Tips & Information for Volunteering
| Offer to
Volunteer | Request
& Information for Volunteering
Notice: The Volunteers' Corner Q & A pages, the volunteering
section tips page, the
page, and the add pages, etc. are all incorporated as part of the
terms of use of this site. Please read carefully. Reminder: By using
this site you indicate agreement to all our terms.
Here for Important Information | Click
Here for Q & A
this site offers you the opportunity to become involved, it is prudent
to take precautions to protect yourself (whether you are requesting
volunteers or seeking to volunteer).
Consider the following:
strongly urge you to protect all personal information! We warn
against providing any personal information (both on this site and in
e-mail & other correspondence). NEVER give out - or ask for -
credit card numbers or personal information such as social security
numbers, driver's license numbers, identification numbers, mother's
maiden name, children's names, pet's name, medical information, etc.
You should also carefully avoid disclosing any identifying information
or personal information that should
be kept private (i.e. personal details, information about one's sins, personal matters,
specific locations, etc.). Note
that even your name is personal information! By disclosing any
personal information, you may put yourself and your loved ones at
Set terms / limits in advance [i.e. time limits, geographical limits, what to do in case of
injury/damage/problem, etc., who pays what expenses (where applicable), etc.]. Be sure to settle jurisdictional matters
in advance.
talking with the other party on the phone prior to requesting/offering
to perform any volunteer work. Remember, however, that if
you provide your phone number, you may receive unwanted or harassing
utilizing a post office box to help protect your personal
familiar with and do not break any applicable laws.
it through - Should you limit your volunteer related activities to
certain locations (e.g. known, safe public grounds)? How can you be sure any
location is "safe"? What actions can you take to reduce your
risk? What do you expect from the other party? How can you be
certain the other party is who they say they are? What will you
do if the other party doesn't perform their responsibilities
properly? What if problems occur? Can you lawfully restrict who
volunteers for you/who you volunteer for? Do you have adequate
insurance? How can you protect yourself / your loved ones / your
possessions / your personal information, etc.?...
materials/tools required? If so, who provides them? What happens if
they are inadequate, lost, misused, damaged, never delivered, etc?
How will they be returned? What if they are never returned?...
you be responsible for all taxes, fees, etc. (as applicable)?
if someone is injured while performing a volunteer activity or
injures someone else?... Who would be held responsible?...
will provide for nourishment?... Where will you park?... Are
restrooms readily available?...
the other party have any special needs or will they require any
special accommodations? Are these acceptable to both parties? What
steps might you be required to take by law to accommodate certain
persons? Can you afford such accommodations?
if you discovered that an individual misrepresented/lied about their skills or previous
experience or anything else concerning their
volunteer request/offer?
if someone offers to volunteer for you because they want to learn more about your
operations (i.e. a competitor)?
you volunteer, will you be held responsible should
something break / become damaged, etc.? What if the other party
isn't happy with your volunteer work? Will you redo it? Will you be
required to pay someone else to redo it?...
you ask for the other party's contact information? Work phone
number? Fax? E-mail address? Copy of individual's weekly parish
envelope?... Should you verify any information? If
you are asked for such information, should you provide it?... Does
your parish envelope contain private information?... Would you
require that items you provide be sent back to you?...
asking the other party for their parish / diocese information. You
may want to request a parish bulletin.
you request a copy of the other party's business card? If asked, are
you willing to provide this information?
that provided contact information, descriptive information, Catholic
affiliation, and other information may be subjective / inaccurate or may change
and that volunteering offers / opportunities / events / activities /
organizations / submitters / requestors / volunteers, etc. may not be as described.
Information appearing on the site is not comprehensive, may omit
important details, and may be the opinion of the submitter.
participating, you should carefully consider how you might choose
volunteers/who to volunteer for... Is it lawful to set an age limit
or require certain physical traits (e.g. strength) or to restrict to
those of a certain religion? If you receive many requests/offers,
how can you lawfully choose? How can you be certain that the
submitter / requestor /
offerer / volunteer, etc. is who they say they are? How can you know
whether or not they are trustworthy and willing/able to do what they
cautious about spending your own money in relation to any
volunteering activity. Even if you have been promised reimbursement,
you may never receive it. Also, never spend the money of others
improperly or
attempt to involve them in any debts.
you receive an expense reimbursement (or a refund of excess
reimbursement), what happens if a check bounces? Who will pay the
bank fees? How might a bad check be replaced?...
should work out a detailed agreement between yourself and the other
party(ies) in advance (preferably in writing). Remember that we are not a
party to your volunteer related activities, and we do not get involved
in your dealings with others or mediate disputes.
section is not intended for employment/sales of services.
