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Volunteers' Corner: Q & A Question Sumry.

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Volunteers' Corner: Q & A Question Summary

Volunteering Section Tips | Vol.Corner: Important Info. | FAQs | Terms 

Click on underlined question links below to view answers...

View By Category:

Appearance of Posts

Arrangement Type / Preferred Arrangement Type

Changes / Cancellations


Expense Reimbursement

Final Date

Location of Opportunity

Preferred Organization Type

Previous Experience / Special Qualifications

"Primarily Benefits" / "Desire to Benefit" ("Pref. Benef." / "Prim. Benef.")


Religious Activity

Religious Affiliation

Requestor Type

Selling / Marketing / Bartering / Profit / Employment

Use of Section

Volunteering Restrictions




Appearance of Posts

Q. My volunteer request or volunteering offer did not appear on the site. Why not?

Q. My post disappeared from the site even though I still need a volunteer (or I am still willing to volunteer). What should I do?

Q. My volunteer request (or volunteering offer) has expired (or been cancelled), but it still appears on the site. What should I do?

Q. I want to volunteer for something that appears on the site, but the submitter tells me that the volunteer request has been rescinded (or has already been completed). Why does the request still appear?

Q. I would like to utilize the services of an individual whose volunteer offer appears on the site, but the person tells me that the offer has been revoked or that he/she has already completed volunteering. Why does the offer still appear?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Arrangement Type / Preferred Arrangement Type

Q. What does "Preferred Arrangement Type" mean?

Q. What options are provided here for "Arrangement Type"?

Q. What does "In-Person Activity" mean?

Q. What does "Home-Based Activity" mean?

Q. What does the Arrangement Type "E-Mail" mean?

Q. What does the Arrangement Type "Telephone" mean?

Q. What does the Arrangement Type "Prayer" mean?

Q. What does the Arrangement Type "Other" mean?

Q. Under the "Arrangement Type" (or "Preferred Arrangement Type") field, there is no option for mail-based activities. Do you permit mail-based activities?

Q. What is the difference between prayer activities here and in the "Prayer Requests" section of this site?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Changes / Cancellations

Q. How can I make a change to my volunteer request/offer?

Q. I changed my mind and no longer wish to volunteer. What should I do?

Q. I changed my mind and no longer want volunteer assistance. What should I do?

Q. What if I originally said I would be willing to volunteer for a whole day but now I only want to volunteer for an hour or so?

Q. I originally said that I wanted to volunteer for an elderly person, but I was contacted by a young person who needs my help. Must I restrict my services to elderly persons?

Q. I originally said that I wanted a volunteer to help an elderly member of my family, but now I would like the volunteer to help a younger family member instead. Is that acceptable?

Q. What if I change my mind and don't want a particular person to volunteer after I've seen him/her?

Q. What if I change my mind about volunteering after I learn more regarding a particular volunteer opportunity?

Q. When can volunteering be terminated?

Q. May I dismiss a volunteer?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Q. Can I participate in this section without including my e-mail address?

Q. I know that providing my e-mail address involves risk. What do you suggest to minimize these risks?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Expense Reimbursement

Q. Should I require advance expense reimbursement in connection with my volunteering?

Q. What payment methods are acceptable for expense reimbursements?

Q. What types of expense reimbursements are there?

Q. What types of expenses may a volunteer be reimbursed for?

Q. I am uncomfortable about reimbursing volunteers in advance for expenses. What should I do?

Q. I want to volunteer but I am uncomfortable about paying my own money for certain expenses (e.g. parking, tolls, etc.). What if I am never reimbursed?

Q. If I use my own money for expenses while volunteering, how can I be sure I will get reimbursed?

Q. If I require advance expense reimbursement in connection with my volunteering, how much should I require?

Q. How much expense reimbursement should I provide a volunteer?

Q. May I request advance expense reimbursement in cash?

Q. I received an advance expense reimbursement from the other party for my volunteering expenses. Should I engage in the volunteer work immediately?

Q. If I provide expense reimbursement (or return excess reimbursement), how can I protect my personal information (e.g. bank account number, address, etc.)?

