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Some more recent news highlights... * For the second time, the Archdiocese of Boston has cleared a priest accused of abuse. The allegation involved alleged abuse in the early 1970's. The attorney for the alleged victim criticized the review process as 'biased and unfair'. The archdiocesan review board investigating the allegations included a retired law enforcement agent, a judge, and abuse victims * The supposedly 'devout' Catholic president of the Philippines who supports government handouts of contraceptives to poor persons may face excommunication, according to the president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. Despite the possibility of excommunication, the nation's president says his position "has not changed" [Related: Catholic teachings on contraception (Topic Page)] * Good riddance: A dissenting Minnesota artist employed by the archdiocese has been suspended after announcing a plan to create a "piece of art" from DVDs supporting true marriage which the archdiocese mailed to Catholics. The artist, who supports homosexual 'marriage', opposed the DVD mailing. Some other misguided parishioners in the area have launched a website to collect the DVDs which they plan to return to the archdiocese [Related: Catholic teachings on homosexuality (Topic Page)] * Here we go again: California bishops have spoken out against the death penalty in the case of a serial rapist and murderer, citing "human dignity" [Related: Death Penalty (Topic Page)] * If only the reviews were always reliable: Mormons are now promoting Catholic movie reviews for their "moral analysis" [Related: Catholic Movie Reviews (Topic Page)] * Not good: It is being reported that a TLM has been cancelled in San Jose due to a dispute among the faithful regarding Mass times (particularly among a "vocal group" of "influential" parish council members). The Mass was well-attended [Related: Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass (Topic Page)] * Some Anglican 'bishops'* are reportedly "having second thoughts" about entering the Catholic Church under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus. Instead, they may "merge" with another group of Anglicans [* Reminder: Anglican 'clergy' are not true priests - their orders have been ruled invalid by the Church: "Wherefore, strictly adhering, in this matter, to the decrees of the pontiffs, our predecessors, and confirming them most fully, and, as it were, renewing them by our authority, of our own initiative and certain knowledge, we pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been, and are, absolutely null and utterly void." (Pope Leo XIII, "Apostolicae Curae", 1896 A.D., emphasis added)] [9/30] Some recent statistics... * Broken marriages lead to poverty & high 'social welfare' costs in the U.S. -> Poverty rates for 'single parents' in 2008 exceeded 36% -> Poverty rates for married couples with children in 2008 was under 7% -> Around 75% of "means-tested welfare for low-income families with children" went to 'single parent families' Source: Zenit Related: Divorce (Topic Page) * High rates of fornication in the U.S. -> Out of wedlock births in 2008 exceeded 40% -> Out of wedlock births in 2008 by race: White/Non-Hispanic-28.6%; Hispanic-52.5%; Blacks-72.3% Source: Zenit Related: Fornication Reflections * Homosexuals & HIV -> CDC study finds that in 21 metropolitan areas in the U.S., 1 in 5 practicing homosexual men test positive for HIV -> About half of those infected were "unaware" they carried the virus which causes AIDS Source: LifeSiteNews Related: Homosexuality (Topic Page) * Religious Ignorance A new poll indicates that many Americans are ignorant of basic tenants of their faith. For example... -> Nearly half (45%) of Catholics polled were unaware of transubstantiation & the Real Presence - essential teachings of the Catholic Church [Reminder: "For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself." (St. Paul, 1 Cor. 11:29)] -> Some 29% can't name the place of Jesus' birth (Bethlehem) -> Close to 40% couldn't name the first book of the bible (Genesis) Reportedly, atheists and agnostics performed best on the questions, whereas Catholics did poorly Sources: Various Related: Catholic Basics [9/28] Some more recent news highlights... * For the second time this year, a parishioner has been murdered at a Youngstown, Ohio parish. The most recent killing was "apparently a case of mistaken identity" involving the deceased's vehicle. The victim's wife was also injured during the attack, but she is expected to survive * Dialog with the schismatic Orthodox reportedly failed to produce a "breakthrough" concerning papal primacy * Two teenagers have been charged in connection with damage to a Des Moines Catholic high school which occurred in August. Police have not released the suspects' names * A week after a presidential speech omitted the word "Creator" in reference to the Declaration of Independence, President Obama once again spoke of "inalienable rights" without referencing that such rights were endowed by our Creator * Bishop Aquila recently reminded that "Catholics in the political arena must recognize that opposition to intrinsic evils, such as abortion, euthanasia, genocide, embryonic stem-cell research and same-sex unions is always required by the faithful Catholic" and that 'Catholics' who support such evils should refrain from Holy Communion. He also reminded that such 'Catholics' will "one day stand before the judgment seat of God and give an account of themselves" * According to an EWTN report, Archbishop Dolan recently spoke to a Los Angeles audience regarding the "intrinsic connection" between Jesus and the Church. He reminded that we cannot have Christ without his Church * According to the Inspector General, a controversial Catholic group ('Catholic Worker') was improperly investigated by the FBI even though there was "little or no basis" for a probe. Other groups were likewise wrongly investigated [9/28] Updates concerning recent news items... * Pope Benedict met with the head of the Vatican Bank on Sunday. The Holy Father reportedly told the bank's president "that he trusted him and appreciates the work he is doing" * Plans for the apostolic visitation in Ireland are expected to be finalized next month. The visitation is expected to start "shortly afterwards" [9/27] Some more recent news highlights... * A Saturday CNN special will reportedly attempt to implicate Pope Benedict in abuse scandals. The special has been criticized for 'rehashing old charges that were previously discredited' and for 'leaving out key information in order to paint the Pope in the worst possible light.' The special will apparently highlight the notorious Murphy case * The bankruptcy plan recently put forth by the Diocese of Wilmington allows for compensation of up to $75,000 per abuse victim. While the diocese calls the plan an "important milestone" that provides "fair compensation" to abuse victims, a victims' attorney called the plan a "mean-spirited, vindictive, hypocritical act, maliciously intended to prolong the suffering of survivors" * The Church in Germany is apparently "ready to pay compensation" to abuse victims. The amount of compensation "has yet to be determined." Unfortunately, German Archbishop Zollitsch also wants to "discuss" priestly celibacy [Refresher: Why Priestly Celibacy?] * The recent event at the Vienna cathedral involving alleged Medjugorje 'visionaries' reportedly included another "road show 'apparition'". Unfortunately, it was reported that a "standing room only" crowd was present for the "'apparition' on demand" [Refresher: Marian Apparitions at Medjugorje: True or False?] * An Ordinariate will reportedly be "ready by the end of the year" in the U.K. The Ordinariate will assist Anglicans who enter the Catholic Church under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus * According to Pope Benedict, "The organization of work, set up for competition in the marketplace and for maximum profit, as well as the idea of a holiday as time for diversions and consumption, contribute to the break-up of the family and the community and to fostering an individualistic lifestyle." The Holy Father called for "reconciling work demands and schedules with those of family life" * Catholics in the U.K. are reportedly being encouraged by Archbishop Vincent Nichols to 'make their faith more visible' by more frequently making the sign of the cross, offering to pray for others, and by saying "God bless you" * A "prominent