Peter |
Peter, chosen by Christ to head His holy Church, pray for us.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Litany of Sainted
Pontiffs (For the Church, in Time of Trial) |
Here for 'Litany
of Sainted Pontiffs (For the Church, in Time of Trial)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Litany of the
Saints |
Here for 'Litany
of the Saints'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Novena to One's
Patron Saint |
Here for 'Novena
to One's Patron Saint'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Novena to Pope St.
Pius X |
Here for 'Novena
to Pope St. Pius X'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Novena to St.
Anthony to Find a Lost Article |
Here for 'Novena
to St. Anthony to Find a Lost Article'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Novena to St.
Gerard |
Here for 'Novena
to St. Gerard'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Novena to St.
Peregrine (Patron of Cancer Sufferers) |
Here for 'Novena
to St. Peregrine (Patron of Cancer Sufferers)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Novena to St. Rita |
Here for 'Novena
to St. Rita'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer for Heavenly
Intercession |
Here for 'Prayer
for Heavenly Intercession'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer for
Intercession (1) |
English |
ye saints of God, vouchsafe to intercede for us and for all
men, that we may be saved. (Antiphon) |
Dei omnes, intercedere dignemini pro nostra omniumque
salute. |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Prayer for
Intercession (2) |
whom the grace of God enabled to conquer the things of earth, and
associated with the angels in heaven; Ye patriarchs, prophets,
apostles, confessors, martyrs, monks, virgins, assembly of holy
widows, and of all who have been pleasing to the sovereign Lord,
may your assistance, now and ever, cherish and protect us.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer for
Intercession of the Martyrs (1) |
the fraternal crown of Thy martyrs rejoice us, O Lord, and may it
procure for our faith increase of virtue, and console us with
multiplied intercession. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer for
Intercession of the Martyrs (2) |
we beseech thee, O almighty God, that we, who know thy glorious
martyrs to have been strong in their confession of thee, may
experience their compassion by their interceding for us with thee.
Through our Lord. (Liturgical Year)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer for
Patronage of the Saints |
Thy saints, we beseech Thee, O Lord, in every place bring us joy;
that while we commemorate their merits, we may experience their
patronage. Through our Lord. (Secret)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer for
Protection (Saints Peter & Paul) |
O Lord, Thy people: and as they put their trust in the patronage
of Thy holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, keep them ever by Thy
protection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Roman Missal)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
Pope St. Pius V |
God, who for the overthrowing of the enemies of Thy Church and for
the restoring of the beauty of Thy worship, didst choose blessed
Pius as supreme Pontiff: grant that we may be defended by his
patronage and so cleave unto Thy service, that overcoming all the
snares of our enemies, we may rejoice in Thy eternal peace.
Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
Pope St. Pius X |
God, who for the defense of the Catholic faith and to restore all
things in Christ, filled Saint Pius, the supreme Pontiff, with
heavenly wisdom and apostolic strength; mercifully grant that
following his teaching and example we may attain to our eternal
reward. Through the same our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
St. Anne |
almighty everlasting God, who didst give to blessed Anne, after
the affliction of a long barrenness, the grace to bear a glorious
fruit; grant, we beseech thee, that, as her merits intercede with
thee for us, we may be made rich in sincere faith and fruitful in
works of salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Liturgical
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Bede the Venerable |
God, who by the learning of blessed Bede, Thy confessor and
doctor, hast glorified Thy Church: grant that Thy servants may
ever be enlightened by his wisdom and helped by his merits.
Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Camillus de Lellis |
God, who didst endow Saint Camillus with a special grace of
charity for the relief of souls in their last agony; we beseech
Thee, by his merits to pour into our hearts the spirit of Thy love,
that in the hour of our death we may overcome the enemy, and
deserve to win a heavenly crown. Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Elizabeth (Widow) |
God of tender mercies, pour forth Thy light over the hearts of Thy
faithful people: and graciously listening to the glorious prayers
of blessed Elizabeth, make us to think little of worldly
prosperity and to be ever gladdened by heavenly consolation.
Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
St. Francis of Assisi |
Jesus Christ, who, when the world was growing cold, didst renew in
the flesh of blessed Francis the sacred marks of Thy Passion in
order to inflame our hearts with the fire of Thy love; mercifully
grant that, by his merits and prayers, we may always carry the
cross and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance: Who livest and
reignest for ever and ever. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
St. Helena |
Lord Jesus Christ, who unto blessed Helena didst reveal the place
where Thy Cross lay hid: thus choosing her as the means to enrich
Thy Church with that precious treasure: do Thou, at her
intercession, grant that by the price of the Tree of Life we may
attain unto the rewards of everlasting life. Who livest and
reignest. (Liturgical Year)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Irenaeus |
God, who didst grant that blessed Irenaeus, Thy martyr and bishop,
should both overcome heresy by the truth of his doctrine, and
establish peace in Thy Church: give unto Thy people, we beseech
Thee, constancy in their holy religion, and grant us Thy peace in
our days. Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. John Capistran |
God, who through blessed John didst cause Thy faithful to triumph
over the enemies of the cross in the power of the most holy name
of Jesus: grant, we beseech Thee, that by his intercession we may
overcome the snares of our spiritual enemies, and deserve to
receive from Thee the crown of righteousness. Through the same
Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
St. John Vianney (Cure of Ars) |
and merciful God, who didst bestow upon the blessed Curé of Ars
wonderful pastoral zeal and great fervor for prayer and penance,
grant, we beseech Thee, that by his example and intercession, our
parish priests may be able to gain the souls of their brethren for
Christ, and with them attain to everlasting glory. Through the
same Christ our Lord. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Laurence |
us, we pray Thee, almighty God, to quench the flames of our vices;
even as Thou gavest blessed Laurence grace to overcome his fiery
torments. Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Louis, King of France |
God, who didst remove blessed Louis, Thy confessor, from an
earthly throne to the glory of Thy heavenly kingdom; grant, we
beseech Thee, through his merits and prayers, that we may be
permitted to share in the kingdom of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, the
King of kings. Who with Thee liveth. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Mary Magdalen |
the prayers of blessed Mary Magdalen help us, O Lord: for it was
in answer to them that Thou didst call her brother Lazarus, four
days after death, back from the grave to life. Who livest and
reignest. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
St. Nicholas |
God, who hast glorified blessed Nicholas, Thine illustrious
Confessor and Bishop, by means of countless signs and wonders, and
who dost not cease daily to glorify him; grant we beseech Thee,
that we, being assisted by his merits and prayers, may be
delivered from the fires of hell and from all dangers. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Peter Chrysologus |
God, who didst elect the blessed and illustrious Doctor, Peter
Chrysologus, by a divine direction, to govern and instruct Thy
Church; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may deserve to have him
for our intercessor in heaven, whom we have had as our teacher of
the supernatural life on earth. Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in Honor of
St. Rita |
God, who didst vouchsafe to communicate so great grace to Saint
Rita that she imitated Thine example in the love of enemies and
bore in her heart and on her countenance the sacred marks of Thy
love and passion: grant, we beseech Thee, by her merits and
intercession, that we may love our enemies and ever contemplate
with deep contrition the sorrows of Thy Passion: Who livest and
reignest world without end. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
in Honor of St. Robert Bellarmine |
God, who didst fill blessed Robert, Thy bishop and doctor, with
wondrous learning and virtue that he might break the snares of
errors and defend the Apostolic See: grant us by his merits and
intercession, that we may grow in the love of truth and that the
hearts of those in error may return to the unity of Thy Church.
Through our Lord. (Collect)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to Behold
the Saints for Eternity |
we beseech Thee, O Lord our God, that we who in this life joyfully
honor the memory of Thy saints, may rejoice in beholding them for
all eternity. Through our Lord. (Postcommunion)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to One's Own
Patron Saint (1)
For Printable Version of This Prayer,
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heavenly Patron, in whose name I glory, pray ever to God for me:
strengthen me in my faith; establish me in virtue; guard me in the
conflict; that I may vanquish the foe malign and attain to glory
everlasting. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to One's Own
Patron Saint (2) |
great Saint, whose name I am privileged to bear, beneath whose
special protection God has confided the care of my salvation, when
at baptism I was adopted and made a child of God; do thou help me
by thy continual intercession to lead a truly Christian life, and
assist me, O gracious protector of my soul, to recover and
preserve the grace of baptism I may have lost by sin. Plead for me
before God that I may receive the grace of following faithfully
thy holy example and being protected by thee both throughout the
length of this troublous life and at the hour of my death, I may
rejoice with thee in glory everlasting. Amen. (St. Andrew's
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to Pope St.
Gregory VII |
invincible defender of Holy Church's freedom Saint Gregory
of great renown, by that firmness thou didst show in maintaining
the Church's rights against all her enemies, stretch forth from
heaven thy mighty arm, we beseech thee, to comfort her and defend
her in the fearful battle she must ever wage with the powers of
darkness. Do thou, in an especial manner, give strength in this
dread conflict to the venerable Pontiff who has fallen heir not
only to thy throne, but likewise to the fearlessness of thy mighty
heart; obtain for him the joy of beholding his holy endeavors
crowned by the triumph of the Church and the return of the lost
sheep into the right path. Grant, finally, that all may understand
how vain it is to strive against that faith which has always
conquered and is destined always to conquer: 'this is the victory
which overcometh the world, our faith.' This is the prayer that we
raise to thee with one accord; and we are confident, that, after
thou hast heard our prayers on earth, thou wilt one day call us to
stand with thee in heaven, before the eternal High Priest, who
with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth world
without end. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to Pope St.
Pius V |
scourge of war is on us, for the worship of God is despised: the
chastisement that avenges guilt is menacing our earth. In this
peril, which of the heavenly citizens can we better invoke in our
defense than thee, O Pius? O blessed Pontiff! No mortal ever
labored with such zealous vigor to promote God's glory on earth as
thou didst; No mortal ever struggled, as thou didst, to free
Christian lands from the yoke which barbarians were seeking to put
upon them. Thy power is greater now that thou art in heaven: look
upon us thy clients! Restrain civil discord and repel our enemies.
