The song "The Twelve
Days of Christmas" was written during a time of persecution and contains hidden
meanings, such as...
* Partridge in the Pear Tree -
Jesus Christ
* Two Turtle Doves - the
Old and New Testaments
* Three French Hens -
faith, hope, and charity
* Four Calling Birds - four
* Five Golden Rings - first five books of the Old Testament
* Six Geese a-Laying - six days of
* Seven Swans a-Swimming -
seven gifts of the
Holy Spirit
* Eight Maids a-Milking - the eight
* Nine Ladies Dancing - nine choirs of
* Ten Lords a-Leaping -
Ten Commandments
* Eleven Pipers Piping - the faithful eleven
* Twelve Drummers Drumming - twelve articles of the
Apostles' Creed
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