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You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus' Mother
Mary Was Conceived Immaculately and Remained Sinless?
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus' Mother
Mary Remained a Virgin?
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus' Mother
Mary Was Assumed, Body & Soul, Into Heaven?
You Believe That the Catholic Church Recently Invented Marian
You Reject the Catholic Church's Practice of Giving Honor to
Jesus' Mother Mary?
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching That Mary Intercedes
For Christ's Followers?
You Reject Mary's Title 'Mother of God'?
You Reject All Marian Apparitions?
You Reject Marian Objects Such as the Rosary and Scapular?
Question |
Comments |
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus' Mother Mary
Was Conceived Immaculately and Remained Sinless? |
Do you suppose that God instructed that the Ark be covered
inside and outside with pure gold (see Ex. 25:11), but He would
fail to fashion His own mother - whom He took His own flesh from -
in a similar manner?
Do you suppose that the "entire temple [a mere building]
was overlaid with gold" (1 Kgs. 6:22), yet Christ would fail
to prepare his own Mother - from whom He took His own flesh - in a
comparable fashion?
Considering that Christ
is the "living temple", and considering that in the Old Testament
God selected master craftsmen to help build His temple, how can
you imagine that He wouldn't craft His own mother masterfully - as
perfect as a human being can get?
How could Mary be greeted by the angel as "full of
grace" (Lk. 1:28)
if she was not immaculate?
Since we see from Rv. 21:27 that nothing unclean will enter the
Lord's kingdom, how do you imagine that God could have entered
Mary's womb if Mary wasn't fully pure?
How is it you would make the mother of Christ a sinner? Do you not
realize that if you propose that Jesus' mother Mary ever
- even once - committed a sin, you make her a slave to the devil
(cf. 1 Jn. 3:8, Jn. 8:34, Rom. 6:16)? How could the one who was
foretold in Gen 3:15 crush the head of Satan if she had even once
been under his control? How could she be always at enmity with the
devil if she was once under his power?
The fact that Mary calls God her savior (see Lk. 1:47) in no way
contradicts the doctrine of her Immaculate Conception. To use an
analogy, a parent may be said to save a child's life by pulling
him back from a certain fall at the edge of a cliff (e.g.
preventing him from falling) or by giving him life-saving
medical care after he has already fallen. In both cases, the
parent has saved the child, but in one instance the child didn't
actually fall. In like manner, God is Mary's savior by giving her
special graces (in view of Christ's merits) so that she may not "fall".
Since Adam and Eve came from the hands of God "immaculate",
why is it so difficult for you to believe that Christ would
likewise create His own mother immaculate - the very woman that He
Himself would take His flesh from?
Do you argue against Mary's perpetual sinlessness based on Romans
3:23 ("all have sinned")? Do you also dare (God forbid!)
to imply that Jesus sinned? Clearly, this passage does not mean to
imply that Jesus sinned. Therefore, the passage also does not
exclude the possibility (the fact!) that His mother also
never sinned.
How is it that you can regard Jesus' mother Mary as a sinner, but
the early Christians and most brilliant theologians wouldn't dare
consider - much less utter - such blasphemy?
Do you reject the Immaculate Conception because you think it means
that Mary was born of a virgin? You should know that the Church
certainly does not teach that - rather she teaches that
"the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her
conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty
God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the
human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin".
She was otherwise conceived and born as any other human being.
art all fair, O my love, and there is not a spot in thee." [Cant. 4:7 (Song. 4:7)]
second Eve is to be worthy of the second Adam, conquering and not
to be conquered." (Dom Gueranger)
O Savior, you have given to pious Anne fruitful offspring of her
womb, Your Immaculate Mother" (St. Andrew of Crete, a. 740
"You alone and your Mother are
more beautiful than any others; For there is no blemish in you,
nor any stains upon your Mother. Who of my children can compare in
beauty to these?" (St. Ephraim, c. 370 A.D.)
"It was fitting that Jesus Christ
should have such a mother as would be worthy of Him as far as
possible; and she would not have been worthy, if, contaminated by
the hereditary stain even for the first moment only of her
conception, she had been subject to the abominable power of
Satan." (Pope Pius XII, "Fulgens Corona", 1953
"Come, then, and search out Your sheep,
not through Your servants or hired men, but do it Yourself. Lift
me up bodily and in the flesh, which is fallen in Adam. Lift me up
not from Sara but from Mary, a Virgin not only undefiled but a
Virgin whom grace has made inviolate, free from every stain of
sin." (St. Ambrose of Milan, Doctor of the Church, c. 387 A.D.)
"Believe in the Son of God, the Word
before the ages, who was begotten of the Father apart from time
and incorporeally, who in these last days was, for your sake, made
Son of Man, both of the Virgin Mary in an indescribable and
stainless way - for there is no stain where God is and whence
salvation comes - whom man at the same time God also" (St.
