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Quotation |
Usury |
you lend money to one of your poor neighbors among my people, you
shall not act like an extortioner toward him by demanding interest
from him." (Ex. 22:24)
not exact interest from your countryman either in money or in
kind, but out of fear of God let him live with you. You are to
lend him neither money at interest nor food at a profit." (Lev.
shall not demand interest from your countrymen on a loan of money
or of food or of anything else on which interest is usually
demanded." (Deut. 23:20)
who may abide in your tent? Who may dwell on your holy mountain?
Whoever walks without blame, doing what is right, speaking truth
from the heart; Who does not slander a neighbor, does no harm to
another, never defames a friend; Who disdains the wicked, but
honors those who fear the LORD; Who keeps an oath despite the
cost, lends no money at interest, accepts no bribe against the
innocent. Whoever acts like this shall never be shaken." (Ps.
minds should not think that gainful commerce can flourish by
usuries or other similar injustices. On the contrary We learn from
divine Revelation that justice raises up nations; sin, however,
makes nations miserable." (Pope Benedict XIV, "Vix
Pervenit", 1745 A.D.)
species of sin which is called usury, and which has its proper
seat and place in a contract of lending, consists in this: that
someone, from the loan itself, which of its very nature demands
that only as much be returned as was received, wishes more to be
returned to him than was received, and therefore contends that
some profit beyond the principal, by reason of the lending, is due
to him. Therefore, all profit of this sort, which surpasses the
principal, is unlawful and is usurious." (Pope Benedict XIV,
1745 A.D.)
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | The
Love of Money | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul | Financial
/ Monetary (Topical Scripture)
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& Selling Justly |
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Serve God and Mammon |
"No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 6:24)
"No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
(Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lk. 16:13)
See: Against
Usury | Buying
& Selling Justly | Fraud
in Commerce | God
Will Provide / Attain For Yourself an Inexhaustible Treasure in
Heaven | The
Love of Money | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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& Business |
1392 Clerics or religious who exercise a trade or business
contrary to the prescripts of the canons are to be punished
according to the gravity of the offence." (1983 Code of Canon
is open to so many vices, since 'a merchant is hardly free from
sins of the lips' (Ecclesiasticus 26:28). There is also another
reason, because trading engages the mind too much with worldly
cares, and consequently withdraws it from spiritual cares;
wherefore the Apostle says (2 Timothy 2:4): 'No man being a
soldier to God entangleth himself with secular businesses.'
Nevertheless it is lawful for clerics to engage in the first
mentioned kind of exchange, which is directed to supply the
necessaries of life, either by buying or by selling." (St.
Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian
in the history of the Church")
See: Collections
/ Alms | Selling
of Spiritual Things / Simony
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/ Alms |
1503 With due regard for the prescription of Canons 621-24, it is
forbidden that private persons, whether clerics or laity, collect
[donations] for any pious or ecclesiastical institute or purpose
without the permission of the Apostolic See or of their Own
ordinary and the Ordinary of the place [where the collection
occurs], given in writing." (1917 Code of Canon Law)
691 § 3 No association is allowed to collect alms, unless
permitted by the statues or necessity suggests it, and then with
the consent of the Ordinary and following the form prescribed by
him. § 4 For the collection of alms outside of [its] territory,
there is required the approval of each Ordinary, given in writing.
§ 5 The association shall give to the local Ordinary an
accounting of the offerings and alms from the faithful."
(1917 Code of Canon Law)
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With Non-Catholics |
are not strangers to life. We are fully aware of the gratitude we
owe to God, our Lord and Creator. We reject none of the fruits of
His handiwork; we only abstain from their immoderate or unlawful
use. We are living in the world with you; we do not shun your
forum, your markets, your baths, your shops, your factories, your
stables, your places of business and traffic. We take shop with
you and we serve in your armies; we are farmers and merchants with
you; we interchange skilled labor and display our works in public
for your service. How we can seem unprofitable to you with whom we
live and of whom we are, I know not." (Tertullian)
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Life |
life must be inspired by Christian principles." (Pope Pius
"Just as the unity of human society cannot be
founded on an opposition of classes, so also the right ordering of
economic life cannot be left to a free competition of forces. For
from this source, as from a poisoned spring, have originated and
spread all the errors of individualist economic teaching.