European atheist" recently claimed that "the most attacked religion today is the Catholic religion." He noted "prejudice and especially major anti-clericalism" that are "taking on enormous proportions in Europe" [9/24] Vatican Bank Probe: Some Updates The following are some updates regarding the recent Vatican Bank [Institute for Works of Religion (IOR)] probe... * The bank's president, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, is reportedly "deeply humiliated" to be the subject of a money laundering investigation. He says nothing is hidden and there's 'nothing to hide' * There is some talk of Italian prosecutors 'unfreezing' seized funds during the investigation "if the institute reveals who the cash was intended for" * A recent Guardian article indicates that "Italian investigators are trying to identify 'numerous individuals' who appear to have received more than €2m (£1.7m) through an account at the Vatican bank" * The matter reportedly involved "an error in procedure [that] is being used as an excuse to attack the IOR, its president and in general the Vatican." It was also described as a "misunderstanding" that "could have been clarified with great simplicity." The transactions were reportedly "perfectly normal." The above referenced Guardian article, however, references "Extracts from the judge's warrant that blocked the transfers...[which] suggest there is more to the affair than a simple misunderstanding or oversight, though not necessarily anything that indicates Vatican wrongdoing." It also notes "three substantial deposits of between €22m (£18.7m) and €25m (£21.2m) that appeared to come from the closure of other IOR accounts" which "had ostensibly been closed by 'withdrawal using counter forms', so presumably in cash" and references a five day wait "for an explanation from the IOR before going public" * Rome's mayor expressed "solidarity" with the bank's president and L'Osservatore noted his "integrity" that is "well known in Italian and international finance circles." The director of the Holy See Press office also issued a letter to "clarify matters in order to avoid the spread of inaccurate information and to ensure that no damage is caused to the activities of the Institute or the good name of its managers." The letter also reiterated the Holy See's "complete confidence in the managers of the IOR, and its desire for complete transparency in the financial operations the Institute undertakes, in accordance with the procedures and norms required today to ensure the security and transparency of transactions in the field of international finance" * The bank has reportedly been working to conform to new regional norms and has also been working to get on a "white list" of banks that cooperate with international norms [9/23] Some recent news highlights... * The Vatican Post Office issued a new postage stamp to commemorate the reopening of the Vatican Library. The library was reopened Monday after a three year renovation * The Archdiocese of New York is expected release a list of schools next month that may be closed or merged. The changes may affect more than 10% of all schools in the archdiocese * The Vatican Splendors exhibit is scheduled to open on October 2 in Pittsburgh. The exhibit will reportedly include hundreds of "treasures from the Vatican" as well as items from churches in the area * Rather than teaching responsibility, Edmonton's archbishop has called for an abrupt end to 'casino fundraising' in his archdiocese, citing "morality". Critics note that such fundraising is a "critical" source of funds for the schools and is "harmless and moral" for responsible persons * The papal tartan created especially for Pope Benedict's trip to the U.K. is in high demand. Reportedly, the manufacturer's phones "have been ringing off the hook" as numerous persons seek to purchase the plaid * Three suspects have been arrested in connection with thefts of parishioners' property in the Archdiocese of Hartford. The suspects were captured after a police chase. The thefts apparently occurred after communicants left their pews to receive Holy Communion. The suspects' vehicle reportedly contained narcotics * An Evansville nun who had been trying to help a man reportedly became the man's victim. The nun gave the man some money and drove him to a bus station. She later gave the man more money and offered him additional assistance. In return, the man reportedly stole her money and her credit card as well as church keyboard. He fled the scene and is being sought after by police * Celebrating your defeat? An AFP article notes that "The Vatican for the first time took part in anniversary celebrations of the 1870 capture of Rome by Italian troops which ended the Papal States' domination of the city for more than a thousand years." The article is accompanied by a picture of Cardinal Bertone at the event, which was called both a 'tribute' and a 'celebration' [Commentary: What must Pope Pius IX and his successors through Pope Pius XI - "prisoners of the Vatican" for decades - think of this craziness? Should St. Peter's ever be taken over would we eventually 'celebrate' that as well?] [9/21] Papal Visit to the U.K.: Some Highlights [UPDATED] The following are some highlights from Pope Benedict's visit to the United Kingdom... * On route to Scotland, Pope Benedict spoke with reporters during a Q & A session. In answer to one of the questions, the Holy Father stated that the abuse scandals were a "shock" and "a source of great sadness" to him. He also said that it was difficult for him to understand "how this perversion of the priestly ministry was possible" and said he was "sad that the Church authorities were not sufficiently vigilant, not quick and decisive enough in taking the necessary measures" * An estimated 125,000 people are believed to have gathered to welcome the Holy Father on the streets of Edinburgh on Thursday. Turnout was roughly 1 in 5 of the entire population of Edinburgh * Queen Elizabeth II said the U.K. appreciated "the involvement of the Holy See in the dramatic improvement in the situation in Northern Ireland" * Some 70,000 persons attended the Pope's open-air Mass on Thursday at Bellahouston Park * Pope Benedict was reportedly "calm" on Friday despite a suspected terrorist plot that resulted in 6 arrests * The Holy Father spoke to a crowd of about 4,000 young persons on Friday at St. Mary's University College. He also, from the Popemobile, kissed children which were lifted up to him and blessed a nine-year-old cancer survivor. * Friday at Westminster Abbey, Pope Benedict twice declared that he is the successor of St. Peter. He also "did the unthinkable" by "praising St. Thomas More in Westminster Hall" (remember that St. Thomas More was "killed for his defense of the pope's sovereignty against the king's"). Noting the significance of Friday's events in the historically (meaning: since the King Henry VIII suppressed the Catholic religion to marry his mistress) Protestant & anti-Catholic country, one source claims the Pope's actions marked "the end of the British Empire" * 'Ecumenical' gestures included the Pope's meeting with Anglican leadership and his reported public handshake of a female 'clergywoman'.* Predictably, there were no reminders regarding the keys to heaven, invalid Anglican orders & resulting invalid Anglican sacraments, necessity of union with the Roman Pontiff, or the necessity of being Catholic for salvation. However, as indicated above, the Holy Father did make two clear references to his being the successor of St. Peter [* Reminders: Anglicans do NOT have valid orders (click here for more information). Further, it is impossible to ordain women (click here for more information)] * Messages from the Pope included warnings against a "celebrity culture", "atheist extremism", exclusion of God from public life, "the spirit of the age", relativism, wealth and secularism. He called young persons to be future saints, reminding them that "true happiness is to be found in God" * Security incidents have included the arrest of six men in London in connection with a suspected terrorist plot and an incident in Scotland involving an alleged "breach of the peace, resisting arrest and police assault" during Mass (but "not near the Pope"). Scotland had a "heavy police presence" during the papal visit * Other incidents: As expected, there have been some protesters ("a small number" in Scotland, more in London). There were also some medical incidents involving pilgrims (reportedly over 100 were treated for "minor ailments" in