/ Episcopate
Obedience is necessarily limited to appropriate commands of lawful
authorities. Obedience is not accorded to commands which violate
faith or morals.
For the Reflections regarding Bishop of Rome, see the Vatican View
Reflections (click
here) |
"This saying is
trustworthy: whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task. Therefore, a bishop must be irreproachable, married only
once*, temperate, self-controlled, decent, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not aggressive, but gentle, not contentious, not a lover of money.
He must manage his own household well, keeping his children under control with perfect dignity; for if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how can he take care of the church of God? He should not be a recent convert, so that he may not become conceited and thus incur the devil's
punishment. He must also have a good reputation among outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, the devil's trap."
(1 Tm. 3:1-7) [*Note: Religious offices indicated in the
New Testament are in their infancy and can be shown to be
developing even in Scripture. Within a short time, many religious
offices in the Church adopted Jesus' and St. Paul's recommended
observance of celibacy
as a general rule.]
"For a bishop as God's steward must be blameless, not arrogant, not irritable, not a drunkard, not aggressive, not greedy for sordid gain, but hospitable, a lover of goodness, temperate, just, holy, and self-controlled, holding fast to the true message as taught so that he will be able both to exhort with sound doctrine and to refute opponents."
(Ti. 1:7-9)
be a bishop is much, to deserve to be one is
more." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
if anyone is found to be lukewarm in this work of God, let him
incur the loss of his dignity." (Second Lateran Council)
obedient to your bishop and welcome him as the parent of your
soul." (St. Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
a general rule the faithful will be such as are those whom you
call to the priesthood" (Pope St. Pius X, "E Supremi",
1903 A.D.)
470 The appointment of those who fulfil an office in the diocesan
curia belongs to the diocesan Bishop." (1983 Code of Canon
says 'It behooveth...a bishop to be blameless'" (St. Thomas
Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian in the
history of the Church")
376 Bishops to whom the care of a given diocese is entrusted are
called diocesan Bishops; the others are called titular
Bishops." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
and strong laborers are not born, but made. But the making of them
is a matter for the work and the skill of the bishops." (Pope
Benedict XIV, "Ubi Primum", 1710 A.D.)
should manifest their concern for everyone, no matter what their
age, condition, or nationality, be they natives, strangers, or
foreigners." (Second Vatican Council)
Christ's ascension into heaven, the apostles assigned bishops to
each city and diocese, and the holy Roman Church became
established throughout the world" (Fifth Lateran Council)
579 Provided the Apostolic See has been consulted, diocesan
Bishops can, by formal decree, establish institutes of consecrated
life in their own territories." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
first responsibility for the pastoral work of promoting priestly
vocations lies with the bishop... It is his duty to foster and
coordinate various initiatives on behalf of vocations." (Pope
John Paul II)
8. If anyone says that the bishops who are chosen by the authority
of the Roman Pontiff are not true and legitimate bishops, but a
human invention: let him be anathema." (Council of Trent, 1563
416 The episcopal see becomes vacant by the death of the diocesan
Bishop, by his resignation accepted by the Holy See, by transfer,
or by deprivation notified to the Bishop." (1983 Code of
Canon Law)
157 Unless the law expressly states otherwise, it is the
prerogative of the diocesan Bishop to make appointments to
ecclesiastical offices in his own particular Church by free
conferral." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
953 The consecration of a Bishop is reserved to the Roman Pontiff
so that it is not permitted to any Bishop to consecrate another as
Bishop without first having gotten a pontifical mandate."
(1917 Code of Canon Law)
1382 A bishop who consecrates someone a bishop without a
pontifical mandate and the person who receives the consecration
from him incur a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the
Apostolic See." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
however, are cooperators of the bishop in a very special way, for
as pastors in their own name they are entrusted with the care of
souls in a certain part of the diocese under the bishop's
authority." (Second Vatican Council)
no pains in giving an exemplary training to those who seem to have
a vocation to the priesthood, for they are destined - agreeably to
their office - to be the dispensers of Divine grace." (Pope
Pius XI, "Ad Salutem", 1930 A.D.)
accordance with the Scriptures and the statutes and definitions of
the canons, we venerate the most holy bishop of ancient Rome the
first and greatest of bishops, and after him the bishop of
Constantinople." (Council of Constantinople)
438 The titles of patriarch and primate entail no power of
governance in the Latin Church apart from a prerogative of honor
unless in some matters the contrary is clear from apostolic
privilege or approved custom." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
as in the exercise of their episcopal authority the bishops ought
to be united with the apostolic see so should the members of the
clergy and the laity live in close union with their bishops."
(Pope Leo XIII, "Sapientiae Christianae", 1890 A.D.)
"Can. 10. Let no one unless canonically
elected extend his hand for consecration to the episcopacy. But if
he should presume to do so, let both the one consecrated and the
one consecrating be deposed without hope of restoration."
(Lateran Council I, 1123 A.D.)
329 §1 Bishops
are the successors of the apostles and by divine institution are
placed over particular churches which they govern with ordinary
jurisdiction under the authority of the Roman pontiff." (1917
of Canon Law)
the episcopate is most sacred, for it comes from the hands of
Jesus Christ through Peter and his successors. Such is the
unanimous teaching of Catholic tradition, which is in keeping with
the language used by the Roman pontiffs, from the earliest
ages" (Gueranger)
the bond of concord remains and the indivisible sacrament of the
Catholic Church continues, each bishop disposes and directs his
own work as one who must give an account of his administration to
the Lord." (St. Cyprian of Carthage, 251 A.D.)
in proportion as the fall of a bishop is an event which tends
ruinously to the fall of his followers, so on the other hand it is
a useful and helpful thing when a bishop, by the firmness of his
faith, sets himself forth to his brethren as an object of
imitation." (St. Cyprian of Carthage)
certainly wishes bishops or priests to be such as the chosen
vessel teaches they should be. As to the first qualification it is
seldom or never that one is found without reproach; for who is it
that has not some fault, like a mole or a wart on a lovely body?" (St.
Jerome, Doctor of the Church)
can he be reckoned as a bishop, who, succeeding to no one, and
despising the evangelical and apostolic tradition, sprang from
himself. For he who has not been ordained in the Church can
neither have nor hold to the Church in any way." (St. Cyprian
of Carthage)
523 Without prejudice to can. 682, appointment to the office of
parish priest belongs to the diocesan Bishop, who is free to
confer it on whomsoever he wishes, unless someone else has a right
of presentation or election." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
1740 When the ministry of any parish priest has for some reason
become harmful or at least ineffective, even though this occurs
without any serious fault on his part, he can be removed from the
parish by the diocesan Bishop." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
if anyone whom the master of the house sends to manage his
business ought to be received by us as we would receive him by
whom he was sent. It is clear, then, that we must look upon the
bishop as the Lord Himself." (St. Ignatius of Antioch, c.
110 A.D.)
"We are sure too that you will never neglect those priests who
have strayed from the house of God, their true home, no matter
where their painful odyssey has led them; for they still remain
your sons." (Pope Paul VI, 1967 A.D.)
it is not enough to hinder the reading and the sale of bad books -
it is also necessary to prevent them from being printed. Hence let
the Bishops use the utmost severity in granting permission to
print." (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi Dominici Gregis",
1907 A.D.)
all things the need of union between the bishops and the
successors of Peter is clear and undeniable. This bond once
broken, Christians would be separated and scattered, and would in
no wise form one body and one flock." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis
Cognitum", 1896)
330 Just as, by the decree of the Lord, Saint Peter and the rest
of the Apostles form one College, so for a like reason the Roman
Pontiff, the successor of Peter, and the Bishops, the successors
of the Apostles, are united together in one." (1983 Code of
Canon Law)
fine, let so great care and diligence be used herein by bishops,
as that there be nothing seen that is disorderly, or that is
unbecomingly or confusedly arranged, nothing that is profane,
nothing indecorous, seeing that holiness becometh the house of
God." (Council of Trent)
469 The diocesan curia is composed of those institutes and persons
who assist the Bishop in governing the entire diocese, especially
in directing pastoral action, in providing for the administration
of the diocese, and in exercising judicial power." (1983 Code
of Canon Law)
473 §1 The diocesan Bishop must ensure that everything concerning
the administration of the whole diocese is properly coordinated
and is directed in the way that will best achieve the good of that
portion of the people of God entrusted to his care." (1983
Code of Canon Law)
480 The Vicar general and episcopal Vicar must give a report to
the diocesan Bishop concerning more important matters, both those
yet to be attended to and those already dealt with. They are never
to act against the will and mind of the diocesan Bishop."
(1983 Code of Canon Law)
1326 Bishops also, although individually and even gathered in
particular Councils they do not partake of infallibility in
teaching, nevertheless, for those faithful committed to their care
under the authority of the Roman Pontiff, they are truly doctors
and teachers." (1917 Code of Canon Law)
471 All those who are admitted to offices in the curia must: 1°
promise to fulfill their function faithfully according to the
manner determined by law or by the bishop; 2° observe secrecy
within the limits and according to the manner determined by law or
by the bishop." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
a like manner let everyone respect the deacons as they would
respect Jesus Christ, and just as they respect the bishop as a
type of the Father, and the presbyters and the council of God and
college of Apostles. Without these, it cannot be called a
Church." (St. Ignatius of Antioch, c. 110 A.D.)
how much, therefore, the soul is more valuable than the body, so
much the priestly office is beyond the kingly. For it binds and
looses those that are worthy of punishment or of remission.
