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Then the LORD said to Moses, "Tell the Israelites to turn about and camp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. You shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, just opposite, by the sea. Pharaoh will then say, 'The Israelites are wandering about aimlessly in the land. The desert has closed in on them.' Thus will I make Pharaoh so obstinate that he will pursue them. Then I will receive glory through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD." This the Israelites did. [EX 14:1-4]

Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD: I will sing to the LORD, for he is gloriously triumphant... [Taken from EX 15:1]

So Moses and Aaron told all the Israelites, "At evening you will know that it was the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt; and in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, as he heeds your grumbling against him. But what are we that you should grumble against us?" [EX 16:6-7]

Then Moses said to Aaron, "Tell the whole Israelite community: Present yourselves before the LORD, for he has heard your grumbling." When Aaron announced this to the whole Israelite community, they turned toward the desert, and lo, the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud! [EX 16:9-10]

After Moses had gone up, a cloud covered the mountain. The glory of the LORD settled upon Mount Sinai. The cloud covered it for six days, and on the seventh day he called to Moses from the midst of the cloud. To the Israelites the glory of the LORD was seen as a consuming fire on the mountaintop. But Moses passed into the midst of the cloud as he went up on the mountain; and there he stayed for forty days and forty nights. [EX 24:15-18]

"From among the Israelites have your brother Aaron, together with his sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, brought to you, that they may be my priests. For the glorious adornment of your brother Aaron you shall have sacred vestments made. Therefore, to the various expert workmen whom I have endowed with skill, you shall give instructions to make such vestments for Aaron as will set him apart for his sacred service as my priest. These are the vestments they shall make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a brocaded tunic, a miter and a sash. In making these sacred vestments which your brother Aaron and his sons are to wear in serving as my priests, they shall use gold, violet, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen." [EX 28:1-5] 

"Likewise, for the glorious adornment of Aaron's sons you shall have tunics and sashes and turbans made. With these you shall clothe your brother Aaron and his sons. Anoint and ordain them, consecrating them as my priests." [EX 28:40-41]

"There, at the altar, I will meet the Israelites; hence, it will be made sacred by my glory. Thus I will consecrate the meeting tent and the altar, just as I also consecrate Aaron and his sons to be my priests. I will dwell in the midst of the Israelites and will be their God. They shall know that I, the LORD, am their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, so that I, the LORD, their God, might dwell among them." [EX 29:43-46]

The LORD said to Moses, "This request, too, which you have just made, I will carry out, because you have found favor with me and you are my intimate friend." Then Moses said, "Do let me see your glory!" He answered, "I will make all my beauty pass before you, and in your presence I will pronounce my name, 'LORD'; I who show favors to whom I will, I who grant mercy to whom I will. But my face you cannot see, for no man sees me and still lives. Here," continued the LORD, "is a place near me where you shall station yourself on the rock. When my glory passes I will set you in the hollow of the rock and will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand, so that you may see my back; but my face is not to be seen." [EX 33:17-23]

Finally, he set up the court around the Dwelling and the altar and hung the curtain at the entrance of the court. Thus Moses finished all the work. Then the cloud covered the meeting tent, and the glory of the LORD filled the Dwelling. Moses could not enter the meeting tent, because the cloud settled down upon it and the glory of the LORD filled the Dwelling. Whenever the cloud rose from the Dwelling, the Israelites would set out on their journey. But if the cloud did not lift, they would not go forward; only when it lifted did they go forward. In the daytime the cloud of the LORD was seen over the Dwelling; whereas at night, fire was seen in the cloud by the whole house of Israel in all the stages of their journey. [EX 40:33-38]

So they brought what Moses had ordered. When the whole community had come forward and stood before the LORD, Moses said, "This is what the LORD orders you to do, that the glory of the LORD may be revealed to you." [LEV 9:5-6]

Moses and Aaron went into the meeting tent. On coming out they again blessed the people. Then the glory of the LORD was revealed to all the people. [LEV 9:23]

During this time Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers and, strewing incense on the fire they had put in them, they offered up before the LORD profane fire, such as he had not authorized. Fire therefore came forth from the LORD'S presence and consumed them, so that they died in his presence. Moses then said to Aaron, "This is as the LORD said: Through those who approach me I will manifest my sacredness; In the sight of all the people I will reveal my glory." But Aaron said nothing. [LEV 10:1-3]

"If the LORD is pleased with us, he will bring us in and give us that land, a land flowing with milk and honey. But do not rebel against the LORD! You need not be afraid of the people of that land; they are but food for us! Their defense has left them, but the LORD is with us. Therefore, do not be afraid of them." In answer, the whole community threatened to stone them. But then the glory of the LORD appeared at the meeting tent to all the Israelites. And the LORD said to Moses, "How long will this people spurn me? How long will they refuse to believe in me, despite all the signs I have performed among them?" [NUM 14:8-11]

The LORD answered: "I pardon them as you have asked. Yet, by my life and the LORD'S glory that fills the whole earth, of all the men who have seen my glory and the signs I worked in Egypt and in the desert, and who nevertheless have put me to the test ten times already and have failed to heed my voice, not one shall see the land which I promised on oath to their fathers. None of these who have spurned me shall see it." [NUM 14:20-23]

Then, when Korah had assembled all his band against them at the entrance of the meeting tent, the glory of the LORD appeared to the entire community, and the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Stand apart from this band, that I may consume them at once." But they fell prostrate and cried out, "O God, God of the spirits of all mankind, will one man's sin make you angry with the whole community?" [NUM 16:19-22]

But while the community was deliberating against them, Moses and Aaron turned toward the meeting tent, and the cloud now covered it and the glory of the LORD appeared. Then Moses and Aaron came to the front of the meeting tent, and the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Depart from this community, that I may consume them at once." But they fell prostrate. [NUM 17:7-10]

