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Misc. Topics (1)
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You Trust Martin Luther?
People be Accepted 'Just as They Are'?
You Criticize the Catholic Church For Her Use of Ashes on Ash
You Reject a Sunday 'Sabbath'?
You Reject Crucifixes?
You Reject the Church's Claim of Infallibility Because Certain
Priests or Bishops Have Behaved so Badly?
the Early Church Fathers Infallible?
You Believe in Reincarnation?
Does the Catholic Church Reject the Idea of Women 'Priests'?
You Believe There Will be a 'Rapture'?
Do You Claim Protestant 'Pastors' Received Authority From?
Here For More...
Question |
Comments |
You Trust Martin Luther? |
Did you know that Luther...? *
Approved of adultery / concubineage
Approved of bigamy (Philip of Hesse)
Broke his vows to God
Engaged in fornication
Believed unchastity was inescapable
Is considered to have had "depraved manners"
Used "disgusting" language and is accused of
"flagrant violations of decency"
Admitted he was "consumed by the fires of [his] unbridled
flesh" and "consumed by the flesh and by
lasciviousness" (De Wette, 2, 22)
Was admittedly impure: "I burn with a thousand flames in my
unsubdued flesh: I feel myself carried on with a rage towards
women that approaches madness. I, who ought to be fervent in
spirit, am only fervent in impurity." (Table Talk)
Wanted the Ten Commandments to be removed "out of sight and
heart". He called them "stupid" and said that,
"If we allow them - the Commandments - any influence in our
conscience, they become the cloak of all evil, heresies and
blasphemies." (Comm. ad Galat., P. 310)
Admittedly received confirmation of his doctrines from Satan
Etc. This,
you believe is an "instrument of God" or "messenger
of God"?
"Read Luther's work against
'the Mass
and the Ordination of Priests' where he tells of his famous
disputation with the 'Father of Lies' who accosted him at
'midnight' and spoke to him with a 'deep, powerful voice', causing
'the sweat to break forth' from his brow and his 'heart to tremble
and beat.' In that celebrated conference of which he was an
unexceptionable witness and about which he never entertained the
slightest doubt, he says plainly and unmistakingly that 'the devil
spoke against the Mass, and Mary and the Saints' and that,
moreover, Satan gave him the most unqualified approval of his
doctrine on 'justification by faith alone.' Who now, we ask in all
sincerity, can be found, except those appallingly blind to truth,
to accept such a man, approved by the enemy of souls, as a
spiritual teacher and entrust to his guidance their eternal
welfare?" (O'Hare)
advocates might, if their eyes are not filmed, read with profit the
following words which their master penned when he had genuine misgivings
at the outset of his apostasy. 'How many times,' he writes, 'have I not
asked myself with bitterness the same question which the Papists put me:
Art thou alone wise? Darest thou imagine that all mankind have been in
error for so long a series of years? I am not so bold as to assert that
I have been guided in this affair by God. How will it be, if, after all,
it is thou thyself who art wrong, and art thou involving in error so
many souls who will then be eternally damned?' (Latin Works,
Weim. ed.,
8, p. 411 seq.)." (O'Hare) |
People be Accepted 'Just as They Are'? |
While we must love all people regardless of who or what they are,
we are not called to accept sinful behavior. In fact, the Bible
instructs us to "hate what is evil" (Rom.12:9), and sin
is certainly the greatest evil. *
While Christ forgave sinners, he never allowed them to continue in
their sins. In fact, Christ instructed "Go, (and) from now on do not sin any more."
(Jn. 8:11)
Holy Scripture tells us to admonish one another, not to 'accept
sinners as they are'. [Note: Click here
for more information on this topic ('Should One Correct / Rebuke a
Fallen Away Catholic?']
Holy Scripture tells us not to associate with sinners, not to
'accept sinners as they are'. [e.g. "We instruct you, brothers,
in the name of (our) Lord Jesus Christ, to shun any brother who
conducts himself in a disorderly way and not according to the
tradition they received from us" (St. Paul, 2 Thes. 3:6)
& "Purge the evil person from your midst." (St. Paul, 1
Cor. 5:13)] *
False tolerance is not charitable to the sinner or to others. In
fact, Scripture warns us that "Bad company corrupts good
morals" (1 Cor. 15:33) and that "A little yeast leavens the whole batch of
dough" (Gal. 5:9).
It is Christ, not us, who has given specific instructions
that must be followed for those wishing to be saved.
While one may think it is not loving to fail to accept someone 'as
they are', the truth is that it would not be very loving to allow
someone to perish without trying to help them. How loving would it
be to let someone fall over a cliff because you didn't want to
point out that their feet were hanging three inches over the edge?
How can it be unloving to encourage loved ones to be the best they
can be? To encourage them to act in the only way they can ever be
truly happy?
By tolerating a person's sinful behavior, you are actually
affirming them in their sins. You may also be making it less
likely that they will fight their sinful behavior. *
It may, in fact, be sinful to 'accept' someone's sinful behavior.
