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Some time after these events, God put Abraham to the test. He called to him, "Abraham!" "Ready!" he replied. Then God said: "Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. There you shall offer him up as a holocaust on a height that I will point out to you." Early the next morning Abraham saddled his donkey, took with him his son Isaac, and two of his servants as well, and with the wood that he had cut for the holocaust, set out for the place of which God had told him. On the third day Abraham got sight of the place from afar. Then he said to his servants: "Both of you stay here with the donkey, while the boy and I go on over yonder. We will worship and then come back to you." Thereupon Abraham took the wood for the holocaust and laid it on his son Isaac's shoulders, while he himself carried the fire and the knife.... When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. Next he tied up his son Isaac, and put him on top of the wood on the altar. Then he reached out and took the knife to slaughter his son. But the LORD'S messenger called to him from heaven, "Abraham, Abraham!" "Yes, Lord," he answered. "Do not lay your hand on the boy," said the messenger. "Do not do the least thing to him. I know now how devoted you are to God, since you did not withhold from me your own beloved son."... Again the LORD'S messenger called to Abraham from heaven and said: "I swear by myself, declares the LORD, that because you acted as you did in not withholding from me your beloved son, I will bless you abundantly and make your descendants as countless as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore; your descendants shall take possession of the gates of their enemies, and in your descendants all the nations of the earth shall find blessing - all this because you obeyed my command." [Taken from GEN 22:1-6,9-12,15-18]

Then Isaac took Rebekah into his tent; he married her, and thus she became his wife. In his love for her Isaac found solace after the death of his mother Sarah. [GEN 24:67]

Now Laban had two daughters; the older was called Leah, the younger Rachel. Leah had lovely eyes, but Rachel was well formed and beautiful. Since Jacob had fallen in love with Rachel, he answered Laban, "I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel." Laban replied, "I prefer to give her to you rather than to an outsider. Stay with me." So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, yet they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her. [GEN 29:16-20]

Jacob then consummated his marriage with Rachel also, and he loved her more than Leah. Thus he remained in Laban's service another seven years. When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, he made her fruitful, while Rachel remained barren. Leah conceived and bore a son, and she named him Reuben; for she said, "It means, 'The LORD saw my misery; now my husband will love me.'" She conceived again and bore a son, and said, "It means, 'The LORD heard that I was unloved,' and therefore he has given me this one also"; so she named him Simeon. Again she conceived and bore a son, and she said, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, since I have now borne him three sons"; that is why she named him Levi. Once more she conceived and bore a son, and she said, "This time I will give grateful praise to the LORD"; therefore she named him Judah. Then she stopped bearing children. [GEN 29:30-35]

Since he was strongly attracted to Dinah, daughter of Jacob, indeed was really in love with the girl, he endeavored to win her affection. [GEN 34:3]

Their proposal seemed fair to Hamor and his son Shechem. The young man lost no time in acting in the matter, since he was deeply in love with Jacob's daughter. Moreover he was more highly respected than anyone else in his clan. [GEN 34:18-19]

Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons, for he was the child of his old age; and he had made him a long tunic. When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons, they hated him so much that they would not even greet him. [GEN 37:3-4]

Then God delivered all these commandments: "I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me. You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or worship them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers' wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation; but bestowing mercy down to the thousandth generation, on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments." [EX 20:1-6]

Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your fellow countrymen. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. [LEV 19:18]

You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; have the same love for him as for yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt. I, the LORD, am your God. [LEV 19:34]

All this you were allowed to see that you might know the LORD is God and there is no other. Out of the heavens he let you hear his voice to discipline you; on earth he let you see his great fire, and you heard him speaking out of the fire. For love of your fathers he chose their descendants and personally led you out of Egypt by his great power, driving out of your way nations greater and mightier than you, so as to bring you in and to make their land your heritage, as it is today. This is why you must now know, and fix in your heart, that the LORD is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other. [DEUT 4:35-39]

'I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me. You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or worship them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishments for their fathers' wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation but bestowing mercy, down to the thousandth generation, on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments.' [DEUT 5:6-10]

"Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone! Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today. Drill them into your children. Speak of them at home and abroad, whether you are busy or at rest. Bind them at your wrist as a sign and let them be as a pendant on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates." [DEUT 6:4-9]

It was because the LORD loved you and because of his fidelity to the oath he had sworn to your fathers, that he brought you out with his strong hand from the place of slavery, and ransomed you from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Understand, then, that the LORD, your God, is God indeed, the faithful God who keeps his merciful covenant down to the thousandth generation toward those who love him and keep his commandments, but who repays with destruction the person who hates him; he does not dally with such a one, but makes him personally pay for it. [DEUT 7:8-10]

"As your reward for heeding these decrees and observing them carefully, the LORD, your God, will keep with you the merciful covenant which he promised on oath to your fathers. He will love and bless and multiply you; he will bless the fruit of your womb and the produce of your soil, your grain and wine and oil, the issue of your herds and the young of your flocks, in the land which he swore to your fathers he would give you." [DEUT 7:12-13]

"And now, Israel, what does the LORD, your God, ask of you but to fear the LORD, your God, and follow his ways exactly, to love and serve the LORD, your God, with all your heart and all your soul, to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD which I enjoin on you today for your own good? Think! The heavens, even the highest heavens, belong to the LORD, your God, as well as the earth and everything on it. Yet in his love for your fathers the LORD was so attached to them as to choose you, their descendants, in preference to all other peoples, as indeed he has now done. Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and be no longer stiff-necked." [DEUT 10:12-16]

"Love the LORD, your God, therefore, and always heed his charge: his statutes, decrees and commandments." [DEUT 11:1]