Wherefore you ought to love the bishop as your father, and fear
him as your king." ('Constitutions of the Holy Apostles', 4th century A.D.)
381 §1 In the diocese entrusted to his care, the diocesan Bishop
has all the ordinary, proper and immediate power required for the
exercise of his pastoral office, except in those matters which the
law or a decree of the Supreme Pontiff reserves to the supreme or
to some other ecclesiastical authority." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
having sent the apostles just as He Himself had been sent by the
Father, Christ, through the apostles themselves, made their
successors, the bishops, sharers in His consecration and mission.
The office of their ministry has been handed down, in a lesser
degree indeed, to the priests." (Second Vatican Council)
412 The episcopal see is understood to be impeded if the diocesan
Bishop is completely prevented from exercising the pastoral office
in the diocese by reason of imprisonment, banishment, exile or
incapacity, so that he is unable to communicate, even by letter,
with the people of his diocese." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
should be careful to ensure that works of art which are repugnant
to faith, morals, and Christian piety, and which offend true
religious sense either by depraved forms or through lack of
artistic merit or because of mediocrity or pretense, be removed
from the house of God and from other sacred places." (Second
Vatican Council)
regard to lineage and inheritance, the Church receives those
rulers whom the Holy Spirit prepared; thus among the people of
God's adoption, the whole of which is priestly and royal, no
prerogative of earthly origin can obtain the anointing, but a
condescension of divine grace begets a bishop." (Pope St. Leo
I the Great, Doctor of the Church, c. 455 A.D.)
therefore give a fatherly warning to Catholic film directors and
producers, not to permit films to be made which are opposed to the
Faith or Christian morals; but if, - which God forbid - this
should happen, it is the duty of the Bishops to admonish them,
and, if necessary, to impose appropriate sanctions." (Pope
Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957 A.D.)
475 §1 In each diocese the diocesan Bishop is to appoint a Vicar
general to assist him in the governance of the whole diocese. The
Vicar-general has ordinary power, in accordance with the
[applicable] canons. §2 As a general rule, one
Vicar general is to be appointed, unless the size of the diocese,
the number of inhabitants, or other pastoral reasons suggest
otherwise." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
bishop should not fear since the anointing of the Holy Spirit has
strengthened him: the shepherd should not be afraid since the
prince of pastors has taught him by his own example to despise
life itself for the safety of his flock: the cowardice and
depression of the hireling should not dwell in a bishop's
heart." (Pope Pius VI, "Inscrutabile", 1775 A.D.)
343 The function of the synod of Bishops is to discuss the matters
proposed to it and set forth recommendations. It is not its
function to settle matters or to draw up decrees, unless the Roman
Pontiff has given it deliberative power in certain cases; in this
event, it rests with the Roman Pontiff to ratify the decisions of
the synod." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
479 §1 In virtue of his office, the Vicar general has the same
executive power throughout the whole diocese as that which belongs
by law to the diocesan Bishop: that is, he can perform all
administrative acts, with the exception however of those which the
Bishop has reserved to himself, or which by law require a special
mandate of the Bishop." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
punishment of the offender ought to be in proportion to the
dignity of the person wronged. Bishops are called most holy, are
Christ's ambassadors, spiritual fathers, our brothers and fellow
bishops, the acknowledged pillars of the Church. The punishment,
then, ought to be heavy, proportionate to the guilt of one who
violates the dignity of such an eminent person." (Council of
Jesus Christ, our inseparable life, is the will of the Father,
just as the bishops, who have been appointed throughout the
are the will of Jesus Christ. It is fitting, therefore, that you
should live in harmony with the will of the bishop - as indeed you
do. Let us be careful, then, if we would be submissive to God, not
to oppose the bishop." (St. Ignatius of Antioch, c. 110
and other ordinaries should remember that they are shepherds and
not slave-drivers, and that they must so rule over their subjects
as not to dominate over them but to love them as sons and
brothers; they should endeavor by exhortation and admonition to
deter them from wrongdoing lest they be obliged to administer due
punishment after the faults have been committed." (Council of
discharging their apostolic office, which concerns the salvation
of souls, bishops per se enjoy full and perfect freedom and
independence from any civil authority. Hence, the exercise of
their ecclesiastical office may not be hindered, directly or
indirectly, nor may they be forbidden to communicate freely with
the Apostolic See, or ecclesiastical authorities, or their
subjects." (Second Vatican Council)
339 §1 All Bishops, but only Bishops who are members of the
College of Bishops, have the right and the obligation to be
present at an Ecumenical Council with a deliberative vote. §2
Some others besides, who do not have the episcopal dignity, can be
summoned to an Ecumenical Council by the supreme authority in the
Church, to whom it belongs to determine what part they take in the
Council." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
the pastoral office of bishops is so important and weighty,
diocesan bishops and others regarded in law as their equals, who
have become less capable of fulfilling their duties properly
because of the increasing burden of age or some other serious
reason, are earnestly requested to offer their resignation from
office either at their own initiative or upon the invitation of
the competent authority." (Second Vatican Council)
that you owe the best part of your hearts and pastoral care to
your priests and to the young men preparing to be priests. In no
other way can you better show this conviction than in the
conscious responsibility and sincere and unconquerable love with
which you preside over the education of your seminarians, and help
your priests in every way possible to remain faithful to their
vocation and their duties." (Pope Paul VI, 1967 A.D.)
399 §1 Every five years a diocesan bishop is bound to make a
report to the Supreme Pontiff on the state of the diocese
entrusted to him, according to the form and time determined by the
Apostolic See. §2 If the year assigned for submitting this report
coincides in whole or in part with the first two years of his
governance of the diocese, for that occasion the Bishop need not
draw up and submit the report." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
it is a Greek word derived hence; - that he who is put over others
overlooks those whom he is put over, to wit, as taking care of
them; for episcopacy is overlooking. Therefore, if we choose, we
may say in Latin that to exercise the office of a bishop is to
overlook; so that one who delights to be over others and not to
profit them may understand that he is no bishop." (Pope St.
Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church)
for what concerns Us, We have already taken care that We establish
as bishops in the various countries those who bring to the
episcopacy a sound doctrine, a life beyond reproach, and a mind
prepared for all things for the sake of Jesus Christ. We believe
that the responsibility should go to him who presides over it; let
him not swell up with the greatness of the honor but diminish in
humility." (Pope Clement XIII, "A Quo Die", 1758
401 §1 A diocesan Bishop who has completed his seventy-fifth year
of age is requested to offer his resignation from office to the
Supreme Pontiff, who, taking all the circumstances into account,
will make provision accordingly. §2 A diocesan Bishop who,
because of illness or some other grave reason, has become unsuited
for the fulfillment of his office, is earnestly requested to offer
his resignation from office." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
"Above everything else, the Bishop must be
eternally on guard and continually vigilant in preventing the
contagious disease of heresy from entering among his flock and
removing even the faintest suspicion of it from the fold. If it
should happen to enter (the Lord forbid!), he must use every means
at his command to expel it immediately. Moreover, he must see to
it that those infected or suspected be treated according to the
pontifical canons and sanctions" (St. Charles Borromeo)
should dedicate themselves to their apostolic office as witness of
Christ before all men. They should not only look after those who
already follow the Prince of Pastors but should also
wholeheartedly devote themselves to those who have strayed in any
way from the path of truth or are ignorant of the Gospel of Christ
and His saving mercy until finally all men walk 'in all goodness
and justice and truth' (Eph. 5:9)." (Second Vatican Council)
782 §1 The Roman Pontiff and the college of bishops have the
supreme direction and coordination of endeavors and actions which
belong to missionary work and missionary cooperation. §2 As
sponsors of the universal Church and of all the churches,
individual bishops are to have special solicitude for missionary
work, especially by initiating, fostering, and sustaining
missionary endeavors in their own particular churches." (1983
Code of Canon Law)
334 The Bishops are available to the Roman Pontiff in the exercise
of his office, to cooperate with him in various ways, among which
is the synod of Bishops. Cardinals also assist him, as do other
persons and, according to the needs of the time, various
institutes; all these persons and institutes fulfil their offices
in his name and by his authority, for the good of all the
Churches, in accordance with the norms determined by law."