Doing so may be one way of being an accessory to another's sin. [For
more information on ways of being an accessory to another's sin,
click here.]
You Criticize the Catholic Church For Her Use of Ashes on Ash
Wednesday? |
* If you criticize the Catholic Church's use of ashes on Ash
Wednesday, do you also criticize those in Scripture who used ashes
(e.g. Jdth. 9:1, Job 42:6, Jonah 3:6, etc.)? Why do you criticize
the use of ashes when we see them used both in the Old Testament
and in Apostolic times?
* Why is it that Job, Judith, Esther, Daniel, etc. thought using
ashes was an acceptable (or even necessary) practice, but you
* If it is always wrong to use ashes, why do we not see God flatly
condemning this practice? If it is wrong, why does Our Lord
Himself refer to the use of ashes? (Note: See Mt. 11:21, Lk.
* Do you condemn the Church for using ashes without knowing why
she does this? Do you not realize this helps bring home the truth
that persons are "but dust and ashes" and that they will return to
dust (thereby encouraging repentance)?
* Are you aware that the use of ashes is *not* a universal
requirement of the Catholic Church? Did you know that Ash
Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation? In the past, ashes were
imposed "only on public penitents. In those austere days of
ecclesiastical discipline, public expiation was always exacted as
a reparation for public scandal. Those who sought reconciliation
with God after grievous sin were required to appear at the door of
the church in penitential garb on Ash Wednesday morning." As time
went on, other devout souls who were not public sinners wished to
join the penitents in the 'humiliation of Ash Wednesday' so that
"gradually, it became the custom for all Catholics, including the
clergy, to receive the ashes on that day." [Source: Fr. J.
* Are you aware that the presence of ashes on Ash Wednesday may
help Catholics by reminding them of their grave obligation to fast
on this day? Are you aware that the wearing of ashes on the
forehead also serves as a public proclamation of one's faith that
sometimes subjects Catholics to ridicule by others? Or are you
under the mistaken impression that Catholics tend to derive some
'worldly benefit' from wearing ashes on their foreheads?
* Do you think pride is involved in the wearing of ashes on the
forehead? Pride for what? Ashes are symbolic of repentance, sin,
and even death. How exactly does admitting you are a sinner who
will return to dust make you prideful? It's not like it's
difficult to get ashes or requires great effort. Certainly, they
are not 'pretty' to look at (in an earthly sense). Even those in
mortal sin can get them and it only takes a few moments. And, of
course, they are free. So what's to be 'proud' about? Ashes are
not given to serve pride or to "make a show", but rather "to
soberly remind man that he is but dust and ashes" and to signify
repentance. They should bring forth humility, which you can surely
see is praised in Holy Scripture.
* Are you aware that Catholics don't think ashes have any inherent
power (or 'magic')? They are also not a sacrament. Ashes may be
used to signify repentance, but they should not be confused with
repentance itself. Further, the Church does not teach that mere
external acts can be a substitute for true repentance. In fact,
receiving ashes may be accounted as a "farce" if it is not
accompanied by proper dispositions.
* Have you ever pondered the fact that Scripture speaks of sparing
persons who had sorrow for sin and were marked on the forehead?
(Note: See Ezekiel, Chapter 9)
"The present rite of the Church of signing
the foreheads of her children with blessed ashes, in the beginning
of the Lenten fast, is a remnant of the ancient penitential
discipline. In the good old times, when the faithful were more
fervent, when they understood better the malice of sin, and had a
deeper horror of it, public penance for certain crimes was
ordained by the Church, and, for the most part, willingly accepted
and faithfully performed. The sorrowing sinner looked upon
admission to the penitential course as a precious boon, as a hope
held out of his reinstatement in the enjoyment of those spiritual
goods which he had forfeited by his transgression." (Fr. W. Barry)
"The sign of the holy ashes on our heads
should remind us of the destiny of our earthly bodies--dust and
worms. If we realize well this solemn truth, we shall undertake
readily and joyously our Lenten work of fasting and praying,
hoping for a recompense beyond the grave, when corruption will be
changed into incorruption, when this mortal body will be clothed
with immortality." (Fr. W. Barry)
"It was the ordinary time for sinners
entering a course of public canonical penance, into which they
were initiated by the prayers of the Bishop with his clergy, and
the imposition of his hands, when he laid ashes on the heads of
the penitents. This is the origin of the ceremony of putting ashes
on our foreheads on this day, as an emblem and exterior mark of
the interior consecration of our hearts to the exercises of
penance. It is not a superstitious practice, but an holy ceremony
used by the church from its most early times, and recommended by
the example of the patriarchs and prophets recorded in the holy
scriptures" (Butler)
"It is not therefore an idle ceremony, but
a token or mark that we are consecrated to the practice of severe
penance for our sins. To receive this ceremony without the spirit
and sentiments of penitence is no better than gross hypocrisy,
disobedience and mockery." (Butler)
"On Ash Wednesday the Church begins the
penitential season of Lent, the forty days of mortification during
which her children are called upon to remember that they must
chastise their bodies and bring them into subjection; that he who
neglects to do penance is in danger of perishing; and that at all
times the Christian must remember his last end and his return to
the dust from which he was taken. As we are all conscious that by
nature we are 'children of wrath,' we are urged to appease the
offended majesty of God by the practice of penance and
mortification; and the Church teaches us this solemn duty by the
impressive ceremony of the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday."
