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merciful God, look down on my weakness: assist me with thy grace,
that thy name may be glorified. Despise not the works of thine own
hands. (c. 360 A.D.). |
| Prayers of the Saints | Saints
| Prayers & Devotions
Prayer of St. Aelred of Rievaulx |
me, O sweet Lord, behold me! For I hope that in your loving
kindness, O Most Merciful One, you will behold me either as a
loving physician to heal, a kind teacher to correct, or an
indulgent father to pardon... confident in your sweet powerful
mercy and most merciful power, I ask in virtue of your sweet name
and of the mystery of your sacred humanity that, mindful of your
kindness and unmindful of my ingratitude, you forgive me my sins
and heal the languors of my soul. |
| Prayers of the Saints | Saints
| Prayers & Devotions
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori
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Christ, my God, I adore you and I thank you for the many favors
you have bestowed on me this day. I offer you my sleep and all the
moments of this night, and I pray you to preserve me from sin.
Therefore, I place myself in your most sacred side, and under the
mantle of our blessed Lady, my Mother. May the holy angels assist
me and keep me in peace, and may your blessing be upon me. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
O Mother of my God, my only hope, Mary, behold at thy feet a
miserable sinner, who asks thee for mercy. Thou art proclaimed and
called by the whole Church, and by all the faithful, the refuge of
sinners. Thou art consequently my refuge; thou hast to save me...
Thou knowest most sweet Mother of God, how much thy blessed
Son desires our salvation. Thou knowest all that Jesus Christ
endured for this end. I present thee, O my Mother, the sufferings
of Jesus: the cold that He endured in the stable, His journey into
Egypt, His toils, His sweat, the blood that He shed; the anguish
which caused His death on the cross, and of which thou was thyself
a witness. Oh, show that thou lovest thy beloved Son, and by this
love I implore thee to assist me. Extend thy hand to a poor
creature who has fallen and asks thy help. Were I a saint I would
not need seek thy mercy; but because I am a sinner I fly to thee,
who art the Mother of mercies. I know that thy compassionate heart
finds its consolation in assisting the miserable, when thou canst
do so, and does not find them obstinate. Console, then, thy
compassionate heart, and console me this day; for now thou has the
opportunity of saving a poor creature condemned to hell; and thou canst
do so, for I will not be obstinate. I abandon myself into thy
hands, only tell me what thou wouldst have me do, and obtain
for me strength to execute it, for I am resolved to do all
that depends on me to recover the divine grace. I take refuge
under thy mantle. Jesus wills that I should have recourse to thee,
in order not only that His blood may save me, but also that thy prayers
may assist me in this great work; for thy glory, and for His own, since
thou art His Mother. O Mary, see, I have recourse to thee; in thee
do I confide. Thou prayest for so many others, pray also for me;
say only a word. Tell Our Lord that thou willest my salvation, and
God will certainly save me. Say that I am thine, and then I have
obtained all that I ask, all that I desire. Amen. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
will address thee, O great Mother of God, in the words of St.
Bernard: 'Speak, O Lady, for thy Son heareth thee, and whatever
thou askest thou wilt obtain.' Speak, speak, then, O Mary, our
advocate, in favor of us poor miserable creatures. Remember that
it was also for our good that thou didst receive so great power
and so high a dignity. A God was pleased to become thy debtor by
taking humanity of thee, in order that thou mightest dispense at
will the riches of divine mercy to sinners. We are thy servants,
devoted in a special manner to thee, and I am one of these, I
trust, even in a higher degree. We glory in living under thy
protection. Since thou dost good to all, even to those who neither
know nor honor thee, nay, more, to those who outrage and blaspheme
thee, how much more may we not hope from thy benignity, which
seeks out the wretched in order to deliver them, we who honor,
love, and confide in thee? We are great sinners, but God has
enriched thee with compassion and power far exceeding our
iniquities. Thou canst, and hast, the will to save us; and the
greater our unworthiness, the greater shall be our hope in order
to glorify thee the more in heaven, when by thy intercession we
get there. O Mother of mercy, we present thee our souls, once
cleansed and rendered beautiful in the blood of Jesus Christ, but,
alas, since that time, defiled by sin. To thee do we present them;
do thou purify them. Obtain for us true conversion; obtain for us
the love of God, perseverance, heaven. We ask thee for much; but
what is it? Perhaps thou canst not obtain all? Is it perhaps too
much for the love God bears thee? Ah, no! For thou hast only to
open thy lips and ask thy divine Son; He will deny thee nothing.