Gregory of Nazianz, Doctor of the Church, c. 381 A.D.)
"I consider that the blessing of a
fuller sanctification descended upon her, so as not only to
sanctify her birth, but also to keep her life pure from all sin;
which gift is believed to have been bestowed upon none other born
of woman. This singular privilege of sanctity, to lead her life
without any sin, entirely benefited the queen of virgins, who
should bear the Destroyer of sin and death, who should obtain the
gift of life and righteousness for all." (St. Bernard)
"If any one does not, in accord with the Holy Fathers,
acknowledge the holy and ever-virgin and Immaculate Mary as truly
the Mother of God, inasmuch as she, in the fullness of time, and
without seed, conceived by the Holy Spirit God the Word Himself, who
before all time was born [begotten] of God the Father, and without loss of
integrity brought him forth, and after His birth preserved her
virginity inviolate, let him be condemned." (Pope St. Martin I,
649 A.D., emphasis added)
was due to His own infinite sanctity that God should suspend, in
this instance, the law which His divine justice had passed upon
all the children of Adam. The relations which Mary was to bear to
the Divinity, could not be reconciled with her undergoing the
humiliation of this punishment [of
being stained by original sin]. She was not only daughter of the
eternal Father; she was destined also to become the very Mother of
the Son, and the veritable bride of the Holy Ghost. Nothing
defiled could be permitted to enter, even for an instant of time,
into the creature that was thus predestined to contract such close
relations with the adorable Trinity: not a speck could be
permitted to tarnish in Mary that perfect purity which the
infinitely holy God requires even in those who are one day to be
admitted to enjoy the sight of His divine majesty in heaven"
(Dom Gueranger)
"Having excepted the Holy Virgin
Mary, concerning whom, on account of the honor of the Lord, I wish
to have absolutely no question when treating of sins - for how do
we know what abundance of grace for the total overcoming of sin
was conferred upon her, who merited to conceive and bear Him in
whom there was no sin?
- so, I say, with the exception of the Virgin, if we
could have gathered together all those holy men and women, when
they were living here, and had asked them whether they were
without sin, what do we suppose would have been their answer?... I
ask you, however excellent their holiness might have been when in
the body, if they had been so questioned, would they not have
declared in a single voice: 'If we say we have no sin, we deceive
ourselves, and the truth is not in us!'?" (St. Augustine,
Doctor of the Church, c.
415 A.D., emphasis added)
"If anyone desires a confirmation of
this it may easily be found in the dogma of the Immaculate
Conception of Mary. For leaving aside tradition which, as well as
Scripture, is a source of truth, how has this persuasion of the
Immaculate Conception of the Virgin appeared so conformed to the
Catholic mind and feeling that it has been held as being one, and
as it were inborn in the soul of the faithful? 'We shrink from
saying,' is the answer of Dionysius of Chartreux, 'of this woman
who was to crush the head of the serpent that had been crushed by
him and that Mother of God that she had ever been a daughter of
the Evil One' (Sent. d. 3, q. 1). No, to the Christian
intelligence the idea is unthinkable that the flesh of Christ,
holy, stainless, innocent, was formed in the womb of Mary of a
flesh which had ever, if only for the briefest moment, contracted
any stain. And why so, but because an infinite opposition
separates God from sin? There certainly we have the origin of the
conviction common to all Christians that Jesus Christ before,
clothed in human nature, He cleansed us from our sins in His
blood, accorded Mary the grace and special privilege of being
preserved and exempted, from the first moment of her conception,
from all stain of original sin." (Pope St. Pius X, "Ad
Diem Illum Laetissimum", 1904 A.D.)
"The Immaculate Conception does not
imply that Mary needed no Redemption. She needed it as much as you
and I do. She was redeemed in advance, by way of prevention, in
both body and soul, in the first instant of conception. We receive
the fruits of redemption in our soul at Baptism. The whole human race needs redemption.
But Mary was solidarized and separated from that sin-laden
humanity as a result of the merits of Our Lord's Cross being
offered to her at the moment of her conception. If we exempted her
from the need of redemption, we would also have to exempt her from
membership in humanity. The Immaculate Conception, therefore, in
no way implies that she needed no redemption. She did! Mary is the
first effect of redemption, in the sense that it was applied to
her at the moment of her conception and to us in another and
diminished fashion only after our birth. She had this privilege,
not for her sake, but for His sake. That is why those who do not
believe in the Divinity of Christ can see no reason for the
special privilege accorded to Mary. If I did not believe in the
Divinity of Our Lord - which God avert - I should see nothing but
nonsense in any special reverence given to Mary above the other
women on earth! But if she is the Mother of God, Who became Man,
then she is unique, and then she stands out as the new Eve of
Humanity - as He is the new Adam. There had to be some such
creature as Mary - otherwise God would have found no one in whom
He could fittingly have taken his human origin. An honest
politician seeking civic reforms looks about for honest
assistants. The Son of God beginning a new creation searched from
some of that goodness which existed before sin took over. There
would have been, in some minds, a doubt about the power of God if
He had not shown a special favor to the woman who was to be His
Mother. Certainly what God gave to Eve, He would not refuse to His
Own Mother." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen) |
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus' Mother Mary
Remained a Virgin? |
Here For 'Do You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus'
Mother Mary Remained a Virgin?'