Scotland, but apparently none required hospitalization). Also, the Mass in Scotland reportedly included some "liturgical misjudgments" by organizers * Reactions to the papal visit have reportedly included weeping, silence, and "standing in awe" as the Pope passed by. Of the visit to Scotland, the papal spokesman said, "Today has been absolutely wonderful, more than we could ever have expected. The Pope is very happy and we are delighted to have such a wonderful start to this visit" 9/18 Updates... * The six street cleaners arrested Friday in connection with an alleged terrorist plot against the Pope remained in custody on Saturday. All six men are believed to be Muslims. Since no hard evidence has been found, it is being suggested that the suspects may be released without charges after the Pope leaves for Rome on Sunday * Pope Benedict met with and prayed with several abuse victims for a half hour or more ("longer than the prime minister got") on Saturday. The meeting was private, but a Holy See press release indicated that the Pope was "moved by what they had to say and expressed his deep sorrow and shame." He also thanked those who worked to protect young people from abuse * Saturday saw additional protests from anti-Catholics and abuse victims. The total amount of protesters is believed to be numbered in the thousands. Although this marked "the largest protest of his papacy", the total number of papal supporters during his U.K. trip has far outweighed the total number of protesters * Apparently, a bookmaker group staged a 'publicity stunt' involving a fake 'Popemobile', complete with a fake 'pope'. The imposter vehicle was stopped by police, but the outcome of the encounter is unknown * In a homily on Saturday, Pope Benedict spoke on the outpouring of Christ's Blood as "the source of the Church's life". He also addressed the abuse scandals, expressing "deep sorrow to the innocent victims of these unspeakable crimes, along with my hope that the power of Christ's grace, his sacrifice of reconciliation, will bring deep healing and peace to their lives" and acknowledging "the shame and humiliation which all of us have suffered because of these sins" * The Holy Father also met with elderly persons on Saturday at a residential home and stated that "God wills a proper respect for the dignity and worth the health and well-being of the elderly and through her charitable institutions in Britain and beyond, the Church seeks to fulfil the Lord's command to respect life, regardless of age or circumstances." He also reminded that the senior years "are an opportunity to remember in affectionate prayer all those whom we have cherished in this life, and to place all that we have personally been and done before the mercy and tenderness of God" * Also on Saturday, Pope Benedict addressed young people telling them to look into their hearts and think about & thank God for the love that they have received as well as urging them to "choose to love" every day, noting that "we were made for love" and that love "has shown us what is truly important in life". He also reminded that Jesus is the source of all true love and that we must "make space for silence, because it is in silence that we find God" * At a Hyde Park vigil on Saturday evening before the beatification of Cardinal Newman, the Holy Father spoke of suffering for the faith, remarking that "In our own time, the price to be paid for fidelity to the gospel is no longer being hanged, drawn and quartered, but it often involves being dismissed out of hand, ridiculed and parodied" 9/20 Updates... * Cardinal Newman was beatified by Pope Benedict on Sunday. His feast day (Novus Ordo calendar) will fall on the date of his conversion, October 9 * Pope Benedict commemorated the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain on Sunday, stating that "For me, as one who lived and suffered through the dark days of the Nazi regime in Germany, it is deeply moving to be here with you on this occasion and to recall how many of your fellow citizens sacrificed their lives, courageously resisting the forces of that evil ideology" * The Holy Father met with the bishops of England, Scotland and Wales on Sunday, encouraging them to 'proclaim the Gospel afresh in a highly secularized environment'. He also addressed the abuse scandals, the new (Novus Ordo) Mass translation, and the implementation of Anglicanorum Coetibus. Regarding the new translation, he called on the bishops to "seize the opportunity that the new translation offers for in-depth catechesis on the Eucharist and renewed devotion in the manner of its celebration." In reference to Anglicanorum Coetibus, Pope Benedict asked the bishops to be "generous in implementing the apostolic constitution", at the same time essentially affirming that "the ultimate goal of all ecumenical activity" is the conversion of those who have left the Church (unfortunately, however, there was also reference to a supposed "enrichment" from heretical / schismatic sects) * The six suspects arrested in the alleged terrorist threat against Pope Benedict were released Saturday evening or Sunday morning without being charged. They reportedly posed "no credible threat" to the Holy Father. There is some talk of the former suspects suing for 'unlawful arrest and detention', but unnamed "security sources" claimed that "the arrests were proportionate and justified" and that "intelligence received suggested this was a very serious situation" (not a "a light-hearted conversation" as some suggested). Note that the former suspects were reportedly Muslim and an Islamic publication recently issued a call to Muslims in connection with the papal trip that was feared to be an "incitement to violence" * A papal spokesman used the terms "very, very positive" and a "great success" in connection with the Holy Father's historic trip to the U.K. Likewise, British media coverage of the event was called "remarkable" and the same term ("remarkable") was used to describe the number of cheering pilgrims in the streets of London (estimated at more than 100,000, "remarkable numbers given the indifference and downright hostility prior to the visit and the fact that Catholics make up only 10 percent of Britain's population"). U.S. media coverage of the Pope's 'first ever state visit' to the U.K. was called "mixed" by the Catholic League, which noted CNN's "relentless...criticism of a male-only clergy" and the New York Times' 'fixation' on the abuse scandal * The Holy Father arrived safely back in Rome late Sunday night and is reportedly resting at Castelgandolfo [9/17, updated 9/18 & 9/20] The following are some recent news highlights... * The priest who was a passenger in the automobile accident which killed a nun and injured the U.S. Ambassador to Malta has died. He was 94 and had been in critical condition as a result of the single-vehicle accident, the cause of which is still under investigation * The Vatican Splendors exhibit which recently concluded after a four month run reportedly drew record crowds to the Missouri History Museum * A Filipino prelate has alleged that eight bishops in his country have taken payoffs from gaming bosses in connection with illegal gambling. He has apparently agreed to reveal the names of the bishops he claims are involved * Contradicting an earlier claim by Pakistan's Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs that there has been no discrimination in aid distribution to non-Muslims, Pakistani bishops have alleged that the discrimination against Christians is still occurring * Bishop Olmsted of Phoenix has announced the excommunication of a priest who recently participated in the attempted* 'ordination' of a woman, noting that "Actions such as these are extremely serious and carry with them profoundly harmful consequences for the salvation of the souls participating in this attempted ordination" [* Note: 'Attempted ordination' because it is impossible to actually ordain a woman (click here for more information)] * There have been at least 19 deaths in connection with previous plans by a Protestant group in Florida to burn the Qu'ran on 9/11. Also, even though India's bishops condemned the planned Qu'ran burning, Muslims bombed a Catholic school in that country in protest. The Holy Father recently prayed for the victims and asked that "reconciliation and peace may prevail over hatred and violence" * Sacraments designed for humans can be given to 'extra terrestrials'? The "Pope's astronomer" reportedly claimed that (supposed) aliens have souls and he would be willing