May thy prayers bring golden peace upon the earth; that in calm
security we may sing our canticles to God with a gladder heart. To
thee, O Blessed Trinity, one God, be glory, praise and power, for
ever and ever. Amen. (Hymn, St. Mary Major)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to Saints
Ignatius Loyola & Francis Xavier |
mighty heroes of the Christian faith, most worthy of our love,
Saint Ignatius and Saint Francis, not only were
you intimately associated here below in the same bonds of religion
to procure the greater glory of God, but you also merited to be
raised on the same day to the honors of our altars: obtain for me,
your humble and devoted servant, the singular grace of knowing and
loving the Lord Jesus in deed and in truth, that so, being
faithful and constant in imitating your example, I may desire and
seek, above every thing created, the eternal salvation of my soul
and of all them that have been redeemed in the Most Precious Blood
of Jesus. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Alphonsus de Liguori |
my glorious and well-beloved patron, Saint Alphonsus,
thou who didst toil and suffer so abundantly to assure to men the
fruits of the Redemption, behold the miseries of my poor soul and
have pity on me. By thy powerful intercession with Jesus and Mary,
obtain for me true repentance for my sins together with their
pardon and remission, a deep hatred of sin and strength evermore
to resist all temptations. Share with me, I pray, at least a spark
of that fire of love wherewith thy heart did ever burn; and grant
that, following thy example, I may make the will of God the only
rule of my life. Obtain for me likewise a fervent and lasting love
of Jesus, and a tender and childlike devotion to Mary, together
with the grace to pray without ceasing and to persevere in the
service of God even to the end of my life, that so I may finally
be united with thee in praising God and most holy Mary through all
eternity. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Anne
(1) |
Anne, most blessed in God, grandmother of Christ our God, who
didst give to the world a shining lamp, the Mother of God;
together with her deign to intercede, that great may be the mercy
granted to our souls. (Liturgical Year)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Anne
(2) |
my heart full of the most sincere veneration, I prostrate myself
before thee, O glorious Saint Anne. Thou art that creature of
privilege and predilection, who by thy extraordinary virtues and
holiness didst merit from God the high favor of giving life to her
who is the Treasury of all graces, blessed among women, the Mother
of the Word Incarnate, the most holy Virgin Mary. By virtue of so
lofty a privilege, do thou deign, O most compassionate Saint, to
receive me into the number of thy true clients, for so I profess
myself and so I desire to remain throughout my entire life. Shield
me with thine effectual patronage and obtain for me from God the
power to imitate those virtues wherewith thou wast so plentifully
adorned. Grant that I may know and weep over my sins in bitterness
of heart. Obtain for me the grace of most active love for Jesus
and Mary, and resolution to fulfil the duties of my state of life
with faithfulness and constancy. Save me from every danger that
confronts me in life and help me at the hour of my death, that so
I may come in safety to paradise, there to sing with thee, O most
happy mother, the praises of the Word of God made Man in the womb
of thy most pure daughter, the Virgin Mary. Amen. Our Father...
Hail Mary.... Glory be... Glory be... Glory be... (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Anthony of Padua |
wondrous Saint Anthony, glorious by reason of the fame of thy
miracles, who hadst the happiness of receiving within thine arms
our blessed Lord under the guise of a little child, obtain for me
of His bounty this favor that I desire from the bottom of my
heart. Thou who wast so gracious unto poor sinners regard not the
lack of merit on the part of him who calls upon thee, but consider
the glory of God, which will be exalted once more through thee, to
the salvation of my soul and the granting of the petition that I
now make with such ardent yearning. As a pledge of my gratitude, I
beg thee to accept my promise to live henceforth more agreeably to
the teachings of the Gospel, and to be devoted to the service of
the poor whom thou didst ever love and still does love so greatly;
bless this my resolution and obtain for me the grace to be
faithful thereto even until death. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
to St. Anthony of Padua for a Lost Article |
great Saint Anthony, who hast received from God a special power to
recover lost articles, help me that I may find that which I now
seek. Obtain for me, also, an active faith, perfect docility to
the inspirations of grace, disgust for the vain pleasures of the
world, and an ardent desire for the imperishable goods of an
everlasting happiness. Amen.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Benedict Joseph Labre |
wondrous pattern of Christian perfection, Saint Benedict Joseph,
from thy earliest use of reason even to thy dying day, thou didst
keep unspotted the white robe of innocence, and, forsaking all
things and becoming a pilgrim on earth, thou didst gain naught
therefrom save only suffering, privations and reproaches.
Miserable sinner that I am, I kneel at thy feet, and return thanks
to the infinite goodness of the Most High God who hath willed to
imprint on thee the living likeness of His crucified Son. At the
same time I am filled with confusion when I consider how different
is my life from thine. Do thou, beloved Saint, have pity on me!
Offer thy merits before the throne of the Eternal, and obtain for
me the grace to follow thine example and to direct my actions
according to the precepts and teachings of our divine Master: thus
let me learn to love His sufferings and His humiliations, and to
despise the pleasures and honors of earth: so that neither the
fear of the former, nor the desire of the later may ever induce me
to transgress his holy law. May I merit in this manner to be
acknowledged by Him and numbered amongst the blessed of his
Father. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Blase |
glorious Saint Blase, who by thy martyrdom didst leave to the
Church a precious witness to the faith, obtain for us the divine
grace to preserve within ourselves this divine gift, and to
defend, without human respect, both by word and example, the truth
of that same faith, which is so wickedly attacked and slandered in
these our times. Thou who didst miraculously restore a little
child when it was at the point of death by reason of an affliction
of the throat, grant us thy mighty protection in like misfortunes;
and, above all, obtain for us the grace of Christian mortification
together with a faithful observance of the precepts of the Church,
which may keep us from offending Almighty God. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Camillus |
glorious Saint Camillus, special patron of the sick poor, thou who
for forty years, with truly heroic charity, didst devote thyself
to the relief of their temporal and spiritual necessities, be
pleased to assist them now even more generously, since thou art
blessed in heaven and they have been committed by Holy Church to
thy powerful protection. Obtain for them from Almighty God the
healing of all their maladies, or, at least, the spirit of
Christian patience and resignation that they may sanctify them and
comfort them in the hour of their passing to eternity; at the same
time obtain for us the precious grace of living and dying after
thine example in the practice of divine love. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Catherine |
glorious Saint Catherine, wise and prudent virgin, thou who didst
set the knowledge of Jesus Christ above all other knowledge,
obtain for us the grace to remain inviolably attached to the
Catholic faith, and to seek in our studies and in our teaching
only the extension of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord and of
His Holy Church both in ourselves and in the souls of others.
Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Elizabeth (Widow) |
Saint Elizabeth, chosen vessel of the highest virtues,
thou didst show to the world, by thy shining example, what things
can be wrought in a Christian soul by charity, faith and humility.