(1983 Code of Canon Law)
383 §1 In exercising his pastoral office, the diocesan Bishop is
to be solicitous for all Christ's faithful entrusted to his care,
whatever their age, condition or nationality, whether they live in
the territory or are visiting there. He is to show an apostolic
spirit also to those who, because of their condition of life, are
not sufficiently able to benefit from ordinary pastoral care, and
to those who have lapsed from religious practice." (1983 Code
of Canon Law)
"This document [Haerent Animo], in which we opened our
heart to all sacred ministers, make it your business to recall it
and explain it for the benefit of the clerics for whom you are
responsible. Besides, realize thoroughly and hold fast to this
truth: when you have a body of clergy who conform to the ideal
outlined in that Exhortation, you will certainly find your
pastoral care greatly lightened, and the fruits of your apostolate
will be much more abundant." (Pope St. Pius X)
1327 § 1 The responsibility of preaching the Catholic faith is
committed especially to the Roman Pontiff for the universal Church
[and to] Bishops for their diocese. § 2 Bishops are bound by the
office of personally preaching the Gospel, unless they are
prohibited by a legitimate impediment; and moreover, besides
pastors, they should also take help from other suitable men in
pursuing the correct fulfillment of these duties in this sort of
teaching." (1917 Code of Canon Law)
753 Although the bishops who are in communion with the head and
members of the college, whether individually or joined together in
conferences of bishops or in particular councils, do not possess
infallibility in teaching, they are authentic teachers and
instructors of the faith for the Christian faithful entrusted to
their care; the Christian faithful are bound to adhere with
religious submission of mind to the authentic magisterium of their
bishops." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
396 §1 A bishop is obliged to visit the diocese annually either
in whole or in part, so that he visits the entire diocese at least
every five years either personally or, if he has been legitimately
impeded, through the coadjutor bishop, an auxiliary, vicar
general, episcopal vicar, or another presbyter. §2 A bishop is
permitted to choose the clerics he prefers as companions and
assistants on a visitation; any contrary privilege or custom is
reprobated." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
shall not be lawful for any bishop, under the plea of any
privilege soever, to exercise pontifical functions in the diocese
of another, save by the express permission of the Ordinary of the
place, and in regard to those persons only who are subject to that
same Ordinary: if the contrary shall have been done, the bishop
shall be ipso facto suspended from the exercise of episcopal
functions, and those so ordained (be similarly suspended) from the
exercise of their orders." (Council of Trent)
387 Mindful that he is bound to give an example of holiness,
charity, humility and simplicity of life, the diocesan Bishop is
to seek in every way to promote the holiness of Christ's faithful
according to the special vocation of each. Since he is the
principal dispenser of the mysteries of God, he is to strive
constantly that Christ's faithful entrusted to his care may grow
in grace through the celebration of the sacraments, and may know
and live the paschal mystery." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
402 §1 A Bishop whose resignation from office has been accepted,
acquires the title 'emeritus' of his diocese. If he so wishes, he
may have a residence in the diocese unless, because of special
circumstances in certain cases, the Apostolic See provides
otherwise. §2 The Episcopal Conference must ensure that suitable
and worthy provision is made for the upkeep of a Bishop who has
resigned, bearing in mind the primary obligation which falls on
the diocese which he served." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
exercising their office of father and pastor, bishops should stand
in the midst of their people as those who serve. Let them be good
shepherds who know their sheep and whose sheep know them. Let them
be true fathers who excel in the spirit of love and solicitude for
all and to whose divinely conferred authority all gratefully
submit themselves. Let them so gather and mold the whole family of
their flock that everyone, conscious of his own duties, may live
and work in the communion of love." (Second Vatican Council)
moreover, to the minds of your faithful subjects in Christ, that
is by promoting, under your direction and that of your clergy, the
knowledge and love of Christ, they become truly worthy of the
title of a 'chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation,
a purchased people' (I Peter ii.9), and that closely united with
Christ and with Us, they will best succeed in bringing about a
common peace amongst men, by devoting all their energies to the
propagation and restoration of the kingdom of Christ." (Pope
Pius XI)
375 §1 By divine institution, Bishops succeed the Apostles
through the Holy Spirit who is given to them. They are constituted
Pastors in the Church, to be the teachers of doctrine, the priests
of sacred worship and the ministers of governance. §2 By their
episcopal consecration, Bishops receive, together with the office
of sanctifying, the offices also of teaching and of ruling, which
however, by their nature, can be exercised only in hierarchical
communion with the head of the College and its members."
(1983 Code of Canon Law)
bishops are busy about things pertaining to the love of their
neighbor, arises out of the abundance of their love of God. Hence
our Lord asked Peter first of all whether he loved Him, and
afterwards committed the care of His flock to him. And Gregory
says (Regulae Pastoralis i,5): 'If the pastoral care is a proof of
love, he who refuses to feed God's flock, though having the means
to do so, is convicted of not loving the supreme Pastor.'"
(St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and "greatest theologian
in the history of the Church")
is of the utmost importance that you entrust the care of souls to
exemplary men who are conspicuous for their doctrine, piety,
purity, and good works. They should truly be and should be
considered the light and the salt of the people. These men are
your principal aides in forming the flock entrusted to your care,
governing it, purifying it, leading it in the path of salvation,
and rousing it to Christian virtue. You should choose as parish
priests men who may be judged suited to the fruitful governing of
people. Concentrate on this matter above everything else"
(Pope Benedict XIV, "Ubi Primum", 1710 A.D.)
priests should warn their flocks that they are forbidden by divine
law to listen to radio programs which are dangerous to their Faith
or morals, and they should exhort those engaged in the training of
youth, to be on the watch and to instill religious principles with
regard to the use of radio sets installed in the home. Moreover,
it is the duty of the Bishops to call on the faithful to refrain
from listening to stations which are known to broadcast a defense
of matter formally opposed to the Catholic Faith." (Pope Pius
XII, "Miranda Prorsus", 1957 A.D.)
7. If anyone says that the bishops are not superior to priests; or
that they do not have the power to confirm and to ordain, or, that
the power which they have is common to them and to the priests; or
that orders conferred by them without the consent or call of the
people or of the secular power are invalid, or, that those who
have been neither rightly ordained nor sent by ecclesiastical and
canonical authority, but come from a different source, are lawful
ministers of the word and of the sacraments: let him be
anathema." (Council of Trent, 1563 A.D.)
should also strive to make use of the various media at hand
nowadays for proclaiming Christian doctrine, namely, first of all,
preaching and catechetical instruction which always hold the first
place, then the presentation of this doctrine in schools,
academies, conferences, and meetings of every kind, and finally
its dissemination through public statements at times of
outstanding events as well as by the press and various other media
of communication, which by all means ought to be used in
proclaiming the Gospel of Christ." (Second Vatican Council)
403 §1 When the pastoral needs of a diocese suggest it, one or
more auxiliary bishops are to be appointed at the request of the
diocesan bishop. An auxiliary bishop does not possess the right of
succession. §2 In more serious circumstances, even of a personal
nature, an auxiliary bishop provided with special faculties can be
given to a diocesan bishop. §3 If it appears more opportune to
the Holy See, it can appoint ex officio a coadjutor bishop who
also has special faculties. A coadjutor bishop possesses the right
of succession." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
the part of the person appointed [to the episcopal office], it is
not required that he esteem himself better than others, for this
would be proud and presumptuous; but it suffices that he perceive
nothing in himself which would make it unlawful for him to take up
the office of prelate. Hence although Peter was asked by our Lord
if he loved Him more than the others, he did not, in his reply,
set himself before the others, but answered simply that he loved
Christ." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and
"greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
there are faithful of a different rite, the diocesan bishop should
provide for their spiritual needs either through priests or
parishes of that rite or through an episcopal vicar endowed with
the necessary faculties. Wherever it is fitting, the last named
should also have episcopal rank. Otherwise the Ordinary himself
may perform the office of an Ordinary of different rites. If for
certain reasons, these prescriptions are not applicable in the
judgment of the Apostolic See, then a proper hierarchy for the
different rites is to be established." (Second Vatican
is equally the duty of the Bishops of the entire Catholic world to
unite in vigilance over this universal and potent form of
entertainment and instruction [the motion picture industry], to
the end that they may be able to place a ban on bad motion
pictures because they are an offence to the moral and religious
sentiments and because they are in opposition to the Christian
spirit and to its ethical principles. There must be no weariness
in combating whatever contributes to the lessening of the people's
sense of decency and of honor." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti
Cura", 1936 A.D.)
exercise of spiritual rights, which concern the glory of God and
the salvation of the souls of Christ's faithful, has been
entrusted to bishops and their superiors in their respective
dioceses, since they have been chosen to be sharers of [the
Roman pontiffs'] burden, as we have already said, and since
dioceses with defined boundaries have been assigned to each of the
bishops. We truly desire, then, that these spiritual rights be
exercised by the bishops, and that the right of freely exercising
them be truly, as far as possible, kept intact for them."
(Fifth Lateran Council)
also that the government and administration of the whole Church
rests with the Roman Pontiff to whom, in the words of the Fathers
of the Council of Florence, 'the full power of nourishing, ruling,
and governing the universal Church was given by Christ the Lord.'
It is the duty of individual bishops to cling to the See of Peter
faithfully, to guard the faith piously and religiously, and to
feed their flock. It behooves priests to be subject to the
bishops, whom 'they are to look upon as the parents of their
souls,' as Jerome admonishes." (Pope Gregory XVI, "Mirari
Vos", 1832)
it is necessary that your paternal care extend further, namely to
the assistance of priests in the exercise of their duties.