Q. Must I require that excess funds in connection with an advance expense reimbursement be returned?

Q. Should an accounting be made regarding expenses in connection with volunteering expense reimbursements?

Q. A volunteer requires expense reimbursement in cash. What should I do?

Q. What should I do if a volunteer requests a large (or excessive) advance expense reimbursement?

Q. When I agreed to provide an advance expense reimbursement, I was asked for credit card information. What should I do?

Q. My expense reimbursement was lost/stolen/etc. What should I do?

Q. What if I provide a volunteer with an advance expense reimbursement and they never show up?

Q. What if I provide a volunteer with an advance expense reimbursement and they refuse to volunteer or to return the funds?

Q. What if I provided a volunteer with expense reimbursement and they didn't use the money as told or as agreed?

Q. What if a volunteer spent too much in connection with an expense reimbursement?

Q. What if a volunteer spends only part of an expense reimbursement?

Q. I received an advance expense reimbursement, but the other party's check bounced costing me bank fees. What should I do?

Q. I agreed to volunteer and the other party agreed to reimburse me for my volunteering expenses (e.g. parking, tolls, etc.), but now the other party has changed their mind. What should I do?

Q. I reimbursed a volunteer for certain costs in advance, but they never spent the money. What should I do?

Q. I provided reimbursement for a certain expense (e.g. preferred parking), but the volunteer spent less for the expense (e.g. general parking). What should I do?

Q. I was charged more for an expense than the volunteer paid for it. Is that acceptable?

Q. What if the advance expense reimbursement I received exceeds the amount of my volunteering expenses?

Q. What if the advance expense reimbursement I received is not enough to cover all my volunteering expenses?

Q. I received an advance expense reimbursement that just covered my volunteering expenses but the other party wants "excess funds" returned. What should I do?

Q. What if I am promised reimbursement for my volunteering expenses but never receive it?

Q. What if I never receive reimbursement for expenses related to my volunteering or if I receive only partial reimbursement?

Q. What if it takes a long time for me to receive reimbursement for expenses related to my volunteering?

Q. I received an expense reimbursement but the other party's check bounced. Now I am out both the amount of the expenses and the bank fees. What should I do?

Q. What if a volunteer used all or part of an expense reimbursement improperly or for an improper purpose?

Q. What if a volunteer used all or part of an expense reimbursement for personal purposes?

Q. What if a volunteer wants excessive expense reimbursement or other unagreed upon reimbursement?

Q. What if a volunteer wants more expense reimbursement than we originally agreed to?

Q. What if a volunteer wants to be reimbursed for expenses that I didn't agree to?

Q. What if a volunteer fails to return unused funds related to an advance expense reimbursement (or returns only some of the funds)?

Q. What if a volunteer takes a long time returning unused funds relating to an advance expense reimbursement?

Q. I received a refund of excess funds in connection with an advance expense reimbursement, but the other party's check bounced. Now I am out both the amount of the excess funds and the bank fees. What should I do?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Final Date

Q. How can I determine what date to put in the "final date" field if I am uncertain about how long it might take to find a volunteer (or to provide volunteering services)?

Q. What does the date "00/00/00" mean?

Q. I am still contacted about my post even though the "final date" has passed. What should I do?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Location of Opportunity

Q. The location indicated for a volunteer opportunity/request is a state. How can I obtain a more specific location?

Q. What does "(Various)" mean (in the "Location of Opportunity" field)?

Q. What does "N/A" mean (in the "Location of Opportunity" field)?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Preferred Organization Type

Q. What does "Preferred Organization Type" mean?

Q. Why does the "Preferred Organization Type" field include "Individual" and "Family"?

Q. What does "N/A" mean (in the "Preferred Organization Type" field)?

Q. What does "Other" mean (in the "Preferred Organization Type" field)?

Q. What if I am asked to volunteer for an organization that is not my "preferred" type?

Q. What is the difference between the "Preferred Beneficiary" and the "Preferred Organization Type"?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Previous Experience / Special Qualifications