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching that Jesus' Mother Mary
Was Assumed, Body & Soul, Into Heaven? |
Do you reject the doctrine of the Assumption since you think it is
not biblical? Are you then unfamiliar with the biblical precedent
of Enoch being taken to heaven without dying (see Gen. 5:24) or of
Elijah being assumed to heaven on a chariot (2 Kg. 2:11, Heb.
If Jesus' mother Mary is simply deceased, and not in heaven, and
not crowned as queen of Heaven and earth, how do you explain the
woman in the who Book of Revelation is "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve
stars" (Rv. 12:1) who "gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron
rod" (Rv. 12:5)? How is it she is shown in continual battle
against the serpent (cf. Rv. 12:13) if she is simply
If Jesus' mother Mary had died and not been assumed to heaven, why is
it that no one has ever claimed her relics? Why is it that they
weren't even looked for? Are you unaware that the early Church
greatly revered the relics of the saints? Can you not imagine how
much more so would have Jesus' mother's relics have been
Do you not see that the from the Immaculate Conception of Mary
(see question above),
that it would naturally follow that she would be assumed into
heaven? Remember that death entered the world because of the
devil, as punishment for sin, and that Mary has always been
sinless and at enmity with Satan (see Gen. 3:15). "For God
formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made
him. But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world, and
they who are in his possession experience it." (Wisdom
Do you reject the doctrine of the assumption because you think the
Catholic Church teaches that Mary went to heaven on her own power?
If so, you should know that the Catholic Church does not teach
this, but rather teaches that Christ ascended to heaven on his own
power and that Mary was assumed to heaven by the power of God.
"Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place:
thou and the ark, which thou hast sanctified." [Ps. 131:8
"Jesus did not wish to have the body of
Mary corrupted after death, since it would have redounded to his
own dishonor to have her virginal flesh, from which he himself had
assumed flesh, reduced to dust." (St. Alphonsus Liguori,
Doctor of the Church)
"We had closed
Paradise; you opened again the entryway to the tree of life. We
turn joys into sorrow; you turned sorrow back into the greatest of
joys for us. And how would you, the Immaculate, taste of death?
You are the bridge to life, you are the staircase to heaven" (St.
John Damascene, Doctor of the Church, c. 8th century A.D.)
"God, the King of the universe, has
granted you favors that surpass nature. As he kept you a virgin in
childbirth, thus he has kept your body incorrupt in the tomb and
has glorified it by his divine act of transferring it from the
tomb." (Menaei Totius Anni, as quoted in Pope Pius XII's
"Munificentissimus Deus")
death pass you by, O Mother of God, because you have brought life
to men. Let the tomb pass you by, because you have been made the
foundation stone of inexplicable sublimity. Let dust pass you by;
for you are a new kind of formation, so that you may be mistress
over those who have been corrupted in the very
stuff of their
potter's clay" (St. Germain I of Constantinople, a. 733 A.D.)
"And who, I ask, could believe that the ark of holiness, the
dwelling place of the Word of God, the temple of the Holy Ghost,
could be reduced to ruin? My soul is filled with horror at the
thought that this virginal flesh which had begotten God, had
brought Him into the world, had nourished and carried Him, could
have been turned into ashes or given over to be the food of worms." (St. Robert Bellarmine,
Doctor of the Church)
"Following the footsteps of his
distinguished teacher, the Angelic Doctor, despite the fact that
he never dealt directly with this question, nevertheless, whenever
he touched upon it, always held together with the Catholic Church,
that Mary's body had been assumed into heaven along with her soul.
Along with many others, the Seraphic Doctor held the same views.
He considered it as entirely certain that, as God had preserved
the most holy Virgin Mary from the violation of her virginal
purity and integrity in conceiving and in childbirth, he would
never have permitted her body to have been resolved into dust and
ashes." (Pope Pius XII, "Munificentissimus Deus",
1950 A.D.)
You Believe That the Catholic Church Recently Invented Marian
Doctrines? |
If you believe the Catholic Church recently invented Marian
doctrines, it seems that you are confusing the holding of a
doctrine with the formal proclamation of a doctrine. For example,
consider that the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary was not formally promulgated until 1854, however
it is clear that the Church has always maintained this belief.