But Moses and Aaron went away from the assembly to the entrance of the meeting tent, where they fell prostrate. Then the glory of the LORD appeared to them, and the LORD said to Moses, "Take the staff and assemble the community, you and your brother Aaron, and in their presence order the rock to yield its waters. From the rock you shall bring forth water for the community and their livestock to drink." [NUM 20:6-8]

"These words, and nothing more, the LORD spoke with a loud voice to your entire assembly on the mountain from the midst of the fire and the dense cloud. He wrote them upon two tablets of stone and gave them to me. But when you heard the voice from the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was ablaze with fire, you came to me in the person of all your tribal heads and elders, and said, 'The LORD, our God, has indeed let us see his glory and his majesty! We have heard his voice from the midst of the fire and have found out today that a man can still live after God has spoken with him. But why should we die now? Surely this great fire will consume us. If we hear the voice of the LORD, our God, any more, we shall die. For what mortal has heard, as we have, the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of fire, and survived? Go closer, you, and hear all that the LORD, our God, will say, and then tell us what the LORD, our God, tells you; we will listen and obey.'" [DEUT 5:22-27]

The LORD, your God, shall you fear, and him shall you serve; hold fast to him and swear by his name. He is your glory, he, your God, who has done for you those great and terrible things which your own eyes have seen. [DEUT 10:20-21]

"And today the LORD is making this agreement with you: you are to be a people peculiarly his own, as he promised you; and provided you keep all his commandments, he will then raise you high in praise and renown and glory above all other nations he has made, and you will be a people sacred to the LORD, your God, as he promised." [DEUT 26:18-19]

"If you are not careful to observe every word of the law which is written in this book, and to revere the glorious and awesome name of the LORD, your God, he will smite you and your descendants with severe and constant blows, malignant and lasting maladies." [DEUT 28:58-59]

Exult with him, you heavens, glorify him, all you angels of God; For he avenges the blood of his servants and purges his people's land. [DEUT 32:43]

"How fortunate you are, O Israel! Where else is a nation victorious in the LORD? The LORD is your saving shield, and his sword is your glory. Your enemies fawn upon you, as you stride upon their heights." [DEUT 33:29]

Joshua said to Achan, "My son, give to the LORD, the God of Israel, glory and honor by telling me what you have done; do not hide it from me." Achan answered Joshua, "I have indeed sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel." [Taken from JOSH 7:19-20]

But Barak answered her, "If you come with me, I will go; if you do not come with me, I will not go." "I will certainly go with you," she replied, "but you shall not gain the glory in the expedition on which you are setting out, for the LORD will have Sisera fall into the power of a woman." So Deborah joined Barak and journeyed with him to Kedesh. [JUDG 4:8-9]

The LORD makes poor and makes rich, he humbles, he also exalts. He raises the needy from the dust; from the ash heap he lifts up the poor, To seat them with nobles and make a glorious throne their heritage. He gives to the vower his vow, and blesses the sleep of the just. "For the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he has set the world upon them." [1SAM 2:7-8]

She was about to die when the women standing around her said to her, "Never fear! You have given birth to a son." Yet she neither answered nor paid any attention. (She named the child Ichabod, saying, "Gone is the glory from Israel," with reference to the capture of the ark of God and to her father-in-law and her husband.) She said, "Gone is the glory from Israel," because the ark of God had been captured. [1SAM 4:20-22]

As Samuel turned to go, Saul seized a loose end of his mantle, and it tore off. So Samuel said to him: "The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you this day, and has given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better than you. The Glory of Israel neither retracts nor repents, for he is not man that he should repent." [1SAM 15:27-29]

"Alas! the glory of Israel, Saul, slain upon your heights; how can the warriors have fallen!" [2SAM 1:19]

The LORD was pleased that Solomon made this request. So God said to him: "Because you have asked for this - not for a long life for yourself, nor for riches, nor for the life of your enemies, but for understanding so that you may know what is right - I do as you requested. I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will come no one to equal you. In addition, I give you what you have not asked for, such riches and glory that among kings there is not your like. And if you follow me by keeping my statutes and commandments, as your father David did, I will give you a long life." [1KGS 3:10-14]

When the priests left the holy place, the cloud filled the temple of the LORD so that the priests could no longer minister because of the cloud, since the LORD'S glory had filled the temple of the LORD. Then Solomon said, "The LORD intends to dwell in the dark cloud; I have truly built you a princely house, a dwelling where you may abide forever." The king turned and greeted the whole community of Israel as they stood. [1KGS 8:10-14]

Give thanks to the LORD, invoke his name; make known among the nations his deeds. Sing to him, sing his praise, proclaim all his wondrous deeds. Glory in his holy name; rejoice, O hearts that seek the LORD! Look to the LORD in his strength; seek to serve him constantly. [1CHRON 16:8-11]

Sing to the LORD, all the earth, announce his salvation, day after day Tell his glory among the nations; among all peoples, his wondrous deeds. [1CHRON 16:23-24]

Splendor and majesty go before him; praise and joy are in his holy place. Give to the LORD, you families of nations, give to the LORD glory and praise; Give to the LORD the glory due his name! Bring gifts, and enter his presence; worship the LORD in holy attire. Tremble before him, all the earth; he has made the world firm, not to be moved. [1CHRON 16:27-30]

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his kindness endures forever; And say, "Save us, O God, our savior, gather us and deliver us from the nations, That we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in praising you." [1CHRON 16:34-35]

David then ordered that all the aliens who lived in the land of Israel be brought together, and he appointed them stonecutters to hew out stone blocks for building the house of God. He also laid up large stores of iron to make nails for the doors of the gates, and clamps, together with so much bronze that it could not be weighed, and cedar trees without number. The Sidonians and Tyrians brought great stores of cedar logs to David, who said: "My son Solomon is young and immature; but the house that is to be built for the LORD must be made so magnificent that it will be renowned and glorious in all countries. Therefore I will make preparations for it." Thus before his death David laid up materials in abundance. [1CHRON 22:2-5]