(Fr. J. Sullivan)
"The name dies cinerum (day of ashes) which
it bears in the Roman Missal is found in the earliest existing
copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary and probably dates from at
least the eighth century. On this day all the faithful according
to ancient custom are exhorted to approach the altar before the
beginning of Mass, and there the priest, dipping his thumb into
ashes previously blessed, marks the forehead - or in case of
clerics upon the place of the tonsure - of each the sign of the
cross, saying the words: 'Remember man that thou art dust and unto
dust thou shalt return.' The ashes used in this ceremony are made
by burning the remains of the palms blessed on the Palm Sunday of
the previous year." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
"But Simon began, though secretly, to go
amongst his friends and acquaintances, and to malign [the Apostle
St.] Peter more than before. Then all spat in his face, and drove
him from the city, saying: 'You will be chargeable with your own
death, if you think of coming hither again, speaking against
Peter.' These things being known at Laodicea, Peter ordered the
people to meet on the following day; and having ordained one of
those who followed him as bishop over them, and others as
presbyters, and having baptized multitudes, and restored to health
all who were troubled with sicknesses or demons, he stayed there
three days longer; and all things being properly arranged, he bade
them farewell, and set out from Laodicea, being much longed for by
the people of Antioch. And the whole city began to hear, through
Niceta and Aquila, that Peter was coming. Then all the people of
the city of Antioch, hearing of Peter's arrival, went to meet him,
and almost all the old men and the nobles came with ashes
sprinkled on their heads, in this way testifying their repentance,
because they had listened to the magician Simon, in opposition to
his preaching." (Attr. St. Clement of Rome)
"What shall I call thee to quit thee of thy
recklessness? Shall I call thee ashes, and dust, and smoke, and
pother?" (St. John Chrysostom)
You Reject a Sunday 'Sabbath'? |
Do you reject a Sunday "sabbath" (called the Lord's Day)
because you think it's a new invention? If so, you should know
that it traces back to apostolic times and can even be seen in
Scripture. For example, consider
that ...
Acts 20:7
speaks of breaking bread on the first day of the week
Cor. 16:2 speaks of taking up a collection on the first day of the week
Rv. 1:10
speaks of being "caught up in spirit on the Lord's day"
Do you know that the term "sabbath" actually refers to
rest - it does not mean, by definition, Saturday?
Why do you think that Christians must observe the same day as
Jews who reject Christ? Can you not see that this is a new covenant. "Just as baptism replaces circumcision, Sunday
replaces Saturday."
There is much meaning on having the Christian observance on
Sunday. Remember that Christ was in the tomb on Saturday, but rose
on Sunday. Also, Pentecost - the coming of the Holy Spirit - occurred
on Sunday.
The earliest Christians observed a Sunday "sabbath"
(called the "Lord's Day"). Why do you reject it?
"And on the
Lord's Day, after you have come together, break bread and offer
the Eucharist, having first confessed your offences, so that your
sacrifice [of the Mass] may be pure." ('Teaching of the Twelve
Apostles', 2nd
century A.D.)
"The Lord's Day is so called, because on that day the joy
of our Lord's resurrection is celebrated. This day the Jews did
not observe, but it was declared by the Christians in honor of the
Lord's resurrection, and the celebration began from that
(St. Isidore, 7th century A.D.)
"But our Sabbath has been transferred from the seventh to
the eighth day, and the eighth is the first. And rightly was the
seventh changed into the eighth, because we Christians put our joy
in a better work than the creation of the world... Let the lovers
of the world keep a Sabbath for its creation: but our joy is in
the salvation of the world, for our life, yea and our rest, is
hidden with Christ in God." (Abbot Rupert, as quoted in
Liturgical Year)
"The Day of the Sun is the day on which we all gather in
common meeting, because it is the first day, the day on which God,
changing darkness and matter, created the world; and it is the day
on which Jesus Christ our Savior rose from the dead. For He was
crucified on the day before that of Kronos; and on the day after
that of Kronos, which is the Day of the Sun, He appeared to His
Apostles and disciples, and taught them these things which we have
also submitted to you for your consideration." (St. Justin the
Martyr, c. 148-161 A.D.)
"The first day was thus ennobled by the creation of light.
