Submission Guidelines for Sections [User Posts]
| Code of Conduct | Submission
Tips/Guidelines | Your Posts
Guidelines For Sections [User Posts]
Notice: Items herein are not comprehensive and are subject to
change at any time without notice. We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any item herein. We do not guarantee the availability
of any section / page / topic / posts / etc. Use of this site is at your own risk and is subject to our
terms of use. By using this site you agree to all our terms, including
those herein. For more
terms information,
click here.
Info. | Where to Post | Section
Info. | Maximums
best assure the appearance of your posts on this site, consider the
general submission tips / guidelines page (click
here) and also the following guidelines, conveniently categorized
by section...
link below or scroll down to view all:
Some Guidelines / Tips / Instructions+
Announcements Section |
should not submit announcements relating to "Religious
Vocations", "Sacraments", etc.
announced should
occur or have occurred within the past three months.
announcements for self only. Do not submit announcements for others.
Limit one
announcement per person, per event.
Please do
not submit announcements already listed or similar to those already
Answered Prayers Section |
Do not submit fables or embellished stories.
This section is for factual accounts only
("story" does not mean "fable"). Submit
true accounts only.
Limit one submission per person, per answered prayer story.
Please do not submit stories already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit untruthful stories or
unverified third party stories.
Please omit names,
and other identifying information. |
Book Review & Exchange Section |
in this section is limited to (practicing) Roman Catholics only.
posts in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only. No
books / posts which don't follow traditional Church teachings (e.g.
"modernist" / "progressive" / unorthodox /
charismatic / new age, etc. items) or which
seek to change traditional teachings.
must be Catholic. All authors should be Catholic. No
secular books with Catholic authors.
not submit posts here if you are affiliated with (or are) the
publisher, author, editor, etc. or if you have any other connection
to the book (i.e. market it, sell it, etc.). (Note: If you sell books,
instead please consider inexpensive advertising in the commercial
sections of this site.)
No third party
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. Do not name any organization,
website, etc. or provide contact information (e.g. phone numbers,
web/postal addresses, etc.). Posts containing
such references may be subject to auto rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
following are prohibited:
/ posts
involving immoral / illegal activities, sexual topics,
controversial / questionable / illicit topics, political matters, etc.
/ posts
covering unapproved apparitions or private revelations
(except to expose them).
/ posts
favorable to "charismatic", "feminist",
or "new age" ideologies/practices.
/ posts
supporting homosexual behavior, women priests, birth-control
/ "family planning", elimination of priestly celibacy,
abortion, etc.
books / posts or those endorsing schismatic activities (as
defined the Holy See).
/ posts involving: investments, trusts, credit / financial
matters, pharmaceuticals / herbal medicines, medical
instructions / treatments,
"miracle cures", "work at home" / self-employment
/ commission opportunities, wills / legal matters,
/ posts attempting to sell / promote products, services, companies,
organizations, websites, etc.
"End-times" books / posts.
/ posts which "re-write" history or other nonfactual
/ posts regarding "Catholics" who are notorious for
not living out their faith or who attempt to subvert or change
the Church's teachings (except to expose them).
/ posts containing unsuitable content (e.g. immorality,
unchastity, or anything against Gospel or Church teachings.
/ posts
containing saint / pope / clergy bashing, gossip, unsuitable
derogatory comments, inappropriate / explicit statements, abusive statements,
judgments about others' motives, anti-Catholic or anti-Papal
/ posts which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven") or scandalous
interfaith activities or those which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
by authors with questionable orthodoxy.
books / posts.
theory" or other unproven theory-based books / posts.
/ posts favorable to divorce or otherwise not favorable to traditional
families (including annulment).
/ posts favorable to other unsuitable activities, sins,
inappropriate situations, etc.
widest variety in this section, please avoid submitting book
reviews for books already reviewed on the site (even if you disagree
with the submitter's opinion). You may submit a review for an item already
listed only if you wish to loan / exchange / transfer your
copy of the book. Note that we may limit listings to one per
title at any time at our sole option. [Note: If you submit posts
regarding books which are already listed and you do not wish to
share your copy of the book, the post - and all your future posts (to this and all
other sections on this site) - may be automatically rejected. Please
do not submit posts for books which are already listed!]
one submission per book, per person. Also, do not submit more than
one post per week in this section. We may further limit
participation on an individual or grouped basis at our sole option.
Sharing with others involves risk and you should be sure to
carefully consider all aspects of transfers before participating in
them. Note that we are not a party to any of your transaction(s)
(including loans, exchanges, transfers, offers / requests, contacts
/ correspondence, etc.) and we do not mediate disputes. All transactions (including
loans, exchanges, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.) are at your own risk. Click
here for more important considerations regarding participation
in such activities.
section limited to original production-printed books & booklets
only - no other printed materials, pamphlets, photocopies, etc. No
other media (e.g. CD's, DVD's, software, videocassettes,
audiocassettes, etc.), or other items. No magazines, newspapers, or
self-published items.
not provide any prices! Posts containing pricing information
may be subject to auto rejection. If you violate our policies, all
your future posts to this site (not just this section) may be
subject to auto rejection).
name-calling or argumentativeness.
to the facts and do not use "marketing talk" - e.g.
"best ever", "most complete", etc. Instead,
phrase your comments as "I liked it best", or "I
thought it was the most complete", etc.
not include negative comments or opinions in your post except in
specially designated fields. Otherwise, your post may be subject
to auto-rejection.
to the facts and be specific. Do not provide additional information
/ commentary other than what is asked for. Do not editorialize
(except where allowed). If expressing an opinion, indicate that it
is an opinion and present it in a logical and non-emotional manner.
Do not express opinions except in fields where this is allowed.
not include any of the following with your post: web addresses,
phone numbers, postal addresses, political statements. If you
include such information, the post - and all your future posts
to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
certain that your posts are fully truthful, honest, and accurate. If
in doubt, do not submit. We may verify any information you
submit (although we are not required to). If any information is
deemed inaccurate, the post - and all your future posts - may be
subject to auto rejection.
that if you offer an item for loan / transfer / exchange, an e-mail
address will be required in order to contact you regarding
availability, terms, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we
recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information and we
generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use
on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of
providing e-mail addresses, click
here. Note that if you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you
will be unable to participate in book loans / exchanges / transfers
(however, you may share books by contributing
them to our 'lending library'). Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response.
(Reminder: Our verification will not ask for personal
you offer an item for loan / transfer / exchange, we recommend that
you include a "final date" to notify users not to contact
you after that date. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee
that you will not be contacted after that time. Note that posts
may appear on the site for a long time and that we cannot honor
requests to remove items which are no longer available. Click
here for general timetable information.
attention to detail - be sure to spell all names and other
information correctly and to provide full names of authors. Also, be
sure to enter a correct ISBN (where required). Note that posts
containing an incorrect ISBN (or improperly omitting one) may be
rejected automatically. Be sure all information is accurate before
you are lending, exchanging, or otherwise transferring books, do not attempt to
advertise or promote your products / services, website, etc. or
include any unorthodox / questionable, etc. material with your communications
or with book loans
/ exchanges / transfers. If you violate our policies, all
your future posts to this site (not just this section) may be
subject to auto rejection.
selling of books here or attempting to profit by book loans! If
you charge for shipping on transferred books, the amount charged
should not greatly exceed your cost to ship the item. (Note: If
you have books to sell or wish to loan for a profit, consider
placing an inexpensive ad in one or more of the commercial
sections of this site.) If you violate our policies, all
your future posts to this site (not just this section) may be
subject to auto rejection.
for loan / exchange / transfer only items for which you are the true
and lawful owner with the full right of disposal.
only low cost items.
treat books, authors, and other individuals with charity and respect
and be willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. Employ
humility and patience, and avoid undue harshness.
Don't lend anything you can't afford to be without or that you can't
afford to lose, or one-of-a-kind items. Sharing with others involves
risk and you should be sure to carefully consider all aspects of
book loans / exchanges / transfers before participating in them.
Note that we are not a party to any of your transaction(s) and that
we do not mediate disputes. All contacts / correspondence, loans, exchanges,
transfers, etc. are at your own risk. Click
here for more important considerations regarding participation
in such activities.
only books which you have personally read from cover to cover.
& posts in English only.
based loans / exchanges / transfers only.
are responsible for learning of following all legal requirements related to any
offers, contacts / correspondence, transfers, loans, exchanges, etc.
are solely responsible for all tax, legal, etc. implications - and
for all other consequences - of your transactions (including book
offers, loans,
exchanges, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.).
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Do not contact
us regarding the status of your submission and do not resubmit.
your post was previously listed but no longer appears, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited
to a short duration. For timetable information, click
Please note that we may place
a limit on the number of posts in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
with Ecclesiastical approval preferred.
prefer positive reviews (honest ones, of course). Please avoid reviewing
a book simply to criticize it (although this may be permissible in
certain situations).
publishers greatly preferred.
rite items only, please.
we have questions about your submission, your post may be rejected.
may give preference to traditional books / posts.
may prohibit books by non-Catholic publishers and non-Catholic
authors, and we may prohibit books from specific publishers / authors
(or any books / posts) at our sole discretion.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. Due to space or
other considerations, we may be selective about posts (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear).
that we do not endorse / recommend any individual(s) /
organization(s) / group(s), etc. who may contact you regarding your
terms, conditions, etc. are subject to change at any time without
that the following linked pages, as well as the "Add
post" page, and all
other pages related to this section, are incorporated as part of
the terms of use of this site. You should carefully review all
such pages before participating in this section. Reminder: By
using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Here for Important Information & Tips
Here for Catholic Book Review & Exch.: Q & A
Limit one submission per person, per title.
In accordance with the
instructions above, please do not submit items already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
No third party posts.
Do not submit untruthful
information or copyright protected
Catholic Events Section |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
events must be Catholic. Submit
Roman Catholic events sponsored by Roman Catholics only. Do not
submit any events/sponsors which don't follow traditional Roman
Catholic teachings
(e.g. "modernist", "progressive", unorthodox,
"feminist", "charismatic", anti-Catholic,
"new age", etc. events/sponsors) or which seek
to have traditional Church teachings changed, or which adhere to /
promote any kind of questionable orthodoxy.
must have a primarily educational or spiritual value (entertainment
value is okay if sponsored by parish or diocese - i.e. parish
festivals). Do not submit events held primarily to promote
products / services / websites / organizations / businesses, etc.