Prior to this time, it was it was celebrated in the liturgy, it
was referred to by popes, and it was even mentioned in the Council
of Trent. Similarly, the doctrine of the assumption was not
formally proclaimed until 1950, but it was not a "new
invention". In fact, there are very ancient records treating
of the assumption (or "dormition"), and it has been a part of the Rosary for many
years before the dogma was formally promulgated. In like manner,
the Church has always held belief in the Holy Trinity, even though
the doctrine of the Holy Trinity was not formally expounded for
years (e.g. when it was disputed). Would you also mean to imply
that the Church didn't believe in the Trinity before it was
formally defined? If a business organization had certain procedures that it followed
for years before putting them in the company manual, would you argue
that the company didn't have the procedures until they were
written down - or rather that they were written down because they
were already in existence?
Are you unaware that Marian art and inscriptions may be found in
the catacombs (burial places for the earliest Christians)? If
Marian doctrine was recently invented, how do you explain the
ancient art and inscriptions?
Church, even before the solemn proclamation of the grand dogma,
kept the feast of this eighth day of December; which was, in realty, a profession of her faith. It is true that the feast was not
called the 'Immaculate Conception', but simply the 'Conception of
Mary'. But the fact of such a feast being instituted and kept, was
an unmistakable expression of the faith of Christendom in that
truth. St. Bernard and the angelical doctor, St. Thomas, both
teach that the Church cannot celebrate the feast of what is not
holy; the Conception of Mary, therefore, was holy and immaculate,
since the Church has, for ages past, honored it with a special
feast. The Nativity of the same holy Virgin is kept as a solemnity
in the Church, because Mary was born full of grace; therefore, had
the first moment of Mary's existence been one of sin, as is that
of all the other children of Adam, it never could have been made
the subject of the reverence of the Church. Now, there are few
feasts so generally and so firmly established in the Church as
this which we are keeping [the Immaculate Conception]." (Dom
You Reject the Catholic Church's Practice of Giving Honor to
Jesus' Mother Mary? |
Here For 'Do You Reject the Catholic Church's Practice of Giving
Honor to Jesus' Mother Mary?'
You Reject the Catholic Church's Teaching That Mary Intercedes For
Christ's Followers? |
Do you also reject the concept of the intercession of saints? Click
Do you also reject the fact that Mary interceded with Jesus at
Cana - even though His hour had not come (see Jn. 2:4)? Do you think she cared about persons in need of
assistance then, but no longer cares?
"How can you imagine that Christ came into the world to save
sinners and that His own mother Mary would be disinterested in her
Son's mission?"
How can you imagine that your Mother [assuming you "keep
God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus" (Rv. 12:17)]
would not do all she could to assist you, her child?
Are you aware that there are writings from the first and second centuries
which seek Mary's protection? Why do you suppose these earliest Christians
- persons who lived closest to Christ's time - believed Mary would
assist them if this was not even a possibility?
Are you unaware of the many parallels between Jesus' mother Mary
and the Ark in the Old Testament (cf. 2 Sam. 6:9, Lk. 1:43)?
Remember that...
After the arrival of the Ark, the people turned to God (1 Sam.
With the Ark come blessings (2 Sam. 6:11)
Places where the Ark has come are holy
(2 Chron. 8:11)
Are you also unfamiliar with the position of Queen Mother and the
powerful intercession of a Queen Mother (e.g. see 1 Kgs. 2:19-20)?
Have you forgotten that Scripture says that "the fervent prayer of a
righteous person is very powerful" (Jms. 5:16)?
Do you argue that Mary is "dead" and can therefore not
help you? How, then, can you explain the following...?
Christ's parable recounts the attempted intercession by a
(condemned!) departed man for his brothers (see Lk. 16:27-31)
Jesus conversed with Moses & Elijah even though they were
"dead" (see Mt. 17:3, Mk. 9:4, Lk. 9:30)
He is not God of the dead, but of the living (see Mk. 12:26-27)
Scripture recounts the intercession of deceased Onias &
Jeremiah (see 2 Macc. 15:11-16)
Martyrs are shown alive in heaven, and even await the avenging of
their blood (it is clear, therefore, that they know what is transpiring
on earth) [see Rv. 6:9-11, Rv. 20:4]
Elders before the Lamb (Christ) have the prayers of the holy ones
/ An angel presents prayers of the holy ones to God (see Rv. 5:8,
Rv. 8:3-4)
Have you ever noticed that the first recorded miracle after Jesus
was conceived in Mary occurred when Mary greeted St. Elizabeth
(that is, the
reception of the Holy Spirit by St. John the Baptist occurred upon
Mary's greeting, see Lk.1:41)?