It received a second consecration by the Resurrection of Jesus;
and from that time forward Sunday, and not Saturday, was to be the
Lord's Day. Yes, our Resurrection in Jesus which took place on the
Sunday, gave this first day a preeminence above the others of the
week: the divine precept of the Sabbath was abrogated together
with the other ordinances of the Mosaic Law, and the Apostles
instructed the faithful to keep holy the first day of the week,
which God had dignified with that twofold glory, the creation and
the regeneration of the world." (Dom Gueranger)
"Do not be led astray by other doctrines nor by old
fables which are worthless. For if we have been living until now
according to Judaism, we must confess that we have not received
grace. The prophets, who were men of God, lived according to Jesus Christ... If, then, those
who walked in ancient customs came to a new hope, no longer
sabbathing but living by the Lord's Day, on which we came to life
through Him and through His death... It is absurd to have Jesus
Christ on the lips and at the same time to practice Judaism.
Christianity did not base its faith on Judaism, but Judaism on
Christianity in which every tongue believing in God is brought
together." (St. Ignatius of Antioch, c. 110 A.D.)
You Reject Crucifixes?
How can you reject the image of the crucifix when St. Paul says,
"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except
Jesus Christ, and him crucified" (St. Paul, 1 Cor. 2:2)?
Do you imagine that the Catholic Church does not know that Christ
rose from the dead? Of course she knows this! However, a crucifix portrays
an historical reality - the most important reality in the history
of the human race. An empty cross is not what saved us!
Are you unaware of the many benefits of crucifixes as opposed to
plain crosses? For example, consider that...
crucifix helps one to reflect on the actual sufferings of Jesus.
It makes one more aware of the consequences of sin, and more
crucifix clearly reminds us of the truth of Christ's words in the
Gospel of John: "No one has greater love than this, to lay
down one's life for one's friends." (Jn. 15:13)
crucifix helps
produce contrition for sins. The
crucifix reminds
us of the seriousness of - and consequences of - sin.
crucifix inspires
the faithful to bear suffering patiently.
crucifix shows
the faithful the price Jesus paid.
crucifix shows
the faithful how much God loves His children.
crucifix helps
increase gratitude towards Christ.
crucifix is
the model of true love. It doesn't hide the reality that love is
sometimes painful.
crucifix is a "gospel in miniature" even for the
illiterate and uneducated.
are all expected to take up our cross - a crucifix is a reminder
of what this entails.
crucifix serves
as a reminder: "We humans are forgetful and need to be
reminded. We need to remember what our sins cost God and what we
owe Him. We need to be reminded about how grateful we should be.
As in court when one hears the arguings of the defendant, it is
also necessary to balance this by seeing his victim."
crucifix is a reminder that it alone is the way of life that
brings us ultimate happiness. It reminds us that we must practice
self denial and sacrifice in our own lives."
"For Jews demand signs and Greeks look
for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to
Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called,
Jews and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of
God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and
the weakness of God is stronger than human strength." (1 Cor.
"Take the holy crucifix in your hands,
kiss its wounds with great love, and ask Him to preach you a
sermon. Listen to what the thorns, the nails, and that Divine
Blood say to you. Oh! What a sermon." (St. Paul of the Cross)
"Before the crucifix we feel true
sorrow for sin and fixing our gaze on it we also feel the greatest
comfort." (St. Mary Joseph Rossello)
"Let us go often to the foot of the
Cross...We shall learn there what God has done for us, and what we
ought to do for him." (St. John Vianney)
"Look at His adorable Face. Look at His
glazed and sunken eyes. Look at His wounds. Look Jesus in the
Face. There, you will see how He loves us." (St. Therese of
Lisieux, Doctor of the Church)
"O what inspiration there is in the
Crucifix! Who could find it hard to persevere at the sight of a
God who never commands us to do anything which he has not first
practiced himself?" (St. John Vianney)
"In that one and the same event, there
is the sign of sin's utter depravity and the seal of divine
forgiveness. From that point on, no man can look upon a crucifix
and say that sin is not serious, nor can he ever say that it
cannot be forgiven. By the way He suffered, He revealed the
reality of sin; by the way He bore it, He shows His mercy toward
the sinner." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
"If every devout Israelite in
contemplating Jerusalem saw only the Temple, then we must believe
that Jesus, zealous as He was for His Father's honor and ever
prostrate in adoration before Him, gazed from His Cross at the
house of His Father in a spirit of ardent worship, mingled with
unspeakable sorrow. His Cross was situated to the west and His
face was turned almost in exactly the same direction as the
Temple, of which He thus saw only the back. Given the season of
the year and the time of day, the shadow of the Cross would, if
extended, have covered the sacred edifice and the altar beyond.
These striking calculations may easily be verified on the spot;
they are no fruit of the imagination. Fantasy on this subject
would be out of place." (Sertillanges) [Note: In other
words, the very shadow that was projected onto the temple during
the Passion was the Crucifix - not an empty cross.] |
You Reject the Church's Claim of Infallibility Because Certain
Priests or Bishops Have Behaved so Badly? |
Offended by scandal in the Catholic Church? Click
Sinful behavior of priests or bishops, no matter how shameful, has
nothing to do with infallibility. Infallibility refers to the
protection of the Holy Spirit in doctrinal matters concerning
faith or morals. It does not prevent persons from sinning.
