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the effectiveness of our schools, of our Catholic associations,
and even of our churches is lessened and endangered by the plague
of evil and pernicious motion pictures." (Pope Pius XI,
"Vigilanti Cura", 1936)
is therefore one of the supreme necessities, of our times to watch
and to labor to the end that the motion picture be no longer a
school of corruption but that it be transformed into an effectual
instrument for the education and the elevation of mankind."
(Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti Cura", 1936)
trust that all good and prudent men, following Our counsels, will
strive to ensure that the applause and approval of the general
public will not be wanting, as a prize for really worthwhile
films." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
one must repudiate the manner of acting of those who, from
excessive indulgence, admit films which, for all their technical
brilliance, nevertheless offend right morals; or, though they
appear on the surface to conform to the moral laws, yet contain
something which is contrary to the Catholic Faith." (Pope
Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
"The most regrettable fact is that films very often
portray a world in which men live and die as if God did not exist.
The problem, then, is to prevent mortal dangers to the faith and
the Christian way of life. One could never have to go before God
with the responsibility of having tolerated such a situation, and
one must make every effort to change it." (Pope Pius XII, 1957
force of such power and universality as the cinema can be
directed, with great utility, to the highest ends of individual
and social improvement. Why indeed should there be question merely
of avoiding what is evil? The motion picture should not be simply
a means of diversion, a light relaxation to occupy an idle hour;
with its magnificent power, it can and must be a bearer of light
and a positive guide to what is good." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti
Cura", 1936)
is necessary to apply to the cinema the supreme rule which must
direct and regulate the great gift of art in order that it may not
find itself in continual conflict with Christian morality or even
with simple human morality based upon the natural law. The
essential purpose of art, its raison d'être, is to assist in the
perfection of the moral personality, which is man, and for this
reason it must itself be moral...It is, in fact, urgently
necessary to make provision that in this field also the progress
of the arts, of the sciences, and of human technique and industry,
since they are all true gifts of God, may be ordained to His glory
and to the salvation of souls and may be made to serve in a
practical way to promote the extension of the Kingdom of God upon
earth. Thus, as the Church bids us pray, we may all profit by them
but in such a manner as not to lose the goods eternal: 'sic
transeamus per bona temporalia ut non admittamus aeterna'."
(Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti Cura", 1936)
is equally the duty of the Bishops of the entire Catholic world to
unite in vigilance over this universal and potent form of
entertainment and instruction [the motion picture industry], to
the end that they may be able to place a ban on bad motion
pictures because they are an offence to the moral and religious
sentiments and because they are in opposition to the Christian
spirit and to its ethical principles. There must be no weariness
in combating whatever contributes to the lessening of the people's
sense of decency and of honor. This is an obligation which binds
not only the Bishops but also the faithful and all decent men who
are solicitous for the decorum and moral health of the family, of
the nation, and of human society in general." (Pope Pius XI,
"Vigilanti Cura", 1936)
if they have clearly and publicly indicated which films can be
seen by all, by the young, by adults; and those, on the other
hand, which are a moral danger to the spectators; and finally,
those which are entirely bad and harmful, then each will be able
to attend those films only, from which 'they will come out with
minds happier, freer and better'; and they will be able to avoid
those which can be harmful to them, and doubly so, of course, when
they will have been a means of gain for traffickers in evil
things, and given bad example to others." (Pope Pius XII,
"Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
the motion picture has enlisted in its service luxurious
appointments, pleasing music, the vigor of realism, every form of
whim and fancy. For this very reason, it attracts and fascinates
particularly the young, the adolescent, and even the child. Thus
at the very age when the moral sense is being formed and when the
notions and sentiments of justice and rectitude, of duty and
obligation and of ideals of life are being developed, the motion
picture with its direct propaganda assumes a position of
commanding influence. It is unfortunate that, in the present state
of affairs, this influence is frequently exerted for evil. So much
so that when one thinks of the havoc wrought in the souls of youth
and of childhood, of the loss of innocence so often suffered in
the motion picture theatres, there comes to mind the terrible