Further, have you noticed that Jesus'
first recorded words were in response to Mary's question (Lk. 2:49)?
And that Jesus'
first recorded miracle was in direct response to Mary's request (Jn.
Note that this was
also the first recorded instance of intercession with Jesus. Also
note that Jesus performed this miracle for his mother even despite
the fact that He seemed to say no (Jn. 2:4).
Throughout the Church's 2,000 year history, Mary has been associated with
countless miracles of all types, including miraculous cures, miraculous military upsets, miraculous
conversions, miraculous solar phenomena, etc. There are a number
of miraculous images (including various statues & paintings)
of Mary throughout the world, including the miraculous image of
Our Lady of Guadalupe which cannot be explained by science. Mary has consistently shown herself to be a loving mother and a
powerful intercessor with her Son Jesus. She is the "mortal enemy" of the devil
(cf. Gen. 3:15) and a powerful
protectress against evil spirits.
Do you argue that there is one mediator between God & man (1
Tm. 2:5)? Have you never noticed that in the very same passage St.
Paul asks for intercessory prayers (see 1 Tm. 2:1)? Do you also
ignore the fact that Scripture repeatedly speaks of intercessory
prayer (e.g. Acts 12:1-7, Rom. 15:30-32, Eph. 6:18-20, Col. 4:2-4,
2 Thes. 3:1-2, 1 Jn. 5:16)?
Do you reject the Catholic Church's teaching regarding Mary's intercession
because you believe the Church teaches that Mary has
power on her own? You should know that the Church does not teach
this, but instead teaches that Mary, being a creature, does not
have any inherent power on her own, but rather has only the power
that God may give her. Remember - just like at Cana - Mary
had no inherent power on her own to change the water into wine,
but her powerful intercession still did result in it being
miraculously changed.
"[The Queen] is always vigilant to
intercede with the king whom she bore." (Pope Sixtus IV)
"Many and well known are the proofs of
her solicitude, manifested from time to time even in a miraculous
manner." (Pope Leo XIII)
"[Mary] is by nature so good and so
merciful that inclined to aid spontaneously those who suffer, she
is absolutely incapable of refusing her help to those who invoke
her." (Pope Benedict XV)
"She who is associated with him in the
work of man's salvation has favor and power with her Son greater
than any other human or angelic creature has ever obtained or ever
can obtain." (Pope Leo XIII)
"Mary, having merited to give flesh to
the divine Word, and thus supply the price of our redemption, that
we might be delivered from eternal death; therefore she is more
powerful than all others to help us to gain eternal life."
(St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church)
"[A]lthough Mary, now in heaven, can no
longer command her Son, nevertheless her prayers are always the
prayers of a mother, and consequently most powerful to obtain
whatever she wills." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the
by the by, that this writer does not scruple to address these
words to Mary: 'Save us, we perish'; as does a certain author
already noticed, and who says, that we cannot ask Mary to save us,
as this belongs to God alone. But since a culprit condemned to
death can beg a royal favorite to save him by interceding with the
king that his life may be spared, why cannot we ask the Mother of
God to save us by obtaining us eternal life?" (St. Alphonsus
Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"One of the most amazing features of
this marriage [at Cana] is that it was not the wine servant, whose business
it was to service the wine, who noticed the shortage, but rather
Our Blessed Mother. (She notes our needs before we ourselves feel
them.) She made a very simple prayer to her Divine Son about the
empty wine pots when she said: 'They have no wine.' Hidden in the
words was not only a consciousness of the power of her Divine Son
but also an expression of her desire to remedy an awkward
situation. Perhaps the Blessed Mother had already seen Our Lord
work many miracles in secret - although He had not yet worked a
single one in public. For if there had not already been a
consciousness of the truth that He was the Son of the Omnipotent
God, she would not have asked for a miracle." (Archbishop
Fulton Sheen)
You Reject Mary's Title 'Mother of God'? |
How can you object to the title of 'Mother of God' since Jesus is
truly God (click here)
and Mary is truly His Mother?
How can you object to the title 'Mother of God' when Scripture
prophecies that a virgin will bear God (see Isa. 7:14)?
How can you object to the title 'Mother of God' when Scripture
states that Virgin is to bear Emmanuel ("God is with
us") [see Mt. 1:23]?
How can you object to the title 'Mother of God' when it may be
seen in Scripture that St. Elizabeth calls Mary "the mother
of [her] Lord" (see Lk. 1:43)
How can you object to the title 'Mother of God' when Scripture
states that God's Son was born of a woman (see Gal. 4:4)?