Commercial abuses of the volunteering section may cause all applicable
posts to be removed and the party in question may be banned from
future posting on this site. Note: If you are
interested in employment/sales of services, try the commercial
sections of this site.
utilizing the services of volunteers, you should be sure that all
volunteers are capable of
performing all necessary functions, that they understand all instructions, and that they have all necessary
tools/materials, etc.
that we do not guarantee the quality of work of any volunteer.
Before utilizing the services of any volunteer, you should consider
questions such as these... How often will you check the volunteer's
work? How directly will you supervise the volunteer? Does the
volunteer understand what is expected of him/her? Has the volunteer demonstrated
his/her ability to perform such tasks? Should you start the volunteer with
just a few responsibilities at first? What if the volunteer is
unable to begin/complete the work? What if the volunteer
does a poor quality job? What if the volunteer damages/destroys/breaks
should be sure to get clear instructions before performing any
activities and should be sure to have available necessary / adequate
tools / materials required for volunteering activities.
should verify that all volunteer related activities can be performed
legally before participating in them. Do not participate
in any activity/event, etc. which is unlawful - even if you are asked
to do so.
that volunteer requests/offers may contain varying degrees
of truthfulness. We encourage you to independently research
opportunities / requests / offers / groups / organizations / individuals / submitters /
requestors / volunteers / offerers / events / activities, etc. independently before
are warned that some may attempt to abuse this section in various
ways. We are not responsible for any abuses, even if we become aware
of them and take no action (or if we take ineffective, insufficient,
or otherwise unsuitable action) to stop them or to reduce their
occurrence or to mitigate their damage.
Although our goal is for this site to be "safe",
users are cautioned that we cannot guarantee that volunteer
opportunities, volunteering offers, submitters / requestors /
offerers / volunteers, individuals,
groups, organizations, activities, events, etc. are beneficial or "safe".
In fact, we caution that volunteer opportunities, volunteering offers,
submitters / requestors / offerers / volunteers, individuals, groups, organizations,
activities, events, etc. may be dangerous / harmful in various ways.
You should be especially cautious about working for/utilizing the
services of unknown individuals (and working for unknown groups, organizations, etc.) and you should carefully consider how you can
protect yourself, your loved ones, your possessions, etc.
Remember that participation in any volunteer related activities
(including volunteer requests, volunteering offers, volunteering
activities, events, contacts / correspondence, selection / use of
volunteers, providing / performance of volunteer services, etc.) is at your own risk. We are not a party
to your volunteer related activities and we do not mediate disputes.
that we do not endorse / recommend any individual(s) / organization(s)
/ group(s), etc. who may contact you regarding your post(s).
are warned to use extreme caution since unscrupulous people may use
this section for evil purposes. Remember that we are not a party to others' activities
(including volunteer requests, volunteering offers,
volunteering activities, events, contacts / correspondence, etc.) even if
information about such activities is contained on our site (or other
materials of ours), and we do not mediate disputes. By using this site,
you agree to assume all risks and agree to hold us harmless for all
consequences which may occur, without limit.
Additional Considerations:
offers/requests are subject to change at any time without notice. Remember
that posts may appear on this site for a long time, even
if they are no longer applicable. Click
here for general timetable information. Note that we are unable
to honor requests to remove posts which are no longer applicable.
is on a voluntary basis which (unless otherwise agreed) may be
terminated by any party at any time (as permitted by law).
party should be responsible for their own transportation in
connection with volunteering activities.
Participants should verify the locations of events/activities, etc. in advance
and be certain of their safety.
should use extra caution with cash & other valuables.
information is provided by users, is not comprehensive, has not been
verified, may be subjective/inaccurate, is not endorsed /
recommended by us, and
may change at any time without notice. Note that we cannot guarantee
accuracy/truthfulness of any information.
We strongly recommend that you refrain from requesting assistance with
(or assisting in) activities involving delicate / fragile / sensitive /
expensive / sentimental / rare / antique / one-of-a-kind / hard to find
/ difficult or costly to replace, etc. items or near cash/cash
equivalents, easily stolen items, sensitive information, etc. You should
also use extreme caution around vulnerable / frail / infirm, etc. persons.
