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* Items may be put in categories / subjects / etc. which differ from the original purpose of the item [For example the quotation "the State has for its office to protect natural rights, not to destroy them" may have originally been referring to society in general, but we (or others) may apply it specifically to abortion]
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* References may be partial. For example, if a prayer is listed as a "secret" or "collect", additional words may be added that are not part of original prayer (e.g. "through Christ our Lord. Amen.", etc.), without any notation.
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* Names may be changed to initials (or otherwise partially referenced)
* Quotations may be made without customary notations
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* We may (but are not required to) edit language relating to mature topics
* Quotes from Holy Scripture may be referenced to their human authors (e.g. St. Paul, St. John, etc.), however, the true author of Holy Scripture is the Holy Spirit
* Scripture items may not relate directly to the topic indicated [and may merely contain certain keyword(s)]
* Old Testament practices may no longer be binding under the New Covenant but may be included for reference purposes
* Not all actions taken in the Bible were the best actions - some were downright wrong (and divine retribution often followed). Wrong actions that may have been documented in Holy Scripture (or elsewhere) should not be used as a positive example or mandate.
Note that the Reflections terms page (click here) and 'Classic Encyclicals' terms page (click here) apply, as applicable to all quotations on this site (and related materials) as well as to all pages labeled "Reflections" and "Classic Encyclicals". Note also that the Scripture caution page (click here) applies, as applicable, to all Scripture items on this site (and related materials) as well as to all Scripture related pages.
You should further note that...
* Saints, priests, theologians, Doctors of the Church, books, etc. - regardless of holiness or learning - are not infallible. Even popes' teachings are infallible only in certain areas. The fact that a saint or pope is canonized does not mean every statement made by the saint or pope is infallible.
* 'Church Fathers' are not infallible (excepting any infallible statements of canonized popes). It should also be noted that not all views of those accounted as 'Church Fathers' are wholly orthodox.
* Even if we quote a person or a work, it doesn't mean we endorse the whole work or other works, or even the quote itself
* All works / persons / organizations / etc. quoted / discussed / referred to / etc. may not be orthodox in all their utterances/behaviors.
* Even otherwise 'good works' may not be free from error
* Items appearing on the site may be the opinions of others and do not necessarily reflect our opinions / beliefs / etc.
* Opinions and interpretations are fallible (excepting infallible papal pronouncements) and may be incorrect
* Opinions do not necessarily reflect true Church dogma
* Not all items are to be taken literally
* We may use any Bible translation. Verses may be partially quoted, or paraphrased to suit a specific purpose.
* Names and descriptions may have more than one accepted spelling [e.g. Noe (Greek/Latin) = Noah (Hebrew)]
Further, you are warned that:
* A literal interpretation of Scripture passages (or other items) meant to be taken symbolically may be dangerous
* Scripture passages and other text may vary depending on translation used. [Note that we do NOT officially recommend any translation of Scripture, even if appears on this site. Rather, refer to the perennial Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church for Scripture recommendations.]
* Even for Scripture, we may shorten items / change capitals / punctuation / spelling / etc.
* Items may be opinion-based / not scholarly / etc.
* Sources may be incorrect
* Items may be misquoted / misreferenced
* Preciseness of terms may be lacking
* Words may have various meanings
* Items are limited in scope and may omit important details
* Labels on pages / rows / columns / etc. may not apply to some or all items
* Items may be addressed to clergy - and may not be addressed at the laity or to any specific individual. They may not be directed to you or to any particular person or person(s). Also, various styles of writing/speaking are used (therefore, various quotations may have different meanings than those in modern times may taken them to mean). Remember that not all items are to be taken literally.
* Items appearing on this site are not comprehensive and may be out of context or not in their original context. However, you should consider all items in their full context.
* Items may appear from 'liberals' / non-Catholics / etc.
* All applicable items on this site may be subject to change without notice (including content supplied by us / user content / ad content / etc.). We are not responsible for updating any information on this site, even if we know it is outdated / inaccurate / etc.
* Certain items (e.g. footnotes / endnotes / explanatory text / etc.) may be important, but not included on this site. [Note: For Scripture, it is important to refer to an appropriate Catholic Bible for footnotes.]
Note that we recommend reading Scripture in full context in an appropriate Catholic Bible. [Scripture appearing on this site is NOT comprehensive and is NOT designed to replace your appropriate Catholic Bible! You should NOT use any Scripture on this site without owning an appropriate Catholic Bible!] Do not attempt to interpret Scripture personally, which even the experts attest to the complexity of. The sole right of interpretation belongs to the proper authority in the Church. [Remember that the Bible is a complex document that may be distorted. Scripture itself warns that it may be interpreted to one's own destruction (see 2 Pt. 3:16) and it even condemns the concept of personal interpretation of Scripture (see 2 Pt. 1:20, Acts 8:30-31).] Consult appropriate, competent authorities of the Roman Catholic Church for assistance in interpreting / applying Scripture. Interpretation and application of Scripture should not be contrary to the perennial, official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Do not take Scripture passages out of context. Do not inflict (or wish) harm on yourself or others, break laws, take unsuitable / incautious or inappropriate / drastic action(s), or take figurative items literally. We are not responsible for any interpretation / misinterpretation, application / misapplication, use / misuse, etc. of Scripture (or of any other item).
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* You agree not to submit any duplicate posts. [This includes posts you have submitted previously, whether they have appeared on the site or not and, in some cases, this also include posts similar to those submitted by others - e.g. those in the Notable Catholic Laity section]. Also remember that, to keep content fresh, records may disappear at any time. If your post no longer appears, do NOT resubmit it. If you still wish your post to appear, consider placing an inexpensive ad in a commercial section of this site, if available (e.g. Classified Ad). [Note that it may be allowable to submit a similar post in some sections, but ONLY after the indicated amount of time has passed.]
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* You agree to follow all our rules.
Note that the above apply to all posts regardless of whether they were sent via form / fax / e-mail / phone / mail / or any other method. Submission may occur by any method whatsoever (pressing button, pressing enter key, etc.).
Additionally, with regard to user posts (including advertisements), various restrictions may be applicable. For example, we may (but are not required to) prohibit posts (including ads) which contain:
* Web links (unless specifically permitted)
* Foul language / abusive language
* Insults / gossip / defamatory statements / etc.
* Offensive / insensitive / unkind / objectionable / negative / etc. comments
* HTML / symbols / unknown or excessive abbreviations
* Items with poor grammar / poor spelling / improper capitalization / etc. [Note: If English is not your first language, you may consider having another person more proficient in English proofread your post before submitting it.]
* Items containing blanket statements (e.g. "always" / "never" / etc.)
* Un-Catholic / anti-Catholic / immoral / illicit / etc. items
* Items not in English (except in limited cases where Latin - not Spanish! - may be allowed, according to our instructions) [Note that, when allowed, Latin is limited to a very small amount (e.g. a couple/few words) and that each and every Latin word must be accompanied by an appropriate English translation.]
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* Items concerning unapproved private revelations
* Questionable items or items deemed questionable
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We may also prohibit posts that are off topic, duplicates, posts which contain excess verbiage, posts that are deemed unduly 'negative' or emotional, posts that don't reflect a spirit proper to this site, or for any other reason (or for no reason). There is no recourse whatsoever if your post(s) do not appear on the site.
Also, see the links below for prohibited items (click underlined links to view):
Posting Guidelines / Prohibited Items
Prohibited Items (Commercial Sections)
Note that the above links are incorporated as part of the terms of use of this site. Be sure to read carefully. By using this site, you agree to all terms, including those on the above linked pages.
Also regarding users posts, we may (but are not required to):
* Add / change / delete wording / punctuation / categorization / etc. (including contact information)
* Edit submissions for content and tone
* Occasionally verify an e-mail address(es) and require a certain timely response. (Note that our verification will not ask for personal information.) Users, however, should assume that NO e-mail addresses whatsoever have been verified. Remember that verification is not foolproof.
* Occasionally verify certain information (e.g. church information) in an edition of the Official Catholic Directory (of any year).
Further, users are advised that:
* Others may pose as someone who they are not and that we are not responsible for verifying anyone's identity
* You may not submit any copyright protect materials
* Certain words / phrases / etc. may cause items to be flagged / deleted
* Posts may appear in other section(s) / areas / etc. (and in e-mail, advertisements, blog(s), etc.) besides (or instead of) where they were submitted. We may put any post(s) in any area(s) we deem it (them) applicable / suitable / helpful / etc., without limit
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* The content of this site may be subject to frequent change as records are added or are removed.