Skillfully and sweetly, as becomes your love, see to it that they
are not exposed to worldly temptations and that they are not led
by selfish desires or concern for secular affairs. See to it that
they excel in virtue, providing an example of deeds well-done.
Further, see to it that they never fail in their devotion to
prayer and that they approach the sacred mysteries spotlessly." (Pope Leo
XIII, "Quod Multum",
1886 A.D.)
is no more offensive or dangerous poison than the desire to rule.
If a bishop is corrupted by this, it is inevitable that the church
entrusted to him will be shaken, if not destroyed. Therefore, a
bishop should not want to be powerful, but rather to be useful.
Having made himself an example for the flock, he should like a
torch radiate blameless conduct, moral integrity, piety, and
religion. When the people see this, they will walk happily and
quickly in the way of the Lord, for they will see that they have
been given a leader and not a master." (Pope Clement XIII,
"A Quo Die", 1758 A.D.)
the names presbyter and bishop the first denotes age, the second
rank. In writing both to Titus and to Timothy the apostle speaks
of the ordination of bishops and of deacons, but says not a word
of the ordination of presbyters; for the fact is that the word
bishops includes presbyters also... In fact as if to tell us that
the traditions handed down by the apostles were taken by them from
the Old Testament, bishops, presbyters and deacons occupy in the Church the same positions as those which were occupied by Aaron,
his sons, and the Levites in the temple." (St. Jerome, Doctor
of the Church)
407 §1 For the greatest present and future good of the diocese,
the diocesan Bishop, the coadjutor and the auxiliary Bishop
mentioned in can. 403 §2, are to consult with each other on
matters of greater importance. §2 In assessing matters of greater
importance, particularly those of a pastoral nature, the diocesan
Bishop is to consult the auxiliary Bishop before all others. §3
The coadjutor Bishop and the auxiliary Bishop, since they are
called to share in the cares of the diocesan Bishop, should so
exercise their office that they act and think in accord with
him." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
those who lead others to perfection, bishops should be diligent in
fostering holiness among their clerics, religious, and laity
according to the special vocation of each. They should also be
mindful of their obligation to give an example of holiness in
charity, humility, and simplicity of life. Let them so hallow the
churches entrusted to them that the feeling of the universal
Church of Christ may shine forth fully in them. For that reason
they should foster priestly and religious vocations as much as
possible, and should take a special interest in missionary
vocations." (Second Vatican Council)
can easily imagine the straits in which We live, since We are
laden with the care of Christ's flock and the churches, and must
therefore render a detailed account to the divine Prince of
Shepherds. For this reason We decided to recall in this letter the
causes of the troubles which beset both Us and you. You can then
reflect how important it is for all the bishops to redouble their
efforts so as to break the assault of the enemies, to beat back
their attacks, and to forewarn and protect the faithful from their
clever appeals. We have been doing this, and We shall not
stop." (Pope Gregory XVI, "Probe Nostis", 1840
cannot be silent concerning the useless desire for glory which a
certain bishop correctly called hidden destruction. Once it has
shown itself, there is perhaps nothing more hostile to love.
Servility creeps up on whatever bishop this deadly plague gets
hold of and infects; it attacks his most noble part, the soul. It
captures him with its poisonous flatteries and constantly besieges
him. It drives the wretch to the point that he no longer seeks the
glory of God but only his own, increasing enormously that
distorted and excessive self-esteem by which each of us is greatly
deceived." (Pope Clement XIII, "A Quo Die", 1758
on account of this communion in the same priesthood and ministry,
bishops should regard priests as their brothers and friends and be
concerned as far as they are able for their material and
especially for their spiritual well-being. For above all upon the
bishops rests the heavy responsibility for the sanctity of their
priests. Therefore, they should exercise the greatest care in the
continual formation of their priests. They should gladly listen to
their priests, indeed consult them and engage in dialogue with
them in those matters which concern the necessities of pastoral
work and welfare of the diocese." (Second Vatican Council)
the Catholic Church, instructed by the Holy Spirit, in conformity
with the sacred writings and the ancient tradition of the Fathers
in sacred councils, and very recently in this ecumenical Synod,
has taught that there is a purgatory, and that the souls detained
there are assisted by the suffrages of the faithful, and
especially by the [Holy Sacrifice of the Mass], the holy
Synod commands the bishops that they insist that the sound
doctrine of purgatory, which has been transmitted by the holy
Fathers and holy Councils, be believed by the faithful of Christ,
be maintained, taught, and everywhere preached." (Council of
Trent, 1563 A.D.)
is becoming, therefore, that ye also should be obedient to your
bishop, and contradict him in nothing; for it is a fearful thing
to contradict any such person. For no one does [by such conduct]
deceive him that is visible, but does [in reality] seek to mock
Him that is invisible, who, however, cannot be mocked by any one.
And every such act has respect not to man, but to God. For God
says to Samuel, 'They have not mocked thee, but Me.'
And Moses declares, 'For their murmuring is not against us,
but against the Lord God.' No one of those has, [in
fact,] remained unpunished, who rose up against their
superiors." (St. Ignatius of Antioch, c. 110 A.D.) [Note:
Of course, the above implies that the bishops are in union with
the pope.]
bishop will be unaware of many things and many things will be
hidden from him if he does not visit every part of his diocese
himself and if he does not look, listen, and examine everywhere
for which evils a remedy may be prepared. He should probe the
causes of those evils and then take preventive measures lest they
come to life again. The condition of human weakness is such that
thorn bushes, prickles, and weeds grow gradually in the Lord's
field, the cultivation of which is entrusted to the bishop. If the
gardener does not return frequently to pluck them out, his
seedlings will wither with the passage of time." (Pope
Benedict XIV, "Ubi Primum", 1710 A.D.)
power of the Supreme Pontiff is so far from interfering with that
power of ordinary and immediate episcopal jurisdiction by which
the bishops, who, 'placed by the Holy Spirit' [cf. Acts 20:28],
have succeeded to the places of the apostles, as true shepherds
individually feed and rule the individual flocks assigned to them,
that the same (power) is asserted, confirmed, and vindicated by
the supreme and universal shepherd, according to the statement of
Gregory the Great: 'My honor is the universal honor of the Church.
My honor is the solid vigor of my brothers. Then am I truly
honored, when the honor due to each and everyone is not denied.'" (Vatican Council I, 1870 A.D.)
400 §1 Unless the Apostolic See has established otherwise, during
the year in which he is bound to submit a report to the Supreme
Pontiff, a diocesan bishop is to go to Rome to venerate the tombs
of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and to present himself to
the Roman Pontiff. §2 A bishop is to satisfy the above-mentioned
obligation personally unless he is legitimately impeded. In that
case, he is to satisfy it through his coadjutor, if he has one, or
auxiliary, or a suitable priest of his presbyterium who resides in
his diocese. §3 An apostolic vicar can satisfy this obligation
through a proxy, even one living in Rome. This obligation does not
bind an apostolic prefect." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
if, which God forbid, a preacher should spread errors, or
scandals, amongst the people, let the bishop interdict his
preaching, even though he preach in a monastery of his own, or of
another, order: whereas, if he preach heresies, let him proceed
against him according to the appointment of the law, or the custom
of the place, even though the said preacher should plead that he
is exempted by a general, or special, privilege: in which case the
bishop shall proceed by apostolic authority, and as the delegate
of the Apostolic See. But let bishops be careful, that a preacher
be not annoyed, either by false accusations, or in any other way
calumniously; or have any just cause of complaint against
them." (Council of Trent)
becomes you not to presume on the youth of the bishop, but to show
him all reverence in consideration of the authority of God the Father: just as even the holy presbyters, so I have heard, do not
take advantage of his outwardly youthful appearance, but yield to
him in their godly prudence: yet not to him, but to the Father of
Jesus Christ, the Bishop of all. Take care to do all these things
in harmony with God, with the bishop presiding in the place of God
and with the presbyters in the place of the council of the
Apostles, and with the deacons, who are most dear to me, entrusted
with the business of Jesus Christ, who was with the Father from
the beginning and is at last made manifest." (St. Ignatius of
Antioch, c. 110 A.D.)
in the genus of perfection according to Dionysius (De
Ecclesiastica Hierarchia v,vi), bishops are in the position of
perfecters, whereas religious are in the position of being
perfected; the former of which pertains to action, and the latter
to passion. Whence it is evident that the state of perfection is
more excellent in bishops than in religious... Now bishops
especially are bound to despise all things for the honor of God
and the spiritual welfare of their flock, when it is necessary for
them to do so, either by giving to the poor of their flock, or by
suffering 'with joy the being stripped of' their 'own goods' (Heb. 10:34)." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church
and "greatest theologian in the history of the Church")
the timely instructions which Our predecessor of happy memory,
Pius XI, published in his Encyclical Letter, entitled Vigilanti
Cura, We earnestly desire that Christians be not only warned with
care, as frequently as possible, on this topic, but that they
fulfil the grave obligation of acquainting themselves with the
decisions issued by Ecclesiastical Authority on matters connected
with Motion Pictures, and of faithfully obeying them. The Bishops,
if they deem it appropriate, will be able to set aside a special
day each year devoted to this matter, on which the faithful will
be carefully instructed concerning their duty, particularly with
regard to film shows, and urged to offer earnest prayers to God
about the same." (Pope Pius XII, "Miranda Prorsus",
1957 A.D.)
legitimate successors of the Apostles and members of the episcopal
college, bishops should realize that they are bound together and
should manifest a concern for all the churches. For by divine
institution and the rule of the apostolic office each one
together with all the other bishops is responsible for the Church.