Q. What does "N/A" mean (in the "Special Qualifications or Previous Experience?" field)?

Q. What does "N/A" mean (in the "Previous Experience?" field)?

Q. What do "Yes" and "No" mean in the "Special Qualifications or Previous Experience?" field?

Q. What do "Yes" and "No" mean in the "Previous Experience?" field?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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"Primarily Benefits" / "Desire to Benefit" ("Preferred Beneficiary" / "Primary Beneficiary")

Note: As used in this section, the term "beneficiary" does NOT refer to wills, insurance, financial matters, legal matters, etc., but rather is a convenient term to refer to who benefits from (or who is desired to benefit from) volunteer services.

Q. What does "Preferred Beneficiary" or "Primary Beneficiary" mean?

Q. Can you guarantee that my volunteer work will benefit the stated individual/group/etc.?

Q. What is the difference between the "Preferred Beneficiary" and the "Preferred Organization Type"?

Q. What does "(general population)" mean (in the "Primary Beneficiary" / "Preferred Beneficiary" field)?

Q. What does "N/A" mean (in the "Primary Beneficiary" / "Preferred Beneficiary" field)?

Q. What does "(various)" mean (in the "Primary Beneficiary" / "Preferred Beneficiary" field)?

Q. What does "Other" mean (in the "Primary Beneficiary" / "Preferred Beneficiary" field)?

Q. Why do you prohibit volunteering for medical advice / medical care but include options for "Infirm", "Catholic Hospital", "Healthcare Organization", etc.?

Q. Why do you prohibit volunteering for childcare/babysitting but include the options "School", "Children", "Orphans", etc.?

Q. If I am handicapped (or ill or elderly, etc.) and I respond to an offer which lists "disabled" (or infirm or elderly, etc.) as the preferred recipient of the volunteer services, am I not automatically providing the other party with personal information about myself? Should I respond to such offers?

Q. If I am handicapped (or ill or elderly, etc.) and I indicate that the person who will benefit most from a volunteer request is "disabled" (or infirm or elderly, etc.), am I not automatically providing the other party with personal information about myself? Should I provide such information?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Note: For problems relating to expense reimbursements see "expense reimbursement" category above.

Q. What happens if someone is caught abusing this section in any way?

Q. Who is responsible if problems occur as a result of my use of this site?

Q. I once requested a volunteer for (or volunteered to do) light sewing and now I receive ads for sewing machines and sewing supplies. What can I do?

Q. I mentioned that I was having financial difficulties and now I get all sorts of e-mail offering credit. What should I do?

Q. I once requested volunteers (or offered volunteer services), and now I receive a lot of anti-Catholic e-mail. What should I do?

Q. I am concerned that an individual requesting or offering volunteer assistance (or providing requested assistance or requesting offered assistance) may just be attempting to gather information about me or my family. Is this possible?

Q. What if I am asked to participate in a prohibited activity (i.e. babysitting, medical/financial/legal/political, etc. activities, personal shopping, etc.)?

Q. The person who is requesting/offering volunteer services wants all sorts of personal information. What should I do?

Q. I once volunteered for someone and now the person I volunteered for keeps asking me for additional help. What should I do?

Q. I volunteered for someone, but I feel the person is extremely inconsiderate or ungrateful. What do you recommend?

Q. I responded to an offer or request in this section, but the other party is not responsive to my e-mail. What should I do?

Q. I volunteered to help someone who claimed to be disabled and later found out that the individual was perfectly healthy - what should I do?

Q. I am requesting or offering volunteer services and the other party is being unreasonable. Can you help?

Q. I am requesting or offering volunteer services and the other party didn't do what they promised. Can you help?

Q. I am requesting or offering volunteer services and the other party is not responding to my e-mail. Can you help?

Q. I received too many responses regarding my volunteer request or volunteering offer - what should I do?

Q. I requested volunteer assistance and have since received it, but I keep receiving offers to volunteer. What should I do?

