MCS Daily Digest: Help
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Digest: Help
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Daily Digest General Help
/ FAQs /
Troubleshooting /
Disclaimers /
Terms of Use /
/ Comments / Feedback
/ Quick Links:
General Help / FAQs
Terms of Use
Questions / Comments / Feedback
General Help
/ FAQs (click link to view)
How is the
Daily Digest Image Selected?
Are Other Items in the Daily Digest Selected?
How Often Do
Daily Digest Items Repeat?
How Often is the
Daily Digest Updated?
Important is the Indicated Date / Time to the Daily Digest Page?
Does the
Daily Digest Contain 'Breaking News'?
the Daily Digest Contain Readings for Mass?
Is the
Daily Digest Suitable for all Persons?
Is the Daily
Digest Always Available?
What if I
Missed a Day of the Daily Digest?
if an Item Appearing on the Daily Digest is (or seems) Unsuitable
For a Particular Day / Date / Etc.?
You Recommend / Endorse Any Commercial Items Which May Appear on
the Daily Digest (or elsewhere on this site)?
Can I Get More Detailed Information Regarding a Particular
Component of the Daily Digest?
Does "Trad." Mean? / What Does "New" Mean?
Does the Greeting at the Top of the Daily Digest Change?
Does the Daily Digest Contain Information For Both the Traditional
& New (Novus Ordo) Calendars?
Does the Daily Digest Sometimes Refer to Fasting / Abstinence /
Etc. Outside of Lent (and for most of Lent)? Are Catholics
Required to Fast / Abstain / Etc. on These Days?
Does a Message Sometimes Appear at the Top of the Daily Digest in
Red? How Can I Update or Remove This Message?
Are Some Other Things I Should Know Regarding the Daily Digest?
(click link to view)
Blank Columns / Blank Space
Recommended /
Required Field is Blank
Secular Calendar is Blank
Date / Time is Off
Links On
Top of Daily Digest Page Don't Work
Items Are Out of Date
Something Appears on
the Wrong Day
More Information Try..." Suggestion References Page / Section
/ Etc. That Does Not Contain Relevant Information
Daily Digest is Not
Some Text is Difficult
to Read
Error Message
Goes to a Blank Page (or a "No records returned" message
Description Does Not
Match Content
Message Doesn't Change
Problem With Daily Digest Page
Other Technical Problems
(click link to view)
Errors / Omissions / Etc. in the Daily Digest / Consequences of
Using the Daily Digest / Etc.
All Quotations (Including Scripture Quotations) / Facts / Q &
A Items / Etc.
of Use (click link to view)
Digest Terms of Use
/ Comments / Feedback (click link to view)
if I Have a Question Regarding the Daily Digest?
You Provide Me With Additional Information Regarding Items That
Appear on the Daily Digest?
Can You Assist
Me With the Daily Digest?
I Contact You Regarding Duplicate Items Which Appear on the Daily
I Contact You Regarding An Error in the Daily Digest?
Can I Contact You With Comments / Feedback / Error Reports / Etc.
Regarding the Daily Digest? |
Item |
(may be partial) |
- - General Help / FAQs- -
- [?
Summary] |
How is the
Daily Digest Image Selected? |
The main image on
the Daily Digest page (top left) should correspond with the
day of the week [except for certain holiday(s),
e.g. Christmas], in accordance with the traditional practice of
daily dedications / devotions. For more information
regarding daily devotions, try clicking on the image (or click
here). |
How Are Other
Items in the Daily Digest Selected? |
may be "selected" (or rather,
"assigned") in a variety of ways. For example:
Items may be randomly (or 'semi-randomly') assigned [Note:
Outside of certain holidays / feasts / etc., most
items on the Daily Digest may be 'semi-randomly' assigned
& cyclical (or somewhat cyclical).]
Items may be assigned based on a certain date / feast /
season / day of week / etc.
Items may be specially designated for a certain particular
feast(s) / date(s) / etc.
that items may be assigned in "cycles" (specified
or 'randomized') or "approximate cycles".
is important to note that:
Component(s) of the Daily Digest may or may not be selected
for specific days. It is possible, therefore, that some
items may appear which seem unsuitable for a feast or due to
current circumstances within the Church (or in the nation /
world). We regret any such unfortunate occurrences and
remind you that: (1) it is not our desire for any such
suitable items to appear, and (2) that their appearance may
have no connection whatsoever with current events /
situations / etc.
Most items are not selected and matched to
specific days. We apologize if any are unsuited to any given
day. Certainly, it is our hope that no items
appear unsuitably.
Items may appear on any season / day / etc., regardless of
fitness for that season / day / etc. For example, it is
possible that 'fun & activities' items may appear during
Lent (even during Holy Week) and that papal items may appear
during an interregnum. Also, links to commercial pages may
generally appear even on Sundays and holy days. While we
regret any unsuitableness, we certainly do not encourage
Catholics to partake of any item which is not proper to the
season / day / etc. Reminder: Catholics are bound to
avoid activities which may hinder proper celebration of the
Lord's Day or holy days (including unnecessary shopping).
Daily Digest items may be assigned well in advance (e.g.
years). While we reserve the right to change any item at our
sole option, note that items may not be subject to change /
update / correction / etc., even if certain conditions in
the Church / world / etc. have changed and would make such
Daily Digest changes / updates / corrections desirable.
As indicated, items may have been randomly assigned years in advance. You
should not assume that any item appearing in the Daily
Digest appears there - or was placed on any particular day(s)
- "on purpose".
How Often
Do Daily Digest Items Repeat? |
appearing on the Daily Digest may or may not reappear at a
later time. Of those that do reappear, it is important to
note the following:
Items may appear more or less frequently, depending upon the
size of the 'pool' from which they are taken. For example,
some items may appear each year (e.g. feast days
information, certain seasonal items, etc.), some may appear
every other year or every few years. Some items that reappear
may appear more or less frequently than others.
Some items may 'always' appear (e.g. certain links /
explanatory text / terms / etc.).
The main image (top left) may be repeated weekly (or
annually), as
explained above (click
How Often is
the Daily Digest Updated? |
The MCS Daily
Digest is 'automatically updated' each day (at midnight,
server time). To view current version, use your browser's
refresh button. |
Important is the Indicated Date / Time to the Daily Digest
Page? |
date / time indicated on the Daily Digest page may be
critical. If
the indicated date / time is off, the entire Daily Digest
may be off. For more information, click
here |
the Daily Digest Contain 'Breaking News'? |
Daily Digest is not likely to contain 'breaking news'. For
Catholic News, try the Catholic
News Section. For 'breaking news' regarding this site,
try the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, and Calendar
page. |
the Daily Digest Contain Readings for Mass? |
Daily Digest does not contain readings for Mass. For
readings for the Traditional Latin Mass or for the Novus
Ordo (New Order) Mass, try the link(s) provided in the Daily
Digest under "Today's
Liturgy" |
the Daily Digest Suitable for all Persons? |
Daily Digest may not be suited to all ages or persons.