If, then, you truly heed my commandments which I enjoin on you today, loving and serving the LORD, your God, with all your heart and all your soul, I will give the seasonal rain to your land, the early rain and the late rain, that you may have your grain, wine and oil to gather in; and I will bring forth grass in your fields for your animals. Thus you may eat your fill. But be careful lest your heart be so lured away that you serve other gods and worship them. For then the wrath of the LORD will flare up against you and he will close up the heavens, so that no rain will fall, and the soil will not yield its crops, and you will soon perish from the good land he is giving you. [DEUT 11:13-17]

"For if you are careful to observe all these commandments I enjoin on you, loving the LORD, your God, and following his ways exactly, and holding fast to him, the LORD will drive all these nations out of your way, and you will dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourselves. Every place where you set foot shall be yours: from the desert and from Lebanon, from the Euphrates River to the Western Sea, shall be your territory. None shall stand up against you; the LORD, your God, will spread the fear and dread of you through any land where you set foot, as he promised you." [DEUT 11:22-25]

"If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer who promises you a sign or wonder, urging you to follow other gods, whom you have not known, and to serve them: even though the sign or wonder he has foretold you comes to pass, pay no attention to the words of that prophet or that dreamer; for the LORD, your God, is testing you to learn whether you really love him with all your heart and with all your soul. The LORD, your God, shall you follow, and him shall you fear; his commandment shall you observe, and his voice shall you heed, serving him and holding fast to him alone." [DEUT 13:2-5]

That is why I order you to set apart three cities. "But if the LORD, your God, enlarges your territory, as he swore to your fathers, and gives you all the land he promised your fathers he would give in the event that you carefully observe all these commandments which I enjoin on you today, loving the LORD, your God, and ever walking in his ways: then add three cities to these three. Thus, in the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you as a heritage, innocent blood will not be shed and you will not become guilty of bloodshed." [DEUT 19:7-10]

The LORD, your God, would not listen to Balaam and turned his curse into a blessing for you, because he loves you. [Taken from DEUT 23:6]

The LORD, your God, will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, that you may love the LORD, your God, with all your heart and all your soul, and so may live. [DEUT 30:6]

"Here, then, I have today set before you life and prosperity, death and doom. If you obey the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I enjoin on you today, loving him, and walking in his ways, and keeping his commandments, statutes and decrees, you will live and grow numerous, and the LORD, your God, will bless you in the land you are entering to occupy. If, however, you turn away your hearts and will not listen, but are led astray and adore and serve other gods, I tell you now that you will certainly perish; you will not have a long life on the land which you are crossing the Jordan to enter and occupy. I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the LORD, your God, heeding his voice, and holding fast to him. For that will mean life for you, a long life for you to live on the land which the LORD swore he would give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." [DEUT 30:15-20]

But be very careful to observe the precept and law which Moses, the servant of the LORD, enjoined upon you: love the LORD, your God; follow him faithfully; keep his commandments; remain loyal to him; and serve him with your whole heart and soul. [JOSH 22:5]

One of you puts to flight a thousand, because it is the LORD, your God, himself who fights for you, as he promised you. Take great care, however, to love the LORD, your God. For if you ever abandon him and ally yourselves with the remnant of these nations while they survive among you, by intermarrying and intermingling with them, know for certain that the LORD, your God, will no longer drive these nations out of your way. Instead they will be a snare and a trap for you, a scourge for your sides and thorns for your eyes, until you perish from this good land which the LORD, your God, has given you. [JOSH 23:10-13]

At Samson's side, his wife wept and said, "You must hate me; you do not love me, for you have proposed a riddle to my countrymen, but have not told me the answer." He said to her, "If I have not told it even to my father or my mother, must I tell it to you?" [JUDG 14:16]

Samson rested there until midnight. Then he rose, seized the doors of the city gate and the two gateposts, and tore them loose, bar and all. He hoisted them on his shoulders and carried them to the top of the ridge opposite Hebron. After that he fell in love with a woman in the Wadi Sorek whose name was Delilah. [JUDG 16:3-4]

Delilah said to Samson again, "Up to now you have mocked me and told me lies. Tell me how you may be bound." He said to her, "If you weave my seven locks of hair into the web and fasten them with the pin, I shall be as weak as any other man." So while he slept, Delilah wove his seven locks of hair into the web, and fastened them in with the pin. Then she said, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" Awakening from his sleep, he pulled out both the weaver's pin and the web. Then she said to him, "How can you say that you love me when you do not confide in me? Three times already you have mocked me, and not told me the secret of your great strength!" She importuned him continually and vexed him with her complaints till he was deathly weary of them. So he took her completely into his confidence and told her, "No razor has touched my head, for I have been consecrated to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaved, my strength will leave me, and I shall be as weak as any other man." When Delilah saw that he had taken her completely into his confidence, she summoned the lords of the Philistines, saying, "Come up this time, for he has opened his heart to me." So the lords of the Philistines came and brought up the money with them. She had him sleep on her lap, and called for a man who shaved off his seven locks of hair. Then she began to mistreat him, for his strength had left him. [JUDG 16:13-19]

Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed is the LORD who has not failed to provide you today with an heir! May he become famous in Israel! He will be your comfort and the support of your old age, for his mother is the daughter-in-law who loves you. She is worth more to you than seven sons!" [RUTH 4:14-15]

[Elkanah gave a] double portion to Hannah because he loved her, though the LORD had made her barren. Her rival, to upset her, turned it into a constant reproach to her that the LORD had left her barren. This went on year after year; each time they made their pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the LORD, Peninnah would approach her, and Hannah would weep and refuse to eat. Her husband Elkanah used to ask her: "Hannah, why do you weep, and why do you refuse to eat? Why do you grieve? Am I not more to you than ten sons?" [Taken from 1SAM 1:5-8]