Then David blessed the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, praying in these words: "Blessed may you be, O LORD, God of Israel our father, from eternity to eternity. Yours, O LORD, are grandeur and power, majesty, splendor, and glory. For all in heaven and on earth is yours; yours, O LORD, is the sovereignty; you are exalted as head over all. Riches and honor are from you, and you have dominion over all. In your hand are power and might; it is yours to give grandeur and strength to all. Therefore, our God, we give you thanks and we praise the majesty of your name." [1CHRON 29:10-13]

And the LORD exalted Solomon greatly in the eyes of all Israel, giving him a glorious reign such as had not been enjoyed by any king over Israel before him. Thus David, the son of Jesse, had reigned over all Israel. The time that he reigned over Israel was forty years: in Hebron he reigned seven years, and in Jerusalem thirty-three. He died at a ripe old age, rich in years and wealth and glory, and his son Solomon succeeded him as king. [1CHRON 29:25-28]

God then replied to Solomon: "Since this has been your wish and you have not asked for riches, treasures and glory, nor for the life of those who hate you, nor even for a long life for yourself, but have asked for wisdom and knowledge in order to rule my people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge are given you; but I will also give you riches, treasures and glory, such as kings before you never had, nor will those have them who come after you." [2CHRON 1:11-12]

But the priests could not enter the house of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of the LORD. All the Israelites looked on while the fire came down and the glory of the LORD was upon the house, and they fell down upon the pavement with their faces to the earth and adored, praising the LORD, "for he is good, for his mercy endures forever." [2CHRON 7:2-3]

The LORD was with Jehoshaphat, for he walked in the ways his father had pursued in the beginning, and he did not consult the Baals. Rather, he sought the God of his father and observed his commands, and not the practices of Israel. As a result, the LORD made his kingdom secure, and all Judah gave Jehoshaphat gifts, so that he enjoyed great wealth and glory. Thus he was encouraged to follow the LORD'S ways, and again he removed the high places and the sacred poles from Judah. [2CHRON 17:3-6]

But after he had become strong, he became proud to his own destruction and broke faith with the LORD, his God. He entered the temple of the LORD to make an offering on the altar of incense. But Azariah the priest, and with him eighty other priests of the LORD, courageous men, followed him. They opposed King Uzziah, saying to him: "It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD, but for the priests, the sons of Aaron, who have been consecrated for this purpose. Leave the sanctuary, for you have broken faith and no longer have a part in the glory that comes from the LORD God." [2CHRON 26:16-18]

Hezekiah possessed very great wealth and glory. He had treasuries made for his silver, gold, precious stones, spices, jewels, and other precious things of all kinds [Taken from 2CHRON 32:27]

Blessed be the LORD, the God of our fathers, who thus disposed the mind of the king to glorify the house of the LORD in Jerusalem, and who let me find favor with the king, with his counselors, and with all the most influential royal officials. I therefore took courage and, with the hand of the LORD, my God, upon me, I gathered together Israelite family heads to make the return journey with me. [EZRA 7:27-28]

The Levites Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah said, "Arise, bless the LORD, your God, from eternity to eternity!" The Israelites answered with the blessing, "Blessed is your glorious name, and exalted above all blessing and praise." [NEH 9:5]

At that very time, the prayer of these two suppliants was heard in the glorious presence of Almighty God. So Raphael was sent to heal them both: to remove the cataracts from Tobit's eyes, so that he might again see God's sunlight; and to marry Raguel's daughter Sarah to Tobit's son Tobiah, and then drive the wicked demon Asmodeus from her. [Taken from TOBIT 3:16-17]

Raphael called the two men aside privately and said to them: "Thank God! Give him the praise and the glory. Before all the living, acknowledge the many good things he has done for you, by blessing and extolling his name in song. Before all men, honor and proclaim God's deeds, and do not be slack in praising him. A king's secret it is prudent to keep, but the works of God are to be declared and made known. Praise them with due honor. Do good, and evil will not find its way to you." [TOBIT 12:6-7]

"I will now tell you the whole truth; I will conceal nothing at all from you. I have already said to you, 'A king's secret it is prudent to keep, but the works of God are to be made known with due honor.' I can now tell you that when you, Tobit, and Sarah prayed, it was I who presented and read the record of your prayer before the Glory of the Lord; and I did the same thing when you used to bury the dead. When you did not hesitate to get up and leave your dinner in order to go and bury the dead, I was sent to put you to the test. At the same time, however, God commissioned me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who enter and serve before the Glory of the Lord." Stricken with fear, the two men fell to the ground. But Raphael said to them: "No need to fear; you are safe. Thank God now and forever. As for me, when I came to you it was not out of any favor on my part, but because it was God's will. So continue to thank him every day; praise him with song." [TOBIT 12:11-18]

My spirit blesses the Lord, the great King; Jerusalem shall be rebuilt as his home forever. Happy for me if a remnant of my offspring survive to see your glory and to praise the King of heaven! The gates of Jerusalem shall be built with sapphire and emerald, and all your walls with precious stones. The towers of Jerusalem shall be built with gold, and their battlements with pure gold. [TOBIT 13:15-16]

"You, the Lord, crush warfare; Lord is your name. Shatter their strength in your might, and crush their force in your wrath; for they have resolved to profane your sanctuary, to defile the tent where your glorious name resides, and to overthrow with iron the horns of your altar." [JDTH 9:8]

When these men saw Judith transformed in looks and differently dressed, they were very much astounded at her beauty and said to her, "May the God of our fathers bring you to favor, and make your undertaking a success, for the glory of the Israelites and the exaltation of Jerusalem." Judith bowed down to God. [Taken from JDTH 10:7-8]

The high priest Joakim and the elders of the Israelites, who dwelt in Jerusalem, came to see for themselves the good things that the Lord had done for Israel, and to meet and congratulate Judith. When they had visited her, all with one accord blessed her, saying: "You are the glory of Jerusalem, the surpassing joy of Israel; You are the splendid boast of our people. With your own hand you have done all this; You have done good to Israel, and God is pleased with what you have wrought. May you be blessed by the Lord Almighty forever and ever!" And all the people answered, "Amen!" [JDTH 15:8-10]