Please note that we do not guarantee that any item on the
Daily Digest is suited to any age(s) / individual(s) /
group(s) / etc. |
the Daily Digest Always Available? |
Daily Digest may not be available if the site is undergoing maintenance
/ if there are technical problems / etc. The Daily Digest
may also be unavailable if the system date is off (click
here for more information). Note
that if the Daily Digest is unavailable, various links may
still appear at the top of the Daily Digest page. Some of
these links, may still function (e.g. links at top, links
marked with an asterisk*).
[11/13 UPDATE: Links marked with an asterisk may no longer
be available with the new format.] |
What if I
Missed a Day of the Daily Digest? |
are sorry, but we are unable to provide you with copies of
the Daily Digest for days missed. Please be sure to visit
each day. Note:
In the future, you may want to consider joining our mailing
list(s), which may contain some/all Daily Digest content.
For more information on our free mailing list, click
here. For more information on our sponsored mailing
list, try
here. |
What if an
Item Appearing on the Daily Digest is (or seems) Unsuitable
For a Particular Day / Date / Etc.? |
indicated above, we regret any such occurrence and remind
you that:
Items may have been randomly assigned years in advance. You
should not assume that any item appearing in the Daily
Digest appears there - or was placed on any particular day(s)
- "on purpose".
Component(s) of the Daily Digest may or may not be selected
for specific days. It is possible, therefore, that some
items may appear which seem unsuitable for a feast or due to
current circumstances within the Church (or in the nation /
world). We regret any such unfortunate occurrences and
remind you that: (1) it is not our desire for any such
suitable items to appear, and (2) that their appearance may
have no connection whatsoever with current events /
situations / etc.
Most items are not selected and matched to
specific days. We apologize if any are unsuited to any given
day. Certainly, it is our hope that no items
appear unsuitably.
Items may appear on any season / day / etc., regardless of fitness for
that season / day / etc. For example, it is possible that 'fun &
activities' items may appear during Lent (even during Holy Week) and
that papal items may appear during an interregnum. Also, links to
commercial pages may generally appear even on Sundays and holy days.
While we regret any unsuitableness, we certainly do not encourage
Catholics to partake of any item which is not proper to the season / day
/ etc. Reminder: Catholics are bound to avoid activities which
may hinder proper celebration of the Lord's Day or holy days (including unnecessary
Daily Digest items may be assigned well in advance (e.g.
years). While we reserve the right to change any item at our
sole option, note that items may not be subject to change /
update / correction / etc., even if certain conditions in
the Church / world / etc. have changed and would make such
Daily Digest changes / updates / corrections desirable.
regret any confusion / inconvenience and apologize if any
item appears at an undesirable time.
You Recommend / Endorse Any Commercial Items Which May
Appear on the Daily Digest (or elsewhere on this site)? |
We do not endorse / recommend any product /
service / ad / advertiser / organization / group /
institution / school / charity / business / provider /
employer / individual / website / publication / message /
information / instruction / assistance / opinion / point of
view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request /
requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor /
author / publisher / submitter / user / responder /
transferor / vendor / recipient / sponsor / religious order
/ church / item / etc. even if information about it appears
on our site (or other materials of ours), and we are not
responsible for them. All participation is at your own risk
and you have no recourse to us for any damages which may
occur as a result of use of this site (or other materials).
Remember that by using this site you agree to all our terms.
For more information regarding commercial section terms, click
here. For site terms, click
Can I Get More Detailed Information Regarding a Particular
Component of the Daily Digest? |
For more detailed
information regarding particular Daily Digest components, scroll down
[or return to links at top to
navigate (look for those marked "DDC")]. |
"Trad." Mean? / What Does "New" Mean? |
notations "Trad." and "New" which may
appear on the Daily Digest may refer to the Traditional (Trad.)
or Novus Ordo (New) calendars.
items may refer to traditional items (feasts / practices /
etc.). Such items may be currently observed / no longer
observed / observed on a limited basis or in limited areas /
optionally observed / etc. Note that not all
traditional items may be indicated with the "Trad."
notation. Not all "Trad." items may be included.
The notation
"New" may refer to the Novus Ordo (New Order) calendar (of the
1960's or later). Such items may be currently observed
/ no longer observed / observed on a limited basis or in
limited areas / optionally observed / etc. Note that not all
"new" items may be indicated with the "New"
notation. Not all "New" items may be included.
"New" and
"Trad." items may or may
not fall on the same day.
that any applicable item - regardless of calendar - may be
changed / may not be current / may no longer be observed /
may be of limited observance / may be transferred / may
change (or may have already changed) from the date indicated
/ etc. Also note that the Daily Digest may be prepared many years in
advance and may not include more recent changes to feasts /
practices / etc.
Does the Greeting at the Top of the Daily Digest Change? |
greeting at the top of the Daily Digest changes based on the
following schedule: *
Morning: Midnight to just before noon *
Afternoon: Noon to just before 6:00 p.m. *
Evening: 6:00 p.m. to just before midnight Note
that the above is based on server time, which may
differ from the actual time in your time zone. Should this
occur, we regret any confusion or inconvenience. Note: Click
here for more information. |
Does the Daily Digest Contain Information For Both the
Traditional & New (Novus Ordo) Calendars?
[Dual Calendars] |
Daily Digest may contain information from both the
Traditional & New (Novus Ordo) calendars because both
calendars are in use in the Church. Note that those who
attend the Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass generally
follow the Traditional Calendar, while those who attend the
Novus Ordo (New Order) Mass of the 1960's generally follow
the new calendar. Note:
For more information on the Traditional Calendar, try the Latin
Mass / Catholic Tradition Section of this site. For more
information on the differences between the Traditional &
Novus Ordo Mass, try
here. |
Does the
Daily Digest Sometimes Refer to Fasting / Abstinence / Etc.
Outside of Lent (and for most of Lent)? Are Catholics Required
to Fast / Abstain / Etc. on These Days? |
are bound to observe all days of fasting / abstinence /
penance / etc. which are currently prescribed by the Church (and those items alone are strictly required).
should be noted that since Vatican II, various traditional observances have been changed / curtailed / eliminated. Many
Catholics, however, still - of their own free will - follow
the traditional practices which have been recommended from
time immemorial [e.g. the Lenten fast ("the observance
of Lent is an essential mark of Catholicity", Dom
Gueranger), Rogation Days, Ember Days, Friday abstinence,
etc.] and which have served her members so well for so many
although certain traditional practices may not be strictly required,
they may be desirable / recommended. For this reason,
information about such practices may be included with the
Daily Digest.
observance of Lent is the very badge of Christian warfare.
