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Copyright © 2009, B.F.S. All rights reserved. Newsletter - June, 2009 [Plain text version]

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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Newsletter - June, 2009

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* Greetings

* MCS News & Notes

* The Month of June: Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

* "Apologetics Brief": First Things First

* Modest Dress

* Reminder: Don't Forget Your Priest This Father's Day

* Catholic Trivia

* Recent Catholic News

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Dear Friend,

"We send you these greetings, and our offering of thanksgiving, that you may know that we also are united in the bond of love that joins you to him" (St. Athanasius: Selected Works & Letters)

May this newsletter find you and yours doing well. As we turn towards summer, we would like to take a moment to remind travelers to invoke the aid of a beloved saint for a safe journey (patron saints for travel include: St. Christopher, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Joseph, St. Paul, and St. Raphael the Archangel, among others). Also, whether or not you will be traveling, you might consider this 4th century prayer for friends, loved ones, and others who may be traveling...

"We beseech Thee for those who are traveling from home, grant them an angel of peace as their fellow-traveler, that they may receive no hurt from anyone, that they may finish their voyage and their travels in much cheerfulness."

We also send our best wishes to those who will be traveling. We hope you have a safe and blessed journey.

As discussed last month, we have been considering splitting future newsletters into two parts - namely our "regular" newsletter and a separate, brief "news synopsis" (e.g. recent headlines of interest to Catholics). This would help keep our newsletter shorter, more timely, and with a "holier" focus. As mentioned, subscribers could opt out of the news updates if they did not want to receive them. Since we believe this is the best approach, and since we have received no negative feedback on this issue, we are tentatively planning to begin this in July. If you have any comments about this change, please visit and let us know.

We close with our sincere thanks for your support of our site and of our mailing list.

May God bless you always,

Your Friends at

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MCS News & Notes

* Can't get to the Vatican this year? Looking for an inexpensive gift? Consider supporting by buying "fun" Vatican gifts (e.g. Vatican flags, pins, labels, key chains) in our upcoming fundraiser. Although pricing has not been firmly fixed, we expect prices will start under $5 with a low shipping charge (e.g. $1.50 for 1st item, $.50 for additional items). For further information and to purchase your Vatican gifts when they become available, please visit our "Notices" page at

* We've made some improvements to wording on various section pages to assist readers in locating information. We hope you will find the changes helpful.

* We have also improved various forms to make them easier to use. Please note that we are always interested ways to improve our forms, so please contact us with any suggestions you have. Thank you!

* The 'post of the month' page has been updated for 5/09. To view the 'post of the month' page, please go to:  To submit a post in your choice of hundreds of categories, visit 

* There are a number of new user-submitted articles. To view a list of articles, please go to 

* Please visit the "Notices" page for timely news and other important information regarding - 

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The Month of June: Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the most widespread and treasured Catholic devotions. It has been incorporated into the liturgy and has been generously praised and recommended by both popes & saints. As some more recent popes have said...

"This devotion [to the Sacred Heart of Jesus], which We recommend to all, will be profitable to all." (Pope Leo XIII)

"If this devotion is constantly practiced with this knowledge and understanding, the souls of the faithful cannot but attain to the sweet knowledge of the love of Christ which is the perfection of Christian life" (Pope Pius XII, "Haurietis Aquas", 1956)

"We do not hesitate to declare that devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the most effective school of the love of God; the love of God, We say, which must be the foundation on which to build up the kingdom of God in the hearts of individuals, families, and nations" (Pope Pius XII, "Haurietis Aquas", 1956 A.D.)

Although this devotion is usually associated with St. Margaret Mary, who is known for her propagation of the devotion and her private revelations concerning the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the devotion may be traced back to the Fathers & Doctors of the Church, and even to St. John's Gospel (in which the solider pierced Christ's Sacred Heart).

There are a number of specific practices associated with devotion to the Sacred Heart, some of which carry the promise of special blessings. Some practices include:

* Veneration of the Sacred Heart image

* Consecration / enthronement of one's home / self to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (and the consequent obligation to live up to one's consecration)

* Acts of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

* Wearing / carrying of the Sacred Heart badge

* Nine First Friday's Devotion

Although there are various practices associated with this devotion, it is important to note that external acts are not of primary importance. As stated by Pope Pius XII...