Submit events in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only.
early! Long
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Your event
must commence no less than one month from the date of submission
DO NOT SUBMIT IT TO THIS SECTION. You may, however, submit it
to commercial sections of this
site. For example, you may place an inexpensive Classified
Ad. For more information on classifieds, click
here. For information on other low-cost commercial advertisements, click
not include any of the following with your post: web addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses,
speaker names, pricing information, political statements.
must have a suitable relationship with the event sponsor to submit an
event (i.e. work for sponsor, belong to organization sponsoring event,
etc.). You must be sure that no one else
from the organization has already submitted the event. You should
designate one person to handle all event submissions for the
events / activities / organizations / individuals, etc. which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven"). No scandalous
interfaith events / activities or those which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
prohibited activities / events / sponsors, etc. (including immoral, illegal, sinful, sexual, illicit, controversial,
questionable sponsors / events / activities or those which promote
or are favorable to
divorce, annulment, immorality, unchastity, "birth control", "family
planning", feminism, anti-Catholic sentiments, unchaste
behaviors, or
anything else inappropriate / unsuitable or against Gospel or Church
posts involving unapproved apparitions, private
revelations or other unapproved occurrences / phenomena, medical, legal, financial,
or political matters,
"conspiracy theory", "end-times",
anti-tradition, self employment / sales / "work at
home opportunities", etc.
No dangerous / hazardous
activities / events.
saint, pope, or
clergy bashing.
is no guarantee that your submission will appear on the site. If
your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it
does appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how long it will
last, what details will be displayed, etc.
You may not
pay to submit your event in this section. Paid advertisements are
available in various commercial sections of this site. To advertise your
event in the Classifieds section, click
here. To advertise your event in other paid sections, click
your post carefully according to the instructions and do NOT
leave the reader with any questions regarding the event's position on
issues. If the event's position is unclear, your post may be
rejected automatically.
that the submitter
is required to provide his/her e-mail address (and other information) which
may appear on site. If this is undesirable, do not submit posts
here. Please note that, for your protection, we
recommend a cautious approach to providing personal information.
Note that we
generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use
on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of
providing e-mail addresses, click
here. Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response. (Reminder:
Our verification will not ask for personal
At our sole option, we may require submission of
printed materials concerning events.
section is designed to assist Catholics, and is not intended for "free
advertising". Posts are in summary form and do not include
all details a potential attendee might be interested in. Do not
attempt to include information other than what is asked for. For example,
if you include a web address or a speaker name, your post may be
automatically rejected. Please carefully follow all posting guidelines.
If you do not follow the guidelines, your post may be automatically
your event was previously listed and is no longer listed, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited to
a short duration. For
timetable information, click here. If you wish your event to
appear for a longer duration than what is standard for this section,
consider our low-cost commercial
sections which may display listings for a month or longer.
section is for planned, occasional events (i.e. one time only,
annual, semi-annual, etc.) which are somewhat significant (i.e.
are planned well in advance and which involve more than a few
persons) and which are ordinarily open to the general Catholic public
may be limited to special groups of Catholics, i.e. those in
religious life, traditional Catholics, etc.). They should occur on
public grounds, Church grounds, holy sites, etc. (not residential
areas). Catholic travel
agencies should not use this section to promote regular pilgrimages
or other trips. Instead, try the Classifieds
section or other
commercial sections on this site. Those attempting to violate
policies may be banned from further posting on this site.
events harmful to any of God's creatures.
specific in your post, but do not
include company names, organization names, speaker names, etc.
If you include such detail, your post - and all your future
posts - may be subject to auto
rejection. As applicable, you may discuss such information
privately with interested individuals.
to the facts, do not exaggerate, and do not include additional
information or commentary. No editorializing and no
"marketing talk". Example: Don't say "Best Conference on History
Ever!", instead, say: "Second Annual Church History
Conference". Note: To use "marketing talk", try the
Classifieds section or other commercial
you submit a post containing inappropriate
content, that post - and all your
future posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
certain that your post is fully truthful, honest, and accurate
before submitting. Note that we may verify any information you
submit (although we are not required to). If any provided
information is deemed inaccurate, your post - and all your future
posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
that traditional Catholic events may receive preference.
we have questions about your submission, your post
may be rejected.
you violate our guidelines, your post - and all your future posts
- may be rejected
without recourse.
do not contact us regarding the status of your
that we do not endorse / recommend any
individual(s) / organization(s) / group(s), etc. who may
contact you regarding your post.
must originate in the U.S.A. Do not submit events which originate
outside the U.S.
Please note that we may place
a limit on the number of posts in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
We may prohibit posts from certain regions / sponsors /
organizations / groups / individuals / etc. at our sole discretion. We
may prohibit any post(s) at our sole discretion.
one post per event. We may further limit participation on an individual
or grouped basis at our sole option.
do not submit events already listed or similar to those already
submitted. |
Catholic Life Section |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only. No posts which
don't follow traditional Church teachings (e.g. "modernist"
or "progressive" teachings) or which seek to change
traditional teachings.
NOT NAME ANY business, organization, individual,
product, service, website, event, author, book, Catholic material,
etc. or provide their contact information in your post. Posts
containing such references may be subject to auto rejection.
to (practicing) Roman Catholics only.
discussion of unapproved apparitions or private revelations.
know what the Lord says about divorce,
therefore divorce is not a permissible topic for discussion. Do
not submit any divorce, child custody, annulment, or "ex-spouse" type
financial or work-related posts. This section is for faith-type
and Catholic family-type issues, not job/work/career
related issues, third party "child care" issues, or other
non-family interaction, non-faith related matters. Posts
regarding home schooling, full-time mothering, and large families are
sought and are greatly welcome. Posts which
disparage or discourage traditional families may be subject to auto rejection
and those who submit such posts may be banned from future posting.
(Note: Do not discuss particular home
schooling products or job opportunities here. For job opportunities, home schooling
items, and other matters, consider the commercial
sections of this site.)
unsuitable topics - e.g. immorality, unchastity, or anything against
Gospel or Church teachings.
not submit posts involving immoral/illegal activities, sexual topics,
controversial/questionable topics, political matters, etc.
should not contain gossip, derogatory comments, despair, inappropriate/explicit
statements, abusive remarks, emotional rambling, judgments regarding
others' motives, or "ranting and raving" type dialogue.
not include names, locations, or other identifying information.
not discuss personal matters, sins, or other information that should
be kept private.
"feminist", "charismatic", or "new age"
such as "Taking up the Cross / Bearing Suffering" are
intended as a resource to help others deal with suffering and
challenges and not for the discussion of personal problems. Do not discuss particular details of one's cross, causes of
suffering, individual's motives, etc. Instead, provide tips,
helps, remedies, etc. in light of our Catholic faith. (Note: For
discussion of personal problems, consult a good priest or other
qualified individual.)
keep this section informative, posts should have a definite point and not
be structured in the form of a question. If you have a Catholic
faith or Catholic family type question, consult a good priest, an
appropriate, traditional catechism, or other suitable resource. (Note:
If desired, you may also consider privately contacting individuals who
have included their e-mail address. If so, use caution)
section is intended for the sharing of advice, help, insights,
etc. Therefore, please avoid unproductive complaining, worrying,
despairing, etc. Please note that positively-phrased posts are
Each post
on this site
is independent. Do not refer to previous submissions (yours or
others) with your post.
posts advocating religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous errors such
as "all religions are equally good" or "all good people
go to heaven") or scandalous interfaith activities.
truthful information only. If in doubt, do not submit. Please be
sure to stick to the facts and avoid editorializing.
submitting, be sure that your post is appropriate for this section.
This section is not for announcements, answered prayers, good news
stories (i.e. conversion stories, etc.), prayer requests, saintly involvement,
or other topics already featured elsewhere in this site. For
section information, click here.
Although you are more than welcome to post here, you may find the
Catholic Seniors section more tailored to your needs.
one post per person, per topic.
Please do not submit posts already
listed or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit untruthful
posts or copyright protected
If you have a Catholic Life/Catholic Family question or need assistance,
please consult a good priest, an appropriate, traditional catechism, or
other suitable resource.
Catholic Seniors Section |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
not attempt to solicit to seniors.
discussion of the following topics: investments, trusts, credit
cards, pharmaceuticals, refinancing, wills, legal matters, financial
matters, doctors /
specific health concerns, "miracle cures", "work at
home opportunities", sales/commission opportunities, or specific products, services, companies,
or organizations, etc.
Please keep complaints to a minimum
and avoid unnecessarily discussing past sins. Discussions of
pain/suffering should be productive and avoid despairing. Instead,
please emphasize ways to bear one's crosses. If you need
assistance with a difficult burden, please contact a good priest or
qualified professional. If desired, you may also contact individuals
who have provided their e-mail address (if so, use caution).
section is limited to Roman Catholics only. Submit only items in
full communion with the Holy See. No inappropriate subject matter. Spiritual matters preferred.
should be especially cautious about providing personal information
and e-mail addresses. Note that you may put "N/A"
rather than provide personal information or e-mail addresses where
applicable. Have
you read the introduction to this
one post per person, per topic.
Church Talk
(FRCC) Section |
in this section is limited to (practicing) Roman Catholics only.
posting, you should note that there are a large number of
questions on this section's Add form. Although many of the questions offer the
option "N/A", posts which contain more than a few "N/A's" may be subject to auto rejection. Therefore, you
may wish to prepare your answers to these questions in advance (e.g.
offline). For your convenience, we have created a worksheet to help
you prepare offline (click
here for worksheet). Before completing this worksheet, you
should be sure that the church you are posting about is not already
listed (see links below).
Roman Catholic churches in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only.
Carefully avoid submitting any churches which don't follow traditional Church
teachings (e.g. "modernist",
"progressive", or "charismatic" churches) or
which seek to change traditional teachings.
"independent" or schismatic churches (as defined by the
Holy See).
submitting your post, make sure the church is
not already listed. Click here
to view all current church listings in this section. To search the current listings, click
Note: If you submit posts
regarding churches which are already listed, your post - and all
your future posts (to this and all
other sections on this site) - may be automatically rejected.
is designed for listings of exceptionally reverent or beautiful churches,
or churches with a special significance (i.e. churches with
historical significance, churches with certain special
characteristics - such as large relic collections, etc.). It
is not for superficial matters (e.g.
