I am not sure if you
are talking about a specific movie or about all movies in general, put probably
the answer would still be the same – namely that they can be very harmful,
especially to children. Here are a couple quotations that may be helpful...
"Parents on their
part should remember that it is their duty to see that entertainments and
publications which might endanger faith and morals do not enter their houses and
that their children are not exposed to them elsewhere." (Second Vatican Council)
"It is no less
necessary to direct and watch the education of the adolescent, 'soft as wax to
be moulded into vice,' in whatever other environment he may happen to be,
removing occasions of evil and providing occasions for good in his recreations
and social intercourse; for 'evil communications corrupt good manners.'" (Pope
Pius XI, "Divini Illius Magistri", 1929 A.D.)
Even in the 1930's
when movies were 'much less' offensive than they are now, the pope warned...
"Indeed the
effectiveness of our schools, of our Catholic associations, and even of our
churches is lessened and endangered by the plague of evil and pernicious motion
pictures." (Pope Pius XI, "Vigilanti Cura", 1936 A.D.)
You can find more
You should know that
media today is rife with offensive references (even in children's movies) and
frequently touts an anti-Christian agenda. Children who watch these things may
be harmed spiritually, and likewise such viewing may harm children's behaviors,
morals & outlooks, it may damage their innocence, etc. Such media may similarly
be quite detrimental for adults.
It is good to hear
that your wife is protecting your children from what may be a very dangerous
influence, and it is good that you are supportive her decision.
May God bless you,
your wife, and your family.
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