"Hence, let all be completely convinced that in showing devotion to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus the external acts of piety have not the first or most important place; nor is its essence to be found primarily in the benefits to be obtained. For if Christ has solemnly promised them in private revelations it was for the purpose of encouraging men to perform with greater fervor the chief duties of the Catholic religion, namely, love and expiation, and thus take all possible measures for their own spiritual advantage." (Pope Pius XII, "Haurietis Aquas", 1956)

And finally, it is important to note that there is an inseparable link between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and his Immaculate Mother, Mary. Therefore, one should join honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary to honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For more information on this devotion (including promises attributed to our Lord from the writings of St. Margaret Mary applicable to those who practice devotion to the Sacred Heart), please visit

Other Resources:

* Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayers -

* Sacred Heart of Jesus Reflections -

* Haurietis Aquas: On Devotion To The Sacred Heart, Pope Pius XII -

* Annum Sacrum: On Consecration To The Sacred Heart, Pope Leo XIII -

* Miserentissimus Redemptor: On Reparation To The Sacred Heart, Pope Pius XI -

* Caritate Christi Compulsi: On Reparation To The Sacred Heart, Pope Pius XI -

* Sacred Heart of Jesus Coloring Page (shaded) -

"In truth if the arguments brought forward which form the foundation for the devotion to the pierced Heart of Jesus are duly pondered, it is surely clear that there is no question here of some ordinary form of piety which anyone at his own whim may treat as of little consequence or set aside as inferior to others, but of a religious practice which helps very much towards the attaining of Christian perfection." (Pope Pius XII, "Haurietis Aquas", 1956 A.D.)

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"Apologetics Brief": First Things First

The following is taken from the Non-Catholics Section of our site located at  Although geared towards non-Catholic 'Christians', we thought it might be helpful also for Catholics to consider this as an approach when discussing the faith with Protestants.

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First Things First

It often happens that non-Catholic 'Christians' consider a certain minor point of Catholic doctrine or practice (e.g. "call no man father") in isolation and - wrongly, albeit sincerely - judge that the Catholic Church has erred and could not be the true Church of Christ. After encountering several such points - especially under the direction of an anti-Catholic instructor - a person may become wholly convinced that the Catholic Church is in error, and, like some, even go so far as to think the Church is "the antichrist". Sadly, such persons may never take the time to investigate why the Catholic Church teaches or practices certain things - or to discover that such doctrines or practices are easily explainable and are actually biblical (even if, at first glance, they seem to contradict Holy Scripture). Unfortunately, in such cases, the persons may become so "immersed" in these "smaller" details that they cannot "see the forest for the trees".

If such persons are sincerely interested in truth, we suggest that another method be taken when evaluating the Catholic Church's claim to be the only true Church as well as their own sect's claims. Specifically, we ask them to momentarily put aside the smaller points of religious doctrine and practice - as well as all bias - to consider the following major points:

(1) Whether 'scripture alone' is Christ's doctrine [see ]

(2) Whether or not persons are truly saved by 'faith alone' [see ]

(3) Whether the Catholic's Church's claim that the Holy Eucharist is literally the flesh & blood of Christ under the mere appearance of bread and wine is true [see ]

It is clear that the average non-Catholic 'Christian's' entire faith stands or falls based on whether #1 and #2 above are true or false, whereas the entire Catholic faith stands or falls on the fact that #3 above is true. The correct answers to the above questions will unmistakably point persons to the one true religion. Once pointed in that direction, it will become much easier to see how lesser issues (e.g. "call no man father") can be reconciled to Holy Scripture.

When considering the above, note that it is important to steer clear of biased sources, as well as to put aside one's own personal biases. Instead, allow for a full and fair assessment of Scripture & history, as well considering all common-sense implications. When evaluating the Catholic Church's teachings, do not rely on a certain individual or group to discover what the Catholic Church really teaches (even a group of theologians, priests, or bishops) - but rather look to appropriate, official sources to determine what the Church has always taught (note that pre-1950 publications which have an imprimatur may be especially clear and reliable sources of Catholic doctrine).

And, while focusing on these three items, don't allow yourself to become sidetracked by other issues. Remember that it is these three central issues which will point the way to the truth.

We wish you God's abundant blessings in your search for truth.