By the time David finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan had become as fond of David as if his life depended on him; he loved him as he loved himself. Saul laid claim to David that day and did not allow him to return to his father's house. And Jonathan entered into a bond with David, because he loved him as himself. Jonathan divested himself of the mantle he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his military dress, and his sword, his bow and his belt. David then carried out successfully every mission on which Saul sent him. So Saul put him in charge of his soldiers, and this was agreeable to the whole army, even to Saul's own officers. [1SAM 18:1-5]

Saul then began to fear David, (because the LORD was with him, but had departed from Saul himself.) Accordingly, Saul removed him from his presence by appointing him a field officer. So David led the people on their military expeditions, and prospered in all his enterprises, for the LORD was with him. Seeing how successful he was, Saul conceived a fear of David: on the other hand, all Israel and Judah loved him, since he led them on their expeditions. [1SAM 18:12-16]

Now Saul's daughter Michal loved David, and it was reported to Saul, who was pleased at this, for he thought, "I will offer her to him to become a snare for him, so that the Philistines may strike him." (Thus for the second time Saul said to David, "You shall become my son-in-law today.") Saul then ordered his servants to speak to David privately and to say: "The king is fond of you, and all his officers love you. You should become the king's son-in-law." But when Saul's servants mentioned this to David, he said: "Do you think it easy to become the king's son-in-law? I am poor and insignificant." [1SAM 18:20-23]

Saul thus came to recognize that the LORD was with David; besides, his own daughter Michal loved David. [1SAM 18:28]

And in his love for David, Jonathan renewed his oath to him, because he loved him as his very self. [1SAM 20:17]

"I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother! most dear have you been to me; More precious have I held love for you than love for women." [2SAM 1:26]

Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba. He went and slept with her; and she conceived and bore him a son, who was named Solomon. The LORD loved him and sent the prophet Nathan to name him Jedidiah, on behalf of the LORD. [2SAM 12:24-25]

Some time later the following incident occurred. David's son Absalom had a beautiful sister named Tamar, and David's son Amnon loved her. He was in such straits over his sister Tamar that he became sick; since she was a virgin, Amnon thought it impossible to carry out his designs toward her. Now Amnon had a friend named Jonadab, son of David's brother Shimeah, who was very clever. He asked him, "Prince, why are you so dejected morning after morning? Why not tell me?" So Amnon said to him, "I am in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister." [2SAM 13:1-4]

Not heeding her plea, he overpowered her; he shamed her and had relations with her. Then Amnon conceived an intense hatred for her, which far surpassed the love he had had for her. "Get up and leave," he said to her. [2SAM 13:14-15]

Meanwhile the king covered his face and cried out in a loud voice, "My son Absalom! Absalom! My son, my son!" Then Joab went to his residence and said: "Though they saved your life and your sons' and daughters' lives, also the lives of your wives and those of your concubines, you have put all your servants to shame today by loving those who hate you and hating those who love you. For you have shown today that officers and servants mean nothing to you. Indeed I am now certain that if Absalom were alive today and all of us dead, you would think that more suitable." [2SAM 19:5-7]

He rescued me from my mighty enemy, from my foes, who were too powerful for me. They attacked me on my day of calamity, but the LORD came to my support. He set me free in the open, and rescued me, because he loves me. [2SAM 22:18-20]

Solomon loved the LORD, and obeyed the statutes of his father David [Taken from 1KGS 3:3]

[The queen of Sheba said:] "Blessed be the LORD, your God, whom it has pleased to place you [Solomon] on the throne of Israel. In his enduring love for Israel, the LORD has made you king to carry out judgment and justice." [1KGS 10:9]

King Solomon loved many foreign women besides the daughter of Pharaoh (Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites), from nations with which the LORD had forbidden the Israelites to intermarry, "because," he said, "they will turn your hearts to their gods." But Solomon fell in love with them. He had seven hundred wives of princely rank and three hundred concubines, and his wives turned his heart. When Solomon was old his wives had turned his heart to strange gods, and his heart was not entirely with the LORD, his God, as the heart of his father David had been. By adoring Astarte, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Milcom, the idol of the Ammonites, Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not follow him unreservedly as his father David had done... The LORD, therefore, became angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice [1KGS 11:1-6,9]

Huram, king of Tyre, wrote an answer which he sent to Solomon: "Because the LORD loves his people, he has placed you over them as king." [2CHRON 2:10]

"Blessed be the LORD, your God, who has been so pleased with you as to place you on his throne as king for the LORD, your God. Because your God has so loved Israel as to will to make it last forever, he has appointed you over them as king to administer right and justice." [2CHRON 9:8]

Rehoboam loved Maacah, daughter of Absalom, more than all his other wives and concubines; he had taken eighteen wives and sixty concubines, and he fathered twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters. [2CHRON 11:21]

Jehu the seer, son of Hanani, met King Jehoshaphat and said to him: "Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? For this reason, wrath is upon you from the LORD." [2CHRON 19:2]

Moreover, Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate, and at the Angle, and he fortified them. He built towers in the desert and dug numerous cisterns, for he had many cattle. He had plowmen in the foothills and the plains, and vinedressers in the highlands and the garden land. He was a lover of the soil. [2CHRON 26:9-10]

When I heard this report, I began to weep and continued mourning for several days; I fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. I prayed: "O LORD, God of heaven, great and awesome God, you who preserve your covenant of mercy toward those who love you and keep your commandments, may your ear be attentive, and your eyes open, to heed the prayer which I, your servant, now offer in your presence day and night for your servants the Israelites, confessing the sins which we of Israel have committed against you, I and my father's house included." [NEH 1:4-6]