They should especially be concerned about those parts of the world
where the word of God has not yet been proclaimed or where the
faithful, particularly because of the small number of priests, are
in danger of departing from the precepts of the Christian life,
and even of losing the faith itself. Let bishops, therefore, make
every effort to have the faithful actively support and promote
works of evangelization and the apostolate." (Second Vatican
ye, beloved, be careful to be subject to the bishop, and the
presbyters and the deacons. For he that is subject to these is
obedient to Christ, who has appointed them; but he that is
disobedient to these is disobedient to Christ Jesus. And 'he
that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God
abideth on him.' For he that yields not obedience to his
superiors is self-confident, quarrelsome, and proud. But 'God,'
says [Holy Scripture] 'resisteth the proud, but
giveth grace to the humble;' and, 'The proud have
greatly transgressed.' The Lord also says to the priests, 'He that heareth you, heareth Me; and he that heareth Me,
heareth the Father that sent Me. He that despiseth you, despiseth
Me; and he that despiseth Me, despiseth Him that sent
Me.'" (St. Ignatius of Antioch, c. 110 A.D.)
regard to priests who are correspondents or collaborators of
periodicals, as it happens not infrequently that they write matter
infected with Modernism for their papers or periodicals, let the
Bishops see to it that this is not permitted to happen, and,
should they fail in this duty, let the Bishops make due provision
with authority delegated by the Supreme Pontiff. Let there be, as
far as this is possible, a special Censor for newspapers and
periodicals written by Catholics. It shall be his office to read
in due time each number after it has been published, and if he
find anything dangerous in it let him order that it be corrected.
The Bishop shall have the same right even when the Censor has seen
nothing objectionable in a publication." (Pope St. Pius X,
"Pascendi Dominici Gregis", 1907 A.D.)
if the authority of Peter and his successors is plenary and
supreme, it is not to be regarded as the sole authority. For He
who made Peter the foundation of the Church also 'chose, twelve,
whom He called apostles' (Luke vi., 13); and just as it is
necessary that the authority of Peter should be perpetuated in the
Roman Pontiff, so, by the fact that the bishops succeed the
Apostles, they inherit their ordinary power, and thus the
episcopal order necessarily belongs to the essential constitution
of the Church. Although they do not receive plenary, or universal,
or supreme authority, they are not to be looked as vicars of the
Roman Pontiffs; because they exercise a power really their own,
and are most truly called the ordinary pastors of the peoples over
whom they rule." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis Cognitum",
1896 A.D.)
do ye also reverence your bishop as Christ Himself, according as
the blessed apostles have enjoined you. He that is within the
altar is pure, wherefore also he is obedient to the bishop and
presbyters: but he that is without is one that does anything apart
from the bishop, the presbyters, and the deacons. Such a person is
defiled in his conscience, and is worse than an infidel. For what
is the bishop but one who beyond all others possesses all power
and authority, so far as it is possible for a man to possess it,
who according to his ability has been made an imitator of [Christ]?" (St. Ignatius of
Antioch, c. 110 A.D.) [Note: The above does not mean that
bishops have the highest authority in the Church. On the contrary,
the highest authority in the Church resides with the Roman
Pontiff, the Pope. Click here
for more information.]
bishops have a common dignity, they are not all of the same rank.
Even among the most blessed Apostles, thought they were alike in
honor, there was a certain distinction of power. All were equal in
being chosen, but it was given to one to be preeminent over the
others. From this formality there arose also a distinction among
bishops, and by a great arrangement, it was provided that no one
should arrogate everything to himself, but in individual provinces
there should be individual bishops whose opinion among their
brothers should be first; and again, certain others, established in
larger cities, were to accept a greater responsibility. Through
them the care of the universal Church would converge in the one
See of Peter, and nothing should ever be at odds with this
head." (Pope St. Leo I the Great, Doctor of the Church, c. 447 A.D.)
let the bishops diligently teach this, that by the accounts of the
mysteries of our redemption, portrayed in pictures or in other
representations, the people are instructed and confirmed in the
articles of faith which should be kept in mind and constantly
pondered over; then, too, that from all sacred images great profit
is derived not only because the people are reminded of the
benefits and gifts, which are bestowed upon them by Christ, but
also, because through the saints the miracles of God and salutary
examples are set before the eyes of the faithful, so that they may
give thanks to God for those things, may fashion their own lives
and conduct in imitation of the saints, and be stimulated to adore
and love God, and to cultivate piety. But if anyone should teach
or maintain anything contrary to these decrees, let him be
anathema." (Council of Trent, 1563 A.D.)
must be considered as the more illustrious members of the
Universal Church, for they are united by a very special bond to
the divine Head of the whole Body and so are rightly called 'principal
parts of the members of the Lord'; moreover, as far as his own
diocese is concerned, each one as a true Shepherd feeds the flock
entrusted to him and rules it in the name of Christ. Yet in
exercising this office they are not altogether independent, but
are subordinate to the lawful authority of the Roman Pontiff,
although enjoying the ordinary power of jurisdiction which they
receive directly from the same Supreme Pontiff. Therefore, Bishops
should be revered by the faithful as divinely appointed successors
of the Apostles, and to them, even more than to the highest civil
authorities should be applied the words: 'Touch not my anointed
one!' For the Bishops have been anointed with the chrism of the
Holy Spirit." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici
Corporis", 1943 A.D.)
395 §1 The diocesan Bishop is bound by the law of personal
residence in his diocese, even if he has a coadjutor or auxiliary
Bishop. §2 Apart from the visit 'ad limina', attendance at
councils or at the synod of Bishops or at the Episcopal
Conference, at which he must be present, or by reason of another
office lawfully entrusted to him, he may be absent from the
diocese, for a just reason, for not longer than one month,
continuously or otherwise, provided he ensures that the diocese is
not harmed by this absence. §3 He is not to be absent from his
diocese on Christmas, during Holy Week, or on Easter Sunday,
Pentecost and Corpus Christi, except for a grave and urgent
reason. §4 If the Bishop is unlawfully absent from the diocese
for more than six months, the Metropolitan is to notify the Holy
See. If it is the Metropolitan who is absent, the senior suffragan
is to do the same." (1983 Code of Canon Law)
"Before being the superiors and judges of your priests, be their
teachers, fathers, friends, their good and kind brothers always
ready to understand, to sympathize and to help. Encourage your
priests in every possible way to be your personal friends and to
be very open with you. This will not weaken the relationship of
juridical obedience; rather it will transform it into pastoral
love so that they will obey more willingly, sincerely and
securely. If they have a filial trust in you, your priests will be
able in time to open up their souls and to confide their
difficulties in you in the certainty that they can rely on your
kindness to be protected from eventual defeat, without a servile
fear of punishment, but in the filial expectation of correction,
pardon and help, which will inspire them to resume their difficult
journey with a new confidence." (Pope Paul VI, 1967 A.D.)
413 §1 When a see is impeded, the coadjutor bishop, if there is
one, has governance of the diocese unless the Holy See has
provided otherwise. If there is none or he is impeded, governance
passes to an auxiliary bishop, the vicar general, an episcopal
vicar, or another priest, following the order of persons
established in the list which the diocesan bishop is to draw up as
soon as possible after taking possession of the diocese. The list,
which must be communicated to the Metropolitan, is to be renewed
at least every three years and kept under secrecy by the
chancellor. §2 If there is no coadjutor bishop or he is impeded
and the list mentioned in §1 is not available, it is for the
college of consultors to select a priest to govern the diocese.
§3 The one who has assumed the governance of a diocese according
to the norm of §§1 or 2 is to advise the Holy See as soon as
possible of the impeded see and the [duties] he has assumed."