* This site is not in real time. [Note: We regret that we are unable to process submissions on an immediate basis and that we cannot guarantee that any specific post will appear on the site. Note that processing delays are not unexpected (especially in some sections). For important / immediate / urgent / items (or any item), be sure not to rely solely on this site. For all items, submit early!]
* We recommend that, wherever applicable, a 'final date' (or 'expiration date' / 'end date' / etc.) be provided in the applicable field to notify users not to contact you after that date. Unfortunately, however, we are unable to guarantee that you will not be contacted after that time. Remember that posts may appear on the site for a long time and we cannot honor requests to remove posts which are no longer applicable. Note that users should NOT contact submitters after the indicated 'final date' (or 'expiration date' / 'end date' / etc.), even if the post/ad still appears on the site.
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* We may omit e-mail addresses or identifying information at our sole option
* We may set limitations on various fields (e.g. maximum number of words, maximum number of characters, etc.)
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* We may change our rules regarding submission of posts at any time without notice
* Timelines are general guides and may be significantly different than actual (note that items may appear between 0 days and multiples of the amount indicated, either continuously or otherwise). All information in posts may appear / disappear / reappear at any time, even if not currently displayed. Note also that are no automatic extensions of time on any post(s) (including ads) due to site downtime / technical difficulties / etc. and that we are unable to honor requests to remove any posts which are no longer applicable. Note that any 'expiration dates' (and similar dates) may be scheduled and not actual.
* We may add disclaimers / disclosures / etc. regarding any particular post(s) at our sole option, without recourse and without liability to any party.
* We may reject items not geared toward the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, even if they are otherwise perfectly suitable. Note that this site is geared toward / tailored to the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. Although other rites are equally valid Catholic rites, we may omit information regarding these rites on this site, as we are unable to do them justice.
* Initials may be used for privacy
* Submissions may be processed (fully or partially) electronically and never be seen by any human. Submissions may be processed in any order whatsoever (and may NOT be 'first come first served')
* We may restrict posting / limit posting times / place restrictions on who may post / etc., and make any other restrictions / limitations / etc. concerning all other aspects relating to posts. Note that all such items may be subject to change at any time without notice. Also note that we are not obligated to provide information regarding any restrictions / limitations / etc. to any party whatsoever.
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* If required information is omitted from your submission, your post may be subject to auto rejection. [Note that contact information (including e-mail addresses) / location information / diocese information / etc. is NOT necessarily required. If you do not wish to provide this information (and we may strongly recommend that you don't) when it is required, do NOT submit a post.]
* If you submit any inappropriate information (even if only one time) / violate our guidelines / submit excess posts / etc., we may ban you from future posting on this site.
* Confirmation pages (when shown) do not necessary display all information sent and do not guarantee that we will receive the information or that it will be processed. We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any confirmation page(s).
* Posts (including articles & ads) are limited in scope and may omit important details
* Your post(s) [including your answers to any question(s) - e.g. name, religious affiliation, diocese, etc.] may reveal personal information. Participate at your own risk. If you do not want to take such risks (or cannot afford to), you should not participate. Remember that you should NEVER give out any sensitive personal information in connection with your use of this site (including Social Security number, mother's maiden name, passwords, PIN numbers, etc.). We are not responsible if your information is used / misused / disclosed / altered / destroyed / compromised / etc.
* At our sole option, we may request additional information regarding posts (including ads) for any item, especially those claiming a Catholic affiliation or listing in a section labeled Catholic. You agree to provide requested information on a timely basis and understand that failure to do so may result in the permanent removal of your post(s) [including ad(s)], without any refund or other recourse, as well as the banning of your future posts / advertising on this site (ads may be processed but unscheduled). Note that our verification will not ask for personal information.
Above is not comprehensive.
Post at your own risk.
We do not endorse / recommend any item which may appear on our site and we are not responsible for any item which may appear on our site.
We have no liability whatsoever concerning any item above.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
+ Note that certain terms may be used loosely above (e.g. "quote" / "quotes" / "quotations" / etc.). Where applicable, these terms may include any content of any type, whether a 'quotation' or not.
We retain full right of control over all content on the site as well as full control over appearance of all items (including appearance of all posts, ads, ordering of items, layout of items, etc.).
At our sole option, we may restrict the number of records at any time as we deem helpful/necessary for site performance or for any other reason (both commercial and non-commercial records).
At our sole option, we may allow or not allow any item in any section(s) for any reason (or for no reason).
At our sole option we may restrict use of this site (or other materials) or any portion thereof for any reason (or for no reason), either individually / grouped / by region / by IP number or block / browser type / or in total / or in any other way (either temporarily or permanently) at any time without notice.
We retain full right of control over use of this site (including who may be permitted to post/advertise on this site).
We are not responsible for any unauthorized (or authorized) use of this site (or related materials).
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*** Pet's names are included above because many people (wrongly) use such names as passwords. You should not use such names as passwords. You may provide us with your pet's name where appropriate (i.e. add page for the St. Francis Page for Beloved Pets) only if you NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL use the name you provide us as a password / security code / etc. (in any system / computer / or anywhere).
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This site is geared toward / tailored to the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. Although other rites are equally valid Catholic rites, we may omit information regarding these rites on this site, as we are unable to do them justice.
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the commercial area(s) [also called 'commercial section(s)')] of this site. Note that we may use various expressions in reference to commercial (and non-commercial) sections - e.g. "attractively displayed", "easy to use", "generously sized", "long-lasting", "convenient, inexpensive", "convenient search options", "attractive layout", "easily accessible", etc. - but we make no guarantees whatsoever regarding these items (e.g. we make no guarantees regarding appearance, ease of use, size, length of time, convenience, pricing, functionality, availability of features/pages/options/etc., accessibility, etc.). Even if the item is narrowed/specific (e.g. "easily accessible to users throughout this site - simply click button at right", "easy to create - simply key in desired text after payment", etc.), we make no guarantees (e.g. regarding accessibility, availability or location of button, functionality, etc.; regarding other items that may be also required, other procedures, ease of completion, etc.; etc.). We also do not guarantee that anyone will receive a "good deal" / "special offer" / etc.
Items in commercial areas may require applicable fee(s) / charge(s). Payment methods may be limited to authorized credit cards (and checks / money orders, at our sole option). If checks are allowed, they must be pre-printed with proper name / address / phone number and drawn on U.S. banks (or other applicable financial institutions) only. Checks must be written for exact amount and may not be postdated. No third party checks. Checks not paid when first presented are subject to fees indicated. Note that we may wait until checks clear before proceeding with any transaction / processing.
Note that any discounts / special offers / courtesy adjustments / etc. do not affect any other terms - they simply affect the amount of payment (and applicable internal procedures). All applicable terms still apply.
Placement of / requesting of ad(s) in commercial section(s) is at your own risk. We do not guarantee that any ad whatsoever will appear on this site, how long it might appear, when it will appear, that it will appear continuously, how it might appear, where it might appear, etc. (even if we invite you to advertise or offer you a free ad). Ads that appear may remain long after their indicated 'end date'. It is important to note that 'processing fees' are somewhat like 'application fees' and are not direct payments for advertising per se. Payment of a processing fee (including renewal request processing fees) does not guarantee appearance of ad on site / wording of ad / appearance of ad / ordering of ad / classification of ad / duration of ad appearance / etc. Payment of processing fees does not guarantee that payer will receive any correspondence / response(s) from us. Payment of processing fees does not guarantee that ad will appear within any given time / that ad will appear continuously / how long ad will appear / that certain option(s) will be included / etc. Even if an ad is scheduled to appear, there is no guarantee that it ever will appear / that it will ever appear for any length of time / that it will appear continuously / etc. Note that 'target cycles' are general guidelines (not guarantees!) and no ads appearing on the site are guaranteed to appear for the entire target cycle. Ads may appear for a longer or shorter time than the indicated target cycles (e.g. from 0 days to multiples of the target cycle). Furthermore, appearance of ads may not be continuous (e.g. an ad may disappear and then reappear again later). An 'end date' provided by an advertiser that is longer than a target cycle does not extend the target cycle. While we reserve the right to stop displaying ads beyond their indicated 'end date', we are not required to do so. Ads may appear on the site even though they are past their indicated 'end dates'. If so, you should not contact any advertiser if it is past their indicated 'end date'. [Advertisers should note that, unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will not be contacted after your indicated 'end date' and that we cannot honor requests to remove ads which are no longer applicable (unless we specifically indicate that your ad type permits deletions).] Also note that 'target cycles' are subject to change at any time without notice (either retroactively or on a go-forward basis, either individually / selectively / grouped / or in total). Furthermore, you agree that for convenience, a scheduled end of a 'target cycle' may be referred to as an 'expiration date' by us (internally or externally), even though it is not an "expiration date" per se, and even though it may be subject to change by us.