Destroying through forgetfulness or ignorance the social and moral
character of economic life, it held that economic life must be
considered and treated as altogether free from and independent of
public authority, because in the market, i.e., in the free
struggle of competitors, it would have a principle of self
direction which governs it much more perfectly than would the
intervention of any created intellect. But free competition, while
justified and certainly useful provided it is kept within certain
limits, clearly cannot direct economic life - a truth which the
outcome of the application in practice of the tenets of this evil
individualistic spirit has more than sufficiently demonstrated.
Therefore, it is most necessary that economic life be again
subjected to and governed by a true and effective directing
principle. This function is one that the economic dictatorship
which has recently displaced free competition can still less
perform, since it is a headstrong power and a violent energy that,
to benefit people, needs to be strongly curbed and wisely ruled.
This concentration of power and might, the characteristic mark, as
it were, of contemporary economic life, is the fruit that the
unlimited freedom of struggle among competitors has of its own
nature produced, and which lets only the strongest survive; and
this is often the same as saying, those who fight the most
violently, those who give least heed to their conscience."
(Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno", 1931)
the instability of economic life, and especially of its structure,
exacts of those engaged in it most intense and unceasing effort,
some have become so hardened to the stings of conscience as to
hold that they are allowed, in any manner whatsoever, to increase
their profits and use means, fair or foul, to protect their
hard-won wealth against sudden changes of fortune. The easy gains
that a market unrestricted by any law opens to everybody attracts
large numbers to buying and selling goods, and they, their one aim
being to make quick profits with the least expenditure of work,
raise or lower prices by their uncontrolled business dealings so
rapidly according to their own caprice and greed that they nullify
the wisest forecasts of producers. The laws passed to promote
corporate business, while dividing and limiting the risk of
business, have given occasion to the most sordid license. For We
observe that consciences are little affected by this reduced
obligation of accountability; that furthermore, by hiding under
the shelter of a joint name, the worst of injustices and frauds
are penetrated; and that, too, directors of business companies,
forgetful of their trust, betray the rights of those whose savings
they have undertaken to administer. Lastly, We must not omit to
mention those crafty men who, wholly unconcerned about any honest
usefulness of their work, do not scruple to stimulate the baser
human desires and, when they are aroused, use them for their own
profit." (Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno", 1931)
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | Gainful
Occupations | Making
a Good Profit | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Temporal
Goods | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Trading
is Open to Many Vices
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in Commerce |
merchant who holds a false balance, who loves to defraud! Though
Ephraim says, 'How rich I have become; I have made a fortune!' All
his gain shall not suffice him for the guilt of his sin." (Hosea
in this world men live by buying and selling, and gain their
support by defrauding each other." (Pseudo Chrys, as quoted
by St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church)
"It is manifestly a rule of
justice that a good man should not depart from the truth, nor
inflict an unjust injury on anyone, nor have any connection with
fraud." (St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church)
all contracts the defects of the salable commodity must be stated;
and unless the seller make them known, although the buyer has
already acquired a right to them, the contract is voided on
account of the fraudulent action." (St. Ambrose, Doctor of
the Church)
threefold fault may be found pertaining to the thing which is
sold. One, in respect of the thing's substance: and if the seller
be aware of a fault in the thing he is selling, he is guilty of a
fraudulent sale, so that the sale is rendered unlawful. Hence we
find it written against certain people (Isaiah 1:22), 'Thy silver
is turned into dross, thy wine is mingled with water': because
that which is mixed is defective in its substance. Another defect
is in respect of quantity which is known by being measured:
wherefore if anyone knowingly make use of a faulty measure in
selling, he is guilty of fraud, and the sale is illicit. Hence it
is written (Deuteronomy 25:13,14): 'Thou shalt not have divers
weights in thy bag, a greater and a less: neither shall there be
in thy house a greater bushel and a less,' and further on
(Deuteronomy 25:16): 'For the Lord... abhorreth him that doth
these things, and He hateth all injustice.' A third defect is on
the part of the quality, for instance, if a man sell an unhealthy
animal as being a healthy one: and if anyone do this knowingly he
is guilty of a fraudulent sale, and the sale, in consequence, is
illicit. In all these cases not only is the man guilty of a
fraudulent sale, but he is also bound to restitution. But if any
of the foregoing defects be in the thing sold, and he knows
nothing about this, the seller does not sin... Nevertheless
he is bound to compensate the buyer, when the defect comes to his
knowledge. Moreover what has been said of the seller applies
equally to the buyer. For sometimes it happens that the seller
thinks his goods to be specifically of lower value, as when a man
sells gold instead of copper, and then if the buyer be aware of
this, he buys it unjustly and is bound to restitution: and the
same applies to a defect in quantity as to a defect in
quality." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | The
Love of Money | Making
a Good Profit | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Selling
of Spiritual Things / Simony | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Those
Making or Spending Counterfeit Money | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul | Financial