Thou didst make use of all the powers of thy soul in loving thy
God alone; thou didst love Him with a love so pure and fervent
that thou wast made worthy to enjoy upon earth a foretaste of
those heavenly favors and blessings that are bestowed upon the
souls invited to the marriage of the adorable Lamb of God.
Illuminated by supernatural light and resolute faith, thou didst
show thyself to be a true child of the Gospel, giving refreshment
to Jesus Christ in the person of thy neighbor and making Him the
only object of thy love. Hence, thou didst find all thy joy in
conversing with the poor and needy, serving them, wiping away all
tears from their eyes, consoling them and assisting them with all
manner of kindly offices in sickness and in the other miseries to
which our human nature is subject. Thou thyself becamest poor in
order to relieve poverty in thy neighbor: poor, that is to say, in
the goods of this world, in order to be made rich in the goods of
heaven. So great was thy humility that thou didst exchange thy
royal throne for a miserable hovel, and thy queenly attire for the
lowly habit of the seraphic St. Francis; thou didst, moreover,
subject thyself, though sinless, to a life of privation and
penance, and didst embrace with holy joy the Cross of our divine
Savior, accepting gladly, after His divine example, the insults
and unjust persecutions of thy fellow-men. In such wise didst thou
forget thy world and thyself in order to remember God alone. O
most amiable Saint, the object of God's predilection, vouchsafe to
protect our souls and help us to become ever more acceptable to
Jesus. From the heights of heaven, turn thy pitying eyes upon us,
thine eyes one look of which sufficed on earth to heal the most
distressing maladies of thy people. In this our age, which is so
wicked and corrupt, so indifferent to the things of God, we run to
thy protection with the utmost confidence that thou wilt obtain
for us from our Lord light for our minds, and strength for our
wills, thereby enabling us to attain to true peace of soul. Defend
and guard us in our perilous journey through life; intercede for
the pardon and remission of all our sins; and reveal to us the way
whereby we may enter with thee into the possession of the kingdom
of God. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Frances of Rome |
jewel of the Order of Saint Benedict, illustrious Saint Frances of
Rome, thou who was led by divine Providence through various
stations in life, that thou mightest be a pattern of every virtue,
to maidens, to matrons, and to widows, pray for us to our divine
Savior that we may be detached from the vanities of the world and
may be able, under the guiding hand of our Guarding Angel, to grow
daily in the love of God, of His Church, and of our neighbor, and
finally to be made partakers in heaven of thy felicity. Amen.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Francis of Assisi |
glorious Saint Francis, who, even in thy youth, with a
generous heart didst renounce the comfort and ease of thy father's
house in order to follow Jesus more closely in His humility and
poverty, in His mortification and passionate love of the Cross,
and didst thereby merit to behold the miraculous Stigmata
impressed upon thy flesh and to bear them about with thee, obtain
for us also, we pray, the grace of passing through our life here
below, as though insensible to the ephemeral splendor of all
earthly possessions, with our hearts constantly beating with love
of Jesus Crucified even in the darkest and saddest hours of life
and with our eyes ever serenely raised toward heaven, as though
already enjoying a foretaste of the eternal possession of the
infinite Good with His divine and everlasting joys. (Raccolta)
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to St. Francis of Assisi / Prayers in Honor of St. Francis of
Assisi |
Here for Prayers to St. Francis of Assisi / Prayers in Honor of
St. Francis of Assisi (St. Francis Section)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Ignatius |
glorious Patriarch, Saint Ignatius, we humbly beseech thee to
obtain for us from Almighty God, above all things else,
deliverance from sin, which is the greatest of evils, and next,
from those scourges wherewith the Lord chastises the sins of His
people. May thine example enkindle in our hearts an effectual
desire to employ ourselves continually in laboring for the greater
glory of God and the good of our fellow-men; obtain for us,
likewise, from the loving Heart of Jesus our Lord, that grace
which is the crown of all graces, that is to say, the grace of
final perseverance and everlasting happiness. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. James
the Apostle |
Glorious Apostle, Saint James, who by reason of thy fervent and
generous heart wast chosen by Jesus to be a witness of His glory
on Mount Tabor, and of His agony in Gethsemane; thou, whose very
name is a symbol of warfare and victory: obtain for us strength
and consolation in the unending warfare of this life, that, having
constantly and generously followed Jesus, we may be victors in the
strife and deserve to receive the victor's crown in heaven. Amen.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Joachim (1) |
Joachim, father of the sovereign Maiden, who in all purity gave
birth to God, present to our Lord our petitions and our chaste
desires. Thou knowest by what angry waves we are here tossed, whom
the cruel sea of this world wearies out: thou knowest how many
battles Satan and the flesh prepare for us. Now that thou art
united to the holy companies in heaven, or rather art placed at
their head, thou canst do all if thou wilt: for rightly neither
Jesus thy Grandson nor Mary thy daughter can deny thee aught.
Obtain by thy prayer that our blessed God may give us pardon and
peace: that united with thee we may sweetly sing canticles to Him.
Amen. (Ancient Hymn)
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Prayer to St.
