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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Newsletter - May, 2018

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* Greetings

* MCS News & Notes

* The Month of May: Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

* Resources For Ascension & Pentecost

* The Easiest Way to Remit Sin? A Dozen Reflections on Holy Water

* Liturgical Feasts in May

* 'Catholic Trivia'

* Defending the Faith: "Apologetics Brief" - Do You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching That Mary Intercedes For Christ's Followers?

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Dear Friend,

"Grace be with you, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Christ Jesus the Son of the Father: in truth and charity." (2 Jn. 1:3)

Greetings to you during this beautiful month of May. Some important dates this month include the following...

5/7/18 - Rogation Monday (T)

5/8/18 - Rogation Tuesday (T)

5/9/18 - Vigil of the Ascension | Rogation Day (T)

5/10/18 - Ascension of Our Lord

5/19/18 - Vigil of Pentecost

5/20/18 - Pentecost Sunday

5/23/18 - Ember Wednesday after Pentecost (T)

5/25/18 - Ember Friday after Pentecost (T)

5/26/18 - Ember Saturday after Pentecost (T)

5/27/18 - Trinity Sunday

5/31/18 - Corpus Christi

We wish you a holy month filled with God's blessings.

Thank you for being a valued subscriber to our newsletter,

Your Friends at

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"And may the very God of all, who spoke by the Holy Ghost through the prophets, who sent Him forth upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost in this place, Himself send Him forth at this time also upon you; and by Him keep us also, imparting His benefit in common to us all, that we may ever render up the fruits of the Holy Christ Jesus our Lord: By whom and with whom, together with the Holy Ghost, be glory to the Father, both now, and ever, and for ever and ever. Amen." (St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church)

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MCS News & Notes

* Media Progress Update: There's a small possibility our newest publication may be ready by the end of May. We are really excited about this uplifting publication and hope you will find it to be both encouraging & inspiring. For details when it's available, please try here: (shortcut ). Thanks so much for your support!

* Other Progress Update: As we currently have a 'giant' workload pending, we regret that we are presently 'super-behind' on our 10 year anniversary plans and also our Rosary Week preparations. At this time, we hope to have all Rosary Week items ready by the end of May or mid June. As for our anniversary plans, however, we expect that we will not be able to accomplish what we'd hoped. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you would like to leave any anniversary related feedback, please use the 'quick feedback' form at . We would love to hear from you!

* For Eastertide resources, please visit

* For Fatima resources (incl. prayers, coloring page), please visit

* For fasting / abstinence information for Rogation Days, Ember Days & the Vigil of Pentecost, please visit

* The world lost an incredible priest last month (Fr. Louis Marx of San Secondo d'Asti in Guasti/Ontario, CA). This humble and loving priest - who worked tirelessly for God & his flock - was also a font of wisdom to us personally. Fittingly, this holy priest died inside the church "peacefully while sitting (as he could no longer kneel due to poor health) in front of the Blessed Sacrament, saying his morning prayers". In fact, we were told that the coroner said they'd never seen a more peaceful death than his. This dear priest - who touched countless souls - will be greatly missed. In your charity, please pray for his soul. [Note: For prayers for priests (living & deceased), please visit: ]

* Have you completed first five Saturdays devotion? The first five Saturdays devotion, associated with Fatima, is accompanied by the Blessed Virgin Mary's promise to provide all graces necessary for salvation at the hour of one's death. If you haven't yet started this devotion, May is the perfect month to start. If you have completed this devotion, why not repeat it? For more information concerning this devotion, please visit

* Reminder: Our Tenth Annual Rosary Week is scheduled for 10/22/18 - 10/28/18. Please plan to join fellow Catholics in praying the rosary each day that week for the indicated intentions. We hope to have a sign up sheet available shortly.

* Help keep us online! Donate any amount (from $1+) at [note that we do NOT sell donor information to third parties and we do NOT contact you about your donation unless it is necessary (e.g. processing problems)]. Thank you for your much needed support!

* Please invite your friends to visit For our "easy to use" invite-a-friend page, please visit . Please invite some friends today! Your support helps keep us going!

* We love to hear from you! Please submit comments at

* Have friends or family that might benefit from our newsletter? Please invite them to subscribe at . Thank you!

* Please see our Notices page at for dates of anticipated service delays through May 2018.