By it we prove ourselves not to be enemies of the cross of
Christ. By it we avert the scourges of divine justice. By
it we gain strength against the princes of darkness, for it
shields us with heavenly help. Should mankind grow remiss in
their observance of Lent, it would be a detriment to God's
glory, a disgrace to the Catholic religion, and a danger to
Christian souls. Neither can it be doubted that such
negligence would become the source of misery to the world,
of public calamity, of private woe." (Pope Benedict
XIV, 1741 A.D.)
For more information on traditional prayers & practices, click
Does a Message Sometimes Appear at the Top of the Daily Digest in
Red? How Can I Update or Remove This Message? |
may sometimes appear at the top of the Daily Digest to
remind visitors of an important item (e.g. the recitation of
the Angelus / Regina Caeli three times each day).
is important to note that these messages may appear at a
given time for a given number of minutes based on server
time. If you are in an area outside the server time, the
messages may not be timely for you. We regret any
inconvenience or confusion.
update the message (if applicable), click your browser's
refresh button.
remove the message (as applicable), click your browser's refresh
button after the message is scheduled to disappear (e.g. in
five minutes or so, as applicable). |
Are Some Other Things I Should Know Regarding the Daily
Digest? |
addition to all other information contained on this Daily
Digest help page (and linked pages), please also note the
following regarding the Daily Digest:
Daily Digest items are not comprehensive
We make no guarantees regarding accuracy / timeliness /
referencing / applicability / etc. of any
The Daily Digest is based on the indicated date / time. If
the indicated date / time is off, the entire Daily Digest
may be off. For more information, click
All Daily Digest items (including order / content / appearance / etc.)
are subject to change at any time without notice
Items may be regional. Note that most items on the Daily
Digest may be for the U.S. (e.g. date / time / holydays /
Collects / prayers / scripture / etc. may not be for the
indicated feast day (items may appear on any day and have no
connection with any particular feast)
Some / all of the Daily Digest content may be prepared
year(s) in advance
Titles / references / translation / wording / order of items
/ etc. may vary
Dates / ages / etc. may be approximations
We do not necessarily endorse any item appearing on this
site and we are not responsible for the views of others,
regardless of whether information about them appears on our
Any Canon Law referred to on this site may not be most
current and should be discussed with a competent canon
layer, as applicable
Various items which may appear on this site (e.g. Church
disciplinary items / penalties / etc.) may not be current
and may be subject to change. For current items, contact
your parish / diocese
We may rely on unverified facts / opinions / translations / etc. of others
This site is not "in real time"
We may change spelling / capitalization / punctuation /
wording / etc.
of any item
Quotes & other items may be partial
Lengths of quotes / prayers / Q & A / etc. may vary
Items on the Daily Digest are necessarily brief. All items,
however, should be considered in their full context
No items on the Daily Digest should be taken as a political
statement or a stand on political matters
Writings / utterances / etc. which are contained on the
Daily Digest may be addressed to the clergy, they may not be
directed at the laity or to any specific individual. They may
not be directed at your or to any particular person or
person(s). Also, various styles of writing / speaking are
used (therefore, various quotations may have
different meanings than those in modern times may take them
to mean). Remember also that not all items are to be taken
Users are reminded that even saints and popes (when not
speaking ex cathedra) are not infallible
Items may be direct quotations even if not in quotation
marks. Items in quotation marks may be 'loose' quotations
Items may appear in any order (or in no particular order)
Items may be based traditional and/or new calendar(s)
We do not guarantee authorship of any item, regardless of
any notations which may appear
Refer to the Reflections Notice regarding all quotations
which appear on this site (click
Refer to the Scripture Caution regarding all Scripture which
may appear on this site (click
here) |
- - Troubleshooting - -
- [Topic Summary] |
Blank Columns
/ Blank Space |
This may not be
an error. There may be nothing for that date (e.g. no
holidays on the secular calendar, no items which are
recommended / required for that date, etc.). Also, note that
blank space may be expected when an item in one column is shorter than
an item in the column to the left or right of it. |
/ Required Field is Blank |
may not be an error. There may be nothing for that date. For
a list of items which may be included as 'recommended /
required', see Table
#1 below. |
Calendar is Blank |
may not be an error. There may be nothing for that date. For
a list of secular holidays which may be included on the
Daily Digest, see Table
#4 below. |
Date / Time is
Off |
date / time indicated on the Daily Digest page may affect
page content. If the wrong date appears:
The entire page may be off
No content may display
however, that the system date / time is based on the server
date / time and is NOT based on your computer or your
location. The server time may be on any applicable time zone
(e.g. Eastern, Central, Pacific, etc.). Differences between
the server's time zone and your actual time zone are to be
expected and are not considered technical problems.
Please do not report such differences to us.
check the system date / time, click
view the current system date / time on the Daily Digest
page, use your browser's refresh button. [Note: The date
/ time which is indicated on the Daily Digest page may be
the date / time the page was loaded.]
the system date / time is persistently and
significantly off - and not as a result of
time zone differences - consider reporting this matter to
us. Click
here to report problems with the system date / time. |
On Top of Daily Digest Page Don't Work |
the Daily Digest is unavailable, various links may still
appear at the top of the Daily Digest page. Some of these
links, however, may not function (e.g. links in the shaded
box not marked with an asterisk*). This is not
considered a technical problem. Rather, it should be
resolved when the Daily Digest once again becomes available.
Note: Click
here for 'Is the Daily Digest Always Available?' [11/13
UPDATE: Links marked with an asterisk may no longer be
available with the new format.]
Items Are Out
of Date |
items are out of date, consider:
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
note that the Daily Digest may be prepared years in advance.
Therefore, it is possible that certain item(s) may be out of
date. We regret any confusion or inconvenience.
