tune out the world |
tune out tv, internet, news it can be difficult to grow in faith when we are bombarded with the world |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
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ID: 10022357FF | |
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Going to confession often |
It is very good to go to confession at least once a month or more. Cleaning your soul and being in God's grace gives you strong sense that you are close to Him. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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endorsement. |
ID: 10022356FF | |
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Let faith permeate your life |
If faith permeates your life, the hard times will not so easily able to take your faith away from you. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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ID: 10022354FF | |
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Take some time |
Everything in this world competes for your time. If you let it happen, there will be no time at all left for God. To grow in faith, we have to dedicate time to God in prayer and in spiritual reading. No relationship can be successful if very little time is invested in it. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source:
My Own Idea
E-Mail: N/A |
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ID: 10022353FF | |
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frequent prayer |
fequently turn to prayer, whether in good times or in bad |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
My Own Idea
E-Mail: N/A |
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ID: 10022352FF | |
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My losses and Gaing Jesus |
Jesus Jesus Our Lord and Savior is with us to the end through every gain and every loss. See i almost lost my life by a train. Yea i said it a train. When i thought nothing could go worse i called until i found Jesus looking at a young man wounded. When i thought nothing could get worse i felt my life wanted for the first time this world calling to me telling me that wonders await that i never seen and everything i could wish for. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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ID: 10022351FF | |
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Go to the Blessed Virgin Mary |
The Blessed Virgin Mary will help strengthen your faith. Pray frequently for her intercession. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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ID: 10022350FF | |
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Pray the Rosary every day |
I think this one speaks for itself. Our loving Mother is always there for us. Devotion to Mary through the daily Rosary brings us to her and strengthens our faith. |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Traditional)
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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endorsement. |
ID: 10022346FF | |
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Thank You is the Best Prayer! |
"Thank You" is concise and all He wants from us, appreciation and respect of Him and His laws. It is now a habit, I don't know how to say this other than WOW...Make it a habit "Thank You!" you ever run out of material This double as a distraction to all the things that are not so great right now, hand those things over and thank Him for accepting them. Don't take them back. I promise He will take care of it, maybe not the way you wanted |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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endorsement. |
ID: 10022345FF | |
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My tip: Prayer |
prayer, prayer, prayer |
Submitter's Reported Catholic
Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Reported Source:
Personal Experience
E-Mail: N/A |
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endorsement. |
ID: 10022343FF | |
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