In time of temptation |
When tempted to sin, a priest once told me to say: Jesus Mercy, Mary My Hope. I have been doing this for years now and it really helps. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source: Heard From Another
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ID: 1048347IH
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step back and breathe |
when something upsets you or you are having a tough time, stop and and breathe in slowly.Pay attention to your breath only. Do this 3 or 4 times. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Conservative/Moderate)
Reported Source: Personal Experience
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ID: 1048346IH
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Love God according to HIS WILL |
Ask God everyday to give you a perfect desire to Love Him perfectly with your whole heart your whole soul with your whole mind and your whole strength, according to HIS WILL not yours! Ask for a perfect and sensitive devotion to HIS Holy Mother. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source: My Own Idea
E-Mail: N/A
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ID: 1048345IH
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Have to want to be holy |
I think you first have to want to be holy before you can become holy. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source: My Own Idea
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ID: 1048343IH
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Necessity of weeding out bad qualities |
It is hard to make any progress towards holiness if special attention is not given to weeding out our bad qualities. It won't matter much what good qualities we have if we still have bad qualities that lead us to sin. Remember that it takes only one single un-repented mortal sin to send us to hell for all eternity, regardless of any other good we may have done in our lives |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source: Read About It
E-Mail: N/A
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ID: 1048341IH
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Trusting in God |
I suggest working on trusting God. If you really - and I mean REALLY - trust God, you will learn to accept your crosses and to follow His laws always. People may say they trust God, but the contrary may be proven when they are tested. We must really trust God even when things aren't going how we want. We must trust God in every single aspect of our lives. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source: My Own Idea
E-Mail: N/A
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ID: 1048340IH
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remove bad influences |
we must remove bad influences from our live and also remove harmful worldly influences |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source: Read About It
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ID: 1048339IH
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Don't play "pious mind games" |
Ever notice Catholics playing "pious mind games"? Like on Ash Wednesday when some Catholics decide whether or not wash off ashes based on how they feel (want to leave them on?, take them off and vice versa). This is not right thinking. We must do what is best and then conform our minds. When saints advise us to practice contrariety, this is for vices ONLY. While a holy instructor would advise a prideful person to practice humility, he would not advise a humble person to practice pride! Don't |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source: My Own Idea
E-Mail: N/A
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ID: 1048338IH
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Instead of complaint |
When something disagreeable happens, rather than complain, say "I deserve to suffer this for my sins." This can aid humility and makes the occasion an opportunity for merit. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source: Heard From Another
E-Mail: N/A
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ID: 1048337IH
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Eucharistic adoration |
Go to the source of holiness in the Holy Eucharist |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source: Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A
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ID: 1048336IH
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