to baptize an alien "if they asked" [Commentary: How exactly does he suppose 'aliens' got stained by Original Sin which was passed down only to Adam & Eve's descendents?] * Bishop Harpigny indicated that the Belgian Church may have been hesitant to issue an apology to alleged abuse victims because an apology may have made the Church legally liable for damages * Foreseeable consequence of homosexual 'marriage': A new television show is attempting to redefine marriage as a union of one man and many women. The show features a "polygamous Mormon household" * Sacrilege: A communicant at a TLM in Ireland refused to receive Holy Communion on the tongue. He reportedly grabbed a host from the ciborium, causing the Host to fall to the floor. He was restrained and told not to return to the church [Related: Communion in the Hand: Why Not?] * The approach of Cardinal Newman's beatification has again brought to light criticism of the alleged miracle involved in the cause. The nature of the alleged miracle - a supposedly "fast recovery" of a deacon after back surgery (the 'fast recovery' is the alleged 'miracle', not the healing itself) - has provided opportunities for skeptics to cast doubt on the veracity of miracles themselves. Some have charged that miracles have been "downgraded" in recent times from fantastic (e.g. parting of the sea, healing the blind, raising the dead) to "near-trivial" (e.g. a 'fast recovery' after surgery) - or as one article put it, 'today's miracles' have "lost their wow factor". The deacon involved in Cardinal Newman's case, who is married and who has enjoyed "considerable notoriety" since the alleged miracle, previously claimed to receive assistance with his back pain from Cardinal Newman before he had a relapse which required surgery. The deacon was also in the news last year after he asked newspapers and other media to "erase references" to his meeting with dissenting 'Catholic' Cherie Blair. The allegation that the deacon's 'fast recovery' was miraculous reportedly gave one neurosurgeon (who said there was nothing remarkable about his five-day recovery) and his colleagues "a good chuckle." Also controversial in his cause have been questionable statements made by the Anglican convert as well as allegations that the prelate was homosexual. Pope Benedict is scheduled to beatify Cardinal Newman on Sunday, to the gratification of some 'conservatives' who enjoy his writings and to various 'liberals' who see him as a 'precursor' of Vatican II [9/17] Suspects Arrested For Alleged Terrorist Threat Against Pope Benedict [Updated] Five men were arrested in London on Friday over an alleged terrorist threat against Pope Benedict XVI. According to one source, the men are "suspected Islamist terrorists from a variety of countries." The suspects were reportedly "planning to assassinate the Pope", but were arrested and are being held by police. An initial search reportedly turned up "no hazardous items." The incident is not expected to affect the Holy Father's schedule during his historic U.K. visit. Update: A sixth man has been arrested in connection with the suspected terrorist plot against the Holy Father. The sixth suspect, a 29 year old, was reportedly arrested at his home. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the sixth suspect is from Algeria, a predominately Muslim country in North Africa. [9/17] Papal Visit to the U.K.: Itinerary Highlights The following are some highlights from the Holy Father's itinerary for his historic September 16-19 visit to the United Kingdom... Thursday, September 16: Scotland Events Include: Audience with HM Queen Elizabeth, State Reception, St. Ninian's Day Parade (occurring on the streets of Edinburgh), Mass at Bellahouston Park Friday, September 17: London Events Include: Events at St. Mary's University College, Lambeth Palace, Westminster Hall, Westminster Abbey Saturday, September 18: London Events Include: Mass at Westminster Cathedral, Visit to St. Peter's Residential Home for the Elderly, Open Air Prayer Vigil at Hyde Park Sunday, September 19: Birmingham Events Include: Beatification of Cardinal Newman at Cofton Park, Private Visit to Oratory of St. Philip Neri, Meeting with Bishops [9/15] Three Year Anniversary of the Effective Date of Summorum Pontificum September 14th, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, marks the 3rd anniversary of the effective date of Pope Benedict's 7/7/07 Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum', which 'formally freed' the Traditional Latin Mass. In the MP, the Holy Father invited bishops to send an account of their experiences to the Holy See in three years so that remedies for "truly serious difficulties" which come to light could be sought. Recently, it was reported that Una Voce was likewise preparing a report that they claim "will be of vital importance in the safeguarding of the traditional Mass and liturgy." [Note: Click here for more information] Related: The Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass | Why the Latin Mass? | Latin Mass Updates: 7/07 & Later | Latin Mass & Catholic Tradition [9/14] Where's that in the Catholic dictionary? An "embarrassing, cringe-making" guide for the Pope's upcoming U.K. visit includes a chart designed to "assist" with Catholic terminology. The following items and their 'equivalents' (dubbed "Similar Terms often used") are included in the guide... Congregation => Audience, Crowd Liturgy, Celebration, Mass, Benediction => Event, Show, Gig Spiritual, Uplifting => Enjoyable, Fun, Exciting Liturgists => Performers, Artists Pope/Holy Father, Bishops, Priests (or collectively 'Concelebrants') => Headline Act(s) Sanctuary => Stage Sacristy => Backstage The guide ("produced by the Papal Visit Team, overseen by Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols" and containing the "official slogan of the visit") was reportedly defended by Church officials after criticism. Commentary: Merely "embarrassing"? Doesn't reducing Benediction - or the propitiatory Holy Sacrifice of the Mass presided over by a priest acting 'In Persona Christi' in the sanctuary - to a 'fun gig' presided over by the 'Headline Act' appearing on 'stage' seem sacrilegious ("gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing")? [9/13] Controversy in India still unresolved The controversy regarding the fired professor in India has not yet been settled. A 9/7 news brief contained the following report... A Catholic school in India has dismissed a teacher who was accused of "having offended the religious sentiments of students" over a test question which included a character named Mohammed. After the initial Muslim outcry, the teacher was attacked by "Islamic radicals" who cut off his hand and inflicted other injures. The teacher - who forgave his attackers and is still reportedly in serious condition - was dismissed by the Catholic school without benefits or pension Shortly afterward, the above was followed by a news link which read... More good news: University in India ordered to reinstate professor [9/10] However, according to a story appearing today on, the matter has not yet been resolved. The above referenced site indicates that seven people were arrested for protesting a Church issued circular that "justif[ied] the dismissal of a college lecturer for allegedly insulting Islam in an exam question paper." Catholics were reportedly "shocked" by the circular that was "read in all the diocese's 116 churches during Sunday Mass." Apparently the university has also failed to reinstate the professor. Related: Are Catholic schools a good place for faithful Catholics to work? [9/13] In light of the 9 year anniversary of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks against the United States, we reprint the following prayer for the U.S. which appears in a traditional Missal. May God continue to bless America. We pray Thee, O almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy; that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue, with unchanging faith, in the confession of Thy name. We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom, and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist, with Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people, over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of the Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government, so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge, and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty. We pray for his Excellency the Governor of this State, for the members