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What are this site's terms of use?
Click here for terms of
Can I use this site and not agree to all your terms?
No. You may not use this site (or any related materials) without agreeing to all our terms. By
the very act of using this site (or associated materials), you indicate agreement to all our
Participating on this site involves risk. What tips do you offer to
help minimize these risks?
To help minimize these risks, we recommend a careful review of our
terms, tips, guidelines, FAQs, recommendations, Q & A's, cautions, etc.
on all applicable pages. Unfortunately, however, you may encounter
various problems despite your diligence. Use of this site is at your
own risk.
What is purpose of this site? What are its goals?
Click here for more
What is the mission of this site?
Click here for our mission statement.
Is this site run by the Catholic Church?
No. This site is run by Catholic laity. For more information about this
site, click here.
Does "community" in the "Catholic Community Center" refer to a "small faith community"?
No! There is no relation whatsoever. This site is tradition-minded, whereas
the concept of "small faith communities" may be a modern
concept that is sometimes used by modernists in an attempt to "destroy the hierarchical nature of the
Church". Our use of the term may primarily refer to a sharing
of information / tips / etc. among lay Catholics who share common values
in the spirit of Ecclesiasticus 37:15-16 "But be continually with a
holy man, whomsoever thou shalt know to observe the fear of God, Whose
soul is according to thy own soul: and who, when thou shalt stumble in
the dark, will be sorry for thee." [DR Trans.]
Does the term "online oasis" mean you don't discuss hell or
other 'negative' topics?
No! This site may be referred to as an "online oasis" precisely
because we are willing to discuss all important aspects of truth -
including sin,
hell, judgment, etc. Also, our goal is for this site to be free of
malicious items, dissident/progressive/heretical items, etc. Also, we
ask that respect be shown to all God's creatures (born and unborn, young
and old, sinners and saints, human creatures and animal creatures,
etc.). We try to provide a 'safe' environment for Catholics and avoid
the lack of charity that so pervades many newsgroups, blogs, etc. -
without sacrificing any truth and without promoting any false/damaging
practices / ideologies / etc. (e.g. false ecumenism, religious indifferentism,
How do I use this site?
To use this site, you should first read all terms / FAQs / etc. You should also visit the Reception Desk (click
here). When you are ready to visit a section, note that they may be
accessed from the side bar (scroll up). Be sure to follow all instructions we have provided. If you ever need help, consider the many
help resources that are available (try
here for assistance). We hope you will spend some time here and
enjoy the site!
What are some things I can do on this site?
Click here for a variety of
things which may be done on this site. Click here
for section information. Click here for
Help indexes. Click here
for 'Where to Contribute Posts'.
How can I get an introduction to this site?
Please stop by the reception desk for an introduction to this site (click
How can I visit the reception desk?
Click here for the
reception desk.
Q. What browser /
resolution / etc. do you recommend for viewing this site?
A. Click
here for technical information.
What are some benefits of this site over newsgroups, blogs, etc.?
Try here for more
Is this site free to use?
Yes. Click here for more
Do you have to register to use this site?
A. No.
No registration is required.
Does this site have an imprimatur?
Click here for
imprimatur information.
Where can I find out some statistics regarding this site?
Try here for 'Did You Know?'
heard this is a "safe"
site? What does that mean?
While we cannot guarantee that any element of this site is
"safe" for any particular person(s), references to this site
being "safe" may refer to the fact that content may be
somewhat filtered, that users are expected to adhere to our Code
of Conduct, that our goal is to be free from heterodox / dissident /
etc. content, etc. While our goal is certainly for this site to be
"safe", we cannot make any promises / guarantees / warranties
/ etc. whatsoever about this site. And, in fact, we warn that various
items may actually be harmful to one's faith, person, etc. Use of this
site is at your own risk.
How can I find out more about this site's 'Code of Conduct'?
Click here for 'Code of
Conduct' information.
How do I view your 'acknowledgements' page?
Click here to view
the acknowledgements page.
How may this site be accessed?
This site may be addressed via various domain names. Click
here for more information.
Where can I get more information on this site's sections?
Click here for
section information.
How can I visit the Catholic Community Center sections?
Click here for
section information.
How can I obtain information about a particular section?
Click here for
section information.
How can I view this site's privacy statement?
Click here for our privacy
Where can I find out more about copyright permissions?
Click here
for more information.
Are there any employment opportunities available on this site?
If there are any employment opportunities available, we may list them on
the Notices page (click here).
Do NOT send any resumes or inquiry letters unless we
specifically indicate that employment opportunities are available. Any resumes / inquiries / etc.
that we did not specifically request may be automatically discarded.
Is this a non-profit site?
Why does this site retain the purple color even after a change in
liturgical seasons?
While purple is the color of penitential seasons, purple is also the
color of royalty and the motto of this site is Christ
the King.
What is your desired relationship to other Catholic sites?
Our desired relationship to other good Catholics sites is cooperative,
not competitive. Note that we also prefer not to "reinvent the
wheel" - if another site is doing something exceptionally well, we
may prefer to link to it (e.g. in the Catholic Links Section) rather than create our
own version of it.
Why doesn't my post appear?
Remember that posts don't appear immediately and that long delays
(especially in certain sections) are not unexpected. Note that you
should check the following links each day for notices of planned outages
/ posting restrictions / alerts / etc.: Notices
Calendar | Site
Update | Daily
Digest. Also note that posts may be rejected for a variety of
reasons. For more on this topic, click
My last post (or posts) did not appear on the site. Why not?
Please remember that there are a variety of reasons that posts not
appear on the site. Reasons include (but are not limited to): too many
similar posts, post has not
yet been processed, post does not meet guidelines,
technical difficulties, post seems questionable, user has
been blocked from posting, space considerations, post was subject to auto
rejection, etc. Note that if your post does not appear, it does not necessarily
mean that your post was unacceptable. Remember that we do not guarantee
that any particular submission will appear on the site. There are a variety of reasons why
a valid post may not appear. If your post does not appear, do NOT
resubmit. [Note: Please
note that long processing delays (especially in certain sections) are not unexpected.]
For more on posting problems, try
Do posts appear on this site immediately?
No. Remember that posts may be subject to processing and are not guaranteed to appear.
Posts that do appear on the site do not
appear immediately (and may not appear for a long time). Note that
long processing delays (especially in certain sections) are not unexpected.
As indicated, new posts may
appear within 72 hours, however, it may take 10 days or more for new
submissions to appear, especially during our busiest
times. Be assured that we prefer to keep this time period to a
minimum, however, it may depend greatly on our resources &
support. If you would like to support this site at little
or no cost, visit frequently, invite
friends, invite
businesses and consider other
no-cost ways of supporting this
site. For more information, click
here. Reminder: do not contact
us regarding the status of your submission and do not resubmit.
How long will my post appear on the site?
A. For a general guidelines
regarding non-commercial user posts,
consider our timetables (click
here). For commercial section 'target cycles', click
Do you guarantee that any post will appear on this site?
We do not guarantee that any post whatsoever will appear on this site.
Q. How long does
it take for submitted posts to appear on this site? / When
will my post appear?
A. It may take any amount
of time for posts to be appear. Of course, our goal is for all appropriate
posts to appear as soon as possible, but this is necessarily limited by our resources / scheduling / volume of posts /
etc. Note that posts in certain sections may generally take longer to
appear. Also remember that not all posts which are submitted will appear
on this site
I am upset that it is taking too long to display my post - what should I
Sorry, but we cannot guarantee that any post will appear on this site,
that it will appear in/at any given time, that it will appear for any
length of time, or that it will appear continuously. Remember that by
submitting a post, you agree to all our terms.
Q. What should I do if
my post doesn't appear?
For more on posting problems, try
here. Note that if your post does not appear, do not submit it
again*. You should
first simply wait, as we may be behind in processing. If it still
doesn't appear, you may try posting in another section about another
topic (assuming you have not been banned from posting). [* If your post does not appear after you have carefully submitted it
according to all guidelines, you should not submit it again. Note,
however, that in certain (presumably) rare cases - e.g. technical difficulties
on our end -
it may be acceptable to submit another similar post (waiting at least
90 days from your first submission). When
submitting the second time, be sure to take extra steps to ensure
that it meets all our guidelines and be certain that you have carefully
reviewed all our notices, etc. before submitting your post. If
your second submission also does not appear on the site, do not submit the
post again.]
Will you tell me why my post does not appear?
Sorry, but we cannot answer questions concerning the appearance (or non
appearance) of individual posts. For more information, try
Is the determination regarding whether or not a post may appear on the
site final?
Are all those who submit posts on this site Catholic?
No. Remember non-Catholics may post in certain sections where this is allowed
(e.g. Prayer Requests Section, Give & Take Section, etc.) (Why?).
non-Catholics should not post regarding any religious matters,
submit unCatholic/anti-Catholic content, submit content deemed
inappropriate for a Catholic site, submit content in areas restricted to
Catholics, etc. Also those notoriously engaged in
unCatholic / anti-Catholic activities should not submit posts. We may
further restrict participation by non-Catholics at our sole option. Note
that it is not possible for us to limit posts on this site to Catholics
(clearly it would be impossible for us to verify the Catholicity of
all users of this site). Besides, there are various benefits of allowing non-Catholics
to post (e.g. they may be encouraged to visit other areas of the
site and learn more about the Catholic faith).
Q. Do I have to be
Catholic to post or advertise on this site?
A. You do not need to be
Catholic to post or advertise on various sections of this site. Certain
sections, however, are limited to Catholics.
Do you
allow "progressive" Catholics to post?
we do our best to provide an "online oasis" for all Catholics,
we may have to limit participation by those who wish to change the
Church into something other than the Faith of our fathers. So called
"progressives / liberals" are welcome to post useful items on
this site, but are not welcome to submit items not in
keeping with the perennial Catholic faith. Remember that all submissions may be subject to review
by us and those who violate our policies and/or submit unsuitable items may be
banned from future posting on this site. Note: We may allow some "progressive" churches (e.g. in
the Church Talk Section) if they seem to have some items useful for Catholics (e.g.
relic collections, works of art, etc.). We do, however, warn Catholics about
attending any liturgical functions at these churches or being otherwise
with modernism" as a result of their visit.
Must I be Catholic to post in sections in which add pages are labeled
'Roman Catholics Only'?
Yes, you must be Catholic to post in sections in which add pages are
labeled 'Roman Catholics Only'. If you submit posts which do not meet our guidelines (or which we otherwise deem
inappropriate), your posts may be subject to auto rejection. Further, we may ban you from future
posting on this site.
If you limit some posts to Catholics, might I have to prove to
you that I am Catholic?
At our sole option, we may require that certain submitters provide some
additional evidence / attestation regarding their Catholicity, but we are not required to do this. Should we take any
such steps, they may or may not be taken on a random basis. Users should
never assume any additional step(s) whatsoever have been taken regarding
the Catholicity of any submitter. Reminder: We cannot guarantee the
Catholicity of any individual, regardless of any stated 'Catholic affiliation'.
Might there be additional processing steps / additional questions / etc.
regarding posts for sections / pages / etc. labeled 'Catholic' (or
for those who indicate that they are Catholic or have a certain Catholic
We may - but are not required to - occasionally request additional information in
various sections / pages / etc. labeled Catholic at our sole
option (or for those who indicate that they are Catholic or have a
certain Catholic affiliation). This may or may not occur on a random
basis. Note that we may inquire regarding one's diocese or ask questions
about a parish. We may require that the individual /
organization / group / etc. indicate their status in relation to the
perennial magisterium. We may require that they submit certain materials
/ information / attestations / etc. (possibly via postal mail). We may
compare provided information with various source(s) (including those of
any given year, not necessarily the current year). We may require that
various questions be answered. If our requests are not responded to
on a timely basis, all the submitter's posts may be subject to auto
rejection. [Note that if we do contact you, we will not ask for
any sensitive personal information.] Users of this site, however, should assume that
we have not taken any additional steps / requested any additional
information / etc. for any given submitter(s).
Is there a longer processing time for certain submissions in sections
labeled Catholic (or for those who indicate that they are Catholic or have a
certain Catholic affiliation)?
It is possible that certain submissions in sections labeled Catholic (or other applicable
submissions) may have a longer processing time, may experience
additional delays, etc.
If another use of this site says they are Catholic, can I be sure they are?
Unfortunately not. There is no guarantee that what any user of this site says is truthful / accurate. In
fact, we warn you that those who say they are Catholic may not be.
Can I be sure a listed Catholic organization / group /
school / individual / business / product / service / website / activity
/ event / etc. is Catholic?
Unfortunately not. We cannot guarantee that any organization / group /
school / individual / business / product / service / website / activity /
event / etc. is truly Catholic regardless
of any titles or other descriptive information which may appear on any
page(s). We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of
any item / individual / organization / etc., or make any other
guarantee(s) regarding any item(s) appearing in user posts / ads. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, advertising, browsing of
posts / ads, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
How can I tell if an individual / organization / group / etc. is truly
You should use principles always taught by the Church when evaluating
whether an individual / organization / group / etc. is truly Catholic.
Note that certain issues in today's climate may be especially helpful
when considering the Catholicity of an individual / organization / group
/ etc. (For example, are they against abortion, homosexual
behavior, contraception, and 'women's ordination'? Do they support
charismatic or new age activities? Do they promote false ecumenism or
religious indifferentism? Do they believe in the Real Presence? Do they
attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days? Are they schismatic?). Remember that anyone
may lie or misrepresent their true position. And remember that,
unfortunately, even episcopal approval doesn't necessarily guarantee
that any given organization / group / individual / etc. may be
recognized as 'truly Catholic' based on the constant teachings of the
Do the titles and other descriptive information which include the word
"Catholic" guarantee that posts / individuals / groups / etc. are Catholic?
No. We cannot guarantee that any post / individual / group / submitter /
etc. is truly Catholic regardless of any titles or
other descriptive information which may appear on any page(s). We cannot
guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item /
individual / group / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s). Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
Are you able to confirm the Catholicity of any individual?
No. Remember also that indicated religious affiliations are provided by
users and have not been verified and are not endorsed by us. The
classifications may reflect the opinions of the submitters and may be
inaccurate. The fact that a post appears here does not mean that we agree
with or endorse it. Information provided by users is not verified, is not
comprehensive, and may be subjective/inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization / advertiser / product / service /
publication / website / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to
research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. We cannot guarantee that any post / individual /
group / item / organization / advertiser / product / service / publication
/ website / activity / event / message / etc. whatsoever is
truly Catholic regardless of any descriptive information which may
appear on any page(s).
What does 'Catholic
Affiliation' mean?
"Catholic affiliation" (or "religious affiliation")
refers to the indicated status of one submitting a post / ad (as
applicable, it
may refer to an organization / individual / etc.). If one selects a
Catholic option, he/she should be in full communion with the Roman
Pontiff (the Pope). The
'Non-Catholic' option applies to those who do not submit to (or who
reject) the Roman Pontiff and also to non-practicing Catholics who
have repudiated their Catholic faith or who reject the supreme authority
of Roman Pontiff (you are not
considered Catholic by the mere fact of being baptized one). Further, if you call
yourself Catholic, but attempt to change the doctrinal or moral
teachings of the church, you should not choose any
"Catholic" options. For assistance with the classifications
traditional/conservative/liberal, etc., try
here. For reasons why non-Catholics may be allowed to post in some
areas, click here. Note
that we do not guarantee accuracy of these
classifications. Information about religious affiliation is provided by
users and
has not been verified and is not endorsed by us. The classifications may
reflect the
opinions of the users and may be inaccurate.
What do the classifications mean (e.g. Roman Catholic-progressive, Roman
Catholic-traditional, etc.)? Why are there classifications?
A. The classifications are general categories selected by users to
describe religious affiliation. For assistance with the meaning of terms such as
"traditional", "progressive", etc., click
here. In a perfect world, such classifications would not be
necessary. However, especially since Vatican II, the Church has seen many of
her members fall into disunity, some of whom remain Catholic "in name
only". Unfortunately, therefore, we think these classifications may
be helpful to users of this site. Note that we do not guarantee accuracy of these
classifications. Information about religious affiliation is provided by
users and
has not been verified and is not endorsed by us. The classifications may
reflect the
opinions of the users and may be inaccurate (also see question
Are religious affiliation classifications accurate? What if I don't agree
with a classification?
We do not guarantee accuracy of these
classifications. Information about religious affiliation is provided by
users and
has not been verified and is not endorsed by us. The classifications may
reflect the
opinions of the users and may be inaccurate. Note: Please do not
contact us to tell us that you disagree with an indicated religious
Are your policies / practices concerning user posts subject
to change at any time without notice?
Yes, our policies / practices concerning user posts are
subject to change at any time without notice.
When might you make changes to sections / pages / etc?
We may make changes to section(s) / pages(s) / etc. at any time without prior
Might changes made to this site affect my posts?
Yes, changes made to this site may affect your posts.
Might changes made to this site affect the terms of use?
Yes, changes made to this site may affect the terms of use.
Are you required to notify me of changes in terms / procedures / etc.?
No. We are not required to notify you of changes in terms / procedures /
etc. Remember that by using this site you agree to all our terms.
Can I advertise in non-commercial areas?
No. You may not advertise in any non-commercial area of the site.
May I buy or sell items in non-commercial sections?
No! The buying / selling / promoting of items in non-commercial sections
is prohibited. Instead, if you want
to buy / sell / promote items, try the commercial
sections of this site. Note: Those who violate our policies
(e.g. by attempting to buy/sell/promote items in non-commercial sections) may
be banned from future posting on this site.
Can I pay to place my ad in a non-commercial section?