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Modest Dress

With the approach of summer, unfortunately, comes an increase in persons dressing immodestly. Therefore, we present the following selections from "Thoughts on Modesty / Immodest Dress" at with the hope that they may be of assistance.

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"The Church knows and teaches that the human body, which is God's masterpiece in the visible world, and which has been placed at the service of the soul, was elevated by the Divine Redeemer to the rank of a temple and an instrument of the Holy Spirit, and as such must be respected. The body's beauty must therefore not be exalted as an end in itself, much less in such guise as will defile the dignity it has been endowed with." (Pope Pius XII, "Moral Problems in Fashion Design", 1957)

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Think today's fashions are "no big deal"? Think that following the dress of the crowd is okay? Think again! Many (most?) popular fashions today are offensive to God, sinful, scandalous, occasions of sin, enticements to sin, and display a lack of regard for the body as "a temple of the Holy Spirit". Everywhere we see tight, form-fitting clothes, bare skin, exposed undergarments, etc. We also see women dressed like men (e.g. wearing men's trousers - and now even men's undergarments) and young girls dressed like women of ill-repute (e.g. skin-tight clothes, exposed midriffs, low-cut tops, etc.). It seems that many people today have completely lost the sense of modesty.

We can't say we weren't warned. In the early 1900's, Our Lady of Fatima told us that "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." She added that "More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." One of the three shepherd children of Fatima, Bl. Jacinta, confirmed "The sins which hurl most souls into hell, are the sins of the flesh. Certain styles will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much. Those who serve God must not follow these fashions."

Before that, St. Nilus has been attributed with the following prophecy: "After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people's minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable. People's appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair."

At least one saint has had "frightful visions of souls suffering in hell due to their immodesty in dress and its consequences." The wonder-working stigmatist priest (St.) Padre Pio wouldn't allow women into his confessional if they weren't wearing modest dresses. Recent popes have also lamented and warned us against immodest dress:

"[T]here is a sad forgetfulness of Christian modesty especially in the life and the dress of women" (Pope Pius XI, "Miserentissimus Redemptor", 1928)

"We lament, too, the destruction of purity among women and young girls as is evidenced by the increasing immodesty of their dress and conversation and by their participation in shameful dances" (Pope Pius XI, "Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio", 1922)

"But the Christian, whether he be creator or client, should be careful not to underestimate the dangers and spiritual ruin spread by immodest fashions, especially those worn in public, because of that continuity that must exist between what one preaches and what one practices, even in the sense of externals. He will remember the high purity which the Redeemer demands of His disciples even in glances and thoughts. And he will remember the severity which God shows to those who give scandal. We might call to mind on this subject the strong words of the prophet Isaias, in which was foretold the infamy that was to befall the holy city of Sion because of the immodesty of its daughters (cf. Isaias 3, 16-21)." (Pope Pius XII, "Moral Problems in Fashion Design", 1957)

Saints & Scripture speak clearly of the importance of modesty and proper dress of our bodies:

"Similarly, (too,) women should adorn themselves with proper conduct, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hairstyles and gold ornaments, or pearls, or expensive clothes, but rather, as befits women who profess reverence for God, with good deeds." (St. Paul, 1 Tm. 2:9-10)

"Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy that person; for the temple of God, which you are, is holy." (1 Cor. 3:16-17)

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body." (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

"The dress of the body should not discredit the good of the soul." (St. Cyprian of Carthage)

"Purity is a precious jewel, and the owner of a precious stone would never dream of making a display of his riches in the presence of thieves." (St. John Bosco)

"The desire to please by outward charms, which we know naturally invite lust, does not spring from a sound conscience. Why should you rouse an evil passion?" [Tertullian ("an excellent early Christian writer" - although he would ultimately fall into heresy), 3rd century A.D.]

"Further we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals incontinence." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)

"You carry your snare everywhere and spread your net in all places. You allege that you never invited others to sin. You did not, indeed, by your words, but you have done so by your dress and your deportment, and much more effectively than you could by your voice. When you have made another sin in his heart, how can you be innocent? Tell me whom does this world condemn? Whom do judges in court punish? Those who drink poison or those who prepare it and administer the fatal potion? You have prepared the abominable cup, you have given the death-dealing drink and you are more criminal than those who poison the body; you murder not the body but the soul. And it is not to enemies you do this, nor are you urged on by any imaginary necessity, nor provoked by injury, but out of foolish vanity and pride." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)

In consideration of the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ...

