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Prayers, Novenas & Hymns (Hymns/Seq./Antiphons) |
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Hymns / Sequences / Antiphons
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Adoro Te (St.
Thomas Aquinas) |
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Te (St. Thomas Aquinas)'
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Alma Redemptoris
Mater (Antiphon) |
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Redemptoris Mater (Antiphon)'
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Ave Maris Stella |
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Maris Stella'
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Ave Regina Caelorum
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Irae (Sequence)
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English |
of wrath and doom impending, David's word with Sibyl's
blending, Heaven and earth in ashes ending! O what fear
man's bosom rendeth, When from heaven the Judge descendeth,
On whose sentence all dependeth! Wondrous sound the trumpet
flingeth, Through earth's sepulchres it ringeth, All before
the throne it bringeth. Death is struck, and nature quaking,
All creation is awaking, To its Judge an answer making. Lo!
The book exactly worded, Wherein all hath been recorded;
Thence shall judgment be awarded. When the Judge His seat
attaineth, And each hidden deed arraigneth, Nothing
unavenged remaineth. What shall I, frail man, be pleading?
Who for me be interceding, When the just are mercy needing?
King of majesty tremendous, Who dost free salvation send us,
Fount of pity, then befriend us! Think, kind Jesu! - My
salvation caused Thy wondrous Incarnation; Leave me not to
reprobation. Faint and weary Thou hast sought me, On the
Cross of suffering bought me; Shall such grace be vainly
brought me? Righteous Judge! For sin's pollution Grant Thy
gift of absolution, Ere that day of retribution. Guilty, now
I pour my moaning, All my shame with anguish owning; Spare,
O God, thy suppliant groaning! Through the sinful woman
shriven, Through the dying thief forgiven, Thou to me a hope
hast given. Worthless are my prayers and sighing, Yet, good
Lord, in grace complying, Rescue me from fires undying. With
Thy sheep a place provide me, From the goats afar divide me,
To Thy right hand do thou guide me. When the wicked are
confounded, Doomed to shame and woe unbounded, Call me, with
thy Saints surrounded. Low I kneel, with heart's submission,
See, like ashes my contrition! Help me in my last condition!
Ah! That day of tears and mourning! From the dust of earth
returning, Man for judgment must prepare him: Spare, O God,
in mercy spare him! Lord, all-pitying, Jesu blest, Grant
them thine eternal rest. Amen. |
irae, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla: Teste David cum
Sibylla. Quantus tremor est futurus, Quando Iudex est
venturus, Cuncta stricte discussurus! Tuba mirum spargens
sonum Per sepulcra regionum Coget omnes ante thronum. Mors
stupebit et natura, Cum resurget creatura Iudicanti
responsura. Liber scriptus proferetur, In quo totum
continetur, Unde mundus iudicetur. Iudex ergo cum sedebit,
Quidquid latet, apparebit: Nil inultum remanebit. Quid sum
miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus? Cum vix iustus
sit securus? Rex tremendae maiestatis, Qui salvandos salvas
gratis, Salva me, fons pietatis. Recordare, Iesu pie, Quod
sum causa tuae viae, Ne me perdas illa die. Quaerens me,
sedisti lassus; Redemisti, crucem passus; Tantus labor non
sit cassus. Iuste Iudex ultionis, Donum fac remissionis Ante
diem rationis. Ingemisco tamquam reus; Culpa rubet vultus
meus; Supplicanti parce, Deus. Qui Mariam absolvisti, Et
latronem exaudisti, Mihi quoque spem dedisti. Preces meae
non sunt dignae; Sed tu bonus fac benigne Ne perenni cremer
igne. Inter oves locum praesta, Et ab haedis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextra. Confutatis maledictis, Flammis
acribus addictis, Voca me cum benedictis. Oro supplex et