Ad processing fees (also called "ad request processing fees") have a base rate based on the type of ad requested and some may also have various options at an extra charge (e.g. "ad enhancements"). Taxes and other charges may be added as applicable. Fees paid offline, when allowed, may be at least 50% higher than those paid online. Note that advertisers are solely responsible for paying the correct amount in connection with their ad request(s) and for submitting appropriate content in the appropriate manner. If you do not pay the correct amount or if you submit inappropriate content or submit content inappropriately, we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged a processing fee even though your ad does not appear on the site. Note that all ad processing fees are non-refundable, whether or not your ad(s) appear on the site, regardless of where or how or when it appears, and regardless of how long it appears, what content is displayed, etc.
We make no guarantees regarding any "ad enhancements". There is no guarantee that any ad will appear on the site and no guarantee regarding any "ad enhancements" being included with any ad (displayed or otherwise). Note that even if your requested ad enhancement did not appear on a displayed ad, the processing fee is not refundable.
We make no guarantees regarding any "ad repeats". Whether one or more requested "repeated ads" appears on the site, ad processing fees are non-refundable. As indicated, we do not guarantee that any ad will appear on this site. Even though a non-refundable processing fee may be paid, this is not a guarantee that any ad will ever appear on the site.
We reserve the right to reject advertisements / advertisers / sponsors / etc. that we deem inappropriate for a Catholic site. Especially, we may reject particularly notorious anti-Catholic organizations or those notoriously engaged in unCatholic activities. If so, you (e.g. such an advertiser) may a processing fee even though your ad never appears on our site.
We do not guarantee to consider all ad requests. Note also that even if an invoice appears on screen, this is not a guarantee that your request will be completed / that your credit card will be charged / that your ad will appear on the site / etc.
The payment of an ad processing fee does not entitle you to correspondence with or from us. We are not required to notify you of the receipt of / disposition of / etc. your ad request(s) or of the status of your ad request(s) or to answer questions or otherwise correspond with you concerning your ad(s) / ad request(s) / ad content submission(s) / deletion request(s) / renewal request(s) / sponsorship request(s) / etc. Any such correspondence that we receive may be subject to auto rejection.
You agree that matching ad request(s) to ad content submission(s) [in whole and/or various component(s)] is at our sole discretion and that all our decisions regarding such matchings are final. We may - but are not required to - require exact matching for ad(s) to be scheduled.
You agree that, at our sole discretion, we may include 'thank you text' regarding sponsorships based on billing information (e.g. bill to name).
We are not liable for any ads which do not appear (either "on time" or at all). We do not promise to process ads within any given time and we do not promise that any given ad(s) will ever appear on this site. Remember that by requesting an ad you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Advertisers are responsible for following all instructions / properly categorizing ad(s) / etc. Note that ad request(s) that do not meet our criteria or are not submitted according to our instructions or which leave us with questions or that are submitted outside the specified time frame or are otherwise unacceptable / improperly categorized / inappropriate / etc. (including those improperly designed to secure a higher place on a page) may be processed but unscheduled. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad(s) does not appear on this site.
Do not request more ads than indicated maximums! If you submit a quantity of ad processing requests which exceeds the maximum allowed, we may - at our sole option and with no recourse - charge you for the maximum number of allowed or processed items / charge you for the number of items you also submitted content for / charge you the full amount for all ad processing requests submitted / etc. Note that by submitting your ad request you give us permission to charge you for the full amount you authorized (or for any lower amount), at our sole discretion. Ad requests which exceed the maximum allowed may be processed, but not scheduled. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad(s) do not appear on this site. Remember that by submitting your ad request(s), you indicate agreement to all our terms. Note regarding the maximum number of ad requests per target cycle (e.g. "maximum 10 ad requests per target cycle" for given ad type): Each separate ad request (including free ones) begins a separate target cycle. The maximum number of ad requests per target cycle refers not to exactly dated target cycles but to all target cycles at any one time for any given ad type. For example, if an advertiser requests an ad in January and an ad in February and an ad in March - for an ad type with a standard 365 day target cycle - by the end of March, there will be three target cycles for that advertiser for the given type of ad (regardless of whether any of the ads display on the site and regardless of any amount paid). And, if a maximum of 10 ad requests are allowed per target cycle for that type of ad, the advertiser may request no more than 7 more of that type of ad by the end of March and continuing through December (any the advertiser submits above that amount may be processed and unscheduled). Once the following January arrives, however, the advertiser may be able to submit another ad request. In other words, no more than 10 uncompleted target cycles may run at any given time for any given type of ad - and any over that amount may be automatically processed and unscheduled.
Note that ads do not appear on this site immediately after payment of processing fees (and may not appear for a long time). Long processing delays in commercial sections are not unexpected, therefore you should submit your ad request(s) early. Remember that there is no guarantee of processing time and no guarantee that any ad(s) will appear on the site. Do not contact us regarding the status of any ad request/content submission or to request 'rush' processing.
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the processing of ad request(s) / ad content submission(s) / etc. (including when processing may occur or be completed / ordering of processing / extent of processing / steps involved in processing / consistency of processing / etc.). We may require additional processing steps in some cases. We may give certain items preference during processing. All decisions made by us in processing are final, binding, and non-negotiable, with no recourse by any party and no liability to any party. Remember that by submitting an ad request(s) you agree to all terms.
Processing step(s) are at our sole discretion and may vary by session / time / date / section / ad type / ad request / product or service type / category / advertiser / type of advertiser / etc. We do promise consistency of processing / treatment / subjective decisions / criteria / etc. At our sole option, we may occasionally request (but are not required to request) additional information on items with an indicated Catholic affiliation or a requested Catholic category / section / etc. Users, however, should NEVER assume that any additional information whatsoever has been requested (and remember that any such steps we may take are not foolproof). [Note that we will not ask for personal information.]
We are not obliged to tell any advertiser(s) whether their ad content(s) was received / whether their ad request(s) was processed / why their ad(s) is 'unscheduled / what is the status of their ad (s) / etc., or answer any question(s) whatsoever regarding any ad(s).
Amounts indicated on this site are in U.S. dollars. All processing fees (including amounts paid for sponsorships) are non-refundable. Note that if you dispute charges (e.g. with a credit card company) after agreeing to our terms, this may constitute a breach of contract with us. If so, you agree to reimburse us for our time / costs / etc. at our regular research rate (click here). You may also be subject to a penalty of not less than $500.00 (U.S.), and we may ban you from future advertising on this site. Reminder: By submitting your ad request(s), you indicate agreement to all our terms.
We reserve the right to prohibit any ad(s) for any reason(s) (or for no reason), without recourse and without liability to any party. If an ad is "prohibited", this may mean that an ad is processed, but unscheduled. If so, you may pay a processing fee even though your ad(s) may never appear on this site. Note that if you submit any ad request(s) which do not meet our guidelines (or which we otherwise deem inappropriate), we may process but not schedule your ad. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your ad does not appear on this site.
In the event that we do not charge for an ad request (e.g. certain pre-processed requests), we reserve the right to accomplish this via a refund (without prejudice to our standard no refund policy).
It is our sole decision whether ads are scheduled / unscheduled / pre-processed / etc. You may not appeal our decision.
Advertisers must agree NEVER to state / imply / etc. that they are approved / recommended / etc. by us (including but not limited to the use of notations such as "as seen on www.MyCatholicSource.com").
Commercial sections (including sponsorships) are not limited to Catholics and we cannot guarantee that any advertiser(s) / user(s) / sponsor(s) are Catholic or adhere to Christian principles. At our sole option, however, we may place some restrictions on non-Catholics (e.g. no non-Catholic religious items). We cannot, however, guarantee that such restrictions will be lived up to / effective / etc. [Note that a Catholic should be careful not to support any non-Catholic "church" or other non-Catholic "Christian" (or other religious) organization (as well as so-called 'Catholic' organizations/groups/etc. which seek to change traditional Roman Catholic teachings or practices). Although some may be seemingly harmless, your efforts may ultimately assist in the promotion of anti-Catholic teachings/practices, etc. Note also that popes have positively instructed Catholics to shun certain non-Catholic 'Christian' organizations, especially those associated with Freemasonry or which promote its ideals.]
Pricing / terms / availability / and other information provided by users may vary, may not be complete, may be subjective / inaccurate, and may change at any time without notice.