* To shop at in support of, please use this link: (shortcut ). You can shop here for books, household & office products, Catholic items, electronics, and much more. Already shop at It doesn't cost any extra to shop at Amazon using this link, yet we can benefit from your purchases. Thank you for your support!

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* Please visit our Notices page for timely news and other important information regarding -

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The Month of May: Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

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"He who is devout to the Virgin Mother will certainly never be lost." (St. Ignatius of Antioch)

"[Mary] is by nature so good and so merciful that inclined to aid spontaneously those who suffer, she is absolutely incapable of refusing her help to those who invoke her." (Pope Benedict XV)

"All the saints have a great devotion to Our Lady" (St. John Vianney)

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Related Resources...

* Blessed Virgin Mary (Topic Page) -

* Blessed Virgin Mary (Reflections) -

* Misc. Marian Facts - 

* Marian Scriptural References -

* Popular Marian Prayers & Hymns -

* Popular Marian Devotions -

* Some Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary -

* Some Thoughts on the Blessed Virgin Mary -

* Marian Feasts -

* Marian Apparitions -

* Do Catholics Worship Mary? -

* Marian Encyclicals -

* Marian Apologetics -

* Mary, Our Mother Section -

* Marian Coloring Pages -

* Word Searches (Blessed Virgin Mary) -

* Blessed Virgin Mary (Crossword Puzzle) -

Looking For Something Else? Try Our Various Indexes For 15,000+ Entries -

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"Mary is our sure way to Christ." (Pope St. Pius X)

"What she asks, she obtains. Her pleas can never be unheard." (Bl. Pope Pius IX)

"We have the Virgin as universal advocate in all things, for she is more powerful in whatever necessity than are the other Saints in particular needs." (Pope Pius XII)

"Let us live as the Blessed Virgin lived: loving God only, desiring God only, trying to please God only in all that we do." (St. John Vianney)

"[Mary] is gentle, exquisite in tenderness, and of a limitless love and kindness. As such God gave her to us. Mother of his only begotten Son, he taught her all a mother's feelings that breathe pardon and love." (Pope Leo XIII)

"Mary will assist us if we but call upon her. There is not a single unhappy soul or sinner in the world who calls upon Mary who is left without mercy. Anyone who invokes her will have the wounds of his soul healed." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)

"Just as Mary surpassed in grace all others on earth, so also in heaven is her glory unique. If eye has not seen or ear heard or the human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9), who can express what He has prepared for the woman who gave Him birth and who loved Him, as everyone knows, more than anyone else?" (St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church)

"While Peter has the keys of heaven, Mary has the key to God's heart; while Peter binds and looses, Mary also binds with the chains of love and looses with the gift of pardon. While Peter is the guardian and the minister of indulgences, Mary is the generous and wise treasurer of God's favors. 'He who desires grace and does not have recourse to Mary, desires to fly without wings.' (Dante)" (Pope Pius XII)

"What Lucifer has lost by pride, Mary has gained by humility. What Eve has damned and lost by disobedience, Mary has saved by obedience. Eve, in obeying the serpent, has destroyed all her children together with herself, and has delivered them to him; Mary, in being perfectly faithful to God, has saved all her children and servants together with herself, and has consecrated them to His Majesty." (St. Louis Marie de Montfort)

"Being the sure means and the straight and immaculate way to go to Jesus Christ and to find Him perfectly, it is by her that the souls who are to shine forth especially in sanctity have to find Our Lord. He who shall find Mary shall find life (cf. Prov. 8:35), that is, Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Jn. 14:6). But no one can find Mary who does not seek her; and no one can seek her who does not know her; for we cannot seek or desire an unknown object. It is necessary, then, for the greater knowledge and glory of the Most Holy Trinity, that Mary should be more than ever known." (St. Louis Marie de Montfort)

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Resources For Ascension & Pentecost

+ + + ASCENSION + + +

* Ascension (Definition) - 

* Ascension (Prophecies) -

* On Our Lord's Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension (Selections From the Baltimore Catechism, Lesson: 08) -

* Prayer for the Ascension -

* Ascension Thursday / Holy Days of Obligation -

* Ascension (Coloring Pages) -

* Jesus (Topic Page) -

Looking For Something Else? Try Our Various Indexes For 15,000+ Entries -


"Then he led them (out) as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven." (Lk. 24:50-51)

"So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God." (Mk. 16:19)