of the Assembly, for all Judges, Magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to Thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow-citizens, throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal. (Source: St. Andrew's Missal) And a prayer for the departed... Fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace. Amen. / May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. [Latin / English] (Why Latin?) Related: Prayers For the Departed | 1,000+ Prayers [9/11] Are Catholic schools a good place for faithful Catholics to work? One might think Catholic schools - institutions designed to assist in the formation young Catholics' minds - would embody righteousness, compassion & mercy. However, one who thought this might be unpleasantly surprised. Take for example, the following recent news items... * An audit commissioned by the Archdiocese of Seattle concluded that a Seattle Catholic school misused $200K. The teacher who "blew the whistle" concerning the misuse of funds was reportedly fired for his actions ("his teaching contract was not renewed") and he is still out of work. [Date: 8/21/10] * Notre Dame fires "loyal Catholic" administrator; Professor links termination to administrator's opposition to 2009 Obama honor [Date: 9/3/10] * A Catholic school in India has dismissed a teacher who was accused of "having offended the religious sentiments of students" over a test question which included a character named Mohammed. After the initial Muslim outcry, the teacher was attacked by "Islamic radicals" who cut off his hand and inflicted other injures. The teacher - who forgave his attackers and is still reportedly in serious condition - was dismissed by the Catholic school without benefits or pension [Date: 9/7/10] How can institutions calling themselves Catholic so shamefully mistreat Catholic employees? Should we not expect much more from Catholic organizations? Wouldn't even many secular institutions better treat their employees? Incidents such as these have a significant impact not only on the lives of the those directly involved but likely also on students and others who work at the institutions. For example, the firing of the Notre Dame administrator who opposed the Obama honor - an administrator who, by the way, was in the process of adopting a child at the time he was fired - is already expected to have a "chilling effect" on the staff [one Notre Dame professor wrote that "A number of other administrators have told me that in light of (the administrator's) treatment, they will in the future keep their heads down rather than dissent from the policies of the central administration"]. Actions such as those above seem unworthy of Catholic schools. Do they not deeply hurt innocent people, cause scandal, and send a very bad message? And in the long run, might they even lead to poor quality education as faithful Catholics choose not to work for Catholic schools for fear of reprisals? Will good Catholics want to dedicate many years of their lives to Catholic education if they risk suffering severe, unjust, career-ending, life-altering blows for no good reason - or as a punishment for doing the right thing? [9/7] Papal visit to the U.K.: Another challenge The Holy Father may face another challenge during his upcoming trip to the U.K. with a new 'Egg the Pope' Facebook effort. Those who join the effort enter into "a non-binding contract to do your very best to throw eggs at Pope Benedict during his upcoming UK tour." It appears that more than 20 persons have already signed up to participate. Pray for the Holy Father! Related: Prayers for the Pope [9/7] Muslim group threatens "jihad" over Protestants' planned Qur'an burning day An Islamic group has threatened "jihad" if the "non-denominational" (Protestant) group in the U.S. goes forward with their planned "Burn a Qur'an" day on 9/11. Muslims recently "appealed to the Pope" and other world leaders hoping they would lend their efforts to try to prevent the event, and various Catholic leaders have also voiced criticism of the event. U.S. General David Petraeus warned that images of the burning would "undoubtedly" be used "to inflame public opinion and incite violence" and may possibly put U.S. soldiers and civilians "in jeopardy" [Hmm... Must have missed the standard 'religion of peace' reference...] [9/7] Vatican official predicts Muslim majority in Europe Fr. Piero Gheddo of the Vatican's Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions has predicted that Muslims will "sooner rather than later" become the majority in Europe due to high levels of Muslim immigration and larger family sizes vs. non-Muslims' smaller family size, their use of abortion, and their broken families. Islamization is expected to have a significant impact on European Christians and on European culture in general. Fr. Gheddo noted that "If we consider ourselves a Christian country, we should return to the practice of Christian life" [9/7] Some more recent news highlights... * 'Cries of blasphemy' have been sparked by a Muslim worker's new gargoyle attached to the cathedral in Lyon (France) which resembles a Muslim foreman and bears a sign with the words "Allahu Akbar" in both Arabic and French. Amazingly, the cathedral's rector is reportedly "happy" about the image and finds it to be a "beautiful gesture" [Yes, that means the same phrase Muslims frequently shout before murdering non-Muslims in the name of 'Allah' now appears with an Islamic styled image on the Archbishop of Lyon's cathedral] * Telegraph blogs editor Damian Thompson has suggested that Pope Benedict's "liturgical wishes are being shamefully ignored" in his upcoming visit to Scotland. He reports on rumors that the altar will not contain six candles and that 'extraordinary ministers' may distribute Holy Communion during papal Masses [Related: Lay 'Eucharistic Ministers': Why Not?] * Some good news: Pope Benedict will apparently say "the most significant" parts of Mass in Latin throughout his U.K. trip. The Holy Father's actions will reportedly "send a message" to liberal bishops who (wrongly!) discourage the use of Latin at Mass [Related: Why Latin / Benefits of Using Latin] * According to Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Pope Benedict may meet with abuse victims during his U.K. trip. Any such meetings would be private and would "not be announced in advance" * Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi has indicated that if a formal request was made the Holy See may use "diplomatic channels" to intervene for an Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning. The possibility of obtaining clemency for the woman is unknown * Cardinal O'Brien of Scotland has accused the BBC of 'plotting a hatchet job against the Vatican' with its new documentary set to air just before the Pope's visit to the U.K. He also accused the BBC of "a consistent anti-Christian institutional bias" * Police are searching for a gunman who robbed and injured a volunteer in Burbank (IL) last Saturday who was selling gift cards for a Catholic school fundraiser * Vandals in Calgary (Canada) "went on a rampage" on Sunday in a Catholic cemetery, "destroying tombstones, smashing sacred objects and desecrating the tomb where the heart of a noted Catholic priest is buried." Suspects are still being sought [9/6] Papal Trip to the U.K.: Security Breach Top secret documents concerning Pope Benedict's upcoming trip to the U.K. were reportedly left behind at a pub in England by "two smartly-dressed men" who were apparently "event organizers." The paperwork - which contained "detailed information about the Pope's movements", revealed where VIP's will be located, and even included information about water supplies - were found by a bar manager who kept them "locked away" until they could be returned. When the men did not return for the papers, the bar manager decided to hand the sensitive documents over to the police. [9/6] A few more recent news highlights... * Some good news: CNA has confirmed that the group calling itself "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good" has closed its office and "ceased the majority of its activities." Unfortunately, though, the group apparently still exists but is in "a holding pattern." The group's efforts have aided the pro-abortion agenda * Scandalous: At least three 'Catholic' hospitals in Spain - including a hospital affiliated with the Archdiocese of Barcelona - are reportedly distributing the abortion drug RU-486 * Reminder: Pope Benedict's trip to Carpineto Romano (Italy), the