"fun"/"friendly" churches). If you
submit inappropriate material here, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be rejected. Please be sure to follow all instructions
information only about churches you have visited personally (not those
you have merely read about or
heard about). No third party posts.
Do not submit untruthful or unverified information.
may be subject to frequent changes. Therefore, please post
only about churches you have visited personally within the last
three (3) years. If it has been
longer than three years since you've last seen the church, do not
submit information about the church.
information about unapproved apparitions or other unapproved occurrences/phenomena.
(To be "approved", an apparition/occurrence, etc. must
have official ecclesiastical approval at the proper hierarchical
not attempt to promote your parish here if it does not meet the
criteria for this section! [Note: Catholic churches may be
listed at no charge in the MCS Directory. For more information, click
This section is currently
limited to Roman Catholic
churches in the
U.S.A. only. Do not submit churches outside the U.S.A.
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. Do not name any business,
organization, individual, product, service, website, Catholic
material, etc. or provide contact information. Posts containing
such references may be subject to auto rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
you are unsure about a question on the Add page, you may ask the parish priest
(do not guess!). Or, you may select
"N/A" (where applicable). However, you should avoid
selecting "N/A" frequently as posts which contain excessive
"N/A's" may be subject to auto rejection. If you are
unsure about the answers, you should hold off until you can answer
more thoroughly. Note: See above for link to
offline worksheet.
may submit posts concerning churches you have visited only
one time. However, it is preferable to submit posts concerning
churches you are more familiar with.
section is designed for Roman Catholic churches which are ordinarily open to
the general Catholic public.
listed should
be regular churches, not chapels.
may verify that churches you submit are listed in various resource
material(s). If not found, we may reject your post (this may occur
even though the church is legitimate).
to the facts and do not use "marketing talk" - e.g.
"best ever", "greatest", etc. Instead,
phrase your comments as "I liked it best", or "I
thought it was the greatest", etc. Be sure to express
opinions only where permitted.
section is designed to assist Catholics, and is not intended for
"free advertising". Posts are in summary form and do not include all details a potential parishioner/visitor might
be interested in. Do not attempt to include more information than
what is requested. For example, if you include a web address or
Mass times, your post may be automatically rejected. Please carefully
follow all posting guidelines. If you do not follow the guidelines,
your post may be automatically rejected. [Note: Catholic churches
may be listed at no charge in the MCS Directory. For more
information, click
very few exceptions, please do not submit churches which have
no kneelers or ones that are otherwise barren / protestantized.
one submission per person, per 'favorite church'. Also, do not submit more than
one post per month in this section. We may further limit
participation on an individual or group basis at our sole option.
Catholic churches of the Latin
rite only, please.
that we
may verify / update your post (or portions thereof).
may give preference to traditional-minded churches. No
churches which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven") or which promote scandalous
interfaith activities. No churches which promote or give
approval to non-Catholic religions.
may prohibit listings for certain churches or for all churches in
certain dioceses or regions at our sole discretion. We
may prohibit any listing(s) at our sole discretion.
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Do not contact
us regarding your submission and do not resubmit.
your church was previously listed and is no longer listed, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited to
a certain duration. For
timetable information, click here. If you wish your listing to
continue appearing, consider our low-cost commercial
sections which may display listings for a month/a year, etc.
Please note that we may place
a limit to the number of churches contained in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. We may be highly
selective about posts in this section (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear). [Note: Catholic churches may
be listed at no charge in the MCS Directory. For more information, click
You may
pay to list your church here. Paid advertisements are
available in various commercial sections of this site. For additional
information regarding commercial advertisements, click
here. [Note: Catholic churches may be listed at no charge in the
MCS Directory. For more information, click
Here For Additional Information Regarding Options / Preferences
Coming Home Section |
to (practicing) Roman Catholics only.
posts full communion with the perennial Magisterium only. No posts which
don't follow perennial Church teachings or who seek to have these teachings
changed (e.g. "modernist" teachings).
not include names, locations, or other identifying
information. Do not discuss individuals' sins or other
information that should be kept private.
seeking validation for sins or for silence in the face of sin
(remember that silence and consent to/defense of another's sins are
ways of being an accessory to sin).
truthful information only. If in doubt, do not submit.
quoting Scripture out of context.
this section is not designed for non-Catholics to post, remember
that they may read your post. Therefore, be a good example of the
Catholic Faith. Treat all individuals with patience and charity.
judging another's motives.
a person is canonized or the information is somehow supernaturally revealed,
we do not know whether a deceased person is in Heaven, Hell, or
Purgatory. Therefore, no pronouncements on someone's ultimate
salvation. When facing someone involved in grievous sins, it is most safe to warn of
the seriousness of the situation, based on God's revelation, and
not to personally condemn an individual to Hell. Remember that judgment is God's
religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous errors such as "all religions
are equally good" or "all good people go to heaven").
Each post
on this site
is independent. Do not refer to previous submissions (yours or
others) with your post.
not phrase your post as a question.
one post per person, per topic.
Please do not submit items already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit untruthful posts or
third party posts.
discussion of unapproved apparitions or private revelations.
politically motivated submissions.
section is for matters dealing with coming home to the Church, not
for family related matters. Please do not submit 'coming home to the
family' type stories here.
not post prodigal son return stories here.
Instead, post these stories in the Good
News section.
not post news of conversion here.
Instead, post these stories in the Good
News section.
despairing posts, please. Keep in mind the words of the angel in Luke
1:37: "for nothing will be impossible for God" and also persevere
in your prayers and other good efforts. Note: To request prayers,
click here.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear
on the site. If your post does not appear, do
not resubmit.
We may consider posts submitted here for the various tips/support
pages of this section.
Feed Your Faith Section |
"Add Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
posting, please be sure you are posting in the correct
section. Submit tips for deepening / strengthening faith in the
Feed Your Faith Section. Submit tips to help live
out faith in the "Increase Holiness" section.
Limit one submission per person, per tip.
Please do not submit tips already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit copyright protected
material. |
Give & Take Section (Items Offered) |
low cost items only. No cash or cash equivalents, perishables,
unsuitable items, etc.
items in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only. No
items which don't follow traditional Church teachings (e.g.
"modernist" / "progressive" / unorthodox /
charismatic / new age, etc. items) or which
seek to change traditional teachings.
religious items
must be Catholic.
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. Do not name any business,
organization, individual, product number, service, website, etc. or
provide contact information (e.g. phone numbers, web/postal
addresses, etc.). Posts containing
such references may be subject to auto rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
not offer any books or other printed materials here.
If you have a Catholic book to offer, visit the Catholic
Book Review & Exchange section.
inappropriate / unsuitable items (i.e. illegal, immoral, hazardous,
controversial, questionable, sexual, illicit, political, birth-control / "family planning", divorce /
annulment related, feminist, anti-Catholic, anti-Papal, unchaste, inappropriate, sinful, or anything against Gospel or Church
No sedevacantist
/ schismatic (as defined by the Holy See),
"conspiracy theory", "end-times", or
anti-tradition items.
not offer
prohibited items (e.g. weapons, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, illegal,
dangerous / hazardous items, medical / legal / financial items,
self-employment / commission related items, etc.).
items which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven") or scandalous
interfaith activities. No items which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
Posts which
disparage or discourage traditional families may be subject to auto rejection
and those who submit such posts may be banned from future posting.
posts involving unapproved apparitions, private revelations, or other unapproved
occurrences / phenomena. (To be "approved", an
apparition / occurrence, etc. must
have official ecclesiastical approval at the proper hierarchical
not include any of the following with your post: web addresses,
phone numbers, postal addresses, political statements. If you
include such information, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
widest variety in this section, we may limit some listings at our sole option. For example,
if 50 individuals submit offers for free rosaries, we may limit the
number which appear on the site to just a few.
may combine items if they are the same or are related. For
example, if you have 25 rosaries to give away, you should submit
only one post and indicate the quantity in the 'Maximum Qty.
Offered' field. Do not submit multiple posts for the same item! You
may combine related items on a single post if you wish to transfer
all items together (i.e. Holy Water Font & Holy Water
one submission per item, per person. Also, do not submit more than
five posts per week in this section. We may further limit
participation on an individual or group basis at our sole option.
section is limited to original items only. No unauthorized copies
or duplications.
avoid offering items in poor condition. We may limit or
prohibit listings of items indicated to be in poor condition.
specific about what you are offering, but do not
include any brand names, store names, manufacturer names, product
codes, etc.
If you include such detail, your post - and all your future posts to
this site (not just this section)- may be subject to auto rejection.
As applicable, you may such information privately with
interested individuals.
Do not
attempt to leave fields blank, answer questions improperly, or
include other information besides what is asked for. If
you don't follow all instructions, your post - and all your future
posts - may be automatically rejected.
not provide any pricing information! Posts containing pricing information
may be subject to auto rejection. If
you violate our policies, all your future posts to this
site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
to the facts and do not use "marketing talk" - e.g.
"best ever", "most durable", etc.
that an e-mail
address will be required in order to contact you regarding
availability, terms, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we
recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information and we
generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use
on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of
providing e-mail addresses, click
here. Note that if you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you
will be unable to participate in this section. Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response.
(Reminder: Our verification will not ask for personal
We recommend that
you include a "final date" to notify users not to contact
you after that date. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee
that you will not be contacted after that time. Note that posts
may appear on the site for a long time and that we cannot honor
requests to remove items which are no longer available. Click
here for general timetable information.
selling of items here! If
you charge for shipping, the amount charged
should not greatly exceed your cost to ship the item. (Note: If
you have items to sell, consider
placing an inexpensive ad in one or more of the commercial
sections of this site.) If you violate our policies, all
your future posts to this site (not just this section) may be
subject to auto rejection.
posts regarding: investments, trusts, credit
cards, pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, refinancing, wills, legal matters, financial
matters, doctors /
specific health concerns, "miracle cures", "work at
home opportunities", sales/commission opportunities, self-employment
opportunities, or specific products, services, companies,
or organizations, etc.
