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Prayers, Novenas & Hymns (Mass / Holy Eucharist) |
Prayers, Novenas & Hymns | Prayers & Devotions Section |
Prayers, Novenas & Hymns:
Mass / Holy Eucharist (Cont.)
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Mass Prayer (After
O God of heaven and earth, my Jesus, the long-expected Messias,
what else can I do at this solemn moment, but adore thee in
silence, as my sovereign Master, and open to thee my whole heart,
as to its dearest King? Come, then, O Lord Jesus, come!
(Liturgical Year)
after the Consecration)
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Mass Prayer (At
Elevation of Sacred Host) |
English |
Lord and My God! |
meus et Deus meus! [Dóminus
meus et Deus meus!] |
at the elevation of the Sacred Host during Mass)
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Mass Prayer (At
Elevation of the Chalice) |
mindful, O Lord, of Thy creature, whom Thou hast redeemed by Thy
Precious Blood.
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Mass Prayer (At
Holy Communion) |
English |
Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul unto
everlasting life. Amen. |
Domini nostri Iesu Christi custodiat animam meam in vitam
aeternam. Amen. [Corpus
Dómini nostri Iesu Christi custódiat ánimam meam in vitam
ætérnam. Amen.] |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Mass Prayer (At
Offertory) |
that we have, O Lord, comes from thee, and belongs to thee; it is
just, therefore, that we return it unto thee. But how wonderful
art thou in the inventions of thy immense love! This bread which
we are offering to thee is to give place, in a few moments, to the
sacred Body of Jesus. We beseech thee, receive, together with this
oblation, our hearts which long to live by thee, and to cease to
live their own life of self. (Liturgical Year)
during the Offertory, united with the priest (in Traditional
'Tridentine' Mass)]
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Mass Prayer (Before
O God, to accept the offering which this thine assembled family
presents to thee as the homage of its most happy servitude. In
return, give us peace, save us from thy wrath, and number us among
the elect, through him who is coming to us - thy Son, our Savior.
Yea, Lord, this is the moment when this bread is to become his
sacred Body, which is our food; and this wine is to be changed
into his Blood, which is our drink. Ah! Delay no longer, but bring
us into the presence of this divine Son, our Savior! (Liturgical
before the Consecration)
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Mass Prayer (Before
Final Blessing) |
thanks be to thee, O adorable Trinity, for the mercy thou hast
shown to me, in permitting me to assist at this divine Sacrifice.
Pardon me the negligence and coldness wherewith I have received so
great a favor; and deign to confirm the blessing, which thy
minister is about to give me in thy name. (Liturgical Year)
before the priest gives the final blessing)
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Mass Prayer (Before
Gospel) |
These ears of mine are but too often defiled with the world's vain
words: cleanse them, O Lord, that so I may hear the words of
eternal life, and treasure them in my heart. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen. (Liturgical Year)
before the Gospel reading)
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Mass Prayer (Before
Holy Communion) |
English |
I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; but
only say the word and my soul shall be healed. |
non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic
verbo et sanabitur anima mea. [Dómine,
non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic
verbo et sanábitur ánima mea.] |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Mass Prayer (For
the Church) |
God, who manifestest thyself unto us by means of the mysteries
which thou hast entrusted to thy holy Church our mother, we
beseech thee, by the merits of this sacrifice, that thou wouldst
remove all those hindrances which oppose her during her pilgrimage
in this world. Give her peace and unity. Do thou thyself guide our
holy Father the Pope, thy Vicar on earth. Direct thou our Bishop,
who is our sacred link of unity; and watch over all the orthodox
children of the Catholic, apostolic, Roman Church. (Liturgical
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Mass Prayer (For
the Souls in Purgatory) |
Jesus! Let the happiness of this thy visit extend to every portion
of thy Church. Thy face gladdens the elect in the holy city; even
our mortal eyes can see thee beneath the veil of our delighted
faith; ah! Hide not thyself from those brethren of ours, who are
imprisoned in the abode of expiation. Be thou refreshment to them
in their flames, light in their darkness, and peace in their
agonies of torment. (Liturgical Year)
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Mass Prayer
(Precious Blood) |
and eternal God, who hast appointed thy only-begotten Son to be
the Redeemer of the world, and hast been pleased to be appeased by
his Blood: grant us, we beseech thee, so to venerate with solemn
worship the price of our salvation, and to be on earth so defended
by its power from the evils of this present life, that we may
rejoice in its perpetual fruit in heaven. Through the same Lord.