Did not Solomon, the king of Israel, sin because of them? Though among the many nations there was no king like him, and though he was beloved of his God and God had made him king over all Israel, yet even he was made to sin by foreign women. [NEH 13:26]

That day she was deeply grieved in spirit. She went in tears to an upstairs room in her father's house with the intention of hanging herself. But she reconsidered, saying to herself: "No! People would level this insult against my father: 'You had only one beloved daughter, but she hanged herself because of ill fortune!' And thus would I cause my father in his old age to go down to the nether world laden with sorrow. It is far better for me not to hang myself, but to beg the Lord to have me die, so that I need no longer live to hear such insults." [TOBIT 3:10]

Therefore, my son, love your kinsmen. Do not be so proudhearted toward your kinsmen, the sons and daughters of your people, as to refuse to take a wife for yourself from among them. For in such arrogance there is ruin and great disorder. Likewise, in worthlessness there is decay and dire poverty, for worthlessness is the mother of famine. [TOBIT 4:13]

Tobit reassured her: "Have no such thought. Our son will leave in good health and come back to us in good health. Your own eyes will see the day when he returns to you safe and sound. So, no such thought; do not worry about them, my love. For a good angel will go with him, his journey will be successful, and he will return unharmed." [TOBIT 5:21-22]

"[Sarah's] father's estate is rightfully yours to inherit. Now the girl is sensible, courageous, and very beautiful; and her father loves her dearly." [Taken from TOBIT 6:12]

Tobiah objected, however: "Brother Azariah, I have heard that this woman has already been married seven times, and that her husbands died in their bridal chambers. On the very night they approached her, they dropped dead. And I have heard it said that it was a demon who killed them. So now I too am afraid of this demon. Because he loves her, he does not harm her; but he does slay any man who wishes to come close to her. I am my father's only child. If I should die, I would bring my father and mother down to their grave in sorrow over me. And they have no other son to bury them!" Raphael said to him: "Do you not remember your father's orders? He commanded you to marry a woman from your own family. So now listen to me, brother; do not give another thought to this demon, but marry Sarah. I know that tonight you shall have her for your wife... Beg the Lord of heaven to show you mercy and grant you deliverance. But do not be afraid, for she was set apart for you before the world existed. You will save her, and she will go with you. And I suppose that you will have children by her, who will take the place of brothers for you. So do not worry." When Tobiah heard Raphael say that she was his kinswoman, of his own family's lineage, he fell deeply in love with her, and his heart became set on her. [Taken from TOBIT 6:14-16,18]

"I have given her in marriage to seven men, all of whom were kinsmen of ours, and all died on the very night they approached her. But now, son, eat and drink. I am sure the Lord will look after you both." Tobiah answered, "I will eat or drink nothing until you set aside what belongs to me." Raguel said to him: "I will do it. She is yours according to the decree of the Book of Moses. Your marriage to her has been decided in heaven! Take your kinswoman; from now on you are her love, and she is your beloved. She is yours today and ever after. And tonight, son, may the Lord of heaven prosper you both. May he grant you mercy and peace." [TOBIT 7:11]

When the girl's parents left the bedroom and closed the door behind them, Tobiah arose from bed and said to his wife, "My love, get up. Let us pray and beg our Lord to have mercy on us and to grant us deliverance." [TOBIT 8:4]

"Take, to begin with, half of whatever I own when you go back in good health to your father; the other half will be yours when I and my wife die. Be of good cheer, my son! I am your father, and Edna is your mother; and we belong to you and to your beloved now and forever. So be happy, son!" [TOBIT 8:21]

His wife Anna said, "My son has perished and is no longer among the living!" And she began to weep aloud and to wail over her son: "Alas, my child, light of my eyes, that I let you make this journey!" But Tobit kept telling her: "Hush, do not think about it, my love; he is safe! Probably they have to take care of some unexpected business there. The man who is traveling with him is trustworthy, and is one of our own kinsmen. So do not worry over him, my love. He will be here soon." [TOBIT 10:4-6]

Then Edna said to Tobiah: "My child and beloved kinsman, may the Lord bring you back safely, and may I live long enough to see children of you and of my daughter Sarah before I die. Before the Lord, I entrust my daughter to your care. Never cause her grief at any time in your life. Go in peace, my child. From now on I am your mother, and Sarah is your beloved. May all of us be prosperous all the days of our lives." She kissed them both and sent them away in peace. [TOBIT 10:13]

Happy are those who love you, and happy those who rejoice in your prosperity. Happy are all the men who shall grieve over you, over all your chastisements, For they shall rejoice in you as they behold all your joy forever. [TOBIT 13:14]

All the nations of the world shall be converted and shall offer God true worship; all shall abandon their idols which have deceitfully led them into error, and shall bless the God of the ages in righteousness. Because all the Israelites who are to be saved in those days will truly be mindful of God, they shall be gathered together and go to Jerusalem; in security shall they dwell forever in the land of Abraham, which will be given over to them. Those who sincerely love God shall rejoice, but those who become guilty of sin shall completely disappear from the land. [TOBIT 14:6-7]

The king loved Esther more than all other women, and of all the virgins she won his favor and benevolence. So he placed the royal diadem on her head and made her queen in place of Vashti. [ESTH 2:17]

The king stretched forth the golden scepter to Esther. So she rose and, standing in his presence, said: "If it pleases your majesty and seems proper to you, and if I have found favor with you and you love me, let a document be issued to revoke the letters which that schemer Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, wrote for the destruction of the Jews in all the royal provinces." [ESTH 8:4-5]