acclinis, Cor contritum quasi cinis: Gere curam mei finis.
Lacrymosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla Iudicandus homo
reus. Huic ergo parce, Deus; Pie Iesu Domine, Dona eis
requiem. Amen. [Dies
iræ, dies illa, Solvet sæclum in favílla: Teste David cum
Sibýlla. Quantus tremor est futúrus, Quando Iudex est
ventúrus, Cuncta stricte discussúrus! Tuba mirum spargens
sonum Per sepúlcra regiónum Coget omnes ante thronum. Mors
stupébit et natúra, Cum resúrget creatúra Iudicánti
responsúra. Liber scriptus proferétur, In quo totum
continétur, Unde mundus iudicétur. Iudex ergo cum sedébit,
Quidquid latet, apparébit: Nil inúltum remanébit. Quid
sum miser tunc dictúrus? Quem patrónum rogatúrus? Cum vix
iustus sit secúrus? Rex trémendæ maiestátis, Qui
salvándos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietátis.
Recordáre, Iesu pie, Quod sum causa tuæ viæ, Ne me perdas
illa die. Quærens me, sedísti lassus; Redemísti, crucem
passus; Tantus labor non sit cassus. Iuste Iudex ultiónis,
Donum fac remissiónis Ante diem ratiónis. Ingemísco
tamquam reus; Culpa rubet vultus meus; Supplicánti parce,
Deus. Qui Maríam absolvísti, Et latrónem exaudísti, Mihi
quoque spem dedísti. Preces meæ non sunt dignæ; Sed tu
bonus fac benígne Ne perénni cremer igne. Inter oves locum
præsta, Et ab hædis me sequéstra, Státuens in parte
dextra. Confutátis maledíctis, Flammis ácribus addíctis,
Voca me cum benedíctis. Oro supplex et acclínis, Cor
contrítum quasi cinis: Gere curam mei finis. Lacrymósa
dies illa, Qua resúrget ex favílla Iudicándus homo reus.
Huic ergo parce, Deus; Pie Iesu Dómine, Dona eis réquiem.
Amen.] |
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Evening Hymn (Ambrosian) |
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Hymn (Ambrosian)'
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
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Greater Antiphons /
O Antiphons (12/17-12/23) |
English |
17: O Wisdom, who camest out of the mouth of the Most
High, reaching from end to end and ordering all things
mightily and sweetly: come and teach us the way of prudence.
18: O Adonai, and Leader of the house of Israel, who
didst appear to Moses in the flame of the burning bush, and
didst give unto him the law on Sinai: come and with an
outstretched arm redeem us.
19: O Root of Jesse, who standest for an ensign of the
people, before whom kings shall keep silence, and unto whom
the Gentiles shall make their supplication: come to deliver
us, and tarry not.
20: O Key of David, and Sceptre of the house of Israel,
who openest and no man shutteth, who shuttest and no man
openeth: come and bring forth from his prison-house, the
captive that sitteth in darkness and in the shadow of death.
21: O Dawn of the East, brightness of the light eternal,
and Sun of Justice, come and enlighten them that sit in
darkness and in the shadow of death.
22: O King of the Gentiles and the desired of them, Thou
cornerstone that makest both one, come and deliver man, whom
Thou didst form out of the dust of the earth.
23: O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, the expected of
the nations and their Savior, come to save us, O Lord our
God. |
O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi prodiisti, attingens
a fine usque ad finem, fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:
veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae. 12-18:
O Adonai, et dux domus Israel, qui Moysi in igne flammae
rubi apparuisti, et ei in Sina legem dedisti: veni ad
redimendum nos in brachio extento. 12-19:
O Radix Jesse, qui stas in signum populorum, super quem
continebunt reges os suum, quem Gentes deprecabuntur: veni
ad liberandum nos, jam noli tardare. 12-20:
O Clavis David, et sceptrum domus Israel; qui aperis, et
nemo claudit, claudis, et nemo aperit: veni, et educ vinctum
de domo carceris, sedentem in tenebris, et umbra mortis. 12-21:
O Oriens, splendor lucis aeternae, et sol justitiae: veni et
illumina sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis. 12-22:
