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Sponsored Sections: Q & A (Page 4)

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Holy Family at Work

Commercial Sections: Q & A (Pg. 4)

Important Notice: The Commercial Sections Q & A pages, the Commercial Sections tips page, the info page, the ad content submission pages, various linked pages, etc. are all incorporated as part of the terms of use of this site. Please read carefully. Reminder: By using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms. Note: Some Q & A items may be dependent upon other Q & A items that precede / follow.

Question Summary | Commercial Section Tips1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7

Scroll down to view questions & answers:

Continued From Previous Page

Q. What if I need more space in my ad?

A. You should note that ad sizes are fixed. If you need more room, you may be able to include some abbreviations (if applicable/appropriate). You may also indicate that you may be contacted for more information / that your website may be visited for more information / that your autoresponder may be e-mailed for more information / etc.

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Q. What if I exceed the maximum length in any given field (e.g. number of words / number of characters)?

A. Do not exceed the maximums of any field. If you do, we may truncate your text, abbreviate your text, delete / change your text, unschedule your ad, etc., at our sole option and with no recourse.

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Q. I want to include more information regarding my Catholic affiliation - is this possible?

A. When indicating your Catholic affiliation, you are limited to the options which are provided. [Note that you may put "traditional Catholic" elsewhere in your ad, as appropriate, if you choose.]

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Q. What if data submitted for a field / section is not appropriate for or does not match the field's / section's description?

A. If data submitted for a field / section is not appropriate for - or is not deemed appropriate for - or does not (or apparently does not) match the field's / section's description, we may change it, delete it, or unschedule your ad. Should this happen a number of times, we may ban you from future advertising

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Q. May I name well-known heretics / apostates / schismatics in my ad?

A. No (although it may be allowable for certain Catholic materials to include such names - e.g. if advertised materials are clearly contrary to them). Note that if you request that any name be included in your ad which may appear to be the name of a well-known heretic / apostate / schismatic / etc. (including Protestant 'Reformers'), your ad may be processed but unscheduled. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site. Or, at our sole option, we may abbreviate the name(s) / omit the name(s) / etc. Remember that by submitting your ad request(s), you agree to all our terms. [Note: If another person's name is the same or sounds similar to a well-known heretic / apostate / schismatic / etc. (including a Protestant 'Reformer'), you should properly distinguish it from the well-known person - e.g. "Martin Luther (not the 'Reformer')". Be sure to use quotes around terms such as 'Reformer' (if you don't we may add them). Also be sure you do not offer any praise whatsoever to those considered heretics / apostates / schismatics.]

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Q. I made a mistake in my ad request or content submission - what should I do?

A. You should be careful that your ad request / ad content submission is correct/complete/etc. prior to submission since it cannot be changed once it has been submitted. As applicable, you may request that your ad be deleted (when available). If desired, you may request another ad with the revised content (as applicable).

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Q. Is every part of my ad request subject to publication on the site?

A. Yes, every part of your ad request may be subject to publication on the site.

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Q. What is "excessive marketing talk" and is it allowed?

A. By "excessive marketing talk", we generally mean certain adjectives used to describe a particular item, for example: "best ever", "greatest", etc., or to the frequent use of adjectives. Such talk should be avoided wherever possible. Instead, please stick to the facts about the item (if it is the "best ever", consider indicating who rated it thus). If your ad request contains what we deem "excessive marketing talk", we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site. Please avoid "excessive marketing talk".

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Q. Do you prohibit certain claims in ads?

A. At our sole discretion and with no recourse, we may - but are not required to - prohibit certain claims in ads. For example, we may prohibit certain claims which are deemed unreasonable - e.g. "lose 25 pounds in a week", "use our product to cure cancer", "stop chronic pain overnight", etc., especially if claims are made without substantiation. [Note: If your product genuinely performs 'wondrous feats', you should consider including appropriate references to reputable, independent source(s) in which users of this site may verify your claims.] If your ad request contains such claims (especially without your providing independent substantiation of them), we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site. Please avoid claims which may be deemed unreasonable.

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Q. Can you "reject" my ad request / ad content / renewal request / etc. for any reason whatsoever?

A. Yes. We may "reject" (e.g. not schedule) any ad request(s) / ad content / renewal request(s) / etc. for any reason whatsoever. Remember that by submitting your ad request / ad content / renewal request / etc., you agree to all our terms.

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Q. Should I save a copy of my confirmation page or invoice after requesting an ad / submitting ad content?

A. You should always save a copy of confirmation forms and invoices relating to ad requests / content submissions. In addition to a printed version, you should copy/paste this information into a file. [Note that you may be required to provide these item(s) in connection with certain actions (e.g. error reports).]

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Q. What happens after I have submitted my ad request/content submission?

A. After you request an ad, it may or may not be pre-processed [where it may move forward to processing or not move forward (e.g. be unscheduled)]. Upon completion of processing, the ad may be scheduled or unscheduled. If it is scheduled, it may appear on the site. We make no guarantees regarding the length of processing or steps involved in processing, or any other guarantees regarding processing.