/ Monetary (Topical Scripture)
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Occupations |
occupations are not a mark of shame to man, but rather of respect,
as they provide him with an honorable means of supporting life. It
is shameful and inhuman, however, to use men as things for gain
and to put no more value on them than what they are worth in
muscle and energy. Likewise it is enjoined that the religious
interests and spiritual well-being of the workers receive proper
consideration." (Pope Leo XIII)
is the business of a well-constituted body politic to see to the
provision of those material and external helps 'the use of which
is necessary to virtuous action.' Now, for the provision of such
commodities, the labor of the working class - the exercise of
their skill, and the employment of their strength, in the
cultivation of the land, and in the workshops of trade - is
especially responsible and quite indispensable. Indeed, their
cooperation is in this respect so important that it may be truly
said that it is only by the labor of working men that States grow
rich." (Pope Leo XIII, "Rerum Novarum", 1891)
"To defraud anyone of the wage due him is a great crime that
calls down avenging wrath from Heaven." (Pope Leo XIII, "Rerum Novarum", 1891)
this life and virtue Christ our Lord and Master is the source and
dispenser. By His example He is at the same time the universal
model accessible to all, especially to the young in the period of
His hidden life, a life of labor and obedience, adorned with all
virtues, personal, domestic and social, before God and men."
(Pope Pius XI, "Divini Illius Magistri", 1929)
the case of an art directed to the production of goods which men
cannot use without sin, it follows that the workmen sin in making
such things, as directly affording others an occasion of sin; for
instance, if a man were to make idols or anything pertaining to
idolatrous worship. But in the case of an art the products of
which may be employed by man either for a good or for an evil use,
such as swords, arrows, and the like, the practice of such an art
is not sinful. These alone should be called arts; wherefore
Chrysostom says (Hom. 49 super Matthaeum): 'The name of art should
be applied to those only which contribute towards and produce
necessaries and mainstays of life.' In the case of an art that
produces things which for the most part some people put to an evil
use, although such arts are not unlawful in themselves,
nevertheless, according to the teaching of Plato, they should be
extirpated from the State by the governing authority." (St.
Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian
in the history of the Church")
See: Economic
Life | God
Will Provide / Attain For Yourself an Inexhaustible Treasure in
Heaven | The
Love of Money | A
Man Unwilling to Work Should Not Partake | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Temporal
Goods | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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Will Provide / Attain For Yourself an Inexhaustible Treasure in
Heaven |
said to (his) disciples, 'Therefore I tell you, do not worry about
your life and what you will eat, or about your body and what you
will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than
clothing. Notice the ravens: they do not sow or reap; they have
neither storehouse nor barn, yet God feeds them. How much more
important are you than birds! Can any of you by worrying add a
moment to your lifespan? If even the smallest things are beyond
your control, why are you anxious about the rest? Notice how the
flowers grow. They do not toil or spin. But I tell you, not even
Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of them. If God
so clothes the grass in the field that grows today and is thrown
into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O
you of little faith? As for you, do not seek what you are to eat
and what you are to drink, and do not worry anymore. All the
nations of the world seek for these things, and your Father knows
that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these other
things will be given you besides. Do not be afraid any longer,
little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for
yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in
heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your
treasure is, there also will your heart be.'" (Lk. 12:22-34)
See: Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | Economic
Life | Gainful
Occupations | The
Love of Money | A
Man Unwilling to Work Should Not Partake | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Temporal
Goods | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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of Advertising / Problems with Advertising |
importance of advertising is steadily on the increase in modern
society. It make its presence felt everywhere; its influence is
unavoidable. It offers real social benefits. It tells buyers of
the goods and services available. It thus encourages the widest
distribution of products and, in doing this, it helps industry to
develop and benefit the population. All this is to the good so
long as there is respect for the buyer's liberty of choice, even
though in trying to sell some particular objects appeal is made to
a person's basic need. Advertising too must respect the truth,
taking into account accepted advertising conventions. If harmful
or utterly useless goods are touted to the public, if false
assertions are made about the goods for sale, if less admirable
human tendencies are exploited, those responsible for such
advertising harm society and forfeit their good name and
credibility. More than this, unremitting pressure to buy articles
of luxury can arouse false wants that hurt both individuals and
families by making them ignore what they really need. And those
forms of advertising which, without shame, exploit the sexual
instincts simply to make money or which seek to penetrate into the
subconscious recesses of the mind in a way that threatens the
freedom of the individual, those forms of advertising must be
shunned. It is therefore desirable that advertisers make definite
rules for themselves lest their sales methods affront human
dignity or harm the community." (Pope Paul VI)
fact the vast sums of money spent in advertising threaten the very
foundations of the mass media. People can get the impression that