We are not responsible for any error(s) in any ad(s) or elsewhere in commercial section(s) or anywhere on this site.
Users are warned that some may attempt to abuse commercial section(s) / area(s) in various ways. We are not responsible for any abuses, even if we become aware of them and take no action (or if we take ineffective, insufficient, or otherwise unsuitable action) to stop them or to reduce their occurrence or to mitigate their damage.
We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any advertisement(s) whatsoever, nothing oral or written to the contrary. We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the commercial area(s) of this site.
We may place any limits whatsoever in commercial section(s). For example, we may limit ads by advertiser, ads in any given section, ads of any given type, ads based on content, volume, or on any other factor, at our sole discretion. We may limit certain section(s) to Catholics. Remember that by submitting an ad request you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Ads (and sponsorships) are limited to legal aged adults only. Ads on this site (and sponsorships) may be limited to those in the U.S. only. Sales tax may be added where applicable (note that any claims regarding sales tax overcharges should be made with the appropriate agency as we may not refund sales tax). Credit card payments (e.g. for processing fees) may be limited to online payments only. Note that our shopping cart program may use terms such as "bill to" and "ship to" even if no item will be "billed" or "shipped". Also note that pricing / tax rates / etc. we have intentionally (and not erroneously) included in our shopping cart program at any given time may override any other stated prices(s) / rate(s) / amount(s) / etc. in case of discrepancy.
We do not endorse / recommend any product / service / ad / advertiser / organization / group / institution / school / religious order / church / charity / business / provider / employer / individual / website / publication / message / information / instruction / assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor / author / publisher / submitter / user / responder / recipient / sponsor / vendor / transferor / item / etc. even if we invite them to advertise or offer them a free ad(s). Inclusion of any product / service / ad / advertiser / organization / group / institution / school / religious order / church / charity / business / provider / employer / employee / person / individual / website / publication / message / information / instruction / assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor / author / publisher / vendor / recipient / submitter / user / sponsor / item / etc. on this site (or other materials of ours) does not imply our endorsement or agreement.
Products / services / advertisers / organizations / groups / institutions / schools / religious orders / churches / charities / businesses / providers / employers / individuals / websites / publications / messages / information / opinions / activities / events / offers / offerers / requests / requestors / sellers / buyers / manufacturers / distributors / authors / publishers / submitters / users / sponsors / vendors / items / etc. which may appear on the site (or related materials) are not screened / evaluated by us. Note that we are not responsible for screening / evaluating any product / service / individual / organization / group / business / institution / advertiser / message / information / etc. whatsoever.
We make no guarantee(s) whatsoever regarding any ad / advertiser / product / service / message / organization / group / institution / school / religious order / church / charity / business / provider / employer / employee / person / individual / website / publication / message / information / instruction / point of view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor / author / publisher / submitter / vendor / recipient / user / sponsor / item / etc., nothing oral or written to the contrary. We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the competency / quality / qualifications / licensing / functionality etc. of any product / service / individual / organization / group / advertiser / provider / etc. Information appearing in commercial sections is not verified / is subject to change / is not comprehensive / may be subjective/inaccurate / is not endorsed by us. We do not guarantee the availability / pricing / etc. of any item. We do not guarantee the Catholicity of any advertiser / product / service / etc., regardless of what may be indicated. We are not responsible for any advertiser. Each advertiser may have their own terms / policies / procedures / etc. We do not recommend any product / service / organization / business / etc., even if information about them appears on this site, and we are not responsible for them. Note that you should independently confirm all important details regarding advertisers before engaging in any transaction (e.g. licensing status / insurance / qualifications / bonding / citizenship status / etc.).
Quantities may be limited. All offers / pricing / availability / terms / etc. subject to revocation / change / etc. at any time without notice (even despite any information which may appear on our site and even though an indicated 'end date' has not been reached). Advertisers may not actually have item(s) indicated in their ads. Items in ads may be misrepresented. Advertised offers may have conditions which are not indicated in ads. We are not responsible / liable for any such occurrences.
If you want more information regarding any ad(s) which appears on our site, consider contacting the advertiser. We are not a party to others' transactions / activities, even if information about such transactions / activities is contained on our site (or other materials of ours) and we do not have special knowledge about them. Do NOT contact us for more information regarding any ad(s) which appear on our site (or other materials).
Note that we do not guarantee / represent / warrant / etc. any traffic / number of hits / visits / visitors / etc. Nothing supersedes or circumvents this and nothing oral or written to the contrary can serve as a promise / guarantee / guideline / etc. regarding traffic / hits / visits / visitors / etc. Advertise at your own risk.
All ad requests / ad renewals / etc. must be submitted according to our instructions. Those who submit such items not according to our instructions may be banned from advertising on this site.
We may or may not allow ad renewal request(s) at our sole discretion. We may or may not send renewal reminder(s). We do not guarantee the receipt of any such reminder(s). Renewals may be limited to certain time periods (e.g. never after the completion of the present target cycle). They are limited to eligible ads which currently appear on the site. When available, ad renewal requests may be limited in quantity. Some ads may not be renewable (e.g. standard free ad offer ads). Note that payment of an ad renewal processing fee does not guarantee the appearance of the 'renewed ad' on the site. Renewal requests may also have various other conditions / requirements. To renew an ad, you must meet all our requirements / follow our procedures, including supplying the correct information. Do not request the renewal of an ineligible ad! If you request the renewal of an ineligible ad / if you request the renewal of an eligible ad but do not supply correct information / etc., we may process but not schedule your renewal request. If so, you may be charged for processing even though your renewed ad does not appear on this site.
We may offer free ad(s) at our sole option. We do not guarantee the availability of or appearance of any free ad(s) on the site. We do not guarantee to consider any/all request(s) for free ad(s). Free ads may be given low priority / may be discontinued / may be limited / may require more information / may have a longer processing time / may not be renewable / etc. Free ad requests must be submitted properly, in a timely manner, and according to our instructions. Incomplete / inappropriate requests / requests submitted outside the submission window / requests submitted improperly / excess requests / etc. may be subject to auto-rejection [and those who submit them may be banned from future advertising on this site (which may include the deletion of any paid ad(s) that may presently appear on the site)]. Free ads may have special eligibility requirements and may be limited in terms of features / requirements / eligibility / availability / etc. Also, free ads may require advertisers to complete additional steps. They are not renewable and advertisers may not request deletion of free ads. Note that certain items (e.g. ad enhancements) may not be available on free listings. Free ads may have a limited submission period / may be designated as "free" / may be given lower priority than paid ads / free ads may require information about funding sources / etc. Free ads may be limited to those in the U.S. only. We do not guarantee that any ad whatsoever will appear on the site, how long any ad may appear, or that the appearance of any ad will be continuous. We do not promise to consider any/all request(s) for free ads. At our sole option and without recourse or liability to any party, some requests for free ads may receive preference. We may reject any free ad request(s) for any reason whatsoever (or for no reason). All applicable terms apply to free ads (free ads are subject to all applicable terms concerning paid ads - the amount saved may simply be regarded as a 'discount coupon'). If you paid for an ad you could have received for free, you may not have a refund. If you are not entitled to a free ad, but lie (or misrepresent facts) in order to receive a free ad, you agree to pay us a fine of not less than five (5) times the price of the applicable ad(s) (and never less than $250.00 U.S.), whether your ad(s) ever appear on the site or not. Also, note that those who lie or misrepresent facts to receive a free ad(s) may be banned from future advertising on this site. Note that even if we offer / provide free ad(s), this does not constitute / imply / etc. an endorsement / recommendation of the advertiser / ad / product / service / message / institution / school / business / information / item / etc.
To request any ad(s), you must have a suitable relationship to the business / organization / group / institution / charity / etc. (i.e. you must be the owner or an authorized agent).
Those requesting ad(s) are required to provide us with their name / address / phone number / etc. (whether paid or free ads). Advertisers are also required to maintain and provide us with a 'permanent' e-mail address. This e-mail account must be used for various actions (e.g. deletion requests, etc.) and should be one that others do not have access to. Note that we cannot honor requests to make changes to 'permanent' e-mail addresses.
Advertisers are required to retain all applicable information / confirmation forms / correspondence / etc. in all required format(s). We cannot supply any lost / missing / forgotten / etc. items whatsoever. Any correspondence regarding such matters may be subject to auto rejection.
We may require that all ad content (including that regarding sponsorships) be submitted online.