Do not attempt to
advertise or promote your products / services, website, etc. or
include any unorthodox / questionable, etc. material with your
correspondence or transfers. If you violate our policies, all your
future posts to this site (not just this section) may be subject to
auto rejection.
for transfer only items for which you are the true
and lawful owner with the full right of disposal.
items offered for transfer have been blessed by a Roman Catholic
priest, you
should indicate this in the description field [e.g. "Rosary
(blessed)"]. Remember that those who sell/purchase blessed items may be
guilty of the sin of Simony.
Don't transfer anything you can't afford to or don't want to be without. Sharing with others involves
risk and you should be sure to carefully consider all aspects of
transfers before participating in them.
Note that we are not a party to any of your transaction(s) and that
we do not mediate disputes. All transactions (including offers, transfers,
sending / receiving, contacts /
correspondence, etc.)
are at your own risk. Click
here for more important considerations regarding participation
in such activities.
& posts in English only.
based transfers only.
are responsible for learning of and following all legal requirements related to any
offers, contacts / correspondence, transfers, etc.
are solely responsible for all tax, legal, etc. implications - and
for all other consequences - of your transactions (including all
offers, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.).
third party posts.
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Do not contact
us regarding the status of your submission and do not resubmit.
your post was previously listed but no longer appears, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited to
a short duration. For
timetable information, click here.
Please note that we may place
a limit on the number of posts in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
items may receive preference. Additional preference may be given to
traditional items.
items of the Latin
rite only, please.
certain that your post is fully truthful, honest, and accurate
before submitting. If in doubt, do not submit. We may verify
any information you submit (although we are not required to).
If any provided information is deemed inaccurate, your post -
and all your future posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
we have questions about what your item is, your post
may be rejected.
may prohibit any item(s)/post(s) at our sole discretion.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. Due to space or
other considerations, we may be selective about posts (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear).
that we do not endorse / recommend any individual(s) /
organization(s) / group(s), etc. who may contact you regarding your
that the following linked pages, as well as the "Add
post" page, and all
other pages related to this section, are incorporated as part of
the terms of use of this site. You should carefully review all
such pages before participating in this section. Reminder: By
using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Here for Important Information & Tips
Here for Give & Take: Q & A
Give & Take Section (Items Wanted) |
requests only. Items requested should be of low cost. No requests
for cash or cash equivalents (including postage, food stamps, etc.), perishables,
unsuitable items, etc.
items in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only. No
items which don't follow traditional Church teachings (e.g.
"modernist" / "progressive" / unorthodox /
charismatic / new age, etc. items) or which
seek to change traditional teachings.
not disclose any identifying information (e.g. your name,
specific location, etc.) or personal information that should
be kept private (i.e. personal details, information about one's sins, personal matters, etc.).
Note that you may
select "(decline to state)" rather than include your state. Remember
that you should be careful about all personal
information - even your name! By disclosing any personal
information, you may put yourself and your loved ones at risk.
religious items requested must be Catholic.
organizational requests.
not request books or other printed materials here.
If you want to obtain/exchange Catholic books, try the Catholic
Book Review & Exchange section.
requests for inappropriate / unsuitable items (i.e. illegal, immoral, hazardous,
controversial, questionable, sexual, illicit, political, birth-control / "family planning", divorce /
annulment related, feminist, anti-Catholic, anti-Papal, unchaste, inappropriate,
or sinful items, or anything against Gospel or Church
requested here should be for use and not for resale. Do
not attempt to profit by reselling items obtained by use of
this section. If you violate our policies, all your future posts to
this site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. or provide any contact information
(e.g. phone numbers, web/postal addresses, etc.). Do not name any business,
organization, individual, product number, service, website, etc. Posts containing
such references may be subject to auto rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
section is
intended as a resource to help those in need of assistance. It is not
for the discussion of one's sufferings / challenges / personal
problems, etc. Do not discuss particular details of one's cross, causes of
suffering, etc. here. (Note: For
discussion of personal problems, consult a good priest or other
qualified individual.)
sedevacantist / schismatic (as defined by the Holy See) or
anti-tradition item requests.
not request
prohibited items (e.g. weapons, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, illegal,
dangerous / hazardous items, medical / legal / financial items,
self-employment / commission related items, etc.).
item requests which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven") or scandalous
interfaith activities. No item requests which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
Posts which
disparage or discourage traditional families may be subject to auto rejection
and those who submit such posts may be banned from future posting.
posts involving unapproved apparitions, private revelations, or other unapproved
occurrences / phenomena. (To be "approved", an
apparition / occurrence, etc. must
have official ecclesiastical approval at the proper hierarchical
not include any of the following with your post: web addresses,
phone numbers, postal addresses, political statements. If you
include such information, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
widest variety in this section, we may limit some listings at our sole option. For example,
if 50 individuals submit requests for free rosaries, we may limit the
number which appear on the site to just a few.
may combine item requests if they are the same or are related. For
example, if you need 5 rosaries, you should submit
only one post and indicate that you need 5. Do not submit multiple posts for the same item!
may combine related item requests on a single post if desired (i.e. Holy Water Font & Holy Water
one submission per item requested, per person. Also, do not submit more than
five posts per week in this section. We may further limit
participation on an individual or group basis at our sole option.
section is limited to original items only. Do not request unauthorized copies
or duplications.
specific about what you are requesting, but do not
include any brand names, store names, manufacturer names, product
codes, etc. If you include such detail, your post - and
all your future posts to this site (not just this section) - may be subject to auto rejection.
As applicable, you may such information privately with
interested individuals.
Do not
attempt to leave fields blank, answer questions improperly, or
include other information besides what is asked for. If
you don't follow all instructions, your post - and all your future
posts - may be automatically rejected.
not provide any pricing information! Posts containing pricing information
may be subject to auto rejection. If
you violate our policies, all your future posts to this
site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
posts regarding: investments, trusts, credit
cards, pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, refinancing, wills, legal matters, financial
matters, doctors /
specific health concerns, "miracle cures", "work at
home opportunities", sales/commission opportunities, self-employment
opportunities, or specific products, services, companies,
or organizations, etc.
honest, stick
to the facts, and do not exaggerate.
not include personal details. Note that "single parent" /
"divorced parent" situations are (generally or often) against Church
teachings and should not be used to engender sympathy. Do not
include any such information.
that an e-mail
address will be required in order to contact you regarding
logistics, terms, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we
recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information and we
generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use
on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of
providing e-mail addresses, click
here. Note that if you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you
will be unable to participate in this section. Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response.
(Reminder: Our verification will not ask for
personal information.)
We recommend that
you include a "final date" to notify users not to contact
you after that date. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee
that you will not be contacted after that time. Note that posts
may appear on the site for a long time and that we cannot honor
requests to remove requests for items which are no longer
needed. Click
here for general timetable information.
buying of items here! If
you are charged for shipping, the amount charged
should not greatly exceed
the cost to ship the item. (Note: If
you are looking to buy items, consider the commercial
sections of this site or place a "Wanted" ad in the Classifieds.) If you
violate our policies, all
your future posts to this site (not just this section) may be
subject to auto rejection.
may be acceptable to periodically request hard to find items here even
without pressing financial need. However, regular (repeat) users of
this section should have a financial need for items requested.
Do not attempt to
advertise or promote your products / services, website, etc. or
include any unorthodox / questionable, etc. material with your
correspondence or transfers. If you violate our policies, all your
future posts to this site (not just this section) may be subject to
auto rejection.
Sharing with others involves risk and you should be sure to carefully consider all aspects of
transfers before participating in them.
Note that we are not a party to any of your transaction(s) and that
we do not mediate disputes. All transactions (including requests, transfers,
sending / receiving, contacts /
correspondence, etc.)
are at your own risk. Click
here for more important considerations regarding participation
in such activities.
& posts in English only.
based transfers only.
are responsible for learning of and following all legal requirements related to any
requests, contacts, correspondence, transfers, etc.
are solely responsible for all tax, legal, etc. implications - and
for all other consequences - of your transactions (including all
requests, transfers, contacts / correspondence, etc.).
not request that items be transferred to any other
party besides yourself. If you wish to request an item that you will personally
transfer to another individual, it
is called a "subsequent transfer" (click
here for additional information / requirements). Do not proceed
unless you properly meet all requirements.
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Do not contact
us regarding the status of your submission and do not resubmit.
your post was previously listed but no longer appears, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited to
a short duration. For
timetable information, click here. If you wish your post to
appear for a longer duration than what is standard for this section,
consider our low-cost commercial
sections which may display listings for a month/a year, etc.
Please note that we may place
a limit on the number of posts in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
for Catholic
items may receive preference. Additional preference may be given to traditional item requests.
items of the Latin
rite only, please.
certain that your post is fully truthful, honest, and accurate
before submitting. If in doubt, do not submit. We may verify
any information you submit (although we are not required to).
If any provided information is deemed inaccurate, your post -
and all your future posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
we have questions about your requested item, your post
may be rejected.
may prohibit requests for any item(s) (or any post) at our sole discretion.
You may
pay to include your post here. Paid advertisements are
available in various commercial sections of this site. To advertise in the Classifieds section, click
here. To advertise in other paid sections, click
here. For additional
information regarding commercial advertisements, click
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. Due to space or
other considerations, we may be selective about posts (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear). [Note: If you don't have success here, you may wish
to consider an inexpensive Classified
Ad (e.g. Wanted Ad).]
that we do not endorse / recommend any individual(s) /
organization(s) / group(s), etc. who may contact you regarding your
that the following linked pages, as well as the "Add
post" page, and all
other pages related to this section, are incorporated as part of
the terms of use of this site. You should carefully review all
such pages before participating in this section. Reminder: By
using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Here for Important Information & Tips
Here for Give & Take: Q & A
Good News Section |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only. "Prodigal
Son" stories also include "Prodigal Daughter"
stories. Reminder:
This section is NOT for:
Fables or embellished stories.
This section is for factual accounts only ("story" does not
mean "fable"). Submit true accounts only.
Answered prayer stories. Instead,
post these stories in the 'Answered Prayers' Section. Announcements of pregnancy, birth, reception of Sacraments, etc.
Instead, post these in the 'Announcements' Section.