the instruments of communication exist solely to stimulate men's
appetites so that these can be satisfied later by the acquisition
of the things that have been advertised. Moreover, because of
economic demands and pressure, the essential freedom of the media
is at stake. Since advertising revenue is vital for these media
only those can ultimately survive which receive the greatest share
of advertising outlays. Consequently, the door is open for
monopolies to develop in the media which may impede the right to
receive and give information and inhibit the exchange of views
within the community. A variety of independent means of social
communication must therefore be carefully safeguarded even if this
requires legislative action. This will ensure that there is an
equitable distribution of advertising revenue among the most
deserving media of communication and prevent the lion's share from
going to those that are already the most powerful." (Pope
Paul VI)
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | Fraud
in Commerce | The
Love of Money | Making
a Good Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Selling
of Spiritual Things / Simony | Temporal
Goods | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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Investing |
if they desire to invest their money, let them exercise diligent
care lest they be snatched by cupidity, the source of all evil; to
this end, let them be guided by those who excel in doctrine and
the glory of virtue." (Pope Benedict XIV, "Vix Pervenit",
See: Against
Usury | Cannot
Serve God and Mammon
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Love of Money |
your life be free from love of money but be content with what you
have, for he has said, 'I will never forsake you or abandon you.'"
(St. Paul, Heb. 13:5)
we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to
take anything out of it. If we have food and clothing, we shall be
content with that. Those who want to be rich are falling into
temptation and into a trap and into many foolish and harmful
desires, which plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love
of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire
for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves
with many pains." (St. Paul, 1 Tm. 6:7-10)
See: Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | Fraud
in Commerce | God
Will Provide / Attain For Yourself an Inexhaustible Treasure in
Heaven | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Temporal
Goods | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul | Financial
/ Monetary (Topical Scripture)
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a Good Profit |
you want to make a good profit, know how to lose." (Br.
See: Buying
& Selling Justly
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Man Unwilling to Work Should Not Partake |
you know how one must imitate us. For we did not act in a
disorderly way among you, nor did we eat food received free from
anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we
worked, so as not to burden any of you. Not that we do not have
the right. Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for
you, so that you might imitate us. In fact, when we were with you,
we instructed you that if any man was unwilling to work, neither
should that man eat." (St. Paul, 2 Thes. 3:7-10)
See: Gainful
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Sin for the Sake of Profit
Also See:
Sin (Topic Page)
the sake of profit many sin, and the struggle for wealth blinds
the eyes." (Sirach 27:1)
See: Against
Usury | Buying
& Selling Justly | Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | Fraud
in Commerce | The
Love of Money | Making
a Good Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Selling
of Spiritual Things / Simony | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Those
Making or Spending Counterfeit Money | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished |
Divine law leaves nothing unpunished that is contrary to
virtue" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and
"greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | Fraud
in Commerce | The
Love of Money | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Selling
of Spiritual Things / Simony | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Those
Making or Spending Counterfeit Money | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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Good Obtainable by Money |
that is God's is obtainable by money." (Tertullian)
See: Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | God
Will Provide / Attain For Yourself an Inexhaustible Treasure in
Heaven | The Love
of Money | Temporal
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of Spiritual Things / Simony |
man named Simon used to practice magic in the city and astounded
the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great. All of them,
from the least to the greatest, paid attention to him, saying,
'This man is the 'Power of God' that is called 'Great.'' They paid
attention to him because he had astounded them by his magic for a
long time, but once they began to believe Philip as he preached
the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus
Christ, men and women alike were baptized. Even Simon himself
believed and, after being baptized, became devoted to Philip; and
when he saw the signs and mighty deeds that were occurring, he was
astounded. Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria
had accepted the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, who
went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy
Spirit, for it had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had only
been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid hands
on them and they received the Holy Spirit. When Simon saw that the
Spirit was conferred by the laying on of the apostles' hands, he
offered them money and said, 'Give me this power too, so that
anyone upon whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.' But
Peter said to him, 'May your money perish with you, because you
thought that you could buy the gift of God with money. You have no
share or lot in this matter, for your heart is not upright before
God. Repent of this wickedness of yours and pray to the Lord that,
if possible, your intention may be forgiven. For I see that you
are filled with bitter gall and are in the bonds of iniquity.'