Amounts paid for sponsorships (or donations) may be used for any purpose whatsoever (including operating expenses, salaries, supplies, advertising, donations to outside organizations, charitable works, site upgrades, advertising and promotions, projects, materials, memberships, web changes, non-site related purposes, etc.). Note that we are not required to report on our use of sponsorship funds (or donations) or account for them separately. We do not have to provide any special acknowledgement / notification / etc. regarding any sponsorship (or donation). Sponsorship funds (and donations) may be mingled with any other funds and be used for any purpose whatsoever. We cannot provide an accounting for use of any funds, including sponsorship funds & donations. Sponsorships and donations are NOT tax deductible. Sponsors & donors cannot restrict our use of funds and any such requests are not (morally or legally) binding. We do not promise that information regarding any sponsorship will appear on the site. We may change sponsorship names to initials / anonymous names / dates / etc. at any time (even after it has previously appeared on the site). While we appreciate their support, we regret that we are unable to recommend / endorse any particular sponsor or donor. Note that appearance on this site (e.g. on the "sponsorship appreciation page") does not imply our endorsement of the sponsor. We reserve the right to refuse sponsorships & donations at our sole option, without recourse and without liability to any party. No refunds on sponsorships or donations.
Users assume all responsibility for ads / sponsorships (including gift sponsorships) / donations / etc. We have no liability whatsoever regarding commercial sections.
Note that information from ad requests / ad content submissions / etc. may appear on any of our site(s) and/or ads of ours and/or any other materials. Any part of your ad request / ad content submission / etc. may be subject to publication.
Ad content, once submitted may not be changed by users. Therefore, be careful that the content you submit is correct / complete / etc. prior to submission.
Deletion of ad(s) is not guaranteed and is subject to our requirements. Note that deletion requests may be limited to certain ads and require that the ad actually appear on the site prior to submitting a request for deletion. Also note that we are unable to honor non-advertiser requests to remove ads which are no longer applicable and that certain ads are not eligible for deletion even by advertisers. We do not guarantee that any deletion request(s) will be honored. We do not guarantee that any ad will be deleted or that any deletion will be 'permanent'. We do not guarantee that any ad will be deleted within any given time period. We may limit the number of deletion requests allowed in any given period. We do not promise to consider any/all deletion request(s). We may reject any ad deletion request(s) for any reason (or no reason) whatsoever. It may take a long time to process deletion requests. Deletion requests not submitted according to our instructions may be subject to auto rejection. We reserve the right to charge for deletion requests. You alone are responsible for retaining information necessary to request ad deletion. We cannot provide lost / forgotten information. You alone are responsible for ensuring that your 'permanent' e-mail account remains valid and that unauthorized persons do not have access to it. No refunds on deleted ads.
We may make any changes whatsoever to submitted content at any time without notice. Changes we make might significantly and aversely affect your ad(s), including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, order changes, categorization changes, wording changes, additions / changes / deletions / omissions of information (including deletion of website information / contact information / etc.), additions / changes / to end date information, modifications to "ad enhancements", substitutions, abbreviations, etc. We reserve the right make any changes whatsoever to ads at our sole discretion, with no recourse. We do not guarantee that any element of your ad request (including web addresses, contact information, or any other information) will appear on this site. We may add/delete/change any element(s) of any ad request(s) for any reason whatsoever at our sole discretion without any recourse. Further, we are not required to notify you of any changes, provide reason(s) for any changes, correspond with you regarding any changes, answer questions regarding any changes, etc., and you may not appeal our decision(s). Please do not contact us regarding any changes to ads. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto rejection. If your ad request included a web address (or other information) that is not included on the displayed ad, you may not request a change or seek a refund. Note that by submitting an ad request you indicate agreement to all our terms. If you do not like changes made to your ad, you may not request a refund. Your sole recourse may be to request deletion of your ad (if your ad type permits deletions).
Note that we may change / discontinue / etc. any commercial page / section / area / etc. at any time without notice. [We make no guarantees that any item(s) / ad type(s) / sponsorship type(s) / program(s) / commercial section(s) / area(s) / page(s) / etc. will be continued / maintained / etc., nor do we make any guarantee whatsoever regarding the continuation of this website (or any portion thereof).] Changes may include changes to ordering / formatting / layout / descriptions / features / displayed content / etc. and any other changes.
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the formatting / appearance / features / arrangement / ordering / etc. of any ad / commercial section / commercial area / item, or that any item will be continued / maintained / etc.
An advertiser may be 'banned from future advertising' on this site if they attempt to (or actually) circumvent or violate our policies, if they commit fraud (or are suspected of doing so), if they request advertisement(s) even though are notoriously anti-Catholic, if they request advertisement(s) even though they notoriously violate Church morals, if they request advertisement(s) even though they notoriously attempt to change Church teachings, if they do not follow instructions, if they violate our code of conduct, if they have been problematic advertisers / posters in the past, if they abuse or attempt to abuse or misuse any part of this site (or are / may be in any way culpable in such abuse or misuse), if they submit inaccurate or untruthful ad(s), if they submit a number of ads which fail to meet our criteria, if they submit inappropriate/excessive correspondence to us, etc. The decision to ban an advertiser is ours alone and we do not guarantee to ban any particular advertiser (regardless of circumstances) or what step(s) we may take if we do ban an advertiser. If we do ban an advertiser, we cannot guarantee that no ads will ever appear on our site(s) (or other materials) or that any such ban will be permanent/effective. Note that if we ban you from future advertising on this site, we may automatically preprocess and unschedule your future ads and/or process and unschedule your future ads. We may unschedule any ads presently appearing on the site. The choice of which option(s) we may take is at our sole discretion. Furthermore, we may also take steps to prohibit/restrict you from using this site (e.g. blocking IP numbers, rejecting posts in other sections, etc.). We may also report fraudulent use / inappropriate use / misuse / etc. of this site to authorities. We may also publish / disseminate any information we have obtained regarding individuals/groups/organizations, etc. as we deem appropriate/helpful and work with law enforcement authorities for prosecution. [We may at our sole option disclose some or all information concerning 'banned advertisers', but we cannot be required to ever disclose any such information against our will. Note that by using this site, you agree to our terms.] As applicable, we may contact law enforcement or other authorities and take any applicable legal and other steps we deem necessary or helpful. Remember that by using this site, you agree to all our terms. Should we restrict your use of this site / publish information / etc., you have no recourse (even if you are innocent). All actions taken are at our sole option and we do not need to demonstrate or prove your guilt or provide any cause whatsoever for our actions. We do not need to warn you, give you a "second chance", notify you (or anyone) of our actions, or acknowledge your correspondence in any way. If we do not take any action [or if we take what may be deemed "inadequate" action(s)], we cannot be held responsible/liable, even if it can be shown that certain action(s) could have/would have reduced, eliminated or otherwise mitigated damages of any party. We are not required to act on, respond to, or acknowledge any information / complaint / warning / request / correspondence / inquiry / notice, etc. regarding any individual / organization / group / institution / school / religious order / charity / business / provider / employer / website / product / service / ad / advertiser / donor / publication / message / information / instruction / assistance / opinion / point of view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request / requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor / author / publisher / submitter / item / user / use of this site / etc. (without limitation). Remember that by using this site, you agree to all our terms.
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Note that you should be careful to read all questions and all answers on the Q & A pages (noting also that some Q & A items may be dependent upon other Q & A items that precede / follow). Also note that, in addition to the above, other pages may be incorporated as part of the terms of use of this site [including but not limited to: commercial section(s) terms (see above) / add pages / view pages / search pages / content submission forms / feedback forms / error report forms / etc.], and other pages may also contain terms.
Note that your agreement to all terms includes all terms on all pages indicated above.
We have no liability concerning any item above.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
In the interpretation of our terms, you agree that our (original or present) intent in any given case supplies for any ambiguity / question / discrepancy / gap / error / mistake / etc. Should our terms be found to contradict, the applicable term is at our sole option. You agree that our terms are based on our intended meaning (as determined by us in any given situation), rather than what may be stated explicitly if there is a conflict / error / mistake / etc. You agree that we are the supreme interpreter of our terms, without regard to interpretation(s) of any other(s) and that our interpretation may be on a case by case basis. You also agree that our terms are NOT necessarily confirmed / suggested / proved by our behavior in any given case(s) - rather, interpretation is guided by our intent, and we are not required to be consistent in our actions. You also agree that interpretation of our terms may made in the way that is most favorable to us (as we so deem under the circumstances). In the event of an attempt or a possible attempt (even if unintentional) to circumvent our terms / exploit a "loophole", etc., - or where our terms aren't clear or where they omit certain circumstances, events, situations, etc. - our terms still apply as WE deem them applicable, even if not specifically stated in our terms. Finally, you agree that if there is a dispute in applying our terms, we alone may indicate the way they should be applied in each case (and such application may vary from case to case).