Inspirational stories. Instead,
post these in the 'Personal Stories of Inspiration' Section
Good News of the Gospel. For Good News of the Gospel, see the
Scripture/Parables Section.
My Story Belong in This Section?
Limit one submission per person, per story.
Please do not submit stories already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
Please omit names,
locations, and other identifying information.
Do not submit untruthful items or
items relating to unapproved apparitions. |
Increase Holiness Section |
"Add Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
Please be sure to post in the
correct section. Submit tips for living out faith in the
'Increase Holiness' Section.
Submit tips to deepen faith in the 'Feed Your
Faith' Section.
Limit one submission per person, per tip.
Please do not submit tips already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
section is for personal tips, not tips for groups.
Do not submit copyright protected
material. |
Latin Mass & Catholic Tradition
Section |
Limited to
(practicing) Roman Catholics only.
especially ask you to make a particular effort in this section to present all
remarks in a clear and charitable fashion. We recognize that
traditionalists are - and rightly so - very passionate about various
issues, but we ask you to watch the wording of posts so that they
may not tend to turn off others due to excessive harshness or
hostility. It might be helpful to re-read posts one or more times
before submitting them. Our
goal here is to set a good example to those who are not yet
traditional Catholics as we attempt to educate them about the
venerable traditions of the Church. We therefore respectfully
'beseech you, that you walk worthy of the vocation in which you are
called. With all humility, and mildness, with patience, supporting
one another in charity' (Eph. 4:1-2). Please share your knowledge
through good example so that others may be 'won over' to
traditionalism by your virtuous behavior (see 1 Pet.
posts in full communion with the perennial Magisterium only. No
posts which don't follow traditional Church teachings (e.g.
"modernist" or "progressive" teachings) or which
seek to change traditional teachings.
NAME ANY business, organization, individual, product,
service, website, event, author, book, Catholic material, etc. or
provide their contact information in your post. Posts
containing such references may be subject to auto rejection.
No pope or
clergy bashing.
posts in English only. You
may include small phrases in Latin
providing: (1) They are contained in the traditional Latin
Mass, and (2) You provide the full & specific reference for the
passage (e.g. "First Sentence of Introit for Mass of Tuesday
in Holy Week"), and (3) You provide the proper English
translation, and (4) You omit all symbols. Despite this
provision, we highly discourage posts in Latin as we do not have the
personnel to permit Latin language posting. If you do include any
Latin with your post, you should be sure that it is absolutely
essential to your post - even if just a single word in Latin.
Note that posts containing Latin may experience delays in processing
and may be subject to auto rejection even if they are suitable posts. Therefore,
please do not include any Latin in your post.
We regret this inconvenience and hope this site may be more
accommodating towards Latin posts in the future. Note: If you
have excellent Latin skills and would be interested in volunteering
your services for this site, please contact
us and provide us with information on your Latin skills, your
availability, and your contact information.
defined by the Holy See).
Sedevacantist posts.
Please use
kindness when talking about the Novus Ordo. We want to be a good
example of Traditionalism and not turn off individuals who visit
this section due to excessive complaints, finger pointing,
condemnations, etc. Remember that many individuals are not even
aware of the Traditional Mass and all that Catholic Tradition has to
offer them. Rather than insult "Novus Ordo" Catholics
for things which they may have had no control over, we must try to
assist them charitably towards Traditionalism.
Please keep
in mind this saintly advice:
should remember that [Jesus Christ] himself said that by gentleness
we inherit the earth. If we act on this we will win people over so
that they will turn to the Lord. That will not happen if we treat
people harshly or sharply." (St. Vincent de Paul)
is also gentle in his words. When he dwelt on earth he won everyone
over by his gentle speech. Never was he heard to raise his voice or
argue heatedly." (St. Louis de Montfort)
Treat all
individuals and the Church with great respect and civility and make
your points with reasoned, rather than emotional arguments. For
example, rather than rattle off negative adjectives to describe a
new liturgical practice, make your point by stating why a
traditional practice is superior (using Scripture, history, papal
documents, writings of the saints, etc.). You may also want to show
the fruits of traditional practices and their historical framework.
Please be
willing to give others the benefit of the doubt and do not make
judgments regarding others' motives. Employ humility, avoid undue
harshness, and present all posts as good examples of Catholic traditionalism.
discussion of unapproved apparitions or private revelations.
Stick to
the facts. Be sure all elements of your post are truthful and are
not taken out of context. If in doubt, do not post. If expressing an
opinion, indicate that it is an opinion.
Each post
on this site is independent. Do not refer to previous submissions
(yours or others) with your post.
Note: The
term "Latin Mass" used in this section refers to the Traditional
Latin Mass, not the new Mass said in Latin.
keep this section informative, posts should have a definite point
and not
be structured in the form of a question (except Q & A
posts). Note that Q & A posts must include an
answer. To submit a question alone
for consideration on this site, click
here. Also, for answers to questions, consult
a good priest, an appropriate, traditional catechism, or other
suitable resource. (Note: If desired, you may also consider
privately contacting responsible individuals who have included their
e-mail address. If so, use caution)
Do not
include names, locations, or other identifying information or
include details that should be kept private (i.e. information
regarding sins, personal matters, etc.).
No name
calling or political posts.
"end times" posts.
should not contain gossip, derogatory comments, despair,
inappropriate/explicit statements, abusive remarks, emotional
rambling, judgments regarding others' motives, or "ranting and
raving" type dialogue.
section is intended for the sharing of information, assistance,
insights, etc. Therefore, please avoid unproductive complaining,
worrying, despairing, etc. Remember that "nothing shall be
impossible for God" (Luke 1:37). Please note that positively-phrased posts
are preferred.
Limit one
post per person, per topic.
Please do not submit posts
already listed or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit
untruthful or unverified information.
Do not submit copyright protected
Notable Catholic Laity Section
(Influential Catholics) |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
should be influential in matters of faith (not other
must have a positive influence.
Roman Catholic laity in full communion with the Holy See only. Do not
include those who don't follow Church teachings, who don't practice
their faith, or who seek to have Church teachings changed.
are not influential because of their position alone, but because of
how they live out the faith.
individuals listed do not need to be "most" influential.
It is sufficient if you are influenced by this person enough to make
a positive change in your life (i.e. to live better according to
Catholic and Gospel principles).
a Catholic will do something small that has a large influence on us
and helps us live our faith better. These types of stories are quite
appropriate for this section.
is possible to be influenced by fellow Catholics whom we have never
met personally (i.e. correspond via e-mail, see at Mass, read about
in a Catholic publication, etc.). Therefore, it is not necessary to
know the name of an influential individual (providing there is no
doubt as to their Catholicity).
how this person affects you, not someone else in your
individuals should help you to faithfully live out the Catholic faith
according to the Gospel principles, and are not necessarily those
who make you "feel good".
the influential individual is a priest, do not post here. Instead,
please consider posting in the Priests & Vocations section (the
"Notable Catholic Laity" section is designed for laity,
not clergy).
not include names (you may use initials), or identifying
information, or personal information that should be kept private
(i.e. specific sins, etc.).
judgments regarding others' motives.
stick to the facts.
unsuitable topics (e.g. divorce, unchastisty, or anything
against Church teachings).
may submit posts regarding living or deceased persons.
goal of this section is to let others learn from your experiences;
it is not designed for public thank you's addressed to specific
persons. If you wish to direct a personal message to an influential individual,
please consider a classified
ad or a sponsorship.
section is not for fables or embellished stories. This section is
for factual accounts only ("story" does not
mean "fable"). Submit true accounts only.
Limit one submission per "influential individual", per
Please do not submit posts already
listed or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit copyright protected
Do not third party posts. |
Notable Catholic Laity Section
(Well-Known Catholics) |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
Roman Catholic laity in full communion with the Holy See only.
not submit
individuals already listed! Click here to view all
listings. If you submit individuals who are already listed, your
post - and all your future posts - may be rejected. Please follow
all guidelines.
highlighting faith-related accomplishments are preferred. For
example, a listing for a Catholic founder of a charitable
organization is preferable to one highlighting purely secular achievements
(i.e. secular acting, secular singing, etc.).
sure to spell names correctly and to provide full names (unless
known by another name).
certain that the individual you are submitting is Catholic. If you
are uncertain, do not post!
delays are not unexpected in this section. Do not contact us
regarding your submission and do not resubmit.
not submit names of canonized saints here (exceptions may be
made in cases of certain notorious achievements). Instead, see the Saints
we are all sinners and are not to judge one another, "Some
people's sins are public, preceding them to judgment" (1 Tim.
5:24). Since our purpose here is to show positive Catholic
contributions, do not submit names of individuals who
are notorious for not living out their Catholic faith (i.e. those
who are clearly Catholic "in name only" or those who
openly defy or reject Church teachings), or those who attempt to
subvert or change the Church's teachings, or those who publicly
engage in particularly notorious
sins or particularly offensive public behaviors. If you disregard
these instructions, your post - and
all your future posts - may be rejected.
submitted should be familiar to the general public. Lesser known
individuals may be included if the accomplishment is important /
may submit names of living or deceased persons.
not submit politicians' names. (While politicians
may be fine Catholics, the opportunities for scandal in this
profession - combined with the potentially widespread impact of
their actions and high profile jobs - may be extraordinary. We would prefer
to exclude politicians rather than risk giving scandal should their
actions be deemed harmful to the faith.)
may submit names of converts if conversion information is put
in brackets (see instructions provided).
Do not submit untruthful or unverified information.
you submit inappropriate or nonfactual items, your post - and all
your future posts - may be rejected. Please be sure to follow all
instructions carefully.
Limit one submission per "well-known individual". |
Our Father's Love Section |
This section is NOT for:
Fables or embellished stories.
This section is for factual accounts only ("story" does not
mean "fable"). Submit true accounts only.
Answered prayer stories. Instead,
post these stories in the 'Answered Prayers' Section. Announcements of pregnancy, birth, reception of Sacraments, etc.
Instead, post these in the 'Announcements' Section.
Inspirational stories. Instead,
post these in the 'Personal Stories of Inspiration' Section.
news stories (i.e. conversion stories, good deeds, happy endings,
modern day miracles, prodigal son return stories, etc.). Instead,
post these in the 'Good News' Section.
My Story Belong in This Section?
Limit one submission per person, per story.