Simon said in reply, 'Pray for me to the Lord, that nothing of
what you have said may come upon me.'" (Acts 8:9-24)
a spiritual thing is undue matter for buying and selling for three
reasons. First, because a spiritual thing cannot be appraised at
any earthly price, even as it is said concerning wisdom (Proverbs
3:15), 'she is more precious than all riches, and all things that
are desired, are not to be compared with her': and for this reason
Peter, in condemning the wickedness of Simon in its very source,
said (Acts 8:20): 'Keep thy money to thyself to perish with thee,
because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased
with money.' Secondly, because a thing cannot be due matter for
sale if the vendor is not the owner thereof... Now ecclesiastical
superiors are not owners, but dispensers of spiritual things,
according to 1 Corinthians 4:1, 'Let a man so account of us as of
the ministers of Christ, and the dispensers of the ministers of
God.' Thirdly, because sale is opposed to the source of spiritual
things, since they flow from the gratuitous will of God. Wherefore
Our Lord said (Matthew 10:8): 'Freely have you received, freely
give.' Therefore by buying or selling a spiritual thing, a man
treats God and divine things with irreverence, and consequently
commits a sin of irreligion." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of
the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the
827 From any kind of Mass stipend every hint of business or
commercialism should be avoided." (1917 Code of Canon Law)
as religion consists in a kind of protestation of faith, without,
sometimes, faith being in one's heart, so too the vices opposed to
religion include a certain protestation of unbelief without,
sometimes, unbelief being in the mind. Accordingly simony is said
to be a 'heresy,' as regards the outward protestation, since by
selling a gift of the Holy Ghost a man declares, in a way, that he
is the owner of a spiritual gift; and this is heretical."
(St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest
theologian in the history of the Church")
See: Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
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Goods |
said to (his) disciples, 'Therefore I tell you, do not worry about
your life and what you will eat, or about your body and what you
will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than
clothing. Notice the ravens: they do not sow or reap; they have
neither storehouse nor barn, yet God feeds them. How much more
important are you than birds! Can any of you by worrying add a
moment to your lifespan? If even the smallest things are beyond
your control, why are you anxious about the rest? Notice how the
flowers grow. They do not toil or spin. But I tell you, not even
Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of them. If God
so clothes the grass in the field that grows today and is thrown
into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O
you of little faith? As for you, do not seek what you are to eat
and what you are to drink, and do not worry anymore. All the
nations of the world seek for these things, and your Father knows
that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these other
things will be given you besides. Do not be afraid any longer,
little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for
yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in
heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your
treasure is, there also will your heart be.'" (Lk. 12:22-34)
should seek temporal things not in the first but in the second
place. Hence [St.] Augustine says (De Sermone Domini in Monte ii,16):
'When He says that this' (i.e. the kingdom of God) 'is to be
sought first, He implies that the other' (i.e. temporal goods) 'is
to be sought afterwards, not in time but in importance, this as
being our good, the other as our need.'" (St. Thomas Aquinas,
Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history
of the Church")
all solicitude about temporal things is forbidden, but that which
is superfluous and inordinate" (St.
Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian
in the history of the Church")
our mind is intent on temporal things in order that it may rest in
them, it remains immersed therein; but when it is intent on them
in relation to the acquisition of beatitude, it is not lowered by
them, but raises them to a higher level." (St. Thomas
Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the
history of the Church")
"[I]t is not unbecoming for anyone to desire enough
for a livelihood, and no more; for this sufficiency is desired,
not for its own sake, but for the welfare of the body, or that we
should desire to be clothed in a way befitting one's station, so
as not to be out of keeping with those among whom we have to live.