No. Advertising in non-commercial sections is prohibited. No matter how worthy your
product / service / message / etc. might be, please do not contact us
regarding placing your ad in a non-commercial section. If you wish to pay to include your post, consider an inexpensive ad
in a commercial
section of this site.
What is "marketing talk" and why is it prohibited in
non-commercial sections?
By "marketing talk", we generally mean adjectives used to
describe a particular item / activity / event / product / service /
organization / individual / group / website / publication / etc., for example: "best ever",
"super", "greatest", "most durable",
"top organization", etc. Items are not sold in non-commercial
sections and
therefore 'marketing talk' should not be used. Please stick to the facts. Note: If your post
in a non-commercial section contains "marketing talk", that post - and all your future
posts to the site (not just that section) - may be subject to auto
May I send another user unsolicited marking literature?
No! Do not send any unsolicited marketing literature to users of this
site. Note: Those who violate
our policies may be banned from future posting on this site.
When someone responds to my post, may I send them unsolicited marking
No! Do not send any unsolicited marketing literature to users of this
site. Note: Those who violate
our policies may be banned from future posting on this site.
May I solicit to other users of this site?
No! Outside of the commercial areas of this site, all solicitation is
forbidden. Even privately, you may not attempt to sell anything to /
obtain contributions from / etc. any user of this site who did initiate
contact with you for this purpose. Note
that if you violate our policies, you may be banned from future posting
(and advertising)
on this site.
What if another user of this site tries to sell me something?
You should not purchase anything from any user(s) who attempts
to solicit to you if you did not initiate the request. As
appropriate, you may notify those violating the terms of this site
that such activities are forbidden. Note
that those who violate our policies may be banned from future posting
(and advertising) on this site.
How can I advertise here?
For more information on advertising on this site, click
Where can I find out more about the type of ads that are available on this
Click here for more
information regarding ads. Click
here for a guide to advertising on this site. Click
here for users' guide to advertisements. Click
here for ad summary information.
Is anything sold by you on this site?
Primarily, ads are 'sold' on this site (e.g. via a processing fee). We may
also sell various other items (e.g. MCS premiums), and we may accept
donations. Note that items
indicated in third party advertisements are not sold by us.
How much do ads on this site cost?
Click here for pricing
How can I find out more about your free ad offer?
Click here for
more information regarding our free ad offer.
If you invite someone to advertise or offer them a free ad(s), does that
mean you recommend them?
No, even if we invite someone to advertise or offer them a free ad(s),
we do not endorse / recommend them. As indicated, we do not endorse /
recommend any product / service / ad / advertiser / organization / group
/ institution / school / religious order / charity / business / provider
/ employer / individual / website / publication / message / information
/ instruction / assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event
/ offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer
/ distributor / author / publisher / submitter / item / etc., even if
information them is contained on our site (or other materials of ours).
Inclusion of products / services / ads / advertisers / organizations /
groups / institutions / schools / religious orders / charities /
businesses / providers / employers / individuals / websites /
publications / messages / information / instructions / opinions /
activities / events / offers / offerers / requests / requestors /
sellers / buyers / manufacturers / distributors / authors / publishers /
submitters / items / etc. or offers to advertise or offers of free ad(s)
does not imply our endorsement. Participation in any transactions /
activities is at your own risk. Users are cautioned that certain
products / services / organizations / groups / providers / individuals /
websites / publications / information / instructions / opinions /
activities / events / items / etc. may be harmful to one's faith,
person, etc. Proceed at your own risk.
Do you want us to do business with those who advertise on this site?
Although we may encourage users to express their appreciation to those
who advertise here for their support of this site, we do not endorse /
recommend any product / service / ad / advertiser / organization / group
/ institution / school / religious order / charity / business / provider
/ employer / individual / website / publication / message / information
/ instruction / assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event
/ offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer
/ distributor / author / publisher / submitter / item / etc., nor do we
recommend that you do business with any particular advertiser /
organization / group / individual / seller / institution / school /
religious order / charity / business / provider / employer / website /
offerer / seller / manufacturer / distributor / author / publisher /
submitter / etc. We further advise users to research products / services
/ advertisers / organizations / groups / institutions / schools /
religious orders / charities / businesses / providers / employers /
individuals / websites / publications / messages / activities / events /
offers / offerers / requests / requestors / sellers / buyers /
manufacturers / distributors / authors / publishers / submitters / items
/ etc. independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity (including offering /
requesting / buying / selling / sending / receiving / providing /
contacts / correspondence / payments / shipping / transfers / events /
etc.). Finally, we warn that certain products / services / organizations
/ groups / providers / individuals / websites / publications /
information / instructions / opinions / activities / events / items /
etc. may be harmful to one's faith, person, etc. Proceed at your own
Where can I view advertisements on this site?
Click here to view advertisements
on this site.
Where can I view an advertiser's guide?
Click here
for a guide to advertisements.
Where can I view a users' guide to advertisements?
here for a users' guide to advertisements.
Where can I find out more about ads?
Click here for more
information regarding ads.
Where can I find out more about commercial sections?
Click here for
more information regarding commercial sections.
What are the differences between the different type of ads available on
this site?
Click here for ad
summary information.
Do you guarantee when ads will appear?
No. As indicated, ads are processed for possible inclusion on the
site and are not guaranteed to appear. Ads that do appear on the site do
not appear immediately (and may be not appear for a long time, and may
not appear continuously). Note that long processing delays in commercial
sections are not unexpected. Remember that by submitting your ad
request, you agree to all terms.
How long will my ad appear on the site?
Ads that appear on the site may appear for any length of time. As a
general guide, consider the applicable 'target cycle' for each type of
ad (click
here for 'target cycle' information). However, note that ads may appear for a longer or shorter time than
the indicated target cycles (e.g. from 0 days to multiples of a target
cycle). For more information, try the Commercial Section Q & A (click
Do you provide information regarding traffic / hits / visits / etc. and
do you guarantee any particular volume of traffic / hits / visits /
No. We generally do not provide information regarding traffic / hits /
visits / etc. Even if we should provide this information to a particular
advertiser(s), we make no guarantee whatsoever regarding traffic /
number of hits / number of visits / etc. Note that nothing oral or
written supersedes or circumvents this and nothing oral or written to
the contrary can serve as a promise / guarantee / guideline / etc.
regarding traffic / hits / visits / etc. Please do not contact us for
information on traffic / hits / etc. Such correspondence may be subject
to automatic rejection.
Q. Are any ads on this
site graphical in nature?
A. While most ads on this
site are text-based, there may be some graphical ads (e.g.
banner ads)
How can I get answers to my questions regarding Commercial Sections?
Click here
for more information regarding Commercial Sections.
How can I place my ad?
Click here to request
your ad.
Does the term "place your ad now" appearing on this site mean
that I actually place my ad or that it will appear "now"?
The term "place your ad now" as it appears on this site refers
to the requesting of an ad. You do not actually "place" the ad
on the site (and there is no guarantee that your ad will ever appear on
this site). If your ad does appear, there is no guarantee when it will
appear, how long it will appear, etc. The term "place your ad
now" should be taken to mean "request your ad now" (or
"place your ad in the system for consideration now").
May I pay ad processing fees offline?
It may be possible to pay ad processing fees offline, however, there may
be additional charge(s). Furthermore, even if processing fees may be
paid offline, ad content submissions must be submitted online. Also an
e-mail address is required. For more information regarding offline
payments, click here.
Where can I get more information regarding offline payments for ads?
Click here for more
information regarding offline payments for ads.
Where can I get more information regarding offline payments for
Click here
for more information regarding offline payments for sponsorships.
Are there any ads on this site which do not require a processing fee?
In the MCS Directory, "free ad offer ads" may not require a
processing fee. In the MCS Marketplace, some ads may not utilize
processing fees (as applicable). Occasional "free ads" (e.g.
courtesy ads, special offers, etc.) may also not require a processing
What are some benefits of paying a processing fee vs. a direct payment
for an ad?
The payment of a processing fee may encourage the submission of better
ads since advertisers have to pay whether or not their ads appear
(therefore it may be expected that they will be more likely to ensure
that their ads are suitable for inclusion and won't end up as
unscheduled). The payment of a processing fee may help to avoid
conflicts of interest on our end (e.g. there is no undue influence on
our decision whether to schedule an ad simply because we "need the
money"). In general, the payment of processing fees helps ensure
better advertising content, protects our resources, and keeps our ad
prices lower.
Q. What payment methods do
you accept for ads?
A. For online payments, click
here for payment methods (B.F.S.). For offline payments, when allowed,
we may accept checks and money orders. For more information regarding
offline payments, refer to the Commercial
Sections Q & A
Q. When, exactly, is my
credit card charged?
A. Your credit card is
authorized, but not charged, when you place an order. Your credit card is
charged when we process your order. [Update: This refers to our old shopping cart. If
processing via PayPal, charges may be made immediately or shortly
Q. Are there times when my
credit card will not be charged?
A. Due to fraud prevention
and other considerations, an order may not be processed despite
receiving an authorization (or a refund may be issued). We may also not charge your credit card
(or issue a refund) if
your ad was pre-processed. Note: For more information, see the Commercial
Sections Q & A
Q. Why does the screen
look differently when I am submitting a payment?
A. When submitting a
payment, you may enter our shopping cart which may differ in
appearance from this site (or you may enter a third party processor's
site). Our shopping cart is maintained by B.F.S. If you have any questions regarding the payment process,
refer to the instructions provided.
Q. Do I need to create an
account to make an online payment?
A. No. You do not need to
create an account to make an online payment.
Q. What information is
retained when I create an account?
A. An account stores
information such as name, address, and e-mail. A password is also
required. Credit card information is not requested for an account.
[Update: This refers to our old shopping cart. If processing via
PayPal, contact PayPal for information on retained information.]
What do you do with the information if I create an account?
Account information may be retained online for your convenience. We do not
sell this information to third parties. Note that we may occasionally purge these accounts for
added security. [Update: This refers to
our old shopping cart. For PayPal, we do not offer the ability to create
an account with us. Contact PayPal for their policies regarding
information collection / retention / etc.]
Q. The shopping cart has a
"bill to" section. Will I be receiving a bill?
A. No. On credit card orders,
the bill to information is for reference purposes. Your "bill"
will appear on screen and is called a "site invoice". [Update: This refers to our
old shopping cart. If processing via PayPal, contact them for
information regarding billing / invoices.]
Q. Does the e-mail receipt
mean my credit card was charged?
A. No. An e-mail
"receipt" is a receipt confirming your order and indicates that
we received an authorization to charge your credit card. We do not
actually charge your credit card until your order is processed. [Update: This refers to our old shopping cart. If
processing via PayPal, charges may be made immediately or shortly
If I place an ad on this site, how might charges from you appear on my credit card statement?
Payments made to us may appear as "B.F.S." on your credit card
Where can I find out more about third party incentive programs?
Click here for
information regarding third party incentive programs.
Where can I find out more about reciprocal links?
Click here for more
information regarding reciprocal links.
Where can I find out more about the sponsored e-letter?
Click here for more
information regarding the sponsored e-letter.
Where can I get information regarding banner ads?
Click here for more
information regarding banner ads.
How are ads ordered?
Like non-commercial posts, the
order of ads varies and may depend on the section and page. Note that
ordering may vary and is subject to change at any time without notice.
How can I view MCS Directory listings?
Click link on side bar or click
here to view MCS Directory listings.
How can I view 'Sales & Specials' Ads?
Click link on side bar or click
here to view 'Sales & Specials' ads.
How can I view Classified Ads?
Click link on side bar or click
here to view Classified Ads.
How can I view the Sponsorship Appreciation Page?
Click here
to view the Sponsorship Appreciation Page.
Where can I get more information regarding the MCS Directory?
Click here for
more information regarding the MCS Directory.
Where can I get information regarding 'Sales & Specials' Ads?
Click here
for more information regarding 'Sales & Specials' ads.
Where can I get information regarding Classified Ads?
Click here for
more information regarding Classified Ads.
Where can I get more information regarding Sponsorships?
Click here for
more information regarding Sponsorships.
Where can I get more information regarding the MCS Marketplace?
here for more information regarding the MCS Marketplace.
Where can I get more information regarding the MCS Store?
Click here for more
information regarding the MCS Store.
Q. Are Sponsorships
or donations or ads
on this site tax deductible?
A. No. Neither sponsorships
nor donations nor ads are tax deductible.
Where can I get information regarding ad deletion?
Click here for
more information regarding ad deletion.
If I am buying (or selling) an item, should I provide my home or work
Wherever possible, we recommend not providing any address. If you must
provide an address, you should independently research the other party
before providing them with this (or any other personal) information. To
help protect your personal information, we recommend using a P.O. Box
rather than a street address. Even so, providing of any address (even a
P.O. Box) involves risk and you may receive unwanted communications
and/or be subject to other unwanted items (including personal visits,
anti-Catholic literature, harassment, encounters with those who have an
intent to harm or deceive, etc.), and/or others may use your information
in ways unsuitable/harmful to you. If you choose to provide a home or
work address, the decision of which one to provide is up to you. Before
you do so, you should carefully consider whether any unwanted
communications or other items are likely to be more harmful at home or
at work. Remember that participation in any transactions / activities
(including offering / requesting / buying / selling / sending /
receiving / providing / contacts / correspondence / payments / shipping
/ transfers / events / etc.) may be dangerous. Proceed at your own risk.
If you do not want to - or cannot afford to - take such risks, you
should not participate.
When I buy goods, how can I protect my personal information (e.g. bank
account number, address, etc.)?
To help protect your personal information, it might wise to remit funds
via a private money order.
Where can I get more information regarding the commercial sections?
Try here
for more information regarding commercial sections.
How can I be sure an e-mail came from you?
The fact that an e-mail may look as though it came from us (even if it
includes links to our site, logos of ours, etc.), does not necessarily
guarantee that it really did come from us. Remember that e-mail may be
easily forged. Note: For more on this topic, click
Is all e-mail that seems to come from you really from you? How do I know
if e-mail is really from you?
All e-mail that may seem to come from us may not necessarily be from us.
The fact that an e-mail may look as though it came from us (even if it
includes links to our site, logos of ours, etc.), does not necessarily
guarantee that it really did come from us. Remember that e-mail may be
easily forged. For more information on determining if an e-mail really
came from us, click here.
Do I have to include my e-mail address in my post?
Click here
for more information on this topic.
Should I include my
e-mail address in my post/ad?
here for assistance in determining whether or not to include your e-mail address
with your post/ad.
May any e-mail address(es) I provide appear on the site?
Yes, any e-mail address(es) you provide may appear on this site.
What if I don't want to put my e-mail address in the 'e-mail' field?
If you do not want to put your e-mail address in the 'e-mail' field, it
may be acceptable to put "N/A" (click
here for more information).
What are some dangers concerning e-mail? What are my responsibilities
regarding e-mail?
E-mail is insecure. E-mail may be intercepted, forged, spied on/read by
others, etc. You alone are responsible for ensuring that any e-mail that
appears to come from us is really from us. Remember that by using this
site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary (or sole) means of
contacting you, that we are not required to encrypt/secure e-mail, that
we may assume that all e-mail we send to you is received and viewed by
you (and you alone), and that we may assume that any e-mail that might
appear to be from you is really from you. Remember also that that we are
not responsible if any problems occur, regardless of their
cause/circumstances, and regardless of whether you contact us about
I know that providing my e-mail address involves risk. What do you
suggest to minimize these risks?
We recommend that you use a special e-mail account exclusively for use
on this site (e.g. one that you could easily abandon/change should a
problem arise). For additional considerations and tips, click
Is an e-mail account required to place an ad on this site?
Yes, an e-mail account is required to place an ad on this site so that
we may contact you regarding your ad. Note that e-mail addresses are not
necessarily required to appear in ad(s).
How important is it for advertisers on this site to maintain their
original e-mail address?
The e-mail address you provided when you placed an ad request is very
important and may be required for various actions regarding your ads
(e.g. deletion requests, etc.). If your e-mail address will change, you
should use another one that will not change. You should also not use an
e-mail address that others have access to.
Q. What if someone used
my e-mail address with their post?
If your e-mail address was fraudulently submitted by another user with
their post, we encourage you to report this to appropriate federal,
state, and local law enforcement and/or other appropriate authorities/agencies. Note: If you have information about fraudulent
site use / abuse of this site, you may also click here to report it to
Q. How can you prevent
others from including fraudulent e-mail addresses?
A. Although we can't prevent
this from occurring, we may discourage it by encouraging others to report
abuses to use
to federal, state, and/or local law enforcement. We may also report
abuses to law enforcement or other authorities, and/or to the offending party's Internet service provider, and
we reserve the right to take legal actions against the offending party and/or
take any
other steps that we deem appropriate/helpful (including the
publication of IP numbers and other information). We may also block IP
numbers/IP blocks and perform random e-mail verifications. Reminder: If
we verify your e-mail address, we will not ask for personal
Is e-mail secure?
No. E-mail is not secure. Note that by using this site, you agree that
we may use e-mail as the primary (or sole) means of contacting you, that
we are not required to encrypt/secure e-mail, and that we are not
responsible if any problems occur, regardless of their
Are you required to encrypt e-mail you send to me?
No. We are not required to encrypt any e-mail we send to you. Note that
by using this site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary (or
sole) means of contacting you, that we are not required to
encrypt/secure e-mail, and that we are not responsible if any problems
occur, regardless of their cause/circumstances.
Who is responsible if there are problems related to e-mail?
