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  1. Review all information and links below.

  2. Print & complete this worksheet (if you need assistance answering the questions, ask your parish priest).

  3. Return to the site & complete the online form [either go to or visit and select the "Church Talk" link on the side bar and then choose the "Add" option ("Tell About a 'Favorite' Roman Catholic Church")].

Worksheet Notes:

  1. The worksheet below may not contain all fields that appear on the online form.
  2. Fields below may differ from the online form.

  3. Items in Courier text may appear as drop downs on the online form.

  4. This page does not contain all necessary information regarding this section (see links herein and on the online form for additional information).

  5. All items subject to change without notice.

  6. When you transfer your answers from this form to the online form, be sure all questions and options match what appears here. If they differ, go by our questions/options on the online form.

  7. Be sure to read all information and follow all links on the online form.

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Important: If these items are disregarded, your posts may be rejected and  future submissions may be subject to automatic rejection. Please review all links above before submitting your post.


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Notice: We would appreciate receiving a copy of your parish bulletin. Please send it to: Attn: FRCC Bulletins/MCS, B.F.S., P.O. Box 4292, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-4292. Thank you!

Church Information...

Reminder: Select "N/A" if you do not know the answers to questions below (where applicable).

Church is exceptionally... (select one)*

Select One: Exceptionally Reverent & Beautiful, Exceptionally Reverent, Exceptionally Beautiful, Other

Note: Select "Other" only if church is not exceptionally beautiful or reverent, but has some other particularly special characteristic (e.g. contains a large collection of relics, has special historical significance, etc.). Note that an exceptional priest is not considered a "particularly special characteristic" with regard to this section. Instead, discuss the special priest in the "Special Priests" section.

If the church does not have a particularly special characteristic and is not exceptionally reverent or beautiful, do not submit this post!

In ten words or less answer the following question: Why is this a favorite church of yours?*

Omit names or other identifying information.

Do NOT include any personal information!

Stick to the facts. No superficial / inappropriate comments!

Not Acceptable: "Mass is fun here!", "The seating here is so comfortable!", etc.

Acceptable: "The beauty of this church makes me feel God's presence", "The great reverence shown here strengthens my faith", etc. (Do not use the above examples, instead, include your own comment appropriate to your particular post.)

Full Name of Church:*

Don't omit any words!

Please spell correctly!

Examples: St. Mary's Catholic Church of the North Valley, Holy Family Catholic Church, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, etc.

Note: Do not abbreviate (unless official church name includes an abbreviation).

Church's Street Address:*

Please provide the church's complete street address. 

Please spell correctly!

Reminder: We may verify this information. If you provide incorrect information here, this post - and all your future posts to this site - may be automatically rejected.


Please indicate the full name of the city where the church is located.

Please spell correctly!



Limited to Roman Catholic churches in the U.S. only.

Parish Phone Number (including area code):*

Please use the following format: (999) 999-9999

Parish Fax Number (including area code):

Note: You may leave this field blank if the parish does not have a fax number.

Please use the following format: (999) 999-9999



Pastor's Name:*

Please spell correctly!

Please include full name/title (e.g. Monsignor John Harrison, Fr. Mark Johnson, etc.)

Number of priests who regularly assist here:*

Select One: (priestless parish), 1, 2, 3, More Than 3, N/A

If there is no regular/permanent priest assigned to this parish, select "(priestless parish)".

When was this church built?*

Select One: Before 1800, Before 1900, Before 1960, After 1960, N/A

Select first option that applies.

Any major renovations to this church since 1960?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Size of Church (select closest):*

Select One: Very Small, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large, N/A

This church is best described as...*

Select One: Traditional, Conservative / Moderate, Progressive / Liberal, N/A

What do these options mean? | Why options?  

Is a Daily Tridentine Mass Offered Here?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

The "Tridentine" Mass refers to the old Mass said in Latin (and not the new Mass said in Latin).

Is a Weekly Tridentine Mass Offered Here?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

The "Tridentine" Mass refers to the old Mass said in Latin (and not the new Mass said in Latin).