Accordingly we ought to pray that we may keep these things if we
have them, and if we have them not, that we may gain possession of
them." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | Economic
Life | Gainful
Occupations | The Love
of Money | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
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'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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to Christ Through Secular Business |
225 §1 Since lay people, like all Christ's faithful, are deputed
to the apostolate by baptism and confirmation, they are bound by
the general obligation and they have the right, whether as
individuals or in associations, to strive so that the divine
message of salvation may be known and accepted by all people
throughout the world. This obligation is all the more insistent in
circumstances in which only through them are people able to hear
the Gospel and to know Christ. §2 They have also, according to
the condition of each, the special obligation to permeate and
perfect the temporal order of things with the spirit of the
Gospel. In this way, particularly in conducting secular business
and exercising secular functions, they are to give witness to
Christ." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | Commerce
With Non-Catholics | Economic
Life | Making
a Good Profit
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Immersed in Buying & Selling |
among a Christian people spend their time in nothing else but
buying and selling, continuing but little in prayers or in other
right actions, these are the buyers and sellers in the Temple of
God." [Origen ("the greatest scholar of Christian
antiquity" - although he would eventually be excommunicated
and be regarded as a heretic), 3rd century A.D.]
are most desirous that you do all in your power to call back the
faithful to their duty of practicing the obligations and virtues
proper to each one's state in life, since even in our own times
the number is very large who never think of eternity and who
neglect almost totally the salvation of their souls. Some are so
immersed in business that they think of nothing but accumulating
riches and, by consequences, the spiritual life ceases to exist
for them. Others give themselves up entirely to the satisfaction
of their passions and thus fall so low that they, with difficulty
if at all, are able to appreciate anything which transcends the
life of sense." (Pope Pius XI, "Rerum Omnium
Perturbationem", 1923)
See: Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | God
Will Provide / Attain For Yourself an Inexhaustible Treasure in
Heaven | The Love
of Money | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Temporal
Goods | Testifying
to Christ Through Secular Business | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Making or Spending Counterfeit Money |
knowingly makes or intentionally spends counterfeit money shall be
separated from the communion of the faithful as one accursed, an
oppressor of the poor and a disturber of the state." (Canon
13, First Lateran Council)
See: Fraud
in Commerce | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Trading
is Open to Many Vices | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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is Open to Many Vices |
is open to so many vices, since 'a merchant is hardly free from
sins of the lips' (Ecclesiasticus 26:28). There is also another
reason, because trading engages the mind too much with worldly
cares, and consequently withdraws it from spiritual cares;
wherefore the Apostle says (2 Timothy 2:4): 'No man being a
soldier to God entangleth himself with secular businesses.'"
(St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest
theologian in the history of the Church")
See: Buying
& Selling Justly | Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | Fraud
in Commerce | The
Love of Money | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Those
Making or Spending Counterfeit Money | What
Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul | Financial
/ Monetary (Topical Scripture)
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Obligations of Catholic Booksellers
Items are right are not an exhaustive list of
all traditional obligations of Catholic booksellers.
1404 Booksellers shall not sell, exchange, or stock books that by
design treat of obscenities; nor shall they have other prohibited
[books] for sale unless they have sought the required permission
from the Apostolic See, nor will they sell them unless they
prudently believe that they are being approached by a legitimate
[e.g. authorized]
buyer." (1917 Code of Canon Law)
"Should a Bishop,
therefore, after having taken the advice of prudent persons, deem
it right to condemn any of such books in his diocese, We not only
give him ample faculty to do so but We impose it upon him as a
duty to do so. Of course, it is Our wish that in such action
proper regard be used, and sometimes it will suffice to restrict
the prohibition to the clergy; but even in such cases it will be
obligatory on Catholic booksellers not to put on sale books
condemned by the Bishop." (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi
Dominici Gregis", 1907)
while We are on this subject of booksellers, We wish the Bishops
to see to it that they do not, through desire for gain, put on
sale unsound books. It is certain that in the catalogues of some
of them the books of the Modernists are not infrequently announced
with no small praise. If they refuse obedience let the Bishops
have no hesitation in depriving them of the title of Catholic
booksellers; so too, and with more reason, if they have the title
of Episcopal booksellers, and if they have that of Pontifical, let
them be denounced to the Apostolic See." (Pope St. Pius X,
"Pascendi Dominici Gregis", 1907)
See: Buying
& Selling Justly
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Does it Profit to Gain the World and Lose One's Soul |