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Q. What if someone submitted content for my ad disguised as me?

A. You should not allow the details of your ad request(s) to be shared with other persons who may attempt to use this information wrongly. If this occurs, you may be held responsible for their actions and we may ban you from future advertising. Note: To report fraudulent use of this site, click here.

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Q. What is an ad processing fee?

A. Ad processing fees are fees paid for an ad to potentially appear on our site. Ad request processing fees do not guarantee inclusion, wording, appearance, classification, etc. of ads, but only that a submission will be considered for possible conclusion. They are somewhat like non-refundable application fees - they do not guarantee that what one applies for will be granted, but only that it will be given some consideration.

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Q. In paying an "ad request processing fee", what is one paying for?

A. When paying an ad request processing fee, you are paying for our consideration of your ad request [including any internal step(s) which may be taken by us in accordance with your ad request]. The processing steps we take may be many or few (or anywhere in-between), and may be limited to little more than payment processing. A processing fee may be comparable to a non-refundable "application fee" for an ad to potentially appear on our site(s). Just as a regular application fee does not guarantee that what one applies for will be granted (but only that it will be given some consideration), our ad request processing fees don't guarantee that your ad will appear on the site, but only that it will be given some consideration. Ad request processing fees do not guarantee inclusion, wording, appearance, classification, etc. of ads, but only that a submission will be considered for possible inclusion. Our consideration need not be detailed, lengthy, or complete. We may change ad requests at our sole discretion [e.g. add / change / delete wording, remove web addresses, change capitalization, punctuation, omit information, spell out abbreviations, add information, shorten items, lengthen items, change categorization, change headline(s), etc.], with no recourse. Payment of ad processing fees does not guarantee that payer will receive any correspondence / response(s) from us or that ad will ever appear on our site. If ad does appear on our site, we make no guarantees regarding formatting, appearance, placement, duration, etc., or any guarantees of any kind whatsoever.

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Q. When I pay an ad processing fee, may I be certain that my ad will appear on the site?

A. There is no guarantee whatsoever that any ad (whether paid or free) will appear on the site.

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Q. Is there a flat rate for ads?

A. Ad processing fees have a base rate (flat rate) and some may also have various options at an extra charge (e.g. "ad enhancements" such as an optional red headline). Taxes and other charges may be added as applicable. [Note: Offline fees may be at least 50% higher than those paid online.]

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Q. Are there some items which require an extra processing fee?

A. Depending upon the ad type, there may be some options that require an extra processing fee [e.g. "ad enhancements" such as an optional second (red) headline, repeat ad requests, etc.]. For current information, see the details for each type of ad.

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Q. Who is responsible for making sure I pay the correct amount and that I pay for the correct items?

A. You are responsible for making sure you pay the correct amount and that you pay for the correct items.

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Q. Can you help me determine the price I should pay for my ad?

A. While we cannot assist you personally in determining the price you should pay for your ad request, you may find our detailed price list to be helpful (click here). Remember, however, that this price list is not guaranteed and is subject to change at any time without notice.

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Q. What if I paid the wrong amount for my ad processing fee?

A. If you pay the wrong amount for your ad processing fee, we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site. Or, at our sole discretion, we may make a courtesy change to your ad (e.g. delete an "ad enhancement" that you requested but did not pay for), but we are not required to do so (and note that we may be unable to do so if you paid for the wrong type of processing fee considering the content you submitted). You should be careful to pay the correct processing fees in connection with the ads you request.

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Q. Who is responsible if I pay the wrong amount?

A. You alone are responsible if you pay the wrong amount.

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Q. When is an ad processing fee paid?

A. Ad processing fees are paid with the ad request (or renewal request). They may be waived for certain free ads.

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Q. How do I pay an ad processing fee?

A. To submit ad processing fees (an ad request) for a 'Sales & Specials' ad, click here. To submit ad processing fees (an ad request) for a MCS Directory listing, click here. To submit ad processing fees (an ad request) for a Classified Ad, click here. To request a sponsorship, click here. For other types of ads, click here for more information/instructions.

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Q. How many ads may I purchase on one invoice?

A. We recommend that you request only one ad per invoice (excluding ad repeats / ad renewals). Remember that you must submit content for all requested ads within 90 minutes of your ad request. By spacing your requests out, you may have more time to submit required content for your ads. [Note: For example, if you want to request three ads, you may submit (and pay for) your first ad request, then submit content for this ad, and then submit (and pay for your second) ad request and submit content for this ad, and then submit (and pay for your third) ad request and submit content for this ad.]

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Q. If I see an invoice on the screen, can I be sure that my payment went through and will be accepted?

A. No. Even if you see an invoice on the screen, your payment may not go through / be accepted (or it may be refunded). Note that we may not complete your payment (or may refund it) if your ad request is pre-processed and unscheduled.

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Q. How might charges from you appear on my credit card statement?

A. Payments made to us may appear as "B.F.S." on your credit card statement.

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Q. What are some benefits of paying a processing fee vs. a direct payment for an ad?