Prayer for the Ascension: "Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we who believe Thine only-begotten Son, our Redeemer, to have this day ascended into heaven, may ourselves dwell in spirit amid heavenly things. Through the same Lord." (Collect)

+ + + PENTECOST + + +

* Pentecost (Definition) - 

* Pentecost (Prophecies) -

* On the Holy Ghost and His Descent Upon the Apostles (Selections From the Baltimore Catechism, Lesson: 09) -

* Prayers for Pentecost (Incl. Links for Veni Creator Spiritus & Veni Sancte Spiritus) -

* Novena to the Holy Spirit (Friday After Ascension to Vigil of Pentecost) -

* Fasting / Vigil of Pentecost -

* Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit -

* Divinum Illud Munus: On The Holy Spirit, Pope Leo XIII -

* Holy Spirit (Topic Page) -

* Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Crossword Puzzle) -

* Holy Spirit (Word Searches) -

* Pentecost (Coloring Pages) -

Reminder: For plenary indulgence info. for the Solemnity of Pentecost, visit

Looking For Something Else? Try Our Various Indexes For 15,000+ Entries -


"And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them." (Acts 2:2-3)

Prayer for Pentecost: "Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that the power of the Holy Ghost may abide in us; may it mercifully cleanse our hearts, and defend us from all danger. Through our the unity of the same." (Collect)

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The Easiest Way to Remit Sin? A Dozen Reflections on Holy Water

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Holy water is a very advantageous & easy-to-use sacramental that is utilized both inside and outside of church. It offers a variety of benefits, possibly even including the remission of venial sin. Its use is highly recommended in the home, especially at various times (e.g. upon rising, going to sleep, and in times of temptation). Along with the sign of the cross, holy water should be used whenever possible/appropriate by all Catholics - adults, children, teenagers, pregnant women, elderly, sick and dying persons, etc. Laity may sprinkle it on themselves, on food, on graves, and on various other places & objects. The following are a dozen reflections on holy water. We hope you will find them useful. [Note: We have made various changes to text below (e.g. capitalization changes).]

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1. "Holy water is water blessed by the priest with solemn prayer to beg God's blessing on those who use it, and protection from the powers of darkness." (Baltimore Catechism)

2. "[Holy water] is a constant reminder of our Baptism and its devout use blots out venial sin." (Catholic Dictionary)

3. "I know by frequent experience that there is nothing which puts the devils to flight like holy water." (St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church)

4. "Holy water also has sanctifying effects. These consist in the actual graces which may be obtained. These are illumining the intellect, and inspirations of the Holy Ghost which aid the faithful to loyally perform the duties of their state of life, to pray devoutly, to hear a sermon with profit, and especially to assist with recollection and devotion at the Holy Sacrifice of Mass" ("Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics", Rev. Heinrich Theiler) [Imprimatur: 1906 A.D.]

5. "The infusion of grace is not necessary for the blotting out of venial sin. Wherefore, since grace is infused in each of the sacraments of the New Law, none of them was instituted directly against venial sin. This is taken away by certain sacramentals, for instance, holy water and such like." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")

6. "Holy water may be used not only for the purpose of benefiting persons present, but may also be applied with the intention of procuring its blessed effects for the absent, and especially for the Suffering Souls [in Purgatory]. In this case the prayer of the Church ascends to heaven in favor of the person or soul intended to be helped. A drop of holy water is sometimes more effectual than a long prayer. Our prayer is often distracted and lukewarm; the prayer of the Church connected with holy water always pleases God... Hence the Suffering Souls thirst for holy water, and could we but witness their yearning for a drop of it, we would certainly not omit to refresh them at least in the morning and evening and sometimes during the day with its sacred dew..." (Ref. Fr. John Nageleisen, M.C.S. 11/13 newsletter, )

7. "[Holy water] may also be used on going to bed and getting up, in moments of temptation, and on numerous other occasions." (Catholic Dictionary)

8. "Doctors of the Church agree that holy water causes the remission of venial sin and of temporal punishment due to sin. I quote St. Thomas Aquinas: 'By the sprinkling of holy water the debt of venial sin is wiped out; but not always, however, are all temporal punishments relinquished; this takes place in proportion to the disposition of the person using it, depending upon the less or greater degree of ardor in the love for God on the part of the person using it.'" ("Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics", Rev. Heinrich Theiler) [Imprimatur: 1906 A.D.]