condemnation pronounced by Our Lord upon the corrupters of little
ones: 'whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones who
believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone be hanged
about his neck and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea'." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti Cura", 1936)
then the cinema is in reality a sort of object lesson which, for
good or for evil, teaches the majority of men more effectively
than abstract reasoning, it must be elevated to conformity with
the aims of a Christian conscience and saved from depraving and
demoralizing effects. Everyone knows what damage is done to the
soul by bad motion pictures. They are occasions of sin; they
seduce young people along the ways of evil by glorifying the
passions; they show life under a false light; they cloud ideals;
they destroy pure love, respect for marriage, affection for the
family. They are capable also of creating prejudices among
individuals and misunderstandings among nations, among social
classes, among entire races. On the other hand, good motion
pictures are capable of exercising a profoundly moral influence
upon those who see them. In addition to affording recreation, they
are able to arouse noble ideals of life, to communicate valuable
conceptions, to impart a better knowledge of the history and the
beauties of the Fatherland and of other countries, to present
truth and virtue under attractive forms, to create, or at least to
favor understanding among nations, social classes, and races, to
champion the cause of justice, to give new life to the claims of
virtue, and to contribute positively to the genesis of a just
social order in the world." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti
Cura", 1936)
See: Motion
Pictures / Radio / Television | Motion
Pictures & Television: Educating / Training Spectators | Motion
Pictures & Radio: Duties | Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | Play
/ Pleasure / Relaxation | Television
| Legion of Decency | The
Entertainment & Communications Industries [Notable Catholics Section
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unceasing and universal vigilance must...convince the producers
that the 'Legion of Decency' has not been started as a crusade of
short duration, soon to be neglected and forgotten, but that the
Bishops of the United States are determined, at all times and at
all costs, to safeguard the recreation of the people whatever form
that recreation may take." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti
Cura", 1936)
then, it is a certainty which can readily be verified that the
more marvelous the progress of the motion picture art and
industry, the more pernicious and deadly has it shown itself to
morality and to religion and even to the very decencies of human
society. The directors of the industry in the United States
recognized this fact themselves when they confessed that the
responsibility before the people and the world was their very own.
In an agreement entered into by common accord in March, 1930, and
solemnly sealed, signed, and published in the Press, they formally
pledged themselves to safeguard for the future the moral welfare
of the patrons of the cinema. It is promised in this agreement
that no film which lowers the moral standard of the spectators,
which casts discredit upon natural or human law or arouses
sympathy for their violation, will be produced. Nevertheless, in
spite of this wise and spontaneously taken decision, those
responsible showed themselves incapable of carrying it into effect
and it appeared that the producers and the operators were not
disposed to stand by the principles to which they had bound
themselves. Since, therefore, the above-mentioned undertaking
proved to have but slight effect and since the parade of vice and
crime continued on the screen, the road seemed almost closed to
those who sought honest diversion in the motion picture. In this
crisis, you, Venerable Brethren, were among the first to study the
means of safeguarding the souls entrusted to your care, and you
launched the 'Legion of Decency' as a crusade for public morality
designed to revitalize the ideals of natural and Christian
rectitude. Far from you was the thought of doing damage to the
motion picture industry: rather indeed did you arm it beforehand
against the ruin which menaces every form of recreation which, in
the guise of art, degenerates into corruption." (Pope Pius
XI, "Vigilanti Cura", 1936)
leadership called forth the prompt and devoted loyalty of your
faithful people, and millions of American Catholics signed the
pledge of the 'Legion of Decency' binding themselves not to attend
any motion picture which was offensive to Catholic moral
principles or proper standards of living. We are thus able to
proclaim joyfully that few problems of these latter times have so
closely united Bishops and people as the one resolved by
cooperation in this holy crusade. Not only Catholics but also
high-minded Protestants, Jews, and many others accepted your lead
and joined their efforts with yours in restoring wise standards,
both artistic and moral, to the cinema. It is an exceedingly great
comfort to Us to note the outstanding success of the crusade.