Q. What if a volunteer or an individual requesting volunteers is anti-Catholic?

Q. After I requested volunteers or offered volunteer assistance, I received anti-Catholic materials. What should I do?

Q. What if a volunteer leaves their work half finished and never returns?

Q. What if a volunteer/requestor/submitter, etc. keeps engaging in unwanted communications (including e-mail, personal visits, phone calls, etc.)?

Q. What if a volunteer (or requestor or submitter) is an illegal alien?

Q. What if the other party sues me / my organization / my group, etc.?

Q. What happens if I'm accused of damage / discrimination / a crime, etc. in connection with my volunteer related activities?

Q. What if an activity / event / submitter / requestor / offerer, etc. differs from its description?

Q. What if a volunteer misrepresents/lies about their qualifications/experience?

Q. What if my volunteer work doesn't benefit who I wanted it to or who I was told it would?

Q. What if I am asked to perform duties other than what I agreed to?

Q. What if I agreed to an e-mail opportunity but now I am asked to also make phone calls?

Q. What if the other party wants more of my time than I said I had available or was willing to work?

Q. What if I am asked to do something questionable while volunteering?

Q. What if I don't like the working conditions of a volunteer opportunity?

Q. What if a volunteer activity is longer/shorter than first indicated?

Q. What if a volunteer hurts someone or otherwise causes harm/injury/death?

Q. What if a volunteer damages/breaks/steals something?

Q. What if a volunteer bothers others / disrupts an activity or event / has offensive behavior or qualities, etc.?

Q. What if a volunteer lies or behaves inappropriately?

Q. What if a volunteer talks too much or speaks inappropriately?

Q. What if a volunteer talks disparagingly about me or tells others about the work they did for me or about my personal details?

Q. What if a volunteer doesn't do what they promise?

Q. What if a volunteer doesn't show up / shows up late / leaves early, etc.?

Q. What if a volunteer is not who they say they are?

Q. What if a volunteer accidentally makes a mistake? What if the mistake is on purpose?

Q. What if a volunteer does poor quality work?

Q. What if a volunteer breaks the law while working for me?

Q. What if a volunteer gets mistreated/hurt/dies, etc. while working for me?

Q. I participated in a volunteer activity that caused an injury. Who is responsible?

Q. While I was volunteering, some of my belongings were stolen (or broken or damaged). What should I do?

Q. What if the individual/group/etc. requesting volunteer services lies or behaves inappropriately?

Q. What if the individual/group/etc. requesting volunteer services isn't who they say they are?

Q. What if the individual/group/etc. requesting volunteer services doesn't do what they promised?

Q. What if the individual/group/etc. requesting volunteer services has offensive behavior or other offensive qualities?

Q. What if the individual/group/etc. requesting volunteer services speaks disparagingly about me or my volunteer work or tells others my personal details?

Q. What if the volunteer/requestor/submitter, etc. doesn't live up to his/her responsibilities?

Q. What if a volunteer is given poor (or no) instructions?

Q. What if a volunteer is given no (or inadequate) tools to do the job?

Q. What if I'm asked to do more than I'm able while volunteering?

Q. What if I was turned down to volunteer?

Q. What if I am dismissed from volunteering?

Q. I feel I was discriminated against. What should I do?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Religious Activity

Q. What does "(partially)" mean (in the "Religious Activity?" field)?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Religious Affiliation

Q. Are all volunteers / volunteer opportunities listed here Catholic?

Q. Are non-Catholics allowed to post here? Are there any restrictions on non-Catholics?

Q. May I volunteer for a non-Catholic here?

Q. What do the classifications mean (e.g. Roman Catholic-progressive, Roman Catholic-traditional, etc.)? Why are there classifications?

Q. Are religious affiliation classifications accurate? What if I don't agree with a classification?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Requestor Type

Q. What does "Other" mean (in the "Requestor Type" field)?

Q. Why do you prohibit volunteering for medical advice / medical care but include options for "Infirm", "Catholic Hospital", "Healthcare Organization", etc.?