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Mass Prayer
(Relics) |
soldiers of Jesus Christ, who have mingled your own blood with
his, intercede for us, that our sins may be forgiven; that so we
may, like you, approach unto God. (Liturgical Year)
when priest kisses altar containing relics (in Traditional
'Tridentine' Mass)]
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Obsecro Te |
beseech Thee, most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, grant that Thy Passion
may be to me a power by which I may be strengthened, protected,
and defended. May Thy wounds be to me food and drink, by which I
may be nourished, inebriated and overjoyed. May the sprinkling of
Thy Blood be to me an ablution for all my sins. May Thy death
prove to me life everlasting, and Thy cross be to me an eternal
glory. In these be my refreshment, my joy, my preservation and
sweetness of heart. Who livest and reignest world without end.
"Said by priests after Mass to pardon faults / mistakes
during the celebration of Mass."]
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Offering of Self at
Mass |
Lord, to whom belongeth all that is in heaven and earth, I desire
to consecrate myself wholly unto Thee and to be Thine for
evermore. This day do I offer myself unto Thee, O Lord, in
singleness of heart, to serve and obey Thee always, and I offer
Thee without ceasing a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.
Receive me, O my Savior, in union with the holy oblation of Thy
Precious Blood which I offer unto Thee this day, in the presence
of angels, that this sacrifice may avail unto my salvation and
that of the whole world. (St. Andrew's Missal)
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Offering of the
Precious Blood at Mass |
Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in
atonement for my sins, and in supplication for the holy souls in
purgatory, and for the needs of holy Church. (Raccolta)
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Panis Angelicus |
Here for 'Panis Angelicus'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer After Holy
Communion (1) |
hast visited me, O God, in these days of my pilgrimage; give me
grace to treasure up the fruits of this visit for my future
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (2) |
fed, O Lord, with heavenly dainties, we beseech thee, that we may
always hunger after them, for by them we have true life. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen. (Postcommunion)
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (3) |
beseech thee, O almighty God, that we may one day receive the
effects of that salvation, of which we have received the pledge in
these mysteries. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Postcommunion)
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (4) |
this communion, O Lord, cleanse us from sin: and by the
intercession of Blessed Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, may it
unite us in him who is the heavenly healer of our souls. Through
the same. (Postcommunion)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer After Holy
Communion (5) |
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who according to the
will of the Father, with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, hast
by Thy death given life unto the world, deliver me by Thy most
sacred Body, which I, unworthy, have presumed to receive, from all
my iniquities and from every evil, and make me ever to hold fast
to Thy commandments and suffer me never to be separated from Thee.
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (6) |
Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who according to the will of
the Father, through the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, hast, by
thy death, given life to the world; deliver me by this thy most
sacred Body and Blood from all mine iniquities, and from all
evils; and make me always adhere to thy commandments, and never
suffer me to be separated from thee, who with the same God the
Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest God for ever and
ever. Amen. (Liturgical Year)
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (7) |
good Jesus, I pray Thee to bless me; keep me in Thy love; grant me
the grace of final perseverance. Help me to become a saint.
Safeguarded by Thee in soul and in body, may I never swerve from
the right road, but surely reach Thy kingdom, where - not in dim
mysteries, as in this dark world of ours, but - face to face we
shall look upon Thee. There wilt Thou satisfy me with Thyself and
fill me with such sweetness that I shall neither hunger nor thirst
forevermore: Who with God the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and
reignest world without end.
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (8) |
Lord Jesus Christ, most sweet and most kind, who even now, of Thy
great goodness, has entered into this poor and humble abode, adorn
it and enrich it with Thy treasures, that it may be made worthy of
Thine indwelling. Take up Thy rest therein, that my heart may find
its rest in Thee alone. Let it not suffice Thee, O Lord, to have
given me Thy sacred Body; give me also the treasures of grace
which Thou bringest with thee; for it will profit me little to eat
the Bread of Life, if I remain unfed by Thy grace. Give me, O
Lord, a heart completely transformed into Thee by love; give me a
life that shall be all Thine, a quiet death that shall be the
beginning of eternal life. That is what I look for, pray and hope
for from Thee, my eternal God, by virtue of this Blessed
Sacrament. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (9) |
then, the aged Simeon, who is permitted to take thee into his
arms; but oh! How happier I! Who have received into myself, and
now hold within me, thee, my Jesus, the Bread of Life! Blessed be
thou for ever, O my God! For that thou hast treated with such
incomprehensible familiarity this the poorest of all thy servants!