Is silence encouraged in this church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Amount of women who generally wear head coverings (e.g. veils) in this church:*

Select One: None, Almost None, Few, Some, Many, Nearly All, All, N/A

This church emphasizes the...*

Select One: Horizontal, Vertical, N/A

Select "Horizontal" if there is a community emphasis (e.g. if handshaking / socializing / talking in church is permitted, if kneeling after Communion is not the standard posture for all the able-bodied, etc.)

Select "Vertical" if the emphasis is on God (e.g. holy silence permeates church, frequent genuflections and kneeling, no physical contact with neighbor inside church, etc.)

Is there one or more of the following at this church...?*

* Altar girls (female servers)

* Communion in the hand is common

* Sign of Peace during Mass (e.g. handshake)

* Hand-holding during 'Our Father' is common

* Standing during Consecration

* Standing after Communion is common

* Frequent use of Extraordinary Ministers

   (a.k.a. "Eucharistic Ministers")

If one or more of the above is present at this church, select "Yes" below. Otherwise, select "No".

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Style of Architecture (if known):

Examples: Contemporary/Modern, Gothic, Baroque, Romanesque, etc.

The external appearance of this church is better described as...*

Select One: Simple / Plain, Fancy / Elegant, N/A

Note: Choose closest

The internal appearance of this church is better described as...*

Select One: Simple / Plain, Fancy / Elegant, N/A

Note: Choose closest

Is the altar raised?* 

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: If the bottom of altar is above floor level by at least one step, select "Yes", otherwise select "No".

Does the altar more resemble a table or a traditional altar?*

Select One: Table, Traditional Altar, N/A

Is there an altar rail separating the Sanctuary from the body of the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Notes: An "altar rail" is also called a "Communion rail". The Sanctuary is the part of the church containing the altar, the pulpit, etc. 

Are there any side altars?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: If there is more than one altar (e.g. one in front of the church and one at the side of the church), select "Yes". Otherwise, select "No".

Is the Tabernacle located prominently inside the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: The Tabernacle is an enclosure (typically over a foot tall) which houses the Holy Eucharist.

The Tabernacle at this church is better described as...*

Select One: Fancy / Ornate, Plain / Modest, N/A

Note: Choose closest

Location of the Tabernacle:*

Select One: Front Of Church, Off To Side, Other (Inside Church), Other (Outside Church), No Tabernacle, N/A

Note: If the only Tabernacle at the parish is located in a chapel which is separate from the church, select "other (outside church)".

Does the church have a cathedral ceiling?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: A cathedral ceiling is very high, open, and is usually slanted (or pointed).

Are there any moveable (or sliding walls) inside the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

The front of the church (behind the altar) contains a...*

Note: This refers to the most prominent image, not to smaller images.

Select One: Large Crucifix, Medium/Small Crucifix, Plain Cross, Risen Jesus Image, (no image), Other, N/A

Note: A cross must contain an image of a crucified Jesus to be considered a Crucifix. If there is no corpus (body of Jesus) attached to the cross, select "Plain Cross". If the image of Jesus attached to the cross is a resurrected Jesus, select "Risen Jesus Image".

Number of traditional style confessionals:*

Select One: 0, 1, 2, 3, More Than 3, N/A

Note: Traditional style confessionals are small "boxes" (or "little booths") which (usually) contain a fixed screen and a kneeler. They are anonymous and may be dark and somewhat "confining". Only one person fits in the confessional. (The Sacrament of Penance is done here.)

Number of modern style "reconciliation rooms":*

Select One: 0, 1, 2, 3, More Than 3, N/A

Note: Modern "reconciliation rooms" are more "open and casual". They are the size of a small room and can fit two people (the priest & the penitent). They may contain a chair or a kneeler and may have a curtain or screen. They may be well-lit. (The Sacrament of Penance is done here.)