9. "Thus Holy Church plainly shows her endeavor to gain for the faithful the beneficial effects of holy water, who on their part should enter into this spirit of Mother Church, and take holy water not only in the house of worship but should often use it in their dwellings, and consequently it should also be found in every Catholic home. With every family there should be a well-filled holy water vase and every member of the family should enjoy the opportunity it affords. It is a beautiful and praiseworthy custom to take holy water when rising in the morning and when retiring at night." ("Holy Water and its Significance for Catholics", Rev. Heinrich Theiler) [Imprimatur: 1906 A.D.]

10. "Holy water and other consecrated things are not called sacraments, because they do not produce the sacramental effect, which is the receiving of grace. They are, however, a kind of disposition to the sacraments: either by removing obstacles, thus holy water is ordained against the snares of the demons, and against venial sins: or by making things suitable for the conferring of a sacrament; thus the altar and vessels are consecrated through reverence for the Eucharist." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")

11. "But as the Church has blessed holy water with solemn prayers, we may be sure that God, who answers the petitions of his Church, will not fail to increase the charity, contrition, &c., of those who use it, and to assist them in their contests with the powers of evil. The reader will observe that we do not attribute to holy water any virtue of its own. It is efficacious simply because the Church's prayers take effect at the time it is used." (Catholic Dictionary)

12. "As often as we enter a church, we ought to sprinkle ourselves with holy water, dipping our bare fingers into it and devoutly making the sign of the cross. Thereby we drive away Satan, and excite ourselves to recollection in prayer... We should not omit to have holy water at home, preserving it in an appropriate vessel and in a decent place. In Catholic Europe there was a time when not a house was to be found in city or country, no matter how rich or poor the dwellers therein, where holy water, the crucifix and sacred images were not kept. Even today we find these indications of a true religious spirit wherever true faith has a home. The use of holy water is very ancient. Some are of the opinion that it was introduced by the apostles. Its introduction in homes where its use was hitherto unknown, would go far to revive the spirit of faith." (Ref. Fr. John Nageleisen, M.C.S. 11/13 newsletter, )

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Note: Quotation(s) above may particularly regard holy water as traditionally blessed. Regrettably, changes have been made to the blessing of holy water in the wake of Vatican II. The following relevant excerpt is from our "Summary of Changes Since Vatican II" publication, available at:

"Changed Blessing of Holy Water - The new rite may entirely exclude both a blessing and the traditional exorcism! One priest ('Fr. X') has stated that '[The Book of Blessings] is a book of non-blessings. To take but one example, the 'blessing' of holy water outside of Mass contains no [actual] blessing of the water. The closest thing to it is a prayer to God asking for certain effects by the use of this water. The so-called 'Prayer of blessing' (in Latin and English) refrains from using the world 'bless' even once, and there is no Sign of the Cross made over the water. The Devil must have laughed when that 'Book of Blessings' was issued. The traditional exorcism of water and salt, and all the other Roman Ritual's traditional prayers against the devil and his influence were almost completely abolished.'"

To obtain holy water with the traditional blessing, try contacting your parish or diocese, or try other approved sources (for example, consider the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter or the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest).

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Also Try...

* For more on holy water remitting venial sin, try here:

* For more on sacramentals, try here:

* For more reflections, try here:

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Need Holy Water Fonts or Bottles?

Try your favorite Catholic store, or search Amazon using the following link (for which we may receive a portion of the sale): (shortcut ) . Thank you for your support!

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"And I will pour upon you clean water, and you shall be cleansed..." (Ezech. 36:25)

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Liturgical Feasts in May

The following is a listing of all liturgical feast dates for May as they appear at

Note: (T) = Traditional, (N) = New (Novus Ordo)

Reminder: Feasts may be superseded / transferred / etc.