Appears on the Wrong Day |
something appears on the wrong day, consider:
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
the above does not resolve the problem, it may simply be an
error. If so, we apologize for any
inconvenience. Please note that if the error only involves one day, there is no
need to
notify us. If the error persists, however, it may be helpful to advise us. |
More Information Try..." Suggestion References Page /
Section / Etc. That Does Not Contain Relevant Information |
more information try..." suggestions may be provided
for your convenience. Although these suggestions may be
helpful in locating relevant information, you should note
There is no guarantee that suggested sections / pages / etc.
will contain any relevant information
Suggested sections / pages / etc. may not necessarily
contain the 'most relevant' information
Suggested sections / pages / etc. may not necessarily
contain the only relevant information
Depending on the page / section / etc., content may change
regularly and relevant information may no longer be
All site content is subject to change without notice
There may be no other relevant information anywhere on the
site, regardless of any "for more information
try..." suggestion |
Daily Digest
is Not Available |
the Daily Digest is not available, try
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
Reviewing all applicable site notices (e.g. those on the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, Calendar
the above items do not address / correct the problem,
consider returning at a later time (or on another day). If
the problem is unexpected and persists over several days, it
may be helpful to advise us. |
Some Text is
Difficult to Read |
we have found it necessary for aesthetic reasons to use some
small text / light-colored text / background colors / etc. on
the Daily Digest, we regret any inconvenience for those who
find it difficult to read. To better read text on this site,
you may consider adjusting your browser settings. Also, you
may use copy/paste to read small text. Note:
For optimal display of this site, try
here for system recommendations / requirements. |
Error Message |
you experience an error message with the Daily Digest,
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
Reviewing all applicable site notices (e.g. those on the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, Calendar
the above items do not address / correct the problem,
consider returning at a later time (or on another day). If
the problem is unexpected and persists over several days, it
may be helpful to advise us.
For further technical assistance regarding this site, click
here. |
Goes to a Blank Page (or a "No records returned"
message appears) |
a link goes to a blank page, consider:
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
Reviewing all applicable site notices (e.g. those on the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, Calendar
For 'no records returned' messages, remember that:
This message may appear by default on all search pages
because you have yet to enter any data for a search. If this
message appears after you have entered data, there may be no
records matching your criteria.
If this message
appears on a 'view all' page, there may be no records in
that section. Remember that records may be added / deleted
at any time (and may 'expire' automatically). For timetable
information, try
here. Note: If there are no records, why not submit
your own? Look for the 'Add' record link (e.g. at top of
If this message appears unexpectedly, the site
may be experiencing technical problems. If you encounter this message unexpectedly, be
especially sure you have visited the following links for
site update information / alerts / planned outages / etc.: Notices
| MCS Calendar
| Site Update
| Daily
the above items do not address / correct the problem,
consider returning at a later time (or on another day). If
the problem is unexpected and persists over several days, it
may be helpful to advise us.
For further technical assistance regarding this site, click
here. |
Does Not Match Content |
a description not match content, try:
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
Reviewing all applicable site notices (e.g. those on the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, Calendar
the above items do not address / correct the problem,
consider returning at a later time (or on another day). If
the problem is unexpected and persists over several days, it
may be helpful to advise us.
For further technical assistance regarding this site, click
here. |
Doesn't Change
a component on the Daily Digest not change, try:
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
Reviewing all applicable site notices (e.g. those on the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, Calendar
the above items do not address / correct the problem,
consider returning at a later time (or on another day). If
the problem is unexpected and persists over several days, it
may be helpful to advise us.
For further technical assistance regarding this site, click
here. |
With Daily Digest Page
you experience another problem with the Daily Digest,
Refreshing the page
Checking the system date (see question
Reviewing all applicable site notices (e.g. those on the Notices
page, Site
Update Information page, Calendar
the above items do not address / correct the problem,
consider returning at a later time (or on another day). If
the problem is unexpected and persists over several days, it
may be helpful to advise us.
For further technical assistance regarding this site, click
here. |
Technical Problems |
additional assistance with technical matters, consider the
following (click link to view): *
Help *
FAQs *
Assistance |
- - Disclaimers - - - |
Errors / Omissions / Etc. in the Daily Digest / Consequences
of Using the Daily Digest / Etc. |
are not responsible for any errors / omissions / etc. in the
Daily Digest. Remember that the Daily Digest is not
comprehensive. Inclusion of any item does not necessarily
imply our endorsement or agreement. Not all item(s) may be appropriate for any /
every individual / group / situation / etc. We provide no
guarantees regarding the Daily Digest and we are not
responsible for any consequences related to the use of the
Daily Digest. Use of this site is at your own risk. By using
this site you indicate agreement to all our terms. For more
terms information, click
here. |
All Quotations (Including Scripture Quotations) / Facts / Q
& A Items / Etc. |
Refer to the Reflections Notice regarding all quotations
which appear on this site (click
Refer to the Scripture Caution regarding all Scripture which
may appear on this site (click
Also see all items herein and on Daily Digest page, and site
terms (click
here) |
- - Terms of Use - - - |
Digest Terms of Use |
Daily Digest terms of use, see "Important Notice"
on Daily Digest page, as well as all 'reminders' / notices /
terms, etc. on the Daily Digest page, and all applicable
items on this page. For more
terms information, click
- -Questions /
Comments / Feedback- - - |
What if I
a Question Regarding the Daily Digest? |
regret that we are unable to personally answer questions
about the Daily Digest. However, we hope you might find the various
resources we have provided on this site helpful in finding answers
to your questions. Note: Refer to items herein for
additional assistance and also try
here for answers to questions.
You Provide Me With Additional Information Regarding Items
That Appear on the Daily Digest? |
no. We regret that we are unable to personally assist you in
such matters. Please do not contact us for additional
information concerning items which appear on the Daily
Digest. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto
rejection. |
You Assist Me With the Daily Digest? |
no. We regret that we are unable to personally assist you.
Please do not contact us for assistance with the Daily
Digest. Any such correspondence may be subject to auto
rejection. |
Should I
Contact You Regarding Duplicate Items Which Appear on the
Daily Digest? |
Remember that duplicates may be considered
expected, especially on holidays, and especially as time passes. Note:
For more information, see question
Should I
Contact You Regarding An Error in the Daily Digest? |
regard to the changing content in the Daily Digest, it is,
unfortunately, unlikely that errors on this page can be /
will be corrected in a timely manner. Therefore,
notifications concerning such errors may not be useful.
Furthermore, it is generally not our policy to issue public corrections if there has been an
error (note that visitors have been warned about the possibility
of errors in advance). In the event that
occasional error(s) do appear, please accept our apology. If
errors persist, however, it may also be useful to contact
us, in accordance with our feedback terms & conditions. |
Can I Contact You With Comments / Feedback / Error Reports /
Etc. Regarding the Daily Digest?
Here for Contact Information
Here for Feedback (Comments / Suggestions, Questions,
Compliments, Corrections / Updates, Complaints / Problems,
Technical Matters, Etc)
Be sure to include the entire serial
number if submitting
feedback to us regarding a specific date of the MCS Daily
Digest. Look for the serial number (light gray text) near the bottom of the
Daily Digest.