Further, it is limited in scope. For more information, click
the Early Church Fathers Infallible? |
The early Church Fathers are not infallible. Some are known to be
unorthodox in various teachings.
You Believe in Reincarnation? |
If reincarnation were true (which is isn't!), why aren't
people getting better?
Why is it that so few people claim to "remember a past
life"? "How do you imagine that man can benefit from
that which he cannot remember?"
Why do you argue that people cannot "advance to
perfection" until after death? "If this was a possibility,
why do you not believe it can happen during life?"
"What is the first cause? Humans didn't create themselves!"
God has revealed Himself to humankind and His revelation shows
that "reincarnation" is a false belief.
* There is NO biblical support for reincarnation. The idea that
John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah is obviously
mistaken because Elijah was taken up without experiencing death -
and therefore couldn't have been "reincarnated". Further, we know
Elijah appeared at the transfiguration (see Mt. 17:3). Obviously,
scriptural references regarding St. John the Baptist & Elijah
are figurative since Elijah still existed as Elijah - and NOT as
John the Baptist.
* Do you not see that the idea of reincarnation denies an inherent
unity between a person's body and their soul?
* Supposed "proof" from the relatively few people that supposedly
"remember past lives" can easily be explained by machinations of
demonic forces, hallucinations, etc.
* Each being's life is a gift from God, not a punishment.
* How could it be a "punishment" to be a lower life form? Do lower
life forms seem unhappy to be such? Does a bug actually know that
he "suffers" by being a bug?
* How could a human being's soul possibly be adapted to body of a
lower life form - e.g. an insect? Wouldn't such a change require
the person to lose all their human intelligence? Or, do you
seriously maintain that a person 'reincarnated' as an insect would
retain their human intelligence while living the life of a bug?
* How can it be said that a supposedly 'reincarnated' individual
was the same person as before? Each would have different
characteristics, dispositions, thoughts, tastes, etc. How could
they be the same person?
* If an insect was a 'reincarnated human', what can this 'human'
possibly get out of being an insect, especially for insects with a
very short life span? Or what "virtue" could have been achieved in
such a short time?
* If you believe you were "reincarnated", what did you learn? What are you
doing differently? Nothing because you have no consciousness of
your supposed "past life", correct? Remember that the entire idea
of reincarnation makes no sense since there would be no point if
one cannot remember or learn from a "past life". Even if you claim
to remember a "past life", how could you be sure this was not a
deception of the devil, your mortal enemy?
* How can you explain the vast number of insects, reptiles, and
other animals in comparison with humans if such creatures are
really 'reincarnated' humans?
* As a human being, can you seriously pick up a gnat or another
insect and see it as a possible ancestor? Do you actually respect
it as such? Doesn't such a theory tend to diminish your own
self-respect & your respect for other humans? For that matter,
doesn't it even diminish your respect for lower life forms if you
see their existence as a punishment?
* If your ancestors could be 'reincarnated' as trees, how is it
you could ever build a house, use paper, eat fruit, etc?
* What merit can there possibly be for a human being to be
'reincarnated' as, say, a bush? How could being a bush help a man to
advance? A bush cannot even think for itself!
* If you accept Holy Scripture, how do you explain the numerous
warnings it contains? If a person gets chance after chance to get
things right, why such concern? And how do you explain an eternal
hell if people get to try over and over again? And if
reincarnation were true, why didn't Adam & Eve simply come back as
something else? Why the need for a Savior to come?
* For those who consider themselves 'Christian', can you not see
that the idea of reincarnation is incompatible with the
resurrection which Christ told us will take place at the end of
the world? Which body do you suppose a "reincarnated" person would
be reunited with?
* For those who consider themselves 'Christian', how can being
reincarnated as a bug or tree or bird be compatible with man's
being made in the image and likeness of God (see Gen. 1:26)?
* Why would the supposed "guiding force" behind "reincarnation"
not choose simply to reward or punish a person in the same body for
which they earned their reward or punishment? Why make them enter
different bodies for reward or punishment? And especially why make
them enter different bodies for punishment if they never remember
the prior body or the reason they are being punished?
* Is it not true that the theory of "reincarnation" is simply a
way to avoid the fact that persons may be condemned eternally (to
hell) upon their death with no second chance?
is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the
judgment" (Heb. 9:27) "Christian
revelation excludes reincarnation, and speaks of a fulfillment
which man is called to achieve in the course of a single earthly
existence." (Pope John Paul II) "Our bodies
will share in the reward or punishment of our souls, because
through the resurrection they will again be united to them."
(Baltimore Catechism) "The general
resurrection or rising of all the dead will take place at the
general judgment, when the same bodies in which we lived on earth
will come forth from the grave and be united to our souls and
remain united with them forever either in heaven or in hell."