O Rex Gentium, et desideratus earum, lapisque angularis, qui
facis utraque unum: veni, et salva hominem, quem de limo
formasti. 12-23:
O Emmanuel, Rex et legifer noster, exspectatio Gentium, et
Salvator earum: veni ad salvandum nos, Domine Deus noster. |
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Hymn of Praise
(Jesus) (1) |
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Hymn of Praise
(Jesus) (2) |
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of Praise (Jesus) (2)'
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Morning Hymn (Ambrosian) |
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Hymn (Ambrosian)'
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O Salutaris Hostia |
English |
saving Victim, opening wide The gate of heaven to man below!
Our foes press on from every side: Thine aid supply, Thy
strength bestow. To Thy great Name be endless praise,
Immortal Godhead, One in Three! Oh, grant us endless length
of days In our true native land with Thee. Amen. |
Salutaris Hostia, Quae caeli pandis ostium Bella premunt
hostilia, Da robur fer auxilium. Uni Trinoque Domino, Sit
sempiterna gloria Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in
patria. Amen. |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Panis Angelicus |
English |
of Angels...
English translations vary widely) |
angelicus Fit panis hominum; Dat panis caelicus Figuris
terminum: O res mirabilis! Manducat Dominum Pauper, servus,
et humilis. Te trina Deitas unaque poscimus, Sic nos tu
visita, sicut te colimus: Per tuas semitas duc nos quo
tendimus, Ad lucem quam inhabitas. Amen. |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Stabat Mater
Reminder: Wording / capitalization / punctuation /
etc. may vary |
English |
At the Cross her station keeping,
Stood the mournful Mother weeping,
Close to Jesus to the last.
Through her heart, His sorrow sharing,
All His bitter anguish bearing,
Now at length sword had passed.
O how sad and sore distressed
Was that Mother, highly blessed
Of the sole-begotten One!
Christ above in torment hangs,
She beneath beholds the pangs
Of her dying glorious Son.
Is there one who would not weep,
Whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Can the human heart refrain
From partaking in her pain,
In that Mother's pain untold?
Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled,
She beheld her tender Child,
All with bloody scourges rent.
For the sins of His own nation,
Saw Him hang in desolation,
Till his spirit forth He sent.
O thou Mother! fount of love,
Touch my spirit from above,
Make my heart with thine accord.
Make me feel as thou hast felt;
Make my soul to glow and melt
With the love of Christ my Lord.
Holy Mother, pierce me through!
In my heart each wound renew
Of my Savior crucified.
Let me share with thee His pain,
Who for all my sins was slain,
Who for me in torment died.
Let me mingle tears with thee,
Mourning Him who mourned for me,
All the days that I may live.
By the Cross with thee to stay,
There with thee to weep and pray,
Is all I ask of thee to give.
Virgin of all virgins blest,
Listen to my fond request:
Let me share thy grief divine.
Let me, to my latest breath,
In my body bear the death
Of that dying Son of thine.
Wounded with His every wound,
Steep my soul till it hath swooned
In His very blood away.
Be to me, O Virgin, nigh,
Lest in flames I burn and die,
In His awful Judgment Day.
Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence,
Be Thy Mother my defense,
Be Thy Cross my victory.
While my body here decays,
May my soul Thy goodness praise,
Safe in Paradise with Thee.
Amen. |
Stabat Mater dolorósa
Iuxta Crucem lacrimósa,
Dum pendébat Fílius.
Cuius ánimam geméntem
Contristátam et doléntem
Pertransívit gládius,
O quam tristis et afflícta
Fuit illa benedícta
Mater Unigéniti!
Quæ mærébat et dolébat,
Pia Mater, dum vidébat
Nati pœnas ínclyti.
Quis est homo, qui non fleret
Matrem Christi si vidéret
In tanto supplício?
Quis non posset contristári
Christi Matrem contemplári
Doléntem cum Fílio?