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Welcome |
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Short greeting |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Items under the greeting may remain fixed *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Thought for the Day |
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
May be short
quotation from pope / saint / theologian / council /
Scripture / other... |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Not all items may be applicable to all / any person(s) *
We do not guarantee canonization status of any individual(s) *
Items may be partial. They should, however, be considered in
their full context. *
Not all items should be taken literally *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Scripture for Today |
Item |
Descr. / Answr. (may be partial) |
Description |
Words of Our Lord, Jesus Christ: Biblical quotes from
Words & Wisdom from the Old Testament: Old
Testament Quotes (e.g. Wisdom Books) |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Scripture on the Daily Digest is 'randomized' and is not
selected to match Scripture from the current day's
Liturgy. [Note: For Today's Mass readings, refer to
question above (or
click here)] *
Old Testament Scripture may be limited to the following
wisdom books: Psalms, Sirach, Proverbs, Wisdom *
Jesus' words may be limited to those appearing in the
Gospels *
Scripture and Scripture references may vary *
Scripture references may be to traditional or modern
translations *
Reminder: Scripture references and translations may vary.
Scripture contained on this site may not be comprehensive
and may be categorized subjectively. We do not
guarantee translation, categorization, referencing,
accuracy, or anything else concerning any item. We may
change punctuation, wording, capitalization, shorten items,
etc. We caution that items may be out of context. We
recommend reading Scripture in full context in an
appropriate Catholic Bible. Consult appropriate, competent
Church authorities for assistance in interpreting / applying
Scripture. Interpretation and application of Scripture
should not be contrary to the perennial, official teaching
of the Roman Catholic Church. Do not take Scripture passages
out of context. Do not inflict or wish harm on yourself or others,
break laws, take unsuitable / incautious or inappropriate /
drastic actions, or take figurative items literally. We are
not responsible for any interpretation / misinterpretation,
application / misapplication, use / misuse, etc. of
Scripture. Use of site is at your own risk and is subject to
our terms of use. Click
here for important cautionary statement and other important
terms / information *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Catholic Calendar
of the Week
/ Required
Traditional Church Calendar
- Season
Church Calendar (Novus Ordo) - Season
Item |
Descr. /
Answr. (may be partial) |
Description |
Day of Week
/ Required Today (if applicable): Fasting /
Abstinence / Mass Obligation / Indulgences / Devotional
Practices / Etc.
Feast Information
Church Calendar - Season
Church Calendar (Novus Ordo) - Season
How Selected |
Day of Week / Date: Today
Recommended / Required Today (if applicable): See Table
Feast Information: To match date [Note:
Items may be shown on their 'usual' days, even on Sundays
and during Holy Week / Easter Week / etc. Note, however,
that items may be transferred or that other items may take precedence.
Items may be local / not observed / etc.]
Traditional Church Calendar - Season: See Table
#2 *
New Church Calendar (Novus Ordo) - Season: See Table
How Often
Repeated |
of Week: Each Week
Date: Annually
Else: Annually (as applicable) |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above Note:
Is 'recommended / required' field blank? Click
here |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Note Regarding the 'Recommended
/ Required' Field |
regard to the 'recommended / required' field, note
that: *
Not all items may be applicable to all / any person(s) *
We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any item *
Items may or may not be Church requirements /
recommendations *
Items which may appear as 'recommended / required' may not
be the only applicable ones (e.g. certain plenary
indulgences may be available only on certain days, however,
other plenary indulgences may be available on other days -
even daily) *
We do not promise to list all holy days of obligation *
Holy days and their associated obligations may be transferred
/ changed / suppressed / etc., regardless of how they might
appear on the Daily Digest *
More recent items may be excluded *
If the server date is off, all items on the Daily Digest may
be off *
You alone are responsible for meeting all Church requirements.
You should not count on this site to inform you of any / all
Church requirements *
Not all recommended / required items may be included *
Some items included may be "minimums" *
Some items may not be observed / may be observed only
locally / may be transferred / "overridden" / etc. *
Items may not be comprehensive *
Fasting may not be applicable to Sundays or holydays (other
than the Communion Fast) *
Items indicated may or may not be required *
Some items may be 'grave obligations' (e.g. Friday penance,
Lenten requirements, Mass attendance, etc.) *
Not all required items may be required for all persons *
Items indicated as "recommended" may not be recommended
for any / all person(s). *
Some persons may be exempt from certain items (possibly
including the young, old, infirm, pregnant, those with
special needs / situations, those in certain occupations,
etc.), or the requirements for such persons may differ. For assistance,
contact your parish or diocese. *
Some items may be regional *
Some days may have more than one similar (or mutually
exclusive) item(s) - if so, both may be listed for
convenience [e.g. abstinence / penance & fasting /
partial abstinence may both be listed on the same date - if
so, one may override the other (e.g. abstinence would
override partial abstinence)]. Note also that two identical
items may also be listed (e.g. when fasting is recommended
for a particular day for two reasons - for example, an Ember
day in Lent). Of course, in such a case, it is only
necessary to do the same activity once. *
A good Catholic should do much more each day to live their
faith than what is indicated as 'recommended / required'
(including morning offerings, daily prayers, evening
prayers, rosary, examinations of conscience, praying, good
works, acts of reparation, meeting one's obligations,
avoiding sin, observing monthly/daily dedications, etc.) *
Items indicated as "recommended" may be required.
Items indicated as "required" may not be required
(and may be simply "recommended"). * Actual
requirements may differ
from what is presented on this site. We do not guarantee accuracy /
completeness / etc. of any item. *
All applicable items subject to change without notice. Note
that not all changes may be reflected in the Daily Digest. *
It should be noted that fasting / abstinence regulations and
other Church obligations have varied over the years (and by
location) *
For current Church regulations
regarding fasting / abstinence / penance / holy days / Mass attendance /
indulgences / etc. contact your parish
or diocese *
For medical information, contact a good doctor Note:
here for 'Precepts of the Church'. Click
here for 'Holy Days of Obligation (U.S.)'. Click
here for 'Traditional Prayers & Practices' Note:
Also see question above 'Why Does the Daily Digest Sometimes
Refer to Fasting / Abstinence / Etc. Outside of Lent (and
for most of Lent)? Are Catholics Required to Fast / Abstain
/ Etc. on These Days?' (click
here) |
Notes |
For information on the "Trad." /
"New" notation, see above (or click
Items may be shown on their 'usual' days, even on Sundays
and during Holy Week / Easter Week / etc. Note, however,
that items may be transferred or that other items may take precedence.
Not all items may be observed everywhere
The Daily Digest may be prepared years in advance and not
reflect more recent changes
Items falling on Sunday / in Holy Week / etc. may be transferred
to another date or not observed
Items may fall on another day than what is indicated on the
Daily Digest (or may be observed on another day)
Not all items may be "officially sanctioned feasts or
Church holidays"
Feasts may be U.S. or local
Not all feasts may be included, especially more recently
added feasts
Feast names may not be exact
* Feasts may vary depending on ordo / calendar used / region / day of week / etc.