Please omit names,
locations, and other identifying information.
Please do not submit stories already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit untruthful stories or
unverified third party stories.
Do not submit copyright protected
material. |
Personal Stories of
Inspiration |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only. Why?
This section is NOT for:
Fables or embellished stories.
This section is for factual accounts only ("story" does not
mean "fable"). Submit true accounts only.
not personal in nature. While certain tangible items (i.e. songs,
artwork, etc.) may be inspiring, this section is for personal
stories of inspiration.
Answered prayer stories. Instead,
post these stories in the 'Answered Prayers' Section. Announcements of pregnancy, birth, reception of Sacraments, etc.
Instead, post these in the 'Announcements' Section.
news stories (good deeds, happy endings, conversion stories, etc.).
Instead, post these in the 'Good News' Section.
My Story Belong in This Section?
Limit one submission per person, per story.
Please omit names,
locations, and other identifying information.
Please do not submit stories already listed
or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit untruthful stories or
unverified third party stories.
Do not submit copyright protected
material. |
Prayer Requests Section |
Limit one
prayer request per person, per intention.
Please do
not submit prayer requests already listed or similar to those already
requesting prayers for someone other than yourself, please secure
their permission in advance or use initials or their first name only. Remember that God
knows who our prayers are for.
We may abbreviate submissions which include full names or those
containing unusual names at our sole discretion.
Notice: You should also contact your parish for prayers, Masses, etc. We
regret that we are unable to process requests for this section on an
immediate basis. For immediate or urgent prayer needs, please contact your
parish. Please note that we cannot guarantee that any specific prayer
request will
appear on the site.
Prayers & Devotions
("Prayer Exchange") |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
prayers from Catholic sources only.
short prayers / prayers tips only (not to exceed 750 characters in length).
modernist prayers / prayer tips.
politically motivated prayers / tips.
Prayers with Ecclesiastical
approval preferred.
prayers in English only.
to the prayer or prayer tip - do not include additional
information or commentary.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear
on the site. If your request does not appear, do
not resubmit.
submitting your post, make sure your prayer / prayer tip is
not already listed. Click here
to view the Prayer Exchange. To search the Prayer Exchange, click
may give preference to traditional prayers / tips.
Limit one submission per person, per prayer or prayer tip.
Do not submit copyright protected
material. |
& Vocations Section |
in this section is limited to (practicing) Roman Catholics only.
Roman Catholic priests in full communion with the Holy See only. Do
not include those who don't follow traditional Church teachings (e.g.
"modernist" or "progressive" priests) or who seek to
have Church teachings changed.
unorthodox priests, "charismatic" priests, or priests who approve of and/or promote novelty.
priests for "independent" or schismatic (as determined by
the Holy See) churches.
meaningful posts only. This section is especially designed
to highlight genuine spiritual matters and is not for superficial matters
(e.g. "Father A is so friendly!", "Fr. A gives fun
homilies!", etc.). We may reject posts that we deem are unorthodox/questionable/not spiritually
meaningful, etc. (e.g.
"Fr. A is fun!", "Fr. A. makes me feel better about my
sin!", "Fr. A makes Mass fun!", etc.). If you
submit inappropriate material here, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be rejected. Please be sure to follow all instructions
only priests who are good shepherds and provide a good example. No
priests who don't take their vocation, the Sacraments, the Faith, etc. seriously.
not include the priest's name! If desired, you may use initials
(e.g. "Fr. A").
not include any identifying information (e.g. diocese
name, parish name, location, etc.) or personal information that should
be kept private (i.e. specific sins, confession details, etc.).
the utmost respect when discussing priests (who "have powers not
granted even unto the angels").
good priests only. No negative comments about
unsuitable topics (e.g. divorce, unchastisty, or anything against
Church teachings).
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. Do not name any business,
organization, individual, product, service, website, Catholic
church, etc. or provide contact information. Posts containing
such references may be subject to auto rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
limit posts to the discussion of one matter only. Although it may be
difficult to narrow down, select what you feel is most
outstanding priestly quality/virtue related to your post (see
the 'Category' field). Then ask yourself how the priest
helped you, inspired you, what the impact was, etc.
Submit true accounts only.
only one priest per post.
not attempt to promote your parish here! Instead, consider the commercial
sections of this site.
Posts concerning
living or deceased priests are acceptable.
posts concerning priests only. Do not
submit posts about other religious (e.g. brothers, nuns, etc.).
posts to priests of the Latin rite only, please.
one post per person, per 'special priest'.
goal of this section is to let others learn from your experiences; it
is not designed for public thank you's. If you wish to publish a thank you message, please consider a classified
ad or a sponsorship.
posts which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven") or scandalous
interfaith activities. No posts which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. Due to space or
other considerations, we may be selective about posts (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear).
you submit inappropriate material here, your post - and all your future posts
to this site - may be rejected. Please be sure to follow all
instructions carefully.
Saints Section ("Saint Information
Exchange") |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
only persons recognized as saints by the Holy See. Roman Catholics only!
section is designed to discuss those actually canonized and not
those whose causes are still pending. No non-canonized Blesseds
or Venerables. No so-called "living saints".
may verify that individuals you submit are listed in various resource
material(s). If not found, we may reject your post (this may occur
even though a particular saint is validly canonized).
sure to spell saints' names correctly. Please include alternative
spellings in brackets (if applicable).
one post per individual, per saint.
politically motivated submissions.
truthful information only. If in doubt, do not submit.
the saint's information, do
not include individual's names (you may use initials), or identifying
information, or personal information that should be kept private
(i.e. specific sins, etc.).
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear
on the site. If your post does not appear, do
not resubmit.
Please do not submit items already
listed or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit untruthful
posts or third party posts.
Do not submit copyright protected
Scripture Exchange |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
request no more than 3 verses of
your favorite scriptural
numbering may vary depending upon
the Bible translation used. (We may use the Douay-Rheims
Bible, New American Bible, etc.)
seemingly mean-spirited or politically charged
passages which may be easily taken out of context or which
require explanation.
The Scripture
Exchange is not designed to replace your
Bible, but to highlight and share
favorite scriptural passages. We may therefore place a limit on
the number of passages/topics in the Scripture Exchange.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear
on the site. If your request does not appear, do
not resubmit.
submitting your post, make sure your request is not already
listed on the Scripture Exchange. Click here
to view Scripture Exchange passages. To search the Scripture
Exchange, click here.
Here For Important
Limit one
submission per person, per passage.
St. Francis of Assisi Section |
Limit one listing per person, per pet.
inappropriate sounding pet names.
we cannot guarantee that any particular post will appear on this
may combine names of relatives or companions (i.e. "Fluffy &
or deceased okay (Note: 'Death is not natural', but
came about as a result of sin. Those of us who have come to love an
animal know that our love for them does not end at death).
pet names only. Do not include other information besides
what is asked for.
should NEVER submit any pet name that you may use / have used
/ will use / etc. as a password in any system
Here for "People & Animals" Information
Please do
not submit posts already listed or similar to those already
Do not submit posts for others.
Volunteers' Corner (Volunteer
Opportunities) |
religious activities must be Catholic. Do not request
volunteers for any religious activities which are not Catholic
- Request
volunteers only for
Roman Catholic events / activities / organizations, etc. in full communion with the perennial
Magisterium. No activity / event / organization, etc. which doesn't follow traditional Roman
Catholic teachings (e.g.
"modernist", "progressive",
"feminist", "charismatic", anti-Catholic, "new age",
etc. organizations / activities / events, etc.) or which seeks to
have traditional Church teachings changed, or which adheres to /
promotes any kind of
questionable orthodoxy.
not request volunteers for any activity / event / organization, etc.
which is at odds with traditional Roman Catholic teachings or
not request volunteers for any non-Catholic "church"
or for any non-Catholic
"Christian" (or other religious) organization.
posts endorsing "illicit", Sedevacantist, or
schismatic (as
defined by the Holy See) activities / organizations / events, etc.
section is for serious,
meaningful posts only.
not request volunteers for purely recreational,
"Catholic buddy" or "pen-pal" type
activities here. This section is not designed for superficial
matters or for purely social activities, but rather to help
those who are genuinely in need of assistance. Note: If you are
interested in recreational activities, try the MCS
Directory (e.g. "Arts, Entertainment &
Recreation") or the Classified Ads section
(e.g. "Catholic Buddies", Events, etc.). Note that we may reject posts that
appear purely social.
request volunteers for events/activities, etc. held primarily to promote products,
services, websites, businesses, organizations, etc.
requests only.
not offer any compensation for volunteer services. If you are seeking
to hire individuals, consider an inexpensive ad in a commercial
of this site (e.g. "Employment" ads in the
Classified Ads section). Note: If you
violate our policies, all your future posts to
this site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
appropriate volunteer services only. Do not seek donations
or other payments of money, materials, etc. If you violate
our policies, all your future posts to
this site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
You should be
especially cautious about requesting / utilizing the services of
unknown persons. It may be wise to limit participation to
activities/events, etc. occurring
on known, safe public grounds (and
not in residential areas or on other private grounds).
are solely responsible for all tax, legal, etc. implications - and
for all other
consequences - of your volunteer related activities (including
requests for/selection of/use of, etc. volunteers).
Remember that you may be held liable for the safety of (and
for all activities of) volunteers and for their possessions -
as well as for all their actions. Do NOT request/utilize
volunteer assistance if you cannot afford to be
liable/responsible for volunteers, for their possessions, and
for the consequences of their actions. Note that this
liability may extend from portal to portal.
one submission per person / organization / group, etc. per month in this section.
We may further limit
participation on an individual or grouped basis at our sole option. Please
avoid requesting volunteers if a
previous request of yours still appears here. Click here
to view current listings in this section. To search the current listings, click
may allow individual(s), groups, organizations, etc. to
request volunteers here at our sole option.
section is
intended as a resource to help those in need of assistance. It is not
for the discussion of one's sufferings / challenges / personal
problems, etc. Do not discuss particular details of one's cross, causes of
suffering, etc. here. (Note: For
discussion of personal problems, consult a good priest or other
qualified individual.)
not disclose any identifying information (e.g. your name,
specific location, etc.) or personal information that should
be kept private (i.e. personal details, information about one's sins, personal matters, etc.).