Pro peccátis suæ gentis
Vidit Iesum in torméntis,
Et flagéllis súbditum.
Vidit suum dulcem Natum
Moriéndo desolátum,
Dum emísit spíritum.
Eia Mater, fons amóris,
Me sentíre vim dolóris
Fac, ut tecum lúgeam.
Fac, ut árdeat cor meum
In amándo Christum Deum,
Ut sibi compláceam.
Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifíxi fige plagas
Cordi meo válide.
Tui Nati vulneráti,
Tam dignáti pro me pati,
Pœnas mecum dívide.
Fac me tecum pie flere,
Crucifíxo condolére,
Donec ego víxero.
Iuxta Crucem tecum stare,
Et me tibi sociáre
In planctu desídero.
Virgo vírginum præclára,
Mihi iam non sis amára,
Fac me tecum plángere.
Fac, ut portem Christi mortem,
Passiónis fac consórtem,
Et plagas recólere.
Fac me plagas vulnerári,
Fac me Cruce inebriári,
Et cruóre Fílii.
Flammis ne urar succénsus,
Per te, Virgo, sim defénsus
In die iudícii.
Christe, cum sit hinc exíre,
Da per Matrem me veníre
Ad palmam victóriæ.
Quando corpus moriétur,
Fac, ut ánimæ donétur
Paradísi glória.
Mater dolorósa Iuxta Crucem lacrimósa, Dum pendébat
Fílius. Cuius ánimam geméntem, Contristátam et doléntem
Pertransívit gládius. O quam tristis et afflícta Fuit
illa benedícta Mater Unigéniti! Quæ mærébat et dolébat,
Pia Mater, dum vidébat Nati poenas ínclyti. Quis est homo,
qui non fleret Matrem Christi si vidéret In tanto
supplício? Quis non posset contristári Christi Matrem
contemplári Doléntem cum Fílio? Pro peccátis suæ gentis
Vidit Iesum in torméntis, Et flagéllis súbditum. Vidit
suum dulcem Natum Moriéndo desolátum, Dum emísit
spíritum. Eja Mater, fons amóris, Me sentíre vim dolóris Fac, ut tecum
lúgeam. Fac ut árdeat cor meum In amándo
Christum Deum, Ut sibi compláceam. Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifíxi fige plagas Cordi meo válide. Tui Nati
vulneráti, Tam dignáti pro me pati, Poenas mecum dívide.
Fac me tecum pie flere, Crucifíxo condolére, Donec ego
víxero. Iuxta Crucem tecum stare, Et me tibi sociáre In
planctu desídero. Virgo vírginum præclára, Mihi iam non
sis amára, Fac me tecum plángere. Fac ut portem Christi
mortem, Passiónis fac consórtem, Et plagas recólere. Fac
me plagis vulnerári, Fac me Cruce inebriári, Et cruóre
Fílii. Flammis ne urar succénsus, Per te, Virgo, sim
defénsus In die iudícii. Christe, cum sit hinc exíre, Da
per Matrem me veníre Ad palmam victóriæ. Quando corpus
moriétur, Fac ut ánimæ donétur Paradísi glória. Amen.] |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Veni Creator
Spiritus (Hymn for Pentecost) |
English |
Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our souls take up Thy
rest, come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, and fill the
hearts which Thou hast made. To Thee, the Comforter, we cry,
to Thee, the gift of God most high, the fount of life, the
fire of love, the soul's anointing from above. The sevenfold
gifts of grace are Thine, O Finger of the hand Divine; True
promise of the Father Thou, Who dost the tongue with speech
endow. Thy light to every thought impart, and shed Thy love
in every heart; Our body's poor infirmity with strength
perpetual fortify. Our mortal foe afar repel, grant us
henceforth in peace to dwell; if Thou be our preventing
guide, no evil can our steps betide. Make Thou to us the
Father known; Teach us the Eternal Son to own and Thee,
Whose name we ever bless, of both the Spirit to confess. All
glory while the ages run be to the Father and the Son, who
rose from death; the same to Thee, O Holy Ghost, eternally.
Amen. V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created; R.
And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O
God, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful people by
sending them the light of Thy Holy Spirit, grant us by the
same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things, and
evermore to rejoice in His holy comfort. Through Christ our
Lord. Amen. |
Creator Spiritus, Mentes tuorum visita, Imple superna gratia
Quae Tu creasti pectora. Qui diceris Paraclitus, Altissimi
donum Dei, Fons vivus, ignis caritas Et spiritalis unctio.