Holy days / vigils / feasts / etc. and their associated obligations may
be transferred / changed / suppressed / superseded / not observed /
optional / subject to regional variation / limited / etc., regardless of how they
might appear on the Daily Digest. For current information,
contact your parish or diocese.
May exclude vigils / octave days / etc.
All applicable items subject to change without notice
Spelling / dates / canonization status / accuracy /
completeness / etc. of items not guaranteed. We do not
guarantee the accuracy of any item.
We are not responsible for any errors. We make no guarantee
regarding any item *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Thought From Today's Liturgy of the Hours
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Quotation from
the Liturgy of the Hours |
How Selected |
To match date [Note,
however, that the item which actually appears on the Daily
Digest may be based on the indicated date, and not on the
current date.] |
How Often
Repeated |
See above [Note:
Excepting certain holidays, most may repeat annually] |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Not all parts of the Liturgy may be said on any given day
(including the part quoted on the Daily Digest) *
Quotations may be "based on" the Liturgy of the
Hours and may not contain the exact wording *
Liturgy of the Hours items may be Scripture quotes or based
on Scripture, even though not referenced as Scripture. *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Secular Calendar
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Secular Holiday |
How Selected |
See Table
#4 below |
How Often
Repeated |
Annually |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above Note:
Is 'secular calendar' field blank? Click
here |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Items on secular calendar are not comprehensive and may be
limited to those listed in Table
* Items may vary based on location/calendar/time zone.
* Season start dates may be approximations.
* Where applicable, holidays may be observed on different date(s).
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Today's
Recommended Spiritual Exercise |
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
activities / suggestions / etc. or activities / suggestions
/ etc. with a spiritual (or other) benefit" |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Not all items may be suitable for all / any particular
person(s). Some items (or portions thereof) may not be appropriate
for some person(s). One should not participate in items that
are inappropriate / harmful / etc. *
Terms such as "this month", "this week",
"today" may mean 30 days, 7 days, few days, etc.,
and are not necessary fixed. *
It may not always be possible for any given person(s) to do any given item(s). *
Items may involve various levels of difficulty and take
various amounts of time. Despite the use of the term
"today", not all items may be done
"today". *
Some items may be indulgenced. Contact the Church for more
information on indulgences. *
Generally speaking, "Recommended Spiritual
Exercises" are not requirements and are not
recommendations of the Church. For items which are not
required or recommended by the Church, there is no
obligation to perform them. For Church requirements /
recommendations, contact your parish or diocese. *
We do not guarantee that any 'benefit' will be received from
performance of any activity. *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Today's Reflections |
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Saint: Quotation from Saint (or Blessed)
Pope, Saint, Theologian, Council, Other: Quotation
from Pope, Saint, Theologian, Council, Scripture, Other |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Reminders: *
Not all items may be applicable to all / any person(s) *
We do not guarantee canonization status of any individual(s) *
Items on the site may be partial. Items should, however, be
considered in their full context. *
Not all items should be taken literally *
Note that Christians are called to obey just laws. Also note
that history proves that being a faithful Christian may
sometimes be dangerous to one's bodily health (e.g. when
persons are forced to disobey unjust laws). Consult
appropriate, competent authorities for assistance in
interpreting / applying items. Be advised that we do not
advocate unlawful / immoral civil disobedience and we are
not responsible for anything which may occur due to use of
this site. Note:
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Today's
Prayer Request
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Request for
prayers for indicated intention |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Prayer requests which appear on the Daily Digest may have
been prepared years in advance and may be assigned randomly
to any given date(s). Generally speaking, they have not
been based on user submitted prayer requests. For user
submitted prayer requests, refer to the Prayer
Requests Section of this site. *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Prayer
for the Day
Item |
Descr. / Answr. (may be partial) |
Description |
Short prayer /
aspiration / invocation / etc. |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
"Jesu" and "Iesu" are Latin
for Jesus. Please do not report such items to us as typographical
errors. *
Translation / capitalization / punctuation / wording / etc.
may vary. Special characters, symbols, accents, etc. may be
omitted. *
Translations may not be official *
Items indicated may not be, strictly speaking,
"prayers" *
Prayers may be partial *
Prayers may not have ecclesiastical approval and may not be
approved for public use, even if items contain certain
notations (e.g. 'V.', 'R.') *
Titles may vary (and may or may not be original) *
Source may borrow from another source(s) *
We do not guarantee translation, categorization,
referencing, accuracy, or anything else concerning any
prayer *
We may change wording, punctuation, capitalization, shorten
items, change ordering, add word(s), etc. *
If item is associated with any 'private revelation', we do
not guarantee authenticity of any such 'revelation' *
References / titles / prayers may vary and may not be
comprehensive *
We do not guarantee references or anything else regarding
any prayer(s) *
Some prayers may appear in Latin (not Spanish!), as Latin is
the official language of the Catholic Church. Considering
that the Catholic Church is universal, it is fitting that
she have a universal language and "pray in one
tongue". Click
here for more information on Latin. *
Some prayers may offer indulgences. Contact your parish /
diocese for more information on indulgences. *
Sources may include: Raccolta, Scripture, saints, liturgy,
etc. *
We make no guarantees regarding any prayer *
Do not take items out of context. Do not inflict or wish harm on
yourself or others, break laws, take unsuitable / incautious
or inappropriate / drastic actions, or take figurative items
literally. We are not responsible for any interpretation /
misinterpretation, application / misapplication, use /
misuse, etc. of any item. *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Catholic
Q & A
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Q & A #1: Question & Answer [Topics May
Include: Catholic History, Saints, Apologetics, Papal Facts,
Wisdom of the Saints, Scripture, More...]
Q & A #2: Question & Answer [Topics May Include:
Catholic Tradition, Papal Documents, 'Tridentine' Mass,
Latin Language, Sacraments, Theology, Definitions, Modernism, Misc.]
Q & A #3: Question & Answer [e.g. from
Catholic Catechism (Trent, Baltimore, Catholic Church,
Neumann...)] |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
see Balt.Cat.Sel.
Q & A
Notes |
"For more information try" links may not be the
best links available for any given topic. We encourage you
to explore the site for helpful information related to the
topics you are interested in. Note: Click
here for more information.