Seating arrangement inside church:*

Select One: Traditional, U-Shaped, Circular, Semi-Circular, Angular, Other (Non-Traditional), N/A

Note: For fan-shaped, select "Semi-Circular". Traditional seating has pews on both sides of the main center isle that face directly toward the altar. In a traditional seating arrangement (for our purposes), no pews would face the side of the altar or be at an angle.

Type of seating for congregation:*

Select One: Pews (with kneelers), Pews (without kneelers), Chairs, Other, N/A

Note: If more than one type of seating, choose predominant type.

Kneelers inside church:* 

Select One: Kneelers Throughout, Most Areas Have Kneelers, Some Kneelers, Few Kneelers, No Kneelers, N/A

Note: A kneeler is a bar (often padded) - either fixed or fold-down - in front of the pews/seats that the congregation uses to kneel on.

Stained glass windows (if any) mostly contain...*

Select One: Holy Images, Other Images, (no stained glass), N/A

Note: Holy images include pictures of Christ, the Saints, Bible events, etc. Other images include earthy items (e.g. plants, water, wheat, grapes, etc.), patterns, etc. If there is no stained glass, select "(no stained glass)"

Interior decoration of the church is best described as...(choose closest)*

Select One: Ornate, Medium, Plain / Sparse, N/A

This refers to permanent decorations and not banners, signs, etc.

Approximate number of holy images inside the church (not counting stained glass windows and Stations of the Cross):*

Select One: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More Than 10, N/A

Note: Holy images include crucifixes, statues/pictures of Christ, the Saints, Bible events, etc. Do not count earthy images (e.g. plants, water, wheat, grapes, etc.), patterns, etc.

Note that a single picture containing ten Bible scenes would be counted as one holy image for our purposes here. 

How much of the artwork inside the church is traditional?*

Select One: All, Most, Some, None, N/A

How much of the artwork inside the church is modern?*

Select One: All, Most, Some, None, N/A

Note: "Modern artwork" for purposes of this question includes 1960's style and 1970's style (and later) artwork.

Is there a large statue of Mary inside the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Is there a small or medium sized statue of Mary inside the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Total number of saint statues inside the church (not counting statues of Mary):*

Select One: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More Than 10, N/A

Number of holy images in the Sanctuary:*

Select One: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More Than 10, N/A

Note: Holy images include crucifixes, statues/pictures of Christ, the Saints, Bible events, etc. Do not count earthy images (e.g. plants, water, wheat, grapes, etc.), patterns, etc.

Note that a single picture containing ten Bible scenes would be counted as one holy image for our purposes here. 

Reminder: The Sanctuary is the part of the church containing the altar, the pulpit, etc. 

Are there Stations of the Cross inside the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note:  Stations of the Cross are a collection of fourteen crosses (usually with images depicting Jesus' journey to Calvary from His condemnation to His burial). They are usually located on the sides of the church.

The statues inside the church are best described as:*

Select One: Traditional / True-To-Life, Modern / Symbolic / Artistic, N/A

Most artwork inside the church is best described as:*

Select One: Realistic / True-To-Life, Symbolic / Artistic, N/A

Is the Tabernacle clearly visible from the back of the church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Reminder: The Tabernacle is an enclosure (typically over a foot tall) which houses the Holy Eucharist.

Note: If the Tabernacle is screened off (even if it is in the front of the church), select "No".

Holy Water Font Style:*

Select One: Traditional Font(s), Large Basin / Pool, No Fonts, Other, N/A

Note: This refers to the holy water fonts located inside the church (usually found to the left or right as soon as you walk in).

Amount of Votive Candles Inside the Church:*

Select One: Many, Some, Few, None, N/A

Note: Votive candles are large or small candles usually located near statues inside the church. They may be real or artificial candles.

Type of Votive Candles Inside the Church:*

Select One: (no votive candles), Real Candles, Artificial Candles, N/A

Note: If there are no votive candles inside the church, select "(no votive candles)". Select "Real Candles" if the candles are real (e.g. are wax and contain a real flame). If the candles are artificial (e.g. electric), select "Artificial Candles".