(1983 Code of Canon Law)
is also the duty of the bishops to prevent writings infected with
Modernism or favorable to it from being read when they have been
published, and to hinder their publication when they have not. No
book or paper or periodical of this kind must ever be permitted to
seminarians or university students. The injury to them would be
equal to that caused by immoral reading - nay, it would be greater
for such writings poison Christian life at its very fount. The
same decision is to be taken concerning the writings of some
Catholics, who, though not badly disposed themselves but
ill-instructed in theological studies and imbued with modern
philosophy, strive to make this harmonize with the faith, and, as
they say, to turn it to the profit of the faith. The name and
reputation of these authors cause them to be read without
suspicion, and they are, therefore, all the more dangerous in
preparing the way for Modernism." (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi
Dominici Gregis", 1907 A.D.)
holy Synod cannot but sorely grieve at hearing that certain
bishops, forgetful of their own estate, do in no slight manner
disgrace the pontifical dignity; comporting themselves with an
unseemly kind of servility, both in church and out of it, before
the ministers of kings, nobles, and barons; and, as if they were
inferior ministers of the altar, not only most unworthily give
them place; but even serve them in person. Wherefore, the holy
Synod, detesting this and the like behavior, doth, by renewing all
the sacred canons, the General Councils, and other apostolical
ordinances, which relate to the decorum and authority of the
episcopal dignity, enjoin, that henceforth bishops abstain from
the like; charging them that, both in church and out of it, having
before their eyes their own rank and order, they every where bear
in mind that they are fathers and pastors; charging also others,
as well princes, as all persons whatsoever, to pay them paternal
honor and due reverence." (Council of Trent)
then there were only the responsibility of the office itself for
people to run after in the episcopate, none would be so quick to
accept it. But as things go, we run after this, just as we do
after the dignities of the world. That we may have glory with men,
we lose ourselves with God. What profit in such honor? How
self-evident its nothingness is! When you covet the episcopal
rank, put in the other scale, the account to be rendered after
this life. Weigh against it, the happiness of a life free from
toil, take into account the different measure of the punishment. I
mean, that even if you have sinned, but in your own person merely,
you will have no such great punishment, nothing like it: but if
you have sinned as bishop, you are lost. Remember what Moses
endured, what wisdom he displayed, what good deeds he exhibited:
but, for committing one sin only, he was bitterly punished; and
with good reason; for this fault was attended with injury to the
rest." (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church)
"No, truly, there is no road which leads so
directly and so quickly to Modernism as pride. When a Catholic
laymen or a priest forgets that precept of the Christian life
which obliges us to renounce ourselves if we would follow Jesus
Christ and neglects to tear pride from his heart, then it is he
who most of all is a fully ripe subject for the errors of
Modernism. Hence, Venerable Brethren, it will be your first duty
to thwart such proud men, to employ them only in the lowest and
obscurest offices; the higher they try to rise, the lower let them
be placed, so that their lowly position may deprive them of the
power of causing damage. Sound your young clerics, too, most
carefully, by yourselves and by the directors of your seminaries,
and when you find the spirit of pride among any of them reject
them without compunction from the priesthood. Would to God that
this had always been done with the proper vigilance and
constancy." (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi Dominici Gregis",
1907 A.D.)
be an example for your flock in the frequent celebration of the
Mass, in devout offering, in solemn celebration of Masses, in
administering the sacraments, in reciting the breviary, in respect
for and in the splendor of the churches in the discipline of your
household and of your spiritual family, in love for the poor and
in helping them, in looking after the sick and supporting them, in
welcoming pilgrims with hospitality, and finally in every good
work of Christian virtue. Thus, all may be imitators of you just
as you are imitators of Christ as is fitting for bishops whom the
Holy Spirit placed in charge of the Church of God which Jesus
redeemed by His Blood. Look back often on the apostles to whose
place you have succeeded. Follow in their footsteps in works, in
vigilance, in bearing hardship, in keeping the wolves away from
your sheep, in removing the roots of vices, in teaching the
evangelical law, and in leading back to salutary penance those who
have strayed." (Pope Benedict XIV, "Ubi Primum",
1710 A.D.)
the Lord too, in the Gospel, when the disciples abandoned Him
while He was speaking, turned to the twelve and said, 'And do you
too wish to go away?' Peter answered Him, saying, 'Lord, to whom
shall we go? You have the word of eternal life: and we believe and
know that you are the Son of the Living God.' There speaks
Peter, upon whom the Church would be built, teaching in the name
of the Church and showing that even if a stubborn and proud
multitude withdraws because it does not wish to obey, yet the
Church does not withdraw from Christ. The people joined to the
priest and the flock clinging to their shepherd are the Church. You
ought to know, then, that the bishop is in the Church and the
Church in the bishop; and if someone is not with the bishop, he is
not in the Church*. They vainly flatter themselves who creep up,
not having peace with the priests of God, believing that they are
secretly in communion with certain individuals. For the Church,
which is One and Catholic, is not split or divided, but is indeed
united and joined by the cement of priests who adhere to one
another." (St. Cyprian of Carthage, 254 A.D.) [*Note: Of
course, this implies that the bishops are in union with the pope.]
must be clearly understood that Bishops are deprived of the right
and power of ruling if they deliberately secede from Peter and his
successors; because, by this secession, they are separated from
the foundation on which the whole edifice must rest. They are
therefore outside the edifice itself; and for this very reason
they are separated from the fold, whose leader is the Chief
Pastor; they are exiled from the Kingdom, the keys of which were
given by Christ to Peter alone... No one, therefore, unless in
communion with Peter can share in his authority, since it is
absurd to imagine that he who is outside can command in the
Church. Wherefore Optatus of Milevis blamed the Donatists for this
reason: 'Against which ages (of hell) we read that Peter received
the saving keys, that is to say, our prince, to whom it was said
by Christ: 'To thee will I give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven,
and the gates of Hell shall not conquer them.' Whence is it
therefore that you strive to obtain for yourselves the keys of the
Kingdom of Heaven - you who fight against the chair of Peter?'
(Lib. ii., n. 4-5)." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis Cognitum",
1896 A.D.)
order that the faithful people may approach to the reception of
the sacraments with greater reverence and devotion of mind, the
holy Synod enjoins on all bishops, that, not only when they are
themselves about to administer them to the people, they shall
first explain, in a manner suited to the capacity of those who
receive them, the efficacy and use of those sacraments, but shall
endeavor that the same be done piously and prudently by every
parish priest; and this even in the vernacular tongue, if need be,
and it can be conveniently done; and in accordance with the form
which will be prescribed for each of the sacraments, by the holy
Synod, in a catechism which the bishops shall take care to have
faithfully translated into the vulgar tongue, and to have
expounded to the people by all parish priests; as also that,
during the solemnization of Mass, or the celebration of the divine
offices, they explain, in the said vulgar tongue, on all
festivals, or solemnities, the sacred oracles, and the maxims of
salvation; and that, setting aside all unprofitable questions,
they endeavor to impress them on the hearts of all, and to
instruct them in the law of the Lord." (Council of Trent)
your first care be to form Christ in those who are destined from
the duty of their vocation to form Him in others. We speak of the
priests, Venerable Brethren. For all who bear the seal of the
priesthood must know that they have the same mission to the people
in the midst of whom they live as that which Paul proclaimed that
he received in these tender words: 'My little children, of whom I
am in labor again until Christ be formed in you' (Gal. iv., 19).
But how will they be able to perform this duty if they be not
first clothed with Christ themselves? and so clothed with Christ
as to be able to say with the Apostle: 'I live, yet not I, but
Christ lives in me' (Ibid. ii., 20). 'For me to live is Christ' (Phlipp.
i., 21). Hence although all are included in the exhortation 'to
advance towards the perfect man, in the measure of the age of the
fullness of Christ' (Ephes. iv., 3), it is addressed before all
others to those who exercise the sacerdotal ministry; thus these
are called another Christ, not merely by the communication of
power but by reason of the imitation of His works, and they should
therefore bear stamped upon themselves the image of Christ."
(Pope St. Pius X, "E Supremi", 1903 A.D.)
time to time, the Bishops will do well to recall to the motion
picture industry that, amid the cares of their pastoral ministry,
they are under obligation to interest themselves in every form of
decent and healthy recreation because they are responsible before
God for the moral welfare of their people even during their time
of leisure. Their sacred calling constrains them to proclaim
clearly and openly that unhealthy and impure entertainment
destroys the moral fiber of a nation. They will likewise remind
the motion picture industry that the demands which they make
regard not only the Catholics but all who patronize the cinema...
The Bishops of the whole world will take care to make clear to the
leaders of the motion picture industry that a force of such power
and universality as the cinema can be directed, with great
utility, to the highest ends of individual and social improvement.
Why indeed should there be question merely of avoiding what is
evil? The motion picture should not be simply a means of
diversion, a light relaxation to occupy an idle hour; with its
magnificent power, it can and must be a bearer of light and a
positive guide to what is good." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti
Cura", 1936 A.D.)
know that it is also part of your episcopal duty to protect and
vindicate at all times the venerable rights of the Church. You
must preserve its goods and be concerned for their careful
administration. Take the utmost care that pious legacies,
especially those with regard to Masses, and other obligations be
scrupulously observed and religiously carried out with all fraud
and base gain far removed. With skill and prudence, you must
provide that all business in your individual episcopal Curias be
handled with all fairness, equity, and honesty. Therefore,
venerable brothers, take great care that in your episcopal Curias,
those men alone be engaged who, approved because of their
integrity of life and skill in managing things, can carry out
wisely and honestly the tasks delegated by you. And We most
strongly ask that you try to judge ecclesiastical cases which
belong to your tribunals according to the prescripts of the sacred
canons and the force of convention with great care and inquiry.