A. The payment of a processing fee may encourage the submission of better ads since advertisers have to pay whether or not their ads appear (therefore it may be expected that they will be more likely to ensure that their ads are suitable for inclusion and won't end up as unscheduled). The payment of a processing fee may help to avoid conflicts of interest on our end (e.g. there is no undue influence on our decision whether to schedule an ad simply because we "need the money"). In general, the payment of processing fees helps ensure better advertising content, protects our resources, and keeps our ad prices lower.

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Q. May I pay ad processing fees offline?

A. It may be possible to pay ad processing fees offline, however, there may be additional charge(s). Furthermore, even if processing fees may be paid offline, ad content submissions must be submitted online. Also an e-mail address is required. For more information regarding offline payments, click here.

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Q. May I send cash for offline payments?

A. No. Do not send cash for offline payments! We may refuse offline payments made in cash. Note that we are not responsible for any lost/stolen cash.

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Q. What happens if I pay for my ad offline and my check bounces?

A. If your check bounces, you agree to pay a minimum $50 fee and to reimburse us for any other costs (including our time, at our regular research rate). You also agree to replace the check (if it was not paid) by a money order. Note that these terms apply whether or not your payment was less than $50, whether or not your payment was for a sponsorship, and whether or not your ad appears on the site. If you do not promptly pay us in full, you agree to pay an additional $50 penalty and reimburse us for any additional costs of collection (including court costs, collection fees, labor time, etc.).

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Q. Does the "ad request processing fee" automatically entitle me to correspondence from or with you?

A. No. We may or may not correspond with you regarding the status of your ad. However, you should assume that we will not correspond with you regarding your ad. [Note that if we do correspond with you, we will not ask for personal information.] We also ask that you do not correspond with us regarding your ad unless you want to request its deletion (and then only if we specifically indicate that your ad type permits deletions) or if you want to report that we have made an error (click here) as we do not have the resources to personally communicate with each advertiser. Note that if you do correspond with us (e.g. for other matters), your correspondence may be subject to auto rejection.

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Q. Are there any ads on this site which do not require a processing fee?

A. In the MCS Directory, "free ad offer ads" may not require a processing fee. In the MCS Marketplace, some ads may not utilize processing fees (as applicable). Occasional "free ads" (e.g. courtesy ads, special offers, etc.) may also not require a processing fee.

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Q. My ad appears on the site, but my credit card was not charged (or was not charged for the full amount or was refunded). What happened?

A. We may have made a courtesy adjustment. Although we are not required to make such adjustments, we may occasionally do so in certain cases (e.g. if there was an unexpected and exceptionally long delay in processing that was our fault). There is no need to contact us regarding courtesy adjustments.

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Q. How many times can you charge me an ad processing fee without displaying my ad?

A. As many times as you submit an ad request.

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Q. If I submit my ad request and it is denied 10 times, how can you charge me 10 times even though it never appears on the site?

A. First of all, we do not "deny" ads. We simply give them a status of scheduled or unscheduled. It is possible that you may pay a processing fee, say, 10 times and yet find that your ad is continually unscheduled. However, you should not submit an ad so many times. Ads should be generally submitted once only (and at the most twice). Remember that even though your ad was unscheduled 10 times, it was still processed 10 times.

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Q. So you may receive a processing fee even though the ad doesn't ever appear on the site?

A. Yes. Processing fees are comparable to non-refundable application fees. As a regular application fee does not guarantee that what one applies for will be granted (but only that it will be given some consideration), our ad request processing fees don't guarantee that an ad will appear on the site, but only that it will be given some consideration.

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Q. Is it fair to take the processing fees and not display the ads?

A. Yes, since whether an ad is displayed or not, we still have costs (e.g. for labor, computer time, payment processing, etc.). Just as an application fee may be assessed even if an application is not approved, we may receive processing fees even though an ad may never actually appear on the site. Further, it is fair since the requestor has agreed to this risk by requesting the ad.

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Q. How is it fair that I paid the "ad request processing fee", yet my ad doesn't appear and you won't tell me why?

A. We give you guidelines to follow and warn you that ads may not appear for a variety of reasons. You took the risk and agreed to it. We also warn that we do not have the resources to personally communicate with each advertiser or user of this site. Furthermore, our procedures keep our prices lower, so while they may not personally benefit you sometimes, you may greatly benefit other times.

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Q. If an ad is "scheduled", when will it appear?

A. "Scheduled" means an ad may appear - it is not an ironclad guarantee that it will appear - on the site. The ad may appear at any time, for any amount of time, continuously or otherwise, for 0 to any amount of days.

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Q. How long will my ad appear?

A. Ads that appear on the site may appear for any length of time. As a general guide, consider the applicable 'target cycle' for each type of ad. However, note that ads may appear for a longer or shorter time than the indicated target cycles (e.g. from 0 days to multiples of a target cycle).

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Q. Do you guarantee when ads will appear?

A. No. As indicated above, ads are processed for possible inclusion on the site and are not guaranteed to appear. Ads that do appear on the site do not appear immediately (and may be not appear for a long time, and may not appear continuously). Note that long processing delays in commercial sections are not unexpected. Remember that by submitting your ad request, you agree to all terms.