"A new hymn I will sing to my God. O Lord, great are you and glorious, wonderful in power and unsurpassable. Let your every creature serve you; for you spoke, and they were made, You sent forth your spirit, and they were created; no one can resist your word." [JDTH 16:13-14]

For as many as a hundred and eighty days, he displayed the glorious riches of his kingdom and the resplendent wealth of his royal estate. At the end of this time the king gave a feast of seven days in the garden court of the royal palace for all the people, great and small, who were in the stronghold of Susa. [ESTH 1:4-5]

But now we have sinned in your sight, and you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies, because we worshiped their gods. You are just, O Lord. But now they are not satisfied with our bitter servitude, but have undertaken to do away with the decree you have pronounced, and to destroy your heritage; to close the mouths of those who praise you, and to extinguish the glory of your temple and your altar; to open the mouths of the heathen to acclaim their false gods, and to extol an earthly king forever. "O Lord, do not relinquish your scepter to those that are nought. Let them not gloat over our ruin, but turn their own counsel against them and make an example of our chief enemy." [ESTH C:17-22]

Then they built up the City of David with a high, massive wall and strong towers, and it became their citadel. There they installed a sinful race, perverse men, who fortified themselves inside it, storing up weapons and provisions, and depositing there the plunder they had collected from Jerusalem. And they became a great threat. The citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, and a wicked adversary to Israel at all times. And they shed innocent blood around the sanctuary; they defiled the sanctuary. Because of them the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled away, and she became the abode of strangers. She became a stranger to her own offspring, and her children forsook her. Her sanctuary was as desolate as a wilderness; her feasts were turned into mourning, Her sabbaths to shame, her honor to contempt. Her dishonor was as great as her glory had been, and her exaltation was turned into mourning. [1MACC 1:33-40]

We see our sanctuary and our beauty and our glory laid waste, And the Gentiles have defiled them! [1MACC 2:12]

When the time came for Mattathias to die, he said to his sons: "Arrogance and scorn have now grown strong; it is a time of disaster and violent anger. Therefore, my sons, be zealous for the law and give your lives for the covenant of our fathers. Remember the deeds that our fathers did in their times, and you shall win great glory and an everlasting name. Was not Abraham found faithful in trial, and it was reputed to him as uprightness?" [1MACC 2:49-52]

Do not fear the words of a sinful man, for his glory ends in corruption and worms. [1MACC 2:62]

Children! be courageous and strong in keeping the law, for by it you shall be glorified. [1MACC 2:64]

Then his son Judas, who was called Maccabeus, took his place. All his brothers and all who had joined his father supported him, and they carried on Israel's war joyfully. He spread abroad the glory of his people, and put on his breastplate like a giant. He armed himself with weapons of war; he planned battles and protected the camp with his sword. [1MACC 3:1-3]

But Seron, commander of the Syrian army, heard that Judas had gathered many about him, an assembly of faithful men ready for war. So he said, "I will make a name for myself and win glory in the kingdom by defeating Judas and his followers, who have despised the king's command." [1MACC 3:13-14]

Then Judas went back to plunder the camp, and his men collected much gold and silver, violet and crimson cloth, and great treasure. As they returned, they were singing hymns and glorifying Heaven, "for he is good, for his mercy endures forever." Thus Israel had a great deliverance that day. [1MACC 4:23-25]

As Judas saw that his army was melting away just when the battle was imminent, he was panic-stricken, because he had no time to gather them together. But in spite of his discouragement, he said to those who remained: "Let us go forward to meet our enemies; perhaps we can put up a good fight against them." They tried to dissuade him, saying: "We certainly cannot. Let us save our lives now, and come back with our kinsmen, and then fight against them. Now we are too few." But Judas said: "Far be it from me to do such a thing as to flee from them! If our time has come, let us die bravely for our kinsmen and not leave a stain upon our glory!" [1MACC 9:7-10]

When the populace saw that the Jews held the city at their mercy, they lost courage and cried out to the king in supplication, "Give us your terms and let the Jews stop attacking us and our city." So they threw down their arms and made peace. The Jews thus gained glory in the eyes of the king and all his subjects, and they became renowned throughout his kingdom. Finally they returned to Jerusalem with much spoil. [1MACC 11:49-51]

The land was at rest all the days of Simon, who sought the good of his nation. His people were delighted with his power and his magnificence throughout his reign. As his crowning glory he captured the port of Joppa and made it a gateway to the isles of the sea. He enlarged the borders of his nation and gained control of the country. [1MACC 14:4-6]

When the Jewish people saw Simon's loyalty and the glory he planned to bring to his nation, they made him their leader and high priest because of all he had accomplished and the loyalty and justice he had shown his nation. In every way he sought to exalt his people. [1MACC 14:35]

When Jeremiah arrived there, he found a room in a cave in which he put the tent, the ark, and the altar of incense; then he blocked up the entrance. Some of those who followed him came up intending to mark the path, but they could not find it. When Jeremiah heard of this, he reproved them: "The place is to remain unknown until God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy. Then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord will be seen in the cloud, just as it appeared in the time of Moses and when Solomon prayed that the Place might be gloriously sanctified." [2MACC 2:5-8]

While the holy city lived in perfect peace and the laws were strictly observed because of the piety of the high priest Onias and his hatred of evil, the kings themselves honored the Place and glorified the temple with the most magnificent gifts. [2MACC 3:1-2]

The man who a moment before had entered that treasury with a great retinue and his whole bodyguard was carried away helpless, having clearly experienced the sovereign power of God. While he lay speechless and deprived of all hope of aid, due to an act of God's power, the Jews praised the Lord who had marvelously glorified his holy Place; and the temple, charged so shortly before with fear and commotion, was filled with joy and gladness, now that the almighty Lord had manifested himself. [2MACC 3:28-30]