Pray, then, pray O Mary, for us, pray; thou wilt certainly obtain
all: and we shall with the same certainly obtain the kingdom of
heaven. Amen. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
greatest and most sublime of all creatures, most sacred Virgin, I
salute thee from this earth - I, a miserable and unfortunate rebel
against my God, who deserve chastisements not favors, justice and
not mercy. O Lady, I say not this because I doubt thy compassion.
I know that the greater thou art the more thou dost glory in being
benign. I know that thou rejoicest that thou art so rich, because
thou art thus enabled to succor us poor miserable creatures. I
know that the greater is the poverty of those who have recourse to
thee, the more dost thou exert thyself to protect and save them. O
my Mother, it was thou who didst one day weep over thy Son who
died for me. Offer, I beseech thee, thy tears to God, and by these
obtain for me true sorrow for my sins. Sinners then afflicted thee
so much, and I, by my crimes, have done the same. Obtain for me, O
Mary, that at least from this day forward I may not continue to
afflict thee and thy Son by my ingratitude. What would thy sorrow
avail me if I continued to be ungrateful to thee? To what purpose
would thy mercy have been shown me, if again I was unfaithful and
lost? No, my Queen, permit it not; thou hast supplied for all my
shortcomings. Thou obtainest from God what thou wilt. Thou grantest
the prayers of all. I ask of thee two graces... Obtain for me that
I may be faithful to God, and no more offend Him, and love Him
during the remainder of my life as much as I have offended Him.
Amen. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
great Mother of my Lord, I see full well that my ingratitude
towards God and thee, and this too for so many years, has merited
for me that thou shouldst justly abandon me, and no longer have a
care of me, for an ungrateful soul is no longer worthy of favors. But
I, O Lady, have a high idea of thy great goodness; I believe it to
be far greater than my ingratitude. Continue, then, O refuge of
sinners, and cease not to help a miserable sinner who confides in
thee. O Mother of mercy, deign to extend a helping hand to a poor fallen
wretch who asks thee for pity. O Mary, either defend me thyself,
or tell me to whom I can have recourse, and who is better able to
defend me than thou, and where I can find with God a more clement
and powerful advocate than thou, who art His Mother. Thou, in becoming
the Mother of Our Savior, wast thereby made the fitting instrument
to save sinners, and was given me for my salvation. O Mary, save
him who has recourse to thee. I deserve not thy love, but it is thine
own desire to save sinners that makes me hope that thou lovest
me. And if thou lovest me, how can I be lost? O my own
beloved Mother, if by thee I save my soul, as I hope to do, I
shall no longer be ungrateful, I shall make up for my past
ingratitude, and for the love which thou hast shown me, by my everlasting
praises, and all the affections of my soul. Happy in heaven,
where thou reignest, and wilt reign forever, I shall always sing
thy mercies, and kiss for eternity those loving hands which have
delivered me from hell, as often as I have deserved it by my sins.
O Mary, my liberator, my hope, my Queen, my advocate, my own sweet
Mother, I love thee; I desire thy glory, and I love thee forever.
Amen, amen. Thus do I hope. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
my most sweet Lady, since thy office is...that of a mediatress
between God and sinners, I will address thee in the words of St.
Thomas of Villanova: 'Fulfill thy office in my behalf, O tender
advocate; do thy work.' Say not that my cause is too difficult to
gain; for I know, and all tell me so, that every cause, no matter
how desperate, if undertaken by thee, is never, and never will be,
lost. And will mine be lost? Ah, no, this I cannot fear. The only
thing that I might fear is, that, on seeing the multitude of my
sins, thou mightest not undertake my defense. But, on seeing they
immense mercy, and the very great desire of thy most sweet heart
to help the most abandoned sinners, even this I cannot fear. And
who was over lost that had recourse to thee? Therefore I invoke
thy aid, O my great advocate, my refuge, my hope, my mother Mary.