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Q. Will the format of my ad always remain the same?

A. The format of any type of ad (including MCS Directory listings & sponsorships) may change at any time without notice. We do not guarantee anything concerning the formatting / appearance / etc. of any ad.

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Q. Will the ordering of ads always remain the same?

A. The ordering of any type of ad (including MCS Directory listings & sponsorships) may change at any time without notice. Further, as new records are added or are removed, the order of existing ads may automatically change to accommodate the new recordset. Note that we do not guarantee anything concerning the appearance / ordering of any ad.

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Q. Is it acceptable to 'tweak' my ad so that it appears higher in the list?

A. You may request ad content in any fitting way according to our guidelines. However, you should note that we do not guarantee the content of your ad, the placement of your ad, the ordering of your ad, etc. The ordering of any type of ad (including MCS Directory listings & sponsorships) may change at any time without notice. Further, as new records are added or are removed, the order of existing ads may automatically change to accommodate the new recordset. Also, note that certain techniques designed to move ads up higher in the list may be unacceptable (if so, we may process but not schedule your ad - and should this occur, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site). Unacceptable techniques include (but are not limited to): beginning with symbols or punctuation, adding superfluous numbers or letters (e.g. "aaaa great company"), selecting inappropriate categories/options, etc.

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Q. Do you notify me if my ad is approved or not?

A. Ads are not "approved" or "rejected" - they are simply scheduled or unscheduled. If your ad is "scheduled", it may appear without our notifying you. However, we may notify you whether your ad is scheduled or unscheduled (but you should not count on this).

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Q. How will I know if my ad is scheduled if I am not notified of it?

A. The best way to know is to see if the ad appears on the site

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Q. If I request an ad and it does not appear, what should I do?

A. If you are charged a processing fee, yet your ad does not appear it may be unscheduled, it may be delayed, etc. You may continue to check the site to see if it later appears. If not, you may choose to request the ad again (waiting at least 90 days from your first request). If you request the ad again, you will have to pay another processing fee. When submitting your second ad request, be sure to take extra steps to ensure that it meets all our guidelines and be certain that you have carefully reviewed all our notices, etc. before submitting your ad request. If your second ad request also does not result in your ad being displayed on the site, do not submit the ad request again.

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Q. If I repeatedly request an ad that doesn't appear, what should I do?

A. Please do not repeatedly request placement of your ad. If you are charged a processing fee, yet your ad does not appear it may be unscheduled, it may be delayed, etc. Do not request the same ad again for at least 90 days. If you wish to request the ad again, take extra steps to ensure that it meets all our guidelines and be certain that you have carefully reviewed all our notices, etc. before placing your ad request. If your second ad request also does not result in your ad being displayed on the site, do not submit the ad request again

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Q. Will you tell me why my ad does not appear?

A. Sorry, but we cannot answer questions concerning the appearance (or non appearance) of individual ads. If your ad didn't appear even though you were charged a processing fee, your ad may be unscheduled. This may occur for various reasons (for more information, click here). If your ad didn't appear and you weren't charged (e.g. you authorized a charge to your credit card but you were never billed), your ad may have been preprocessed and unscheduled. This may also occur for various reasons (for more information, click here). Even scheduled ads may not appear for various reasons (e.g. delays, technical problems, etc.).

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Q. Will you tell me exactly what is the status of my ad?

A. Sorry, but no. For us to do so, we would need to research your request, which we do not generally do. Please do not contact us for this information as we do not have the resources to accommodate your request and the source materials may not be (readily or otherwise) available to us. Note that any correspondence concerning the status of advertisements may be automatically rejected. Please do not contact us for this information!

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Q. Why don't you offer us an option to research the status of ads / advertisers at our own expense?

A. Because the cost to research an ad would generally be greater than the cost of the ad itself. Also, such activities would take up much of our time and distract us from the main focus of this site, the Catholic content.

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Q. I had an ad that appeared one time and the next time I requested it, it did not appear - even though both ads were identical. Why is that?

A. This may occur for a variety of reasons (e.g. the first time it may have been a mistake that slipped by us the first time, there may be limitations on ads in particular areas, etc.).

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Q. Why do some ads look different?

A. Ads may look different for various reasons (e.g. the advertisers may have paid for different features, ad styles may have changed over time, etc.). For more information regarding particular ads, click here.

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Q. Do you guarantee that the content I submit will appear on the site if my ad is scheduled?

A. No. Ad content you submit is subject to change by us. By submitting your ad request you agree that we may make any changes whatsoever (including additions / deletions) to requested ad content at our sole discretion without recourse. Further, remember that even though an ad may be "scheduled", this not an ironclad promise that it will actually appear on the site.

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Q. Do you guarantee that the formatting / layout / ordering of ads will remain the same or consistent?

A. We do not guarantee that the formatting / layout / ordering of ads will remain the same or consistent. Note that formatting / layout / ordering of ads may change at any time without notice.

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Q. Do you guarantee that the optional second headline will always appear in red?

A. No. We do not guarantee the optional second headline will always appear in red or guarantee anything else concerning the appearance of any ad(s).