Note that if you request or offer volunteer services, an e-mail address will be
required in order to contact you regarding availability, requirements, terms, etc. Please note that, for your protection, we recommend a cautious approach to providing e-mail information. We suggest that you use a special e-mail account exclusively for use on this site (e.g. one that you could easily abandon/change should a problem arise). For additional considerations regarding the risks of providing e-mail addresses,
here. If you do not wish to include your e-mail address, you will be unable to participate in this section. Please note that we may verify e-mail addresses provided and require a certain timely response.
(Note that our verification will not ask for personal information.)
you require/provide an expense reimbursement? If so, how much will
appropriate expenses total?... Should a volunteer be reimbursed in advance? If so,
how do you know they will use the funds properly? If not, how can
the volunteer be certain they will be reimbursed?... Should you
remit funds by check or private money order? (Note that a private
money order may better protect privacy.) Do not mail
cash! What if the reimbursement is lost? Who would be
responsible for stop payment fees?... What happens if a check
bounces? Who will be responsible for
bank fees? How might a bad check be replaced?... What happens if you never receive an
expense reimbursement?... What happens if you never receive a refund of any
excess reimbursement?... What if advance expense reimbursement funds are spent
improperly? What if the other party spends more than necessary?...
Should you obtain proof of mailing for expense reimbursements?...
Should you require a signature upon delivery?... Who pays for
this?... Must a SASE be provided for return of any excess funds?... Note:
The total amount of any expense
reimbursements should be modest and should equal (and not exceed) the
actual amount of appropriate costs to be reimbursed. Expense
reimbursements should be in the form of a check or (preferably)
private money order
denominated in U.S. currency. All expense reimbursement arrangements should be specific, detailed,
and agreed to in advance by all applicable parties (preferably in
writing and containing appropriate original signatures).
paying any expense reimbursements (or returns of excess funds) by private
money order to protect your personal information.
recommend limiting your volunteer offers/requests to one at a
We do
not guarantee that any posts will appear on the site or that anyone will receive/provide volunteer assistance.
recommend that you include a "final date" in the
applicable field to notify users not to contact you after that date.
Unfortunately, however, there is no guarantee that you will not be
contacted after that time. Note that posts may appear on the site
for a long time and that we cannot honor requests to remove posts
which are no longer applicable.
processing delays in this section are not unexpected. Therefore,
please submit your post early. Note: Do not
contact us regard the status of any submission.
value of services received may be taxable. Volunteer work provided
may not qualify for a tax deduction (although some expenses may), even if
performed for charitable reasons. Note that you are responsible for
any taxes due in connection with your volunteer related activities
(including volunteer requests, volunteering offers, services
events, expense reimbursements, etc.). For assistance with tax
matters, consult a qualified tax professional.
/ requestors / submitters / volunteering situations / activities /
events, etc. may be harmful in various ways.
You agree to assume all risks of volunteer related activities
(including contacts/correspondence, etc.), without limit.
a volunteer request [including 'volunteer opportunity/request'
post(s) and responses to volunteering offer(s)] in any way involves/affects someone other than
the person submitting the request for assistance (e.g. a landlord, a
roommate, an employer, a sibling, or any other individual,
organization, etc.), it is considered a third party request and is
subject to certain requirements (click
here for more information). Do not proceed unless
you properly meet all requirements.
- Participate
only in volunteering activities you can safely and lawfully
complete. You should not participate in or agree to participate in
any hazardous/dangerous, etc. activity/event, etc., or any
activity/event, etc. that you are uncomfortable about, or in any activities which are beyond
your ability (considering your skills/time available/available
materials/constraints, etc.). You should also be certain that the
location of all events/activities, etc. is safe.
specific about what you are offering/requesting in your posts, but do not
include any company names, organization names, event names,
individual's names, web addresses, etc. If
you include such detail in your post, the post - and all your future
posts - may be subject to auto rejection.
As applicable, you may discuss such information privately with
interested individuals.
not attempt to advertise here or otherwise promote your
products/services/website/organization, etc. Do not name any
business, organization, individual, product, service, website,
event, author, book, speaker, Catholic material, Catholic church,
etc. in your posts or provide contact information. If you include such
detail in your post, the post - and all your future posts to this site (not just this
section) - may be subject to auto rejection. Note: If you wish to
advertise your products / services / website / organization, etc.,
consider an inexpensive ad in a commercial
section of this site.
you participate in this section, you may receive unwanted
communications and/or you may receive or be subject to other
unwanted items (including personal visits, anti-Catholic literature,
harassment, encounters with those who have an intent to harm or
deceive, etc.) and/or others may use your information in ways
unsuitable/harmful to you. Proceed at your own risk.