Joachim (2) |
great and glorious Patriarch, Saint Joachim, what joy is mine when
I consider that thou wast chosen among all God's holy ones to
assist in the fulfillment of the mysteries of God, and to enrich
our earth with the great Mother of God, Mary most holy! By this
singular privilege, thou hast become most powerful with both the
Mother and her Son, so as to be able to obtain for us the graces
that are needful to us; with great confidence I have recourse to
thy mighty protection and I commend to thee all my needs and those
of my family, both spiritual and temporal; and especially do I
entrust to thy keeping the particular favor that I desire and look
for from thy fatherly intercession. And since thou wast a perfect
pattern of the interior life, obtain for me the grace of interior
recollection and a spirit of detachment from the transitory goods
of this life, together with a lively and enduring love for Jesus
and Mary. Obtain for me in like manner a sincere devotion and
obedience to Holy Church and the Sovereign Pontiff who rules over
her: to the end that I may live and die in faith and hope and
perfect charity, ever invoking the holy Names of Jesus and Mary,
and may I thus be saved. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Joachim (3) |
great Patriarch, Saint Joachim, deserving by thy singular virtue
to be chosen of old by divine Providence to give to the world that
immaculate Queen, in whom all nations were to be blessed, and who,
in her virginal bosom, was to bear the Savior of the human race:
we who are thy devout clients rejoice with thee in this thy great
privilege, and implore thee to extend thy special protection to
ourselves and our families. Do not, dear Saint, suffer the devil
and sin to find a place in our hearts, nor the false maxims of the
world to lead us astray; permit us not to live unmindful of
eternity, for which we have been created. Obtain for us from God a
firm and unshaken faith in opposition to the impieties and errors
which are ever being spread abroad by the enemies of Holy Church
and the Apostolic See; a sincere and constant devotion to the
Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Roman Pontiff; and an unfailing courage
in refuting calumnies against those things which are most sacred
and venerable in our holy religion. Do thou, who art powerful by
reason of that love which thy holy daughter Mary bears toward
thee, assist the cause of the Church, gain for her the victory for
which she sighs, scatter the powers of darkness, destroy their
pride and grant that the light of the true faith may shine
resplendent in all minds. Grant us, above all, a tender and filial
devotion to thy beloved daughter and our Mother, Mary most holy,
so that we, honoring her daily with our devout homage, may be made
worthy to be numbered by her amongst her children; and after the
miseries of this exile may be brought to praise and bless the
mercy of God forever in heaven. Amen. Our Father... Hail Mary....
Glory be... Glory be... Glory be... (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. John
Baptist de la Salle |
glorious John Baptist de la Salle, Apostle of children and young
folk, be thou, from the heights of heaven, our guide and our
patron. Offer thy prayers for us and help us, that we may be kept
free from every stain of error and corruption, and remain ever
faithful to Jesus Christ and to the infallible Head of His Church.
Grant that we, practicing the virtues of which thou hast been so
wondrous an example, may be made partakers of thy glory in heaven,
our true country. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. John
Bosco |
glorious Saint John Bosco, who in order to lead young people to
the feet of the divine Master and to form them in the light of
faith and Christian morality didst heroically sacrifice thyself to
the very end of thy life and didst found a proper religious
Institute destined to endure and to bring to the farthest
boundaries of the earth thy glorious work, obtain also for us from
Our Lord a holy love for young people who are exposed to so many
seductions in order that we may generously spend ourselves in
supporting them against the snares of the devil, in keeping them
safe from the dangers of the world, and in guiding them, pure and
holy, in the path that leads to God. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. John
of the Cross |
glorious Saint John of the Cross, great Doctor of the Church, who,
from very longing to be configured to Jesus crucified, didst
desire nothing more ardently, even to the last moment of thy holy
life, than to suffer and to be despised and rejected of all men;
and so great was thy thirst for suffering, that thy generous heart
was filled with joy in the midst of most painful torments and
afflictions; I beseech thee, dear Saint, by the glory thou didst
merit by thy manifold sufferings, intercede for me with Almighty
God and obtain for me love of suffering, together with grace and
strength to endure all tribulations and adversities with dauntless
courage; for these are the sure means of coming into the
possession of that crown of glory which is prepared for me in
heaven. Ah yes, dear Saint, from that high and glorious throne
where thou sittest triumphant, hear, I beseech thee, my earnest
entreaties, that, following thee, I may become a lover of the
Cross and of suffering and thus may merit to be thy companion in
glory. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. John
the Apostle |
glorious Apostle, Saint John, who for thy virginal purity wast so
beloved by Jesus as to merit to rest thy head upon His divine
bosom, and to be left, in His stead, as a son to His most holy
Mother, I implore thee to set me on fire with a burning love for
Jesus and Mary. Obtain for me, I pray, this grace from our Lord,
that, even now, with my heart set free from earthly affections, I
may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as His faithful
disciple and to Mary as her devoted child both here on earth and
then forever in heaven. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. John
the Apostle (Priests) |
us rejoice with thee, blessed John, who, by a privilege of special
love, wast honored by Christ Jesus above all the other disciples:
being held worthy to recline upon His bosom at the Last Supper,
and to be entrusted with His holy Mother at the hour of His death.
We know that thou didst deserve this on account of thy special
gift of chastity; because, being chosen as a virgin by our Lord,
thou didst remain a virgin for ever. Accordingly, since thou didst
imbibe the living streams of the Gospel from its very source, the
bosom of our Lord, thou didst speak more fully and more sublimely
of the divinity of Christ; and since thou didst catch thy flame of
love from the fire burning in His Sacred Heart, we do not wonder
that thou wast the only disciple to accompany Jesus in His
Passion, and thereafter didst write such burning words that thou
art rightly called 'the Apostle of love.' Moreover, it behooves
us, who are the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries
of God, by the gift of His goodness, to lift our eyes to thee, who
hast been set before us as an example for our imitation: it is
likewise meet, and we ask it of thee in great humility, that thou
wouldest assist us as our own special Patron before Jesus and
Mary. Grant us, therefore, to walk worthy of the vocation
wherewith we are called; in particular that we may perform our
priestly tasks with due purity of mind and body; fired with zeal
for the glory of God, may we attain to intimate fellowship with
the Heart of Jesus, and console the most holy Virgin, who was
given from the Cross to be a Mother to all of us after thee, by
the kindly offices of our ardent affection, even as thou didst do.