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Mt. 5:27-28)

...we must realize that those who dress scantily or otherwise immodestly - even if unintentionally - make themselves an "object of lust" and may cause others to commit adultery in their hearts. Those who dress immodestly may even be culpable in the loss of other's souls. They offend Jesus, tempt others into mortal sin, create scandal - both inside and outside the Church, "profane the temple of the Holy Spirit", set a bad example for others, degrade society, and may cause the loss of souls. Think that's no big deal?

Such dress also tends to promote promiscuity, fornication, and crimes against women. It may lead to increased use of contraception, and even to abortion. In fact, nothing you do may lead more people to sin than the very clothes you wear!

For more on this topic, including dress standards and parents' duty to protect modesty, please visit

Also, please see link on top left of above referenced page for a FREE FLIER on this topic that may be printed & distributed.

"I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." (St. Paul, Rom. 12:1-2)

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Reminder: Don't Forget Your Priest This Father's Day

"Our parents begot us by blood and the will of the flesh, but priests make us children of God; blessed regeneration, true freedom, and adoption according to grace." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)

Note: Please visit to tell about a special priest, discover facts concerning the priesthood, read reflections on the priesthood (quotes from popes, saints, scripture, etc.), pray for priests, and more.

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Catholic Trivia

Test your Catholic knowledge with the following Catholic trivia...

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It is a traditional Catholic custom to sanctify each day of the week and month of the year with special devotional practices. Match up the following devotion with the proper day or month (answers below)...


St. Joseph - Day of week: _____________

The Holy Spirit / The Holy Souls in Purgatory / The Holy Angels - Day of week: _____________

The Blessed Virgin Mary - Day of week: _____________

The Holy Eucharist - Day of week: _____________

The Holy Trinity / The Resurrection - Day of week: _____________

The Holy Angels / The Apostles - Day of week: _____________

The Passion of the Lord / The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Day of week: _____________


The Holy Eucharist - Month: _____________

The Precious Blood of Jesus - Month: _____________

The Seven Dolors of Mary / The Sorrowful Mother - Month: _____________

The Holy Family - Month: _____________

The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Month: _____________

The Blessed Virgin Mary - Month: _____________

The Holy Souls in Purgatory - Month: _____________

St. Joseph - Month: _____________

The Immaculate Conception - Month: _____________

The Holy Rosary - Month: _____________

The Holy Name of Jesus - Month: _____________

The Immaculate Heart of Mary - Month: _____________

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St. Joseph - Day of week: Wednesday

The Holy Spirit / The Holy Souls in Purgatory / The Holy Angels - Day of week: Monday

The Blessed Virgin Mary - Day of week: Saturday

The Holy Eucharist - Day of week: Thursday

The Holy Trinity / The Resurrection - Day of week: Sunday

The Holy Angels / The Apostles - Day of week: Tuesday

The Passion of the Lord / The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Day of week: Friday

===> Did you know? The main image on the MCS Daily Digest (tm) page corresponds with the daily dedications indicated above. To view the MCS Daily Digest, please go to


The Holy Eucharist - Month: April

The Precious Blood of Jesus - Month: July

The Seven Dolors of Mary / The Sorrowful Mother - Month: September

The Holy Family - Month: February

The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Month: June

The Blessed Virgin Mary - Month: May

The Holy Souls in Purgatory - Month: November

St. Joseph - Month: March

The Immaculate Conception - Month: December

The Holy Rosary - Month: October

The Holy Name of Jesus - Month: January

The Immaculate Heart of Mary - Month: August


Daily Dedications -

Monthly Dedications -

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Recent Catholic News

The following is a collection of selected 5/09 news links from the News & Opinion Page at (or archived at ). Not all links are included. Dates in brackets may refer to dates the links were added to the MCS news page. Items herein contain text only. To view news briefs, actual news links (or to view full news stories), click above link for MCS News & Opinion Page (or archive).