(Baltimore Catechism) "[F]or we do not
suppose it possible that the soul is adapted to a strange
building, just as it is not possible that the seal impressed on
wax should be fitted to an engraving that does not agree with it."
(St. Gregory of Nyssa) "We profess that
there is a true bodily resurrection for all the dead. And we do
not believe that we shall rise in a body of air or in any
different kind of body (as some have foolishly thought); but we
shall rise in this very body in which we now live and are and
move." (Eleventh Council of Toledo, 675 A.D.)
"Death is the end of man's earthly pilgrimage, of the time of
grace and mercy which God offers him so as to work out his earthly
life in keeping with the divine plan, and to decide his ultimate
destiny. When 'the single course of our earthly life' is
completed, we shall not return to other earthly lives: 'It is
appointed for men to die once.' There is no 'reincarnation' after
death." (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
"I must here also remark, that if souls undergo a transformation,
they will actually not be able to accomplish and experience the
destinies which they shall deserve; and the aim and purpose of
judicial recompense will be brought to nought, as there will be
wanting the sense and consciousness of merit and retribution. And
there must be this want of consciousness, if souls lose their
condition; and there must ensue this loss, if they do not continue
in one stay." [Tertullian ("an excellent early Christian writer" -
although he would ultimately fall into heresy), c. 3rd century A.D.]
"O ye philosophers do you teach us, and how usefully do you advise
us, that after death rewards and punishments fall with lighter
weight! whereas, if any judgment awaits souls at all, it ought
rather to be supposed that it will be heavier at the conclusion of
life than in the conduct thereof, since nothing is more complete
than that which comes at the very last - nothing, moreover, is
more complete than that which is especially divine. Accordingly,
God's judgment will be more full and complete, because it will be
pronounced at the very last, in an eternal irrevocable sentence,
both of punishment and of consolation, (on men whose) souls are
not to transmigrate into beasts, but are to return into their own
proper bodies. And all this once for all, and on 'that day, too,
of which the Father only knoweth;' in order that by her trembling
expectation faith may make full trial of her anxious sincerity,
keeping her gaze ever fixed on that day, in her perpetual
ignorance of it, daily fearing that for which she yet daily
hopes." [Tertullian ("an excellent early Christian writer" -
although he would ultimately fall into heresy), c. 3rd century A.D.]
"We must not follow, either, as though they had bit the truth
those who suppose that souls pass from women's bodies to live in
men, or, reversely, that souls that have parted with men's bodies
exist in women: or even if they only say that they pass from men
into men, or from women into women. As for the former theory, not
only has it been rejected for being shifting and illusory, and for
landing us in opinions diametrically opposed to each other; but it
must be rejected also because it is a godless theory, maintaining
as it does that nothing amongst the things in nature is brought
into existence without deriving its peculiar constitution from
evil as its source. If, that is, neither men nor plants nor cattle
can be born unless some soul from above has fallen into them, and
if this fall is owing to some tendency to evil, then they
evidently think that evil controls the creation of all beings...
If the beginning is like that, a sequel will most certainly be set
in motion in accordance with that beginning. None would dare to
maintain that what is fair can come out of what is foul, any more
than from good can come its opposite. We expect fruit in
accordance with the nature of the seed." (St. Gregory of Nyssa)
"...the dogma of foreign to the church of God,
and [was] not handed down by the Apostles, nor [is it] anywhere
set forth in the Scriptures; for it is also in opposition to the
saying that 'things seed are temporal,' and that 'this age shall
have a consummation,' and also to the fulfilment of the saying,
'Heaven and earth shall pass away,' and 'the fashion of this world
passeth away,' and 'the heavens shall perish,' and what follows.
For if, by hypothesis, in the constitution of things which has
existed from the beginning unto the end of the world, the same
soul can be twice in the body, for what cause should it be in it?
For if because of sin it should be twice in the body, why should
it not be thrice, and repeatedly in it, since punishments, in
respect of this life, and of the sins committed in it, shall be
rendered to it only by the method of transmigration? But if this
be granted as a consequence, perhaps there will never be a time
when a soul shall not undergo transmigration: for always because
of its former sins will it dwell in the body; and so there will be
no place for the corruption of the world, at which 'the heaven and
the earth shall pass away.' And if it be granted, on this
hypothesis, that one who is absolutely sinless shall not come into
the body by birth, after what length of time do you suppose that a
soul shall be found absolutely pure and needing no transmigration?
But nevertheless, also, if any one soul is always thus being
removed from the definite number of souls and returns no longer to
the body, sometime after infinite ages, as it were, birth shall
cease; the world being reduced to some one or two or a few more,
after the perfecting of whom the world shall perish, the supply of
souls coming into the body having failed. But this is not
agreeable to the Scripture; for it knows of a multitude of sinners
at the time of the destruction of the world. This is manifest from
consideration of the saying, 'Howbeit when the Son of man cometh
shall He find faith on the earth?' So we find it thus said in
Matthew, 'As were the days of Noah so shall also be the coming of
the Son of man; for as they were in the days of the flood,' etc."