Finally grant, that after this mortal life we may be numbered with
the elders, whom thou didst see clothed in white raiment and
sitting round the throne of the spotless Lamb, Who is worthy to
receive honor, blessing and glory for endless ages. Amen.
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayers to St.
Joseph |
Here for 'Prayers to St. Joseph'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Juliana Falconieri |
faithful bride of Jesus and humble servant of Mary, Saint Juliana, thou who by practicing the most heroic virtues,
especially the virtue of penance and the love of Jesus in His
Sacrament didst arrive at the highest peak of Christian perfection
and didst merit to be fed miraculously with the Bread of Angels in
thy last agony; obtain for me the grace to live a holy life in the
exercise of every Christian duty and to be able to receive at the
moment of death the comfort of the holy Sacraments in order to
come with thee to the blessed happiness of heaven. Amen.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Louis |
thee do we have recourse in prayer, Saint Louis, lily of
virginity, bright and shining star, and vessel of holiness.
Through thine intercession pour forth the blessings of heaven upon
the Catholic nations to which thou art allied, and over which thou
hast been set by God as their protector. Do thou entreat Almighty
God and the immaculate Virgin, that the Christian peoples may once
again be quickened by the faith of their fathers, that charity may
burn fervently amongst them, and that their way of life may be
made conformable to the law of God. Obtain true peace and concord
for both rulers and people, the victory of our Holy Mother the
Church over her enemies, perfect freedom for the Vicar of Christ
in his sacred government of souls, and eternal happiness in heaven
for all of us who implore thy mighty assistance. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Margaret Mary Alacoque |
Margaret Mary, thou who wast made a partaker of the divine
treasures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, obtain for us, we beseech
thee, from this adorable Heart, the graces we need so sorely. We
ask these favors of thee with unbounded confidence. May the divine
Heart of Jesus be pleased to bestow them upon us through thy
intercession, so that once again He may be loved and glorified
through thee. Amen. V. Pray for us, O blessed Margaret R. That we
may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Margaret of Cortona |
most glorious St. Margaret, true pearl whom Almighty
God with so great love plucked from the hand of the infernal enemy
who possessed thee, in order that, by means of thy wonderful
conversion, holy life, and most precious death, He might move all
poor sinners to forsake sin, by doing good and avoiding evil as
well as all sinful occasions: obtain for us, thy faithful clients,
from thy exalted place in heaven, a place to which thy tears and
thy penance elevated thee, the grace of a sincere repentance, a
lively sorrow for our sins, and, after a holy life spent, like
thine, in the love of Jesus Crucified, the grace of a happy death
and a crown of glory in paradise. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Michael de' Santi |
glorious Saint Michael, Seraph inflamed with the most
ardent love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, who didst spend thy
nights and days in His Real Presence and didst find there thy
dearest joys, so that thou didst swoon away for very love:
vouchsafe, I pray thee, to obtain for me a lively faith, a firm
hope and an ardent love toward this inestimable Treasure, this
precious Pledge of glory everlasting; in order that I may be able
to be a fervent worshiper of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and
thereby rejoice with thee to behold Him face to face in an
eternity of bliss. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Paschal Baylon |
illustrious is thy name, But brighter glows thy virtue's fame;
With many a sign thy works are crowned; Through thee God's gifts
to men abound. From Heaven look down, we humbly pray, On us who
seek thine aid this day; Remove the evil that we dread, And grant
us what we ask instead. And when to Heaven's high feast we go, The
nuptial robe on us bestow, That Christ our strength and food may
be, In death and for eternity. From Heaven look down... Glory be
to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. From Heaven
look down... V. Pray for us, O blessed Paschal, R. That we may be
made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray. O God, who
hast glorified blessed Paschal Thy Confessor by a wonderful love
for the sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood: mercifully grant
that we also, like him, may deserve to taste the spiritual
sweetness of this divine Supper: Who livest and reignest world
without end. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Paul |
glorious Apostle of the Gentiles, Saint Paul, who with such zeal
didst busy thyself in destroying at Ephesus those books which thou
knewest well could have perverted the minds of the faithful: turn
upon us thy gracious eyes also at this present day. Thou seest how
an unbelieving and licentious press is attempting to rob our
hearts of the precious treasure of faith and spotless morals.