I thank thee, and glorify thee, as did the Shepherds, who went so
eagerly to Bethlehem, and returned glorifying and praising God for
all they had heard and seen; and with such glowing words did they
praise thee, that all that heard, wondered at those things that
were told them by the Shepherds. So too will I open my lips, and
borrowing the words of a Son of Bethlehem, David thy ancestor, I
will say: All ye that fear God, come and hear, and I will tell you
what great things he hath done to my soul. (From Post-Communion 'Act of Thanksgiving')
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (10) |
hast told us, O Lord Jesus, in the Holy Gospel that, 'If you ask
the Father anything in My name He will give it to you'. Therefore,
'in Thy name', relying upon Thy merits, and uniting myself to
Thee, who art continually interceding for us in heaven and in the
Holy Eucharist, I ask the Father to grant all those graces
necessary for me that I may ever do His holy will. Holy Father,
seeing that Communion partakes of the efficacy of Holy Mass, which
is the same as that of Calvary, I pray Thee, in the name of Jesus
Christ, to grant me all the graces that Thou wouldst have accorded
me had I been at the foot of the Cross when Thy divine Son died
for us. His blood was shed for us; therefore may its saving power
reach all souls and may they be gathered to Thee. Give to me, O
God, and to all men, Thy grace in this world and Thy glory in the
next. Amen. (St. Andrew's Missal)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer After Holy
Communion (Mary & the Angels and Saints) (1) |
Mary, pray for me that I may profit by this visit of thy divine
Son. Ye holy angels of God, defend me against my enemies, for your
Lord has made me his dwelling-place. All ye saints of God, pray
for me, that I may never lose this sovereign Good, with whom ye
are united for a happy eternity. Amen.
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Prayer After Holy
Communion (Mary & the Angels and Saints) (2) |
Mary! By the joy that filled thy maternal heart at the
Resurrection of thy Jesus, I beseech thee to intercede for me with
Him, that I may never lose the grace of the visit he has this day
granted me. Ye holy angels of God, who adore him now dwelling
within me, be solicitous for the holiness and purity of my soul
and body! All ye Saints of God, pray for me, that I may ever be
faithful to him whom ye loved on earth, and now possess as your
infinite Good and your eternal happiness! Amen. (Liturgical Year)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer After Holy
Communion (St. Thomas Aquinas) |
Here for 'Prayer
After Holy Communion (St. Thomas Aquinas)'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer Before a
Crucifix (Vers. 1) |
Here for 'Prayer
Before a Crucifix (Vers. 1)'
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Prayer Before a
Crucifix (Vers. 2) |
Here for 'Prayer
Before a Crucifix (Vers. 2)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer Before Holy
Communion (1) |
heavenly Physician! Make us worthy of the food thou givest us!
(14-15th Century Sequence)
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Prayer Before Holy
Communion (2) |
the receiving of Thy Body, O Lord, Jesus Christ, which I, though
unworthy, do presume to receive, turn not to me for judgement and
condemnation, but according to Thy mercy, let it be profitable to
me for the receiving of protection and healing, both of soul and
body: Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. (Roman Missal)
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Prayer Before Holy
Communion (3) |
Mother of tender mercy, most Blessed Virgin Mary, I am a wretched
and unworthy sinner, yet I fly to thee with all my heart and all
my affection; I implore thy loving-kindness, that even as thou
didst stand beside thy dear Son as He hung upon the Cross, so thou
wilt mercifully deign to stand beside me, a miserable sinner, and
beside all thy faithful people as we receive the most sacred Body
of thy Son, to the end that we may be enabled to receive It
worthily and fruitfully. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Prayer Before Mass |
from our hearts, O Lord, all those sins, which make us unworthy to
appear in thy presence; we ask this of thee by thy divine Son, our
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Prayer Before the
Blessed Sacrament / Consecration (St. Alphonsus Liguori) |
Here for 'Prayer
Before the Blessed Sacrament / Consecration (St. Alphonsus Liguori)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer For Children
(Holy Eucharist) |
Jesus, who hast loved us with such exceeding great love as to give
us the ineffable gift of the Holy Eucharist, inflame us with a
burning zeal to promote Thy glory by preparing worthily the little
children who are to approach Thy holy table for the first time.
Protect, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, these young souls from the
assaults of evil, strengthen their faith, increase their love and
endow them with all the virtues that will make them worthy to
receive Thee. Amen.