Likewise strive to see that your sentences are properly carried
out, and, if there is need, seek the help and assistance of the
civil power to this end." (Pope Pius IX, "Cum Nuper",
1858 A.D.)
if the latter day subverters of marriage are entirely devoted to
misleading the minds of men and corrupting their hearts, to making
a mockery of matrimonial purity and extolling the filthiest of
vices by means of books and pamphlets and other innumerable
methods, much more ought you, Venerable Brethren, whom 'the Holy
Ghost has placed as bishops, to rule the Church of God, which He
hath purchased with His own blood,' to give yourselves wholly to
this, that through yourselves and through the priests subject to
you... you may, by every fitting means, oppose error by truth,
vice by the excellent dignity of chastity, the slavery of
covetousness by the liberty of the sons of God, that disastrous
ease in obtaining divorce by an enduring love in the bond of
marriage and by the inviolate pledge of fidelity given even to
death... Such wholesome instruction and religious training in
regard to Christian marriage will be quite different from that
exaggerated physiological education by means of which, in these
times of ours, some reformers of married life make pretense of
helping those joined in wedlock, laying much stress on these
physiological matters, in which is learned rather the art of
sinning in a subtle way than the virtue of living chastely."
(Pope Pius XI, "Casti Connubii", 1930 A.D.)
holy Synod commands all bishops and others who hold the office of
teaching and its administration, that in accordance with the usage
of the Catholic and apostolic Church, received from primeval times
of the Christian religion, and with the consensus of opinion of
the holy Fathers and the decrees of sacred Councils, they above
all diligently instruct the faithful on the intercession and
invocation of the saints, the veneration of relics, and the
legitimate use of images, teaching them that the saints, who reign
together with Christ, offer up their prayers to God for men; and
that it is good and useful to invoke them suppliantly and, in
order to obtain favors from God through His Son Jesus Christ our
Lord, who alone is our Redeemer and Savior, to have recourse to
their prayers, assistance, and support; and that they who deny
that those saints who enjoy eternal happiness in heaven are to be
invoked, think impiously, or who assert that they do not pray for
men, or that our invocation of them, to intercede for each of us
individually, is idolatry, or that it is opposed to the word of
God, and inconsistent with the honor of the 'one mediator of God
and men Jesus Christ' [cf. 1 Tim. 2:5], or that it is foolish to
pray vocally or mentally to those who reign in heaven."
(Council of Trent, 1563 A.D.)
exercising their office of sanctifying, bishops should be mindful
that they have been taken from among men and appointed their
representative before God in order to offer gifts and sacrifices
[e.g. Holy Masses] for sins. Bishops enjoy the fullness of the sacrament of orders
and both presbyters and deacons are dependent upon them in the
exercise of their authority. For the presbyters are the prudent
fellow workers of the episcopal order and are themselves
consecrated as true priests of the New Testament, just as deacons
are ordained for the ministry and serve the [Church] in communion
with the bishop and his presbytery. Therefore bishops are the
principal dispensers of the mysteries of God, as well as being the
governors, promoters, and guardians of the entire liturgical life
in the Church committed to them. They should, therefore,
constantly exert themselves to have the faithful know and live the
paschal mystery more deeply through the Eucharist and thus become
a firmly-knit body in the unity of the charity of Christ. 'Intent
upon prayer and the ministry of the word' (Acts 6:4), they should
devote their labor to this end that all those committed to their
care may be of one mind in prayer and through the reception of the
sacraments may grow in grace and be faithful witnesses to the
Lord." (Second Vatican Council)
pastoral office of Bishops should be so constituted for the
governing of dioceses that the good of the Lord's flock is always
the supreme consideration. Rightly to achieve this goal, auxiliary
bishops will frequently be appointed because the diocesan bishop
cannot personally fulfill all his episcopal duties as the good of
souls demands, either because of the vast extent of the diocese or
the great number of its inhabitants, or because of the special
nature of the apostolate or other reasons of a different nature.
Sometimes, in fact, a particular need requires that a coadjutor
bishop be appointed to assist the diocesan bishop. Coadjutor and
auxiliary bishops should be granted those faculties necessary for
rendering their work more effective and safeguarding the dignity
proper to bishops. This, of course, should always be accomplished
without detriment to the unity of the diocesan administration and
the authority of the diocesan bishop. Furthermore, coadjutor and
auxiliary bishops, since they are called to share part of the
burden of the diocesan bishop, so should exercise their office
that they may proceed in all matters in single-minded agreement
with him. In addition, they should always show respect and
reverence for the diocesan bishop and he, in turn, should have a
fraternal love for coadjutor and auxiliary bishops and hold them
in esteem." (Second Vatican Council)
the Lord, Son of the living God, came that He might save His
people from their sins and that all men might be sanctified. Just
as He Himself was sent by the Father, so He also sent His
Apostles. Therefore, He sanctified them, conferring on them the
Holy Spirit, so that they also might glorify the Father upon earth
and save men, 'to the building up of the body of Christ' (Eph.
4:12), which is the Church. In this Church of Christ the Roman Pontiff, as the successor of Peter, to whom Christ entrusted the
feeding of His sheep and lambs, enjoys supreme, full, immediate,
and universal authority over the care of souls by divine
institution. Therefore, as pastor of all the faithful, he is sent
to provide for the common good of the universal Church and for the
good of the individual churches. Hence, he holds a primacy of
ordinary power over all the churches. The bishops themselves,
however, having been appointed by the Holy Spirit, are successors
of the Apostles as pastors of souls. Together with the Supreme Pontiff and under his authority they are sent to continue
throughout the ages the work of Christ, the eternal pastor. Christ
gave the Apostles and their successors the command and the power
to teach all nations, to hallow men in the truth, and to feed
them. Bishops, therefore, have been made true and authentic
teachers of the faith, pontiffs, and pastors through the Holy
Spirit, who has been given to them." (Second Vatican Council)
[Note: Click
here for "A Note Regarding the Term 'Church'
"(Church Talk
Section). Also note that while the term "pontiff" may be
used to refer to bishops, the term "Supreme Pontiff" is
reserved to the Pope.]
is to be wished, that those who undertake the office of a bishop
should understand what their portion is; and comprehend that they
are called, not to their own convenience, not to riches or luxury,
but to labors and cares for the glory of God. For it is not to be
doubted, that the rest of the faithful also will be more easily
excited to religion and innocence, if they shall see those who are
set over them, not fixing their thoughts on the things of this
world, but on the salvation of souls, and on their heavenly
country. Wherefore the holy Synod, being minded that these things
are of the greatest importance towards restoring ecclesiastical
discipline, admonishes all bishops, that, often meditating
thereon, they show themselves conformable to their office, by
their actual deeds, and the actions of their lives; which is a
kind of perpetual sermon; but above all that they so order their
whole conversation, as that others may thence be able to derive
examples of frugality, modesty, continency, and of that holy
humility which so much recommends us to God. Wherefore, after the
example of our fathers in the Council of Carthage, It not only
orders that bishops be content with modest furniture, and a frugal
table and diet, but that they also give heed that in the rest of
their manner of living, and in their whole house, there be nothing
seen that is alien from this holy institution, and which does not
manifest simplicity, zeal towards God, and a contempt of
vanities." (Council of Trent)
great care should be taken by subordinates, whether clerical or
lay, that they dare not to blame rashly the lives of their bishops
or superiors, if perchance they see them do anything blameable,
lest from their position of reproving evil they be sunk into
greater depths through the impulse of elation. They are to be
admonished also that, when they consider the faults of their
superiors, they grow not too bold against them. But let them so
consider with themselves the things that are bad that, constrained
by divine fear, they refuse not to carry the yoke of reverence,
seeing that the things done by bishops and superiors are not to be
smitten with the sword of the mouth, even when they may seem to be
such as may be properly blamed; since we are aware that it has
been laid down by our predecessors and by many other holy bishops
that sheep should not readily blame their shepherds, or presume to
criminate or accuse them, because, when we sin against our
superiors, we go against His ordinance Who gave them to us. Hence
Moses, when he had learnt that the people complained against
himself and Aaron, said, For what are we? against us is your
murmuring but against God (Ex. xvi.
8). Wherefore subordinates of
either order are to be admonished that, when they observe the
deeds of their masters, they return to their own heart, and
presume not in upbraidings of them, since The disciple is not
above his master, nor the servant above his lord (Matth. x. 24)." (Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church)
we desire to ensure, in Christ, that the stability of the canons
should always remain firm in the churches, we renew and confirm
the limits and conditions which were formerly decreed by the holy
apostles and our holy fathers and which made it a law in the
church that nobody, who is a neophyte in the faith or priestly
office, should be made a bishop, lest he be puffed up and fall
into the judgment and snare of the devil, as the Apostle says.