As indicated, e-mail is insecure. E-mail may be intercepted, forged,
spied on/read by others, etc. You alone are responsible for ensuring
that any e-mail that appears to come from us is really from us. Remember
that by using this site, you agree that we may use e-mail as the primary
(or sole) means of contacting you, that we are not required to
encrypt/secure e-mail, that we may assume that all e-mail we send to you
is received and viewed by you (and you alone), and that we may assume
that any e-mail that might appear to be from you is really from you.
Remember also that that we are not responsible if any problems occur,
regardless of their cause/circumstances, and regardless of whether you
contact us about them.
How is it fair for me to assume all risk concerning insecure e-mail and
It is fair because you have been warned that there is a risk and because
you have already agreed to our terms by using this site / submitting
post(s) / responding to posts(s) / etc. Further, we
warned that those who can't afford to or don't want to take such risks
should not participate.
If you receive an e-mail that appears to be from me (e.g. uses my e-mail
address as the "from" address), are you required to
authenticate it?
We are not required to authenticate any e-mail whatsoever. Remember that
by using this site, you agree to all our terms.
An e-mail address indicated in a post / ad is no longer valid - should I notify you?
Unfortunately this may occur, especially for posts / ads which appear on the
site for a long time. Remember that all information contained in posts /
ads is
subject to change at any time without notice. Should you find that a
submitter's / advertiser's e-mail address is no longer valid, please do not notify us.
For ads, consider contacting the advertiser (e.g. by phone) regarding
the problem.
How can I contact you?
Click here for contact
How can I provide feedback?
Click here to provide
How can I submit a complaint or notify you of a problem?
Click here
for complaint / problem information.
How may I contact you about my post or ad?
Click here for contact information.
I have a suggestion for this site. What should I do?
Click here for information / instructions regarding suggestions.
Should I contact you regarding the status of my submission?
Do NOT contact us regarding the status of any submission. We are unable
to respond to such inquiries and any such correspondence received may be
subject to auto rejection. Note that those who contact us regarding the
status of submissions may be banned from future posting on this site.
Should I contact you to tell you of an inaccuracy / error in a post?
We regret that we are unable to consider user feedback regarding posts
that do not violate our code of conduct. Remember that we
do not guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Please do not contact us regarding inaccuracies / errors in posts.
such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection.
Should I contact you regarding problems with users / submitters / advertisers /
Please do not contact us regarding problems with users / submitters /
advertisers /
etc. Instead, if warranted, consider contacting applicable agencies, law enforcement,
etc. Note that if the problem involves fraudulent use of this site, click
Why do you discourage / reject correspondence regarding users /
submitters / advertisers / posts / ads / etc.?
We discourage / reject correspondence regarding users / submitters /
advertisers / posts / ads / etc. because we lave limited time /
resources, and wish to keep our focus on the Catholic
content of this site rather than on limited / personal / minor / ancillary
/ commercial / etc. matters. Furthermore, we are unable to mediate
disputes between parties.
If I send you a long feedback message, is it more likely to be read?
No. In fact, feedback should be short and to the point.
How can I find what I'm looking for?
If you are looking for content that is not user supplied, you should
consider the General A-Z Index (click
here). If you are looking for 'Reflections', prayers, scripture
items, etc. consider the applicable indexes for these items (click
here). If you are looking for user supplied content in
non-commercial sections, try
here. If you are looking for user supplied content in commercial
sections, try here. For
other databased items, try the applicable search form pertaining to
desired item [try
here for Baltimore Catechism keyword search, try
here for saints / feasts searches, try
here for ads]. If you do not know what you are looking for, try
here for assistance. If you would like to search the site, try
Regarding View
/ Search Posts Pages: For more information, see questions
below and also refer to the FAQ question summary page (click
Q. How
can I find a certain record?
If you know the section where the record is contained, try visiting that
section and clicking the "search" link. If you do not know the
section where the record is contained, try
here. Once you are at the search screen, simply enter criteria
according to the instructions and click the submit button. If you do not
have success searching for the record, consider the "view"
link which should display all records in that section.
can I find a certain ad?
Try here to locate a
particular ad.
Q. How can I find /
navigate to items on this site?
A. To find specific items on
this site, consider the General A - Z Index (click
here). If you are unsure what you are looking for, consider the 'not
sure what you want?' page (click
here). To navigate to items, use the links in either page above, or
use the links which may be found on the top, side, and bottom borders
throughout this site.
Where can I search for an item?
Click here for site search page.
To search user posts in non-commercial sections, try
here. To search ads, try
do I search for a record?
To search for a record, enter criteria according to the instructions on
the applicable search page and click the submit button. Note: For search
tips, click here.
do search options change?
Search options may change if they are populated by underlying records.
As the records change, the options listed may change.
Why does it say "select one"
when there are no options to select?
Note that various fields may be
populated by underlying records. If there are no records, there will be no
options to select from.
Q. I was referred to a
page / section / etc., but can't find any applicable information there.
What should I do?
For convenience, you may be referred to sections / pages / etc. which touch upon topics which
may be related to what you were viewing. However, there is no
guarantee that there will be any applicable information in those
sections / pages / etc. If you are unable to find what you are looking
for, try reviewing Help (click here).
Do you guarantee that what is stated in a post / ad is accurate?
A. There
is no guarantee whatsoever that any information is accurate. Information
contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad content / submitter / etc.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to
research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / submitters / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), even
if information about such transactions / activities is contained on our
site (or other materials of ours), and we do not mediate disputes. Inclusion of
posts / ads does not imply our endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities at your own risk.
Can you guarantee that any user of this site is who they say they are?
Unfortunately, no. Information about submitters / advertisers /
individuals / groups / organizations / etc. which may appear on this site
is not verified
and is not endorsed by us. We do not endorse/recommend any
submitter / advertiser / individual / group / organization / etc. and cannot guarantee accuracy of any
information. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), even if information about such transactions
/ activities is
contained on our site (or other materials of ours) and we do not mediate
disputes. Inclusion of a submitter / advertiser / item / post / ad / etc. does not imply our endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own risk.
If you can't afford to - or don't want to - take
such risks, you should not participate.
Have you screened / evaluated the posts / ads / submitters /
content / messages / etc. which may appear on this site and do you endorse them?
A. No.
Third party information on this site ads is provided by users, has
not been verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, may be subjective / inaccurate, and is
not endorsed by us. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad / submitter / content / message / etc.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to
research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / products / services / messages / activities / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions is contained on our site (or other materials of ours) and we
do not mediate disputes. We have
not screened / evaluated the posts / ads / submitters / content /
messages / etc. and are not responsible for doing so [although we may -
but are not required to - subject posts to a brief review process (e.g. to
filter certain keywords, etc.), but this is not full proof]. Inclusion of
any post / ad / submitter / content / message / etc. does not imply our
endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts /
correspondence, etc.) is at your own risk. Users are
cautioned that certain items / persons / etc. may be
harmful in various ways. Proceed at your own risk.
Do you endorse/recommend any post / individual / group / item /
organization / institution / advertiser / product / service / charity /
religious order / publication / website / topic / provider / activity /
event / message / etc. which is referenced / which appears on this site?
No. Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / charity / religious order /
publication / website / topic / provider / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), even
if information about such transactions / activities is contained on our
site (or other materials of ours). Inclusion of posts / ads / individuals /
groups / items / organizations / products / services / topics /
messages / submitters / etc. does not imply our endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities at your own risk. Users are
cautioned that certain posts / individuals / groups / items /
organizations / institutions / advertisers / products / services /
charities / publications / websites / providers / events / activities /
messages / etc. may be harmful to one's faith, person, etc. Proceed at
your own risk.
Since a post appears here, does it mean you agree with or endorse the
opinions given?
A. No.
Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad / submitter / individual / group / item / topic / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Inclusion of
any post / ad / submitter / content / message / etc. does not imply our
endorsement. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts /
correspondence, etc.) even if
information about such transactions / activities is contained on our site (or other
materials of ours). Users are advised to research all
applicable items (including groups / organizations / individuals /
products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to
use great caution when participating in any transaction / activity.
Remember that we do not get involved in your dealings with others or
mediate disputes. Participation in any transactions / activities
(including posting, browsing of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts
/ correspondence, etc.) is at your own risk.
Do you guarantee that any post / ad / submitter / advertiser /
organization / group / publication / website / activity / event / item / etc. is Catholic?
We cannot guarantee that any post / ad / submitter / advertiser /
organization / group / publication / website / activity / event / item /
etc. whatsoever is Catholic, regardless of any information which
may appear on this site. We cannot guarantee accuracy of any
information, Catholicity of any item / individual / organization / etc.,
or make any other guarantee(s) regarding any item(s) appearing in user
posts / ads. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, advertising, browsing of
posts / ads, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
Do you guarantee that any referenced Catholic organization / group /
school / individual / business / product / service / website / activity
/ event / etc. is really Catholic?
No. We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any posts whatsoever.
Can you guarantee that any submitter / advertiser / organization / group /
publication / website / activity / event / post / ad / item / etc. is not
We cannot guarantee that any submitter / advertiser / organization /
group / publication / website / activity / event / post / ad / item / etc.
is not anti-Catholic, regardless of any information which
may appear on this site. We cannot guarantee accuracy of any
information, Catholicity of any item / individual / organization / etc.,
or make any other guarantee(s) regarding any item(s) appearing in user
posts / ads. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, advertising, browsing of
posts / ads, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
Why don't you screen submitters / advertisers?
First of all, it would be an impossible task. Secondly, screening
submitters / advertisers (if it were possible) would be prohibitively expensive and
time consuming. Lastly, we are in the business of bringing you this
Catholic site, not policing / screening submitters / advertisers.
Do you make any guarantee that this site or any of the sections / pages
/ etc. of this site will perform in any certain way?
We make no guarantees whatsoever that this site or any of the sections /
pages / etc. will perform in any way whatsoever.
Do you guarantee any features / arrangement / etc. of any item in any
section / page / etc. of this site?
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any features / arrangement /
etc. of any item in in any section / page / etc. of this
Do you guarantee the order of posts / appearance of posts or make any other
guarantee regarding posts?
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the order of posts / appearance
of posts or make any other guarantee whatsoever regarding any posts whatsoever.
Do you guarantee that any post will appear for any particular length of
time or that it will appear continuously?
If a post appears, we do not guarantee that it will appear for any
particular length of time or that it will appear continuously.
Do you guarantee that any posts are properly classified?
No. We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any posts
If an item appears in a seniors / women's / teens / etc. category, do
you guarantee that the item is appropriate for seniors / women / teens /
We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any item. Despite indicated categories, items may not be appropriate
for specified persons / age groups / etc. Proceed at your own risk.
Since a post appears on this site, are you
considered a party to any transactions / activities? What services or guarantees do
you offer?
We are not a party to any transactions / activities (including contacts
/ correspondence). We do not endorse or recommend
any item / submitter / advertiser / user / group / organization /
individual / product / service / post / ad / etc., even if
information about them appears on our site (or other materials of ours).
We do not guarantee truthfulness
or accuracy of any information. We offer no services and no guarantees.
We do not mediate disputes. Use of this site is at your own risk.
Is the 'Catholic affiliation' appearing in posts / ads guaranteed?
No. Information appearing in posts / ads is not guaranteed. Information contained
in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any transaction
/ activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts / ads, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
Is any information appearing in posts
No. Information appearing in posts is not guaranteed. Information contained
in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any transaction
/ activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts / ads, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
What guarantee(s) do you make regarding any charities / products /
services / organizations / groups / institutions / businesses /
individuals / authors / publications / websites / activities / events /
etc. which may be referenced on this site?
We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any charities / products /
services / organizations / groups / institutions / businesses /
individuals / authors / publications / websites / activities / events /
etc. which may be referenced on this site.
Do you recommend any website that you link to?
We do not recommend any website, whether we link to them or not.
What guarantee(s) do you make regarding medical / legal / financial /
etc. information which may appear on this site?
We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any item whatsoever.
Do you guarantee the continuation of any section(s) / page(s) / etc. of this
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the continuation of any
section(s) / pages(s) / etc. of this site.
Do you guarantee to update any page(s) / section(s) / post(s) /
quotation(s) / fact(s) / etc.?
No. We do not guarantee that any page(s) / section(s) / post(s) /
quotation(s) / fact(s) / etc. will be updated.
Can you guarantee that a post subject to auto-rejection will never appear?
No, we cannot guarantee that any post(s) will never appear on this
Why do some items appear on this site in Latin?
Some items on this site may appear in Latin, as Latin is the official language of the
Catholic Church. Considering that the Catholic Church is universal, it
is fitting that she have a universal language and "pray in one
tongue". Click
here for more information on Latin.
Is Latin the same as Spanish?
No. However, English, Spanish and other languages may rely heavily on Latin
for their words.
May I include any Latin in my post?
Very small amounts (e.g. a couple/few words) of Latin (not Spanish!) may
be allowed in certain areas, providing that each and every Latin word is
accompanied by an English translation [e.g. in brackets ( )]. You may submit Latin
only where this is specifically permitted. Note
that if you do not provide complete & appropriate English
translations for all Latin words, your post may be subject to auto
Do you make any guarantees regarding any English language translations
(e.g. of Latin words) that may appear in posts?
We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any English language
translations that may appear in posts.
Might Latin items appear without special symbols?
Yes. Latin items may appear with and/or without symbols.
Where can I learn more regarding Latin?
here for more regarding Latin.
Can I post on this site if I'm not Catholic?
Non-Catholics may be able to post in various sections of this site,
subject to certain restrictions. Click here
for more information.
Are non-Catholics allowed to post here? Are there any restrictions on
Yes, non-Catholics may post in certain sections where this is allowed
(e.g. Prayer Requests Section, Give & Take Section, etc.) (Why?).
non-Catholics should not post regarding any religious matters,
submit unCatholic/anti-Catholic content, submit content deemed
inappropriate for a Catholic site, submit content in areas restricted to
Catholics, etc. Also those notoriously engaged in
unCatholic / anti-Catholic activities should not submit posts. Note: We may
further restrict participation by non-Catholics at our sole option.
Why do you allow non-Catholics to post on a Catholic website?
As indicated previously, it is not possible for us to limit posts on this
site to Catholics (note that it would be impossible for us to verify the Catholicity of
all users of this site). Besides, there are various benefits of allowing non-Catholics
to post (e.g. they may be encouraged to visit other areas of the
site and learn more about the Catholic faith). Finally, note that our
main focus is content of this site - "we are not in the business of
screening submitters for true and faithful Catholicity - as
if this were even possible!" Clearly, we can't control others, and
the best we can hope for is to merely control what actually appears on
our site. In this regard, we consider that the sections which permit
non-Catholics to post are "safest" - e.g. those found to be
furthest away from specific doctrinal matters (e.g. Prayer Requests Section, Give & Take Section, etc.)
Doesn't allowing posts of non-Catholics affect the Catholic identity of
this site?
We do not believe this is the case for a number of reasons. First, we
permit non-Catholic posts only in certain sections - e.g. those found to
be furthest away from specific doctrinal matters (e.g. Prayer Requests Section, Give & Take Section, etc.). Secondly,
we hope to screen out posts which contain
"unCatholic"/anti-Catholic content. Thirdly, many non-Catholics
would not want to post on a Catholic site to begin with (thus eliminating
much of the problem from the start). Remember that while we can't
forbid non-Catholics from posting, we believe the best we can hope
for is to control what actually appears on this site.
Why are non-Catholics allowed to post in some places?
We cannot expect to gain non-Catholics by flatly rejecting them (their
false religions, yes, but not them). They are our
brothers and sisters and we want to encourage them to become Catholics,
not flatly reject them. If we simply 'sent them away', we would lose the
opportunity to help them find Christ's true Church - which is necessary
for their salvation. Rather, we want to show our good will towards them and
help them come to learn about and love the Catholic faith. However, since we
certainly don't want to encourage
anything false in matters of religion - and to maintain the Catholicity of
this site - restrictions on their participation are clearly necessary.
While we welcome Catholics & non-Catholics to visit
this site, non-Catholics may only post in certain areas of the
site (such limitations are indicated in various locations). Note that
these areas which permit
non-Catholics to post are "safest" - e.g. those found to be
furthest away from specific doctrinal matters (e.g. Prayer Requests Section, Give & Take Section, etc.).
For a listing of where non-Catholics may post, try
here. Please Note: While participation of non-Catholics is
prohibited in various sections (e.g. certain "Add pages" are for
Catholics only), we are unfortunately unable to ensure that non-Catholics
do not use items designed for Catholics.
Why do
some posts / ads have a 'non-Catholic' Affiliation?
Since we encourage all our brothers and sisters to visit this site so
that they may embrace the True Faith, we may allow non-Catholics to post
/ advertise in various sections. Although we restrict some sections
to Roman Catholics only, we permit non-Catholics to post in certain
sections thought to be "safest" - e.g. those found to be
furthest away from specific doctrinal matters (e.g. Prayer Requests Section, Give & Take Section, etc.).
all posts/ads may be subject to review, we hope to weed out posts
inappropriate to a Catholic site. Also, at our sole option, we may limit
further participation by non-Catholics. Note that by allowing non-Catholics some
participation in this site, we encourage them to be honest about their religious
affiliation (since anyone could falsely put "Catholic" in
order to post if we limited all participation to Catholics only). All in
all, we believe this is the best policy to protect Catholics and to show
charity towards non-Catholics. Rest assured that we consider it
paramount to never compromise or hide Catholic doctrine to serve
interests of those outside the only True Church of Christ or engage in false ecumenism.
am not Catholic, but I don't understand why I can't post in a particular
section. Why is that?
we may allow non-Catholics to participate in certain sections (i.e.