Because of your vigilance and because of the pressure which has
been brought to bear by public opinion, the motion picture has
shown an improvement from the moral standpoint: crime and vice are
portrayed less frequently; sin is no longer so openly approved and
acclaimed; false ideals of life are no longer presented in so
flagrant a manner to the impressionable minds of youth."
(Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti Cura", 1936) [Note: While
this was true in 1936, things have obviously - and quite
unfortunately - worsened dramatically since then.]
See: Motion
Pictures & Television: Educating / Training Spectators | Motion
Pictures & Radio: Duties | Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | Motion
Pictures / Radio / Television | Cinema
/ Motion Pictures | Television
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is a duty of conscience binding the spectators who, each time they
buy a ticket of admission, - as it were casting a vote - make
choice of good or bad motion pictures; a similar duty, and even
more so, binds those who manage movie theatres or distribute the
films." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
duty which binds listeners, is to make known to the directors of
the programs their wishes and justifiable criticism. This
obligation arises clearly from the nature of sound radio, which is
such that a wholly one-sided policy may come into existence,
namely, that directed by the speaker to the listener." (Pope
Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
first duty of the radio listener is that of choosing carefully and
deliberately from the programs offered; these must not be
permitted to enter the home indiscriminately, but access should be
given them on the same principles as are observed in a deliberate
and prudent invitation to a friend. A person would act wrongly if
he made no selection in introducing friends into his home. So
radio programs which are given entrance there, must be such as
encourage truth and goodness, and do not draw members of the
family away from the fulfillment of their duty, whether to
individuals or to society; they should be such as strengthen them
to carry out these duties properly, and, in the case of children
and youths, cause no harm, but rather assist and extend the
salutary control of parents and teachers." (Pope Pius XII,
"Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
let listeners to the Radio be aware that they are obliged to
encourage reputable programs, and particularly those by which the
mind is directed towards God. In this age in particular, when
false and pernicious doctrines are being spread over the air,
when, by deliberate 'jamming', a kind of aerial 'iron curtain' is
being created with the express purpose of preventing the entry of
truth which would overthrow the empire of atheistic materialism,
in this age, We say, when hundreds of thousands of the human race
are still looking for the dawning light of the Gospel message,
when the sick and others likewise handicapped look forward
anxiously to taking part in some manner in the prayers and the
ceremonies of the Mass of the Christian community, should not the
faithful, especially those who make daily use of the advantages of
the Radio, show themselves eager to encourage programs of this
kind?" (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
recipients can do more to improve the quality of the media than is
generally realized; so their responsibility to do this is all the
greater. Whether or not the media can set up an authentic dialogue
with society depends very largely upon these recipients. If they
do not insist on expressing their views, if they are content with
a merely passive role, all the efforts of the communicators to
establish an uninhibited dialogue will be useless. Recipients can
be described as active when they know how to interpret
communications accurately and can judge them in the light of their
origin, background and total content. They will be active when
they make their selection judiciously and critically, when they
fill out incomplete information that comes their way with more
news which they themselves have obtained from other sources, and
finally, when they are ready to make their views heard in public,
where they agree, or partly agree or totally disagree. There is
the obvious objection that there is little a man can do alone at
the receiving end. This is unnecessarily pessimistic. Recipients
can find strength in unity. There exists no reason why they should
not work closely together. They can band themselves into
associations, just as communicators have been advised to do."