Note that you may
select "(decline to state)" rather than include your state.
Remember that you should be careful about all personal
information - even your name! By disclosing any personal
information, you may put yourself and your loved ones at risk.
volunteers only for activities that are lawful and safe.
not request volunteers for dangerous / hazardous activities.
Third party
posts may be allowed under certain conditions. For
requirements & for more information, click
a volunteer request in any way involves/affects someone other
than the person submitting the request for assistance (e.g. a
landlord, a roommate, an employer, a sibling, or any other
individual, organization, etc.), it is considered a third
party request and is subject to certain requirements. For more
information, click
here. Note that if you submit a third
party request, you agree to take full
responsibility for all consequences, actions,
activities, volunteer(s), individual(s), property /
outcomes, contacts/correspondence, etc. for all parties, without
limitation, and without any recourse to us. By submitting
a third party request (including submitting a post or responding
to a post), you indicate agreement to all our terms.
babysitting / childcare related requests.
not submit any divorce, child custody, annulment, or "ex-spouse"
related posts. Note that "single parent" /
"divorced parent" situations are (generally or often) against Church
teachings and are not an acceptable topic here.
Posts which
disparage or discourage traditional families may be subject to auto rejection
and those who submit such posts may be banned from future posting.
posts regarding: investments, trusts, credit
cards, pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, refinancing, wills, legal matters, financial
matters, doctors /
specific health concerns, "miracle cures", "work at
home opportunities", sales/commission opportunities, self-employment
opportunities, or specific products, services, companies,
or organizations, etc.
not request medical, legal, or financial services or advice.
requests for assistance with political activities.
requests for assistance with "personal shopping".
"conspiracy theory", "end-times", or
anti-tradition posts.
posts regarding immoral / illegal, sinful, sexual, illicit, controversial
/ questionable, or other inappropriate / unsuitable topics (e.g.
divorce / annulment related, immorality,
unchastity, "birth control", "family
planning", feminist, anti-Catholic, unchaste, or
anything against Gospel or Church teachings).
saint, pope, or
clergy bashing.
posts involving unapproved apparitions, private revelations, or other unapproved
occurrences / phenomena. (To be "approved", an
apparition / occurrence, etc. must
have official ecclesiastical approval at the proper hierarchical
not include any of the following with your post: web addresses,
phone numbers, postal addresses, political statements. If you
include such information, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. Do not name any business,
organization, individual, product, service, website, event, author,
book, speaker, Catholic material, Catholic church, etc. or provide contact
information (e.g. phone numbers, web / postal addresses, etc.).
If you include such information, your post - and all your
future posts to this site - may be subject to auto
rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding inexpensive advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
not provide any pricing information! Posts containing pricing information
may be subject to auto rejection. If you
violate our policies, all
your future posts to this site (not just this section) may be
subject to auto rejection.
not attempt to
advertise or promote your products / services / website, etc. or
engage in any unorthodox / questionable, etc. activity/discussion/correspondence, etc. If you
violate our policies, all your
future posts to this site (not just this section) may be subject to
auto rejection.
post on this site is independent. Do not refer to previous
submissions (yours or others) with your post. If you do, your
post may be rejected automatically.
activities should be of the Latin
rite only, please.
posts/organizations/activities/opportunities/events, etc. which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven"). No scandalous
interfaith activities or those which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
specific about what you are requesting, but do not
include any company names, organization names, event names, etc.
If you include such detail, your post - and all your future
posts - may be subject to auto
rejection. As applicable, you may discuss such information
privately with interested individuals.
seemingly mean-spirited or politically motivated submissions.
No name
calling or derogatory comments.
to the facts, do not exaggerate, and do not include additional
information or commentary. No editorializing and no
"marketing talk" (e.g. "best ever",
"greatest", "most helpful", etc.). Be
certain that your post is fully truthful, honest, and accurate
before submitting. If in doubt, do not submit. We may verify
any information you submit (although we are not required to).
If any provided information is deemed inaccurate, your post -
and all your future posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
Note: To use "marketing talk", try the
Classifieds section or other commercial
are responsible for learning of and following all legal requirements,
insurance/safety regulations, etc. related
to any correspondence, volunteer requests, selection/use of volunteers, volunteer
activities, etc. Remember that we do not provide legal or tax
advice. Note: Be sure
you do not engage in any unlawful discrimination.
Do not attempt to leave fields
answer questions improperly, or include other information besides
what is asked for. If you don't follow all instructions, your post - and all your
future posts - may be automatically rejected.
is desirable that those who request volunteers here [including
both those posting volunteer request(s) and those responding to
volunteering offers(s)] have a financial need. Regular repeat
requestors should have a financial need.
in this section are in summary form and do not include
all applicable items of interest. Do not
attempt to include more information than is permitted. For example,
if you include a web address or a name, your post may be
automatically rejected. Note that if you do not follow all
guidelines in this section, your post - and all your future posts to this site - may be automatically
rejected. Please follow all instructions carefully.
We recommend that
you include a "final date" to notify users not to contact
you after that date. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee
that you will not be contacted after that time. Note that posts
may appear on the site for a long time and that we cannot honor
requests to remove volunteer requests which are no longer
applicable. Click
here for general timetable information.
posts in English only.
This section is
limited to volunteer activities / events / submitters / requestors in the
U.S.A. only.
Please note that we may place
a limit on the number of posts in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
widest variety in this section, we may limit some listings at our sole option. For example,
if 50 individuals submit requests for rosary making volunteers, we may limit the
number which appear on the site to just a few.
may request more than one volunteer in a single post. For
example, if you need 10 volunteers, you should submit
only one post and select "5-10" in the "Number
of Volunteers Needed" field. Do not submit multiple posts!
must have a suitable relationship to the requestor to submit a
volunteer request
(i.e. work for organization, own the organization, family member,
friend, etc.). Before submitting the request, you must be sure that no one else has already submitted
it. You should
designate one person to handle all submissions for the
organization/group, etc.
we have questions about your submission, your post
may be rejected.
for volunteers for Catholic activities may receive preference. Additional preference may be
given to requests for volunteers for traditional Catholic activities.
that an e-mail
address will be required in order to contact you regarding your
requirements, terms, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we
recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information and we
generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use
on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of
providing e-mail addresses, click
here. Note that if you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you
will be unable to participate in this section. Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response. (Reminder:
Our verification will not ask for personal
information.) Also, at our sole option, we may require submission of
printed materials concerning events.
Utilizing the services of volunteers involves risk. You should be sure to carefully consider all aspects of
volunteer related activities before participation.
Note that we are not a party to your volunteer related activities and
we do not mediate disputes. Participation in any volunteer related
activities (including contacts/correspondence, etc.) is at your
own risk. Click
here for more important considerations regarding volunteer
related activities.
you submit untruthful/inaccurate information here, or if you submit a post containing inappropriate
content, that post - and all your
future posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
early! Long
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. If you are
requesting volunteers for an event, the event should commence no less than one month from the date of
your submission
DO NOT REQUEST VOLUNTEERS HERE. You may, however, request
volunteers in the commercial sections of this site. For example, you may
place an inexpensive Classified
Ad. For more information on classifieds, click
here. For information on other low-cost commercial advertisements,
here. Note: If you are in immediate need, consider
contacting your parish for assistance.
Do not contact
us regarding the status of your submission and do not resubmit.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. Due to space or
other considerations, we may be selective about posts (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear). [Note: If you don't have
success here, you may wish to consider an inexpensive ad in
the various commercial
sections of this site (e.g. Classified
your post was previously listed but is no longer listed, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited to
a short duration. For
timetable information, click here. If you wish your post to
appear for a longer duration than what is standard for this section,
consider our low-cost commercial
sections which may display listings for a month/a year, etc.
You may
pay to include your post here. Paid advertisements are
available in various commercial sections of this site. To advertise in the Classifieds section,
here. To advertise in other paid sections, click
here. For additional
information regarding commercial advertisements, click
that we do not endorse / recommend any
individual(s) / organization(s) / group(s), etc. who may
contact you regarding your post.
We may prohibit posts from certain regions at our sole discretion. We may limit
non-Catholic participation. We
may prohibit any post(s) at our sole discretion.
should be careful not to reveal personal information
unintentionally in your post(s) and other
correspondence. Note that some options may
disclose various types of information (i.e. type of
requestor, your
relationship to the requestor, your religious
affiliation, etc.). Proceed at your own risk. Remember
that any participation [including submitting a
post(s)] is at your own risk. If you do not want to take
such risks (or cannot afford to), you should not
that the following linked pages, as well as the "Add
Post" page, and all
other pages related to this section, are incorporated as part of
the terms of use of this site. You should carefully review all
such pages before participating in this section. Reminder: By
using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Here for Important Information & Tips
Here for Volunteers' Corner: Q & A
Volunteers' Corner (Available
Volunteers) |
religious activities must be Catholic. Do not volunteer for
any religious activities which are not Catholic - Volunteer only for
Roman Catholic events / activities / organizations, etc. in full communion with the perennial
Magisterium. Carefully avoid any organization / activity / event, etc. which doesn't follow traditional Roman
Catholic teachings (e.g.
"modernist", "progressive",
"feminist", "charismatic", anti-Catholic, "new age",
etc. organizations / activities / events, etc.) or which seeks to
have traditional Church teachings changed, or which adheres to /
promotes any kind of
questionable orthodoxy.
not volunteer for any activity / event / organization, etc.
which is at odds with traditional Roman Catholic teachings or
faithful Catholic should be careful to avoid volunteering for any non-Catholic "church"
or for any non-Catholic
"Christian" (or other religious) organization. Although some
may be
seemingly harmless, your efforts may ultimately assist in the
promotion of anti-Catholic teachings/practices, etc.
posts endorsing "illicit", Sedevacantist, or schismatic (as defined by the Holy See) activities / organizations / events, etc.
section is for serious, meaningful posts only.