Tu septiformis munere, Digitus paternae dexterae, Tu rite
promissum Patris Sermone ditans guttura. Accende lumen
sensibus, Infunde amorem cordibus, Infirma nostri corporis
Virtute firmans perpeti. Hostem repellas longius, Pacemque
dones protinus; Ductore sic te praevio Vitemus omne noxium.
Per te sciamus da Patrem, Noscamus atque Filium, Teque
utriusque Spiritum Credamus omni tempore. Deo Patri sit
gloria Et Filio qui a mortuis Surrexit, ac Paraclito In
saeculorum saecula. Amen. V. Emitte Spiritum tuum et
creabuntur; R. Et renovabis faciem terrae. Oremus. Deus, qui
corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti: da
nobis en eodem Spiritu recta sapere; et de eius semper
consolatione gaudere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen. [Veni,
Creátor Spíritus, Mentes tuórum vísita, Imple supérna
grátia Quæ Tu creásti péctora. Qui díceris Paráclitus,
Altíssimi donum Dei, Fons vivus, ignis cáritas Et
spiritális únctio. Tu septifórmis múnere, Dígitus
patérnæ déxteræ, Tu rite promíssum Patris Sermóne
ditans gúttura. Accénde lumen sénsibus, Infúnde amórem
córdibus, Infírma nostri córporis Virtúte firmans
pérpeti. Hostem repéllas lóngius, Pacémque dones
prótinus; Ductóre sic te prævio Vitémus omne nóxium.
Per te sciámus da Patrem, Noscámus atque Fílium, Teque
utriúsque Spíritum Credámus omni témpore. Deo Patri sit
glória Et Fílio qui a mórtuis Surréxit, ac Paráclito In
sæculórum sæcula. Amen. V. Emítte Spíritum tuum et
craeúntur; R. Et renovábis fáciem terræ. Orémus. Deus,
qui corda fidélium Sancti Spíritus illustratióne
docuísti: da nobis en eódem Spíritu recta sápere; et de
eius semper consolatióne gaudére. Per Christum Dóminum
nostrum. Amen.] |
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Novenas & Hymns | Prayers &
Devotions Sctn. |
Veni Sancte
Spiritus (Sequence for Pentecost) |
English |
Thou holy Paraclete, And from Thy celestial seat Send Thy
light and brilliancy. Father of the poor, draw near, Giver
of all gifts, be here, Come, the soul's true radiancy. Come,
of comforters the best, Of the soul the sweetest guest, Come
in toil refreshingly. Thou in labor rest most sweet, Thou
art shadow from the heat, Comfort in adversity. O Thou
light, most pure and blest, Shine within the inmost breast
of Thy faithful company. Where Thou art not, man hath
naught; Ev'ry holy deed and thought Comes from Thy divinity.
What is soiled, make Thou pure; What is wounded, work its
cure; What is parched, fructify. What is rigid, gently bend;
What is frozen, warmly tend; Strengthen what goes erringly.
Fill Thy faithful, who confide In Thy power to guard and
guide, With Thy sevenfold mystery. Here Thy grace and mercy
send; Grant salvation in the end, And in Heaven felicity.
Amen. |
Sancte Spiritus, et emitte caelitus lucis tuae radium. Veni,
pater pauperum, veni, dator, munerum, veni, lumen cordium.
Consolator optime, dulcis hospes animae, dulce refrigerium.
In labore requies, in aestu temperies, in fletu solatium. O
lux beatissima, reple cordis intima tuorum fidelium. Sine
tuo numine nihil est in homine, nihil est innoxium. Lava
quod est sordidum, riga quod est aridum, sana quod est
saucium. Flecte quod est rigidum, fove quod est frigidum,
rege quod est devium. Da tuis fidelibus in te confidentibus
sacrum septenarium. Da virtutis meritum, da salutis exitum,
da perenne gaudium. Amen. [Veni,
Sancte Spíritus, et emítte cælitus lucis tuæ rádium.
Veni, pater páuperum, veni, dator, múnerum, veni, lumen
córdium. Consolátor óptime, dulcis hospes ánimæ, dulce
refrigérium. In labóre réquies, in æstu tempéries, in
fletu solátium. O lux beatíssima, reple cordis íntima
tuórum fidélium. Sine tuo númine nihil est in hómine,
nihil est innóxium. Lava quod est sórdidum, riga quod est
áridum, sana quod est sáucium. Flecte quod est rígidum,
fove quod est frígidum, rege quod est dévium. Da tuis
fidélibus in te confidéntibus sacrum septenárium. Da
virtútis méritum, da salútis éxitum, da perénne
gáudium. Amen.] |
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Catholic Word Search - JUMBO Edition