The craze for Hellenism and foreign customs reached such a pitch, through the outrageous wickedness of the ungodly pseudo-high-priest Jason, that the priests no longer cared about the service of the altar. Disdaining the temple and neglecting the sacrifices, they hastened, at the signal for the discus-throwing, to take part in the unlawful exercises on the athletic field. They despised what their ancestors had regarded as honors, while they highly prized what the Greeks esteemed as glory. Precisely because of this, they found themselves in serious trouble: the very people whose manner of life they emulated, and whom they desired to imitate in everything, became their enemies and oppressors. It is no light matter to flout the laws of God, as the following period will show. [2MACC 4:13-17]

Not satisfied with this, the king dared to enter the holiest temple in the world; Menelaus, that traitor both to the laws and to his country, served as guide. He laid his impure hands on the sacred vessels and gathered up with profane hands the votive offerings made by other kings for the advancement, the glory, and the honor of the Place. Puffed up in spirit, Antiochus did not realize that it was because of the sins of the city's inhabitants that the Lord was angry for a little while and hence disregarded the holy Place. If they had not become entangled in so many sins, this man, like Heliodorus, who was sent by King Seleucus to inspect the treasury, would have been flogged and turned back from his presumptuous action as soon as he approached. The Lord, however, had not chosen the people for the sake of the Place, but the Place for the sake of the people. Therefore, the Place itself, having shared in the people's misfortunes, afterward participated in their good fortune; and what the Almighty had forsaken in his anger was restored in all its glory, once the great Sovereign became reconciled. [2MACC 5:15-20]

Eleazar, one of the foremost scribes, a man of advanced age and noble appearance, was being forced to open his mouth to [unlawful food]. But preferring a glorious death to a life of defilement, he spat out the [unlawful food], and went forward of his own accord to the instrument of torture, as men ought to do who have the courage to reject the food which it is unlawful to taste even for love of life. [Taken from 2MACC 6:18-20]

When Judas learned of Nicanor's advance and informed his companions about the approach of the army, the cowardly and those who lacked faith in God's justice deserted and got away. But the others sold everything they had left, and at the same time besought the Lord to deliver those whom the ungodly Nicanor had sold before even meeting them. They begged the Lord to do this, if not for their sake, at least for the sake of the covenants made with their forefathers, and because they themselves bore his holy, glorious name. [2MACC 8:12-15]

He has stripped me of my glory, and taken the diadem from my brow. [JOB 19:9]

"My glory is fresh within me, and my bow is renewed in my hand!" [JOB 29:20]

Have you an arm like that of God, or can you thunder with a voice like his? Adorn yourself with grandeur and majesty, and array yourself with glory and splendor. Let loose the fury of your wrath; tear down the wicked and shatter them. Bring down the haughty with a glance; bury them in the dust together; in the hidden world imprison them. Then will I too acknowledge that your own right hand can save you. [JOB 40:9-14]

But you, LORD, are a shield around me; my glory, you keep my head high. [PS 3:4]

What are humans that you are mindful of them, mere mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them little less than a god, crowned them with glory and honor. [PS 8:5-6]

The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims its builder's craft. [PS 19:2]

He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever. Great is his glory in your victory; majesty and splendor you confer upon him. You make him the pattern of blessings forever, you gladden him with the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the LORD, stands firm through the love of the Most High. [PS 21:5-8]

My God, I call by day, but you do not answer; by night, but I have no relief. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the glory of Israel. In you our ancestors trusted; they trusted and you rescued them. To you they cried out and they escaped; in you they trusted and were not disappointed. [PS 22:3-6]

Lift up your heads, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter. Who is this king of glory? The LORD, a mighty warrior, the LORD, mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter. Who is this king of glory? The LORD of hosts is the king of glory. [Taken from PS 24:7-10]

LORD, I love the house where you dwell, the tenting-place of your glory. [PS 26:8]

Give to the LORD, you heavenly beings, give to the LORD glory and might; Give to the LORD the glory due God's name. Bow down before the LORD'S holy splendor! [PS 29:1-2]

The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD, over the mighty waters. The voice of the LORD is power; the voice of the LORD is splendor. [PS 29:3-4]

The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. All in his palace say, "Glory!" [PS 29:9]

I will bless the LORD at all times; praise shall be always in my mouth. My soul will glory in the LORD that the poor may hear and be glad. Magnify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. [PS 34:2-4]

Let those who say "Aha!" know dismay and shame. But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. May those who long for your help always say, "The LORD be glorified." [PS 40:16-17]

All glorious is the king's daughter as she enters, her raiment threaded with gold; In embroidered apparel she is led to the king. The maids of her train are presented to the king. They are led in with glad and joyous acclaim; they enter the palace of the king. [PS 45:14-16]

All you peoples, clap your hands; shout to God with joyful cries. For the LORD, the Most High, inspires awe, the great king overall the earth, Who made people subject to us, brought nations under our feet, Who chose a land for our heritage, the glory of Jacob, the beloved. [Taken from PS 47:2-5]

Why do you glory in evil, you scandalous liar? All day long you plot destruction; your tongue is like a sharpened razor, you skillful deceiver. You love evil rather than good, lies rather than honest speech. You love any word that destroys, you deceitful tongue. [Taken from PS 52:3-6]

Show yourself over the heavens, God; may your glory appear above all the earth. [PS 57:12]

My soul, be at rest in God alone, from whom comes my hope. God alone is my rock and my salvation, my secure height; I shall not fall. My safety and glory are with God, my strong rock and refuge. Trust God at all times, my people! Pour out your hearts to God our refuge! [Taken from PS 62:6-9]

O God, you are my God - for you I long! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, Like a land parched, lifeless, and without water. So I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life; my lips offer you worship! [PS 63:2-4]

They resolve on their wicked plan; they conspire to set snares; they say: "Who will see us?" They devise wicked schemes, conceal the schemes they devise; the designs of their hearts are hidden. But God will shoot arrows at them and strike them unawares. They will be brought down by their own tongues; all who see them will shake their heads. Then all will fear and proclaim God's deed, pondering what has been done. The just will rejoice and take refuge in the LORD; all the upright will glory in their God. [PS 64:6-11]

Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth; sing of his glorious name; give him glorious praise. [PS 66:2]

But I am afflicted and in pain; let your saving help protect me, God, That I may praise God's name in song and glorify it with thanksgiving. [PS 69:30-31]

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. May those who long for your help always say, "God be glorified!" [PS 70:5]

You are my hope, Lord; my trust, GOD, from my youth. On you I depend since birth; from my mother's womb you are my strength; my hope in you never wavers. I have become a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge! My mouth shall be filled with your praise, shall sing your glory every day. [PS 71:5-8]

Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does wonderful deeds. Blessed be his glorious name forever; may all the earth be filled with the LORD'S glory. Amen and amen. [PS 72:18-19]

God heard and grew angry; he rejected Israel completely. He forsook the shrine at Shiloh, the tent where he dwelt with humans. He gave up his might into captivity, his glorious ark into the hands of the foe. God abandoned his people to the sword; he was enraged against his heritage. [PS 78:59-62]

Do not hold past iniquities against us; may your compassion come quickly, for we have been brought very low. Help us, God our savior, for the glory of your name. Deliver us, pardon our sins for your name's sake. Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Before our eyes make clear to the nations that you avenge the blood of your servants. [PS 79:8-10]

For a sun and shield is the LORD God, bestowing all grace and glory. The LORD withholds no good thing from those who walk without reproach. [PS 84:12]

Teach me, LORD, your way that I may walk in your truth, single-hearted and revering your name. I will praise you with all my heart, glorify your name forever, Lord my God. Your love for me is great; you have rescued me from the depths of Sheol. [PS 86:11-13]

The LORD loves the city founded on holy mountains, Loves the gates of Zion more than any dwelling in Jacob. Glorious things are said of you, O city of God! [Taken from PS 87:1-3]

Relent, O LORD! How long? Have pity on your servants! Fill us at daybreak with your love, that all our days we may sing for joy. Make us glad as many days as you humbled us, for as many years as we have seen trouble. Show your deeds to your servants, your glory to their children. May the favor of the Lord our God be ours. [Taken from PS 90:13-17]

How long, LORD, shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked glory? [PS 94:3]

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, bless his name; announce his salvation day after day. Tell God's glory among the nations; among all peoples, God's marvelous deeds. For great is the LORD and highly to be praised, to be feared above all gods. For the gods of the nations all do nothing, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and power go before him; power and grandeur are in his holy place. Give to the LORD, you families of nations, give to the LORD glory and might; give to the LORD the glory due his name! Bring gifts and enter his courts; bow down to the LORD, splendid in holiness. Tremble before God, all the earth [Taken from PS 96:1-9]

The heavens proclaim God's justice; all peoples see his glory. [PS 97:6]

All who serve idols are put to shame, who glory in worthless things; all gods bow down before you. [PS 97:7]

The nations shall revere your name, LORD, all the kings of the earth, your glory, Once the LORD has rebuilt Zion and appeared in glory, Heeding the plea of the lowly, not scorning their prayer. [PS 102:16-18]

Bless the LORD, my soul! LORD, my God, you are great indeed! You are clothed with majesty and glory, robed in light as with a cloak. You spread out the heavens like a tent; you raised your palace upon the waters. You make the clouds your chariot; you travel on the wings of the wind. You make the winds your messengers; flaming fire, your ministers. [PS 104:1-4]

May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD be glad in these works! [PS 104:31]

Give thanks to the LORD, invoke his name; make known among the peoples his deeds! Sing praise, play music; proclaim all his wondrous deeds! Glory in his holy name; rejoice, O hearts that seek the LORD! Rely on the mighty LORD; constantly seek his face. [PS 105:1-4]

Remember me, LORD, as you favor your people; come to me with your saving help, That I may see the prosperity of your chosen, rejoice in the joy of your people, and glory with your heritage. [PS 106:4-5]

At Horeb they fashioned a calf, worshiped a metal statue. They exchanged their glorious God for the image of a grass-eating bull. They forgot the God who saved them, who did great deeds in Egypt, Amazing deeds in the land of Ham, fearsome deeds at the Red Sea. He would have decreed their destruction, had not Moses, the chosen leader, Withstood him in the breach to turn back his destroying anger. [PS 106:19-23]

Save us, LORD, our God; gather us from among the nations That we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in praising you. [PS 106:47]

Appear on high over the heavens, God; may your glory appear above all the earth. Help with your right hand and answer us that your loved ones may escape. [PS 108:6-7]

Great are the works of the LORD, to be treasured for all their delights. Majestic and glorious is your work, your wise design endures forever. [PS 111:2-3]

High above all nations is the LORD; above the heavens God's glory. Who is like the LORD, our God enthroned on high, looking down on heaven and earth? The LORD raises the needy from the dust, lifts the poor from the ash heap, Seats them with princes, the princes of the people, Gives the childless wife a home, the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah! [PS 113:4-9]

Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name give glory because of your faithfulness and love. [PS 115:1]

Praise the LORD, all you nations! Give glory, all you peoples! The LORD'S love for us is strong; the LORD is faithful forever. Hallelujah! [PS 117:1-2]

All the kings of earth will praise you, LORD, when they hear the words of your mouth. They will sing of the ways of the LORD: "How great is the glory of the LORD!" The LORD is on high, but cares for the lowly and knows the proud from afar. [PS 138:4-6]

Great is the LORD and worthy of high praise; God's grandeur is beyond understanding. One generation praises your deeds to the next and proclaims your mighty works. They speak of the splendor of your majestic glory, tell of your wonderful deeds. They speak of your fearsome power and attest to your great deeds. They publish the renown of your abounding goodness and joyfully sing of your justice. The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. The LORD is good to all, compassionate to every creature. All your works give you thanks, O LORD and your faithful bless you. They speak of the glory of your reign and tell of your great works, Making known to all your power, the glorious splendor of your rule. [PS 145:3-12]