you are requesting or offering volunteer services, you may encounter
various problems. For example: Volunteers may not be as expected
(i.e. too weak, old, infirm, etc. to perform activities properly);
Volunteers / requestors / submitters, etc. may not do what they say or otherwise
may fail to live up to their commitments; Volunteers / requestors /
may be exposed to insult, ridicule, disparaging comments, etc. or may be
questioned about beliefs, etc.; Opportunities / events / activities, etc. may turn out to
be anti-Catholic or against Church teachings; Persons /
organizations / groups / events / activities / submitters /
requestors / volunteers, etc. may not be as indicated or promised;
Volunteers / requestors / submitters, etc. may break the law, have offensive behavior
or habits, lie, hurt someone or get hurt, argue / fight among themselves
or with others, etc.; Volunteers / requestors / submitters, etc. may show up with
children or other unexpected persons or might not be who they say
they are; Activities/events, etc. may be changed/cancelled even after a
volunteer has traveled by plane, bus, car, etc. to help out; Individuals may
receive differing treatment by volunteers / requestors / submitters,
etc.; Volunteers / requestors / submitters, etc. may
disclose your personal information; Volunteer activities may turn out to
be profit-minded, or otherwise inappropriate / unsafe; Volunteers /
requestors / submitters,
etc. may be led away from their homes to provide
an opportunity for those with criminal intent (e.g. thieves);
Volunteers / requestors / submitters, etc. may smoke in prohibited
locations; Volunteers / requestors / submitters / events /
activities / organizations, etc. may be dangerous or may associate
with others who are dangerous; Etc... Reminder: Participation in any volunteer related
activities (including volunteering offers, volunteer requests,
volunteering activities, events, contacts / correspondence,
selection / use of volunteers, providing / performance of volunteer
services, etc.) is at your own risk. Should you experience problems,
you may attempt to work them out with the other party. As
applicable, you may notify law enforcement or seek other legal
remedies. Remember that we are not a party to others' activities
(including volunteer requests, volunteering offers, volunteering
activities, events, contacts / correspondence, selection / use of
volunteers, performance of volunteer services, etc.) and do not
mediate disputes. You are solely responsible for all consequences of
your volunteer related activities.
advise users to research offers / requests / individuals / opportunities / groups
/ organizations / events / activities / submitters / requestors / offerers / volunteers, etc. independently before participation (including
contacts / correspondence, offering / requesting assistance, etc.) and to use great caution when
participating in any volunteer related activity (including
volunteering offers, volunteer requests, volunteering activities,
events, contacts / correspondence, selection / use of volunteers,
providing / performance of volunteer services, etc.). Remember
that you should not rely on the information here as we
provide no guarantee of accuracy / truthfulness / completeness, etc. You are responsible for
obtaining/verifying all necessary information.
requesting volunteer services, you agree to take full responsibility
for all volunteer related activities [including all consequences,
outcomes, occurrences, actions, activities, volunteer(s), individual(s),
property/possessions, contacts / correspondence, etc.],
without limitation, and without recourse to us. Note that you may be held
legally liable for the safety of (and for all activities of) volunteers and
for their possessions - as well as for all their actions. Do
NOT request/utilize volunteer assistance if you cannot afford
to be liable/responsible for volunteers, for their possessions, and for the consequences of
their actions. Note that this liability may extend from portal
to portal. Remember that any use of this site is entirely at your
own risk, with no recourse to us and that you agree to hold us
harmless for all consequences / damages / etc. - direct or indirect
- which may occur as a result of use of this site (or other
materials), regardless of their nature, without limit. If you do not
want to take these risks (or cannot afford to), you should not
should be especially careful to protect the safety of all those you are
responsible for and for their valuables/possessions.
should be careful not to reveal personal information unintentionally
in your post(s) and other correspondence. Note that some options on
the add page(s) may disclose various types of information (i.e. your
relationship to the requestor, your religious affiliation, etc.).
Proceed at your own risk. Remember that any participation
[including submitting a post(s)] is at your own risk. If you do not
want to take such risks (or cannot afford to), you should not
may not revoke (or change) your volunteer offer/request online.