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Sotomayor sat on board of Latino group which filed pro-abort brief in 1980's [5/30]

Pro-abort Senator Boxer "comfortable" with Sotomayor's abortion position; Former colleague "guarantees" Sotomayor is "for abortion rights" [5/30]

Obama said to be 'comfortable' with Sotomayor's abortion views [5/29]

Christ betrayed: Scandalized 'celebrity' priest who broke vows by fornicating with 'divorced' woman enters into schism; Unapologetically joins heretical sect without valid Eucharist or Holy Orders [5/29]

Obama nominates Miguel Diaz ambassador to the Vatican; Diaz supported radical pro-aborts Obama & Sebelius while claiming to be 'pro-life' [5/28]

Chairman of USCCB committee apparently calls for "comprehensive and affordable" health care coverage for illegals [5/28]

Gang of armed robbers break into Tanzanian convent, attack nun & others [5/28]

Dublin Archbishop says Church in Ireland must "move out of any mode of denial" over abuse; Calls orders' response to agreement with government "stunning" [5/27]

Irish government to demand additional compensation for abuse victims; Christian Brothers have already agreed to provide additional funding [5/27]

Pope Benedict accepts resignation of Archbishop of Bangui over scandal; Newspaper reports that priests live with women and have children in majority of parishes [5/27]

'Billionaires club' chooses "population control" as their main cause to fund [5/26]

Vatican Radio to air advertising for first time in order to raise funds [5/26]

After criticism, Vatican newspaper publishes second story critical of Obama's pro-abort policies [5/26]

New papal website targeted at youth receives nearly 500,000 visits on first day [5/26]

Protestants beat & kill "first Catholic they could find" in North Ireland; Mob kills man, injures wife and neighbor [5/26]

Archbishop 'slams' Catholic orders in Ireland; Calls for additional compensation for abuse victims [5/25]

One more reason to homeschool: CA school district calls for compulsory 'LGBT' lesson for kindergartners [5/25]

Cardinal George 'grateful' for Obama's ND remarks re: conscience protection; Looks forward to advancing goal that abortion opponents not be forced to subsidize abortion with their tax dollars [5/25]

Hindu fundamentalists claim responsibility for bombing Catholic parish in Nepal which killed two women [5/25]

Beatification of Pope John Paul II "hits snag" [5/23]

Papal nuncio investigating low turnout for papal Mass in Jerusalem [5/23]

Prominent theologian says Christopher West misrepresents JP II's thought "significantly"; Calls West's approach "vulgar and in bad taste" [5/23]

Conviction of Mother Teresa's former spiritual advisor upheld by court [5/22]

Vatican newspaper "finally" reports on some of the ND criticism [5/22]

FSSP asks for personal parish in Toronto [5/22]

That makes five: Another poll shows Americans shifting to pro-life position [5/22]

Honduran president to allow sale of abortifacient "morning after pill" in his country despite fact that abortion is illegal in Honduras [5/21]

Most "pro-abortion president in history" is not pro-abortion according to editor of Vatican newspaper [5/21]

Fordham University's response not apologetic; Comments considered contemptuous of authority of U.S. bishops and its own local bishop [5/21]

Shocking report released: Physical & s*xual abuse said to have been "endemic" in Church-run institutions for boys in Ireland [5/20]

Vatican newspaper criticized for recent Obama coverage; One author says "It has become apparent that the paper needs a new editor" [5/20]

Pro-life congressmen challenge Obama to live up to statements made at ND concerning conscience protection [5/20]

New bishop named to diocese of Saginaw [5/20]

Catholics in Maine to launch grassroots effort to overturn state's new sodomite "marriage" law [5/20]

Thanks for the warning: Pelosi & Sebelius said to be good examples of Trinity University's 'Catholic' education; University president calls ND critics "Catholic vigilantes" & "grand inquisitors" [5/20]

Fordham University said to have concealed its decision to honor NY pro-abort mayor from Archbishop Dolan; Bloomberg received an honorary degree from the University which has history of honoring pro-abort figures [5/20]

Pope's encyclical has been completed; "Should be published by the end of June" [5/19]

Republicans sounding defeatist on Supreme Court nominee; Pro-life groups may need to lead battle against pro-abort nominees [5/19]

Ads show radical records of potential Supreme Court nominees; Frontrunners are "hard-left activists who would decide cases based on their feelings and their personal political agendas" [5/19]

Vatican not included on Obama's itinerary [5/19]

You've got to be kidding: Weakland says he had "no understanding" of the criminal nature of s*xual abuse of minors; Claims he "accepted naively the common view that it was not necessary to worry about the effects on the youngsters: either they would not remember or they would 'grow out of it'" [5/19]