Therefore, in accordance with the previous canons, we declare that
nobody of senatorial rank or a secular way of life, who has
recently been admitted to the tonsure with the intention or
expectation of the honor of becoming a bishop or patriarch, and
who has been made a cleric or monk, should rise to such a level,
even if he is shown to have completed a considerable time in each
stage of the divine priesthood. For it is clear that the tonsure
was not received for religious reasons, love of God or hope of
progressing along the path of the virtues, but for love of glory
and honor. We exclude such people still more rigorously if they
are pushed forward by imperial backing. However, if someone gives
no suspicion of seeking the worldly benefits just mentioned, but,
prompted by the actual good of a humility which is centered on
Christ, renounces the world and becomes a cleric or monk and,
while passing through every ecclesiastical grade, is found without
reproach and of good character during the periods of time
currently established, so that he completes one year in the order
of lector, two in that of subdeacon, three as deacon and four as
priest, this holy and universal synod has decreed that such a one
may be chosen and admitted. As for those who have remained
religiously in the order of cleric or monk and have been judged
worthy of the dignity and honor of the episcopacy, we reduce the
aforesaid period of time to that which the superiors of these
bishops approved at the time. If, however, anyone has been
advanced to this supreme honor contrary to this directive of ours,
he must be condemned and completely excluded from all priestly
functions, because he has been elevated contrary to the sacred
canons." (Fourth Council of Constantinople)
give you some more general directions, Venerable Brethren, in a
matter of such moment, We bid you do everything in your power to
drive out of your dioceses, even by solemn interdict, any
pernicious books that may be in circulation there. The Holy See
neglects no means to put down writings of this kind, but the
number of them has now grown to such an extent that it is
impossible to censure them all. Hence it happens that the medicine
sometimes arrives too late, for the disease has taken root during
the delay. We will, therefore, that the Bishops, putting aside all
fear and the prudence of the flesh, despising the outcries of the
wicked, gently by all means but constantly, do each his own share
of this work, remembering the injunctions of Leo XIII in the
Apostolic Constitution Officiorum: 'Let the Ordinaries, acting in
this also as Delegates of the Apostolic See, exert themselves to
prescribe and to put out of reach of the faithful injurious books
or other writings printed or circulated in their dioceses.' In
this passage the Bishops, it is true, receive a right, but they
have also a duty imposed on them. Let no Bishop think that he
fulfils this duty by denouncing to us one or two books, while a
great many others of the same kind are being published and
circulated. Nor are you to be deterred by the fact that a book has
obtained the Imprimatur elsewhere, both because this may be merely
simulated, and because it may have been granted through
carelessness or easiness or excessive confidence in the author as
may sometimes happen in religious orders. Besides, just as the
same food does not agree equally with everybody, it may happen
that a book harmless in one may, on account of the different
circumstances, be hurtful in another. Should a Bishop, therefore,
after having taken the advice of prudent persons, deem it right to
condemn any of such books in his diocese, We not only give him
ample faculty to do so but We impose it upon him as a duty to do
so. Of course, it is Our wish that in such action proper regard be
used, and sometimes it will suffice to restrict the prohibition to
the clergy; but even in such cases it will be obligatory on
Catholic booksellers not to put on sale books condemned by the
Bishop." (Pope St. Pius X, "Pascendi Dominici Gregis",
1907 A.D.)
since the Holy Spirit has made you bishops to govern the Church of
God and has taught you concerning the unique sacrament of human
salvation, We cannot neglect our duty in the face of these evil
books. We must arouse the enthusiasm of your devotion so that you,
who are called to share in Our pastoral concern join together to
oppose this evil with all energy possible. It is necessary to
fight bitterly, as the situation requires, and to eradicate with
all our strength the deadly destruction caused by such books... Since you have
been constituted stewards of the mysteries of God and armed with
His strength to destroy their defenses, exert yourselves to keep
the sheep entrusted to you and redeemed by the Blood of Christ at
a safe distance from these poisoned pastures. For if it is
necessary to avoid the company of evildoers because their words
encourage impiety and their speech acts like a cancer, what
desolation the plague of their books can cause! Well and cunningly
written these books are always with us and forever within our
reach. They travel with us, stay at home with us, and enter
bedrooms which would be shut to their evil and deception... Since
you have been constituted ministers of Christ for the nations...exert yourselves and do everything
in your power both by word and example to cut down the shoots of
falsehood. Block up the corrupt springs of vice. Sound the trumpet
in case as their leader you have to account for the souls who are
lost. Act according to the position you hold, according to the
rank with which you are vested, and according to the authority
which you have received from the Lord. In addition, as nobody
could or should avoid sharing in this sadness and insofar as there
is one common reason for everyone to grieve and to help in this
great crisis of faith and religion, call to your aid when it is
necessary the time-honored piety of Catholic leaders. Explain the
cause of the Church's sorrow and arouse its beloved sons who have
always served it well on many occasions to bring their help. Since
they do not carry the sword without cause, urge them with the
united authority of state and of priesthood, to vigorously rout
those accursed men who fight against the armies of Israel."
(Pope Clement XIII, "Christianae Reipublicae", 1766
things may be considered in the episcopal office. One is principal
and final, namely the bishop's work, whereby the good of our
neighbor is intended, according to John 21:17, 'Feed My sheep.'
Another thing is the height of degree, for a bishop is placed
above others, according to Matthew 24:45, 'A faithful and a wise
servant, whom his lord hath appointed over his family.' The third
is something resulting from these, namely reverence, honor, and a
sufficiency of temporalities, according to 1 Timothy 5:17, 'Let
the priests that rule well be esteemed worthy of double honor.'
Accordingly, to desire the episcopal office on account of these
incidental goods is manifestly unlawful, and pertains to
covetousness or ambition. Wherefore our Lord said against the
Pharisees (Matthew 23:6,7): 'They love the first places at feasts,
and the first chairs in the synagogues, and salutations in the
market-place, and to be called by men, Rabbi.' As regards the
second, namely the height of degree, it is presumptuous to desire
the episcopal office. Hence our Lord reproved His disciples for
seeking precedence, by saying to them (Matthew 20:25): 'You know
that the princes of the gentiles lord it over them.' Here
Chrysostom says (Hom. 65 in Matthaeum) that in these words 'He
points out that it is heathenish to seek precedence; and thus by
comparing them to the gentiles He converted their impetuous soul.'
On the other hand, to desire to do good to one's neighbor is in
itself praiseworthy, and virtuous. Nevertheless, since considered
as an episcopal act it has the height of degree attached to it, it
would seem that, unless there be manifest and urgent reason for
it, it would be presumptuous for any man to desire to be set over
others in order to do them good. Thus Gregory says (Regulae
Pastoralis i,8) that 'it was praiseworthy to seek the office of a
bishop when it was certain to bring one into graver dangers.'
Wherefore it was not easy to find a person to accept this burden,
especially seeing that it is through the zeal of charity that one
divinely instigated to do so, according to Gregory, who says (Regulae
Pastoralis i,7) that 'Isaiah being desirous of profiting his
neighbor, commendably desired the office of preacher.'
Nevertheless, anyone may, without presumption, desire to do such
like works if he should happen to be in that office, or to be
worthy of doing them; so that the object of his desire is the good
work and not the precedence in dignity. Hence Chrysostom says: 'It
is indeed good to desire a good work, but to desire the primacy of
honor is vanity. For primacy seeks one that shuns it, and abhors
one that desires it.'" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the
Church and "greatest theologian in the history of the
it is opposed to the truth, and in evident contradiction with the
divine constitution of the Church, to hold that while each Bishop
is individually bound to obey the authority of the Roman Pontiffs,
taken collectively the Bishops are not so bound. For it is the
nature and object of a foundation to support the unity of the
whole edifice and to give stability to it, rather than to each
component part; and in the present case this is much more
applicable, since Christ the Lord wished that by the strength and
solidity of the foundation the gates of hell should be prevented
from prevailing against the Church. All are agreed that the divine
promise must be understood of the Church as a whole, and not of
any certain portions of it. These can indeed be overcome by the
assaults of the powers of hell, as in point of fact has befallen
some of them. Moreover, he who is set over the whole flock must
have authority, not only over the sheep dispersed throughout the
Church, but also when they are assembled together. Do the sheep
when they are all assembled together rule and guide the shepherd?
Do the successors of the Apostles assembled together constitute
the foundation on which the successor of St. Peter rests in order
to derive therefrom strength and stability? Surely jurisdiction
and authority belong to him in whose power have been placed the
keys of the Kingdom taken collectively. And as the Bishops, each
in his own district, command with real power not only individuals
but the whole community, so the Roman Pontiffs, whose jurisdiction
extends to the whole Christian commonwealth, must have all its
parts, even taken collectively, subject and obedient to their
authority. Christ the Lord, as we have quite sufficiently shown,
made Peter and his successors His vicars, to exercise forever in
the Church the power which He exercised during His mortal life.
Can the Apostolic College be said to have been above its master in
authority? This power over the Episcopal College to which we
refer, and which is clearly set forth in Holy Writ, has ever been
acknowledged and attested by the Church, as is clear from the
teaching of General Councils. 'We read that the Roman Pontiff has
pronounced judgments on the prelates of all the churches; we do
not read that anybody has pronounced sentence on him' (Hadrianus
ii., in Allocutione iii., ad Synodum Romanum an. 869, Cf. Actionem
vii., Conc. Constantinopolitani iv). The reason for which is
stated thus: 'there is no authority greater than that of the
Apostolic See' (Nicholaus in Epist. lxxxvi. ad Michael. Imperat.)
wherefore Gelasius on the decrees of Councils says: 'That which
the First See has not approved of cannot stand; but what it has
thought well to decree has been received by the whole Church' (Epist.
xxvi., ad Episcopos Dardaniae, n. 5)." (Pope Leo XIII, "Satis
Cognitum", 1896 A.D.)
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