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May 1 - St. Joseph the Workman (T)

May 1 - Sts. Philip & James, apostles (T)

May 1 - St. Joseph the Worker (N)

May 2 - St. Athanasius (T)

May 2 - St. Athanasius (N)

May 3 - Finding of the Holy Cross (T)

May 3 - St. Juvenal (T)

May 3 - Sts. Alexander I (pope), Eventius, Theodulus (T)

May 3 - Sts. Philip & James, apostles (N)

May 4 - St. Monica (T)

May 5 - St. Pius V, pope (T)

May 6 - St. John before the Latin Gate (T)

May 7 - St. Stanislaus of Cracow (T)

May 8 - Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (T)

May 9 - St. Gregory Nazianzen (T)

May 10 - St. Antoninus (T)

May 10 - Sts. Gordian & Epimachus (T)

May 12 - St. Pancras (T)

May 12 - Sts. Nereus, Achilleus & Domitilla (T)

May 12 - St. Pancras (N)

May 12 - Sts. Nereus & Achilleus (N)

May 13 - St. Robert Bellarmine (T)

May 13 - Our Lady of Fatima (N)

May 14 - St. Boniface (T)

May 14 - St. Matthias, apostle (N)

May 15 - St. John Baptist de la Salle (T)

May 15 - St. Isidore (N)

May 16 - St. Brendan (T)

May 16 - St. John Nepomucene (T)

May 16 - St. Ubaldus of Gubbio (T)

May 17 - St. Pascal Baylon (T)

May 18 - St. Venantius of Camerino (T)

May 18 - St. John I, pope (N)

May 19 - St. Peter Celestine, pope (T)

May 19 - St. Pudentiana (T)

May 20 - St. Bernardine of Siena (T)

May 20 - St. Bernardine of Siena (N)

May 21 - St. Christopher Magallanes & companions (N)

May 22 - St. Rita of Cascia (T)

May 22 - St. Rita of Cascia (N)

May 23 - St. John Baptist de Rossi (T)

May 25 - St. Gregory VII, pope (T)

May 25 - St. Madeleine Sophie Barat (T)

May 25 - St. Urban I, pope (T)

May 25 - St. Bede the Venerable (N)

May 25 - St. Gregory VII, pope (N)

May 25 - St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi (N)

May 26 - St. Eleutherius, pope (T)

May 26 - St. Philip Neri (T)

May 26 - St. Philip Neri (N)

May 27 - St. Bede the Venerable (T)

May 27 - St. John I, pope (T)

May 27 - St. Augustine of Canterbury (N)

May 28 - St. Augustine of Canterbury (T)

May 29 - St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi (T)

May 30 - St. Felix I, pope (T)

May 30 - St. Ferdinand III (T)

May 30 - St. Joan of Arc (T)

May 31 - St. Angela Merici (T)

May 31 - St. Petronilla (T)

May 31 - The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces (T)

May 31 - The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (T)

May 31 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (N)

Please Note: Above may exclude moveable feasts. For moveable feasts, see below and try here: . For other feasts, try the MCS Daily Digest each day at


5/6/18 - Fifth Sunday after Easter (T) | Sixth Sunday of Easter (N)

5/7/18 - Rogation Monday (T)

5/8/18 - Rogation Tuesday (T)

5/9/18 - Vigil of the Ascension | Rogation Day (T)

5/10/18 - Ascension of Our Lord [Note: Traditionally, this is a holy day of obligation, but on the Novus Ordo calendar it is often transferred to Sunday in the U.S. For information for your area, contact your parish or diocese.]

5/19/18 - Vigil of Pentecost

5/20/18 - Pentecost Sunday

5/23/18 - Ember Wednesday after Pentecost (T)

5/25/18 - Ember Friday after Pentecost (T)

5/26/18 - Ember Saturday after Pentecost (T)

5/27/18 - Trinity Sunday

5/31/18 - Corpus Christi

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'Catholic Trivia'

1. What does the Liber Usualis refer to?

2. What does St. Robert Bellarmine say is useful for those who value their salvation?

3. What is the oldest diocese in the U.S.?

4. What do the following saints have in common: St. Dominic, St. Hubert, and St. Roch?

5. What does the sub-apostolic period refer to?

6. What does St. John Vianney say we must have in times of illness or grief?

7. The word Apocalypse derives from what term? What is another term for the Apocalypse?

8. What does Corpus Mysticum refer to?

9. Who is the founder of the Carthusian Order?

10. What does St. Elizabeth Ann Seton say we should give time to each day and why?



1. The Liber Usualis refers to a traditional book of Gregorian chant.

2. "Nothing can be imagined more useful than for those who value their salvation to examine their consciences diligently twice every day, morning and night." (St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church)

3. The oldest U.S. diocese is Baltimore.

4. St. Dominic, St. Hubert, and St. Roch are all patron saints of dogs.

5. The sub-apostolic period refers to the period of time after the death of the apostles, but before the death of those who had (or could have had) personal dealings with them (roughly from 75 A.D. to 150 A.D.) [Ref.: Catholic Dictionary]

6. "We must have a great confidence in God in times of illness or grief, because it is precisely then that God waits to see whether or not we shall put our trust in him." (St. John Vianney)

7. The word Apocalypse derives from the Greek verb apokalypto, meaning "to reveal". This last book of the Bible is also called the Book of Revelation.