[Origen ("the greatest scholar of Christian antiquity" - although
he would ultimately be excommunicated and be regarded as a
heretic), c. 3rd century A.D.] |
Does the Catholic Church Reject the Idea of Women 'Priests'? |
How could women ever be priests considering that Scripture
the spirits of prophets are under the prophets' control, since he
is not the God of disorder but of peace. As in all the
churches of the holy ones, women should keep silent in the
churches, for they are not allowed to speak, but should be
subordinate, as even the law says. But if they want to learn
anything, they should ask their husbands at home. For it
is improper for a woman to speak in the church. Did the word of
God go forth from you? Or has it come to you alone? If anyone
thinks that he is a prophet or a spiritual person, he should
recognize that what I am writing to you is a commandment of the
Lord." (St. Paul, 1 Cor. 14:32-37, emphasis added)
is my wish, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting
up holy hands, without anger or argument. Similarly, (too,) women
should adorn themselves with proper conduct, with modesty and
self-control, not with braided hairstyles and gold ornaments, or
pearls, or expensive clothes, but rather, as befits women who
profess reverence for God, with good deeds. A woman must
receive instruction silently and under complete control. I do not
permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must
be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Further,
Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and
transgressed. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided
women persevere in faith and love and holiness, with
self-control." (St. Paul, 1 Tm. 2:8-15, emphasis added)
Do you point to expressions such as "minister" as used
in Rom 16:1 in connection with a woman? Are you unaware that this
term may be translated as "servant" or
"attendant"? It is clear from history that women were never
permitted to perform priestly roles by any orthodox Christians!
You Believe There Will be a 'Rapture'? |
Do you think the following Scripture passages prove the 'rapture'
24:36-44: "But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the
Son, but the Father alone. For as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
In (those) days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day that Noah entered the ark.
They did not know until the flood came and carried them all away. So will it be (also) at the coming of the Son of Man.
Two men will be out in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left.
Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left.
Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come.
Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour of night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not let his house be broken into.
So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come."
17:22-35: Then he said to his disciples, "The days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it.
There will be those who will say to you, 'Look, there he is,' (or) 'Look, here he is.' Do not go off, do not run in pursuit. For just as lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be (in his day). But first he must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man;
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage up to the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Similarly, as it was in the days of Lot: they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building; on the day when Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all. So it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day, a person who is on the housetop and whose belongings are in the house must not go down to get them, and likewise a person in the field must not return to what was left behind. Remember the wife of Lot. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. I tell you, on that night there will be two people in one bed; one will be taken, the other left. And there will be two women grinding meal together; one will be taken, the other left."
Thes. 4:13-18: We do not want you to be unaware, brothers, about those who have fallen asleep, so that you may not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose, so too will God, through Jesus, bring with him those who have fallen asleep.
Indeed, we tell you this, on the word of the Lord, that we who are
alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will surely not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself, with a word of command, with the voice of
an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven,
and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Thus we shall always be with the Lord.
Therefore, console one another with these words.
so, can you not see that...
Those who are "left" are the ones who are damned. They
will not get another chance as Christ never promised
a third coming. This may be made even more clear by the fact that
the time is compared to that of Noah's. Remember that those who
were left in Noah's time all perished - they did not get a
second chance.
The coming of Christ will not be silent and invisible, but
will be announced by a trumpet blast (Mt. 24:31, 1 Cor. 15:52, 1
Thes. 4:16) and "lightning flashes" will light up the
sky "from one side to the other" (cf. Mt. 24:27, Lk. 17:24).
Scripture is quite clear that people will "see" the
coming of Christ (cf. Mk. 13:26, Lk. 21:27, Rv. 1:7).
* How can you refute the charge that the 'rapture' is escapism? If
certain persons think they will be "raptured" to heaven, they will
not feel they need to work or try or fight (referring here to a
spiritual 'combat')... They think they will simply be immune from
the time of tribulation and escape judgment... And those to be
'left behind' will find in this (false) theory hope for a second
chance - when there will be, in reality, NO further chances at
that time.
Do You Claim Protestant 'Pastors' Received Authority From? |
Do you reject the concept of authority in the Church? Click
Do you deny that Jesus established a visible, hierarchical Church?
