No. Holy Communion has
always been forbidden to heretics, schismatics, non-believers, the
731 § 2 It is forbidden that the Sacraments of the Church be ministered to
heretics and schismatics, even if they ask for them and are in good faith,
unless beforehand, rejecting their errors, they are reconciled with the Church."
(1917 Code of Canon Law)
855 § 1 All those publicly unworthy are to be barred from the Eucharist, such as
excommunicates, those interdicted, and those manifestly infamous, unless their
penitence and emendation are shown and they have satisfied beforehand the public
scandal [they have caused]." (1917 Code of Canon Law)
Remember that
Scripture says...
"Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will
have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine
himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks
without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why
many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying." (1 Cor.
+ +
"After a first and second warning, break off contact with a heretic, realizing
that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned." (St.
Paul, Ti. 3:10-11)
"Hence there are but three classes of persons excluded from the Church's pale:
infidels, heretics and schismatics, and excommunicated persons. Infidels are
outside the Church because they never belonged to, and never knew the church,
and were never made partakers of any of her Sacraments. Heretics and schismatics
are excluded from the Church, because they have separated from her and belong to
her only as deserts belong to the army from which they have deserted... Finally,
excommunicated persons are not members of the Church, because they have been cut
off by her sentence from the member of her children and belong not to her
communion until they repent." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
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