8. Corpus Mysticum is Latin for Mystical Body (the Church).

9. St. Bruno (d. 1101) is founder of the Carthusian Order.

10. "Give some time, if it is only a half an hour in every day, to devotional reading, which is as necessary to the well ordering of the mind as the hand of the gardener is to prevent weeds destroying your favorite flowers." (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)


For more information concerning the topics above, try our General A-Z Index at

Like trivia? You might enjoy our crossword puzzles located at

You might also be interested in the Q & A and historical information which may be found each day on the MCS Daily Digest at

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Defending the Faith: "Apologetics Brief" - Do You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching That Mary Intercedes For Christ's Followers?

It is good for Catholics to be able to defend their faith against attacks (or even simple questions) from those outside the Church. We therefore hope you may find the following "apologetics brief" helpful.

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Note: Text below is taken from

The following may be used as discussion points when discoursing with those outside the Church (or even among Catholics).

Topic: Do You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching That Mary Intercedes For Christ's Followers? [Note: Topic is directed at certain Protestants]


* Do you also reject the concept of the intercession of saints? Please visit

* Do you also reject the fact that Mary interceded with Jesus at Cana - even though His hour had not come (see Jn. 2:4)? Do you think she cared about persons in need of assistance then, but no longer cares?

* "How can you imagine that Christ came into the world to save sinners and that His own mother Mary would be disinterested in her Son's mission?"

* How can you imagine that your Mother [assuming you "keep God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus" (Rv. 12:17)] would not do all she could to assist you, her child?

* Are you aware that there are writings from the first and second centuries which seek Mary's protection? Why do you suppose these earliest Christians - persons who lived closest to Christ's time - believed Mary would assist them if this was not even a possibility?

* Are you unaware of the many parallels between Jesus' mother Mary and the Ark in the Old Testament (cf. 2 Sam. 6:9, Lk. 1:43)? Remember that...

- After the arrival of the Ark, the people turned to God (1 Sam. 7:2)

- With the Ark come blessings (2 Sam. 6:11)

- Places where the Ark has come are holy (2 Chron. 8:11)

* Are you also unfamiliar with the position of Queen Mother and the powerful intercession of a Queen Mother (e.g. see 1 Kgs. 2:19-20)?

* Have you forgotten that Scripture says that "the fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful" (Jms. 5:16)?

* Do you argue that Mary is "dead" and can therefore not help you? How, then, can you explain the following...?

- Christ's parable recounts the attempted intercession by a (condemned!) departed man for his brothers (see Lk. 16:27-31)

- Jesus conversed with Moses & Elijah even though they were "dead" (see Mt. 17:3, Mk. 9:4, Lk. 9:30)

- He is not God of the dead, but of the living (see Mk. 12:26-27)

- Scripture recounts the intercession of deceased Onias & Jeremiah (see 2 Macc. 15:11-16)

- Martyrs are shown alive in heaven, and even await the avenging of their blood (it is clear, therefore, that they know what is transpiring on earth) [see Rv. 6:9-11, Rv. 20:4]

* Have you ever noticed that the first recorded miracle after Jesus was conceived in Mary occurred when Mary greeted St. Elizabeth (that is, the reception of the Holy Spirit by St. John the Baptist occurred upon Mary's greeting, see Lk.1:41)? Further, have you noticed that Jesus' first recorded words were in response to Mary's question (Lk. 2:49)? And that Jesus' first recorded miracle was in direct response to Mary's request (Jn. 2:1-11)? Note that this was also the first recorded instance of intercession with Jesus. Also note that Jesus performed this miracle for his mother even despite the fact that He seemed to say no (Jn. 2:4).

* Throughout the Church's 2,000 year history, Mary has been associated with countless miracles of all types, including miraculous cures, miraculous military upsets, miraculous conversions, miraculous solar phenomena, etc. There are a number of miraculous images (including various statues & paintings) of Mary throughout the world, including the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe which cannot be explained by science. Mary has consistently shown herself to be a loving mother and a powerful intercessor with her Son Jesus. She is the "mortal enemy" of the devil (cf. Gen. 3:15) and a powerful protectress against evil spirits.