Categories of questions may overlap
Catechism items are not intended to replace proper
instruction in the Faith *
Questions and answers may not be complete and may depend on
other questions / answers *
May include items from various catechism(s) besides those
listed *
Items may or may not be direct quotations from catechisms
(regardless of notations - e.g. "" marks). Note
that items may be direct or 'loose' quotations, regardless
of inclusion of or absence of quotation marks. We may
add words / explanations / etc. to any item(s) without any
special notation. *
Terms such as "I" / "we" /
"our" / "your" / "you" / etc.
may be from original sources (and may not refer to us / you
/ etc.) *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Today's Liturgy |
Item |
Descr. / Answr. (may be partial) |
Description |
Links for
information on the Sacraments & Liturgy (Traditional
& New) |
How Selected |
N/A |
How Often
Repeated |
N/A |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
The Daily Digest does not contain specific
information regarding Today's Mass readings (either for the
Traditional or for the new calendars). To obtain this information,
instead consider the link(s) we have provided (see 'Today's
Liturgy') *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Today
in Catholic History (Highlights) |
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Highlights from
this date in history (events involving saints, popes, papal
documents, councils, apparitions, and more...) |
How Selected |
To match date |
How Often
Repeated |
Annually |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
Papal dates may be based on those in the Vatican View Section *
Today in History items are not comprehensive *
Items indicated are not necessarily the "most
important" events on any given day *
Dates may be circa (even if they appear without this
notation) *
Dates may be "probable" / "most probable" /
"presumed" / etc. *
Council opening / closing dates may be dates of first / last
session *
'Beginning of pontificate' may refer to election /
coronation / consecration / etc. date (and may vary) *
We do not guarantee the authenticity of any apparition *
Names may have alternate spelling(s) *
Persons may be known by various name(s) *
There may be more than one saint with the same or similar
name(s) *
Items indicated may be limited to certain events or types of
events *
Dates may be based on tradition *
Deaths of martyrs may be indicated as "death" /
"martyrdom" / "execution" / etc. *
Martyrs may have had companions, even if only one individual
is listed *
May contain alternate dates - e.g. Jan. 1 (or Jan. 2). We do
not guarantee that any indicated date is accurate *
Indicated day of death or martyrdom may actually be the
feast day (or date indicated in martyrology) and not the
actual date of death. Note that dates may be
"celebrated dates" / translation dates /
canonization dates / assigned dates / etc. *
Sources may include: Roman Martyrology, Catholic
Encyclopedia, online sources, etc. *
We do not guarantee the beatification / canonization / etc.
status of any individual *
We make no guarantee whatsoever regarding any Today in
History item) *
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Important Site Information |
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Link(s) for
important information about this site |
How Selected |
N/A |
How Often
Repeated |
N/A |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Notes |
minimum, we recommend that users review the following pages
each day for important information about this site:
Update Information
Also see "General Help / FAQs" above (click
here) |
Categories are subjective and may overlap.
sure to review all applicable items.
| Help | FAQs | Terms
of Use |
Digest Component: Today's Featured Links
Item |
Descr. / Answr.
(may be partial) |
Description |
Link #1: Link to page on this site (e.g. section
page, add page, view page, search page)
Link #2: Link to page on this site (Misc.)
Link #3: Link to page on this site (e.g. Reflections,
Papal Document)
Link #4: Link to page on this site (e.g. Scripture
Link #5: Link to page on this site (commercial
section) [not a sponsored link] |
How Selected |
See above |
How Often
Repeated |
See above |
In Case of
Problem /
Troubleshooting |
See above Note:
Is a featured link not available? Does the content not match
the description? Remember that the Daily Digest may be set
up far in advance (even years in advance). Therefore, it may
happen that a featured page is no longer available or that
the content no longer matches the description. Should this
occur, we regret any inconvenience. |
Disclaimers / Terms |
here for disclaimers
here for terms
Regarding Link #5 |
Link #5 is not
sponsored, nor is it a recommendation of any advertiser or
product / service. It is simply a link to a sponsored area
of this site. Note that this link may not be matched to
the day / feast / etc., but may be randomly assigned as with
other content on the Daily Digest page. Note: Click
here for more on how content may be selected for the
Daily Digest.
Reminder: We do not endorse / recommend any product /
service / ad / advertiser / organization / group /
institution / school / charity / business / provider /
employer / individual / website / publication / message /
information / instruction / assistance / opinion / point of
view / activity / event / offer / offerer / request /
requestor / seller / buyer / manufacturer / distributor /
author / publisher / submitter / user / responder /
transferor / vendor / recipient / sponsor / religious order
/ church / item / etc. even if information about it appears
on our site (or other materials of ours), and we are not
responsible for them. All participation is at your own risk
and you have no recourse to us for any damages which may
occur as a result of use of this site (or other materials).
Remember that by using this site you agree to all our terms.
For more information regarding commercial section terms, click
here. For site terms, click
here |
Note |
As indicated above, items may appear on any season / day / etc., regardless of
fitness for that season / day / etc. For example, it is
possible that 'fun & activities' items may appear during
Lent (even during Holy Week) and that papal items may appear
during an interregnum. Also, links to commercial pages may
generally appear even on Sundays and holy days. While we
regret any unsuitableness, we certainly do not encourage
Catholics to partake of any item which is not proper to the
season / day / etc. Reminder: Catholics are bound to
avoid activities which may hinder proper celebration of the
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#1 - Recommended / Required
following items may be included in the Daily Digest Catholic Calendar
under 'Recommended / Required'...
[More Info.]
/ Dates |
Item |
Sundays |
Attendance (Sunday Obligation) |
Days of Obligation (see Table
1a) |
Attendance (Holy Day of Obligation) |
[excepting Holy Days of Obligation] |
/ Penance |
Fridays |
/ Continue First Fridays Devotion |
Saturdays |
/ Continue First Saturdays Devotion |
Monthly (at
[Note: For
convenience, a reminder may appear under 'Recommended / Required'
on the first Saturday of each month.] |
Confession |
Wednesdays and Ember Saturdays (Trad.)+ |
/ Partial Abstinence (Trad.) |
Fridays (Trad.)+ |
/ Abstinence (Trad.) |
Days (Trad.) |
/ Abstinence (Trad.) |
of Pentecost |
/ Partial Abstinence (Trad.) |
of the Assumption (8/14)
[Note: If 8/14 falls on a Sunday, it may
be transferred to the previous day.] |
/ Abstinence (Trad.) |
of All Saints Day (10/31)
[Note: If 10/31 falls on a Sunday, it
may be transferred to the previous day.] |
/ Partial Abstinence (Trad.) |
of the Immaculate Conception (12/7)
[Note: If 12/7 falls on a
Sunday, it may be transferred to the previous day.] |
/ Abstinence (Trad.) |
of Christmas (12/24)*
[Note: If 12/24 falls on a Sunday, it may be
transferred to the previous day.] *
Note: May be anticipated on 12/23. |
/ Abstinence (Trad.) |
Wednesday |
/ Abstinence, Mass attendance recommended |
and Saturdays in Lent [Excepting Fridays] |
/ Partial Abstinence (Trad.) |
in Lent |
Fasting (Trad.), Stations of the Cross recommended |
Friday |
/ Abstinence, Stations of the Cross recommended |
Saturday |
/ Abstinence (until noon) (Trad.) |
- 3/19 |
Joseph Novena |
after the Ascension - Vigil of Pentecost |
to the Holy Spirit |
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (2nd Friday after Corpus Christi)
Feast of Christ the King
[Last Sun. in Oct) (Trad.), Last Sunday before Advent (New)] |
/ Renew Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
of Our Lady's Queenship (5/31)
Immaculate Conception (12/8) |
/ Renew Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
- 12/23 |
Antiphons |
1 |
Indulgence (if available) |
in Lent |
Indulgence (if available) |
Thursday |
Indulgence (if available) |
Friday |
Indulgence (if available) |
After Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) |
Indulgence (if available) |
Sunday |
Indulgence (if available) |
of the Body & Blood of Christ [Thursday after Trinity Sunday] |
Indulgence (if available) |
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [Second Friday after Corpus Christi] |
Indulgence (if available) |
of Sts. Peter & Paul [6/29] |
Indulgence (if available) |
2 |
Indulgence (if available) |
1 - 8 |
Indulgence (if available) |
of Christ the King (New) [Last Sunday before Advent] |
Indulgence (if available) |
31 |
Indulgence (if available) |
Note: September Ember Days in the Daily Digest may be based on the
customary dating method in use for many centuries and may not reflect
changes made by Pope John XXIII in the 1960's.