Q. Why do you prohibit volunteering for childcare/babysitting but include the options "School", "Children", "Orphans", etc.?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Selling / Marketing / Bartering / Profit / Employment

Q. What if a volunteer (or requestor or submitter) tries to sell me something?

Q. I want to be paid for my services. May I offer them here?

Q. What is "marketing talk" and why is it prohibited?

Q. When I correspond with someone regarding a volunteer request or a volunteering offer, may I include marketing literature or similar materials?

Q. Is it acceptable to trade volunteer services for free admission to an event?

Q. Is it okay to exchange services here?

Q. May I exchange my volunteer services for money or other benefits?

Q. Is it okay to profit from placing volunteers?

Q. I volunteered for someone and later found out that they made a profit from my volunteer work - what should I do?

Q. What happens if a requestor (or submitter) likes a volunteer's work and wants to hire the volunteer?

Q. I am willing to pay for volunteer services. May I request them here?

Q. Is it acceptable to compensate volunteers in any way?

Q. May I receive any form of compensation for my volunteer work?

Q. What if someone responds to my volunteer request but wants to be paid (or makes an offer to perform the services for pay)?

Q. What if a volunteer wants pay or other benefits in exchange for their services?

Q. Can I volunteer (or accept volunteers) on a trial basis before hire?

Q. What if the person I volunteer for wants to pay me or provide other benefits?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Use of Section

Q. Who may request volunteers here?

Q. Who may request/receive/offer/provide volunteer assistance here?

Q. Must I have a financial need to request volunteers here?

Q. May I request volunteers for my business?

Q. I need a volunteer right away. Should I request one here?

Q. Is it okay to submit a volunteering offer for (or otherwise offer the services of) another?

Q. Is it okay to request volunteers for others?

Q. May I request volunteers to surprise someone (e.g. to clean their house)?

Q. Are there any types of services/activities/etc. I shouldn't offer (or request) help with here?

Q. May I request more than one volunteer in my post?

Q. Is it okay for a whole group to respond together to a volunteer request?

Q. I need volunteers for a variety of activities. How many volunteers may I request?

Q. I want to volunteer for numerous activities. How many activities may I volunteer for?

Q. How often may I request volunteer assistance for the same activity?

Q. How often may I offer my volunteer services for the same activity?

Q. What if I need help with a will or other legal matter?

Q. What if I need help with financial planning or with another financial matter?

Q. What if I need medical care or advice?

Q. May I request a babysitter or assistance with childcare here?

Q. May I request assistance with my political campaign here?

Q. May I offer to help (or request help) with personal shopping here?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Volunteering Restrictions

Q. May I place restrictions on my volunteering offers (or volunteer requests)?

Q. Must I accept assistance from the first person who offers to volunteer?

Q. Must I volunteer for the first person/group/etc. that requests my services?

Q. Should I limit volunteering offers/requests to certain areas?

Q. May I restrict who I volunteer for?

Q. May I restrict who volunteers for me?

Q. Someone requested my volunteer services, but indicated that they have no financial need - must I volunteer for them?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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Q. Participating in this section involves risk. What tips do you offer to help minimize these risks?

Q. How can I request/offer help here?

Q. Can you tell me more about a volunteer opportunity (or an offer to volunteer) that appears here?

Q. How can I find out more about a volunteer / requestor / submitter / etc.?

Q. What do the various "relationship to the requestor" options mean?

Q. I see a volunteer opportunity I am interested in. How do I offer my services?

Q. I see a volunteer offer I am interested in. How do I request the volunteer's services?

Q. Since volunteer requests and volunteering offers are listed here, are you considered a party to the volunteering? What services or guarantees do you offer?

Q. Do you verify volunteer requests or volunteering offers?

Q. Do you monitor the volunteer opportunities and volunteering offers listed on this site?

Q. Have you evaluated the volunteer opportunities or volunteering offers listed here (or those who list them) and do you endorse them?

Q. Do you endorse any of the volunteer opportunities, volunteering offers, events, activities, individuals, groups, organizations, submitters, requestors, etc. listed here?

Q. Do you screen volunteers / volunteer opportunities / volunteer requests / volunteer offers / submitters / requestors / offerers, etc.?