Do you argue that Mary cannot be the Mother of God because she is
mother of Jesus' humanity only? Do you also tell your mother she
is mother only of your body, not of your soul? How can you
separate the two? Once Christ has assumed human flesh, how can you
separate His divine nature from His human nature?
Do you object to the title "Mother of God" because you
think it means Mary existed before God? If so, you should know
that this is not the teaching of the Catholic Church! The
Catholic Church teaches that Christ - being God - existed from all
eternity and that his Mother Mary - being a creature - exists in time. However, once
Christ assumed human nature by the power of the Holy Spirit inside
of Mary, Mary became His mother. "Mary is both daughter of
God and mother of God!" Even though Mary is Mother of God,
the Catholic Church does not teach that she is in any way divine. Rather, she is a
creature - albeit the most perfect creature of all.
anyone does not agree that Holy Mary is the Mother of God, he is
at odds with the Godhead." (St. Gregory of Nazianz, Doctor of
the Church, c. 382
you say Mary wasn't the mother of God, do you say to the Lord,
"Leave the body, so that I may worship you?" (St.
Athanasius, Doctor of the Church, 4th
century A.D.)
she who performed the role of the Creator's handmaid and Mother is
truly and in perfect reality God's Mother, and Lady and Queen over
all creation." (St. John Damascene, Doctor of the Church, c. 8th century A.D.)
"If anyone does not confess that
Emmanuel is true God, and that therefore the holy Virgin is Mother
of God (Dei genetricem-Theotokon), since she bore, after the
flesh, the incarnate Word of God, let him be anathema."
(Council of Alexandria, 430 A.D.)
"Can. 1. If anyone does not confess
that God is truly Emmanuel, and that on this account the Holy
Virgin is the Mother of God (for according to the flesh she gave
birth to the Word of God become flesh by
birth), let him be anathema." (Council of Ephesus, 431
"Such do we see to have been done in
the birth of Emmanuel; the Word of God was born of the substance
of His Father; but because He took on Him flesh, making it His
own, it is necessary to confess that He was born of a woman
according to the flesh. Where seeing He is truly God, how shall
any one doubt to call the Holy Virgin the Mother of God?"
(St. Cyril, Doctor of the Church)
"Although the name God is common to the
three Persons, yet sometimes it stands for the Person of the
Father alone, sometimes only for the Person of the Son or of the
Holy Ghost... So that when we say, 'The Blessed Virgin is the
Mother of God,' this word God stands only for the incarnate Person
of the Son." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and
"greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
"If any one does not, in accord with the Holy Fathers,
acknowledge the holy and ever-virgin and Immaculate Mary as truly
the Mother of God, inasmuch as she, in the fullness of time, and
without seed, conceived by the Holy Spirit God the Word Himself, who
before all time was born [begotten] of God the Father, and without loss of
integrity brought Him forth, and after His birth preserved her
virginity inviolate, let him be condemned." (Pope St. Martin I,
649 A.D.)
"Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ,
who is God and man. She is therefore the mother of God. This is a
dogma of the faith accepted as such from the earliest times, as is
evident from countless expressions of the Fathers, and it was
defined by the Council of Ephesus in 431. It does not mean, of
course, that Mary generated the Godhead, any more than an ordinary
mother generates her son's soul. It means simply that she is the
mother of a Person who is God. This is her fundamental dignity,
and the origin and justification of all the honor which Catholics
pay to her." (Catholic Dictionary)
Word, then, was God, and He became also Man; and since He was born
according to the flesh for the sake of mankind, it is necessary
that she who bore Him is the Mother of God. For if she did not
bear God, neither is He that was born of her to be called God. If
the divinely inspired Scriptures name Him God, as God having made
Man and incarnate, He could not become Man in any other way that
through birth from a woman: how then should she who bore Him not
be the Mother of God?" (St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of
the Church, c. 432
"Just as when a man's soul is born with
its body, they are considered as one being: and if anyone wish to
say that the mother of the flesh is not the mother of the soul, he
says too much. Something like this may be perceived in the
generation of Christ. For the Word of God was born of the
substance of God the Father: but because He took flesh, we must of
necessity confess that in the flesh He was born of a woman.
Consequently we must say that the Blessed Virgin is called the
Mother of God, not as though she were the Mother of the Godhead,
but because she is the mother, according to His human nature, of
the Person who has both the divine and the human nature."
(St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church)
"We proclaim that the Holy Virgin is
properly and truly the Mother of God; for since He that was born
of her is true God, she that bore the true God, incarnate of her,
is true Mother of God. For we hold that God was born of her, not
as if the Divinity of the Word took the beginning of His existence
from her, but that God the Word, who was begotten of the Father
timelessly before the ages, and who subsisted with the Father and
with the Spirit eternally and without beginning, in these last
days took His abode in her womb for our salvation, and without
change took flesh of her and was born. For the Holy Virgin did not
bear mere man but true God...not with a body brought down from
heaven, not passing through her as through a channel, but
homoousios with us, having taken flesh from her though subsisting
in Himself. For if the body had come down from heaven and did not
share in our nature, of what use were His becoming Man? For the
purpose of God the Word in becoming Man was that the very nature
which had sinned and fallen and become corrupted might triumph
over the deceiving tyrant and thus be freed of corruption."