#1a - Holy Days of Obligation (U.S.)
following dates may be included in the Daily Digest Catholic Calendar as
Holy Days of Obligation...*
[More Info.]
Date |
Holy Day of Obligation |
1/1 |
Circumcision of Our Lord (Trad.) /
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (New) |
(40 days
after Easter) |
Ascension Thursday |
8/15 |
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary |
11/1 |
All Saints Day |
12/8 |
Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary |
12/25 |
Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas) |
Note: Sundays are also holy days of obligation.
#2 - Traditional Calendar: Seasons
seasons may appear on the Daily Digest Catholic Calendar based on the
following table...
[More Info.]
First Sunday of Advent
Time after Epiphany
Sat. before Septuagesima Sunday
Septuagesima Sunday
Tues. before Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Sat. before Passion Sunday
Passion Sunday
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
Saturday after Pentecost
Time after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday (Sunday after Pentecost)
Sat. before First Sunday of Advent
Technically speaking, seasons may not begin at 12:00 am on the date
indicated. Rather, they may begin after certain part of the date
indicated (or the previous day).
#3 - Novus Ordo (New) Calendar: Seasons
Ordo (New) seasons may appear on the Daily Digest Catholic Calendar
based on the following table...
[More Info.]
First Sunday of Advent
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Ordinary Time
Day after Feast of Baptism of the Lord
Tues. before Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
Ordinary Time
Monday after Pentecost
Sat. Before First Sunday of Advent
Note: Some also refer to the Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday - Holy
Saturday) as a separate season in the Novus Ordo Calendar. In this case,
the season of Lent would end on Spy Wednesday (the Wednesday before Holy
Thursday). For a full 40 days of Lent (excluding Sundays), note that it should
be reckoned from Ash Wednesday until Holy Saturday.
Technically speaking, seasons may not begin at 12:00 am on the date
indicated. Rather, they may begin after certain part of the date
indicated (or the previous day).
#4 - Secular Holidays
following dates may be included in the Daily Digest under 'Secular
Calendar (U.S.)'...
[More Info.]
Holiday |
Date*** |
New Year's Day |
1/1 |
Inauguration Day |
1/20 every four years (e.g. 2009), 1/21 if 1/20
falls on Sunday |
King, Jr. Day |
3rd Monday in January |
Groundhog Day |
2/2 |
Lincoln's Birthday |
2/12 |
Presidents' Day |
3rd Monday in February |
Washington's Birthday* |
2/22 |
First Day of Spring |
Between 3/19-3/22
Note: Date indicated on MCS Daily Digest may be an approximation. Actual date/time may differ based on location/calendar/time zone |
April Fool's Day |
4/1 |
Daylight Savings Time Begins |
Prior to 2007: 1st Sunday in April;
2007 & Later: 2nd Sunday in March |
Secretaries Day |
Wednesday of last full week in
April |
Tax Day |
4/15 (unless on weekend or holiday
- in which case on next non-weekend / holiday day)
Note: Tax day may be affected by/extended due to regional holidays/observed holidays which are not reflected on the MCS Daily Digest |
Nurses' Day |
5/6 |
Teachers' Day |
Tuesday of 1st full week in May (Note: 'full week' is counted from Monday) |
Mother's Day |
2nd Sunday in May |
Armed Forces Day |
3rd Saturday in May |
Memorial Day |
Last Monday in May |
Flag Day |
6/14 |
Father's Day |
3rd Sunday in June |
First Day of Summer |
Between 6/20-6/23
Note: Date indicated on MCS Daily Digest may be an approximation. Actual date/time may differ based on location/calendar/time zone
Independence Day |
7/4 |
Labor Day |
1st Monday in September |
Grandparents' Day |
Sunday after Labor Day in September |
Patriot Day (Commemorates 9-11-01) |
9/11 |
First Day of Autumn |
Between 9/21-9/24
Note: Date indicated on MCS Daily Digest may be an approximation. Actual date/time may differ based on location/calendar/time zone |
Columbus Day |
2nd Monday in October |
Boss' Day |
October 16th (unless on weekend) [If on weekend, then observed on working day closest to October 16] |
Sweetest Day |
3rd Saturday in October |
Daylight Saving Time Ends |
Prior to 2007: Last Sunday in October;
2007 & Later: 1st Sunday in November |
Halloween (All Hallows Eve)** |
10/31 |
Election Day |
Tuesday following the first Monday of November |
Veterans' Day |
11/11 |
Thanksgiving |
4th Thursday in November |
Pearl Harbor Day |
12/7 |
First Day of Winter |
Between 12/20-12/23
Note: Date indicated on MCS Daily Digest may be an approximation. Actual date/time may differ based on location/calendar/time zone |
New Year's Eve |
12/31 |
Note: Item included
for historical/reference value. Note that Washington was a known Mason (but he may have converted to Catholicism on his deathbed).
Item included on secular calendar to avoid confusion. Technically
speaking, however, "All Hallows Eve" (the Vigil of All Saints
Day) should be considered religious in nature.
*** Where applicable, holidays may be observed on different date(s)
herein may not be comprehensive. We make no guarantees regarding any
item herein. By using this site you indicate agreement to all terms. For
terms information, see "Important Notice" above and click
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