Q. Since a volunteer opportunity (or a volunteering offer) is listed here, can I be sure that it is not contrary to the perennial Magisterium?

Q. Since a volunteer opportunity/offer appears here, does it mean you endorse/recommend it?

Q. How can I be sure that what is stated about a volunteer opportunity (or volunteering offer) is accurate & truthful?

Q. Do you guarantee that details regarding a volunteer opportunity or a volunteering offer are accurate?

Q. Are volunteer opportunities or volunteering offers appearing on the site comprehensive?

Q. Do you guarantee the quality of any volunteer's work?

Q. Who is the "Submitter"? Who are "users"? Who is the "requestor"? Who is the "volunteer" / "potential volunteer" / "offerer"? Who is the "participant"? Who is the "other party"?, Etc. Which is the responsible party?

Q. What is the difference between the "Requestor" and the "Submitter"?

Q. My volunteer request indirectly (or directly) affects another individual or organization. Is it considered a "third party" request?

Q. What is "safest" method of volunteering?

Q. Should I participate in volunteer activities which are dangerous?

Q. Can you guarantee that any volunteer is "safe"/competent, etc.?

Q. Can you guarantee that any volunteer request / opportunity / event / activity / requestor / submitter / volunteer / group / organization / individual / etc. is "safe"?

Q. A volunteering opportunity/request is sponsored by a Catholic parish. Does that mean it's "safe"?

Q. A volunteer works for the Catholic Church. Does that mean the volunteer is "safe"?

Q. Can you guarantee that the person requesting volunteers (or offering volunteer services) is who they say they are?

Q. How can I be sure that the other person really needs the services they are requesting?

Q. I am uncomfortable about receiving help from strangers. What should I do?

Q. Is it okay to leave volunteer(s) alone while they are performing volunteer duties?

Q. Who is responsible for transportation to an event/activity/etc. - the volunteer or the requestor/submitter?

Q. The person requesting my volunteer assistance is seeking the help for someone else. Is that okay?

Q. I was asked to volunteer for a surprise cleaning of someone's house. Is that okay?

Q. I said I would be willing to volunteer. How many times should I be willing to do so?

Q. How long should I be willing to volunteer?

Q. You suggest that we independently research volunteer requests/offers, submitters, requestors, volunteers, groups, organizations, events, activities, etc. Can you help me do so?

Q. Are you required to notify us if you suspect (or know of) a problem or risk regarding a particular volunteer / volunteering offer, volunteer opportunity / request, submitter / requestor / offerer, group, organization, event, activity, etc.?

Q. I am unclear about your terms regarding volunteer(ing) activities / volunteer(ing) related activities / volunteer(ing) arrangements / volunteer(ing) offers / volunteer(ing) requests / volunteer(ing) opportunities / volunteer(ing) situations, etc. What do they include?

Q. Is there any guarantee that I will receive the volunteer assistance that I am requesting?

Q. How do I know that the other party will do what they are supposed to do?

Q. If I am requesting/offering volunteer services, should I provide my home or work address?

Q. If I conduct advance research, use a P.O. Box and a special e-mail account, and I don't give away any personal information, am I fully protected from the dangers which may occur with regard to volunteering activities (including contacts / correspondence, events, selection / use of volunteers, providing volunteer services, etc.)?

Q. Do you notify us of any legal requirements relating to volunteering?

Q. How much can I deduct on my taxes for my volunteer work?

Q. Are volunteer services I receive taxable?

Q. Might volunteering affect my benefit eligibility?

Q. Is there any reason it would be preferable to request volunteers (or offer volunteer services) here rather than through a local or national charity/agency?

Q. What does it mean that Catholic or traditional Catholic posts may receive preference?

Q. May I pay to include my post here?

Q. Why are organization names, company names, event names, etc. prohibited here?

Q. Why is pricing information prohibited here?

Q. Where can I find more guidelines concerning submissions?

Q. I have been contacted about my offer or request, how should I respond?

Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap. 

Be sure to review all questions.

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