Enlighten, we beseech Thee, O holy Apostle, the minds of so many
perverted writers, that they may cease once for all to do harm to
souls with their evil doctrines and lying insinuations; move their
hearts to hate the evil that they have done and are doing to the
chosen flock of Jesus Christ. For us too, obtain the grace of
being ever docile to the voice of the Supreme Pontiff, that as we
may never allow ourselves to indulge in the reading of bad books,
but may seek instead to read and, so far as it is given to us, to
diffuse those books which by their salutary doctrine shall assist
all of us to promote the greater glory of God, the exaltation of
His Church and the salvation of souls. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Paul
of the Cross (1) |
Glorious Saint Paul of the Cross, who, by meditating on the
Passion of Jesus Christ, didst attain to so high a degree of
holiness on earth and of happiness in heaven, and, by preaching
the same Passion, didst offer anew to the world the most certain
cure for all its ills, obtain for us the grace to keep it ever
deeply engraved in our hearts, that so we may be able to reap the
same fruits both in time and in eternity. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Paul
of the Cross (2) |
glorious Saint Paul of the
Cross, on earth thou wast a mirror of
innocence and a model of penance! O hero of saintliness, chosen by
God to meditate day and night on the bitter Passion of His
only-begotten Son, and to spread devotion thereto by word and deed
as well as by means of thy religious family! O Apostle, mighty in
word and work, thou didst spend thy life in bringing back to the
foot of the Cross the erring souls of countless unfortunate
sinners! Do thou mercifully look down once more from heaven upon
my poor soul and hear my petitions. Obtain for me so great a love
of Jesus suffering, that by constant meditation on His Passion I
may make His sufferings mine. Let me realize in the deep Wounds of
my Savior the wickedness of my transgressions, and obtain from
them, as from the fountain of salvation, the grace of bitter tears
and an effectual resolution to imitate thee in thy penance, if I
have not followed thine example of innocence. Obtain for me, also,
Saint Paul, the favor that I now especially ask of thee, as I
humble kneel before thee... Obtain, moreover, for our Holy Mother
the Church, victory over Her foes; for sinners, the gift of
conversion; for heretics, the grace of returning to the unity of
the Catholic faith. Finally, intercede for me that I may, by the
grace of God, die a holy death, and come at last to enjoy with
thee His blessed Presence in heaven for all eternity. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Peregrine |
Glorious wonder-worker, Saint Peregrine, thou who didst answer the
divine call with a ready spirit, forsaking all the comforts of a
life of ease and all the empty honors of the world, to dedicate
thyself to God in the Order of His most holy Mother; thou who
didst labor manfully for the salvation of souls, meriting the
title of 'Apostle of Emilia'; thou who, in union with Jesus
crucified, didst endure the most painful sufferings with such
patience as to deserve to be healed miraculously by Him with a
touch of His divine hand from an incurable wound in thy leg:
obtain for us, we pray, the grace to answer every call from God;
enkindle in our hearts a consuming zeal for the salvation of
souls; deliver us from the infirmities that so often afflict our
wretched bodies; and obtain for us the grace of perfect
resignation to the sufferings which it shall please Him to send
us; so may we, imitating thy virtues and tenderly loving our
crucified Lord and His sorrowful Mother, be enabled to merit glory
everlasting in paradise. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Peter
(1) |
Peter, thou most potent key-bearer of the heavens, graciously hear the
prayers of us suppliants: when thou dost sit as judge of the
twelve tribes, being appeased, judge us mildly; and now whilst
time is still ours, mercifully lend thine intercession unto us who
are beseeching thee. (From 7-8th Century Hymn)
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Prayer to St. Peter
(2) |
glorious Saint Peter, who, in return for thy lively and generous
faith, thy profound and sincere humility, and thy burning love,
wast honored by Jesus Christ with singular privileges, and, in
particular, with the leadership of the other Apostles and the
primacy of the whole Church, of which thou wast made the
foundation stone, do thou obtain for us the grace of a lively
faith, that shall not fear to profess itself openly, in its
entirety and in all of its manifestations, even to the shedding of
blood, if occasion should demand it, and to the sacrifice of life
itself in preference to surrender. Obtain for us likewise, a
sincere loyalty to our holy mother, the Church; grant that we may
ever remain most closely and sincerely united to the Roman
Pontiff, who is the heir of thy faith and of thy authority, the
one, true, visible Head of the Catholic Church, that mystic ark
outside of which there is no salvation. Grant, moreover, that we
may follow, in all humility and meekness, her teaching and her
counsels, and may be obedient to all her precepts in order to be
able here on earth to enjoy a peace that is sure and undisturbed,
and to attain one day in heaven to everlasting happiness. Amen. V.
Pray for us, Saint Peter the Apostle R. That we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ. Let us pray. O God, who hast given unto
Thy blessed Apostle Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and
the power to bind and loose: grant that we may be delivered,
through the help of his intercession, from the bonds of all our
sins: who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Peter
Fourier |
glorious Saint Peter Fourier, lily of purity, pattern of Christian
perfection, perfect model of priestly zeal, by that glory which
has been granted thee in heaven, turn one kind glance upon us and
come to our assistance before the throne of the Most High. During
thy earthly life, guided by thy favorite maxim: 'to harm no one,
to give help to all,' thou didst spend thine entire life in giving
aid to the wretched, counsel to the doubtful, and consolation to
the afflicted; thou didst draw back to the paths of virtue those
who had gone astray. Now that thou art so powerful in heaven,
continue thy task of giving help to all and be our watchful
defender, so that, through thine intercession, we, being delivered
from all temporal misfortunes and confirmed in our faith and in
our love, may be victors over the wiles of the enemies of our
salvation, and may be enabled one day with thee to praise and
bless our Lord through all eternity. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Prayer to St. Peter
of Alcantara |
thou, who according to our Lord's promise, art never invoked in
vain, if thou deign thyself to present our prayers to Him; obtain
for us that relish for heavenly things, which causes an aversion
for those of earth. (Liturgical Year)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Philip Neri (1) |
my glorious patron, Saint Philip, thou who wast so humble
as to consider thyself a useless servant and unworthy of human
praise but deserving the contempt of all, to such a degree as to
renounce by every means the honors offered thee on numerous
occasions by the Supreme Pontiffs themselves, thou seest what an
exaggerated esteem I have for myself, how readily I judge and
think ill of others, how ambitious I am even in well-doing, and
how much I allow myself to be disturbed and influenced by the good
or bad opinion which others entertain of me. Dear Saint, obtain
for me a truly humble heart, so that I may rejoice at being