(Large Print Edition)
100+ Catholic Word Searches (Incl. Advent,
Christmas, Lent, Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Grace, Rosary, Fatima, And More...)
"Relaxing, educational, good
for your memory, mind, focus, vocabulary, and good for your soul!"
Get Your Copy Today!
Word Search - Bilingual Edition: Latin / English
Search Words In Latin, Meanings In English

55 Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded,
Relaxing & Educational!"
Topics Include: Advent, Christmas, Lent,
Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Rosary & More...
"Perfect For Catholic
Teens & Adults!" ~ "Great For Home Schoolers!"
Get Your Copy Today!
Why Latin? / Latin Info.
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Word Search - Bilingual Edition: French / English
Search Words In French, Meanings In English

Absolutely NO Knowledge Of
French Is Required!
50+ Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded,
Relaxing & Educational!"
Topics Include: Advent, Christmas, Lent,
Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Rosary & More...
"Perfect For Catholic Teens & Adults!" ~ "Great
For Home Schoolers!"
Fun for any time! Also great for...
* Planning a Catholic pilgrimage to France
* Learning some (or brushing up on some) French
* Increasing your French vocabulary
* Adding fun to a homeschool curriculum
* Enjoying a unique challenge, even if you
don't speak a word of French!
Free Sample Here
Get Your Copy Today!
Why Learn French?
Click link or image above for more information & to purchase.
Now Available!
Great Inspirational Catholic Coloring Books...

