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Missing field(s) on form? We have seen this issue occur when an ad blocker is used (even though the missing fields are not ads). To resolve, try either whitelisting our site in your ad blocker or try another browser(s). We apologize for any inconvenience.
Note: This Page Was Last Updated On 9/13/13
In connection with our site redesign, we have switched to a new style of online forms. The following are some pointers regarding our new forms...
* It may be necessary to wait a moment for all elements of the form to appear - please be patient while the form is loading.
* Pressing the enter key submits the form.
* After submitting a form, it may be necessary to scroll up to view the confirmation message. This may be especially necessary for long forms.
* If necessary, horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars may appear on pages. [Note: Should these scroll bars be problematic, please let us know]
* Validation messages may appear while typing and/or after
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* Use the refresh button to clear the page and remove validation messages. [Please Note: The refresh button may not clear all fields (e.g. drop down selections). To fully clear a page, it may be necessary to reload it -- e.g. by pressing the F5 key (or other key depending upon your browser).]
* It may take a moment for processing to occur upon submission of a form. Please be patient and do not press the submit button again after processing has started.
* The appearance of a confirmation message does not guarantee that we will receive your submission. Note that forms may be sent via e-mail and it is possible that messages may get filtered out for various reasons (e.g. if they include certain keywords). Also, technical or other problems may prevent us from receiving submissions.
* If a page "goes blank" after submission, note that you may simply need to scroll to the top of the page to view the confirmation message.
* To submit another post, refresh the page (e.g. by pressing the F5 key).
* If you have difficulties with a particular submission, try refreshing the page and starting again. Be sure to pay careful attention to all instructions and validation messages that we have provided.
Lastly, please contact us if you experience problems with forms or if you have questions / comments / etc. Please be sure to include the URL for the form and indicate which browser you use. Thank you.
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