birthplace of Pope Leo XIII, is scheduled for Sunday * Sad: Rorate Caeli is reporting that TLM supporters in Tallahassee face "anti-TLM sentiment in the chancery" and are getting "the strong impression that the diocese wanted us to fail." They reportedly feel they are "in a losing battle" at present and are asking for prayers [Related: Should be irrelevant, but the answer is NEED it | The Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass | Latin Mass Updates: 7/07 & Later] [9/4] Some more recent news highlights... * According to a CNA report, the priest who survived a recent car accident which killed a nun and injured the U.S. Ambassador to Malta is in "stable condition", breathing with the help of a ventilator and in an induced coma. The driver of the vehicle, the U.S. ambassador to Malta, is expected to make "a full recovery" * EWTN reports that the deacon who allegedly received a miraculous healing through Cardinal Newman's intercession has responded to doubts concerning the alleged miracle. Critics have noted that the deacon had undergone conventional medical treatment prior to the alleged miracle and had previously been relieved of back pain which subsequently "returned with a vengeance" * The former secretary of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerant People has indicated that he will continue to voice his opinions concerning immigrants even though he has retired from his position * Sad: Monk and author, Fr. Gabriel Bunge, has left the Catholic Church to join the (schismatic) Orthodox [Note: Click here for 'The Importance of Being Catholic: Combating Religious Indifferentism'] * Could it be, another school protects its Catholic identity? A lesbian at a Springfield Catholic school was allegedly forced to resign after 'marrying' her female 'partner'. The woman is reportedly "exploring her legal options" [Related: Defending the Indefensible | Catholic education begins at home] * The "eco-terrorist" with an "overwhelming disdain for human beings" who recently took hostages at Discovery Communications' headquarters before being shot appears to have previously confronted pro-lifers. No one was physically injured or threatened in the previous encounter * A new Latin Mass Society survey reveals that "almost half" of English & Welsh Mass-goers would attend weekly TLM's if they were available in local parishes, with 66% of practicing Catholics "happy to attend" TLM's once a month. The study also found that 60% of Catholics were unaware of Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum [Related: The Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass] * A Phoenix priest may have participated in a recent attempted female 'ordination' ceremony, according to a CNA report ['attempted' because it is impossible to ordain women (click here for more information)]. The penalty of excommunication applies both to persons attempting to ordain women and to females who attempt to be 'ordained' * According to Archbishop Koch, the "clear conclusion" of the recent Schulerkreis is that "Fidelity to tradition, openness to the future" is the "correct" interpretation of Vatican II [Related: Summary of Changes Since Vatican II: A Revolution in the Church?] * NY Archbishop Timothy Dolan reportedly wants to have an "ongoing dialog" with Muslim leaders * Sad: Catholics in Egypt may be "encouraged" to convert to Islam because conversion provides a means to obtain an "easy divorce" with full rights against one's spouse, along with the potential for "better employment opportunities" [Related: Catholic teaching against divorce] [9/3] The following is from Pope Benedict's recently published message to youth in preparation for 'WYD' (a co-ed event - dubbed 'Catholic Woodstock' by critics - which, unfortunately, has been marked by sacrilege and is typically replete with rock music & immodest dress)... [Note: Paragraphs have been combined below] "Men and women were created for something great, for infinity. Nothing else will ever be enough. Saint Augustine was right when he said 'our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you'. The desire for a more meaningful life is a sign that God created us and that we bear his 'imprint'. God is life, and that is why every creature reaches out towards life... To set God aside is to separate ourselves from that source and, inevitably, to deprive ourselves of fulfilment and joy... In some parts of the world, particularly in the West, today's culture tends to exclude God, and to consider faith a purely private issue with no relevance for the life of society. Even though the set of values underpinning society comes from the Gospel – values like the sense of the dignity of the person, of solidarity, of work and of the family – we see a certain 'eclipse of God' taking place, a kind of amnesia which, albeit not an outright rejection of Christianity, is nonetheless a denial of the treasure of our faith, a denial that could lead to the loss of our deepest identity. For this reason, dear friends, I encourage you to strengthen your faith in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are the future of society and of the Church! As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians of Colossae, it is vital to have roots, a solid foundation! This is particularly true today. Many people have no stable points of reference on which to build their lives, and so they end up deeply insecure. There is a growing mentality of relativism, which holds that everything is equally valid, that truth and absolute points of reference do not exist. But this way of thinking does not lead to true freedom, but rather to instability, confusion and blind conformity to the fads of the moment. As young people, you are entitled to receive from previous generations solid points of reference to help you to make choices and on which to build your lives: like a young plant which needs solid support until it can sink deep roots and become a sturdy tree capable of bearing fruit... You are constantly being offered easier choices, but you yourselves know that these are ultimately deceptive and cannot bring you serenity and joy. Only the word of God can show us the authentic way, and only the faith we have received is the light which shines on our path. Gratefully accept this spiritual gift which you have received from your families; strive to respond responsibly to God's call, and to grow in your faith." The Holy Father also reminded that "a world without God becomes a 'hell': filled with selfishness, broken families, hatred between individuals and nations, and a great deficit of love, joy and hope" and he advised young people to "learn to 'see' and to 'meet' Jesus in the Eucharist, where he is present and close to us, and even becomes food for our journey." [9/3] A few recent news highlights... * The former chancery in the Diocese of Green Bay is being torn down, despite efforts of the 'Save the Chancery' coalition. The 100 year-old building has been vacant since last December * According to Archbishop Vincent Nichols, everything is now in place for the papal visit to the U.K. He expects the visit to go forth in a "very excellent way" * A federal appeals court has ruled that the University of Wisconsin must fund a Catholic student group because excluding the group was discriminatory and violated their First Amendment rights to free speech [9/2] Should be irrelevant, but the answer is NEED it According to the Latin Mass Tallahassee blog, a diocesan official was "essentially asking" if Catholics in the diocese who desire the TLM "actually just WANT the Mass, or do we NEED the Mass". Apparently, diocesan officials have some difficulty with the plain language of Pope Benedict's 'Summorum Pontificum' which clearly states that... "In parishes, where there is a stable group of faithful who adhere to the earlier liturgical tradition, the pastor should willingly accept their requests to celebrate the Mass according to the rite of the Roman Missal published in 1962, and ensure that the welfare of these faithful harmonizes with the ordinary pastoral care of the parish, under the guidance of the bishop in accordance with canon 392, avoiding discord and favoring the unity of the whole Church." And... "If a group of lay faithful, as mentioned in art. 5 § 1, has not obtained satisfaction to their requests from the pastor, they should inform the diocesan bishop. The bishop is strongly requested to satisfy their wishes. If he cannot arrange for such celebration to take place, the matter should be referred to the Pontifical Commission 'Ecclesia Dei'." There is no talk in this papal document about 'need' vs. 