If any portion(s) of our terms is/are held invalid or unenforceable by any court of final jurisdiction, you agree that it is the intent of the parties that all other portions of our terms be construed to remain fully valid, enforceable, and binding on the parties. Also, you agree that any invalid or unenforceable provision(s) will be deemed to be superseded by a valid, enforceable provision of ours that most nearly matches the intent of the original provision(s) and the remainder of all terms shall continue in effect.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
All use of this site (including transfers, sending / receiving, offering / requesting, contacts / correspondence, dealings with other persons, etc.) is at your own risk and you have no recourse to us for any damages which may occur as a result of use of this site (or other materials). Remember that all mere humans (excepting the Blessed Virgin Mary, of course) are sinners, whether they are affiliated with the Catholic Church or not.
We make no guarantee whatsoever regarding any user(s) of this site. Although users are required to live up to our code of conduct (and other requirements), we cannot guarantee that any user(s) will do so.
If you have disputes with other user(s), you may attempt to work them out with the other party. As applicable, you may notify law enforcement authorities or other applicable agencies / authorities or seek other legal remedies.
We may discourage you from contacting us regarding problems with other user(s) as we are not a party to others' transactions / activities (including contacts / correspondence / commercial activities / loans / exchanges / transfers / offers / requests / etc.) - even if information about such transactions / activities appears on our site (or other materials) - and we do not mediate / arbitrate disputes. By using this site, you agree to NOT involve us in any dispute(s) with any other user(s) whatsoever.
Remember that you are solely responsible for all consequences arising in any way from the use of this site (or other materials).
We have no liability concerning any item above.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
Unfortunately, there may be additional risks associated with traditional Catholic sites. Unscrupulous individuals / organizations / etc. may have evil / harmful intent regarding this site and its users. Such persons / organizations / etc. may post here (or respond to posts) for the sole purpose of gathering information. They may or may not be who they say, and they may or may not live up to what they promise. They may be attempting to collect information for marketing or other purposes. They may be planning to take advantage of or harm individuals in various ways. They may harass / bother / improperly send unsolicited mail (or other communications) to you / etc. You may receive unwanted communications and/or you may receive or be subject to other unwanted items (including personal visits, anti-Catholic literature, harassment, encounters with those who have an intent to harm or deceive, etc.) and/or others may use your information in ways unsuitable/harmful to you. They may use this site for any evil purpose whatsoever. Proceed at your own risk.
You should be especially cautious about corresponding with / dealing with / working for / utilizing the services of / etc. unknown+ persons / organizations / groups / charities / businesses / etc. and you should carefully consider how you can protect yourself, your loved ones, your possessions, etc. Remember that participation in any transaction / activity (including posting / responding to posts / buying / selling / offering / requesting / sending / receiving / providing / contacts / correspondence / payments / shipping / transfers / events / advertising / responding to ads / performance & receipt of services / etc.) is at your own risk. We are not a party to your transactions / activities and we do not mediate disputes. [+ Note that all users of this site that you do not know personally should be considered 'unknown'.]
Further, in consideration of such dangers, we highly recommend that you use extreme caution with regard to this site. We suggest that you use a special e-mail account exclusively for use on this site [e.g. one that you could easily abandon/change should a problem arise (although advertisers should be careful to maintain access to the original e-mail account provided to us as it may be required for certain actions - e.g. deletion requests)] and that you use a P.O. Box (as applicable) to help protect your private information and that you remit any funds (where applicable) by a private money order.
Also, you should especially employ caution with regard to any e-mail, mail, calls, etc. which are said to originate from us. It is not uncommon for offenders / criminals / etc. to poses as representatives or to forge e-mail in an attempt to get victims to reveal certain information / take certain actions / etc.
Always keep in mind that the fact that an e-mail may look as though it came from us (even if it includes links to our site, logos of ours, etc.), does not necessarily guarantee that it really did come from us. Remember that e-mail may be easily forged. If you receive an e-mail that appears to come from us but it asks for private information / requires you to "log on" / tells you that you have "won" something / is full of typos or poorly constructed sentences allegedly from us / is cryptic / contains anti-Catholic content allegedly from us / has unexpected attachments / contains offensive graphics allegedly from us / etc., you may assume that it is not from us. You should not respond to forged e-mail - including visiting websites indicated in the e-mail / viewing graphics / opening attachments / etc. [instead, consider reporting it to the proper governmental authorities (not us), your Internet service provider, etc.]. For assistance in determining whether an e-mail really did come from us, you may contact your Internet service provider / qualified administrator / etc., use applicable tools that may be available online, etc. Please do not contact us for assistance regarding such matters as we are unable to respond personally.
We strongly advise you to protect all personal information and warn you against giving out any personal facts/details, etc. Remember that use of this site is at your own risk and you have no recourse to us for any damages which may occur as a result of use of this site.
Remember also that even careful advance research, the use a P.O. Box and a special e-mail account, and the refusal to give any personal information, will not fully protect users from dangers which may occur with regard to use of this site. While these are important steps to take to minimize risks, there is no guarantee that all risks will be eliminated. Unfortunately, no steps you take, no matter how diligent, can protect you from all risks related to your use of this site. Remember that you agree to assume all risks, whether foreseen or not, related any use of this site [including that related to posting, advertising, transfers, contacts / correspondence (with and from others), offering, requesting, buying, selling, sending, receiving, payments, shipping, etc.], without limit, and that you agree to hold us harmless for all consequences - direct or indirect - which may occur as a result of use of this site (or other materials), regardless of their nature. If you do not want to take such risks (or cannot afford to), you should not participate. Use of this site is at your own risk.
Also, remember that there is no guarantee that the other party is who they claim to be. The other party may entirely different than claimed / they may be anti-Catholic / liberal / heretical / schismatic / dangerous / etc. They may not do what they say / they may not live up to their commitments / they may disclose your personal information / they may be profit minded / they may ridicule or insult you / they may question you / they may harass you / they may be dangerous (or may associate with others who are dangerous) / etc.
Also, you should employ special caution regarding products / services / schools / websites / organizations / groups / institutions / charities / religious orders / churches / businesses / providers / advertisers / publications / activities / events / items / etc. labeled 'Catholic'. Remember that we cannot guarantee accuracy of any information, Catholicity of any item / individual / organization / etc., or make any other guarantee(s) regarding any item(s) which may appear on our site. Even if a product / service / school / website / organization / group / institution / charity / religious order / institute / community / congregation / community / church / business / provider / advertiser / publication / activity / event / item / etc. is, technically speaking, 'Catholic', you should use caution that they are not "infected with modernism".
All participation is at your own risk. We are not responsible for any abuses, even if we become aware of them and take no action (or if we take ineffective, insufficient, or otherwise unsuitable action) to stop them or to reduce their occurrence or to mitigate their damage). By using this site, you agree hold us harmless for all consequences related to others who may use this site and agree to assume all risks, without limit, whether foreseen or not related to the use of this site by others. If you cannot afford such risks - or do not want such risks - you should not use this site.
We have no liability concerning any item above.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
You agree to contact us only in accordance with our stated contact policies (including those contained herein, those on feedback pages, those on contact information pages, etc.) and that any contacts / correspondence which don't meet our guidelines / rules / etc. may be subject to auto rejection.
You also agree to the following with regard to corresponding with us in any manner (also called "feedback"):
* We regret that we cannot respond personally to feedback, regardless of the importance or urgency of the matter.
* We cannot guarantee that any/all feedback will be received by us. Even if you see a confirmation, we may not receive your feedback.
* We cannot acknowledge the receipt of feedback messages that are received.
* We cannot guarantee that any/all feedback will be considered or that it will be considered in any particular time frame.
* If feedback is considered, we cannot guarantee that any action will be taken or that it will be taken in any specified period.
* If we are notified of any errors / problems, we cannot guarantee that any changes will be made. Remember that we are not obligated to correct errors or take any action - even if we are notified of problems.
* Feedback must NOT contain: all capital letters, excess punctuation, exaggerations, defamatory statements, HTML code, symbols, advertising, excess verbiage, images, poor grammar, offensive/questionable material, etc.
* No inappropriate feedback submissions. If you submit inappropriate feedback, you may be banned from future posting on this site.
* Feedback must follow our code of conduct.
* Do NOT include any sensitive personal information with your feedback (e.g. Social Security number, Driver's License number, passwords, PIN numbers, etc.).
* Do not include any attachments / images / etc. with your feedback.
* Please keep your feedback short and to the point. Submit only the information that is requested.