Seeing that the army was strong, he prayed thus: "Blessed are you, O Savior of Israel, who broke the rush of the mighty one by the hand of your servant David and delivered the camp of the Philistines into the hand of Jonathan, the son of Saul, and his armor-bearer. Give this army into the hands of your people Israel; make them ashamed of their troops and their cavalry. Strike them with fear, weaken the boldness of their strength, and let them tremble at their own destruction. Strike them down by the sword of those who love you, that all who know your name may hymn your praise." Then they engaged in battle, and about five thousand of Lysias' men fell in hand-to-hand fighting. [1MACC 4:30-34]

Eleazar, one of the foremost scribes, a man of advanced age and noble appearance, was being forced to open his mouth to eat [unlawful food]. But preferring a glorious death to a life of defilement, he spat out the [unlawful food], and went forward of his own accord to the instrument of torture, as men ought to do who have the courage to reject the food which it is unlawful to taste even for love of life. [2MACC 6:18-20]

When at least nine thousand took refuge in two very strong towers, containing everything necessary to sustain a siege, Maccabeus left Simon and Joseph, along with Zacchaeus and his men, in sufficient numbers to besiege them, while he himself went off to places where he was more urgently needed. But some of the men in Simon's force who were money lovers let themselves be bribed by some of the men in the towers; on receiving seventy thousand drachmas, they allowed a number of them to escape. [2MACC 10:18-20]

A certain Razis, one of the elders of Jerusalem, was denounced to Nicanor as a patriot. A man highly regarded, he was called a father of the Jews because of his love for them. [2MACC 14:37]

Then in the same way another man appeared, distinguished by his white hair and dignity, and with an air about him of extraordinary, majestic authority. Onias then said of him, "This is God's prophet Jeremiah, who loves his brethren and fervently prays for his people and their holy city." Stretching out his right hand, Jeremiah presented a gold sword to Judas. As he gave it to him he said, "Accept this holy sword as a gift from God; with it you shall crush your adversaries." [2MACC 15:13-16]

All my intimate friends hold me in horror; those whom I loved have turned against me! [JOB 19:19]

How long will you people mock my honor, love what is worthless, chase after lies? Know that the LORD works wonders for the faithful; the LORD hears when I call out. Tremble and do not sin; upon your beds ponder in silence. [Taken from PS 4:3-5]

But I can enter your house because of your great love. I can worship in your holy temple because of my reverence for you, LORD. [PS 5:8]

For there is no sincerity in their mouths; their hearts are corrupt. Their throats are open graves; on their tongues are subtle lies. Declare them guilty, God; make them fall by their own devices. Drive them out for their many sins; they have rebelled against you. Then all who take refuge in you will be glad and forever shout for joy.  Protect them that you may be the joy of those who love your name. For you, LORD, bless the just; you surround them with favor like a shield. [PS 5:10-13]

The LORD tests the good and the bad, hates those who love violence [Taken from PS 11:5]

The LORD is just and loves just deeds; the upright shall see his face. [PS 11:7]

I call upon you; answer me, O God. Turn your ear to me; hear my prayer. Show your wonderful love, you who deliver with your right arm those who seek refuge from their foes. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings from the violence of the wicked. [PS 17:6-9]

He said: I love you, LORD, my strength, LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, my saving horn, my stronghold! Praised be the LORD, I exclaim! I have been delivered from my enemies. [PS 18:2-4]

He rescued me from my mighty enemy, from foes too powerful for me. They attacked me on a day of distress, but the LORD came to my support. He set me free in the open; he rescued me because he loves me. [PS 18:18-20]

Great is his glory in your victory; majesty and splendor you confer upon him. You make him the pattern of blessings forever, you gladden him with the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the LORD, stands firm through the love of the Most High. [PS 21:6-8]

All who see me mock me; they curl their lips and jeer; they shake their heads at me: "You relied on the LORD - let him deliver you; if he loves you, let him rescue you." [PS 22:8-9]

You set a table before me as my enemies watch; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come. [PS 23:5-6]

Who may go up the mountain of the LORD? Who can stand in his holy place? "The clean of hand and pure of heart, who are not devoted to idols, who have not sworn falsely. They will receive blessings from the LORD, and justice from their saving God. Such are the people that love the LORD, that seek the face of the God of Jacob." [Taken from PS 24:3-6]

Remember your compassion and love, O LORD; for they are ages old. Remember no more the sins of my youth; remember me only in light of your love. [PS 25:6-7]

Good and upright is the LORD, who shows sinners the way, Guides the humble rightly, and teaches the humble the way. All the paths of the LORD are faithful love toward those who honor the covenant demands. [PS 25:8-10]

Your love is before my eyes; I walk guided by your faithfulness. [PS 26:3]

LORD, I love the house where you dwell, the tenting-place of your glory. [PS 26:8]

I will rejoice and be glad in your love, once you have seen my misery, observed my distress. You will not abandon me into enemy hands, but will set my feet in a free and open space. [PS 31:8-9]

Blessed be the LORD, who has shown me wondrous love, and been for me a city most secure. [PS 31:22]

Love the LORD, all you faithful. The LORD protects the loyal, but repays the arrogant in full. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. [PS 31:24-25]

Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but love surrounds those who trust in the LORD. [PS 32:10]

The LORD loves justice and right and fills the earth with goodness. [PS 33:5]

Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Who among you loves life, takes delight in prosperous days? Keep your tongue from evil, your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The LORD has eyes for the just and ears for their cry. The LORD'S face is against evildoers to wipe out their memory from the earth. When the just cry out, the LORD hears and rescues them from all distress. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed. Many are the troubles of the just, but the LORD delivers from them all. God watches over all their bones; not a one shall be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; those who hate the just are condemned. The LORD redeems loyal servants; no one is condemned whose refuge is God. [PS 34:12-23]

LORD, your love reaches to heaven; your fidelity, to the clouds. [PS 36:6]

How precious is your love, O God! We take refuge in the shadow of your wings. [PS 36:8]

Turn from evil and do good, that you may inhabit the land forever. For the LORD loves justice and does not abandon the faithful. When the unjust are destroyed, and the children of the wicked cut off, The just will possess the land and live in it forever. [PS 37:27-29]

At dawn may the LORD bestow faithful love that I may sing praise through the night, praise to the God of my life. [PS 42:9]

Rise up, help us! Redeem us as your love demands. [PS 44:27]

You love justice and hate wrongdoing; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellow kings. [PS 45:8]

O God, within your temple we ponder your steadfast love. [PS 48:10]

Why do you glory in evil, you scandalous liar? All day long you plot destruction; your tongue is like a sharpened razor, you skillful deceiver. You love evil rather than good, lies rather than honest speech. You love any word that destroys, you deceitful tongue. Now God will strike you down, leave you crushed forever, Pluck you from your tent, uproot you from the land of the living. The righteous will look on with awe; they will jeer and say: "That one did not take God as a refuge, but trusted in great wealth, relied on devious plots." But I, like an olive tree in the house of God, trust in God's faithful love forever. I will praise you always for what you have done. I will proclaim before the faithful that your name is good. [Taken from PS 52:3-11]

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. In you I seek shelter. In the shadow of your wings I seek shelter till harm pass by. I call to God Most High, to God who provides for me. May God send help from heaven to save me, shame those who trample upon me. May God send fidelity and love. [Taken from PS 57:2-4]

I will praise you among the peoples, Lord; I will chant your praise among the nations. For your love towers to the heavens; your faithfulness, to the skies. [PS 57:10-11]

My strength, for you I watch; you, God, are my fortress, my loving God. [PS 59:10-11]

But I shall sing of your strength, extol your love at dawn, For you are my fortress, my refuge in time of trouble. My strength, your praise I will sing; you, God, are my fortress, my loving God. [PS 59:17-18]

Help with your right hand and answer us that your loved ones may escape. [PS 60:7]

O God, when you accept my vows and hear the plea of those who revere your name in prayer: "Add to the days of the king's life; may his years be many generations; May he reign before God forever; may your love and fidelity preserve him" - Then I will sing your name forever, fulfill my vows day after day. [PS 61:6-9]

O God, you are my God - for you I long! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts, Like a land parched, lifeless, and without water. So I look to you in the sanctuary to see your power and glory. For your love is better than life; my lips offer you worship! [PS 63:2-4]

Answer me, LORD, in your generous love; in your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant; in my distress hasten to answer me. [PS 69:17-18]

God will rescue Zion, rebuild the cities of Judah. God's servants shall dwell in the land and possess it; it shall be the heritage of their descendants; those who love God's name shall dwell there. [PS 69:36-37]

My eyes cannot close in sleep; I am troubled and cannot speak. I consider the days of old; the years long past I remember. In the night I meditate in my heart; I ponder and my spirit broods: "Will the Lord reject us forever, never again show favor? Has God's love ceased forever? Has the promise failed for all ages? Has God forgotten mercy, in anger withheld compassion?" [Taken from PS 77:5-10]

He struck all the firstborn of Egypt, love's first child in the tents of Ham. [PS 78:51]

Show us, LORD, your love; grant us your salvation. [PS 85:8]

I will listen for the word of God; surely the LORD will proclaim peace To his people, to the faithful, to those who trust in him. Near indeed is salvation for the loyal; prosperity will fill our land. Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss. Truth will spring from the earth; justice will look down from heaven. [PS 85:9-12]

Teach me, LORD, your way that I may walk in your truth, single-hearted and revering your name. I will praise you with all my heart, glorify your name forever, Lord my God. Your love for me is great; you have rescued me from the depths of Sheol. [PS 86:11-13]

But you, Lord, are a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, most loving and true. [PS 86:15]

The LORD loves the city founded on holy mountains, Loves the gates of Zion more than any dwelling in Jacob. Glorious things are said of you, O city of God! [Taken from PS 87:1-3]

The promises of the LORD I will sing forever, proclaim your loyalty through all ages. For you said, "My love is established forever; my loyalty will stand as long as the heavens." [PS 89:2-3]

Justice and judgment are the foundation of your throne; love and loyalty march before you. [PS 89:15] 

"I have chosen David, my servant; with my holy oil I have anointed him. My hand will be with him; my arm will make him strong. No enemy shall outwit him, nor shall the wicked defeat him. I will crush his foes before him, strike down those who hate him. My loyalty and love will be with him; through my name his horn will be exalted. I will set his hand upon the sea, his right hand upon the rivers. He shall cry to me, 'You are my father, my God, the Rock that brings me victory!' I myself make him firstborn, Most High over the kings of the earth. Forever I will maintain my love for him; my covenant with him stands firm. I will establish his dynasty forever, his throne as the days of the heavens. If his descendants forsake my law, do not follow my decrees, If they fail to observe my statutes, do not keep my commandments, I will punish their crime with a rod and their guilt with lashes. But I will not take my love from him, nor will I betray my bond of loyalty. I will not violate my covenant; the promise of my lips I will not alter. By my holiness I swore once for all: I will never be false to David. His dynasty will continue forever, his throne, like the sun before me. Like the moon it will stand eternal, forever firm like the sky!" [Taken from PS 89:21-38]