'want'. Nevertheless, for many Catholics, the answer is an overwhelming "NEED it." The blog is asking Catholics who 'need' the TLM to write to the bishop. Related: The Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass | Latin Mass Updates: 7/07 & Later [9/2] Those familiar with certain facts may be troubled by some "reasons" given for the new, more accurate (Novus Ordo) Mass translations that will be implemented next year. Case in point: One article appearing on a Catholic site entitled 'Missal changes intended to make up for hasty work after Vatican II' states that "the Committee charged with the English translation of the Roman Missal issued the post-Vatican II translations very quickly", implying that problems with post-VII translations are mere "accidents" attributable to "haste." Hopefully, excuses like this won't be given a "free pass" considering that: (1) The new translation is the THIRD edition (how hard is it to change "we" to "I" and "all" to "many", just to name a few simple corrections - yet even these obvious fixes haven't been made until now, decades later), (2) the VERY SAME obvious errors have appeared for decades in multiple translations, raising questions about whether such errors were actually intentional mistranslations rather than "translation errors", (3) it's been 40 years - that's FORTY years (certainly an excessive amount of time to "correct hasty translations"!), and (4) one simply cannot overlook the "radical agenda" of the ICEL. Even if some translation errors could have been attributed to "hasty work" after Vatican II, the same cannot be said for the forty years which have followed. Rather, this time period has been marked by "liturgical experts" trying to manipulate the liturgy and "shape it" to suit their goals. Some seemed to have lost sight of fact that translation work should be aimed at providing accurate texts rather than providing a means to advance agendas (e.g. the push for "feminist-inspired inclusive language"). Simply blaming the matter on "hasty translations after Vatican II" won't fool Catholics who know a little about what's gone on for the last forty years. Related: The Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass [9/2] Some more recent news highlights... * Hollywood's at it again: A poster for a new Ben Affleck movie is set to "offend many Catholics." The sacrilegious poster contains an image of men in nuns' habits carrying machine guns. A spokesperson for Warner Bros. claims it was "was never the intention to offend anyone" [And you'd similarly treat the Jewish or Muslim religions with such disrespect?] * Relatives of the woman whose body was stolen from a mausoleum at a Catholic cemetery in Long Island are offering a reward of $30,000 for return of her remains. An additional $5,000 "CrimeStoppers" reward may also be available. The family has reportedly been "devastated" by the theft * South Africa's bishops are 'seriously concerned' regarding proposed new media restrictions which may threaten freedom of the press. A proposed law - which has "practically no right of appeal" - may 'severely' limit freedom of information, carrying with it jail sentences of 3-5 years * Former senator Rick Santorum will reportedly "take on the premise of one of President John F. Kennedy's most famous speeches" in Texas next week. The historic JFK speech advocated "absolute" separation of church and state * Let's hope it's good music this time: The head of the ICEL reportedly 'foresees more use of music at Mass' when the new (Novus Ordo) Mass translations are implemented next year [Related: 'Fr Z's grief'] * Bishop Pablo Galimberti has emphasized that belief in reincarnation is incompatible with the Catholic faith. He noted that idea of reincarnation has been adopted from various (false) religions such as Hinduism & Buddhism and that it is also "spread through yoga, not in terms of bodily postures but through the ideas that are put forth during the sessions" [Related: Apologetics regarding 'reincarnation'] * The Catholic League has highlighted the media's "selective outrage" over the Church's prohibiting women's 'ordination', pointing out that the while media critics are "outraged" over the Catholic Church's position, these same critics "do not object" that Orthodox Jews & Muslims don't allow female religious leaders. CL also notes that if the Catholic Church had "oppressed women" by not allowing females to be ordained, "then [the Catholic Church] should be dying and the mainline Protestant religions should be spiking. Yet the evidence shows that just the reverse is true" [Related: Top Reasons Why Women Can't Be Priests] * Weeks before Pope Benedict's visit to the U.K., a "leading advisor" to Archbishop Vincent Nichols charged that Britain has been turned into "the geopolitical epicenter of the culture of death" and a "selfish, hedonistic wasteland." He also said that "Our laws and lawmakers for over 50 years have been the most permissively anti-life and progressively anti-family and marriage, in essence one of the most anti-Catholic landscapes, culturally speaking - more than even those places where Catholics suffer open persecution." A spokesperson for Archbishop Nichols reportedly "distanced himself" from the adviser's comments, indicating that they do "not reflect the Archbishop's opinions" [9/1] Note: Dates in brackets may refer to date news brief was added to MCS news page |
Reminder: Third party sites may contain undesirable content / images. View at your own risk. Please note: Over time, these news links may no longer be valid. Please do not report to us regarding expired links on this page. Sorry, but we cannot update expired links in the archive. Apostolic visitor, advisors for Regnum Christi investigation named [9/30] Spanish bishops launch website for November papal visit [9/30] Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for October [9/30] Cardinal Mahony jumps on 'climate change' bandwagon: LA Archdiocese to form 'Creation Sustainability Ministry' [Related: 'Global Warming' / 'Climate Change' (Topic Page)] [9/30] Holy Father back at the Vatican on Thursday evening [9/30] Another bishop consecrated in China with Holy See & government approval [9/30] Ireland's archbishops head to Rome to prepare for apostolic visitation [9/29] Pope Benedict reminds that the liturgy "is a great school of spirituality" [9/29] Holy Father encourages the faithful to turn to the angels [9/29] Supposedly 'devout' Catholic president of the Philippines announces that the government may begin handing out contraceptives to poor couples; Network of 100 lay Catholic groups "prepared to protest" [Refresher: Catholic teachings against contraception] [9/29] OECD says Vatican 'has yet to formally commit to financial transparency' [9/28] Cardinal-electors down to 103 [9/28] Scottish parishes see "marked increase" in attendance in wake of papal visit [9/28] Dissenters' call to commit grave sin fails: Mass 'boycott' in Ireland "had little noticeable effect" [Refresher: Top Reasons Why Women Can't Be Priests] [9/28] CL response to CNN's attempt to implicate Pope Benedict in abuse scandals [9/28] Pope Benedict XVI preparing to leave Castelgandolfo on Thursday [9/27] Vatican astronomer "downplaying apocalyptic scenarios associated with the 2013 solar storm" [9/27] Some neighbors object to building of monastery in Wyoming [9/27] Vatican investigation of Regnum Christi expected to begin in coming weeks [9/25] Bishop Thomas Doran warns of "hidden dangers" of abortion; Prelate says "even Nazi Germany was not quite as callous with regard to nascent infant life as our unelected judges have made our country" and warns that "procured abortion may well be the death knell of our society" [Warning: Article contains reference to offensive picture of 'Jesus'] [9/25] Pope Benedict speaks to Brazilian bishops about importance of confession [9/25] Pontifical Council for the Family may release new marriage preparation document in 2012 [9/25] Mexican Cardinal refuses to retract statements condemning homosexual behavior despite "multiple complaints" filed with government agencies [Refresher: Scripture against homosexuality] [9/25] Boston archdiocese introduces new online social network [9/25] Scandalous: Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster says English bishops 'support legalizing homosexual civil partnerships': Bishops' dissent from Vatican praised by homosexual Anglican [Refreshers: Catholic Teachings Against Homosexuality (Homosexuality/Topic Page) | Necessity of Union With the Roman Pontiff] [9/25] Holy See releases schedule for Pope Benedict's November 6-7 trip to Spain [9/24] Holy See-Israel working commission "produced progress towards the desired agreement" [9/24] Iowa bishops want state constitutional convention to defend true marriage [9/24] Creighton asked to clarify position regarding dissenting professors [9/24] Holy See Press Office director issues letter concerning IOR [9/23] U.S. bishops' committee issues critique of Creighton University theologians' dissenting book [9/23] Holy Father sends message to Catholic Charities USA to mark 100th anniversary [9/23] Archbishop Donald Wuerl named to guide incorporation of U.S. Anglicans into the Catholic Church under Anglicanorum Coetibus [Note: Article has reference to 'Episcopal priest', however Anglican orders are invalid (click here for more information)] [9/23] U.S. bishops seek tax policy that aids poor, supports families [9/23] CL praises Archbishop Broglio for response to dissident group [9/23] Alleged Medjugorje 'visionaries' hosted by Vienna cathedral [Refresher: Marian Apparitions at Medjugorje: True or False?] [9/23] Holy See issues communiqué concerning Vatican Bank investigation [9/22] Pope Benedict may visit Ireland 'as soon as 2012' [9/22] International Catholic-Orthodox commission continues dialogue on papal primacy [9/22] 'No-fault divorce' called a more serious threat to the family than homosexual 'marriage' [Refresher: Catholic teaching on divorce] [9/22] Presidential speech which quoted the Declaration of Independence omitted the word "Creator" [9/22] Professors find that many women who have had an abortion "are in acute pain; some are almost totally incapacitated"; Many of those suffering from abortion were strongly "pro-choice" [Refresher: Catholic teaching on abortion] [9/22] Holy See releases schedule for Pope Benedict's October 3 trip to Palermo [9/21] 'Mass of atonement for sins against life' to be held at St. Peter's on October 8 [9/21] ND88 protesters will get individual jury trials [9/21] Here we go again: Belgian bishops want to debate celibacy [Refresher: Why Priestly Celibacy?] [9/21] Pope Benedict accepts resignation of auxiliary bishop in Diocese of Brooklyn [9/20] USCCB urges HHS not to require coverage of contraception or sterilization in healthcare plans [Click for refreshers: Catholic teachings against contraception & abortion] [9/20] Church in Belgium concerned about financial ramifications of abuse scandal [9/20] Holy See press release issued after Pope Benedict's meeting with abuse victims [9/18] New USCCB leadership to be elected at November assembly [9/17] New archbishop appointed for Seattle [9/17] More good news: New TLM to begin October 3 in Syracuse diocese [9/17] "Noted canon law expert" says priests have been 'worse' than silent regarding contraception; Says "It would be good for the bishops of the United States to speak more often about the grave sinfulness of contraceptive use" [Note: Click here for Catholic teachings regarding contraception / NFP] [9/17] More craziness: Qu'ran "blessed" at Sacramento cathedral [9/17] [Note: There were no news updates on 9/16] Archdiocese of Boston buys parish-bulletin producer [9/15] 'World's largest illuminated cross' inaugurated in Lebanon [9/15] Archbishop says Hindus are still forcing conversions in Orissa [9/15] New study links television-watching time with mental health problems [9/15] Pope's U.K. visit: 'What to expect' [9/15] Touching: Nine-year-old boy chooses rosary over 'soccer stuff' when evacuating home due to fire [9/15] NY man files lawsuit against sedevacantist sect, claiming he was unaware of the group's status [9/15] Vatican Post Office issues new postmark for papal trip to the U.K. [9/14] Here we go again: Precious saints' relics given to schismatic Orthodox [9/14] Excommunicated former archbishop Milingo makes claim against archdiocesan property [9/14] Catholic Church in Belgium announces 'five-point plan' to respond to abuse allegations [Warning: Article contains graphic reference] [9/14] Vatican issues calendar of celebrations to be presided over by Pope Benedict for October & November [9/13] Restoration work on Vatican Library previewed by journalists [9/13] Holy Father reminds that God always loves us, asks for prayers for his U.K. trip [9/13] Demographic shift: 54% of U.S. Catholics born in 1982 or later are Hispanic [9/13] USCCB announcement: New book about Pope Benedict XVI to be released on September 19 [9/13] Ohio man to open non-profit Catholic museum of statues 'rescued' from closed churches & monasteries [Warning: Site contains at least one dissenting reference in user comments appearing after article] [9/13] Holy Father receives newly appointed bishops [9/11] Papal visit may lead Anglicans to return to the true Church? [9/11] The traveling 'mini-Vatican' [9/11] Good news: Australian archbishop cracks down on liturgical abuse at funerals [9/11] Papal visit website to feature live webcast for "the full four days of the Holy Father's visit" [9/11] Interview with Los Angeles' new coadjutor archbishop (Part 2) [9/10] Bishop of Fargo asks priests to pray outside abortion clinic [9/10] Federal judge in California rules that 'don't ask, don't tell' policy is unconstitutional [9/10] Custom Scottish plaid created to commemorate papal visit to Great Britain [9/10] More good news: University in India ordered to reinstate professor [9/10] Chicago priest decries conferral of title 'monsignor' [9/10] Sad: PP reports 6.1% increase in abortion; Adoptions have dropped 51% since 2007 [9/10] Ridiculous: Philadelphia parish may face $700/day fine for bell ringing [9/10] Interview with Los Angeles' new coadjutor archbishop [9/9] Panel of experts to propose methods of conserving Sistine Chapel frescoes [9/9] New bill in Panama may fine persons who speak "disrespectfully" of homosexuals up to $5,000 [9/9] Filipino nuns call for job creation, say handouts are not a solution to poverty [9/9] Good while it lasted: TOB promoter ends sabbatical, says he will respond to critics [9/9] Pope Benedict says he is "very much looking forward" to his visit to the U.K. [9/8] Vatican Library to reopen on schedule [9/8] Vatican issues "Communique Concerning 'Koran Burning Day'" [9/8] St. John Bosco relics to arrive in U.S. on Saturday [9/8] First new Catholic university in Sweden since the 1400's [9/8] Vandals "targeted" Marian statues at Modesto parish, left other statues untouched [9/8] Vatican releases statistics for the Catholic Church in Great Britain [9/7] Christians in Pakistan being denied aid unless they convert to Islam [9/6] Pipe bomb found by 8 year-old boy outside Catholic elementary school in N. Ireland [9/6] Funeral of 'underground' Chinese bishop conducted under "strict surveillance" [9/6] Vatican expert predicts announcement of November consistory next month [9/6]
Father visits birthplace of Pope Leo XIII
[9/6] Pope Benedict appoints new apostolic nuncio to Iraq and Jordan [9/4] Ridiculous: Australian writer says canonization is an insult to Bl. Mary MacKillop [9/4] U.K. poll finds 25% support papal visit, 10% plan to attend events related to papal visit [9/4] Chilean Cardinal delivers rosaries blessed by Pope Benedict to trapped miners' families [9/4] Vatican Museums director says Sistine Chapel has 'too many visitors' [9/3] Catholic news agency for entire continent of Africa being considered [9/3] Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin investigating alleged Marian apparition from the 19th century [9/3] Vatican Museums to remain open Friday evenings in September & October [9/3] 'The Problem With Video Games' [9/3] Pope Benedict meets with President of Israel [9/2] Vatican releases list of Holy Father's August activities [9/2] New U.S. postage stamp featuring Mother Teresa is released [9/2] Archbishop Koch 'pledges unity with Pope' [9/2] Cardinal Danneels' lawyer accuses newspaper of "character assassination" against the Cardinal [9/2] Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for September [9/1] Argentinean Archbishop reminds parents that they are the primary educators of their children [9/1] Al Qaeda releases statement calling for Muslim reconquest of predominately Catholic Spain [9/1] Legionary priest writes to order's leaders complaining of 'lingering ties' to disgraced founder [9/1] Pope Benedict praises St. Hildegard as role model for women religious [9/1] Note: Dates in brackets may refer to date link was added to MCS news page |
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