Announcements Section & Prayer Requests Section, etc.), we cannot allow
non-Catholic participation in all sections. Despite any apparent similarities, Catholics and non-Catholics (even those calling themselves
'Christian') have a very different faith. Those outside the Catholic Church
generally reject
authority of the papacy, reject books of Scripture, and hold doctrines condemned
since the earliest days of the Church. As commanded by St. John the
apostle, we are not to receive those into our house who bring strange
doctrine (see 2 Jn. 1:10-11), and since we must "say what is consistent with sound
doctrine" (Ti. 2:1), we must limit participation of non-Catholics in various
sections. In some cases, the reason for prohibitions against
non-Catholic participation may seem less clear. For example, it is certain that
non-Catholics have "Medical Triumphs", but participation in
the section related to such triumphs is limited to Catholics only. This
is because the section also encompasses spiritual and personal triumphs,
which a Catholic should naturally face in a different way than a
non-Catholic would. A faithful Catholic is also very likely to face medical
difficulties much differently than a non-Catholic would. Our
restricting of such posts is not a reflection of our lack of love for
you, but it is to safeguard the Catholicity of this site. In fact, our
love for you is so great that there is nothing we wish more than for you
to join the only Church founded by our Lord - not by men. The Catholic
Church is the only true Church, and the only Church with
the keys to the kingdom of heaven (see Mt. 16:19). We always welcome
those of good will to this site
and we extend our hope that someday they will come to this site as
Roman Catholics. To that end, please visit the non-Catholics
section for a defense of the Catholic faith.
What happens if someone is caught abusing this site in any way?
If we know or suspect that someone is abusing this site [or users of this site,
or certain section(s), page(s), etc.] in any way, we may prohibit them from
posting in any/all section(s) of this site (but we are not required to). We may
also publish / disseminate any information we have obtained regarding
this individual(s) / group / organization / etc. as we deem appropriate/helpful and work with law enforcement
authorities for prosecution. Should we restrict your use of this site /
publish information / etc.,
you have no recourse (even if you are innocent). All actions taken are
at our sole option and we do not need to demonstrate or prove your guilt
or provide any cause whatsoever for our actions. We do not need to
notify you of our actions or acknowledge your correspondence in any way.
If we do not take any action [or if we take what may be deemed
"inadequate" action(s)], we cannot be held responsible/liable, even
if it can be shown that certain action(s) could have/would have reduced,
eliminated or otherwise mitigated damages of any party. We are not
required to act on or acknowledge any information / complaint / warning
/ request / notice /
etc. regarding
any individual / item / post / ad / submitter / organization / group / advertiser
/ product / service / activity / event / use of this site, etc. (without limitation).
Remember that by using this site, you agree to all our terms.
What if a submitter includes false data in their post?
If a submitter includes false data in their post (or if data is deemed
questionable/inaccurate), their ad may be subject to auto rejection. Further, we may ban them from future
posting on
this site.
What if a submitter misrepresents himself/herself as Catholic?
Submitter(s) who misrepresent themselves as Catholic may be banned
from posting & advertising on this site. Do not misrepresent yourself as
What might you do with fraudulent (or apparently fraudulent) submissions?
Fraudulent (or apparently fraudulent) submissions may be turned over to
law enforcement, federal/local agency(ies), and/or we may contact other authorities and take
any applicable legal and other steps we deem necessary or helpful.
Remember that fraudulent submissions wrongly use/abuse the resources of
others (and may therefore be considered a form of theft). Those who
submit such posts may be prohibited from future posting on
this site, and we may take also take steps to prohibit / restrict use of
this site by certain persons (or organizations / groups / etc.) - e.g.
blocking IP numbers, rejecting ad requests, etc. We may also
publish / disseminate any information we have obtained regarding
individuals / groups / organizations / etc. as we deem appropriate /
and work with law enforcement authorities for prosecution. Should we restrict your use of this
site / publish information / etc. you have no recourse (even if you are
innocent). All actions taken are at our sole option and we do not need
to demonstrate or prove your guilt or provide any cause whatsoever for
our actions. We do not need to notify you of our actions or acknowledge
your correspondence in any way. If we do not take any action [or if we
take what may be deemed "inadequate" action(s)], we cannot be
held responsible/liable, even if it can be shown that certain action(s)
could have/would have reduced, eliminated or otherwise mitigated damages
of any party. We are not required to act on or acknowledge any
information / complaint / warning / request / notice / etc. regarding any
individual / organization / group / institution / school / religious
order / charity / business / provider / employer / website / product /
service / ad / advertiser / publication / message / information /
instruction / assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event /
offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer /
distributor / author / publisher / submitter / item / user / use of this
site / etc. (without limitation). Remember that by using this site, you
agree to all our terms.
What if a Protestant (or person of another non-Catholic faith or of no
faith) submits unCatholic / anti-Catholic content?
If a Protestant (or person of another non-Catholic faith or of no faith)
submits a post(s) containing unCatholic / anti-Catholic content, their
post(s) may be subject to auto rejection. Also, we may ban him/her from
future posting on this site.
What happens if another user provides erroneous / fraudulent
If another user has provided erroneous / fraudulent information (e.g.
another's e-mail, contact info, etc.), you may take it up with the other
person, contact law enforcement and/or other applicable
agency/authority, etc. In cases of fraudulent use of this
site, you may also report the problem to us (click
here to report fraudulent use / abuse of this site). Note: Do not
use this link to report problems with Catholic affiliation, problems
with a submitters / advertisers / users / etc. Use this link only to report fraudulent
use / abuse of this site.
What if another user of this site is anti-Catholic?
It may be wise to limit all contacts / correspondence / dealings / etc.
to those who are not
anti-Catholic (in accordance with the law).
Are you required to notify us if you suspect (or know of) a problem or
risk regarding a particular item, submitter, advertiser, user, group,
organization, individual, product, service, post, ad, etc.?
No. Even if we have information concerning submitters / advertisers /
users / groups / organizations / individuals / products / services / posts
/ ads / etc. which suggests - or even proves - any type of issue,
problem, risk, abuse, violation, etc. you agree that we are not required to reveal such information or take any
action (e.g. remove item / submitter / advertiser / user / group /
organization / individual / product / service / post / ad / etc. from site,
warn others, etc.). You have no recourse to us for any consequence /
damage / loss / etc. which may
arise in connection with use of this site - even if you could prove that
we knew or should have known about a risk / problem / issue / abuse /
violation / etc. and took few,
inadequate, or no steps to warn of, reduce, prevent, avoid, eliminate, or otherwise
mitigate risks or damages. We do not endorse / recommend any item / submitter /
advertiser / user / group / organization / individual / product / service /
post / ad / etc. - even if information about it/them appears on our site (or
other materials of ours). You have no recourse to us for any damages
which may occur as a result of use of this site (or other materials). Participation in any
transactions / activities (including transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own risk.
you do not want to - or cannot afford to - take such risks, you should
not participate.
Why do you allow questionable individuals to post?
Although we would prefer not to allow questionable individuals to post,
it is not possible for us to limit this site only to 'worthy'
individuals. Not only is it impossible for us to evaluate all persons who
post, we must remember that even "worthy" individuals are not perfect and any
individual is subject
to change over time. And since our main focus is the Catholic content of
this site, not evaluating those who post here, we
must limit ourselves to being satisfied that the actual content of posts
themselves is not objectionable (which is our goal, but not a guarantee).
As indicated, we recommend that users research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.). Remember that we
cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Finally, note that inclusion of
any post / ad / submitter / content / message / etc. does not imply our
What does it mean to be "banned from future posting on this
This means that your future submissions may be subject to auto
rejection. We may delete any of your posts which presently appear on the
site. Furthermore, we may
also take steps to prohibit/restrict you from using this site (e.g.
blocking IP numbers, rejecting ad requests, etc.). As
applicable, we may contact law enforcement or other authorities and take
any applicable legal and other steps we deem necessary or helpful.
Remember that by using this site, you agree to all our terms.
Besides banning future posts, might you take any other steps
against certain users?
As indicated above, we may also take steps to prohibit / restrict use of
this site by certain persons (or organizations / groups / etc.) - e.g.
blocking IP numbers, rejecting ad requests, etc. We may also
publish / disseminate any information we have obtained regarding
individuals / groups / organizations / etc. as we deem appropriate/helpful
and work with law enforcement authorities for prosecution. As
applicable, we may contact other authorities and take any applicable
legal and other steps we deem necessary or helpful. Should we restrict your use of this
site / publish information / etc., you have no recourse (even if you are innocent).
All actions taken are at our sole option and we do not need to
demonstrate or prove your guilt or provide any cause whatsoever for our
actions. We do not need to notify you of our actions or acknowledge your
correspondence in any way. If we do not take any action [or if we take
what may be deemed "inadequate" action(s)], we cannot be held
responsible/liable, even if it can be shown that certain action(s) could
have/would have reduced, eliminated or otherwise mitigated damages of
any party. We are not required to act on or acknowledge any information
/ complaint / warning / request / notice / etc. regarding any individual
/ organization / group / institution / school / religious order /
charity / business / provider / employer / website / product / service /
ad / advertiser / publication / message / information / instruction /
assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event / offer /
offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer /
distributor / author / publisher / submitter / item / user / use of this
site / etc. (without limitation). Remember that by using this site, you
agree to all our terms.
Do you promise to ban any particular user?
No. We do not promise to ban any particular user(s) whatsoever,
regardless of circumstances.
What are some reasons a user may be banned from future posting on this site?
A user may be banned from future posting on this site if they
attempt to (or actually) circumvent or violate our policies, if they
commit fraud (or are suspected of doing so), if they submit posts(s) even though are notoriously anti-Catholic, if they
submit posts(s) even though they notoriously violate Church
morals, if they request submit posts(s) even though they notoriously
attempt to change Church teachings, if they violate our code of conduct,
if they have been problematic submitters in the past, if they abuse or
attempt to abuse any section(s), if they submit a number of posts
which fail to meet our criteria, if they submit inappropriate /
correspondence to us, etc. The decision to ban a user is ours
alone and we do not guarantee to ban any particular user or what step(s) we may take if we do ban
a user. If we do ban a user, we cannot guarantee that no posts will ever appear on our
site(s) (or other materials) or that any such ban will be
Do you give users a warning that they may be banned from future posting?
The questions and answers herein (and notices elsewhere) serve as a warning that certain users may be banned from future
posting on this site. At our
sole option, we may warn particular user(s) that they may be banned
from future posting (but we are not required to do so).
Do you notify users that they have been banned from future posting?
At our sole option, we may notify particular user(s) of such an
action (but we are not required to).
Is your decision to ban a user from future posting final?
Yes, unless they can prove to us that our decision was in error.
Do you make public your list of 'banned submitters'?
We may at our sole option disclose some or all information concerning
'banned submitters', but we cannot be required to ever disclose any
such information against our will. Note that by using this site, you
agree to our terms.
What recourse is available to users if they are wrongly banned
from future posting?
Users who are wrongly banned have no recourse whatsoever. Their
sole remedy is to prove to us that our decision was in error and to
cooperate with us in any investigation (even at their expense). Note that by
submitting any posts whatsoever, you agree to all these conditions.
What should I do if I suspect that I have been banned from future
If nothing has occurred that would cause you to be banned, you may
choose to assume that you have not been banned from future posting.
If something has occurred that would cause you to be banned, you may
choose to assume that you have been banned from future posting. Of
course, if you have been banned from future posting, you should not
submit any future posts on this site. Note that you alone are responsible
for your actions/assumptions. Please do not contact us to answer
questions regarding your individual status. Any such correspondence may
be subject to auto rejection. Furthermore, should we ever agree to
research the status of any particular user, they would be
responsible for advance payment of our fees (at our regular research
Even if a post / submitter / user / ad / advertiser / item / activity /
event / organization / group /
institution / individual / opinion / message / etc. is known to be problematic, might information about
them still
remain on the site?
Unfortunately, yes. While we would prefer that this not be the case, we
cannot make any guarantees whatsoever that no problematic items will
appear, regardless of whether we have knowledge about them or not. Remember that we
cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Also remember that inclusion of
any post / ad / submitter / organization / group / content / message / etc. does not imply our
endorsement. All use of this site is at your own risk.
I have a complaint about this site. What should I do?
Click here for information / instructions regarding complaints.
Where can I report a problem with a link?
Click here
for more information regarding problems with links.
Q. The
server date and time are off. Should
I be concerned?
If the system date / time are off, it may affect the content on this site.
Note that the system date / time is based on the server date / time and is
NOT based on your computer or your location. The server time may be on any
applicable time zone (e.g. Eastern, Central, Pacific, etc.). Differences
between the server's time zone and your actual time zone are to be
expected and are not considered technical problems. Please do not
report such differences to us. To check the system date / time, click
here. If the system date / time is persistently and
significantly off - and not as a result of time zone
differences - consider reporting this matter to us. Click
here to report problems with the system date / time.
Some text in posts is too small for me to read - what can I do?
As applicable, you may adjust your browser settings. Also, you may use
copy/paste to read small text.
Who is responsible if problems occur as a result of my use of this
You are responsible for all problems which may occur. Use of this site
is at your own risk. Note that we do not mediate disputes.
Also remember that you agree to assume all risks, whether foreseen or
not, related to transactions / activities (including all posting,
browsing of posts, transfers, contacts /
correspondence, etc.) arising from
use of this site (and related materials), without limit, and that you agree to hold us
harmless for all consequences / damages / etc. - direct or indirect - which may occur as a result of use of this
site (and related materials), regardless of their nature.
What if I have a problem with a submitter / advertiser / user / etc.?
We regret that this may occur and remind you that use of this site
involves various risks. To resolve the problem, you may attempt to work
it out with the other party. As applicable, you contact the
appropriate government agency, legal authority, Better Business Bureau,
etc., as appropriate, or seek legal remedies. Remember that participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising / purchasing, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
risk. We are not a party
to your transactions / activities and we do not mediate disputes.
Pease do
not contact us regarding with problems with other users. You
are solely responsible for all consequences of your transactions /
What if I have a problem with another user that involves
fraudulent use of this site?
If someone has used this site fraudulently (e.g. used your e-mail
address without your permission, requested that your ad be deleted,
etc.), you may take it up with the other person, contact law
enforcement, etc. You may also report the problem to us (click
here to report fraudulent use / abuse of this site).
Note: Do not use this link to report problems with Catholic affiliation,
problems with a submitter / advertiser / user, etc. Use this link only to report
fraudulent use of this site.
I once submitted a post (or responded to a post) and now I receive many
unsolicited contacts (e.g. e-mails, phone calls, etc.). What can I do?
Unfortunately, we cannot stop others from misusing your information.
That's why we recommend a cautious approach to all personal information,
including e-mail addresses, phone numbers, etc. For considerations and
tips regarding including your e-mail address with posts, click
here. Also, be sure to review all applicable questions regarding
e-mail addresses on the FAQs pages. You may also wish to report abuses to law
enforcement authorities (as applicable).
I once submitted a post on a particular subject and now I receive ads
related to that subject. What can I do?
Unfortunately, we cannot stop others from misusing your
information. That's why we recommend a cautious approach to all personal
information, including e-mail addresses. For considerations and tips
regarding including your e-mail address with posts, click
here. Also, be sure to review all applicable questions regarding
e-mail addresses on the FAQs pages. You may also wish to report abuses to law
enforcement authorities (as applicable).
What if another user keeps engaging in unwanted communications (including e-mail,
personal visits,
phone calls, etc.)?
Unfortunately, this may occur. Remember that all use of this site involves
risk and that we recommend a cautious approach to all personal
information, including e-mail addresses. Should you experience such problems, you may attempt
to work them out with the other party. As applicable, you may contact law
enforcement or seek other legal remedies. Remember also that we are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, contacts / correspondence, etc.), and do not mediate disputes. You are solely responsible for all
consequences related to your use of this site.
In one of my posts, I mentioned that I was having financial difficulties and now I get all
sorts of e-mail offering credit. What should I do?
Remember that you should not include personal details for reasons such
as this. Unfortunately, we cannot stop others from misusing your
information. That's why we recommend a cautious approach to all personal
information, including e-mail addresses. For considerations and tips
regarding including your e-mail address with posts, click
here. Also, be sure to review all applicable questions regarding
e-mail addresses on the FAQs pages. You may also wish to report abuses to law
enforcement authorities (as applicable).
After I submitted a post, I received anti-Catholic materials. What
should I do?
Unfortunately, this may occur. As indicated, all use of this site involves risk.
Remember that we strongly recommend that you use a
special e-mail account exclusively for use on this site (e.g. one that
you could easily abandon/change should a problem arise). We further
recommend applying a filter to your e-mail so that you may avoid viewing offensive e-mail. You may consider reporting incidents as
applicable to law enforcement authorities. You should also keep in mind
Our Lord's words: "Blessed are you when they insult you and
persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because
of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in
heaven." (See Mt. 5:11-12). And also, "I say to you, love your
enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children
of your heavenly Father" (See Mt. 5:44-45). Should you experience
problems such as this, you may consider notifying law enforcement
authorities or seek
other legal remedies (as applicable). Remember also that we are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, contacts / correspondence, etc.), and do not mediate disputes. You are solely
responsible for all consequences related to your use of this site.
Another user keeps contacting me for help. What should I do?
We recommend that you refer the person to a good Catholic charity or
other appropriate Catholic agency for
Another user wants all sorts of personal
information. What should I do?