Fill us at daybreak with your love, that all our days we may sing for joy. [PS 90:14]

It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High, To proclaim your love in the morning, your faithfulness in the night, With the ten-stringed harp, with melody upon the lyre. For you make me jubilant, LORD, by your deeds; at the works of your hands I shout for joy. [PS 92:2-5]

If the LORD were not my help, I would long have been silent in the grave. When I say, "My foot is slipping," your love, LORD, holds me up. When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy. [PS 94:17-19]

The LORD loves those who hate evil, protects the lives of the faithful, rescues them from the hand of the wicked. [PS 97:10]

Sing a new song to the LORD, who has done marvelous deeds, Whose right hand and holy arm have won the victory. The LORD has made his victory known; has revealed his triumph for the nations to see, Has remembered faithful love toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God. [PS 98:1-3]

O mighty king, lover of justice, you alone have established fairness; you have created just rule in Jacob. Exalt the LORD, our God; bow down before his footstool; holy is God! [PS 99:4-5]

Enter the temple gates with praise, its courts with thanksgiving. Give thanks to God, bless his name; good indeed is the LORD, Whose love endures forever, whose faithfulness lasts through every age. [PS 100:4-5]

I sing of love and justice; to you, LORD, I sing praise. I follow the way of integrity; when will you come to me? I act with integrity of heart within my royal court. I do not allow into my presence anyone who speaks perversely. Whoever acts shamefully I hate; no such person can be my friend. I shun the devious of heart; the wicked I do not tolerate. [PS 101:1-4]

Bless the LORD, my soul; all my being, bless his holy name! Bless the LORD, my soul; do not forget all the gifts of God, Who pardons all your sins, heals all your ills, Delivers your life from the pit, surrounds you with love and compassion, Fills your days with good things; your youth is renewed like the eagle's. [PS 103:1-5]

As the heavens tower over the earth, so God's love towers over the faithful. [PS 103:11]

We have sinned like our ancestors; we have done wrong and are guilty. Our ancestors in Egypt did not attend to your wonders. They did not remember your great love; they defied the Most High at the Red Sea. Yet he saved them for his name's sake to make his power known. [PS 106:6-8]

Many times did he rescue them, but they kept rebelling and scheming and were brought low by their own guilt. Still God had regard for their affliction when he heard their wailing. For their sake he remembered his covenant and relented in his abundant love, Winning for them compassion from all who held them captive. [PS 106:43-46]

"Give thanks to the LORD who is good, whose love endures forever!" Let that be the prayer of the LORD'S redeemed, those redeemed from the hand of the foe, Those gathered from foreign lands, from east and west, from north and south. [PS 107:1-3]

I will praise you among the peoples, LORD; I will chant your praise among the nations. For your love towers to the heavens; your faithfulness, to the skies. Appear on high over the heavens, God; may your glory appear above all the earth. Help with your right hand and answer us that your loved ones may escape. [PS 108:4-7]

 O God, whom I praise, do not be silent, for wicked and treacherous mouths attack me. They speak against me with lying tongues; with hateful words they surround me, attacking me without cause. In return for my love they slander me, even though I prayed for them. They repay me evil for good, hatred for my love. [PS 109:2-5]

May their guilt be always before the LORD, till their memory is banished from the earth, For he did not remember to show kindness, but hounded the wretched poor and brought death to the brokenhearted. He loved cursing; may it come upon him; he hated blessing; may none come to him. [PS 109:15-17]

Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name give glory because of your faithfulness and love. [PS 115:1]

I love the LORD, who listened to my voice in supplication, Who turned an ear to me on the day I called. [PS 116:1-2]

Praise the LORD, all you nations! Give glory, all you peoples! The LORD'S love for us is strong; the LORD is faithful forever. Hallelujah! [PS 117:1-2]

Give thanks to the LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever. Let the house of Israel say: God's love endures forever. Let the house of Aaron say, God's love endures forever. Let those who fear the LORD say, God's love endures forever. [PS 118:1-4]

Give thanks to the LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever. [PS 118:29]

Let your love come to me, LORD, salvation in accord with your promise. [PS 119:41]

Do not take the word of truth from my mouth, for in your edicts is my hope. I will keep your teachings always, for all time and forever. I will walk freely in an open space because I cherish your precepts. I will speak openly of your decrees without fear even before kings. I delight in your commands, which I dearly love. I lift up my hands to your commands; I study your laws, which I love. [PS 119:43-48]

The earth, LORD, is filled with your love; teach me your laws. [PS 119:64]

I know, LORD, that your edicts are just; though you afflict me, you are faithful. May your love comfort me in accord with your promise to your servant. Show me compassion that I may live, for your teaching is my delight. [PS 119:75-77]

How I love your teaching, Lord! I study it all day long. Your command makes me wiser than my foes, for it is always with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, because I ponder your decrees. I have more insight than my elders, because I observe your precepts. I keep my steps from every evil path, that I may obey your word. [PS 119:97-101]

I hate every hypocrite; your teaching I love. [PS 119:113]

You reject all who stray from your laws, for vain is their deceit. Like dross you regard all the wicked on earth; therefore I love your decrees. [PS 119:118-119]

Truly I love your commands more than the finest gold. Thus I follow all your precepts; every wrong way I hate. [PS 119:127-128]

The revelation of your words sheds light, gives understanding to the simple. I sigh with open mouth, yearning for your commands. Turn to me and be gracious, your edict for lovers of your name. Steady my feet in accord with your promise; do not let iniquity lead me. Free me from human oppression, that I may keep your precepts. [PS 119:130-134]

