"No one is without a
family in this world: the Church is a home and family for everyone, especially
those who 'labor and are heavy laden.'" (Pope John Paul II)
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"For nothing more glorious, nothing nobler, nothing
surely more honorable can be imagined than to belong to the One, Holy Catholic,
Apostolic and Roman Church, in which we become members of one Body as venerable
as it is unique; are guided by one supreme Head; are filled with one divine
Spirit; are nourished during our earthly exile by one doctrine and one heavenly
Bread, until at last [the elect] enter into the one, unending blessedness of
heaven." (Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis Christi", 1943 A.D.)
Christian, at almost every important stage of his mortal career, finds at his
side the priest with power received from God, in the act of communicating or
increasing that grace which is the supernatural life of his soul. Scarcely is he
born before the priest baptizing him, brings him by a new birth to a more noble
and precious life, a supernatural life, and makes him a son of God and of the
Church of Jesus Christ. To strengthen him to fight bravely in spiritual combats,
a priest invested with special dignity makes him a soldier of Christ by holy
chrism. Then, as soon as he is able to recognize and value the Bread of Angels,
the priest gives It to him, the living and life-giving Food come down from
Heaven. If he fall, the priest raises him up again in the name of God, and
reconciles him to God with the Sacrament of Penance. Again, if he is called by
God to found a family and to collaborate with Him in the transmission of human
life throughout the world, thus increasing the number of the faithful on earth
and, thereafter, the ranks of the elect in Heaven, the priest is there to bless
his espousals and unblemished love; and when, finally, arrived at the portals of
eternity, the Christian feels the need of strength and courage before presenting
himself at the tribunal of the Divine Judge, the priest with the holy oils
anoints the failing members of the sick or dying Christian, and reconsecrates
and comforts him. Thus the priest accompanies the Christian throughout the
pilgrimage of this life to the gates of Heaven. He accompanies the body to its
resting place in the grave with rites and prayers of immortal hope. And even
beyond the threshold of eternity he follows the soul to aid it with Christian
suffrages, if need there be of further purification and alleviation. Thus, from
the cradle to the grave the priest is ever beside the faithful, a guide, a
solace, a minister of salvation and dispenser of grace and blessing." (Pope Pius
XI, "Ad Catholici Sacerdotii", 1935 A.D.)
"One thing in this world is different from all other. It
has a personality and a force. It is recognized, and (when recognized) most
violently loved or hated. It is the Catholic Church. Within that household the
human spirit has roof and hearth. Outside it, is the Night." (Belloc)
"We cannot refrain from again and again exhorting all to
love holy Mother Church with a devoted and active love. If we have really at
heart the salvation of the whole human family, purchased by the precious Blood,
we must offer every day to the Eternal Father our prayers, works and sufferings,
for her safety and for her continued and ever more fruitful increase. And while
the skies are heavy with storm clouds, and exceeding great dangers threaten the
whole of human society and the Church herself, let us commit ourselves and all
that we have to the Father of Mercies, crying out: 'Look down, we beseech Thee,
Lord, on this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not hesitate to be
betrayed into the hands of evil men and to undergo the torment of the Cross.'"
(Pope Pius XII, "Mystici Corporis Christi", 1943 A.D.)
"For no
one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ
does the Church, because we are members of his body." (Eph. 5:29-30)
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