Do not offer to assist with purely recreational,
"Catholic buddy" or "pen-pal" type
activities here. This section is not designed for superficial
matters or for purely social activities, but rather to help
those who are genuinely in need of assistance. Note: If you are
interested in recreational activities, try the MCS
Directory (e.g. "Arts, Entertainment &
Recreation") or the Classified Ads section
(e.g. "Catholic Buddies", Events, etc.). Note that we may reject posts that
appear purely social.
volunteer for events/activities, etc. held primarily to promote products,
services, websites, businesses, organizations, etc.
offers only.
not request or accept any payment or other benefit for your volunteer
services. If you are seeking employment or other money
making opportunities, consider an inexpensive ad in a commercial
of this site (e.g. "Wanted" ads in the
Classified Ads section). Note: If you
violate our policies, all your future posts to
this site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
You should be
especially cautious about
working for unknown individuals, groups, organizations, etc.
It may be wise to limit participation to activities/events,
etc. occurring
on known, safe public grounds (and
not in residential areas or on other private grounds).
group posts. If a group wants to volunteer, each
group member should submit their own individual post.
are responsible for any tax implications - and for all other
consequences - of your volunteer related activities.
one submission per person, per month in this section. We may further limit
participation on an individual or grouped basis at our sole option. Please
do not submit an offer to volunteer if a
previous offer of yours still appears here. Note: Before
submitting your post, make sure no previous volunteer offers
of yours appear. Click here
to view current listings in this section. To search the current listings, click
not disclose any identifying information (e.g. your name,
specific location, etc.) or personal information that should
be kept private (i.e. personal details, information about one's sins, personal matters, etc.).
Note that you may
select "(decline to state)" rather than include your state.
Remember that you should be careful about all personal
information - even your name! By disclosing any personal
information, you may put yourself and your loved ones at risk.
your volunteer services only for activities you can safely and
lawfully complete.
not volunteer for dangerous / hazardous activities.
No third party
babysitting / childcare related posts.
not offer medical, legal, or financial services or advice.
offers for "personal shopping".
offers to assist in political activities.
mail based volunteer activities.
not submit any divorce, child custody, annulment, or "ex-spouse"
related posts. Note that "single parent" /
"divorced parent" situations are (generally or often) against Church
teachings and are not an acceptable topic here.
Posts which
disparage or discourage traditional families may be subject to auto rejection
and those who submit such posts may be banned from future posting.
posts regarding: investments, trusts, credit
cards, pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, refinancing, wills, legal matters, financial
matters, doctors /
specific health concerns, "miracle cures", "work at
home opportunities", sales/commission opportunities, self-employment
opportunities, or specific products, services, companies,
or organizations, etc.
"conspiracy theory", "end-times", or
anti-tradition posts.
posts regarding immoral / illegal, sinful, sexual, illicit, controversial
/ questionable, or other inappropriate / unsuitable topics (e.g.
divorce / annulment related, immorality,
unchastity, "birth control", "family
planning", feminist, anti-Catholic, unchaste, or
anything against Gospel or Church teachings).
saint, pope, or
clergy bashing.
posts involving unapproved apparitions, private revelations, or other unapproved
occurrences / phenomena. (To be "approved", an
apparition / occurrence, etc. must
have official ecclesiastical approval at the proper hierarchical
not include any of the following with your post: web addresses,
phone numbers, postal addresses, political statements. If you
include such information, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
not provide any pricing information! Posts containing
pricing information may be subject to auto rejection. If
you violate our policies, all your future posts to this
site (not just this section) may be subject to auto rejection.
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website, etc. Do not name any business,
organization, individual, product, service, website, event, author,
book, speaker, Catholic material, Catholic church, etc. or provide contact
information (e.g. phone numbers, web / postal addresses, etc.).
If you include such information, your post - and all your
future posts to this site - may be subject to auto
rejection. (Instead, click
here for information regarding inexpensive advertising in the commercial
of this site.)
corresponding/conducting volunteer work, etc., do not attempt to
advertise or promote your products / services / website, etc. or
engage in any unorthodox / questionable, etc. discussion. If you
violate our policies, all your
future posts to this site (not just this section) may be subject to
auto rejection.
activities should be of the Latin
rite only, please.
posts/activities, etc. which advocate religious indifferentism (i.e. dangerous
errors such as "all religions are equally good" or
"all good people go to heaven"). No scandalous
interfaith activities or those which promote or are otherwise
favorable towards non-Catholic religions.
specific about what you are offering, but do not
include any company names, organization names, event names, etc.
If you include such detail, your post - and all your future
posts - may be subject to auto
rejection. As applicable, you may discuss such information
privately with interested individuals.
seemingly mean-spirited or politically motivated
No name
calling or derogatory comments.
to the facts, do not exaggerate, and do not include additional
information or commentary. No editorializing and no
"marketing talk" (e.g. "best ever",
"greatest", "most complete", etc.). Be
certain that your post is fully truthful, honest, and accurate
before submitting. If in doubt, do not submit. We may verify
any information you submit (although we are not required to).
If any provided information is deemed inaccurate, your post -
and all your future posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
Note: To use "marketing talk", try the
Classifieds section or other commercial
are responsible for learning of and following all legal
requirements, insurance/safety regulations, etc. related to
any correspondence, offers to volunteer, volunteering activities, etc. Remember that we do not provide legal
or tax advice. Note: Be sure
you do not engage in any unlawful discrimination.
Do not attempt to leave fields
answer questions improperly, or include other information besides
what is asked for. If you don't follow all instructions, your post - and all your
future posts - may be automatically rejected. Posts
are in summary form and do not include
all applicable items of interest. Do not
attempt to include more information than is permitted. For example,
if you include a web address or a name, your post may be
automatically rejected. Note that if you do not follow all
guidelines in this section, your post - and all your future
posts to this site - may be automatically rejected. Please
follow all instructions carefully.
We recommend that
you include a "final date" to notify users not to contact
you after that date. Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee
that you will not be contacted after that time. Note that posts
may appear on the site for a long time and that we cannot honor
requests to remove volunteer offers which are no longer
applicable. Click
here for general timetable information.
posts in English only.
This section is
limited to those wishing to volunteer in the
U.S.A. only.
Please note that we may place
a limit on the number of posts in this section. Should
this occur, new posts may not appear on the site or may
appear at a later time.
widest variety in this section, we may limit some listings at our sole option. For example,
if 50 individuals submit offers to volunteer for rosary making, we may limit the
number which appear on the site to just a few.
may offer to volunteer for a variety of activities in a single post
if they are of the same type (e.g. e-mail, phone, etc.). For
example, if you want to volunteer to give sewing or
gardening advice via e-mail, you should submit
only one post and indicate that you are willing to give advice on either matter.
Do not submit multiple posts!
we have questions about your submission, your post
may be rejected.
to volunteer for Catholic activities may receive preference. Additional preference may be
given to traditional Catholic activities.
that an e-mail
address will be required in order to contact you regarding your availability, terms, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we
recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information and we
generally recommend that you obtain a special e-mail account for use
on this site. For additional considerations regarding the risks of
providing e-mail addresses, click
here. Note that if you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you
will be unable to participate in this section. Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response.
Our verification will not ask for personal
Volunteering involves risk and you should be sure to carefully consider all aspects of
volunteering before participating in any contact / volunteer activity, etc.
Note that we are not a party to your volunteering and
we do not mediate disputes. All participation (including
contacts/correspondence, etc.)
is at your own risk. Click
here for more important considerations regarding
you submit untruthful/inaccurate information here, or if you submit a post containing inappropriate
content, that post - and all your
future posts to this site - may be subject to auto rejection.
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Do not contact
us regarding the status of your submission and do not resubmit.
we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will appear on
the site. If your post does not appear, do not resubmit. If it does
appear on the site, there is no guarantee when it will appear, how
long it will last, what details will be displayed, etc. We may
reject posts for any reason, or even for no reason. Due to space or
other considerations, we may be selective about posts (thus, even
suitable posts may not appear).
your post was previously listed but is no longer listed, do not
re-submit it. Posts appearing in this section may be limited to
a short duration. For
timetable information, click here. If you wish your post to
appear for a longer duration than what is standard for this section,
consider our low-cost commercial
sections which may display listings for a month/a year, etc.
You may
pay to include your post here. Paid advertisements are
available in various commercial sections of this site. To advertise in the Classifieds section, click
here. To advertise in other paid sections, click
here. For additional
information regarding commercial advertisements, click
that we do not endorse / recommend any
individual(s) / organization(s) / group(s), etc. who may
contact you regarding your post.
We may prohibit posts from certain regions at our sole discretion. We may limit
non-Catholic participation. We
may prohibit any post(s) at our sole discretion. Reminder:
should be careful not to reveal personal information
unintentionally in your post(s) and other
correspondence. Note that some options may
disclose various types of information (i.e. your
availability, your previous experience, your religious
affiliation, etc.). Proceed at your own risk. Remember
that any participation [including submitting a
post(s)] is at your own risk. If you do not want to take
such risks (or cannot afford to), you should not
that the following linked pages, as well as the "Add
post" page, and all
other pages related to this section, are incorporated as part of
the terms of use of this site. You should carefully review all
such pages before participating in this section. Reminder: By
using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Here for Important Information & Tips
Here for Volunteers' Corner: Q & A
Why I Love Being Catholic |
Post" option is for Roman Catholics only.
section is for serious, meaningful posts. Irreverent, superficial
("I like being Catholic because Fr. Bob gives a funny
homily", etc.),
or otherwise inappropriate posts may be subject to automatic
section is an antithesis to the
popular Catholic-bashing in the media. We obviously love the
Catholic Church due to Her divine origination and life-giving power,
but there are also many other subtle gifts and blessings - and
not-so-subtle gifts & blessings - given by the Church (i.e. good
examples, guidance, spiritual tools, doctrines, sacramentals, etc.).
This section is designed primarily to discuss these types of gifts
and blessings.
Submit only items in full
communion with the Holy
section is not for good news about the Catholic Church. To
add a post regarding good news about the Catholic Church, click here.
Limit one submission per person, per item.
Please do not submit items
already listed or similar to those already submitted.
Do not submit
copyright protected material. |
Notes: Above excludes commercial areas. Items above
relate to "Add" pages for user posts. Items herein are not comprehensive.
See "Add Post" pages for more detailed instructions regarding
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may also apply to other section(s). Also note that the fact that the
absence of any particular guideline(s) in section(s) above does not
necessarily mean it doesn't apply (for example, some items above may
indicate "do not submit copyright protected material", while
others do not indicate this - however this guideline applies to all
sections). Finally, note that all
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