However, you may terminate (or change) your offer/request (as allowed) by
notifying individuals who contact you that it has been changed or
revoked (where permitted by law and as
allowed under our terms). Note: Those who cancel or change offers/requests
frequently may be banned from future posting on this site (not just
this section).
keep in mind these conditions:
based volunteering only. No requestors / submitters / volunteers /
events / activities, etc. outside the U.S.
may not pay to include post(s) in the volunteering
not compensate volunteers or accept any compensation
for volunteer work.
request/receive/offer/provide volunteer assistance, you must be a
legal-aged adult (no minors) who is able to
request/receive/offer/provide assistance lawfully.
group offers. If a group wants to volunteer, each group member should
submit their own individual post. If responding to a volunteer
request, each person must respond separately.
third party volunteering offers.
party volunteer requests may be allowable under certain
conditions. Do not submit a third party request unless
you meet all our requirements
here for more information). [Note: A third party
request (as used in this section) refers to a situation where volunteer(s) are
requested to assist someone other than (or in addition to) the person submitting the request
for assistance (e.g. a family member, an organization the person
submitting the request works for, etc.) and to situations where a
volunteer request in any way involves/affects someone other than the
person submitting the request for assistance (e.g. a landlord, a
roommate, an employer, a sibling, or any other individual,
organization, etc.).] Note that you must
have an appropriate relationship to the requestor to request
volunteers. If you submit a third party request
[either by submitting a post(s) or responding to a post(s)], you agree to take full
responsibility for all consequences, actions,
activities, volunteer(s), individual(s), property / possessions,
outcomes, contacts / correspondence, etc. for all parties, without
limitation, and without any recourse to us. By submitting
a third party request (including submitting a post or responding
to a post), you indicate agreement to all our terms.
minors may be involved in volunteer activities - either as
volunteers/requestors/submitters/recipients of services, etc. If any minors are
present, they should be carefully supervised by responsible
parents/guardians (and not by volunteers).
risky / dangerous / hazardous activities.
activities involving alcoholic beverages.
exchanging of services for money or for other services or for any
other item/benefit.
seeking donations or other payments of money, materials, etc.
party (including volunteers, requestors, submitters, etc.) may
attempt to sell / solicit anything or otherwise attempt to profit from
volunteering related activities.
promising future employment or other benefits in exchange for
volunteer services. No employment / trial employment related posts!
political activities.
No anti-Catholic, immoral, illegal,
sexual, illicit, etc. activities.
childcare / babysitting, medical, legal, financial, personal shopping,
mail-based, etc. activities.
No purely
recreational/social, pen-pal, or "Catholic Buddy" type
activities. Note: If you are interested in recreational activities,
try the MCS Directory (e.g.
"Arts, Entertainment & Recreation") or the Classified
Ads section (e.g. "Catholic Buddies", Events, etc.).
profit seeking activities! No events/activities, etc. held primarily
to promote / sell / market, etc. any products, services, websites, businesses, organizations,
etc. No "marketing gimmicks"!
"surprise" activities (e.g. cleaning someone's house
without their knowledge/permission). Do not force services on anyone or do anything
without the full and lawful consent of all appropriate
parties. Do not touch anything without the express permission of the
lawful owner!
activities/events, etc. harmful to any of God's creatures.
religious activities must be Catholic. Do not volunteer for -
or request volunteers for - any non-Catholic religious
requests for volunteers for any non-Catholic "church" or
for any non-Catholic "Christian" (or other religious) organization.
Non-Catholics should not request/offer assistance with any
religious activities.
faithful Catholic should be careful to avoid volunteering for any
non-Catholic "church" or for any non-Catholic
"Christian" (or other religious) organization. Although
some may be seemingly harmless, your efforts may ultimately assist
in the promotion of anti-Catholic teachings/practices, etc. [Note
also that popes have positively instructed
Catholics to shun certain non-Catholic 'Christian' organizations, especially
those associated with Freemasonry or which promote its ideals.]
activities /
events / organizations, etc. which don't follow traditional Roman
Catholic teachings (e.g. "modernist", "progressive"
unorthodox, "feminist", "charismatic",
anti-Catholic, "new age", etc.
organizations/activities/events, etc.) or which seek to have
traditional Church teachings changed, or which adhere to / promote any
kind of questionable orthodoxy. Do not volunteer for or
request volunteers for any activity / event /
organization, etc. which is at odds with traditional Roman Catholic
teachings or practices.
posts endorsing "illicit", Sedevacantist, or schismatic
(as defined by the Holy See) activities / organizations / events,
is no guarantee that anyone will receive volunteer assistance, that
volunteers will perform in any certain way, or anything else
about any volunteer, volunteering activity, event, submitter /
requestor, etc.
qualifications, and other information provided by users may vary,
may not be complete, may be subjective/inaccurate, and may change at any time
without notice.