(Pope Paul VI)
See: Motion
Pictures / Radio / Television | Cinema
/ Motion Pictures | Radio | Television
| Motion
Pictures & Television: Educating / Training Spectators | Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | Legion
of Decency
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'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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order, then, that, in such conditions, shows of this kind may be
able to pursue their proper object, it is essential that the minds
and inclinations of the spectators be rightly trained and
educated, so that they may not only understand the form proper to
each of the arts, but also be guided, especially in this matter,
by a right conscience. Thus they will be enabled to practice
mature consideration and judgment on the various items which the
film or television screen puts before them, and not, as very
frequently happens, be lured and arbitrarily swept away by the
power of their attraction. If there is lacking this mental
training and formation, enlightened by Christian teaching, then
neither reasonable pleasures which 'everyone readily admits are
necessary for all who are involved in the business and troubles of
life', nor the progress of mental development can be kept
safe." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
sound policy of Catholics who have encouraged, especially in
recent years, the need to educate the spectators in this way, is
most praiseworthy; and several plans have been launched which aim
at making both youths and grown-ups willing to examine adequately
and competently the benefits and the dangers of these shows, and
give a balanced decision on them. This, however, should not
provide an excuse for attending shows which are contrary to right
morals; rather, it ought to lead to pointing out and choosing
those only which are in accord with the Church's commandments on
the grounds of religion and of the moral law, and which follow the
instructions issued by the ecclesiastical Offices in this
matter." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
See: Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | Legion
of Decency | Cinema
/ Motion Pictures | Motion
Pictures & Radio: Duties | Motion
Pictures / Radio / Television | Television
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to this topic, please review all applicable categories. For more
'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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this should be the first aim of the arts of the Motion Pictures,
Radio and Television: to serve truth and virtue." (Pope Pius
XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
"[I]f these arts [i.e. television, motion pictures, radio],
without set laws or any moral safeguards, embark on a downward and
uninhibited path, they will certainly restrict the people's true
development and weaken their morals." (Pope Pius XII,
"Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
and television shows, since they easily penetrate right into the
domestic circle, threaten to undermine the protective barriers by
which the education of the young must be kept safe and sound until
such time as advancing age gives the necessary strength to enable
them to overcome the buffetings of the world." (Pope Pius
XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
make a father's appeal to the young so dear to Us, trusting that -
since it is a question of entertainment in which their innocence
can be exposed to danger - they will be outstanding for their
Christian restraint and prudence. It is their grave obligation to
check and control that natural and unrestrained eagerness to see
and hear anything; and they must keep their mind free from
immodest and earthly pleasures and direct it to higher
things." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
as very great advantages can arise from the wonderful advances
which have been made in our day, in technical knowledge concerning
Motion Pictures, Radio and Television, so too can very great
dangers. For these new possessions and new instruments which are
within almost everyone's grasp, introduce a most powerful
influence into men's minds, both because they can flood them with
light, raise them to nobility, adorn them with beauty, and because
they can disfigure them by dimming their luster, dishonor them by
a process of corruption, and make them subject to uncontrolled
passions, according as the subjects presented to the senses in
these shows are praiseworthy or reprehensible." (Pope Pius
XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
is to be hoped that these new arts of publicity [i.e. television,
motion pictures, radio], whether exercised by private citizens or
controlled by rulers of states, will not spread doctrines while
suppressing all mention of God's name and taking no account of His
divine law. However, We are fully aware, alas, that in some
nations amid which atheistic Communism is rampant, these methods
of telecommunication are directed in the schools to root out all
religious ideas from the mind. Indeed, anyone who considers this
situation calmly and without prejudice, cannot fail to see that
the consciences of children and youths, deprived of divine truth,
are being oppressed in a new and subtle way, since they are unable
to learn that truth revealed by God, which, as our Redeemer
declared, makes us free; and that by this cunning method a new
attack is being made on religion." (Pope Pius XII,
"Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
media are themselves new factors in contemporary culture, serving
as they do large numbers of people at the same time. But as well
as enriching culture, they can occasionally degrade it. They often
play for the applause of the lowest cultural levels of their
audience. And because they take so much of modern man's time, they
can easily divert him from higher and more profitable cultural
pursuits. An unrelieved diet of productions geared to the lowest
cultural level within a population would tend to debase the taste
of those who have already attained a higher level. These dangers
can be avoided if communicators really care about the well-being
of culture and buttress their good intentions with a sound
knowledge of the science of education. Moreover, it will be
recalled that the media are perfectly capable of productions on
the highest artistic level, and for the great majority these are
not necessarily the most difficult to follow and to enjoy."