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Q. Are images allowed with ads?

A. Images are not allowed with ads unless specifically indicated.

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Q. What if I want to submit images for my ads?

A. You may not submit images for ads unless specifically allowed. If you submit images where this is not allowed (or attempt to do so), you may be banned from future advertising on this site.

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Q. Are symbols allowed in my ads?

A. No. Do not include symbols in your ads. If you include a symbol(s) in your ad, we may delete it (them), or we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site.

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Q. Can I include html text in my ad?

A. No. Do not submit any html text. If you include any html in your ad, we may delete it, or we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site.

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Q. Should I avoid abbreviations in my ads?

A. Yes. If you use any abbreviations in your ad, they should be spelled out (unless they are abbreviations that 'everyone knows'). Note that if you do include unknown abbreviations or excess abbreviations in your ad, we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site.

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Q. Do web addresses appear as links in ads?

A. Web addresses may or (most likely) may not appear as links in ads. It may be unlikely that they will appear as links if they are input into a field that is not specifically for web addresses (e.g. a contact information field or other non specific field).

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Q. Why do some ads have a large gap / large blank spot?

A. Ads may contain "large gaps" or a "large blank spot" if information is not available / if information was not provided / if ad enhancements are not included (e.g. second headline) / etc.

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Q. My ad did not appear on the site. Why not?

A. There are a variety of reasons that ads may not appear on the site. Reasons include (but are not limited to): Content of ad is anti-Catholic or against Catholic teachings; failure to follow guidelines; ad violates code of conduct; ad is poorly worded or hard to understand; ad is not all in the English language (click here for information regarding Latin); suspicion of fraud; ad contains symbol(s), all capital letters, excess punctuation, grammatical errors, no capital letters, or omission of or excess spaces; ad is miscategorized; ad is too time-sensitive; we have questions about ad/advertiser; ad may/does contain errors of fact; ad contains "excess marketing talk" or claims deemed unrealistic; ad contains reference(s) to prohibited item(s); advertiser has been banned from advertising; excessive ad requests / ad requests exceed maximums; space considerations; categories / sections are full/closed; ad deemed inappropriate for category; too many existing ads for advertiser; too many similar ads (e.g. by item type, advertiser type, etc.); product / service / message / ad / language / etc. deemed offensive or possibly offensive; product / service / message / ad / etc. deemed inappropriate / undesirable / etc.; advertiser is notoriously anti-Catholic or notoriously promotes anti-Catholic morals / teachings / etc.; inclusion of items not allowed; ad request includes items not paid for or not fully paid for (e.g. "ad enhancements"); advertiser owes us money; problems with advertiser / organization / individual / etc.; problem with method of payment (e.g. rejected credit card, bounced check, etc.); ad seems questionable; insufficient gravity of ad; ad text is too emotional/opinionated; ad promotes act / product / etc. which is against the Catholic Church's teachings; ad promotes act / product / etc. which is contrary to traditional teachings / practices of the Catholic Church; ad / advertiser / etc. is deemed inappropriate for a Catholic site; ad promotes act / product / etc. which attempts to change the teachings of the Catholic Church; failure to meet general quality guidelines; ad request/content submission contains certain keywords; ad contains excessive or unknown abbreviations; ad restrictions/limitations; technical difficulties; etc. If your ad does not appear, it may also mean it has not yet been processed (please note that long processing delays in commercial sections are not unexpected). If so, your ad may appear at a later time. Finally, note that if your ad does not appear, it does not necessarily mean that your ad itself was unacceptable. Remember that we do not guarantee that any particular ad will appear on the site. There are a variety of reasons why an unobjectionable ad may not appear (e.g. space considerations, closed sections, etc.). If an ad does not appear after a couple of properly spaced out submissions, do NOT continue to submit it.

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Q. My ad disappeared from the site even though the target cycle has not completed or my indicated 'end date' has not passed. What should I do?

A. As indicated, ads may appear for any length of time. We do not guarantee that any ads will appear or that any displayed ads will remain on the site for any given time. Note that target cycles are general guidelines and no ads appearing on the site are guaranteed to appear for the entire target cycle. Ads may appear for a longer or shorter time than the indicated target cycles (e.g. from 0 days to multiples of the target cycle). Furthermore, appearance of ads may not be continuous (e.g. an ad may disappear and then reappear again later). If your ad has unexpectedly disappeared from the site (especially if this occurs well before the target cycle has completed), you may wait to see if reappears. Or, if desired and if appropriate, you may submit another ad request. Regarding the 'end date', you should remember that this field refers to a date beyond which you have indicated that you should not be contacted about your ad. An end date that is longer than a target cycle does not extend the target cycle.

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Q. Does the fact that an ad appears on this site mean that the ad content itself is unobjectionable?

A. No. The fact that an ad appears here may only mean that no reason was found not to display the ad. This doesn't mean that there IS no reason, only that such a reason may not have been noticed. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that ads appearing on this site are not objectionable. If an ad appears here that violates our code of conduct, you may report it to us. Click here for more information. Note: Please report only problems with actual ad content. Do not report problems with advertisers / products / services / etc.