Vatican to launch new website on May 24 targeted at young persons; Site will include iPhone and Facebook applications [5/19]

Poll shows Catholics have overwhelmingly positive view of Pope Benedict; Want the Church to speak out on life and marriage issues [5/19]

After declining prestigious ND honor, Mary Ann Glendon graciously received award from ND pro-life student group for her "extraordinary witness to the faith and service to the Church" [5/19]

Archbishop Chaput speaks out: Calls Fr. Jenkins' comments regarding Obama "embarrassing"; Says we "have the duty to avoid prostituting our Catholic identity by appeals to phony dialogue that mask an abdication of our moral witness" [5/19]

President of Latin American Bishops' Council affirms celibacy "is not up for debate at this assembly nor in the Church in general" [5/19]

Catholic commentator claims a "political game" is being played over ND Obama invite [5/16]

Elderly priest, Alan Keyes & others arrested at ND; Keyes ordered to remain in jail until Monday after ND commencement [5/15]

Obama administration pulls report calling pro-life activities "rightwing extremism"; Claims report was sent out by an employee "without authorization" [5/15]

Attempted assassin of Pope John Paul II says he wants to be baptized at the Vatican; Past behavior has raised questions about his mental health [5/15]

Glimmer of hope: More Americans reported to be pro-life; It is speculated that Obama's anti-life policies may have fueled the change [5/15]

Bishop charges ND on national television of "ignoring their Catholic identity"; Says decision to honor Obama sends a "very mixed message" and gives an appearance of supporting Obama's ideas [5/15]

Some parishes "gearing up" for changes to Novus Ordo Mass; Translations supposed to be "more faithful" to the original text [5/15]

Obama appoints "Dr. C*ndom" director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Appointee distributed millions of free c*ndoms when NYC health commissioner [5/15]

Assisted suicide bill introduced into Canadian Parliament [5/14]

Cardinal Newman Society lists Catholic colleges that "Notre Dame could learn a valuable lesson from" [5/14]

No respect: Church unveils 7 foot tall 'Jesus in baggy jeans' statue [5/14]

White House responds to ND uproar: Criticizes pro-lifers, minimizes critics [5/14]

Spanish government approves plan to expand abortion [5/14]

Oregon Bishop who refuses to adopt "safe touch" program offers "family-based" alternative; "Safe touch" program containing "explicit references to s*xual issues" is mandatory in most American dioceses [5/14]

Colombian Catholic hospital which refused to perform abortion to be fined over $5,000 [5/14]

Donor funds withheld from ND up to nearly $14 million; ND graduate claims "A shrinking percentage of Catholic faculty and the efforts of secular-minded board members has long been eroding the Catholic heritage and foundation that makes Notre Dame great" [5/13]

NY Senate Assembly passes sodomite 'marriage' bill [5/13]

Hilary Clinton fails to produce evidence to support her claim regarding botched abortions in Brazil; Unclear whether she will retract statement [5/13]

Head of Catholic 'Supreme Court' says Catholics who knew Obama's "clearly announced" anti-life, anti-family agenda could not have voted for him "with a clear conscience"; Says if a Catholic "knowingly and deliberately" voted for a candidate who was in favor of "the most grievous violations of the natural moral law," then he has "formally cooperated in a grave evil and must confess his serious sin" [5/13]

Pope tells Palestinians he supports an independent Palestinian State [5/13]

Islamic leader disrupts meeting with Pope: Calls on Pope to denounce "crimes of Israeli occupation" [5/12]

Even rabbi gets it: "No matter what [the Pope] does, they will always attack him" [5/12]

Plenary Indulgence announced for Year of Priests [5/12]

After "grave abuses", Italian Archbishop bans Communion in the hand in three parishes; Asks priests to watch for Eucharistic abuse [5/12]

Disgraced former archbishop admits he's gay; Publishing a memoir that will make some people "angry" [5/12]

Well-known pro-life priest says pro-life ND students "should exercise their right not to attend the graduation ceremony"; Says event "will only serve to obscure rather than highlight the Church's pro-life teaching and the true spirit of Notre Dame" [5/12]

Von Hildebrand "slams" TOB promoter Christopher West; Says his approach "totally lacks reverence" and that "he has derailed and is doing a lot of harm"; Says she is "shocked and horrified" by his words [5/12]

Bishop & Catholic politicians in RI effective in warding off sodomite 'marriage' [5/12]

