People in our age
often do not care to hear the truth, but the reality is that: (1) God has made
men and women different, (2) men and women are NOT interchangeable, and (3)
there are suitable and unsuitable roles for men and women.
As an example, Pope
Pius XI spoke against military training of girls as being "contrary to the very
instincts of human nature"...
"It is well to
repeat this warning here; for in these days there is spreading a spirit of
nationalism which is false and exaggerated, as well as dangerous to true peace
and prosperity. Under its influence various excesses are committed in giving a
military turn to the so-called physical training of boys (sometimes even of
girls, contrary to the very instincts of human nature); or again in usurping
unreasonably on Sunday, the time which should be devoted to religious duties and
to family life at home." (Pope Pius XI, "Divini Illius Magistri", 1929,
A.D.) [emphasis added]
To further illustrate,
the Blessed Virgin Mary should be the role model for all women. Those who have
an accurate representation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in mind would rightly be
horrified at the idea of the holy Mother of God serving in the military. This
should clear up any doubt as to whether or not such roles are proper for women.
Those inclined to
bring up the unusual case of St. John of Arc should realize that this was a
'special exception decreed by God', under the specific circumstances of that
time, not a blanket approval of women in the military. God condemns killing too,
but we see in the Old Testament that He called for people to be put to death
under certain circumstances. That does not mean people can be killed under all
circumstances, just because it might be lawful for them to be killed under other
Even on a human level,
U.S. Marine Corps research has shown that all-male combat units outperform units that
include women ["Exclusively male ground combat units outperform their
mixed-gender counterparts in every capacity, according to the
results of a Marine Corps study" (emphasis added)]. And shouldn't citizens seek
the best performing military?
And finally, how can
it not bring harm to society & to individuals when proper, God-given roles are
not respected?
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