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Q. Is an e-mail account required to place an ad on this site?

A. Yes, an e-mail account is required to place an ad on this site so that we may contact you regarding your ad. Note that e-mail addresses are not necessarily required to appear in ad(s).

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Q. How important is it for advertisers on this site to maintain their original e-mail address?

A. The e-mail address you provided when you placed an ad request is very important and may be required for various actions regarding your ads (e.g. deletion requests, etc.). If your e-mail address will change, you should use another one that will not change. You should also not use an e-mail address that others have access to.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Can I change my original e-mail address?

A. Sorry, no. We cannot honor requests to change e-mail addresses. That is why we instruct you to provide us with an e-mail address that will not change.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Where is this "original e-mail account" (or "main e-mail account" or "permanent e-mail account") provided?

A. This "original e-mail account" (or "main e-mail account" or "permanent e-mail account") is provided when you request your ad / pay for your ad request. It should be in its own separate field.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Must I always be able to access the original e-mail account I used?

A. To contact us regarding your ad (e.g. to request deletions, as applicable), you must always be able to access the original e-mail account you provided (the one provided when you requested your ad / paid for your ad request). If this e-mail address may change, you should provide another e-mail address that will not change.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What if my e-mail account may change/will be changing?

A. If your main e-mail account may change / will change, you should provide another e-mail address that will not change. Remember that advertisers should be careful to maintain access to the original (or "main" / "permanent") e-mail account provided to us as it may be required for certain actions (e.g. deletion requests).

Top | Question Summary

Q. Why do you recommend we use two different e-mails for the commercial sections?

A. We may recommend that you use two different e-mails for the commercial section for your own benefit. Remember that your "main" (or "permanent") e-mail address (the one provided when you requested your ad / paid for your ad request) must be permanent. We may consider this our main (or sole) e-mail address for correspondence with/from you. At your option, you may include another ("non permanent") e-mail address within your ad request (for example, in the contact information field) - e.g. for general users of this site. Should you have a problem, you may more easily abandon this second e-mail address, while still maintaining the ability to contact us regarding your ad (e.g. to request that it be deleted, if applicable) using the main e-mail address you originally provided us.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Can I participate in commercial sections without including my e-mail address?

A. If you place or respond to an ad, an e-mail address may be (or will be) required in order to contact you regarding availability, payment, terms, to request deletion of your ad, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information and we generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of providing e-mail addresses, click here. If you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you may be unable to participate (or fully participate) in commercial sections.

Top | Question Summary

Q. I know that providing my e-mail address involves risk. What do you suggest to minimize these risks?

A. We recommend that you use a special e-mail account exclusively for use on this site (e.g. one that you could easily abandon/change should a problem arise). Note that advertisers should use a permanent e-mail address since it may be required for various actions regarding ads (e.g. deletion requests, etc.). For additional considerations and tips, click here. For the importance of a permanent e-mail address for advertisers, click here.

Top | Question Summary

Q. May any e-mail address(es) I provide appear on the site?

A. Yes, ANY e-mail address(es) you provide may appear on this site.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Is e-mail secure?

A. No. E-mail is not secure. Note that by using this site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary (or sole) means of contacting you, that we are not required to encrypt/secure e-mail, and that we are not responsible if any problems occur, regardless of their cause/circumstances.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What are some dangers concerning e-mail? What are my responsibilities regarding e-mail?

A. E-mail is insecure. E-mail may be intercepted, forged, spied on/read by others, etc. You alone are responsible for ensuring that any e-mail that appears to come from us is really from us. Remember that by using this site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary (or sole) means of contacting you, that we are not required to encrypt/secure e-mail, that we may assume that all e-mail we send to you is received and viewed by you (and you alone), and that we may assume that any e-mail that might appear to be from you is really from you. Remember also that that we are not responsible if any problems occur, regardless of their cause/circumstances, and regardless of whether you contact us about them.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Are you required to encrypt e-mail you send to me?

A. No. We are not required to encrypt any e-mail we send to you. Note that by using this site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary (or sole) means of contacting you, that we are not required to encrypt/secure e-mail, and that we are not responsible if any problems occur, regardless of their cause/circumstances.

Top | Question Summary

Q. How can I be sure an e-mail came from you?

A. The fact that an e-mail may look as though it came from us (even if it includes links to our site, logos of ours, etc.), does not necessarily guarantee that it really did come from us. Remember that e-mail may be easily forged. If you receive an e-mail that appears to come from us but it asks for private information / requires you to "log on" / tells you that you have "won" something / is full of typos or poorly constructed sentences allegedly from us / is cryptic / contains anti-Catholic content allegedly from us / has unexpected attachments / contains offensive graphics allegedly from us / etc., you may assume that it is not from us. You should not respond to forged e-mail - including visiting websites indicated in the e-mail / viewing graphics / opening attachments / etc. [instead, consider reporting it to the proper governmental authorities (not us), your Internet service provider, etc.]. For assistance in determining whether an e-mail really did come from us, you may contact your Internet service provider / qualified administrator / etc., use applicable tools that may be available online / etc. Please do not contact us for assistance regarding such matters.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Is all e-mail that seems to come from you really from you? How do I know if e-mail is really from you?