* Do NOT contact us regarding disputes with vendors or other individuals who have advertised / posted on this site. We do not mediate disputes. Use of this site is at your own risk.
* Do not send multiple feedback messages or follow up on any previous feedback messages.
* Please limit your feedback messages to no more than one per person per month (unless specifically indicated otherwise).
* Be sure to follow all instructions. If any information is missing/inappropriate/inaccurate/etc, we may not consider your feedback.
* We may prioritize feedback received.
* We may filter feedback messages based on certain keywords, IPs, e-mail addresses, etc.
* Feedback may be handled electronically / automatically and may never be seen by a human being. Especially note that feedback containing certain keywords may be filtered and never seen by any human being.
* It may take a very long time for feedback to be considered.
* We are not responsible for retaining any record of or text of any feedback received
* By your submission (feedback), you give us permission to freely use any information on our web sites, promotional materials, newsletters (subscription and non-subscription), advertisements, blog(s), and for all other uses and on all mediums that we may choose. You understand and agree that you will not be compensated for your submission. All submissions may be subject to review and editing by us. Once submitted, you may not make corrections or deletions. Also, by your submission, you give us permission to freely disclose / use all information, without limit, for any legal or any other action(s) that we may take (as applicable).
* It is important to select the appropriate option for your feedback. If you use an incorrect form / method to submit your feedback, it may be subject to automatic rejection.
* All applicable feedback terms and conditions apply whether you use our online form(s) / e-mail / phone / postal mail / etc. to contact us.
* You must follow all instructions / guidelines / etc. provided regarding feedback or your feedback may be subject to auto rejection (whether by phone / fax / e-mail / mail / etc.)
* We are not required to read / listen to / respond to / etc. any correspondence whatsoever (including phone / e-mail / mail / fax / etc.)
We have no liability whatsoever concerning any item above.
Note that by using this site, you indicate agreement to all our terms.
In cases of dispute, you agree to accept mediation / arbitration (in lieu of any other legal remedies) as fully binding, at our sole discretion. The choice of mediator / arbitrator is at our sole discretion and you agree to pay in advance all costs of mediation / arbitration.
Note that by using this site, you indicate agreement to all our terms.
You agree to accept the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County, California for any/all legal disputes in any way associated with this site. You agree that this is the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any legal action whatsoever. Your submission to this jurisdiction is irrevocable and you waive any/all objection(s) to jurisdiction or venue.
Note that by using this site, you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Despite any statute to the contrary, any claim arising from or relating your use (or others' use) of this site, regardless of its nature, shall be brought within six (6) months after it arises (e.g. when the event / action / etc. in question occurs). Prior to any claim / action, you must first have given us ninety (90) days notice via United States Postal Service Certified Mail regarding your anticipated claim / action. Note: See contact information page for address information.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
Failure to enforce any part of our terms is not a waiver of the right to later enforce such terms (or any other term).
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
All use of this site (and related materials) is entirely at your own risk and you have no recourse to us for any damages / losses / etc. which may occur as a result of use of this site (or other materials). We are not in any way responsible / liable for any individual / person / user / group / organization / activity / event / submitter / advertiser / etc. whatsoever, even if information about them is contained on our site (or other materials of ours), nor are we responsible for any outcome / occurrence / consequence / effect / etc. - whether direct or indirect - related to any transaction / activity (including offers / request / loans / exchanges / transfers / sending / receiving / buying / selling / donating / contact / correspondence / browsing of posts / browsing of ads / placing of ads / submission of posts / performance of services / receipt of services / etc.) or any use of this site whatsoever. We are not responsible for any content whatsoever that may (or may not) appear on this site. We are not responsible for any fraudulent use / misuse / abuse / etc. of this site (or other materials). This site (and other materials) are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind. We disclaim all express or implied conditions, warranties, representations of any kind, including any implied warranty or condition of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We make no representations, conditions, guarantees, warranties, etc. as to the quality / suitability / truth / completeness / accuracy / etc. of any content contained on this site (or other materials). We are not liable for any occurrence which may result from using this site [including use of any third party service(s) which may be linked to on this site]. We are not liable for any punitive damages whatsoever. We are not liable for any direct / indirect / special / incidental or consequential damages / losses / injuries / etc. whatsoever, regardless of their nature (including physical / emotional / financial / etc.). We disclaim all responsibility for any loss / damage / downtime / loss of use / business interruption / loss of business / etc. in any way related to use of this site by any person(s) [or organization(s) / institution(s) / group(s) / system(s) / etc.] whatsoever. We are not liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any information contained on this site (or other materials). We are also not liable for any loss or damage due to any omission(s). We are not liable for any loss or damage that may occur as a result of any user's / users' / advertiser's / advertisers' actions / misdeeds / errors / omissions / mistakes / failure to comply with our terms and/or legal requirements / etc. We are not liable for delay or failure to perform any item whatsoever, whether due to an act of God, circumstances beyond our control, technical difficulties, shortages of material(s) / equipment / personnel / etc., or for any other reason (or no reason). We are not responsible for any errors / mistakes / acts / failures to act / etc. of others. We are not responsible for any consequence(s) due to our compliance with any instruction / order / direction / action / request / etc. of any governmental agency / department / officer / etc. We are not responsible for any costs of any party as a result of use of this site (or related materials or third party services), regardless of the cause and without limit. By using this site, you agree to hold us harmless for all consequences / damages / etc. - direct or indirect - which may occur in any way connected with use of this site (or other materials) - regardless of their nature and without limit.
As applicable, you agree to properly communicate our disclaimers to all parties prior to information dissemination.
Furthermore, if you involve us in any way in any dispute, you agree to reimburse us (in advance) for all costs/losses we may incur, without limit (including attorney's fees, legal fees, fees for expert witnesses, consultants, salaries, overhead, reimbursements for lost business and damage to reputation, etc.).
We will not be liable to any customer / user / advertiser / sponsor / donor / etc. for any damages beyond what the customer / user / advertiser / sponsor / donor / etc. actually paid to us.
You further agree that - should we be found legally liable for any damages - our total liability (including punitive and other damages, etc.) is limited to the amount actually paid to access the site for the purpose of engaging in a transaction in question (limited to online charges) or the amount actually paid to us regarding the item in question (whichever is less). You agree that our maximum total liability (for all costs, damages, etc., including punitive damages), arising from all causes (including but not limited to accident / error / failure to perform / failure to exercise a certain level of care / negligence) is not to exceed $1 U.S.
In no event will the agents or representatives of B.F.S. have any personal liability with regard to use or attempted use of this site (or consequences of use or attempted use of this site) by any person / system / etc. whatsoever.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
You agree that your agreement to our terms is valid indefinitely and may not be terminated at any time, even by written notice. Rather, you may simply stop using this site (and other materials) if you no longer wish to consent (note that your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using this site). Any use whatsoever of this site (or related materials) constitutes agreement to our terms. Should you stop using this site, your prior agreement to our terms irrevocably remains in effect with regard to any/all remaining effects / consequences / etc. associated with your previous use of this site (or related materials), regardless of their duration or nature. Any future use of the site (or related materials) constitutes your continued agreement to our terms.
Note that by using this site, you agree to all the above.
Also note that:
* Oral statements (or written statements not explicitly incorporated with our terms) cannot act as a binding contract.
* We are not obligated to keep the site (or any portion of it) going or available. At any given moment, the site [or portion(s) thereof] may be unavailable / offline / experiencing technical difficulties / etc. Not all items may be available at all times.
* It may be - or may not be - possible to use ssl/https when viewing some page(s) of this site. If ssl/https is available, we make no guarantees whatsoever about the ssl, or the ssl certificate, or the ssl issuer, or the validity of the ssl, or about security / privacy / functionality / suitability / accessibility / technology / transmission of information / processing / protection / etc. We do not guarantee that ssl/https is active on any given page (or for the entirety of any given page) or whether or not any link can or does utilize ssl/https. Note that some items may require http (NOT https) in order to display/function properly. We do not guarantee that ssl/https is available/compatible or will remain available/compatible (whether or not an ssl seal/image is displayed anywhere on this site - and note that ssl images appearing on this site may not be current). There are NO guarantees whatsoever with respect to ssl/https (including any images/seals). Use or non-use of ssl/https is entirely at your own risk.
* Prayers / devotions / etc. which may appear on the site (or other materials) may be for private use only.
* Prices appearing on this site (or other materials) may not include tax / shipping / etc., which may be added.
* This site may use 'cookies'. By using this site you agree to their use.
* Links on the site may or may not be underlined.
* Items may be truncated (including feeds). We are not responsible for any occurrence relating to truncation.