This should be considered a 'red flag'. As indicated, we strongly recommend a cautious approach regarding
all personal information. You should NEVER provide your social
security number, mother's maiden name, driver's license number,
identification numbers, children's
names, pet's name, passwords, etc. Also, keep in mind that personal
information sent via e-mail may be insecure. If you are being asked for
unnecessary personal information, you should seriously consider ending
contact with that person(s). No matter how nice (or Catholic) the person
may seem, you should be aware that they may be
attempting to acquire personal information for improper - and possibly
harmful - purposes. NEVER provide any personal information beyond what is
necessary and proper. By giving any personal information, you may put yourself and your loved ones
in danger. Proceed at your own risk.
Someone asked me for my credit card information in connection with a post
I submitted. What should I do?
You should NEVER provide any credit card information in
connection with user posts in non-commercial sections. You may notify the other party that it is a
violation of our terms to ask for such information. Those who violate our
policies may be banned from future posting on this site. If the request
purports to come from us, remember that we do not charge you for
posts in non-commercial sections and would never unexpectedly
require you to provide credit card information (especially via e-mail!).
If you suspect fraud, note that it may be wise to notify law enforcement
or other appropriate authorities.
I am concerned that another user is attempting to gather information about me or my family. Is this
Unfortunately, this is possible. Unscrupulous individuals may post here
(or respond to posts) for the sole purpose of gathering information.
They may or may not be who they say, and they may or may not live up to
what they promise. They may be attempting to collect information for
marketing or other purposes. They may be planning to take advantage of
or harm individuals in various ways. In consideration of this, we highly
recommend that you use extreme caution with regard to your use of this
site. We
suggest that you use a special e-mail account exclusively for use on
this site (e.g. one that you could easily abandon/change should a
problem arise) and that you use a P.O. Box (as applicable) to help protect your private
information and that you pay any amounts (e.g. to sellers who may appear
in commercial sections) by a private money order. We strongly advise you to
protect all personal information and warn you not to give out any
personal facts/details, etc. Remember that use of this site is at your
own risk. You have no recourse
to us for any damages which may occur as a result of use of this
site. (Refer also to other questions herein and on all other applicable
pages for additional considerations and tips.)
I am responding to a post and the other party is being
unreasonable. Can you help?
No. We are not a party to your transactions / activities. We do not get involved in
your dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation is at your
own risk. Please do not contact us regarding problems with the other
The other party did not do what they promised. Can you help?
Sorry, no.
We regret that such situations may occur and remind you that use of this
involves various risks. Should you experience problems, you may attempt
to resolve them with the other party. As applicable,
you may seek legal
remedies. Remember also that we are not a party to others'
transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions /
activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours), and we
do not mediate disputes. You are
solely responsible for all consequences of your transactions /
activities. Use of this site is at your own risk. Note: Please do not contact us regarding problems with the other
party as we are unable to personally assist you.
I have responded to post, but the other party
is not responsive to my e-mail. What should I do?
First of all, remember that individuals may check their e-mail accounts
infrequently (especially if they have a special account for use on a
single site like this one). Also, e-mails may get lost, accidentally
deleted, filtered out, etc. Or, persons may be inundated with e-mail
and may not be able to respond to each one, or their e-mail address may
have changed, or they simply may not have the inclination to respond. If
appropriate, you may send a follow up e-mail. If they do not respond
again, you should not continue sending them e-mail.
The other party is not responding to my e-mail. Can you help?
No. We are not a party to your transactions / activities. We do not get involved in
your dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation is at your
own risk. Please do not contact us regarding problems with the other
I assisted another user, but I feel the person is extremely
inconsiderate or ungrateful. What do you recommend?
In cases like this, we think it's best to reflect on times where you may
have been ungrateful to God or to others. Then, offer the experience up
in reparation. Remember that you did a kindness and now have an
opportunity to make the good work even more pleasing to the Lord!
What if another use of this site is not who they say they are?
Unfortunately, this may occur. Remember that all use of this site
involves risk and that information about submitters / advertisers /
individuals / groups / organizations / etc. which may appear on this site
is not verified
and is not endorsed by us. As indicated, we advise users to
research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / charity / religious order /
publication / website / topic / provider / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. We are not a party to others'
transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions /
activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours), and we
do not mediate disputes. You are
solely responsible for all consequences of your transactions /
activities. Use of this site is at your own risk. Note: As
applicable, you may report problems with other users to law enforcement or other
appropriate authorities.
What if a user of this site misrepresents / lies about their Catholicity
/ knowledge / qualities / age / gender / experience / qualifications / etc.?
We regret that this may occur and remind you that use of this site
involves various risks. Information appearing in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. We are not a party to others'
transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions /
activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours), and we
do not mediate disputes. Participation in any transactions / activities
(including posting, browsing of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts
/ correspondence, etc.) is at your own risk. You are
solely responsible for all consequences of your transactions /
What if another user of this site lies, behaves inappropriately, has
offensive behavior or qualities, etc.?
We regret that this may occur and remind you that use of this site
involves various risks. Information appearing in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. If there is a problem, you may
attempt to work it out with the other party or, as appropriate/required by
law, you should contact law enforcement and seek any other appropriate
legal remedies. Remember that we are not a party to others'
transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions /
activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours), and we
do not mediate disputes. You are
solely responsible for all consequences of your transactions /
activities. Use of this site is at your own risk.
What if another user of this site talks disparagingly about me or tells
others about my personal details?
We regret that such incidents may occur and remind you that use of this
involves various risks. As indicated, we recommend extreme caution with
person information. Remember that all use of this site involves risk. Should you experience problems, you may attempt
to resolve them with the other party. As applicable,
you may seek legal
remedies. Remember also that we are not a party to others'
transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions /
activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours), and we
do not mediate disputes. You are
solely responsible for all consequences of your transactions /
activities. Use of this site is at your own risk.
Will you help me with a problem with another user?
No. We are not a party to your transactions / activities. We do not get
involved in your dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation
is at your own risk. Please do not contact us regarding problems with
the other party as we are unable to personally assist you.
How can I get answers to my questions?
Try here for
questions / answers.
Where can I view an index to content on this site?
Try here for a variety of indexes
to content on this site, including the General A - Z Index which may
contain over 10,000 entries.
How can I get answers to my questions regarding the 'Give & Take'
Click here for more
information regarding the 'Give & Take' Section.
How can I get answers to my questions regarding the 'Book Review &
Exchange' Section?
Click here for more
information regarding the 'Book Review & Exchange' Section.
How can I get answers to my questions regarding the Volunteers' Corner?
Click here for more
information regarding the Volunteers' Corner.
How can I get answers to my questions regarding the Commercial Sections?
Click here
for more information regarding the commercial sections.
How can I check the system date / time?
here to check the system date / time.
Where can I access the 'Reflections'?
Click link on side bar or click
here to view Reflections. Note that main section pages may also
contain a link to 'Reflections'.
Where can I access papal documents on this site?
Click here for
'Classic Encyclicals & Other Papal Documents'.
How can I view the MCS Daily Digest?
Click link on side bar or click
here to view the MCS Daily Digest.
How can I view current information about this site?
Click here for 'Notices'
page. Click here for Site
Update page. Click here for
MCS Calendar. Click here for
the MCS Daily Digest. Click here
for 'What's New' page.
How can I find out what's new on this site?
Click here for 'What's New'
How can I find out what items may be coming soon to this site?
Click here for 'coming
soon' items.
How can I view featured sections?
Click here for
'Featured Sections'
Where can I access the free resources (e.g. fliers) available on this
Click here for
How can I sign your guestbook?
Click here for our
How can I complete your survey?
Click here for our survey.
Where can I view timely notices?
Click here for 'Notices'.
Where can I view the MCS Calendar?
Click here for the MCS
Where can I view Site Update information?
Click here for the Site
Update page.
Which pages should I check each day for updates / notices / etc.?
You should be careful to check the
following each day for alerts / planned outages / etc.: Notices
Calendar | Site
Update | MCS Daily
Is there 'live chat' on this site?
No. [Update: Chat may now be available.
Click here for more
There's so much to do here that I don't know where to start - what should I do?
A. If
you have already visited the Reception
Desk, try clicking here
for a variety of items to consider.
How can I obtain more help using this site?
For additional assistance, try here.
For optimal display of this site, what do you recommend?
here for recommendations / requirements.
What should I do if I experience a technical problem with this site?
Click here
for information on technical matters.
Why aren't links underlined?
You may have this turned off. To resolve, try checking your browser settings.
Must my browser be able to display tables to view this site?
Yes. This site requires a browser that is able to properly display
tables. For more information regarding system requirements, click
How can I prevent printed pages from being cut off?
For best results, set your print margins to .25" in all directions.
If your printer cannot handle these margins, consider printing in 'landscape'
mode (try 'page setup' options).
Q. How can I view the most
current version of a page?
To view the most current version of a page, try your browser's 'Refresh'
How can I make the font size
You may be able to make the font size larger by adjusting your browser
settings. Note however, that this may distort the appearance of the
If the content displayed is not current, how may I see the current
It may be necessary to use the refresh button to see current content.
What does 'perennial Magisterium' mean?
The term 'perennial Magisterium' as used on this site refers to the
constant teaching of the Roman Catholic Church (i.e. the constant,
unchanged teaching of the popes and bishops united with him from the founding of the Church onward).
What do "MCS" and "CCC" mean?
The acronym "MCS" may mean "MyCatholicSource.com"
and the acronym "CCC" may mean "CatholicCommunityCenter.com".
Is this an "official" Catholic site? Is it "claiming the
name Catholic"?
No. This site is not an "official" Catholic site. It is run by
lay persons with no special authority or standing in the Church. While
we include a great variety of Catholic material (some from officially
approved sources), we do not intend to "claim the name
Catholic" for purposes of securing hierarchical approval. Rather,
the term "Catholic" may be used herein as descriptive of
content / persons involved in site operation /
etc., but the term "Catholic" is not operative as being an
official endeavor / organization of the Catholic Church and we therefore
do not intend to 'claim the name Catholic.'
Is "Jesu" a typo?
No. "Jesu" is Latin for Jesus.
Why do dates appear here as "#### A.D." instead of
"A.D. ####"?
Traditionally in the English language, A.D. (for Anno Domini, "the
year of Our Lord") is placed before the year, whereas B.C. is
placed after the year. However, it is now also common to place A.D.
after the year. For convenience, we have generally employed this latter
method of dating throughout this site.
Why do Scripture references on this site sometimes contain the name of
their human author?
While it is true that Holy Scripture was written under the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit, it is also true that human authors were employed as
"living instruments" in the writing of Holy Scripture. On
this site, we may sometimes wish to highlight the fact that a certain
passage is from the New Testament so we may indicate the human
author along with a Scripture reference - e.g. "St. Paul, 1 Cor.
1:1". Note that such individuals are often immediately recognized
as New Testament authors even by those who may not recognize that a
particular book of the Bible is contained in the New Testament (that is,
a reader may not realize that "1 Cor. 1:1" is from the New Testament,
but the same reader may realize that "St. Paul, 1 Cor. 1:1" is
a reference to the New Testament).
How can I add a post?
To add a post, find the applicable add page and follow the instructions.
For more information on where to contribute posts, click
Where may I contribute posts?
You may submit a post in any applicable section (according to the guidelines). For
information on non-commercial sections which accept posts, click
here. For commercial areas, click
Does it cost any money to post in non-commercial sections?
No. Posts in all non-commercial sections are free. Those in commercial sections -
e.g. advertisements - require a small processing fee (which may start as
low as $9.95). For more information regarding sections on this site, click here. For more
information regarding commercial sections, click
here. Reminder: All advertising in non-commercial sections is
How can I decide where to post?
For assistance determining where to post, click
How many posts may I submit?
Click here for information on
maximums. Please note that this page is a general guideline. We may
occasionally allow increased posting - or we may limit posting even further. For more information, refer to the Notices
page, Site Update page, the
MCS Calendar,
and the Daily
Why are there limits to the number of posts that may be submitted?
We may limit the number of posts allowed for various reasons. For
example: (1) to keep this site manageable, (2) to prevent it from being
dominated by a few individuals, (3) to enhance processing speed / efficiency, (4) to avoid overwhelming visitors with countless posts, (5)
to keep the site running smoothly and not clog it down with large
numbers of posts, (6) to discourage trivial posts and encourage persons
to submit only the best posts, etc.
What happens if I submit more than the allowed number of posts?
If you submit more than the allowed number of posts, your posts may be
subject to auto rejection and you may be banned from future posting on
this site.
Are there any items that I shouldn't reference in my post?
Yes. Try here for a list
of prohibited items.
Where can I find more guidelines concerning submissions?
For additional guidelines regarding submissions, be sure to review all
instructions, terms, tips, FAQs, Q & A's, etc. For general
submission tips, click
here. For submission tips for sections, click
here. For submission information for articles,
Is any information I submit subject to publication on the site (or other
A. Yes any/all information
submitted (even that submitted by your computer without your specific
direction) may be subject to publication on the site or other materials.
Remember that by submitting your post you agree to all terms. Reminder:
This applies to all posts / ads / feedback / correspondence / etc.
Will the
information I submit be verified?
our sole option, we may - but are not required to - occasionally attempt to verify some information.
This may or may not occur on a random basis. If you do not respond
to our verification on a timely basis, the post - and all your future posts
to this site - may be automatically rejected. [Note that if we
do verify details regarding your post, we will not ask for
personal information.] Users of this site, however, should
assume that no details regarding posts have been verified.
You should also keep in mind that we may take various actions based on the results of
any attempted verification (e.g.
blocking future posts, reporting information to authorities, etc.). Note however that we are not
obligated to verify any information or to take any specific action upon
the results of any verification. Also note that records suspected of
being false may be automatically rejected without any verification.
is a "form" / "add form" / "add page" /
A "form" / "add form" / "add page" / etc.
may refer to any
form that may be used to submit data.
On an "add page", the form indicates that a field - which is
not supposed to be required - must contain data. What should I do?
If a field is not required but the form states that the field must contain
data, it may be possible to put "N/A" or a " " (an
empty space). Note that you may have deleted some default information from
the field in question.
Don't some options on 'Add pages' tend to disclose personal information?
Should I ever provide this information?
The fields on various 'Add pages' may request input of some personal
information (e.g. diocese, city/state, etc.). Wherever applicable, these
fields are optional (e.g. you may put "N/A"). When not optional,
you still always have the option of not submitting your post. As
indicated, we recommend
extreme caution regarding the release of any personal information. Use
of these pages is at your own risk. Note: You should also be careful
not to unintentionally disclose any personal information.
How can I determine my
diocese? Is this information required?
determine your diocese, you may contact your parish priest. Note that
the name of your
diocese may be considered personal information. As indicated, we
recommend extreme caution with regard to personal information. Where
applicable/allowed, you may put "N/A" instead of stating your
actual diocese. Remember that this information is optional unless explicitly
required. If required and you do not wish to provide this information,
you may not submit a post in that section. Remember that all participation
is at your own risk and you have no recourse to us for any consequence /
damage / loss / etc. which may arise in connection with use of this site.
Proceed at your own risk.
What does the message "Please enter only letter, digit, and
".,-?/()!&*+"':;" characters in the 'Description'
field" mean?
type of message may mean that your post contains an invalid character,
symbol, carriage return, etc. The error message should direct you to the
field which contains the invalid item(s). To resolve the error, review your
post and remove invalid item(s).
What if I can't fit my post within the 250 (or other) character limit?
Sorry, but if a field allows only a certain number of characters,
you must keep your text within the stated limits. These limits keep posts concise and keep the site more manageable. Special note: In a number of sections, there may be multiple
fields which each allow 250 characters. If so, you may be able to break
up your post into various fields (as applicable). [Please Note: We
now allow article submissions. For more information,
click here]
Q. Why
are there categories for Roman Catholics in some sections?
In a perfect world, such classifications would not be
necessary. However, especially since Vatican II, the Church has seen many of
her members fall into disunity, some of whom remain Catholic "in name
only". Unfortunately, therefore, we think these classifications may
be helpful to users of this site. For assistance with the meaning of terms such as
"traditional", "progressive", etc.,
click here. Note that we do not guarantee accuracy of these
classifications. Information about religious affiliation is provided by
users and
has not been verified and is not endorsed by us. The classifications may
reflect the
opinions of the users and may be inaccurate. Note that these
classifications are not available in all sections of this site. Also
note that posts which appear to contain a dishonest classification (e.g.
one of a "Traditional Catholic" who argues for 'female
priests') may be subject to auto rejection and those who submit them may
be banned from future posting on this site.
I am not Catholic, but the only options listed are for
Catholics. What should I do?
no option exists for non-Catholics on an 'Add page', the section does
not allow posts of non-Catholics. If so, do not post there if you are
not Catholic. You may try another section, if desired. Note that posts
of non-Catholics who pose as Catholics may be subject to auto
rejection and those who submit them may be banned from future posting on
this site.
None of the
options apply to me. What should
I do?
the options on an 'Add page' don't apply to you, you may be in a restricted section.
For example, if you are not Catholic and are posting in a section
limited to Catholics only, the options will not be applicable to you. If
so, you may not post in that section (also see question above).
If you are Catholic, but don't
think the options apply to you, try reviewing the question
above for assistance in
selecting an option. If an option is required and none apply to you, you
may be unable to post in that area.
Besides the 'submit' button, are there other ways to submit a form?
Yes. Besides the submit button, forms may be submitted by pressing the
Enter key (where applicable). There may also be other means of submitting form data. Note
that all terms apply regardless of the method of submission.
