Lex Orandi, Lex
Credendi is "A form of the axiom of Pope St. Celestine I, Legem credendi statuit
lex orandi: 'The rule of prayer determines the rule of faith,' that is, the
liturgy of worship is a chief instrument in the [transmission] of true
doctrine." (Catholic Dictionary)
In our age, this
phrase is often mentioned in connection with the
Novus Ordo Mass. As stated in our publication 'The
Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass'...
"Consider this
telling admission from Pope Paul VI, the pope who imposed the New Mass: 'Some
might get the wrong impression from a particular ceremony or rubric that has
been added [in the 1960's Novus Ordo Mass], as if this involved or implied an
alteration or diminution of the truths that have been acquired once and for all
and authoritatively sanctioned as part of the Catholic faith. They might
think that the correspondence between the law of praying, lex orandi, and the
law of believing, lex credendi, has been compromised as a result.'
The pope who
called the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII, has said, 'It is supremely
important that the Church's liturgy fully conform to Catholic belief ('the law
for prayer is the law of faith), and that only those devotional forms be
sanctioned which well up from the unsullied springs of true faith.'
If the well
known maxim is true - which it undoubtedly is - that the 'law of praying is the
law of believing', then if the Catholic prayers are stripped of all that is
specifically Catholic [as may be seen in the Novus Ordo Mass] and if Catholics
'pray like Protestants', then Catholics will start believing less like Catholics
and more like Protestants. This has been confirmed in practice, not only by
apparent beliefs, but also to the point of singing Protestant hymns during
Mass." (emphasis added)
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