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Prayer for
Deliverance From Evil |
many, O Lord, are the evils which beset us! Evils past, which are
the wounds left on the soul by her sins, which strengthen her
wicked propensities. Evils present - that is, the sins now, at
this very time, upon our soul; the weakness of this poor soul, and
the temptations which molest her. There are, also, future evils -
that is, the chastisement which our sins deserve from the hand of
thy justice. In presence of this Host of our salvation, we beseech
thee, O Lord, to deliver us from all these evils, and to accept in
our favor the intercession of Mary the Mother of Jesus, and of the
holy apostles, Peter and Paul and Andrew: liberate us, break our
chains, give us peace: through Jesus Christ, thy Son, who with
thee liveth and reigneth God. (Liturgical Year)
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Prayer for Peace
& Prosperity (After Holy Communion) |
thy merciful forgiveness, O Lord, and through the intercession of
Blessed Mary ever Virgin, may our reception of Holy Communion avail us to the
ensuring, now and always, of peace and prosperity. Through Christ
our Lord.
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Prayer for Worthy
Reception of Holy Viaticum at Death (St. Bridget of Sweden) |
Here for 'Prayer for
Worthy Reception of Holy Viaticum at Death (St. Bridget of Sweden)'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in
Preparation for Holy Communion (St. Ambrose) |
Here for 'Prayer
in Preparation for Holy Communion (St. Ambrose)'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in
Preparation for Holy Communion (St. Thomas Aquinas) |
Here for 'Prayer
in Preparation for Holy Communion (St. Thomas Aquinas)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer in the
Lord's House (1) |
this temple, O most high God, be present when thou art called
upon; and in thy merciful goodness receive our suppliant vows;
here pour out ever thy copious benedictions. Here may all merit to
obtain what they request, and to keep what they have obtained: so
that, when taken into their rest, they may enter paradise for ever
with the saints. Glory and honor be in all places to God most
high: equally to the Father, and to the Son, and to the glorious
Paraclete, to whom belong praise and power through everlasting
ages. Amen. (Seventh Century Hymn)
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Prayer in the
Lord's House (2) |
therefore beseech thee, O Lord, in this thy house, by the grace of
thy Holy Spirit, may the sick be healed, the infirm restored to
strength, the lame cured, the lepers cleansed, the blind
enlightened, demons cast out. May all miseries and weaknesses be
driven away, by thy favor, O Lord, and the bonds of all sins be
loosed. Thus may all who enter this temple for the purpose of
rightly asking thy benefits rejoice to find all their petitions
granted; so that, having obtained the mercy they sought, they may
glory in the eternal munificence of thy tender compassion. Through
the same Lord. (Preface)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of a Priest
(After Mass) |
Here for 'Prayer
of a Priest (After Mass)'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of Adoration
(Holy Eucharist) |
adore Thee, O Jesus, true God and true Man, here present in the
Holy Eucharist, humbly kneeling before Thee and united in spirit
with all the faithful on earth and all the blessed in heaven. In
deepest gratitude for so great a blessing, I love Thee, my Jesus,
with my whole heart, for Thou art all perfect and all worthy of
love. Give me grace nevermore in any way to offend Thee, and grant
that I, being refreshed by Thy Eucharistic presence here on earth,
may be found worthy to come to the enjoyment with Mary of Thine
eternal and ever-blessed presence in heaven. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Prayer of Adoration
(Precious Blood) |
Here for 'Prayer
of Adoration (Precious Blood)'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of Adoration
& Faith (Blessed Sacrament) |
my God, I firmly believe that Thou art really and corporally
present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I adore Thee here
present from the very depths of my heart, and I worship Thy sacred
presence with all possibly humility. O my soul, what joy to have
Jesus Christ always with us, and to be able to speak to Him, heart
to heart, with all confidence. Grant, O Lord, that I, having
adored Thy divine Majesty here on earth in this wonderful
Sacrament, may be able to adore It eternally in heaven. Amen.
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Prayer of Adoration &
ing (Blessed Sacrament)
Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine! All praise and all
thanksgiving be every moment Thine!
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Prayer of Adoration
Before the Holy Eucharist |
My God, I adore Thee here present in the Sacrament of Thy
before the Holy Eucharist)
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Prayer of Adoration
of the Precious Blood |
Precious Blood! Thou price of my salvation! I adore thee! Wash
away my sins and make me whiter than snow.
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Prayer of Love
(Blessed Sacrament) |
O my most loving Jesus, how far Thine exceeding love hath reached!