What records are you required to keep regarding my posts / correspondence with you /
etc.? How must records be kept and for how long?
We are not required to keep any records whatsoever regarding your posts
/ correspondence to or from you / etc. Should we keep any
correspondence, we are not required to keep it for any amount of time or
by any particular method. We may keep any records in any manner of our
choosing, with no liability whatsoever to any party. Remember that by using this site you agree
to all our terms.
Is it true that certain words may cause the automatic rejection of posts
/ feedback / etc.?
Yes. Certain words or derivations of those words (e.g. profanities,
anti-Catholic remarks, etc.) may cause the automatic rejection of posts
/ feedback / etc.
Why might a post be subject to auto rejection?
Click here
for more information on this topic.
Why isn't my post the same as when I submitted it?
As indicated, we
may make any changes whatsoever to posts (including additions / changes
/ deletions). Remember that by submitting your post you agree to all
Will you notify me if you change / delete my post? Should I contact you?
We are not required to notify you if we change / delete your post.
Although we may notify you if we make certain changes or delete your
you should not expect such notification. Further, do not contact us
regarding any changes / deletions. Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection.
Might you change the category of my post?
We may change the category of your post at any time without notice and
without recourse.
Why did you abbreviate certain words or otherwise change my post?
We may make changes to posts for any reason of our choosing
(including to make the post conform to our policies, to make posts clearer, to
correct items deemed to be errors, etc.). Of course, we prefer not to
make changes since it takes up more of our time, but we reserve the
right to do so. Note that some changes made to posts may prevent them from
not appearing on the site. Note also that by submitting a post you agree that
we may make any changes whatsoever to submissions at our sole option, without
any recourse.
You changed my post category - what should I do?
As indicated, we reserve the right make any changes whatsoever to posts at
our sole discretion, with no recourse. Note that by submitting a post you agree to all our terms.
We regret if any changes made to posts are undesirable. However, if you do not like changes made to
your post, please do not contact us. Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection.
Q. I included my e-mail
address with my submission, but it doesn't appear with my post. Why not?
A. At our sole option, we may
delete provided e-mail addresses. We may do this for any
or no reason, occasionally or for certain periods of time or
indefinitely, and we may do
it selectively or grouped or in total, and may be especially likely to
do this if we suspect a problem, or if an address is or seems inappropriate /
invalid / questionable / too long / contains advertising or is
commercial / includes certain keywords, or even if we deem that the post might generate
excessive unwanted e-mail (we do not, however, promise to delete any
e-mail addresses for any reason).
My submission contained my e-mail address (or other information), but it
does not appear on the site. What should I do?
We do not guarantee that any element of your submission (including your
e-mail address) will appear on
this site. Remember that we may add/delete/change any element
of your submission for any reason (or for no reason) at our sole discretion
without any recourse. Further, we are not required to notify you of any
changes, provide reason(s) for any changes, correspond with you
regarding any changes, answer questions regarding any changes, etc., and
you may not appeal our decision(s). Please do not contact us regarding
any changes to posts. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto
You changed my Catholic affiliation - what should I do?
As indicated, we reserve the right make any changes whatsoever to posts at
our sole discretion, with no recourse. Note that by submitting a post you agree to all our terms.
We regret if any changes made to posts are undesirable. However, if you do not like changes made to
your post, please do not contact us. Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection.
You changed / deleted other information in my post - what should I do?
As indicated, we reserve the right make any changes whatsoever to posts at
our sole discretion, with no recourse. Note that by submitting a post you agree to all our terms.
We regret if any changes made to posts are undesirable. However, if you do not like changes made to
your post, please do not contact us. Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection.
I don't like a change you made to my post - what can I do?
As indicated, we reserve the right make any changes whatsoever to posts at
our sole discretion, with no recourse. Note that by submitting a post you agree to all our terms.
We regret if any changes made to posts are undesirable. However, if you do not like changes made to
your post, please do not contact us. Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection.
Q. How can I change my
Sorry, but we are unable to honor requests to make changes to any posts. Note: Please do not contact us
to request changes to posts.
All such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection and those who
submit such requests may be banned from future posting on this site.
I made a mistake in my post - can I change it?
Sorry, no. You should be careful that the content you submit is
correct/complete/etc. prior to submission since it cannot be changed
once it has been submitted. Note: Please do not contact us regarding
such matters. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection and
those who send such correspondence may be banned from future posting.
I just submitted a post, but need to change it - is that possible?
Sorry, no. You should be careful that the content you submit is
correct/complete/etc. prior to submission since it cannot be changed
once it has been submitted. Note: Please do not contact us regarding
such matters. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection and
those who send such correspondence may be banned from future posting.
Can my post ever change once it appears on the site?
Not by you, however we may change it for any reason at our sole option,
without recourse.
Why can't you change my post which appears on the site at my request?
We can't change posts appearing on the site upon request from users
for a number of reasons (e.g. because our system is not set up to
efficiently change posts,
because this would consume too much of our time/resources, because it would
tend to discourage users from being careful when they submit posts, etc.).
What if I want to delete my post?
Sorry, but we are unable to honor requests to delete posts. Note:
Please do not contact us regarding such matters. Any such correspondence
may be subject to auto rejection and those who send such correspondence
may be banned from future posting.
Can users request changes to or deletion of others' posts?
No. Users may not request changes to or deletions of others' posts. Note: If there is a
code of conduct violation regarding the actual content of a post appearing on our site, you may report it to us. Click here for more
Does the notation "information is provided by users" intend to
exclude the possibility that you may make various corrections,
deletions, additions, etc. to such information?
No, the notation "information is provided by users" does not
intend to exclude the possibility that we may make various corrections,
deletions, additions, etc. to such information.
I just submitted a post, but want to delete it - is that possible?
Sorry, no. You should be careful that the content you submit is
correct/complete/etc. prior to submission since it cannot be changed or
deleted once it has been submitted. Note: Please do not contact us regarding
such matters. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection and
those who send such correspondence may be banned from future posting.
Q. Can I request that my
post be cancelled or deleted?
A. No. Once a post is
submitted, you may not request its cancellation or deletion. Please do not
contact us about such matters. Note that any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection and those who submit such correspondence may be banned from
future posting on this site.
What if my post appears beyond the length of time indicated on the
timetables and I want to
make a change to it or otherwise make it current?
As indicated, we cannot honor requests to make changes to posts. This is
true even if posts appear on the site well beyond the amount of time
indicated on the timetables.
What if my post appears beyond the length of time indicated on the
timetables and I want it to be deleted?
As indicated, we cannot honor requests to delete posts. This is
true even if posts appear on the site well beyond the amount of time
indicated on the timetables.
How can I replace my old post with a new post?
Sorry, but posts cannot be "replaced".
My post disappeared from the site even though the number of days
indicated in the timetables has not passed. What happened?
Please remember that the timetables
are a general guide only. Posts may appear for a much longer or shorter
time than indicated on the timetables (and may even disappear / reappear).
This may be especially likely to happen if posting volume is high, or due
to other causes. As indicated, we do not guarantee that any post will ever
appear on this site or that any post(s) will appear for any given length
of time.
My post disappeared from the site even though I would still like it to appear. What should I do?
To keep content fresh, records may disappear at any time. For general
timetable information, click here.
If your post no longer appears, do NOT resubmit it. If you still wish
your post to appear, you may consider placing an inexpensive ad
in a commercial
section of this site (e.g. Classified
Ad), as applicable.
What are some reasons you may remove posts?
We may remove posts for any reason [including code of conduct violations,
problems with users, heavy post volume, problem with submitter(s), etc.].
Posts may also automatically disappear as time passes.
What is a "post"?
A. The term
"post" may refer to any information / advertisement / feedback
/ etc. submitted by a user(s) via any method (e.g. by form / e-mail /
mail / fax / phone / etc.). Note that the term "post" may also include
user-submitted articles, wherever applicable.
May all submissions be called "posts"?
A. Yes, all submissions
(including advertisements and feedback submissions) may be called
Are all posts free?
All non-commercial posts are free. Those in commercial sections -
e.g. advertisements - require a small processing fee (which may start as
low as $9.95). For more information regarding sections on this site, click here. For more
information regarding commercial sections, click
Q. Who may post here?
To post here, you must be a legal-aged adult (no minors) who is legally
allowed to post, and you must meet all our terms/requirements (click
here for more information). Where applicable, you must be Catholic /
a practicing Catholic. You must not have been banned from future posting. Other
restrictions may apply. All transactions / activities (including
posting, responding to posts, transfers, contacts
/ correspondence, etc.) are subject to any applicable
laws. Note: Do not post here if you are a minor or if you otherwise
do not meet our guidelines. If you violate our policies, you may be banned
from future posting on this site and/or we may
take other action(s) at our sole discretion, as applicable, including notification of law
enforcement and/or authorities and/or other legal action(s).
Can minors post here?
To post here, you must be a legal-aged adult (no minors) who is legally
allowed to post, and you must meet all our terms/requirements (click
here for more information). Note: Do not post here if you are a minor or if you otherwise
do not meet our guidelines. If you violate our policies, you may be banned
from future posting on this site and/or we may
take other action(s) at our sole discretion, as applicable, including notification of law
enforcement and/or authorities and/or other legal action(s).
Are third party posts allowed?
Third party posts are prohibited (unless we explicitly state otherwise). Do
not submit unauthorized third party posts!
Who will be able to see my submission?
Just about anyone with a connected computer may be able to see your
submission. Even if your submission does not presently appear on the site, it is
possible that
others may still see it. Reminder: By submitting your post, you have
given us permission to use it freely wherever we choose (so it may even
appear offline, in newsletters, in ads, etc.), so the 'whole world' may
potentially see your submission.
What information should I include with my submission?
This is a personal decision, but remember that you should not include
anything you do not want the "whole world" to see (including
non-Catholics, anti-Catholics, etc.). Remember that we recommend extreme
caution with regard to all personal information (including your name,
e-mail address, diocese, etc.) If in doubt, do not submit! Remember also
that some information may be submitted automatically by your computer
(e.g. IP number, browser type, etc.). If this is unacceptable to you, do
not submit posts. As indicated, all participation is at your own risk
and you have no recourse to us for any consequence / damage / loss /
etc. which may arise in connection with use of this site. Proceed at
your own risk. Note: For our privacy statement, click
Is every part of my submission subject to publication on the site?
Yes, every part of your submission may be subject to publication on the
site, including information submitted automatically by your computer.
Do you verify posts?
We may occasionally verify some details regarding some
posts at our sole option (but
we are not required to do
so). This may or may not occur on a random basis. If you do not respond
to our verification on a timely basis, the post - and all your future posts
to this site - may be automatically rejected. [Note that if we
do verify details regarding your post, we will not ask for
personal information.] Users of this site, however, should
assume that no details regarding posts have been verified.
If you ever verify any details concerning posts, will you ask for
personal information?
No. If we verify details regarding posts, we will NOT ask
for personal information, require you to 'log in', provide a password,
etc. [Receive an e-mail allegedly from us? Click here for
assistance in determining whether an e-mail is really from us.]
Do you prohibit posts that you disagree with?
We may display or not display posts whether we agree with them or not.
However, we reserve the right to
prohibit posts for any reason. The fact that a post appears here does not
mean that we agree with or endorse it. In fact, we do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad / submitter / individual / group / item / topic / activity / event / message /
opinion / point of view / etc.
What does it mean that Catholic or traditional items may receive
This means that we may give preference to Catholic posts, especially traditional Catholic
posts. For example, an
announcement regarding Confirmation may receive preference over, say, an
announcement for a new business. This may especially occur, for
example, if we are restricting the number of records or if we are behind
in processing (or for any other reason).
What if I want to respond to a post?
Each post on this site is independent. Do not refer to previous
submissions (yours or others) with your post. You may consider
contacting individuals directly about their post if they have provided their e-mail
How can I respond to a post?
You may respond directly to the poster (the "submitter") if
their e-mail address was provided. If not, you may not respond to the
post. Remember that information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad / submitter / individual / group / item / topic / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Remember that we do not get involved
in your dealings with others or mediate disputes. Note: Please do not
submit a response to us regarding any post (e.g. using the feedback pages
or any other "Add post" pages). Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection and those who send it may be banned from future
posting on this site. Reminder: You may submit your own post on any
applicable topic, but all posts on this site are to be independent. Do
not reference other post(s) with your post.
Why can't I respond to another post via this site?
This site is not designed for back and forth dialogue about posts.
Remember that each post here is independent and should stand alone. This
way, there are no long threads to follow, no 'endless scrolling', no
off-topic posts, no 'flame wars', etc. Also, it allows content to remain
'fresher' (not that records may automatically expire and your response
to another's post could be confusing if the original record no longer
appeared). Instead, as desired, you may consider
contacting individuals directly about their post if they have provided their e-mail
I am uncomfortable about corresponding with strangers. What should I do?
You are absolutely right to be uncomfortable about corresponding with
strangers. In fact, we recommend that many individuals do not
participate (especially in various sections) for just this reason. For those who do
participate, we recommend using extreme caution with all personal
information. Remember, that all use of this site involves risk. If you can't afford to or don't want to take such risks, you should
not participate. Should you experience problems, you may notify law
enforcement or seek other legal remedies, as applicable. Remember also that we are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting,
responding to posts, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.)
and do not mediate disputes. You are solely responsible for all
consequences related to your use of this site (and related materials).
Do all posts on this site meet our guidelines?
We cannot guarantee that any post(s) whatsoever meet any/all of our
Are all posts appearing on this site truthful?
we can't guarantee the truthfulness of any item. Note that even if a
user has 'certified' the truth of a post, there is still no guarantee that the post actually is truthful.
Are posts / ads appearing on the site comprehensive?
A. Generally
speaking, no. Posts / ads are limited in scope and may omit
important details. Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad content / submitter / etc.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section.
Do you monitor posts / ads / submitters / etc.?
We do not monitor posts / ads / submitters / etc. on this site* and we cannot guarantee
that any posts / ads are accurate or truthful. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad / submitter / item / etc. Note that we may - but are not required
to - subject posts to a review process to weed out items which
appear to be questionable. This process is not full-proof. Use of this
site is at your own risk. [* Note, however, that all actions
connected with use of this site may be monitored, at our sole option.]
Q. If a post is reviewed
and it appears on the site, does that mean it is "approved"?
A. No. We do not
"approve" of any post (including ads).
Do you promise to review all posts?
No. We do not promise that
any/all posts will be subject to a review.
Since a post / ad / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / charity / religious order
/ publication / website / topic / provider / activity / event / message
/ etc. is referenced here, can I be sure that it is not contrary to
the perennial Magisterium?
A. Unfortunately,
no. Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / charity / religious order
/ publication / website / topic / provider / activity / event / message
/ etc.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to
research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), even
if information about such transactions / activities is contained on our
site (or other materials of ours). Inclusion of posts / ads /
individuals / groups / items / organizations / products / services /
topics / messages / submitters / etc. does not imply our endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities at your own risk. Users are
cautioned that certain posts / individuals / groups / items /
organizations / institutions / advertisers / products / services /
charities / publications / websites / providers / events / activities /
messages / etc. may be harmful to one's faith, person, etc. Proceed at
your own risk.
Does the fact that a post appears on this site mean that the content of
the post is unobjectionable?
No. The fact that a post appears here may only mean that no reason was
found not to display the post. This doesn't mean that there IS no reason,
only that such a reason may not have been noticed. Unfortunately, we
cannot guarantee that posts appearing on this site are not objectionable.
If a post appears here that violates our code of conduct, you may report
it to us. Click here for more information. Note: Please
problems with actual post content only. Do not report problems with other
users / disagreements with others / etc.
How can I be sure that what is stated in a post / ad is accurate &
A. There
is no guarantee that any information is accurate or truthful.
Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad content / submitter / etc.
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to
research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / submitters / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), even
if information about such transactions / activities is contained on our
site (or other materials of ours), and we do not mediate disputes. Inclusion of
posts / ads does not imply our endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities at your own risk.
Can you guarantee that any post / ad / individual / group / item /
organization / institution / advertiser / product / service /
publication / website / provider / activity / event / message / etc. is "safe"?
No. We do not guarantee that any item is "safe". In fact, we caution that
items may be dangerous/harmful in various ways. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / ad / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / publication / website /
provider / activity / event / message / etc., even if it appears on or
site. Users are advised to
research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / submitters / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), and we
do not mediate disputes. Inclusion of posts / ads does not imply our endorsement.
All use of this site is at your own risk.
Can you guarantee that any post / ad / individual / group / item /
organization / institution / advertiser / product / service /
publication / website / provider / activity / event / message / etc. is "safe"
if it is sponsored by / associated with the Catholic Church / a Catholic
parish / etc.?
Unfortunately, no. The fact that an item may be sponsored by / associated with
the Catholic Church / a Catholic parish / etc. does not necessarily
guarantee that it is "safe". Note also that some may give the appearance
of being sponsored by / affiliated with the Catholic Church, but are actually opposed to
the Church. Remember also that
information contained here is not verified and that we cannot guarantee
its accuracy. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups / organizations /
individuals / submitters / products / services / etc.) independently before participation and to use great caution when
participating in any transaction / activity. Inclusion of posts / ads /
etc. does not imply our endorsement. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.), and we
do not mediate disputes. Participation in any transactions / activities is at your own
risk Users are
cautioned that certain posts / individuals / groups / items /
organizations / institutions / advertisers / products / services /
charities / publications / websites / providers / events / activities /
messages / etc. may be harmful to one's faith, person, etc., regardless of
their stated Catholicity. Proceed at
your own risk.