* Do you argue that there is one mediator between God & man (1 Tm. 2:5)? Have you never noticed that in the very same passage St. Paul asks for intercessory prayers (see 1 Tm. 2:1)? Do you also ignore the fact that Scripture repeatedly speaks of intercessory prayer (e.g. Acts 12:1-7, Rom. 15:30-32, Eph. 6:18-20, Col. 4:2-4, 2 Thes. 3:1-2, 1 Jn. 5:16)? 

* Do you reject the Catholic Church's teaching regarding Mary's intercession because you believe the Church teaches that Mary has power on her own? You should know that the Church does not teach this, but instead teaches that Mary, being a creature, does not have any inherent power on her own, but rather has only the power that God may give her. Remember - just like at Cana - Mary had no inherent power on her own to change the water into wine, but her powerful intercession still did result in it being miraculously changed.

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"[The Queen] is always vigilant to intercede with the king whom she bore." (Pope Sixtus IV)

"Many and well known are the proofs of her solicitude, manifested from time to time even in a miraculous manner." (Pope Leo XIII)

"[Mary] is by nature so good and so merciful that inclined to aid spontaneously those who suffer, she is absolutely incapable of refusing her help to those who invoke her." (Pope Benedict XV)

"She who is associated with him in the work of man's salvation has favor and power with her Son greater than any other human or angelic creature has ever obtained or ever can obtain." (Pope Leo XIII)

"Mary, having merited to give flesh to the divine Word, and thus supply the price of our redemption, that we might be delivered from eternal death; therefore she is more powerful than all others to help us to gain eternal life." (St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)

"[A]lthough Mary, now in heaven, can no longer command her Son, nevertheless her prayers are always the prayers of a mother, and consequently most powerful to obtain whatever she wills." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)

"Remark, by the by, that this writer does not scruple to address these words to Mary: 'Save us, we perish'; as does a certain author already noticed, and who says, that we cannot ask Mary to save us, as this belongs to God alone. But since a culprit condemned to death can beg a royal favorite to save him by interceding with the king that his life may be spared, why cannot we ask the Mother of God to save us by obtaining us eternal life?" (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)

"One of the most amazing features of this marriage [at Cana] is that it was not the wine servant, whose business it was to service the wine, who noticed the shortage, but rather Our Blessed Mother. (She notes our needs before we ourselves feel them.) She made a very simple prayer to her Divine Son about the empty wine pots when she said: 'They have no wine.' Hidden in the words was not only a consciousness of the power of her Divine Son but also an expression of her desire to remedy an awkward situation. Perhaps the Blessed Mother had already seen Our Lord work many miracles in secret - although He had not yet worked a single one in public. For if there had not already been a consciousness of the truth that He was the Son of the Omnipotent God, she would not have asked for a miracle." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)

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In Closing...

"Then Jesus approached and said to them, 'All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.'" (Mt. 28:18-20)

"Let us in all confidence choose as advocate before God the Immaculate and Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary... She is our most loving Mother, all mild and merciful she shows herself within reach of every prayer; most kind, she takes to herself all our needs with profound love and tender pity. In heaven as Queen at the right hand of her only Son, clothed in golden raiment and all manner of jewels, there is nothing she cannot obtain from him." (Bl. Pope Pius IX)

"O Lord Jesus Christ! I adore you restored to live among the dead, ascending into heaven, and seating yourself at the right hand of your Father: I implore you to make me worthy to follow you there, and to be presented to you." (Prayer of St. Catherine dei Ricci)

"As for our Lord's mother, to whom especially I have entrusted and do entrust you, and shall never fail to entrust you until we see her as we long to do - what am I to say of her whom heaven and earth cease not to praise though they can never do so as she deserves? But this you must hold as certain: as she is higher, holier, more perfect than every other mother, so much the more is she kind and gentle towards her erring but repentant sons and daughters. So make a firm resolution never to commit another sin, prostrate yourself before her, and pour forth your tears from a contrite and humbled heart. You will find her, I can assure you beyond all doubt, more accessible, more tender in the love she bears you, than any natural mother could be on earth." (Pope St. Gregory VII)

Invocation of the Holy Spirit: "Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful, and enkindle within them the fire of thy love." (Latin: "Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende.")

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