Of Thine own Flesh and Most Precious Blood Thou hast prepared for
me a divine table in order to give Thyself wholly to me. What hath
impelled Thee to such transports of love? Nothing else surely save
Thy most loving Heart. O adorable Heart of my Jesus, burning
furnace of divine charity, receive my heart within Thy most sacred
wound; to the end that in this school of love, I may learn to make
a return of love to the God who hath given me such wondrous proofs
of His love. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Prayer of Praise
(Blessed Sacrament) |
the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised,
adored, and loved with grateful affection at every moment, in all
the tabernacles of the world, even until the end of time. Amen.
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Prayer of Praise
& Adoration (Holy Eucharist) |
English |
and adoration ever more be given to the most holy Sacrament. |
et adoretur in aeternum sanctissimum Sacramentum. [Laudétur
et adorétur in ætérnum sanctíssimum Sacraméntum.] |
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of St.
Bonaventure (Recited After Holy Communion) |
Here for 'Prayer
of St. Bonaventure (Recited After Holy Communion)'
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Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (1)
fed, O Lord, with the sacred gift, we give thee thanks, humbly
beseeching thy mercy, that thou wouldst make us worthy of its
reception. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Postcommunion)
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Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (2) |
give thee thanks for this, and for every Communion thou hast
hitherto so graciously given me. Deign to enlighten me more and
more as to the magnificence of thy gift; deign to cherish within
me the sentiment of love; that thus my longings for thy visit may
be increased; that I may know how to honor, as I ought, thy
presence within me; and that I may never dare to approach thee out
of custom, or without my conscience assuring me that I am bringing
with me the profound respect due to thee. (Liturgical Year)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (3) |
delectable is the sweetness of Thy heavenly Bread! How admirable
is the tranquilly and how perfect the peace of him who receives
Thee, after the contrite and sincere confession of his sins! Be
Thou blessed a thousand times, my Jesus! When I was in sin, I was
unhappy; but now not only is my soul at peace, but I seem to have
a foretaste of the peace of paradise! Ah, how true it is, that our
hearts were made for Thee, my beloved Lord, and that they rest
only when they rest in Thee! Therefore do I give Thee thanks and
firmly purpose evermore to avoid sin and its occasions and to fix
my abode in Thy divine Heart, whence I look for help to love Thee
even unto death. Amen. (Raccolta)
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (4)
shall I render to the Lord for all the favors and graces He has
bestowed upon me? What great blessings both known and unknown have
I not received, and to all this have I replied only with
ingratitude. But having Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, in my heart, I
can at this very moment, pay my whole debt of gratitude to
almighty God. For this purpose I unite myself to that infinite act
of thanksgiving rising continually from Thy Sacred Heart. Thou
knowest well all the gifts I have received from Thy divine
goodness ever since I was placed in the world and born again to
the life of grace. Do Thou, O Lord, render for me due thanks to
the most Holy Trinity, since in union with Thine own giving of
thanks do I desire to make my thanksgiving consist. (St. Andrew's
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (5)
greatness, O my God, is infinite; but thy goodness to me is
incomprehensible. Thy being now present within this breast of mine
is, I know, a proof of that immense power which shows itself where
and when it wills; but it is also a mark of thy love for me. Thou
hast come to my soul, that thou mayst be closely united with her,
comfort her, give her a new life, and bring her all good things.
Oh! Who will teach me how to value this grace, and thank thee for
it in a becoming way? But how shall I hope to value it as I ought,
when I am not able to understand either the love that brings thee
thus within me, or my own need of having thee? And when I think of
my inability to make thee a suitable return of thanks, I feel as
though I can give thee nothing but my speechless gratitude. Yet
thou willest that this my heart, poor as it is, should give thee
its thanks; thou takest delight in receiving its worthless homage.
Take it, then, my loving Jesus! I give it thee with all possible
joy, and beseech thee to reveal unto me the immensity of thy gift,
and to enrich me more that I may give thee more. (Gueranger)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers
& Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (6)
is another homage which I owe to thee, O my God! It is gratitude.