despised, may feel no resentment at being overlooked, nor be
unduly elated by praise, but rather let me seek to be great in the
eyes of God alone. (Raccolta)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Philip Neri (2) |
Saint, thou who didst prefer a life of poverty and
obscurity to one of ease and comfort which was thine by
inheritance, obtain for me the grace of never attaching my heart
to the fleeting goods of this life. Do thou, who didst desire to
become so poor as to be reduced to beggary and not to find anyone
willing to give thee even the barest means of livelihood, obtain
for me also a love of poverty, so that I may turn all my thoughts
to the things that are eternal. Thou who didst wish to live in a
lowly station rather than to be advanced to the highest dignities
of the Church, intercede for me that I may never seek after
honors, but may be content with that station in life in which it
has pleased Our Lord to place me. My heart is too much preoccupied
with the vain and passing things of earth; but do thou, who didst
ever inculcate this great maxim: 'And then?', which brought about
so many wonderful conversions, obtain for me that this saying may
ever remain so firmly fixed in my mind that I may despise the
nothingness of this world, and may make God the only object of my
affections and my thoughts. (Raccolta)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St. Rita |
glorious Saint Rita, thou who didst share in a marvelous manner
the sorrowful Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for me the
grace to suffer in patience the miseries of this life, and to be
my refuge in all my necessities. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Tarcisius |
unvanquished martyr of the faith, Saint Tarcisius, who was
inflamed with the most intense affection for the Holy Eucharist
and didst enjoy the happiness of dying united to Jesus in the
Eucharistic species, we beseech thee to obtain for us from Our
Lord that our hearts also may be filled with a like love in
receiving Him frequently into our breast and above all in the
final moments of our lives, and so united with Him we may enter
into blessed eternity. V. Pray for us, O blessed Tarcisius. R.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. (Raccolta)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Teresa (St. Alphonsus Liguori) |
Here for 'Prayer
to St. Teresa (St. Alphonsus Liguori)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
of the Child Jesus (1) |
God, who didst inflame with Thy spirit of love the soul of Saint Theresa
of the Child Jesus, grant that we too may love Thee and make Thee
loved exceedingly. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Theresa of the Child Jesus (2) |
Theresa of the Child Jesus, thou who hast been rightly proclaimed
the Patroness of Catholic missions throughout the world, remember
the burning desire which thou didst manifest here on earth to
plant the Cross of Christ on every shore and to [spread] the Gospel
even to the consummation of the world; we implore thee, according
to thy promise, to assist all priests and missionaries and the
whole Church of God. (Raccolta)
Top |
Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Theresa of the Child Jesus (3) |
marvelous Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, who, in thy brief
mortal career, didst become a mirror of angelic purity, of daring
love and of whole-hearted surrender to Almighty God, now that thou
art enjoying the recompense of thy virtues, turn thine eyes of
mercy upon us who trust in thee. Obtain for us the grace to keep
our hearts and minds pure and clean like unto thine, and to abhor
in all sincerity whatever might tarnish ever so slightly the
luster of a virtue so sublime, a virtue that endears us to the
heavenly Bridegroom. Ah, dear Saint, grant us to feel in every
need the power of thy intercession; give us comfort in all the
bitterness of this life and especially at its latter end, that we
may be worthy to share eternal happiness with thee in paradise.
Amen. (Raccolta)
Top |
Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Ursula & Companions (Assistance at Death) |
ye glorious virgins, fulfil now my desire, and when the hour of
death arrives, hasten to my assistance: be present at that
terrible moment, and defend me from the assault of the demons. Let
not one of you be then absent; come with the Virgin Mother at your
head. If any remnant of sin still cling to me and soil me with its
stain, remove it by your prayer. Let the foe be aware of your
presence, and bewail his own confusion. (Office)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Vincent de Paul |
glorious Saint Vincent, heavenly patron of all
charitable associations and father of all who are in misery,
whilst thou wast on earth thou didst never cast out any who came
to thee; ah, consider by what evils we are oppressed and come to
our assistance! Obtain from thy Lord help for the poor, relief for
the infirm, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the
abandoned, a spirit of generosity for the rich, the grace of
conversion for sinners, zeal for priests, peace for the Church,
tranquility and order for all nations, and salvation for them all.
Yea, let all men prove the effects of thy merciful intercession,
so that, being helped by thee in the miseries of this life, we may
be united to thee in the life to come, where there shall be no
more grief, nor weeping, nor sorrow, but joy and gladness and
everlasting happiness. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to St.
Vincent Ferrer |
Saint Vincent, glorious worker of miracles, who in thy lifetime
didst convert so many sinners by preaching the last judgment,
grant that we too, by meditating on the four last things, may be
enabled to obtain from Almighty God through thine intercession the
healing of all our spiritual maladies. Let thy heart be tender
toward us, O mighty Saint: stretch forth thy hand over us, and
obtain for us those graces for the welfare of both soul and body,
which we so earnestly ask of thee. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to Venerate
a Saint (Advocate in Death) |
Father, I wish to honor St. ... I give you thanks for all the
graces You have bestowed upon him/her. I ask you to increase grace
in my soul through the merits of this saint, and I commit the end
of my life to him/her by this special prayer, so that by virtue of
Your goodness and promise, St.... might be my advocate and provide
whatever is needed at that hour. Amen.
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Short Prayer to St.
John the Apostle |
thou that wast loved above the rest! By thine intercession and
prayers, render Jesus, by whom thou wast loved, propitious unto
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
'Unfailing Prayer
to St. Anthony of Padua' |
holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and
charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to
possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you
were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.
Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me...(indicate petition). The answer to my prayer may require a
miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and
loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy,
whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who
loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart
will ever be yours. Pater Noster (Our Father)... Ave Maria (Hail
Mary)... Gloria (Glory Be)...
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Young Men's Prayer
(St. Aloysius) |
Here for 'Young
Men's Prayer (St. Aloysius)'
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Devotions Sctn. |
to St. Joseph
of the Saints
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