A. All e-mail that may seem to come from us may not necessarily be from us. The fact that an e-mail may look as though it came from us (even if it includes links to our site, logos of ours, etc.), does not necessarily guarantee that it really did come from us. Remember that e-mail may be easily forged. If you receive an e-mail that appears to come from us but it asks for private information / requires you to "log on" / tells you that you have "won" something / is full of typos or poorly constructed sentences allegedly from us / is cryptic / contains anti-Catholic content allegedly from us / has unexpected attachments / contains offensive graphics allegedly from us / etc., you may assume that it is not from us. You should not respond to forged e-mail - including visiting websites indicated in the e-mail / viewing graphics / opening attachments / etc. [instead, consider reporting it to the proper governmental authorities (not us), your Internet service provider, etc.]. For assistance in determining whether an e-mail really did come from us, you may contact your Internet service provider / qualified administrator / etc., use applicable tools that may be available online / etc. Please do not contact us for assistance regarding such matters. 

Top | Question Summary

Q. If you receive an e-mail that appears to be from me (e.g. uses my e-mail address as the "from" address), are you required to authenticate it?

A. We are not required to authenticate any e-mail whatsoever. Remember that by requesting any ad(s) (or using this site) you agree to all our terms.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Who is responsible if there are problems related to e-mail?

A. As indicated, e-mail is insecure. E-mail may be intercepted, forged, spied on/read by others, etc. You alone are responsible for ensuring that any e-mail that appears to come from us is really from us. Remember that by using this site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary (or sole) means of contacting you, that we are not required to encrypt/secure e-mail, that we may assume that all e-mail we send to you is received and viewed by you (and you alone), and that we may assume that any e-mail that might appear to be from you is really from you. Remember also that that we are not responsible if any problems occur, regardless of their cause/circumstances, and regardless of whether you contact us about them.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What is an "ad enhancement"?

A. "Ad enhancements" refer to certain options that may be available, depending upon the ad type [e.g. second (red) headline]. They may require an additional processing fee and must be requested (and paid for) with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later. For current information regarding available "ad enhancements", see the details for each type of ad.

Top | Question Summary

Q. How do I purchase "ad enhancements"?

A. "Ad enhancements" may be requested only at the time of your original ad request. To request an "ad enhancement", you will need to choose the applicable option(s) corresponding to the desired "ad enhancement" with your original ad request (and pay the applicable fees). Be sure to also include the applicable information concerning your "ad enhancement" with your ad content submission.

Top | Question Summary

Q. May I add on an "ad enhancement" (e.g. a red headline) after submitting my ad request?

A. Sorry, no. "Ad enhancements" must be requested (and paid for) with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What happens if I pay for an ad without "ad enhancements" but submit ad content that includes "ad enhancements"?

A. If you request but do not pay for ad enhancement(s), we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site. Or, at our sole discretion, we may choose to delete the requested but unpaid for ad enhancement(s). Remember that "ad enhancements" must be requested and paid for with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later. You should be careful that what you pay for agrees with the content you submit. Also remember that all ad processing fees are non-refundable, whether or not your ad (or ad enhancement) appears on the site.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What happens if I pay for an "ad enhancement" but do not supply necessary content for the "ad enhancement" with my ad content submission?

A. If you pay for ad enhancement(s), but do not supply the necessary content for the ad enhancement(s) with your ad content submission, we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site. Or, we may schedule the ad without the ad enhancement(s), supply content of our choosing for the ad enhancement(s), etc. Remember that "ad enhancements" must be requested and paid for with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later. You should be careful that what you pay for agrees with the content you submit. Also remember that all ad processing fees are non-refundable, whether or not your ad (or ad enhancement) appears on the site.

Top | Question Summary

Q. I paid for an "ad enhancement", but decided I don't want it - what should I do?

A. You should not request an "ad enhancement" if you are not sure that you want it. If you have already paid the processing fee for a requested "ad enhancement", you may not receive a refund. When you submit your ad content, you should supply information for ad enhancements (e.g. a second headline) which you have already requested and paid for (e.g. to help avoid our supplying it for you - which we reserve the right to do).

Top | Question Summary

Q. Do you ever allow "ad enhancements" at no charge?

A. At our sole option, we may allow some "ad enhancements" at no charge. At our sole option, and with no recourse, we may even supply information to complete an "ad enhancement".

Top | Question Summary

Q. What is a "repeated ad"?

A. A "repeated ad" refers to an ad request in which the advertiser requests that an ad appear in an additional category(ies). This request must be made at the time of the original ad request, and may entitle the advertiser to a reduced processing fee for the repeated ad. For specific information regarding which commercial section(s) permit repeated ads, along with the maximum number of repeats and other information/terms, click here.

Top | Question Summary

Q. On "repeated ads", must they all be the same?

A. Yes. The content you submit for "repeated ads" must be identical (the only allowed difference is the additional category/type/etc.). Also, the options chosen must be the identical (e.g. red headline).