To thy hands do I entrust the cause of my eternal salvation. To
thee do I commit my soul; it was lost, but thou hast to save it. I
will always thank Our Lord for having given me this great
confidence in thee; and which, notwithstanding my own unworthiness,
I feel is an assurance of salvation. I have but one fear to
afflict me, O beloved Queen, and that is, that I may one day, by
my own negligence, lose this confidence in thee. And therefore I
implore thee, O Mary, by the love thou bearest to Jesus, thyself
to preserve and increase in me more and more this sweet confidence
in thy intercession, by which I hope most certainly to recover the
divine friendship, that I have hitherto so madly despised and
lost; and having recovered it, I hope, through thee, to preserve
it; and preserving it by the same means, I hope at length to thank
thee for it in heaven, and there to sing God's mercies and thine
for all eternity. Amen. This is my hope; thus may it be, thus will
it be. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
holy Virgin Immaculate, my Mother Mary, to thee who art the Mother
of my Lord, the Queen of the universe, the advocate, the hope, the
refuge of sinners, I who am the most miserable of all sinners,
have recourse this day. I venerate thee, great Queen, and I thank
thee for the many graces thou hast bestowed upon me even unto this
day; in particular for having delivered me from the hell which I
have so often deserved by my sins. I love thee, most dear Lady;
and for the love I bear thee, I promise to serve thee willingly
for ever and to do what I can to make thee loved by others also. I
place in thee all my hopes for salvation; accept me as thy servant
and shelter me under thy mantle, thou who art the Mother of mercy.
And since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all
temptations, or at least obtain for me the strength to overcome
them until death. From thee I implore a true love for Jesus
Christ. Through thee I hope to die a holy death. My dear Mother,
by the love thou bearest to Almighty God, I pray thee to assist me
always, but most of all at the last moment of my life. Forsake me
not then, until thou shalt see me safe in heaven, there to bless
thee and sing of thy mercies through all eternity. Such is my
hope. Amen. |
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
most sweet Lord, I offer and consecrate to you this morning all
that I am and have: my senses, my thoughts, my affections, my
desires, my pleasures, my inclinations, my liberty. In a word, I
place my whole body and soul in your hands. |
Before the Blessed Sacrament / Consecration |
O my
Lord Jesus Christ, who for the love Thou bearest mankind, dost
remain night and day in this Sacrament, all full of tenderness and
love, expecting, inviting and receiving all those who come to
visit Thee; I believe that Thou art present in the Sacrament of
the altar; I adore Thee from the depths of my own nothingness and
thank Thee for all the favors thou hast bestowed upon me; and
especially for having given me Thyself in this Sacrament, and Thy
most holy Mother Mary as my advocate; and for having called me to
visit Thee in this church. I pay my homage this day to Thy most
loving Heart and this I intend to do for three intentions: first,
in thanksgiving for this great gift; secondly, in reparation for
all the insults Thou hast received from Thine enemies in this
Sacrament; thirdly, by this visit I intend to adore Thee in all
places upon the earth, where Thou art least adored and most
neglected in Thy Sacrament. My Jesus, I love Thee with my whole
heart. I repent of having in the past so many times displeased
Thine infinite goodness. I purpose with the help of Thy grace
never more to offend Thee in the future; and at this moment,
wretched as I am, I consecrate myself wholly to Thee. I give to
Thee and utterly renounce my entire will, all my affections, all
my desires, and all that I possess. From this day forth do with me
and with all that is mine whatever is pleasing in Thy sight. I ask
and desire only Thy holy love, final perseverance and the perfect
fulfillment of Thy will. I commend to Thee the souls in purgatory,
especially those who were most devoted to this Blessed Sacrament
and to Blessed Mary; I commend to Thee in like manner all poor
sinners. Finally, my dear Savior, I unite all my affections with
those of Thy most loving Heart, and thus united I offer them to
Thine eternal Father, and I pray Him in Thy name graciously to
accept and answer them for love of Thee. |
for Five Graces |
Eternal Father, your Son has promised that you would grant all the graces we ask of you in his name. Trusting in this promise, and in the name of and through the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask of you five special graces: First, I ask pardon for all the offenses I have committed, for which I am sorry with all my heart, because I have offended your infinite goodness. Second, I ask for your divine Light, which will enable me to see the vanity of all things of this earth, and see also your infinite greatness and goodness. Third, I ask for a share in your love, so that I can detach myself from all creatures, especially from myself, and love only your holy will. Fourth, grant me the grace to have confidence in the merits of Jesus Christ and in the intercession of Mary. Fifth, I ask for the grace of perseverance, knowing that whenever I call on you for assistance, you will answer my call and come to my aid. I fear only that I will neglect to turn to you in time of need, and thus bring myself to ruin. Grant me the grace to pray always, O Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus. |