Choir Location:*

Select One: Back Of Church, Side Of Church, Front Of Church (left or right side), Front Of Church (center), N/A

Is There a Pipe Organ Inside the Church?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: A pipe organ is a very large (or huge) musical instrument containing rows of large metal (or wooden) pipes. ("If you saw one, you would know right away that it was a pipe organ.")

Does the Church Have a Bell Tower?*

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: A bell tower is a large column-like structure rising above the roof of the church which contains a bell (or bells).

Does the Tabernacle Sit on the Altar?*

Note: For our purposes here, "on the altar" means directly on the altar or directly behind the main altar.

Select One: Yes, No, N/A

Note: If the Tabernacle sits on top of the main altar (or directly behind it), select "Yes". Otherwise, select "No".

The general atmosphere inside this church is better described as:*

Select One: Casual, Formal, N/A

Note: Choose closest.

Common characteristics of a "Casual" church atmosphere: talking/noise, casual dress, clapping, physical contact with others (e.g. handshaking), etc.

Common characteristics of a "Formal" church atmosphere: silence, more formal dress, parishioners facing forward, etc.

Would you say that the church is dominated more by horizontal or vertical proportions?*

(see notes at right for assistance)

Select One: Horizontal, Vertical, N/A

Ask yourself what is most noticeable inside the church - the height or width of the church? For example, if you walk in the church and the ceiling is so high that it seems to reach to heaven, select "Vertical". If the church has very many seats but is not terribly tall, select "Horizontal". If the proportions are relatively the same, select "N/A".

What best describes the physical beauty of this church (from the outside)?*

Select One: Extremely Beautiful, Very Beautiful, Beautiful, Kind of Beautiful, Ordinary, N/A

Note: Choose closest.

What best describes the physical beauty of this church (from the inside)?*

Select One: Extremely Beautiful, Very Beautiful, Beautiful, Kind of Beautiful, Ordinary, N/A

Note: Choose closest.

List any special characteristics of this church (optional):

Do NOT include any personal information!

(e.g. historical significance, relics, other unusual/special characteristics)

Please list the facts only. Do not editorialize. 

Your Information...  

Note: All information may appear on site.

Your Relation to This Church:*

Select the first option that applies...

Select One: Clergy At This Church, Work/Volunteer For Parish/Diocese, Parishioner, Former Parishioner, Occasionally Attend This Church, Have Visited This Church, N/A

Year You Last Visited This Church (if unsure, give approximate year):*

As indicated above, please limit posts to churches you've visited personally within the last 3 years.

Your Catholic Affiliation:*

Posting in this section is limited to Roman Catholics only

I hereby certify that I am a...

Select One: Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic (Traditional), Roman Catholic (Conservative/Moderate), Roman Catholic (Progressive/Liberal)

What do these options mean? | Do you allow "progressive" Catholics to post?Not Catholic? | None of the options apply to me | Why options? | What does 'Catholic Affiliation' mean?

Your Current Diocese (not the diocese for this church):*

For informational purposes. May not always appear on site.

How to determine diocese | Will this be verified?

Your e-mail address:

For informational purposes. May not always appear on site.

(This field is optional - you may put "N/A")

Important: Should you include your e-mail address or put 'N/A'? Click here for assistance

Certification Statement:* 

Do you certify that the above described church is a Roman Catholic church in full communion with the Holy See and that all information provided herein is accurate and true?

If so, enter "YES" (all caps). If not, do not submit this post.

Privacy Statement 

Reminder: Limit one submission per person, per 'favorite church'. Other quantity limits also apply (click here for more information). Please do not submit churches already listed or already submitted. Do not submit untruthful or unverified information. Do not submit copyright protected material. Do not attempt to promote your website, company, products, etc. with your submission. (Instead, click here to review our low-cost advertising options.) Inappropriate submissions, seemingly misclassified or misrepresented churches, off-topic posts or submissions containing symbols, all capital letters, advertising, excess verbiage, etc. may be subject to automatic rejection. More submission guidelines

* Required field

Thank You For Your Participation!


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