Bishop of Maine warns of "tragic consequences" of sodomite 'marriages', says "calling same-sex relationships marriage doesn't make them so" [5/11]

Dangerous, abortifacient "morning after pill" to be made available over the counter "to anyone who wants it" in Spain [5/11]

Alan Keyes and other protesters arrested at ND for trespassing; Activist says: "We have people sitting in jail who defended human life on Notre Dame's campus and Notre Dame is going to honor someone that takes human life" [5/9]

Man charged in stabbing of TX priest [5/9]

Head of Apostolic Signatura criticizes ND Obama invite; Says Catholic universities not willing to accept suffering necessary to witness to the faith "are not worthy of the name Catholic"; Receives standing ovation for his remarks [5/8]

Your tax dollars at work: Obama's proposed budget ends funding for abstinence education; Calls for 'contraceptive-only' education, including "mandatory c**dom grants" to states [5/8]

USCCB launches campaign against embryonic stem sell research [5/7]

Taliban tells Pope to take action to stop 'proselytism' by US soldiers in Afghanistan [5/7]

Prominent American priest leaves Legion for NY Archdiocese [5/7]

Author Judy Blume barraged with criticism over her unconscionable comments; PP calls for help [5/7]

Republicans file special resolution calling for probe into Obama administration documents which associate pro-lifers with terrorism [5/7]

Infant photographed in womb 10 years ago now a pro-life advocate; Photograph changed heart of photographer and others; Boy in photo says he's thankful to be in the picture [5/7]

Elderly Italian Bishop "deeply shocked and disturbed" over contents of 'Angels and Demons' film; Says movie contents are "highly denigrating, defamatory and offensive for the values of the Church and the prestige of the Holy See"; Calls on fellow bishops to denounce film "for attacking the faith of missions [and for] spreading obscenity" [5/6]

Shocking: Children's author Judy Blume invites donations to major abortion provider to "honor" mothers on Mother's Day [5/6]

Maine 'legalizes' sodomite 'marriages' [5/6]

FL Archbishop "deeply saddened" over photo scandal involving well-known priest [5/6]

Former Vatican ambassador who declined ND award will receive pro-life award [5/6]

Experts present evidence to Congress showing that abstinence programs "outperform 'comprehensive' s*x education programs" [5/6]

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recommends 13 nations be designated "countries of particular concern" over "egregious violations" of religious freedom [5/5]

NCR calls on Clinton to support her claim regarding botched abortions in Brazil [5/5]

Federal judge rules that teacher who berated creationism violated First Amendment [5/5]

Swiss Guard to swear in 32 new members [5/5]

ND compared to dissenting 'Catholic' politicians by MN Bishop [5/5]

Australian "Doctor of Death" considering moving to the U.S.; Says U.S. looks like "a less hostile environment" for his euthanasia promoting efforts [5/4]

Archdiocesan website in Sri Lanka hacked; Government allies suspected [5/4]

Mass of reparation celebrated by FL Bishop over ND Obama invite [5/4]

Here we go again; Catholic university in Philadelphia to honor pro-abort 'Catholic' [5/4]

"Ironic twist of fate": Specter's party change may aid pro-lifers in Supreme Court nominations [5/2]

Survey says Mass attending Catholics less likely to support ND Obama invite [5/2]

'Jane Roe' of Roe vs. Wade speaks out against ND Obama invite [5/2]

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Souter to retire in June [5/1]

'Catholic' Senators to blame for radical pro-abort Sebelius' confirmation; 19 'Catholic' Senators voted to confirm, including 'pro-life' Sen. Brownback [5/1]

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Closing Prayer

Prayer to Jesus (Sacred Heart): Reveal Thy Sacred Heart to me, O Jesus, and show me Its attractions. Unite me to It for ever. Grant that all my aspirations and all the beats of my heart, which cease not even while I sleep, may be a testimonial to Thee of my love for Thee and may say to Thee: Yes, Lord, I am all Thine; the pledge of my allegiance to Thee rests ever in my heart and will never cease to be there. Do Thou accept the slight amount of good that I do and be graciously pleased to repair all my wrong-doing; so that I may be able to bless Thee in time and in eternity. Amen. (Raccolta)

Note: For more Sacred Heart prayers (including prayer of consecration & renewal of consecration) , please visit

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