* You agree that we may limit / prohibit the use of various characters [including, but not limited to, the apostrophe (" ' ")] in connection with both paid and free posts (ads). Any such limitation applies regardless of whether or not an organization name / contact information / web address / etc. normally contains such character(s). You agree that the prohibition may occur at any time, even on a retroactive basis, and regardless of where it/they appear. If we do allow the use of such characters, they may not have full functionality (e.g. they may not be valid for searches).
* You agree that we may limit the submission of characters in posts / ads to less than 2,000 (and possibly less than 1,200-1,500), even if a submission form provides the opportunity to enter more total characters. Note that individual character limits may apply to fields, however, an overall limit of 2,000 (or fewer - e.g. 1,200-1,500) characters may apply to any given submission. This limit includes any information sent automatically by one's system as well as our internal information. Submissions which exceed maximum allowed characters may be subject to auto-rejection. Note that this limitation applies to both free and paid posts (ads).
* Services / features / etc. may have quantity limits or other limits which may not be explicitly stated.
* We cannot guarantee delivery / timing / "safety" / etc. of any newsletter(s) / e-mail(s) / etc. or make any other guarantee regarding any newsletter(s) / e-mail(s) / etc. We my discontinue or change our newsletter at any time, without any notice and without recourse.
* Regarding our mailings / e-mailings / newsletters / etc., you agree that we may limit quantities on an individual basis or in total. We may refuse / reject subscription request(s) or cancel subscription(s) at any time without notice and for any reason (or for no reason), without recourse. Our decisions are final and binding with no right of appeal.
* You agree that we may - but are not required to - use "automatic scheduling". "Automatic scheduling" may not apply to commercial (or non-commercial) areas. Note that we do not promise to employ "automatic scheduling", even though we may refer to the use of "'automatic scheduling' designed to keep user-supplied content fresh". Note: Even if used, "automatic scheduling" may not apply to commercial areas.
* Items contained on this site are not intended as a political discussion or an official stand on political matters. We do not officially (or otherwise) endorse any political party / measure, regardless of any information which may appear herein.
* We cannot guarantee that any page / file / field / item / etc. will be labeled properly
* You agree that we may use any system / the site / any page / any section / etc. in any way for testing / improving / monitoring / fraud detection measures / junk mail detection measures / etc. (including posting as others to see if we receive junk mail back - if so, we may include "test posts" which may not be real, even with no special notation).
* You agree that we may use any policies / procedures / etc. (internal or external) that we deem helpful / useful / necessary / etc. in connection with the administration of this site and that we are not responsible for any negative consequences which may result.
* Items which involve the supernatural have not been verified or substantiated and we do not guarantee the authenticity of any particular miracle or supernatural occurrence (Note: This does not, of course, intend to treat of Holy Scripture)
* We may quote certain authors who may have had non-Catholics periods / unorthodox periods / who are not in communion with the Church / etc. (e.g. Origen, Tertullian, etc.)
* We do not approve of any immoral/illegal conduct. Do not interpret anything on this site in an immoral/illegal manner. Note that Christians are called to obey just laws We do not advocate unlawful / immoral civil disobedience and we are not responsible for anything which may occur due to use of this site.
* Tips / suggestions / comments / information / and other items may not be appropriate / applicable / helpful / etc. for everyone [or any particular person(s)], and may be time or situationally dependent
* Forms may necessitate that the submitter answer / respond in a certain way to submit them - the submitter agrees to all responses even if they are necessitated by the form itself. Do not submit the form if you do not wish to agree since submitting the form means that you do agree.
* Should we mail something / e-mail something / etc. and include a prayer, flier, bookmark, product, advertisement, etc., it is not necessarily an endorsement of the item or its manufacturer / distributor / website / etc.
* The terms "related links", "also try", "also see", etc. do not necessarily mean that any / all are related / correspond to / etc. any item
* We may 'alter' any images on this site (or other materials) with no notification
* Images appearing on this site are for decoration and do signify any deeper meaning [e.g. the lighted candles image in the 'Prayer Requests' section does not mean that candles are lit for indicated prayer requests, the newspaper image associated with Classified ads or the card file image associated with the MCS Directory do not mean that ads/listings will appear in a newspaper or card file]
* Certain 'embedded items' (e.g. metatags, page descriptions, comments, etc.) may not relate to the content of a particular page or relate to it only indirectly
* Items may not match titles / headers / etc. (e.g. "prayers & hymns" page may have only prayers, only hymns, etc., or may have other items)
* Items appearing on the site (or other materials) may not be approved for public (or private) use
* Items appearing on a page may more accurately apply to groups of pages than that page (e.g. "Sources: Various" may apply to all related page as a whole and not to any particular page, which may have used only one source)
* Link names / references / etc. do not guarantee content (e.g. "available volunteers" does not guarantee that any volunteers are available, "add post" does not guarantee that any post will ever be "added" / appear on the site / etc., "Catholic books" does not guarantee that any books will be available or that any books are Catholic, etc.).
* Various links may go directly to content pages / "add post" pages / "view post" pages / "search post" pages / etc., however, you must be sure to read all applicable terms / notices / cautions / tips / etc. on all applicable page(s) before reading / viewing / adding / searching / etc. any item(s)
* We may include 'blesseds' with saints. Saints may be shown as 'blessed' (or venerable or ven. or bl., etc.). Users should, however, note that venerables and blessed are NOT canonized saints.
* We do not guarantee the canonization / beatification / etc. status of any individual (even those noted as "St." or "Bl."). The term 'saint' may be 'loosely applied' and may include blesseds and those not formally beatified / canonized.
* Those who have been canonized / beatified may not be indicated as such.
* Those indicated as "Ven." or "Bl." may actually be canonized.
* We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any special status notation (e.g. Doctor of the Church)
* Items said to have an imprimatur or other may not actually have any ecclesiastical approval. Those which do have such approval are (generally) not infallible. It should be noted that an Imprimatur does not guarantee that a work is accurate / truthful / free from error / etc., and it is, unfortunately, only as good as the issuer.
* The Rosary may be called a "weapon", but you agree that this refers to a "spiritual weapon" and that it should not be used to physically injure anyone.
* Certain terminology commonly associated with the military (or other uses of force) may be employed (e.g. army, soldier, warfare, binding, chaining, battle, fight, etc.). Such terms may refer to spiritual rather than to earthly realities. When limited to a spiritual sense, such terms must not be taken in a literal sense.
* Even though we may indicate that certain information is "provided by users" (or "provided by submitter", etc.), this does not preclude the possibility that we may make changes / additions / deletions, etc. to any item(s). We are not responsible for any such changes / additions / deletions / etc. or for indicating that any such changes / additions / deletions / etc. have occurred.
* Should you need assistance / advice / instruction / etc., you should consult a good (and appropriate) priest / agency / catechism / etc., and not rely on this site or other user(s).
* Various terms may be relative / debatable / subject to change / etc. [e.g. a reference to "inexpensive Classified ads" does not guarantee that any Classified ad may be deemed "inexpensive" by any party or that the price of such ads is not subject to change, "a number of times" may mean more than once or any amount, the term "quick search" does not imply a guarantee that any search will be "quick", the notation "coming soon" is not a guarantee that any item will appear "soon" (or at all), an item labeled "fact" (or similarly labeled) may not necessarily be a "fact", FAQs are not necessarily "frequently asked", terms such as "helpful scripture resources" do not guarantee that any item will be "helpful" for any particular person(s), etc.]. You also agree that our terminology does not need to be precise [including references to page(s) and other items]
* You agree that the definition of any word is determined by us and that our defining a word in one way at a given time under a given set of circumstances does not preclude our defining the word in another way under another given set of circumstances.
* Alphabetical items may not be strictly alphabetical
* We may indicate "A-Z" without implying that there are any applicable items under "A" or "Z" or any other letter(s).
* We may refer to section(s) / page(s) / area(s) / etc. of this site in 'shorthand', 'slang', or in any manner of our choosing (e.g. "Holy Rosary Section", "Rosary Section", "Catholic Fun & Activities Section", "Catholic Fun Section", etc.), as we deem useful / convenient / helpful / etc.
* View page(s) may not contain any records to "view". Search page(s) may not contain any records to "search"
* The term "etc." (or any other such 'non specific' wording) may mean any number of related item(s) at our sole discretion
* We may use terms loosely (e.g. "items written by the saints" may mean items written by / spoken by / reported to be spoken by / etc. the saints)
* We may use plural or singular, even if the associated item(s) is not plural or not singular (e.g. we may say "Prayers of St. xxx", even if there is only one prayer)
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