"What profit
would there be for one to gain the whole world and suffer the loss
of his own soul? Or what can one give in exchange for his
soul?" (Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 16:26)
profit is there for one to gain the whole world and suffer the
loss of his soul?" (Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mk. 8:36)
See: Against
Usury | Buying
& Selling Justly | Cannot
Serve God and Mammon | Fraud
in Commerce | The
Love of Money | Making
a Good Profit | Many
Sin for the Sake of Profit | Nothing
Contrary to Virtue Goes Unpunished | Nothing
Good Obtainable by Money | Selling
of Spiritual Things / Simony | Those
Immersed in Buying & Selling | Those
Making or Spending Counterfeit Money | Trading
is Open to Many Vices
Categories are subjective and may overlap. For more items related
to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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Misc. |
only through her ministers but with the help of the faithful
individually, who have imbibed in this fashion the spirit of
Christ, the Church endeavors to permeate with this same spirit the
life and labors of men - their private and family life, their
social, even economic and political life..." (Pope Pius XII, "Mediator Dei", 1947)
now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we shall go into such and
such a town, spend a year there doing business, and make a profit'
- you have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow. You are a
puff of smoke that appears briefly and then disappears. Instead
you should say, 'If the Lord wills it, we shall live to do this or
that.'" (St. James, Jms. 4:13-15)
investment of rather large incomes so that opportunities for
gainful employment may abound, provided that this work is applied
to the production of truly useful products, we gather from a study
of the principles of the Angelic Doctor, is to be considered a
noble deed of magnificent virtue, and especially suited to the
needs of the time." (Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno",
1931 A.D.)
these studies the Church is not in opposition if the mind
discovers something new; she does not object to further
investigations being made for the refinements and comforts of
life; rather, as an enemy of indolence and sloth she wishes
especially that the talents of man bear rich fruits by exercise
and cultivation; she furnishes incentives to all kinds of arts and
works; and by directing through her influence all zeal for such
things towards virtue and salvation, she struggles to prevent man
from being turned away from God and heavenly blessings by his
intelligence and industry." (Pope Leo XIII, "Immortale
Dei", 1885 A.D.)
who are engaged in producing goods, therefore, are not forbidden
to increase their fortune in a just and lawful manner; for it is
only fair that he who renders service to the community and makes
it richer should also, through the increased wealth of the
community, be made richer himself according to his position,
provided that all these things be sought with due respect for the
laws of God and without impairing the rights of others and that
they be employed in accordance with faith and right reason. If
these principles are observed by everyone, everywhere, and always,
not only the production and acquisition of goods but also the use
of wealth, which now is seen to be so often contrary to right
order, will be brought back soon within the bounds of equity and
just distribution. The sordid love of wealth, which is the shame
and great sin of our age, will be opposed in actual fact by the
gentle yet effective law of Christian moderation which commands
man to seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, with the
assurance that, by virtue of God's kindness and unfailing promise,
temporal goods also, in so far as he has need of them, shall be
given him besides." (Pope Pius XI, "Quadragesimo Anno",
tradesman is one whose business consists in the exchange of
things. According to the Philosopher (Politica i,3), exchange of
things is twofold; one, natural as it were, and necessary, whereby
one commodity is exchanged for another, or money taken in exchange
for a commodity, in order to satisfy the needs of life. Such like
trading, properly speaking, does not belong to tradesmen, but
rather to housekeepers or civil servants who have to provide the
household or the state with the necessaries of life. The other
kind of exchange is either that of money for money, or of any
commodity for money, not on account of the necessities of life,
but for profit, and this kind of exchange, properly speaking,
regards tradesmen, according to the Philosopher (Politica i,3).
The former kind of exchange is commendable because it supplies a
natural need: but the latter is justly deserving of blame,
because, considered in itself, it satisfies the greed for gain,
which knows no limit and tends to infinity. Hence trading,
considered in itself, has a certain debasement attaching thereto,
in so far as, by its very nature, it does not imply a virtuous or
necessary end. Nevertheless gain which is the end of trading,
though not implying, by its nature, anything virtuous or
necessary, does not, in itself, connote anything sinful or
contrary to virtue: wherefore nothing prevents gain from being
directed to some necessary or even virtuous end, and thus trading
becomes lawful. Thus, for instance, a man may intend the moderate
gain which he seeks to acquire by trading for the upkeep of his
household, or for the assistance of the needy: or again, a man may
take to trade for some public advantage, for instance, lest his
country lack the necessaries of life, and seek gain, not as an
end, but as payment for his labor." (St. Thomas Aquinas,
Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history
of the Church")
See: Financial
/ Monetary (Topical Scripture)
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