Glorify the LORD, Jerusalem; Zion, offer praise to your God, Who has strengthened the bars of your gates, blessed your children within you, Brought peace to your borders, and filled you with finest wheat. [PS 147:12-14]

The LORD has lifted high the horn of his people; to the glory of all the faithful, of Israel, the people near to their God. Hallelujah! [PS 148:14]

Let the faithful rejoice in their glory, cry out for joy at their banquet [Taken from PS 149:5]

"The beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom; at the cost of all you have, get understanding. Extol her, and she will exalt you; she will bring you honors if you embrace her; She will put on your head a graceful diadem; a glorious crown will she bestow on you." [PROV 4:7-9]

In many subjects lies the glory of the king; but if his people are few, it is the prince's ruin. [PROV 14:28]

He who oppresses the poor blasphemes his Maker, but he who is kind to the needy glorifies him. [PROV 14:31]

Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by virtuous living. [PROV 16:31]

Grandchildren are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their parentage. [PROV 17:6]

It is good sense in a man to be slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. [PROV 19:11]

The glory of young men is their strength, and the dignity of old men is gray hair. [PROV 20:29] 

God has glory in what he conceals, kings have glory in what they fathom. [PROV 25:2]

For the fruit of noble struggles is a glorious one; and unfailing is the root of understanding. [WISDOM 3:15]

For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, and she penetrates and pervades all things by reason of her purity. For she is an aura of the might of God and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nought that is sullied enters into her. For she is the refulgence of eternal light, the spotless mirror of the power of God, the image of his goodness. And she, who is one, can do all things, and renews everything while herself perduring; And passing into holy souls from age to age, she produces friends of God and prophets. For there is nought God loves, be it not one who dwells with Wisdom. [WISDOM 7:24-28]

So I determined to take [Wisdom] to live with me, knowing that she would be my counselor while all was well, and my comfort in care and grief. For her sake I should have glory among the masses, and esteem from the elders, though I be but a youth. I should become keen in judgment, and should be a marvel before rulers. [Taken from WISDOM 8:9-11]

Now with you is Wisdom, who knows your works and was present when you made the world; Who understands what is pleasing in your eyes and what is conformable with your commands. Send her forth from your holy heavens and from your glorious throne dispatch her That she may be with me and work with me, that I may know what is your pleasure. For she knows and understands all things, and will guide me discreetly in my affairs and safeguard me by her glory; Thus my deeds will be acceptable, and I shall judge your people justly and be worthy of my father's throne. [WISDOM 9:9-12]

But Wisdom delivered from tribulations those who served her. She did not abandon the just man when he was sold, but delivered him from sin. She went down with him into the dungeon, and did not desert him in his bonds, Until she brought him the scepter of royalty and authority over his oppressors, Showed those who had defamed him false, and gave him eternal glory. [WISDOM 10:9,13-14]

Your people awaited the salvation of the just and the destruction of their foes. For when you punished our adversaries, in this you glorified us whom you had summoned. [WISDOM 18:7-8]

For on his full-length robe was the whole world, and the glories of the fathers were carved in four rows upon the stones, and your grandeur was on the crown upon his head. [WISDOM 18:24]

For while they were still engaged in funeral rites and were mourning at the burials of the dead, They adopted another senseless plan; and those whom they had sent away with entreaty, they pursued as fugitives. For a compulsion suited to this ending drew them on, and made them forgetful of what had befallen them, That they might fill out the torments of their punishment, and your people might experience a glorious journey while those others met an extraordinary death. For all creation, in its several kinds, was being made over anew, serving its natural laws, that your children might be preserved unharmed. [WISDOM 19:3-6]

For every way, O LORD! you magnified and glorified your people; unfailing, you stood by them in every time and circumstance. [WISDOM 19:22]

Fear of the LORD is glory and splendor, gladness and a festive crown. [SIRACH 1:9]

Wisdom's garland is fear of the LORD, with blossoms of peace and perfect health. Knowledge and full understanding she showers down; she heightens the glory of those who possess her. [SIRACH 1:16-17]

Glory not in your father's shame, for his shame is no glory to you! [SIRACH 3:10]

His father's honor is a man's glory; disgrace for her children, a mother's shame. [SIRACH 3:11]

For great is the power of God; by the humble he is glorified. [SIRACH 3:19]

Wisdom instructs her children and admonishes those who seek her. He who loves her loves life; those who seek her out win her favor. He who holds her fast inherits glory; wherever he dwells, the LORD bestows blessings. [SIRACH 4:11-13]

My son, from your youth embrace discipline; thus will you find wisdom with graying hair. As though plowing and sowing, draw close to her; then await her bountiful crops. For in cultivating her you will labor but little, and soon you will eat of her fruits. How irksome she is to the unruly! The fool cannot abide her. She will be like a burdensome stone to test him, and he will not delay in casting her aside. For discipline is like her name, she is not accessible to many. Listen, my son, and heed my advice; refuse not my counsel. Put your feet into her fetters, and your neck under her yoke. Stoop your shoulders and carry her and be not irked at her bonds. With all your soul draw close to her; with all your strength keep her ways. Search her out, discover her; seek her and you will find her. Then when you have her, do not let her go; Thus will you afterward find rest in her, and she will become your joy. Her fetters will be your throne of majesty; her bonds, your purple cord. You will wear her as your robe of glory, bear her as your splendid crown. [SIRACH 6:18-31]

With the learned be intimate; let all your conversation be about the law of the LORD. Have just men for your table companions; in the fear of God be your glory. [SIRACH 9:15-16]

Be it tenant or wayfarer, alien or pauper, his glory is the fear of the LORD. [SIRACH 10:21]

He forms men's tongues and eyes and ears, and imparts to them an understanding heart. With wisdom and knowledge he fills them; good and evil he shows them. He looks with favor upon their hearts, and shows them his glorious works, That they may describe the wonders of his deeds and praise his holy name. [SIRACH 17:5-8]