for God's Love |
God of love, you are and shall be forever the only delight of my
heart and the sole object of my affections. Since Jesus said, 'Ask
and you shall receive,' I do not hesitate to say, 'Give me your
love and your grace.' Grant that I may love you and be loved by
you. I want nothing else. |
for Prayer |
Holy Spirit grant me the gift of prayer. Come into my heart, and
[grant] me the strength not to abandon it because I sometimes grow
weary of it; And give me the spirit of prayer, the grace to pray
continually. |
of Acceptance of Suffering |
Lord, I am now convinced that without patience suffering I cannot
merit a reward in heaven. It is you who must give me patience in
suffering. I make the resolution to accept with patience all the
trials and sufferings that will come into my life. I know that so
often, in spite of my resolutions, I have become despondent when I
was asked to carry a cross; but if I do not learn to suffer for
love of you, I shall suffer without merit. My Jesus, by the merits
of the patience with which you suffered so many pains for love of
me, give me the grace to bear my crosses for love of you. |
of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus
Christ, let me never fail to recommend myself to you whenever I am
tempted. I know you always help me when I have recourse to you;
but my fear is that I may forget to recommend myself to you, and
so my negligence will be the cause of my ruin. By the merits of Jesus Christ, give me grace to pray to you. But grant me such an
abundant grace that I may always pray, and pray as I ought! |
to St. Teresa |
Saint Teresa, seraphic Virgin, beloved spouse of thy crucified
Lord, thou who on earth didst burn with a love so intense toward
thy God and my God, and now dost glow with a brighter and purer
flame in paradise: obtain for me also, I beseech thee, a spark of
that same holy fire which shall cause me to forget the world, all
things created, and even myself; for thou didst ever greatly
desire to see Him loved by all men. Grant that my every thought
and desire and affection may be continually employed in doing the
will of God, the supreme Good, whether I am in joy or in pain, for
He is worthy to be loved and obeyed everlastingly. Obtain for me
this grace, thou who art so powerful with God; may I be all on
fire, like thee, with the holy love of God. |
Communion Prayer
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My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the
Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee
in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at
least spiritually into my heart. As though Thou wert already
there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not
that I should ever be separated from Thee. |
Aspirations |
here for Aspirations |
| Prayers of the Saints | Saints
| Prayers & Devotions
Me on the Cross |
me, Christ, on the Cross, which is salvation to the wanderers,
sole rest for the wearied, wherein alone is life for those who
die. |
Prayer of St. Ambrose |
God, Creator of all things, and ruler of the heavens, 'tis thou
that clothest day with beautiful light, and night with the boon of
sleep. 'Tis sleep that restores our wearied limbs to the toil of
work. Sleep gives repose to the mind when tired, and takes away
the anxious-making grief. The day is spent, and night is come; and
we offer thee our thanks and prayers, singing our hymn, that thou
mayst help us, thy servants. May our inmost heart sing thy praise,
and tuneful voices sound forth thy name; may our chaste affection
love, and our sober mind adore thee. And when the night's deep
gloom shall shut out the day, may our faith know nought of
darkness, and the very night be day by faith. Let not our soul,
but only sin feel sleep; let faith keep us chaste, and by its
refreshing power, check the vapours of sleep. May our heart's
deepest self, unshackled by the allurements of sense, dream of
thee; nor let the fear of the enemy, whose envy is ever laying
snares, disturb us when at rest. Let our prayer ascend to Christ
and to the Father, and to the Spirit of Christ and of the Father:
O Trinity, one in essence, and all-powerful, be merciful to us,
who pray to thee. Amen. |
Prayer of St. Ambrose
Jesus Christ, who stretched out your hands on the cross and
redeemed us by your blood, forgive me, a sinner for none of my
thoughts are hidden from you. Pardon I ask, pardon I hope for,
pardon I trust to have. You who are full of pity and mercy, spare
me, and forgive. |
in Preparation for Holy Communion |
loving Lord Jesus Christ, I a sinner, presuming not on my own
merits, but trusting in Thy mercy and goodness, with fear and
trembling approach the table of Thy most sacred banquet. For I
have defiled both my heart and body with many sins, and have not
kept a strict guard over my mind and my tongue. Wherefore, O
gracious God, O awful Majesty, I, a wretched creature, entangled
in difficulties, have recourse to Thee the fount of mercy; to Thee
do I fly that I may be healed, and take refuge under Thy
protection, and I ardently desire to have Him as my Savior, whom I
am unable to withstand as my Judge. To Thee, O Lord, I show my
wounds, to Thee I lay bare my shame. I know that my sins are many
and great, on account of which I am filled with fear. But I trust
in Thy mercy, of which there is no end. Look down upon me,
therefore, with the eyes of Thy mercy, O Lord Jesus Christ,
eternal King, God and Man, crucified for men. Hearken unto me, for
my hope is in Thee; have mercy on me, who am full of misery and
sin, Thou who wilt never cease to let flow the fountain of mercy.