Q. Can you tell me more about a post / individual / group / item /
organization / institution / advertiser / product / service / charity /
religious order / publication / website / topic / provider / activity /
event / message / etc. that is referenced on this site?
No. If you want more information about items, consider contacting the
submitter / individual / group / organization / institution / advertiser /
charity / religious order / publication / website / provider / etc.
directly. We are not a
party to others' transactions / activities (including posting, browsing
of posts, advertising, transfers, contacts /
correspondence, etc.) even if
information about such transactions / activities is contained on our site (or other
materials of ours) and we do not have special knowledge about the above
indicated items
(or about those who post or advertise regarding them). Information
contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / charity / religious order /
publication / website / topic / provider / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
risk. Please do
not contact us for more information regarding any item which appears
on this site.
Do you guarantee the quality of any post(s) / ad(s) / product(s) /
service(s) / website(s)
/ publication(s) / information / etc.?
No. We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any post(s) / ad(s) /
product(s) / service(s) / website(s) / publication(s) / information / etc.
oral or written to the contrary.
Are images allowed with posts?
Images are not allowed with posts unless specifically indicated.
Are symbols allowed in my posts?
No. Do not include symbols in your posts. If you include symbols in your
post(s), your post(s) may be subject to auto rejection and you may
be banned from future posting on this site.
Can I include html text in my post?
No. Do not submit any html text. If you include html text in your
post(s), your post may be subject to auto rejection and you may
be banned from future posting on this site.
May I solicit contributions from other users in my post?
Do not solicit contributions from any other users! Note: This excludes
the commercial sections of this site in which such solicitations may be
allowed, according to the indicated guidelines.
Why are organization names / company names / product names / brand names
/ website addresses / event names, etc. prohibited in non-commercial
Organization names / company names / product names / brand names / website
addresses / event names, etc. are prohibited in non-commercial posts precisely
because they are non-commercial. You are, however, free to
include this information, where applicable, in personal correspondence (or use the commercial
sections of the site where such information is allowed). Remember
that you may never include any organization names / company names /
product names / brand names / website addresses / event names, etc. in
non-commercial sections or your post - and all future posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
Who is responsible for supplying appropriate / correct information?
You and you alone are responsible for supplying appropriate / correct
information wherever required.
Must the category I select be applicable to what I am posting about?
Yes. The category you select must be applicable to what you
are posting about. If it is not, we may change it, or your post may be
subject to auto rejection.
What category should I select if my post fits into more than one
You should choose the most applicable category for your
post. Do not submit the same post in more than one category.
What if I need more space for my post?
Sorry, but field limits are fixed. You may wish to consider various ways
to shorten your post. As applicable you may use suitable, limited
abbreviations. [Note: We now accept user submitted articles. Please
consider submitting your long post as an article. For more information,
click here.]
What if I exceed the maximum length in any given field (e.g. number of
words / number of characters)?
Do not exceed the maximums of any field. If you do, your post may be
subject to auto rejection. Or, at our sole option, we may truncate your
text, abbreviate your text, delete / change your text, etc. Please do
not submit posts which exceed maximum allowed lengths or you may be banned
from future posting on this site.
I want to include more information regarding my Catholic affiliation -
is this possible?
When indicating your Catholic affiliation, you are limited to the
options which are provided. [Note that you may put "traditional
Catholic" elsewhere in your post, as appropriate, if you choose.]
May I name well-known heretics / apostates / schismatics in my post?
No (although it may be allowable for certain posts to
include such names - e.g. if post is clearly contrary
to them). Note that if you include any such name(s) in your
which may appear to be the name of a well-known heretic / apostate /
schismatic / etc. (including Protestant 'Reformers'), your post may be
subject to auto rejection. [Note: If
another person's name is the same or sounds similar to a well-known
heretic / apostate / schismatic / etc. (including a Protestant
'Reformer'), you should properly distinguish it from the well-known
person - e.g. "Martin Luther (not the 'Reformer')". Be sure to
use quotes around terms such as 'Reformer' (if you don't we may add
them). Also be sure you do not offer any praise whatsoever to heretics / apostates / schismatics.]
Should I avoid abbreviations in my posts?
Yes. If you use any abbreviations in your post, they should be spelled out
(unless they are abbreviations that 'everyone knows'). Note that if you include unknown abbreviations or excess abbreviations in your
submission, your post may be subject to auto rejection.
What if I want to submit images with my posts?
You may not submit images with your posts (unless this is specifically allowed). If you
submit images where this is not allowed (or attempt to do so), you may
be banned from future posting on this site.
May I discuss food related items here?
We prefer that food related discussions be avoided (as
applicable). However, the discussion of some food related items may be allowable.
Note that all food
items / food references / provider names / described products (food
and otherwise) etc. must be "vegetarian friendly" (Why?).
If you submit a post which does not meet our guidelines, your post - and
all future posts, may be subject to auto rejection.
Do you prohibit references to items that are not "vegetarian friendly"?
If so,
We prohibit references to items that are not "vegetarian friendly" - including
those concerning food, accessories, etc. [we do allow general references phrased in a "vegetarian friendly" manner (e.g. 'gourmet
sandwiches'/'sandwiches', 'accessories', etc.)]. While we
understand the great and incomparable dignity of humans being made in
the image and likeness of God, we also recognize a 'brotherhood', so to
speak with lesser creatures, who - sharing the same Creator - are
"reflections of God". As St. Francis of Assisi has said,
"Those who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of
compassion and pity will deal likewise with their fellow man." We
wish that compassion on this site be extended to humans - of any age,
born and unborn - as well as to God's lesser creatures, the animals.
Further, we wish to be considerate of the sensitivities of animal loving
persons who use this site. Remember that originally - before the Fall of
Man - all people and all animals were vegetarian as that was the will of
God (see Gen. 1:29-30). Therefore, it is good to remember the fact that
because something is merely allowed, does not necessarily make it the
desired condition. As indicated above, all food items / food references
/ provider names / described products (food and otherwise) / etc.
must be "vegetarian friendly".
If you submit a post which does not meet our guidelines, your post - and
all future posts, may be subject to auto rejection.
Are submissions processed immediately?
No. Submissions are processed at our discretion.
When does processing of posts occur?
Processing of posts may occur at any time upon the submission of a post, but we do not guarantee anything concerning
when processing may occur.
Is there any guarantee that you will actually receive my
Sorry, but we are unable to guarantee that we will receive any given
submission(s). Note that even if a confirmation page is
displayed, there is no guarantee that we will actually receive your submission.
In what order are submissions processed?
We may process submissions in any order of our choosing. This order may
be subject to frequent (even daily/hourly/etc.) variation.
Do certain submissions receive preference?
Certain submissions may receive preference. This especially may occur, for
example, if we are restricting the number of records or if we are behind
in processing (or for any other reason).
Are all submissions subject to identical processing/procedures?
No. Processing procedures may vary by session, time, date, section, post
type, post topic/category, type of submitter, etc.
Do you promise to review all posts?
No. We do not promise that any/all posts will be subject to
any review whatsoever.
Q. What
might a 'review'
of a user post entail? Who performs this 'review'?
A. If posts are 'reviewed'
(we do not promise to review posts), this may mean that the item
is merely screened electronically based on certain keyword(s) or matched
against other criteria. Posts may or may not be seen by a human. We make
no guarantees whatsoever regarding any 'review', nor do we promise that
any/all posts will be subject to a review.
What steps are included in "processing"?
The term "processing" refers to our internal process(es),
which may be many or few step(s), and which may vary depending upon the
submission, type of submission, posting category, section, scheduling, subjective decisions, etc.
Specifically, any human or machine involvement which occurs upon or after
submission -
no matter how slight, may constitute
Does a special permission / oversight / exemption / etc. set a
precedent? Are you required to correct it / repeat it / continue it?
A special permission / oversight / exception / exemption / etc. does not set a
precedent and we are not required to correct it, repeat it, or continue
it. [Note that any number of special permissions / oversights /
exceptions / exemptions / etc. does not set a precedent and does not
require us to correct it, repeat it, or continue it.]
What sources might you use to determine / help determine the disposition
/ appearance / content / etc. of any post / ad?
We may use any source whatsoever (including written / personal / machine
generated / etc.) to determine / help determine the disposition /
appearance / content / etc. of any post / ad.
Does the term "processed" mean "approved"?
No. Processing simply refers to internal processing. Processed
submissions may appear on the site or not. Remember also that we do not
"approve" posts, per se.
Will you contact me regarding my post?
may contact you regarding your post, however we generally do not.
You are somewhat more likely to be contacted by us concerning posts in
certain areas (i.e. to verify certain information) or if we suspect fraudulent activity.
Remember that if we do contact you, we won't ask for personal information.
Note: Please do not contact us regarding your submission, unless we
direct you to do so. [Did you receive an e-mail allegedly from us? Click
here for assistance in determining whether an e-mail is really from
Do you notify me if my post is approved or not?
Posts are not "approved", per se. If your post will appear on
the site, it may appear without our notifying you. However, we may notify you
regarding the status of your post if we choose to do so (but you should not count on this).
[Did you receive an e-mail allegedly from us? Click
here for assistance in determining whether an e-mail is really from
Will I receive notification that my post has been processed or that it will appear or not appear?
We may notify you that your post has been processed at our
sole option, but you should not expect to receive such notification.
[Did you receive an e-mail allegedly from us? Click
here for assistance in determining whether an e-mail is really from
Will you tell me exactly what is the status of my post?
Sorry, but no. Please do not contact us for this
information as we do not have the resources to accommodate your request
and the source materials may not be (readily or otherwise) available to
us. Note that any correspondence concerning the status of posts may be automatically rejected. Please do not contact us for this
How will I know if my post will appear on the site or not if I am not notified of it?
The best way to know is to see if your post actually appears on the site.
Can you "reject" my submission for any reason whatsoever?
Yes. We may "reject" your submission for any reason whatsoever.
Remember that by submitting your post, you agree to all
our terms.
Is the determination regarding the rejection / auto rejection of a post final?
Can I submit post(s) but not agree to all your terms?
No. You may not submit any post(s) without agreeing to all our terms. By
the very act of submitting a post, you indicate agreement to all our
Can I respond to post(s) but not agree to all your terms?
No. You may not respond to any post(s) without agreeing to all our terms.
By responding to a post, you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Do you guarantee that all the content I submit will appear on the site if my
post appears?
No. Content you submit is subject to editing / change by us. By submitting your
post you agree that we may make any changes whatsoever (including
additions / deletions) to requested content at our sole discretion
without recourse.
How are records ordered?
order of records varies and may depend on the section and page.
"View" pages (in non-commercial sections) may be in descending order by ID# (assigned
automatically). If so, records may appear on screen with the most recent
ones first, proceeding down to the oldest records. "Search"
pages (in non-commercial sections) may list records alphabetically by one or more fields.
Ordering may vary and is subject to change at any time without notice.
Is it acceptable to 'tweak' my post so that it appears higher on the
You may submit your post in any fitting way according to our
guidelines. However, you should note that we do not guarantee the
content of your post, the placement of your post, the ordering of your
etc. The ordering of any post may change at any time without notice. Further, as
new records are added or are removed, the order of existing posts may
automatically change to accommodate the new recordset. Also, note that
certain techniques designed to move posts higher on the page may be
unacceptable (if so, your post may be subject to auto rejection). Unacceptable techniques include (but are
not limited to): beginning with symbols or punctuation, adding
superfluous numbers or letters (e.g. "aaaa great idea"),
selecting inappropriate categories/options, etc. Note: If posts
are ordered by date, it may not be possible to affect the ordering of
posts via content changes.
Do you guarantee that the formatting / layout / ordering of posts will
remain the same or consistent?
We do not guarantee that the formatting / layout / ordering of posts will
remain the same or consistent. Note that formatting / layout / ordering
of posts may change at any time without notice. Further, as new
records are added or are removed, the order of existing posts may
automatically change to accommodate the new recordset. Note that we do
not guarantee anything concerning the appearance / ordering of any post.
Last time I made a mistake / didn't follow rules when submitting my post,
but it nevertheless still appeared - why did it not appear this time?
If you previously made a mistake / didn't follow the rules when
submitting your post, and your post nevertheless still appeared, it may have
been an oversight on our part. In any event, if you submit posts which
do not properly follow all instructions / requirements / etc., your posts
- and all future posts - may be subject to auto rejection. Please be sure
to carefully follow all instructions!
You let someone else put all caps in their post (or certain words or other
prohibited items), why not me?
The fact that another post(s) appears which contains all caps, certain
words/other prohibited items may be an accident / oversight / etc. In
any event, it does not set a precedent! Be sure to follow all guidelines
when submitting your post(s) or they may be subject to auto rejection
and you may be banned from future posting. Note that this is still true even
if another post(s) appears on our site which don't meet our guidelines.
What if I submit the same post more than once?
If you submit the same post more than one time, your post may be subject to
auto rejection. Please do not submit multiple posts or you may be banned
from future posting on this site. Note: Please be patient during the
submission process, even if it takes a while. If you press the 'submit'
button (or press the Enter key) repeatedly - more than once - multiple
copies of your post may be submitted (and therefore all copies of
your post may therefore be subject to auto rejection).
long do listings last?
A. Listings may last for
any number of days (and may even disappear / reappear). For a general guidelines
regarding user posts in non-commercial sections,
consider our timetables (click
here). For commercial section 'target cycles', click
Can posts be "renewed"?
No. Posts cannot be "renewed".
Might you display posts on this site even though they are past their
indicated 'end dates' / no longer applicable / not timely / etc.?
We may display posts on the site even though they are past their
indicated 'end dates' / no longer applicable / not timely / etc. Remember
that we do not guarantee accuracy or timeliness of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section.
Q. Can I get a copy of a
post (or ad) that once appeared on this site?
A. We cannot
provide you with
a copy of any posts (or ads) which may have appeared (or do appear) on
this site. Please do not contact us about such matters. Note that any such
correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection and those who submit such correspondence may be banned from
future posting on this site.
does it say 'no records returned' on a
view or search page?
This message may appear by default on all search pages because you
have yet to enter any data for a search. If this message appears after
you have entered data, there may be no records matching your criteria.
If this message appears in the Daily Digest or otherwise appears unexpectedly,
the site may be experiencing technical problems. If this message appears
on a 'view all' page, there may be no records in that section.
Remember that records may be added / deleted at any time (and may
'expire' automatically). For timetable information, try
here. If you encounter this message unexpectedly, be especially sure
you have visited the
following links for site update information / alerts / planned outages /
etc.: Notices
Calendar | Site
Update | Daily
Q. Why
are there so few records in a particular
There are a number of reasons why a section may contain few / no records
[e.g. the database
may be offline, records may have expired, users may not have submitted
posts (or ads in commercial sections), we may be behind in processing,
there may be technical difficulties, etc.]. Note that you may feel free
to add a record even if a section is presently empty, as applicable
(unless, of course, the database is offline or there are technical
problems, etc.). If
you know of a commercial section with few records, consider inviting a business
to advertise (click
here). If a section is non-commercial, try inviting
friends who you know might want to post in that section.
Q. Why are there no posts
/ ads on a particular page or in a particular category / section / etc.?
A. If there are no posts /
ads on a particular page or in a particular category / section / etc.,
this may be because no user has submitted an appropriate post / ad for
that page / category / section / etc., or records may have expired, the
database may be offline, we may be behind in processing, there may be
technical difficulties, etc.
Q. Why do options in drop
down lists sometimes change?
A. Options in drop down lists
may change if they are based on underlying records. As new records are
added or are removed, the options in associated drop down fields may change
Q. Why are there no
options in a drop down list?
A. Note that options in drop
down lists may change if they are based on underlying records. As new
records are added or are removed, the options in associated drop down fields
may change accordingly. If there are no options in a drop down list, there
may be no underlying records.
How can I find my post when it appears on the site?
If you know which section(s) you posted in, try clicking link on side
bar which corresponds to those section(s) and select the view or search
page. If you cannot recall which section(s) you posted in, try
here to find your post. Reminder: It may take a while for posts to
appear on the site. Also note that not all posts will appear on the
Q. Can I submit content
A. No. All content submission
must be online unless specifically stated otherwise.
What if I disagree with a post?
Please do not notify us that you disagree with a post. Also, do not submit
a post simply to state that you disagree with another post. Remember that
all posts on this site are independent and that you should not reference
other posts with yours. As applicable, you may submit a post on the same
topic and provide your opinion (e.g. without referencing the other post).
If appropriate and desired, you may also consider contacting the
individual who originally posted here to discuss the matter privately.
Remember that posts contained on this site may reflect the opinions of their authors and may be disagreed
with for any number of reasons (as applicable). The fact that a post appears
on this site does not mean that we agree with or endorse it. Information contained
in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / topic / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any transaction
/ activity. Inclusion of
any post / ad / submitter / content / message / etc. does not imply our
endorsement. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts /
correspondence, etc.) is at your own risk. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Users are
cautioned that certain items / persons / etc. may be
harmful in various ways. Proceed at your own risk.
What if a post contains an important error of fact?
If a post contains an important error of fact, it may be acceptable
to add a post in that section which 'corrects' the error. Remember that
any such posts may not refer specifically to (or quote)
the previous post, but must remain independent. Do not submit any such
'corrective posts' if one has already appeared which addresses the
error. Also, do not submit any 'corrective posts' regarding unimportant
or minor matters. As indicated previously, information contained
in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / topic / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section.
How can I find out more about a post / ad which appears on this site?