(Pope Paul VI)
See: Cinema
/ Motion Pictures | Radio | Television
| Motion
Pictures & Radio: Duties | Motion
Pictures & Television: Educating / Training Spectators | Legion
of Decency | Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | The
Entertainment & Communications Industries [Notable Catholics Section
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'Reflections' and for Scripture topics, see links below.
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knows what a great contribution good radio programs can make to
sound education; yet from the use of this instrument there arises
an obligation in conscience as in the other technical arts, since
it can be employed to achieve good or evil. Those words, then,
written in Scripture, can be applied to the art of Radio: 'By it
we bless God and the Father; and by it we curse men, who are made
after the likeness of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing
and cursing'." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus",
See: Motion
Pictures / Radio / Television | Motion
Pictures & Radio: Duties | Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | The
Entertainment & Communications Industries [Notable Catholics Section
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'Should we not shudder if we reflect
attentively that by means of television shows, even within home
surroundings all can inhale that poisoned air of 'materialistic'
doctrines which diffuse notions of empty pleasures and desires of
all kinds, in the same way as they did over and over again in
cinema halls?'" (Pope Pius XII)
guarantee that the television industry will safeguard the rights
of the family, parents should express their legitimate concerns to
media managers and producers. Sometimes they will find it useful
to join with others in associations which represent their
interests in relation to the media, to sponsors and advertisers,
and to public authorities." (Pope John Paul II)
is well known to Us with what deep interest vast numbers of
spectators gaze at television programs of Catholic events. It is
obvious, of course, - as We declared a few years ago - that to be
present at Mass portrayed by Television is not the same as being
actually present at the Divine Sacrifice, as is of obligation on
holy days. However, from religious ceremonies, as seen on
Television, valuable fruits for the strengthening of the Faith and
the renewal of fervor can be obtained by all those who, for some
reason, are unable to be actually present; consequently, We are
convinced that We may wholeheartedly commend programs of this
kind. In each country, it will be for the Bishops to judge of the
suitability of televised religious programs, and commit their
execution to the established Office, which, of course, as in
similar matters, will be active and alert to publish information,
to instruct the minds of the audience, and to organize and
coordinate everything in a manner in keeping with Christian
morals." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
special power which Television enjoys, of giving pleasure within
the family circle, is to be reckoned of very great importance,
since it can contribute a great deal to the religious life, the
intellectual development and the habits of those who make up the
family; of the sons, especially, whom the more modern invention
will certainly influence and captivate. But if that saying, 'a
little leaven corrupteth the whole mass' corresponds at all to the
truth, and if physical growth in youths can be prevented, by some
infectious germ, from reaching full maturity, much more can some
base element of education steal its way into the fibres of the
religious life, and check the due shaping of morals. Everyone
knows well that, very often, children can avoid the transient
attack of a disease outside their own home, but cannot escape it
when it lurks within the home itself. It is wrong to introduce
risk in any form into the sanctity of home surroundings; the
Church, therefore, as her right and duty demand, has always
striven with all her force to prevent these sacred portals
suffering violence, under any pretext, from evil television
shows." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957)
besides being discriminating television viewers themselves,
parents should actively help to form in their children viewing
habits conducive to sound development, human, moral and religious.