Your servant loves your promise; it has been proved by fire. [PS 119:140]

Hear my voice in your love, O LORD; by your edict give me life. [PS 119:149]

See how I love your precepts, LORD; in your kindness give me life. [PS 119:159]

Falsehood I hate and abhor; your teaching I love. [PS 119:163]

Lovers of your teaching have much peace; for them there is no stumbling block. [PS 119:165]

I observe your decrees; I love them very much. I observe your precepts and decrees; all my ways are before you. [PS 119:167-168]

For the peace of Jerusalem pray: "May those who love you prosper!" [PS 122:6]

It is vain for you to rise early and put off your rest at night, To eat bread earned by hard toil - all this God gives to his beloved in sleep. [PS 127:2]

Praise the LORD, who is so good; God's love endures forever; Praise the God of gods; God's love endures forever; Praise the Lord of lords; God's love endures forever; Who alone has done great wonders, God's love endures forever; Who skillfully made the heavens, God's love endures forever; Who spread the earth upon the waters, God's love endures forever; Who made the great lights, God's love endures forever; The sun to rule the day, God's love endures forever; The moon and stars to rule the night, God's love endures forever; Who struck down the firstborn of Egypt, God's love endures forever; And led Israel from their midst, God's love endures forever; With mighty hand and outstretched arm  God's love endures forever; Who split in two the Red Sea, God's love endures forever; And led Israel through, God's love endures forever; But swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea, God's love endures forever; Who led the people through the desert, God's love endures forever; Who struck down great kings, God's love endures forever; Slew powerful kings, God's love endures forever; Sihon, king of the Amorites, God's love endures forever; Og, king of Bashan, God's love endures forever; And made their lands a heritage, God's love endures forever; A heritage for Israel, God's servant, God's love endures forever. The LORD remembered us in our misery, God's love endures forever; Freed us from our foes, God's love endures forever; And gives food to all flesh, God's love endures forever. Praise the God of heaven, God's love endures forever. [PS 136:1-26] 

I bow low toward your holy temple; I praise your name for your fidelity and love. For you have exalted over all your name and your promise. [PS 138:2] 

The LORD is with me to the end. LORD, your love endures forever. Never forsake the work of your hands! [PS 138:8]

The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. The LORD is good to all, compassionate to every creature. All your works give you thanks, O LORD and your faithful bless you. [PS 145:8-10]

You, LORD, watch over all who love you, but all the wicked you destroy. [PS 145:20]

The maker of heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them, Who keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free; the LORD gives sight to the blind. The LORD raises up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. [PS 146:6-8]

Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the open squares she raises her voice; Down the crowded ways she calls out, at the city gates she utters her words: "How long, you simple ones, will you love inanity, how long will you turn away at my reproof? Lo! I will pour out to you my spirit, I will acquaint you with my words." [PROV 1:20-23]

The discipline of the LORD, my son, disdain not; spurn not his reproof; For whom the LORD loves he reproves, and he chastises the son he favors. [PROV 3:11-12]

"Get wisdom, get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from the words I utter. Forsake her not, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will safeguard you; The beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom; at the cost of all you have, get understanding. Extol her, and she will exalt you; she will bring you honors if you embrace her; She will put on your head a graceful diadem; a glorious crown will she bestow on you." [PROV 4:5-9]

And have joy of the wife of your youth, your lovely hind, your graceful doe. Her love will invigorate you always, through her love you will flourish continually, When you lie down she will watch over you, and when you wake, she will share your concerns; wherever you turn, she will guide you. Why then, my son, should you go astray for another's wife and accept the embraces of an adulteress? For each man's ways are plain to the LORD'S sight; all their paths he surveys; By his own iniquities the wicked man will be caught, in the meshes of his own sin he will be held fast; He will die from lack of discipline, through the greatness of his folly he will be lost. [PROV 5:19-23]

"I, Wisdom, dwell with experience, and judicious knowledge I attain. (The fear of the LORD is to hate evil;) Pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse mouth I hate. Mine are counsel and advice; Mine is strength; I am understanding. By me kings reign, and lawgivers establish justice; By me princes govern, and nobles; all the rulers of earth. Those who love me I also love, and those who seek me find me. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than gold, yes, than pure gold, and my revenue than choice silver. On the way of duty I walk, along the paths of justice, Granting wealth to those who love me, and filling their treasuries." [PROV 8:12-21]

"So now, O children, listen to me; instruction and wisdom do not reject! Happy the man who obeys me, and happy those who keep my ways, Happy the man watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts; For he who finds me finds life, and wins favor from the LORD; But he who misses me harms himself; all who hate me love death." [PROV 8:32-36]

Reprove not an arrogant man, lest he hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. [PROV 9:8]

Hatred stirs up disputes, but love covers all offenses. [PROV 10:12]

He who loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. [PROV 12:1]

A wise son loves correction, but the senseless one heeds no rebuke. [PROV 13:1]

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Catholic Word Search - Bilingual Edition: Latin / English

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55 Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded, Relaxing & Educational!"

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This 'educational & fun' publication is useful for prayerful relaxation, educational recreation ('learn while you play'), becoming more familiar with Latin prayers & hundreds of Latin words, learning or memorizing Latin prayers, increasing Latin retention, and more...

An enjoyable and instructive tool with respect to Latin (the 'beautiful & majestic language of heaven' and 'official language of the Church' - a language 'consecrated' by the inscription on the Cross that helps to foster a universal bond in prayer with Catholics around the world), this publication is suitable for Catholics of most any age.

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BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics

Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

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As many faithful Catholics already know, the majestic Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church – promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious treasure that is the Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"

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