Wisdom sings her own praises, before her own people she proclaims her glory; In the assembly of the Most High she opens her mouth, in the presence of his hosts she declares her worth [Taken from SIRACH 24:1-2]

"Then the Creator of all gave me his command, and he who formed me chose the spot for my tent, Saying, 'In Jacob make your dwelling, in Israel your inheritance.' Before all ages, in the beginning, he created me, and through all ages I shall not cease to be. In the holy tent I ministered before him, and in Zion I fixed my abode. Thus in the chosen city he has given me rest, in Jerusalem is my domain. I have struck root among the glorious people, in the portion of the LORD, his heritage." [SIRACH 24:8-12]

The crown of old men is wide experience; their glory, the fear of the LORD. [SIRACH 25:6]

Happy the rich man found without fault, who turns not aside after gain! Who is he, that we may praise him? he, of all his kindred, has done wonders, For he has been tested by gold and come off safe, and this remains his glory; He could have sinned but did not, could have done evil but would not, So that his possessions are secure, and the assembly recounts his praises. [SIRACH 31:8-11]

While breath of life is still in you, let no man have dominion over you. Give not to another your wealth, lest then you have to plead with him; Far better that your children plead with you than that you should look to their generosity. Keep control over all your affairs; let no one tarnish your glory. When your few days reach their limit, at the time of death distribute your inheritance. [SIRACH 33:21-24]

Come to our aid, O God of the universe, and put all the nations in dread of you! Raise your hand against the heathen, that they may realize your power. As you have used us to show them your holiness, so now use them to show us your glory. Thus they will know, as we know, that there is no God but you. [SIRACH 36:1-4]

Take pity on your holy city, Jerusalem, your dwelling place. Fill Zion with your majesty, your temple with your glory. Give evidence of your deeds of old; fulfill the prophecies spoken in your name, Reward those who have hoped in you, and let your prophets be proved true. [SIRACH 36:12-15]

One wise for himself has full enjoyment, and all who see him praise him; One wise for his people wins a heritage of glory, and his name endures forever. [SIRACH 37:24-25]

He endows men with the knowledge to glory in his mighty works [Taken from SIRACH 38:6]

How different the man who devotes himself to the study of the law of the Most High! He explores the wisdom of the men of old and occupies himself with the prophecies; He treasures the discourses of famous men, and goes to the heart of involved sayings; He studies obscure parables, and is busied with the hidden meanings of the sages. He is in attendance on the great, and has entrance to the ruler. He travels among the peoples of foreign lands to learn what is good and evil among men. His care is to seek the LORD, his Maker, to petition the Most High, To open his lips in prayer, to ask pardon for his sins. Then, if it pleases the LORD Almighty, he will be filled with the spirit of understanding; He will pour forth his words of wisdom and in prayer give thanks to the LORD, Who will direct his knowledge and his counsel, as he meditates upon his mysteries. He will show the wisdom of what he has learned and glory in the law of the LORD'S covenant. Many will praise his understanding; his fame can never be effaced; Unfading will be his memory, through all generations his name will live; Peoples will speak of his wisdom, and in assembly sing his praises. While he lives he is one out of a thousand, and when he dies his renown will not cease. [SIRACH 39:1-11]

Wealth and vigor build up confidence, but better than either, fear of God. Fear of the LORD leaves nothing wanting; he who has it need seek no other support: The fear of God is a paradise of blessings; its canopy, all that is glorious. [SIRACH 40:26-27]

Now will I recall God's works; what I have seen, I will describe. At God's word were his works brought into being; they do his will as he has ordained for them. As the rising sun is clear to all, so the glory of the LORD fills all his works; Yet even God's holy ones must fail in recounting the wonders of the LORD, Though God has given these, his hosts, the strength to stand firm before his glory. [SIRACH 42:15-17]

The clear vault of the sky shines forth like heaven itself, a vision of glory. The orb of the sun, resplendent at its rising: what a wonderful work of the Most High! At noon it seethes the surface of the earth, and who can bear its fiery heat? Like a blazing furnace of solid metal, it sets the mountains aflame with its rays; By its fiery darts the land is consumed; the eyes are dazzled by its light. Great indeed is the LORD who made it, at whose orders it urges on its steeds. The moon, too, that marks the changing times, governing the seasons, their lasting sign, By which we know the feast days and fixed dates, this light-giver which wanes in its course: As its name says, each month it renews itself; how wondrous in this change! The beauty, the glory, of the heavens are the stars that adorn with their sparkling the heights of God, At whose command they keep their place and never relax in their vigils. A weapon against the flood waters stored on high, lighting up the firmament by its brilliance, Behold the rainbow! Then bless its Maker, for majestic indeed is its splendor; It spans the heavens with its glory, this bow bent by the mighty hand of God. [SIRACH 43:1-12]

Let us praise him the more, since we cannot fathom him, for greater is he than all his works; Awful indeed is the LORD'S majesty, and wonderful is his power. Lift up your voices to glorify the LORD, though he is still beyond your power to praise; Extol him with renewed strength, and weary not, though you cannot reach the end: For who can see him and describe him? or who can praise him as he is? Beyond these, many things lie hid; only a few of his works have we seen. It is the LORD who has made all things, and to those who fear him he gives wisdom. [SIRACH 43:29-35]

Now will I praise those godly men, our ancestors, each in his own time: The abounding glory of the Most High's portion, his own part, since the days of old. [Taken from SIRACH 44:1-2]

All these were glorious in their time, each illustrious in his day. Some of them have left behind a name and men recount their praiseworthy deeds; But of others there is no memory, for when they ceased, they ceased. And they are as though they had not lived, they and their children after them. Yet these also were godly men whose virtues have not been forgotten; Their wealth remains in their families, their heritage with their descendants; Through God's covenant with them their family endures, their posterity, for their sake. And for all time their progeny will endure, their glory will never be blotted out; Their bodies are peacefully laid away, but their name lives on and on. [SIRACH 44:7-14]

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