If you want more information about a post / ad, you may contact the
submitter / advertiser. We are not a party to others'
transactions / activities (including posts / ads), even if information about such transactions /
activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours). We do
not have special knowledge concerning submitters / advertisers / posts /
ads / products / services / etc. Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser / product / service / publication / website / topic / provider / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
risk. Please do
not contact us for more information regarding any item which appears
on this site.
I have been contacted about my post. How should I respond?
We recommend that you respond courteously and quickly, and
with due caution. Remember that we
are not a party to your transactions / activities (including posting,
responding to posts, contacts / correspondence / etc.) and do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Please do not contact us
regarding your responses to others (or their responses to you). [Receive
an e-mail allegedly from us? Click here for
assistance in determining whether an e-mail is really from us.]
I am still contacted about a post I submitted a long time ago. What should I do?
Unfortunately, you may continue to receive correspondence even if a post
is quite old. That's one reason why we recommend a cautious approach to all personal information,
including e-mail addresses. At your option, you may choose to ignore or
respond to the correspondence. Note that it may be more courteous to
send out a standard message indicating that the post you were contacted
about was old and that you are no longer able to offer a personal response
in regard to that post.
Some terms regarding user posts seem somewhat harsh - are they not?
While our terms regarding user posts may seem somewhat harsh, we have
designed them (1) with the hope of discouraging problem posters, and (2)
to encourage other users to submit posts appropriately, and (3) to
preserve our limited resources / consume as little of our time as possible.
Furthermore, since we may employ automation (e.g. filtering), the system
may naturally tend to be 'unforgiving'. We
certainly do not want to 'scare off' good posters - only encourage them to
be careful, responsible, accurate, and require them to assume various
risks. This way, we can better focus on good Catholic content. Please also
keep in mind that tradition-minded Catholic sites may have be more
likely to suffer from enemies and have to deal with much malicious /
offensive / argumentative / accusatory / hurtful / etc. correspondence -
which may drain time and other resources. It is therefore necessary to implement
procedures to designed to limit the waste of our time/resources. While
we regret that in some cases such procedures may result in unfortunate
outcomes (e.g. the rejection of good posts), they is nevertheless
necessary to help ensure our continued operation. We hope
that those who correctly submit appropriate posts will be very happy with
their experience posting on this site.
A post which is no longer applicable still appears on the site. Why does
it still appear?
Posts may appear on the site for any amount of time, even if they are no
longer applicable. For general
timetable information, click here.
Remember, however, that the timetables are a general guide only - posts
may appear for a significantly longer or shorter time than indicated (and
may not appear continuously). As indicated, we
cannot honor requests to remove posts which are no longer applicable. Note: In
applicable sections,
the submitter may have included a "final date"/"end date"/etc.
and should not be contacted after that date even if the post still appears
on the site.
What happens if I submit my post in the wrong section or select the wrong
At our sole option, we may - but are not required to - make certain
changes to your submission (e.g. change a category), but you
should never assume that we will do this. Remember that if you submit
posts incorrectly, your posts may be subject to auto rejection. Please do
not submit posts in the wrong section or select the wrong categories for
posts or you may be banned from future posting on this site.
I am sure that I selected the correct category for my post, but the
confirmation page shows a different category - what happened?
If the confirmation page shows a different category than what you
believe you selected, you may have changed it by accident (e.g. by using
the scroll button on the mouse while the field was still highlighted).
Remember that you should carefully check all fields prior to submission
as you may not request changes once your post is submitted.
made a mistake on previous submission. What can I do?
Sorry, but we are unable to honor requests to change submissions.
You should be careful that your post is correct/complete/etc. prior to submission since it cannot be changed
once it has been submitted.. Note: Please do not contact us regarding submission mistakes.
All such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection.
What if my submission fails to meet your
If your submission fails to meet our
guidelines, we may change it / delete it / etc. Or, it may be subject to
auto rejection (click
here for more information). Please be sure to follow all guidelines
or you may be banned from future posting on this site.
What if something appears in a post that contradicts Catholic
If a post (or ad) appearing on this site violates our Code
of Conduct, you may report it to us (click
What if data submitted for a field / section is not appropriate for or
does not match the field's / section's description?
If data submitted for a field / section is not appropriate for - or is
not deemed appropriate for - or does not (or apparently does not) match
the field's / section's description, your post may be subject to auto
rejection. Or, at our sole option, we may make certain changes / deletions
/ etc. Please do not fail to follow instructions when submitting posts or you may
be banned from future posting on this site.
What are some reasons a post might be rejected automatically?
Click here
for information on 'automatic rejection of posts'.
What happens if a user submits excessive posts (e.g. more
than the maximum number allowed / many of the same type / etc.)?
Do not submit excessive posts! If you submit more than the maximum
allowed / duplicates / etc., your posts may be subject to auto
rejection. Please do not submit excess posts or you may be banned from
future posting on this site.
What if a post appearing on this site doesn't meet your guidelines?
We regret that this may occur. Remember that we cannot guarantee that
any user of this site (or other materials) is in compliance with any/all
of our terms/requirements, even if a particular post appears on the site
(or other materials of ours). Although our goal is to filter out items
which do not meet our guidelines, we cannot make any promises that this
will be successful in any/every given case. Note:
Please do not notify us that a post does not meet our guidelines unless
it specifically violates our Code of Conduct.
What if a post (or ad) appearing on this site violates your code of
If a post (or ad) appearing on this site violates our Code
of Conduct, you may report it to us (click
What if I am not happy with (or object to) content you supply / changes
you make to my post?
As indicated, we reserve the right make any changes whatsoever to posts at
our sole discretion, with no recourse. Note that by submitting a post you agree to all our terms.
We regret if any changes made to posts are undesirable. However, if you do not like changes made to
your post, please do not contact us. Any such correspondence may be
subject to auto rejection.
What if a Protestant (or person of another non-Catholic faith or of no
faith) refers to non-Catholic religious item(s) in their submission?
If a Protestant (or person of another non-Catholic faith or of no faith)
submits a post(s) containing reference(s) to non-Catholic religious
their post(s) may be subject to auto rejection. Also, we may ban him/her from
future posting on this site.
What if a post that appears on this site contains a reference to a non-Catholic 'church' or other
non-Catholic religious item?
If a post violates our Code
of Conduct, you may report it to us (click
What if a post contains a reference to a 'Catholic church' that is not
If a post violates our Code
of Conduct, you may report it to us (click
here). Note: Be prepared to prove that the 'church' is not diocesan.
What if a known Protestant submits a post as a Catholic?
If a known Protestant submits a
post(s) as a Catholic, their post(s) may
be subject to auto rejection. Also, we may ban him/her from
future posting on this site.
What if a known Protestant appears as Catholic on this site?
While we cannot limit posting on this site to Catholics, those who are not
Catholic should not indicate that they are Catholic. Remember that
indicated religious affiliations are provided by users and have not been
verified and are not endorsed by us. The classifications may reflect the
opinions of the submitters and may be inaccurate. The fact that information
appears here does not mean that we agree with it / endorse it /
guarantee it. Information provided by users is not verified, is not
comprehensive, and may be subjective/inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization /
institution / advertiser /
publication / website / topic / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. We cannot guarantee that any
post / submitter is truly Catholic regardless of any titles or
other descriptive information which may appear on any page(s).
Submitters who
misrepresent themselves as Catholic may be banned from future posting on this site. Do not misrepresent yourself as Catholic! Note
that if an advertiser is misrepresented as a Catholic, you may consider
contacting the advertiser to complain. Please do not contact us
regarding such matters.
if a post is anti-Catholic or otherwise offensive?
If a post violates our Code
of Conduct, you may report it to us (click
What if I know that a certain post / ad is untrue (e.g. it contains
incorrect information; a known Protestant is listed as a Catholic; etc.)?
As indicated, we cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. If an ad contains untrue / incorrect information, you may wish
to contact the advertiser. If a user post contains untrue / incorrect
information, you may consider contacting the submitter (as appropriate). Note: Please do not contact us regarding
untrue / incorrect information appearing in post / ad unless truly appropriate
(e.g. if it involves fraudulent use of this site or violates our code of
I am unhappy because my post is too far down the page - what can
I do?
Remember that we cannot guarantee the ordering of any posts or allow you
to make changes to posts. Please do
not contact us regarding the order of posts.
I don't like the appearance of my post - what can I do?
Remember that we do not guarantee anything concerning the formatting /
appearance / content / categorization / etc. of any post. Please do
not contact us regarding the appearance of your posts.
I don't like the category my post appears in - what can I do?
Sorry, we cannot honor requests to make changes to any
posts. Please do not contact us regarding this matter. Any such correspondence
may be subject to auto rejection and those who submit such
correspondence may be banned from future posting on this site.
Why does content in certain field(s) not match the label / description?
We cannot guarantee that content appearing in any field(s) will match
any label(s)/description(s). Information contained in posts / ads is provided by users, is not verified, is subject to
change, may not be comprehensive, and may be subjective / inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / submitter / group / organization / individual / item / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. Remember that we do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
I received too many responses regarding my post, what should I do?
Please be courteous to those who contact you. If applicable, you may attempt to respond to
some/all appropriate
incoming messages. It may be helpful to create a standard message to
save time.
Remember that posts may appear on the site for any amount of time and we cannot honor
requests to remove posts which are no longer applicable. If you
receive too many responses, you may wish to reconsider including your
e-mail in future posts. Note: In applicable sections, we recommend that
you include a "final date"/"end date"/etc. in the
applicable field to notify users not to contact you after that date.
Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee that you will not be
contacted after that time.
My post from a long time ago still appears on the site. What should I do?
Posts may appear on the site for any amount of time, even if they are no
longer applicable. For general
timetable information, click here.
Remember, however, that the timetables are a general guide only - posts
may appear for a significantly longer or shorter time than indicated (and
may not appear continuously). As indicated, we
cannot honor requests to remove posts which are no longer applicable. Note: In
applicable sections, we recommend that
you include a "final date"/"end date"/etc. in the
applicable field to notify users not to contact you after that date.
Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee that you will not be
contacted after that time.
How can I tell a friend about this site?
Click here to invite
a friend.
How can I invite a business to advertise on this site?
Click here to
invite a business.
How can I make
this site my default home page?
Click here for
information on making this site your default home page.
How can I add
this site to my list of favorites?
Click here for information on
adding this site to your list of favorites ("bookmarking").
How can I link to this site?
Click here for more
information on linking to this site.
How can I sign up for this site's free e-mail list?
Try here to sign up for our free
e-mail list.
How frequently is your free e-mail list issued?
Our free e-mail list is periodic. Its issuance may increase or decrease
at any time at our sole
Where can I find out more about awards?
Click here for award information.
Do you review / supervise / oversee those who use this site?
We do not review / supervise / oversee those who use this site. Note that we may - but are not required to -
subject posts / ads to a brief review to weed out certain items. This
review is not full-proof or guaranteed. Use of this site is at your own
risk. Remember that information provided by users is not verified, is not
comprehensive, and may be subjective/inaccurate. We do not endorse /
recommend any post / individual / group / item / organization / advertiser / product / service /
publication / website / activity / event / message /
We cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item
/ individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s)
regarding any item(s) appearing in any section. Users are advised to research all applicable items (including groups /
organizations / individuals / products / services / etc.) independently
before participation and to use great caution when participating in any
transaction / activity. We do not get involved in your
dealings with others or mediate disputes. Participation in any
transactions / activities (including posting, browsing of posts,
advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) is at your own
Another user / advertiser / organization / group / website / publication
/ etc. tells me you recommend them / approve of them - is this
As indicated, we do not endorse / recommend any user / advertiser /
organization / group / website / publication / product / service / ad / institution / school / religious
order / charity / business / provider / employer / individual / message / information / instruction / assistance /
opinion / point of view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request /
requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor / author /
publisher / submitter / item / etc. whatsoever, regardless of what you
may be told.
Do you notify us of any legal requirements relating to any use of this
(including posts, responses to posts, transfers, contacts /
correspondence, etc.)?
No. Users are entirely responsible for ascertaining information on and
following all legal requirements (including postal requirements, tax
regulations, safety regulations, licensing regulations, etc.) related to any transactions
/ activities (including all posting, responding to posts, transfers,
buying / selling, contacts /
correspondence, etc.). Note that requirements may vary depending upon
the submitter / user / responder / etc. location, nature of activity / item
in question, etc. We do not
provide any legal information or advice. Please do not contact us for
any legal information or advice.
If I conduct advance research, use a P.O. Box (as applicable) and a special e-mail account, and I don't give away any
personal information, am I fully protected from the dangers which may
occur with regard to transactions / activities (including posting,
browsing of posts, transfers, correspondence /
contacts, etc.)?
Unfortunately, no. While these are important steps to take to minimize
risks, there is no guarantee that all risks will be eliminated.
Unfortunately, no steps you take, no matter how diligent, can protect
you from all risks related to transactions / activities. Remember that you agree to
assume all risks, whether foreseen or not, related to all transactions /
activities arising from the use of this site (or other
materials) [including posting, browsing of posts, contacts / correspondence (with and from others),
transfers, etc.], without limit, and that you agree to hold us
harmless for all consequences - direct or indirect - which may occur as a result of use of this
site (or other materials), regardless of their nature. If you do not want to take such risks (or cannot afford to), you
should not participate. Use of this site is at your own risk.
You suggest that we independently research items, groups, organizations,
individuals, products, services, etc. Can you help me do so?
No. We cannot assist in your research. Please do not contact us
for any assistance with research. [Note: Also see question
below for important information.]
Where can I find guidelines/terms for the Volunteers' Corner?
For more information on this topic, click
Where can I find guidelines/terms for the Give & Take Section?
For more information on this topic, click
Where can I find guidelines/terms for the Book Review & Exchange
For more information on this topic, click
Where can I find guidelines/terms for the Commercial Sections?
For more information on this topic, click
a Catholic. Should I visit the Non-Catholics Section?
Yes! This section contains apologetics and is also great for Catholics.
Are there restrictions on use of this site for those outside the U.S.?
There are various restrictions on use of this site for those outside the
U.S. For example, we prohibit posts in commercial sections / sharing
sections / etc. for those outside the U.S.
Are you required to authenticate any post / ad / submitter / advertiser /
/ content / individual / organization / group / etc.?
No. By using this site, you agree that we are
not required to authenticate any post / ad / submitter / advertiser /
user / content / individual / organization / group / etc. Should
we ever attempt any authentication, we may use any means / procedures of
our choice. Such means / procedures are not foolproof and are not
Are you required to notify me regarding technical (or other) problems
with this site / problems with e-mail / etc.?
No. We are not required to notify you regarding technical (or other)
problems with this site / problems with e-mail / etc. Remember that by
using this site you agree to all our terms.
Are forms on this site secure?
Forms on this site are not (or may not be) secure. Note that by using any forms
whatsoever on this site, you agree that we are not required to secure
forms and that we are not responsible if any problems occur, regardless
of their cause/circumstances.
Do you retain full right of control over content / appearance / order /
etc. of all posts / ads?
Yes, we retain full right of control over content / appearance / order /
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Q. Is there support -
based on tradition - for lay persons taking it upon themselves to pass on
what they have received?
A. Yes, there is support
based on tradition for lay persons taking it upon themselves to pass on
what they have received. In that regard, please note that whenever
possible, we prefer not to use our own words, but to directly echo back
the words of saints, popes, councils, scripture, etc. As Pope Leo XIII has
stated, "Nor is there any ground for alleging that Jesus
Christ, the Guardian and Champion of the Church, needs not in any manner
the help of men. Power certainly is not wanting to Him, but in His loving
kindness He would assign to us a share in obtaining and applying the
fruits of salvation procured through His grace. The chief elements of this
duty consist in professing openly and unflinchingly the Catholic doctrine,
and in propagating it to the utmost of our power. For, as is often said,
with the greatest truth, there is nothing so hurtful to Christian wisdom
as that it should not be known, since it possesses, when loyally received,
inherent power to drive away error. So soon as Catholic truth is
apprehended by a simple and unprejudiced soul, reason yields assent. Now,
faith, as a virtue, is a great boon of divine grace and goodness;
nevertheless, the objects themselves to which faith is to be applied are
scarcely known in any other way than through the hearing. 'How shall they
believe Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a
preacher? Faith then cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of
Christ.' Since, then, faith is necessary for salvation, it follows that
the word of Christ must be preached. The office, indeed, of preaching,
that is, of teaching, lies by divine right in the province of the pastors,
namely, of the bishops whom 'the Holy Spirit has placed to rule the Church
of God.' It belongs, above all, to the Roman Pontiff, vicar of Jesus
Christ, established as head of the universal Church, teacher of all that
pertains to morals and faith. No one, however, must entertain the notion
that private individuals are prevented from taking some active part in
this duty of teaching, especially those on whom God has bestowed gifts of
mind with the strong wish of rendering themselves useful. These, so often
as circumstances demand, may take upon themselves, not, indeed, the office
of the pastor, but the task of communicating to others what they have
themselves received, becoming, as it were, living echoes of their masters
in the faith." (Pope Leo XIII, "Sapientiae Christianae",
1890 A.D.) Also, consider the words of Pope Pius XI, "Tell your
faithful children of the laity that when, united with their pastors and
their bishops, they participate in the works of the apostolate, both
individual and social, the end purpose of which is to make Jesus Christ
better known and better loved, then they are more than ever 'a chosen
generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people,' of
whom St. Peter spoke in such laudatory terms. (I Peter ii, 9) Then, too,
they are more than ever united with Us and with Christ, and become great
factors in bringing about world peace because they work for the
restoration and spread of the Kingdom of Christ." (Pope Pius XI,
"Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio", 1922 A.D.)
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