Hail, Victim of salvation, offered for me and for all mankind on
the tree of the cross. Hail, noble and precious Blood, flowing
from the wounds of my crucified Lord Jesus Christ and washing away
the sins of the whole world. Remember, O Lord, Thy creature, whom
Thou hast redeemed with Thy Blood. I am grieved because I have
sinned, I desire to make amends for what I have done. Take away
from me therefore, O most merciful Father, all my iniquities and
sins, that, being purified both in soul and body, I may worthily
partake of the holy of holies; and grant that this holy oblation
of Thy Body and Blood, of which though unworthy I propose to
partake, may be to me the remission of my sins, the perfect
cleansing of my offenses, the means of driving away all evil
thoughts and of renewing all holy desires, the accomplishment of
works pleasing to Thee, as well as the strongest defense for soul
and body against the snares of my enemies. Amen. |
of St. Ambrose |
Lord, who has mercy upon all, take away from me my sins, and
mercifully kindle in me the fire of your Holy Spirit. Take away
from me the heart of stone: give me a heart of flesh, a heart to
love, to adore you, Lord, a heart to delight in you, to follow, to
rejoice in you, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen. |
| Prayers of the Saints | Saints
| Prayers & Devotions
for Love |
love you, O God, and desire to love you more and more. Grant that
we may love you as we wish to love you and as we should love you. O dearest Friend who has loved us
so deeply and redeemed us; come and take your place in our hearts.
Watch over our lips, our steps, and our deeds, and we no longer
fear for soul and body. Yes, give us love, most precious of gifts,
which knows no enemies. Give our hearts that pure love borne of
your love for us, that we may love others as you love us. O most
loving Father of Jesus Christ from whom all love flows, grant that
our hearts, frozen in sin and grown cold toward you, may be warmed
in the divine glow. Help and bless us in your Son. O blessed Lord,
you have commanded us to love one another, give us the grace that,
as we have received your unmerited favors, we may love all persons
in you and for you. We implore your clemency for all people, but
particularly for our friends whom you have given us. Love them,
Source of Love, and instill in them a thorough
love of yourself, that they may seek, utter, and do nothing save
what is pleasing to you. Amen. |
of St. Anselm of Canterbury |
prayer is but a cold affair, Lord, because my love burns with so
small a flame, but you who are rich in mercy will not mete out to
them your gifts according to the dullness of my zeal, but as your
kindness is above all human love so let your eagerness to hear be
greater than the feeling in my prayers. Do this for them and with
them, Lord, so that they may speed according to your will and thus
ruled and protected by you, always and everywhere, may they come
at last to glory and eternal rest, through you who are living and
reigning God, through all ages. |
of St. Anselm of Canterbury |
Father, most merciful, who, in the beginning, created us; who, by
the Passion of your only begotten Son, created us anew. Work in us
now, we beseech you, both to will and to do your good pleasure!