Thou often invitest me to partake of the divine gift, wherewith
thou, before leaving this earth, didst enrich us. But woe to me
if, because I can easily and often have it, I value so much the
less its greatness! Wretched familiarity, which blunts the
sentiment of gratitude, and deadens faith, and takes all ardor
from love; may thy grace, O Lord, preserve me from its vile
influence. For thousands of years the human race was in
expectation of the favor, which thou hast just been bestowing upon
me. Abraham, the father of believers; Moses, thy much-loved
friend; David, the inspired chanter of thy mysteries: none of
these received thee; and this Bread of angels has come down from
heaven for me! Oh! Unheard of goodness of a God incorporating
himself with his creature! Who is there that could measure its
length and breadth, or scan its height, or fathom its depth? These
expressions of thine apostle regarding the mystery just given to
me teach me what is the value of the wondrous gift thou hast
bestowed upon mankind. With what humble and lively gratitude,
then, should it be received! Thou hast not been deterred, either
by my nothingness or by the coldness of my feelings, or my
infidelities; be thou blessed then, my Lord, for that out of thy
desire to give thyself to me thou hast overstepped every limit,
and removed every obstacle. I give thee thanks for this, and for
every Communion thou hast hitherto so graciously given me. Deign
to enlighten me more and more as to the magnificence of thy gift;
deign to cherish within me the sentiment of love; that thus my
longings for thy visit may be increased; that I may know how to
honor, as I ought, thy presence within me; and that I may never
dare to approach thee out of custom, or without my conscience
assuring me that I am bringing with me the profound respect due to
thee. (Liturgical Year)
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer of
ing After Holy Communion (During
Easter Time)
my Jesus! Would that I had power to acknowledge as it deserves the
favor of this thy visit. Thou art come to me in order to give me a
share in thine own life. I am weak: the mere remembrance of thy
Resurrection would not suffice to give me perseverance in the new
life it has merited for me: I needed thee, and thou hast
graciously come to me, silently and humbly, and yet with all thine
omnipotence and glory. When thou didst visit thine Apostles on the
day of thy Resurrection, thou saidst to them: 'It is I, fear not!'
So, too, thou speakest to my soul: thou biddest me fear not at the
sight of thy majesty and mine own misery and unworthiness. The
sweet greeting given to them is now given to me: 'Peace be thou,
my Jesus, for the provident and tender love wherewith thou hast
visited me, broken the chains of my captivity, made me a partaker
in thy triumph, fortified me against my enemies; and all this by
putting within me thine own immortal life by the Communion I have
just received! I will say, then, with the Royal Prophet: 'Bless
the Lord, O my soul! And let all that is within me bless his holy
name! Bless the Lord, O my soul! And never forget all he hath done
for thee! He hath redeemed thy life from destruction: he hath
renewed thy youth as that of the eagle.' (Liturgical Year)
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Prayer to Jesus (3) |
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to Jesus (3)'
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Prayer to Our Lady
After Holy Communion |
Mary, most holy Virgin Mother, lo, I have received thy
well-beloved Son, Whom thou didst conceive in thy stainless womb,
didst bring forth and suckle, and enfold in thy sweet embraces.
See, humbly and lovingly I give back to thee the Son Whom it was
all rapture and delight for thee to look upon; I offer Him to be
clasped in thy arms, to be loved with all thy heart, and to be
offered up to the Holy Trinity in the supreme homage of adoration,
for thy honor and glory, and for my needs and those of all
mankind. Most loving Mother, I beg thee to obtain for me
forgiveness of all my sins, grace in abundance to serve Him more
faithfully from now onward, and lastly, final perseverance, so
that I may praise Him with thee forever and ever. Amen.
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Prayer to St.
Tarcisius |
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to St. Tarcisius'
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Devotions Sctn. |
Prayer to the
Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament |
to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
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Devotions Sctn. |
Spiritual Communion
Prayer |
Thy feet, O my Jesus, I prostrate myself and I offer Thee the
repentance of my contrite heart, which is humbled in its
nothingness and in Thy holy presence. I adore Thee in the
Sacrament of Thy love, the ineffable Eucharist. I desire to
receive Thee into the poor dwelling that my heart offers Thee.
While waiting for the happiness of sacramental Communion, I wish
to possess Thee in spirit. Come to me, O my Jesus, since I, for my
part, am coming to Thee! May Thy love embrace my whole being in
life and in death. I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee.
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Spiritual Communion
Prayer (St. Alphonsus Liguori) |
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Communion Prayer (St. Alphonsus Liguori)'
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Misc. |
Lord our God, we offer Thee our hearts united in the strongest and
most sincere love of brotherhood; we pray that Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament may be the daily food of our souls and bodies;
that Jesus may be established as the center of our affections,
even as He was for Mary and Joseph. Finally, O Lord, may sin never
disturb our union on earth; and may we be eternally united in
heaven with Thee and Mary and Joseph and with all Thy Saints.
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/ Short Prayers
to Our Lord Jesus Christ
of Praise / Adoration / Thanksgiving
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