Plus These Handy Coloring Books & Resources...

Lots of Love Coloring Book (Vol.1) - 40 Love-Themed / Affirming Coloring Pages (Easy/Fairly Easy) - "Includes a Variety of Coloring Pages Suitable for Children or Adults!" ~ "Great for Sharing!"

My Colors - Easy & Convenient Color Sample
Sheets ~ Coloring Resources Book: 125+ Assorted Color Sample Sheets - "Perfect
For Testing, Selecting & Organizing Pen, Marker, Pencil or Crayon Colors!"

My Colors 2 - Easy & Flexible Color
Combination Grids ~ Coloring Resources Book: 50+ Color Sample Sheets In 3 Grid
Sizes - "Perfect For Previewing, Testing & Selecting Pen, Marker, Pencil Or
Crayon Color Combinations!"
[Please Note: Proceeds from sales of these books may support My Catholic]
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Purchase, Click Image(s) Above
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Now Available!
700+ Consoling Thoughts From Holy Scripture
"Inspirational & Uplifting!"

"Some of the most consoling
& comforting words from Holy Scripture, all in one place!"
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Compiled From Traditional Catholic Scripture
(Douay-Rheims Translation)
Get it today!
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $7.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
The iStations Book - Stations of the Cross

Two Traditional Way of the
Cross Methods for Catholics Based on Our 'Best Selling' App
Features beautiful images, TWO traditional
methods, including a Franciscan method, selected prayers in English & Latin
Get it today!
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $4.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
Catholic Annual Prayer Book

Includes: 365+ Daily Prayers (Jan.-Dec.);
Holiday / Seasonal Prayers; Hundreds of Prayers Indexed by Title;
Nearly 200 Aspirations / Short Prayers; Over 100 Latin Prayers & Aspirations; 500+
Topics for Meditation; Hundreds of Prayer Tips & Insights; And More...
Includes prayers drawn from Holy Scripture, the
liturgy, writings of popes & saints, the Raccolta, the Roman Breviary, the Roman
Missal, etc.
A daily prayer companion for
Catholics that is 'suitable for any year'!
Kindle Version Just $8.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
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Now Available!
Coloring Book For Catholics: 50+ Latin
(Beginning - Intermediate - Advanced)

"This 'unique', tradition-minded coloring book
which contains some of the most popular Catholic prayers in Latin is a fun way
to become more familiar with Latin prayers & increase Latin language retention!"
This 'educational & fun' publication is useful
for prayerful relaxation, educational recreation ('learn while you play'),
becoming more familiar with Latin prayers & hundreds of Latin words, learning or
memorizing Latin prayers, increasing Latin retention, and more...
An enjoyable and
instructive tool with respect to Latin (the 'beautiful & majestic language of
heaven' and 'official language of the Church' - a language 'consecrated' by the
inscription on the Cross that helps to foster a universal bond in prayer with
Catholics around the world), this publication is suitable for Catholics of most any
+ + +
"This Catholic coloring book
- which provides hours of wholesome & educational recreation - is so much better
for your soul than television!"
+ + +
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
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Now Available!
My Little Latin Mass Coloring Book

25+ Traditional Latin Mass Coloring Images For Children Or Adults [Low
"Enjoyable & Educational!"
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Click Here to Buy
Catholic Classics Reprint Now Available!
In Heaven We Know Our Own - Or, Solace for
the Suffering

This 'Catholic Classic', which offers consoling
'proof' that the faithful departed remember, love & care for those in heaven and
for those still remaining on earth, is a "great balm of comfort" to those who
have lost a spouse, child, parent, friend, or other loved one. "A thoughtful
bereavement gift, and a 'must-have' for grieving Catholics!"
Get your copy today!
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $2.99!
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
Setting The Record Straight About Luther
Important Things Catholics Should Know About
The 'Reformer'

Don't miss this
'eye-opening' treatise concerning Martin Luther, the catalyst / leader of the
' Reformation ' (a.k.a. Protestant Rebellion)
Includes: Facts which demonstrate that Luther
was NOT sent by God, Luther received approval of his teaching from Satan,
Luther's misbehavior, some results of Luther's teachings, Luther admits he could
be wrong, and more...
Get your copy today!
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Purchase, Click Link Below...
Kindle Version Just $5.99
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without notice and do not include any applicable taxes.
Now Available!
BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics
Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

"Suitable For Children Or
Adults!" ~ "Perfect For Home Schoolers!"
+ + +
As many faithful Catholics already know,
the majestic
Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church –
promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with
our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties
back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin,
and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious
treasure that is the
Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of
English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in
educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings
many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"
If you enjoy Latin, you may be glad to know that
this full-sized (8.5" x 11"), tradition-minded publication features an
assortment of activity types related to Latin (including: word searches,
crosswords, coloring activities, challenges, fill-ins, spelling bee,
quizzes, unscrambles, true/false, multiple choice, matching, cross-offs,
circling, word associations, translation exercises, and more...), and
treats of various topics (including: common Latin words, Latin language
facts, Latin grammar, nouns & verbs, abbreviations,
phrases / sayings / mottos, prefixes, cardinal numbers, grammatical gender,
inflection, word roots, diacritics / accenting, pronunciation, Latin
prayers / hymns, Scripture verses, Catholic phrases, and more...).
+ + +
" Fun & Educational! "
Get Your Copy Today!
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