Click here
How is it you reject the authority of the Catholic Church, but
accept authority of a 'pastor' who felt 'inspired to start a
How is it you accept any 'authority' of (or even listen to) a
self-appointed 'pastor' when scripture says...?
chooses priests (Num. 18:1-7)
persons who usurp priestly roles are punished (cf. Num. 18:7)
who acted in an unauthorized manner suffered death (e.g. Aaron's
sons, Uzzah)
approach God unsummoned brings death" (cf. Lev
16:1-2, Jer. 30:21)
are not to take religious offices upon themselves (cf. Heb.
who went without mandate disturbed the peace (see Acts 15:24)
"false apostles" want to be regarded as having an
apostolic mission (see 2 Cor. 11:12-15)
who are appointed are chosen by Christ, not by themselves (Jn.
who preach must be sent (Rom.
certain persons were sent by Christ (cf. Jn. 20:21)
Those who
recommend themselves are not approved, but rather those whom the Lord
recommends (see
2 Cor. 10:18)
the blind lead the blind, both fall into a pit (Mt. 15:1, Lk. 6:39)
Whoever speaks on his own seeks his own
glory (Jn. 7:18)
Apostles and their representatives - not congregations and not the individuals themselves -
appointed successors (cf.
Acts 13:1-3, Ti. 1:5).
invested only certain persons (his Apostles) with power (see Jn.
20:21-23, Mt. 18:18)
Why is it you accept self-appointed or elected 'pastors', but
reject the Catholic Church's clergy - clergy which can be linked
directly back to the apostles? Remember that "...the Church
[is governed]... by no other ministers than those of Apostolic
succession." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
Even St. Paul - who was called directly by Christ - went to St.
Peter (see Gal. 1:18)
Even those whom the Holy Spirit wanted set apart had to be sent by
the Apostles (see Acts
Since Scripture instructs the
leaders not to lay hands too readily (cf. 1 Tm. 5:22),
it is clear that persons cannot simply assume clerical positions
on their own or by election of the laity.
By what right does a Protestant 'pastor' speak?
Why do you acknowledge a preacher who is without authority? Why do
you listen to a 'pastor' who has no power? Why do you regard one
as 'pastor' who has usurped a role not given to him through
apostolic succession? Why do you reject the Catholic Church's
clergy who have both authority and power? Clergy who may be traced
back directly to the apostles? Clergy "who can do what the
angels cannot - forgive sins, and turn bread and wine into the
body and blood of Christ"?!
wrote also, that I should forward to Cornelius, our colleague, a
copy of your letter, so that he might put aside any anxiety and
know immediately that you are in communion with him, that is with
the Catholic Church... For he cannot have ecclesiastical rank who
does not hold to the unity of the Church." (St. Cyprian of
Carthage, c. 251 A.D.)
it has not infrequently happened that false shepherds have got
into the fold; our Savior calls them thieves and robbers. He tells
us that He Himself is the door, through which they must pass who
can claim the right to feed His sheep. Every shepherd, if he would
avoid the imputation of being a robber, must have received his
mission from Jesus; and this mission cannot be given save by him
whom Jesus has appointed to be His vicar and representative until
He Himself return [that is, the Pope]." (Dom Gueranger)
us consider our call, brethren' (cf.1 Cor 1:26). The priesthood is
a call, a particular vocation: 'one does not take this honor upon
himself, but he is called by God' (Heb 5:4). The Letter to the
Hebrews harks back to the priesthood of the Old Testament in order
to lead us to an understanding of the mystery of Christ the
Priest: 'Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest,
but was appointed by him who said to him:... You are a priest for
ever, after the order of Melchizedek' (5:5-6)." (Pope John
Paul II)
some indeed 'under the pretext of piety, denying his power'
(according to what the Apostle says) [2 Tim. 3:5], assume to
themselves the authority of preaching, when the same Apostle says:
'How...shall they preach, unless they are sent?' [Rom. 10:15],
let all who, being prohibited or not sent, without having received
authority from the Apostolic See, or from the Catholic bishop of
the place, shall presume publicly or privately to usurp the duty
of preaching be marked by the bond of excommunication; and unless
they recover their senses, the sooner the better, let them be
punished with another fitting penalty." (Lateran Council IV,
1215 A.D.)
distinction of the priesthood can be seen even in the Old Law.
That David spoke of the internal priesthood, we have just shown.
On the other hand, everyone knows that many and various precepts
given by the Lord to Moses and Aaron regarding the external
priesthood. Along with this He appointed the whole tribe of Levi
to the ministry of the Temple, and He forbade by law that anyone
belong to another tribe should dare to intrude himself into that
function. Hence it was that King Ozias was afflicted with leprosy
by the Lord for having usurped the sacerdotal ministry, and had to
suffer grave chastisements for his arrogance and sacrilege."
(Catechism of the Council of Trent)
"Furthermore, the sacred and holy Synod
teaches, that, in the ordination of bishops, priests, and of the
other orders, neither the consent, nor vocation, nor authority,
whether of the people, or of any civil power or magistrate
whatsoever, is required in such wise as that, without this, the
ordination is invalid: yea rather doth It decree, that all those
who, being only called and instituted by the people, or by the
civil power and magistrate, ascend to the exercise of these
ministrations, and those who of their own rashness assume them to
themselves, are not ministers of the church, but are to be looked
upon as thieves and robbers, who have not entered by the door (cf.
Jn. 10:1)."
(Council of Trent)
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