are responsible for learning of and following all legal
requirements, insurance/safety/tax regulations, etc. related to any
offers / requests, contacts / correspondence, volunteering activities, selection/use of volunteers,
events, expense reimbursements, etc. We do not
provide legal / tax, etc. advice.
certain that your posts are fully truthful, honest, and accurate. If
in doubt, do not submit. We may verify any information you submit
(although we are not required to). If any information is deemed
inaccurate, the post - and all your future posts - may be
subject to auto rejection.
user is responsible for himself/herself. Some users (e.g.
requestors/submitters, etc.) may be held responsible/liable for others. We
are NOT responsible/liable for any individual(s) / person(s) / user(s) / group(s)
/ organization(s) / activity(ies) / event(s) / requestor(s) / submitter(s) /
volunteer(s), etc. You are solely responsible for all
consequences of your volunteer related activities.
are not responsible
for any outcome/consequence/effect, etc. - whether direct or
indirect - of any volunteer related activity whatsoever (including
volunteer requests, volunteering offers, volunteering activities,
events, contacts / correspondence, selection / use of volunteers,
providing / performance of volunteer services, etc.).
We do
not endorse/recommend any volunteer request / opportunity, volunteering offer, event,
activity, individual, group, organization, submitter / requestor / offerer / volunteer,
etc. Items which may appear on the site (or related materials) are
not screened / evaluated by us and are not endorsed / recommended by
cannot guarantee that any individual / organization / activity /
event, etc. is as described.
may prohibit posts from certain regions at our sole
discretion. We may limit non-Catholic participation. We may prohibit
any post(s) at our sole discretion.
may require printed materials regarding any organization / group /
event / activity / individual, etc.
our sole option (but are not required to).
cannot guarantee that any user of this site (or other materials) is in compliance with
any/all of our terms/requirements, even if a particular post appears on the site (or other
materials of ours). Note that we
cannot guarantee that any requestor/submitter, etc. has properly followed our requirements regarding
third party volunteer requests (or any other of our requirements). Remember that you agree to
assume all risks, whether foreseen or not, related to all activities
arising from the use of this site (or other materials) [including volunteer requests,
volunteering offers, volunteering activities, selection / use of
volunteers, providing / performance of volunteer services, events, contacts /
correspondence (with
and from others), etc.], and that you agree to hold us
harmless for all consequences / damages / etc. - direct or indirect - which may occur as a result of use of this
site (or other materials), regardless of their nature, without
limit. If you do not want to take these risks (or cannot afford to), you
should not participate. Use of this site is at your own risk.
restrictions may apply.
All volunteering offers/requests, contacts/correspondence, events, activities, etc. are subject to any applicable
laws/regulations, etc.
For more considerations
regarding the Volunteers' Corner, click
here (Volunteers' Corner Q & A). Note that all items herein,
as well as all items on the Q & A pages, add pages, info.
page, etc. are incorporated as part of the terms of use of this site. You should be
sure to read all items, including every question and
answer on the Q & A pages, before participating.
Note that the above is not
comprehensive. Volunteer related activities involve various risks and you
would be wise to attempt to minimize these risks. If you do not want to,
or cannot afford to take these risks, you should not participate.
Remember that we do
not endorse or recommend any volunteer request / opportunity, volunteering offer, event,
activity, individual, group, organization, submitter / requestor / offerer /
volunteer, etc., even if
information about the volunteer request / opportunity, volunteering offer,
event, activity, individual, group, organization, submitter / requestor / offerer /
volunteer, etc. appears on
our site (or other materials of ours). We are not a party to others'
activities (including volunteer requests, volunteering offers,
volunteering activities, events, contacts / correspondence, selection /
use of volunteers, providing / performance of volunteer services, expense
reimbursements, etc.), and we do not mediate disputes. By
your use of this site (or other materials), you agree to assume all risks, whether foreseen
or not, related to all activities arising from the use of this site (and
related materials),
without limit [including
volunteer requests, volunteering offers, volunteering activities,
selection / use of volunteers, providing / performance of volunteer services, events,
contacts / correspondence (with and from others), etc.], and you agree to hold us
harmless for all consequences / damages / etc. - direct or indirect - which may occur as a result of use of this
site (and related materials), regardless of their nature.
Even if we are notified of
any problem / issue / risk / abuse / violation, etc. regarding person(s) / activity(ies) /
event(s) / group(s) / organization(s) / post(s) / submitter(s) /
requestor(s) / volunteer(s) / opportunity(ies) / request(s) / offer(s) /
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