Top | Question Summary

Q. How can I request a "repeated ad"?

A. "Repeated ads" may be requested only at the time of your original ad request. To request a repeated ad, you will need to choose the applicable option for repeated ads with your original ad request (and pay the applicable processing fees). Be sure to also include the applicable information concerning your repeated ad with your ad content submission.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What is the maximum number of "repeated ads" that may be requested?

A. The maximum number of "repeated ads" that may be requested may vary by section. For more specific information regarding the maximum number of allowable "repeated ad" requests, click here.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What if I want to repeat an ad in more than the maximum number of categories for repeat ads?

A. You are free to submit additional ads (as applicable), but such ads will not be eligible for the discounted processing fees which may be available for repeat ads.

Top | Question Summary

Q. On "repeated ads", is there any guarantee that both ads will appear on the site?

A. No. There is no guarantee that either ad - or both ads - will appear on the site.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Do all "repeated ads" have the same disposition?

A. Not necessarily. Ads may vary in content/appearance, dates, appearance on site, etc.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What is the target cycle for a 'repeated ad'?

A. A 'repeated ad' should have the same target cycle as the original ad.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Are "repeated ads" independent or tied together?

A. After the initial ad request, "repeated ads" are generally independent (e.g. for renewals, deletions, etc.). In some cases, however, they may be treated together.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Is it considered an "ad repeat" if I take out two identical ads at different times?

A. No. Repeat ads must requested (and paid for) at the time of the original ad request/content submission.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Is it an "ad repeat" if two ads are different?

A. No. The content submitted for "repeated ads" must be identical (the only allowed difference is the additional category/type/etc.).

Top | Question Summary

Q. If I submit identical content to a previous ad, is this a repeated ad?

A. No. Only ads requested at the same time (and using the appropriate options) can be repeated ads.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Must repeated ads have the same options?

A. Yes, repeated ads must have the same options (e.g. second headline).

Top | Question Summary

Q. Must an ad repeats be on the same invoice?

A. Yes, ad repeats must be on the same invoice.

Top | Question Summary

Q. May I request a "repeat ad" after submitting my ad request?

A. Sorry, no. Repeat ad requests must be included (and paid for) with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What happens if I pay for an ad without an "ad repeat" but submit ad content that includes an "ad repeat"?

A. If you request but do not pay for an ad repeat(s), we may process but not schedule your ad(s). If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad(s) do not appear on this site. Or, at our sole discretion, we may choose to delete the requested but unpaid for ad repeat(s). Remember that "ad repeats" must be requested and paid for with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later. You should be careful that what you pay for agrees with the content you submit. Also remember that all ad processing fees are non-refundable, whether or not your ad(s) appears on the site.

Top | Question Summary

Q. What happens if I pay for an "ad repeat" but do not supply necessary content for the "ad repeat" with my ad content submission?

A. If you pay for ad repeats(s), but do not supply the necessary content for the ad repeat(s) with your ad content submission, we may process but not schedule your ad(s). If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad(s) do not appear on this site. Or, we may schedule the ad(s) and supply content of our choosing for the ad repeat(s). Remember that "ad repeats" must be requested and paid for with the original ad request/content submission and may not be added later. You should be careful that what you pay for agrees with the content you submit. Also remember that all ad processing fees are non-refundable, whether or not your ad(s) appears on the site.

Top | Question Summary

Q. I originally didn't want to repeat my ad, but I have changed my mind - what should I do?

A. If you have already requested your ad / paid the processing fee, it is too late to request an ad repeat. As applicable, you may request another ad.

Top | Question Summary

Q. I originally wanted (and paid for) a repeated ad, but I have changed my mind - what should I do?

A. You should not request a repeated ad if you are not sure that you want your ad to be repeated. If you have already paid the processing fee for a requested 'repeat ad', you may not receive a refund. When you submit your ad content, you should supply information for the ad repeat(s) which you have already requested and paid for (e.g. to help avoid our supplying it for you - which we reserve the right to do).

Top | Question Summary

Q. I paid for a repeat ad, but both are in the same category - can this be changed? If not, may I have a refund?

A. Sorry, no. We cannot change your ad or refund any processing fees. Remember that ad processing fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether a requested ad appears on the site, how long it appears, what content is displayed, what category(ies) it appears under, etc.

Top | Question Summary

Q. Does the standard free ad offer allow ad repeats?

A. No. Ad repeats are not allowed under the standard free ad offer.

Top | Question Summary

Q. If I repeat my ad, what is the order number I should use for renewals, deletion requests, etc.?

A. For repeated ads, use the same order number as the original ad [all associated repeated ad(s) will have the same order number].

Top | Question Summary

Q. Do you ever allow "ad repeats" at no charge?

A. At our sole option, we may allow some "ad repeats" at no charge. At our sole option, and with no recourse, we may even supply information to complete an "ad repeat".

Top | Question Summary

Continued On Next Page

Note: The above is not comprehensive.

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Saints4U (Click For More Information)

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Just Checkin' In (Click For More Information)

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