(St. John Damascene, Doctor of the Church, c. 8th century A.D.)
Mother of God! It is the mystery whose fulfillment the world,
without knowing it, was awaiting for four thousand years. It is
the work which, in God's eyes, was incomparably greater than that
of the creation of a million new worlds, for such a creation would
cost him nothing; he has but to speak, and all whatsoever he wills
is made. But that a creature should have become Mother of God, he
has had not only to suspend the laws of nature by making a Virgin
Mother, but also to put himself in a state of dependence upon the
happy creature he chose for his Mother. He had to give her rights
over himself, and contract the obligation of certain duties
towards her. He had to make her his Mother, and himself her Son.
It follows from all this, that the blessings of the Incarnation,
for which we are indebted to the love wherewith the Divine Word
loved us, may and ought to be referred, though in an inferior
degree, to Mary herself. If she be the Mother of God, it is
because she consented to it, for God vouchsafed not only to ask
her consent, but moreover to make the coming of his Son into this
world depend upon her giving it. As this his Son, the Eternal
Word, spoke his Fiat over chaos, and the answer to his word was
creation; so did Mary use the same word Fiat: let it be done unto
me, she said. God heard her word, and immediately the Son of God
descended into her virginal womb. After God, then, it is to Mary,
his ever blessed Mother, that we are indebted for our
Emmanuel." (Dom Gueranger)
You Reject All Marian Apparitions? |
Do you reject all Marian apparitions because you imagine that Mary
is "dead" and can therefore not help persons on earth?
How, then, can you explain the following...?
Jesus conversed with Moses & Elijah even though they were
"dead" (see Mt. 17:3, Mk. 9:4, Lk. 9:30)
Scripture recounts the intercession of deceased Onias &
Jeremiah (see 2 Macc. 15:11-16)
Christ's parable recounts the attempted intercession by a
(condemned!) departed man for his brothers (see Lk. 16:27-31)
He is not God of the dead, but of the living (see Mk. 12:26-27)
Martyrs are shown alive in heaven, and even await the avenging of
their blood (it is clear, therefore, that they know - and care
about - what is transpiring on earth) [see Rv. 6:9-11, Rv. 20:4]
Do you reject Marian apparitions because you think they introduce new doctrine? If so, you should know that true apparitions can never
introduce new doctrine. The Catholic Church teaches that there can
be no additions to the deposit of faith since the death of
the last apostle (St. John). In fact, a sure sign of a false
apparition is the attempted introduction of new doctrine!
Did you know that the first Marian apparition -
as witnessed by St. James the Greater - may be traced all the way
back to 40 A.D.? Is this really so surprising considering true
apparitions, may be traced back even to Scripture?
Both the Old & New Testaments contain accounts of angelic
apparitions. In the New Testament, the Apostles (Peter, James
& John) saw Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration, and we know
that St. Paul also conversed directly with Christ after His
Are you aware that various apparitions have left "indisputable
proof of their authenticity" (including miraculous images,
healings, solar phenomena, etc.) and that some have been
accompanied by accurate predictions? Science is at a loss to
explain the numerous cures, images, etc.
Do you reject Marian apparitions because you think they may be
signs" (cf. Mt. 24:24)? You should know that the Catholic
Church also rejects many false apparitions. In fact, only a small
number of reported Marian apparitions have been authenticated, and
then only after careful study and investigation (the Church knows
that the devil can deceive and perform 'great signs', but not true
miracles - not to mention the potential for human fraud and
deception). Of those apparitions which are
approved, the Church never "guarantees" that they are
authentic, but rather declares them "worthy of belief."
Even so, Church's
rulings on the authenticity of apparitions are not considered infallible.
Church is unable to guarantee the authenticity of any apparition
with "absolute certainty."
Are you aware that Catholics are not required to believe in
any apparition whatsoever? Even if the Church declares an
apparition "worthy of belief", no one is bound to believe
the apparition is true. *
Are you troubled by a particular 'apparition' (especially a recent
one)? You should know that Catholics are also troubled by a number
of alleged (and unapproved) apparitions that many zealous
Catholics wrongly attempt to promote. One
should be careful that the purported approval status of an
apparition is the actual approval status of the apparition. Some
may attempt to persuade others that the pope or a bishop approves of a
certain apparition, whereas this may be untrue. Approval of an
apparition would be verifiable in appropriate, authentic, and
public written documents authored by those with the proper
authority in the Church. *
In any event, persons
should not center their faith around an apparition. "Faith
rests on divine revelations made through the prophets and apostles
and set down in the canonical Scriptures, not on revelations, if
there be any, made to other holy teachers." (St. Thomas
Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the
history of the Church")
You Reject Marian Objects Such as the Rosary and Scapular? |
If you object to repetitive prayer, click
If you object to the use of sacramentals, click
If you reject Marian intercession, click
Are you aware that Catholics do not attribute any inherent power
to objects such as rosaries and scapulars?
