No. As stated by the
Council of Trent...
"If anyone says
that the Sacrifice of the Mass is merely an offering of praise and of
thanksgiving, or that it is a simple memorial of the sacrifice offered on the
cross, and not propitiatory, or that it benefits only those who communicate; and
that it should not be offered for the living and the dead, for sins,
punishments, satisfaction, and other necessities: let him be anathema."
+ + +
"In the Mass there
is offered to God a true sacrifice, properly speaking, which is propitiatory for
the living and the dead." (Pope Pius IV)
" must be
taught without any hesitation that, as the holy Council (of Trent) has also
explained, the sacred and holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not a Sacrifice of
praise and thanksgiving only, or a mere commemoration of the Sacrifice performed
on the cross, but also truly a propitiatory Sacrifice, by which God is appeased
and rendered propitious to us." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
"And thenceforth,
the Apostles, and their successors in the priesthood, began to lift to heaven
that 'clean oblation' foretold by Malachy (Mal. 1:11), through which the name of God is
great among the gentiles. And now, that same oblation in every part of the world
and at every hour of the day and night, is offered and will continue to be
offered without interruption till the end of time: a true sacrificial act, not
merely symbolical, which has a real efficacy unto the reconciliation of sinners
with the Divine Majesty." (Pope Pius XI)
"The august
sacrifice of the altar, then is no mere empty commemoration of the passion and
death of Jesus Christ, but a true and proper act of sacrifice, whereby the High
Priest by an unbloody immolation offers Himself a most acceptable victim to the
Eternal Father, as He did upon the cross. 'It is one and the same victim; the
same person now offers it by the ministry of His priests, who then offered
Himself on the cross, the manner of offering alone being different.' The priest
is the same, Jesus Christ, whose sacred Person His minister represents." (Pope
Pius XII)
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