And because we are weak, and can do no
good thing on our own, grant
us your grace. Grant us your heavenly benediction, that in
whatever work we undertake we may do all to your honor and your
glory; that being kept from sin, daily increasing in good works,
so long as we live in the body, we may always give service to you
- and after our departure we may receive pardon for all our sins,
attaining life eternal: through Him who, with You and the Holy
Spirit, lives and reigns, God, forevermore. Amen. |
of St. Anselm of Canterbury |
beseech you, O my God, that I may know you, love you, and rejoice
in you. If in this life I cannot do these things fully, grant that
I may at the least progress in them from day to day. Advance in me
the knowledge of you now, that in the life to come it may be
complete. Increase in me the love of you here, that there it may
be full. O God of truth: I pray that I may obtain that which you
promise, that my joy may be made full. And in the meantime, let
mind meditate on it; let my soul hunger after it, and my whole
being long for it, till at last I enter into the joy of my Lord,
who is God, blessed forever. Amen. |
of St. Anselm of Canterbury |
By the name of thy beloved Son, grant us ever to
keep the memory of thine own sweetest name; may it be the
delicious food of our souls; may it be with us in danger; may it
be with us in anguish; may it be to us the beginning of all joy! |
Prayer |
Give me, O Lord, a mild and judicious eloquence which
shall keep me from being puffed up and exalted above my brethren by
reason of Thy gifts. Put into my mouth, I beseech Thee, words of
consolation and edification and exhortation through Thy Holy Spirit,
that I may be enabled to exhort the good to better things, and, by word
and example, to recall to the straight way of Thy righteousness those
who walk perversely. Let the words which Thou shalt give Thy servant, be
like to sharp javelins and burning arrows that shall pierce and enkindle
unto Thy fear and holy love the minds of all them that hear me. Amen. |
| Prayers of the Saints | Saints
| Prayers & Devotions
| Prayers of the Saints | Saints
| Prayers & Devotions
Prayer of St. Augustine |
O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give
Your Angels and Saints charge over those who sleep. Tend Your sick
ones, O Lord Christ. Rest Your weary ones, Bless Your dying ones,
Soothe Your suffering ones, Pity Your afflicted ones, Shield Your
joyous ones, And all for Your love's sake. Amen. |
for Assistance |
are all your saints, my God and King! Who have through travail and
in peace of soul all traveled within the ship with you, the
tempestuous sea of mortality, and have, at last, made the desired
port of peace and of felicity! O, cast a gracious eye upon us who
are in our dangerous voyage still! Remember, succor us in our
distress: think of those who lie exposed to the rough storms of
troubles and temptations! Strengthen our weakness in your
strength, that valiantly we may do your will in this spiritual
battle. Help us against our own negligence, our cowardice; defend
us from the treachery of our unfaithful hearts. We are exceedingly
frail, and indisposed to every virtuous and gallant undertaking.
Grant, O Lord, that we may bring our vessel safe to shore, into
our desired haven, Lord. Amen. |
for Return
Our Father, Who hast exhorted us to pray,
Who also bringest about what Thou hast asked of us; since we live
better when we pray to Thee and are better: hear me as I tremble
in this darkness and reach out Thy hand to me. Hold Thy light
before me and recall me from my strayings, that with Thee as my
guide I may return to myself and to Thee. Amen. |
of St. Augustine |
Jesus, may I know myself and know you, and desire nothing save
only you. May I hate myself and love you. May I do everything for
the sake of you, May I humble myself and exalt you. May I think of
nothing except you. May I die to myself and live in you. May I
receive whatever happens as from you. May I banish self and follow
you, and ever desire to follow you. May I fly from myself and fly
to you, that I may deserve to be defended by you. May I fear for
myself and fear you, and be among those who are chosen by you. May
I distrust myself and trust in you. May I be willing to obey on
account of you. May I cling to nothing but to you. May I be poor
for the sake of you. Look upon me that I may love you. Call me
that I may see you, and ever and ever enjoy you. Amen. |
of St. Augustine |
Thy eyes, O Lord, we bring our offences, and we compare them with
the stripes we have received. If we consider the evil we have
wrought, what we suffer is little, what we deserve is great. What
we have committed is very grave, what we have suffered is very
slight. We feel the punishment of sin, yet withdraw not from the
obstinacy of sinning. Under Thy lash our inconstancy is visited,
but our sinfulness is not changed. Our suffering soul is tormented
but our neck is not bent. Our life groans under sorrow, yet mends
not in deed. If Thou spare us we correct not our ways: if Thou
punish we cannot endure it. In time of correction we confess our
wrong-doing: after Thy visitation we forget that we have wept. If
Thou stretchest forth Thy hand we promise amendment; if Thou
withholdest the sword we keep not our promise. If Thou strikest we
cry out for mercy: if Thou sparest we again provoke Thee to
strike. Here we are before Thee, O Lord, shameless criminals: we
know that unless Thou pardon we shall deservedly perish. Grant
then, O almighty Father, without our deserving it, the pardon we
ask for; Thou who madest out of nothing those who ask Thee.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen. V. Deal not with us, O Lord,
according to our sins. R. Neither requite us according to our
iniquities. Let us pray. O God, who by sin art offended and by
penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy suppliant
people, and turn away the scourges of Thy wrath, which we deserve
for our sins. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
to the Holy Spirit |
into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Move in
me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too may be holy. Attract my heart,
Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me,
Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy
Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. |
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