Parents should inform themselves in advance about program content
and make a conscious choice on that basis for the good of the
family - to watch or not to watch. Reviews and evaluations
provided by religious agencies and other responsible groups -
together with sound media education programs - can be helpful in
this regard. Parents should also discuss television with their
children, guiding them to regulate the amount and quality of their
viewing, and to perceive and judge the ethical values underlying
particular programs... Forming children's viewing habits will
sometimes mean simply turning off the television set: because
there are better things to do, because consideration for other
family members requires it, or because indiscriminate television
viewing can be harmful. Parents who make regular, prolonged use of
television as a kind of electronic babysitter surrender their role
as the primary educators of their children. Such dependence on
television can deprive family members of opportunities to interact
with one another through conversation, shared activities and
common prayer. Wise parents are also aware that even good programs
should be supplemented by other sources of news, entertainment,
education and culture." (Pope John Paul II)
recent decades, television has spearheaded a communications
revolution which has profoundly affected family life. Today
television is a primary source of news, information and
entertainment for countless families, shaping their attitudes and
opinions, their values and patterns of behavior. Television can
enrich family life. It can draw family members closer together and
foster their solidarity with other families and with the community
at large. It can increase not only their general knowledge but
also their religious knowledge, making it possible for them to
hear God's word, to strengthen their religious identity and to
nurture their moral and spiritual life. Television can also harm
family life: by propagating degrading values and models of
behavior; by broadcasting pornography and graphic depictions of
brutal violence; by inculcating moral relativism and religious
skepticism; by spreading distorted, manipulative accounts of news
events and current issues; by carrying exploitative advertising
that appeals to base instincts, and by glorifying false visions of
life that obstruct the realization of mutual respect, of justice
and of peace. Even when television programs themselves are not
morally objectionable, television can still have negative effects
on the family. It can isolate family members in their private
worlds, cutting them off from authentic interpersonal relations;
it can also divide the family by alienating parents from
children and children from parents." (Pope John Paul II)
addition, it is essential that producers of television films take
care not only to preserve intact religious and honorable
principles, but also to be on special guard against the danger
which the young may perhaps fall into, if they are present at
shows intended for grown-ups. With regard to similar performances
which are put on in cinemas and theatres, in order to preserve the
common good, appropriate precautions have been deliberately taken
in almost all civilized countries, with the object of keeping
young people away from immoral entertainments. But it is common
knowledge that television - and with greater reason - needs the
benefits and safeguards of alert vigilance. It is praiseworthy
that, in some countries, items forbidden to the young are excluded
from the television programs; but if it happens that certain
places admit such, then, at least, definite precautions are
absolutely essential. It is useless for anyone to suppose that
excellent principles and an upright conscience on the part of
those engaged in these arts are sufficient either to ensure that
nothing but good flows from the small white screen, or to remove
all that is evil. In this matter, then, prudence and watchful care
are especially demanded of those who make use of television. Due
moderation in its use, prudence in admitting the children to
viewing according to their different ages, a balanced judgment
based on what has been seen before, and finally, exclusion of
children from what are in any sense improper spectacles: all these
are the duties which weigh heavily on parents and on all engaged
in education. We do not overlook the fact that the directives We
have just given in the last section, can sometimes produce serious
difficulties and considerable inconveniences; for the awareness of
their role as educators will often demand that parents give clear
example to their offspring, and also bid them deny themselves -
not without some personal sacrifice - some programs they would
like to see. But who thinks the burden on parents is too heavy
when the supreme good of the children is at stake? This being so,
- as We declared in a letter to the Italian Bishops - 'it is a
most pressing need that the conscience of Catholics with regard to
television should be formed by the sound principles of the
Christian religion'; the more so, in order that this kind of art
may not be at the service of error or the snares of vice, but may
prove to be rather a help 'to educate and train men, and recall
them to their higher state'." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda
Prorsus", 1957)
See: Motion
Pictures / Radio / Television | Motion
Pictures & Television: Educating / Training Spectators | Parents,
Youths, and Entertainment | The
Entertainment & Communications Industries [Notable Catholics Section
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Catholic Word Search - JUMBO Edition


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