Are you aware that scapulars are symbols or reminders of devotion
to Jesus' blessed Mother? They are most certainly not a "guaranteed
assurance of salvation" or a "license to sin".
Are you aware that the Catholic Church recommends, but does not require
the use of scapulars or rosaries?
Have you considered that Mary's children, "those who keep God's commandments and bear witness to
Jesus" (Rv. 12:17) are at war with Satan (see Rv. 12:17)? Can
you not imagine that Mary would want to equip her children
with the most powerful spiritual aids in such a war?
Do you object to the Rosary because the majority of it consists in
the recitation of the "Hail Mary" prayer? Are you aware
that the majority of this prayer is composed from the Scriptural words of
the angel's greeting to Mary and St. Elizabeth's greeting to Mary?
Are you further aware that when one recites the rosary, he or she
is supposed to meditate on (that is, contemplate) certain
mysteries - for example, the Birth of Christ, the
Crucifixion, the Resurrection of Christ, etc.?
Why is it you simply write off (or criticize) devotions that
millions of Catholics - from the poorest and most ignorant to the richest and wisest - treasure without knowing much about them
(besides what anti-Catholics try to make you believe) and without
trying them yourself? Why is it you discount the many and
remarkable good fruits they have brought, not to mention the
countless miracles associated with them?
"How many sick have been healed, how many lives have been
saved, how many fires have been extinguished, how many tempests
stilled, how many remarkable conversions have been wrought, by
means of this simple devotion [of the scapular]!" (Muller)
rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact
the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the
book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and
knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is
the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this
world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the
rosary is beyond description." (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
these well authenticated facts we see that the Scapular is a badge
of our love and veneration of the Holy Mother of God. It is, at
the same time, a sweet pledge of her powerful protection; it is a
devotion most ancient and venerable - a devotion descended from
heaven. The most learned theologians, among them the renowned
Cardinal [St.] Bellarmine, concur in asserting its heavenly
origin. The popes have approved of it in various bulls; the holy
Catholic Church has instituted a special feast, a Mass, and office
to celebrate the devotion of the Scapular. Every nation into which
the one saving Church has yet penetrated, every rank and class of
men, from the layman to the Pope, all honor and practice the
devotion of the Scapular. But, more than this, God himself, who is
the living truth, who alone can suspend the laws of nature, has
confirmed the heavenly origin of the Scapular by numberless
miracles." (Muller)
the mind is dwelling on mysteries of the Rosary the heart is
wonderfully enkindled by them to make virtuous resolutions. What
an example we have set before us!... It would be utterly
impossible for anyone to meditate on and attentively consider
these most precious memorials of our loving Redeemer and not have
a heart on fire with gratitude to Him. Such is the power of a
faith sincerely practiced that, through the light it brings to
man's mind and the vigor with which it moves his heart, he will
straightway set out in the footsteps of Christ and follow them
through every obstacle, making his own a protestation worthy of a
St. Paul: 'Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall tribulation? or distress? or famine? or nakedness? or
danger? or persecution? or the sword?' 'I live, now not I; but
Christ liveth in me.'" (Pope Leo XIII, "Magnae Dei
Matris", 1892 A.D.)
those, if you can, who, through the devotion of the Rosary, have
recovered from sickness; how many captives have been set at
liberty; how many have been delivered by Mary who were in danger
of perishing by fire, in danger of shipwreck, in danger of war and
pestilence. Go to the sanctuaries of Our Blessed Lady, and see
there the many votive offerings, ornaments of gold and silver and
precious stones, in commemoration of miraculous cures or other
extraordinary favors obtained though the devotion of the Rosary;
for in these sanctuaries of the Blessed Virgin the blind are
restored to sight, the lame walk, the demons are expelled from the
bodies of men. These are authentic facts, attested not only by
persons of note who have heard them from others, but by thousands
of eyewitnesses whose sincerity we cannot doubt; facts so numerous
that, if they were all written, it would take years to read them.
What favor and blessing is there that cannot be obtained by the
devotion of the Rosary?" (Muller) [Note: This does not
imply that the Rosary has any inherent power, but rather that God
has often rewarded those devoted to the Rosary with great gifts.]
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