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"Listen to my voice; then I will be your God and you shall be my people. Walk in all the ways that I command you, so that you may prosper." (Jer. 7:23)

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Scripture for Today    

Bible with CrucifixWords of Our Lord, Jesus Christ:

"A man gave a great dinner to which he invited many. When the time for the dinner came, he dispatched his servant to say to those invited, 'Come, everything is now ready.' But one by one, they all began to excuse themselves. The first said to him, 'I have purchased a field and must go to examine it; I ask you, consider me excused.' And another said, 'I have purchased five yoke of oxen and am on my way to evaluate them; I ask you, consider me excused.' And another said, 'I have just married a woman, and therefore I cannot come.' The servant went and reported this to his master. Then the master of the house in a rage commanded his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in here the poor and the crippled, the blind and the lame.' The servant reported, 'Sir, your orders have been carried out and still there is room.' The master then ordered the servant, 'Go out to the highways and hedgerows and make people come in that my home may be filled. For, I tell you, none of those men who were invited will taste my dinner.'" [LK 14:16-24]

Jesus' Parables | Jesus' Emphasized Stmts. | More Jesus' Teachings | Who Jesus Is

Words & Wisdom from the Old Testament:

I passed by the field of the sluggard, by the vineyard of the man without sense; And behold! it was all overgrown with thistles; its surface was covered with nettles, and its stone wall broken down. And as I gazed at it, I reflected; I saw and learned the lesson: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest - Then will poverty come upon you like a highwayman, and want like an armed man. [PROV 24:30-34]

More Old Testament Wisdom | Jesus' Teachings | Othr.New Testament Teachings

Important: Read Me | Click Here For More Scripture | More Info.

Reminder: Scripture references and translations may vary. We make no guarantee regarding any item herein. We recommend reading Scripture in full context in an appropriate Catholic Bible. Consult appropriate, competent Church authorities for assistance in interpreting / applying Scripture. Interpretation and application of Scripture should not be contrary to the perennial, official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Do not take Scripture passages out of context. Do not inflict or wish harm on yourself or others, break laws, take unsuitable/incautious or inappropriate/drastic actions, or take figurative items literally. We are not responsible for any interpretation / misinterpretation, application / misapplication, use / misuse, etc. of Scripture. Use of site is at your own risk and is subject to our terms of use. Click here for important cautionary statement and other important terms/information


Catholic Calendar:

Monday, 7/15/2024

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Thought From Today's Liturgy of the Hours


Feasts & More... (Traditional / New Calendar):

 + St. Henry II (Trad.) / St. Bonaventure (New) +

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For  more  feast  information, see  links  below

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Reminder: All items subject to change / abrogation / transfer / etc. Items herein may not be comprehensive and may vary by location. Items may be shown on their 'usual' days, even on Sundays and during Holy Week / Easter Week / Etc. Note, however, that other items may take precedence. We make no guarantees regarding any item herein. For current information, contact your applicable diocese.

Recommended / Required Today (if applicable):

Don't forget your Daily Rosary!

Important - Read me

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Traditional Church Calendar:

Season: Time after Pentecost

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New Church Calendar (Novus Ordo):

Season: Ordinary Time

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Note: See  below  for  liturgy  information

Elijah approached the people and said: How long will you straddle the issue by advocating two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him. No one can serve to Masters; you cannot serve God and money. If the Lord is God, follow him.

Reading Date:  15th Week in Ordinary Time, Monday

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Secular Calendar (U.S.)

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Today's Recommended Spiritual Exercise

"Spiritual activities / suggestions / etc. or activities / suggestions / etc. with a spiritual (or other) benefit"

Take some time today to learn about saints who share the same name as you or who have a background similar to yours.

Reminder: Exercises herein are optional and are not required by the Church. Not all exercises may be appropriate or recommended for any / all persons. Do not participate in any inappropriate / harmful / etc. activity.

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Today's Reflections

St. JeromeSaintly Reflection:

"All the world together is not worth one soul." (St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church)

Reflection of Pope, Saint, Theologian, Council, Other:

"It may be said that a society shows itself just to the extent that it meets the needs of all its members, and the quality of its civilization is determined by the way in which it protects its weakest members." (Pope John Paul II)

Click here for more Reflections | Click here for Classic Encyclicals | More Info.

Reminder: Quotations should be considered in light of their original context. Not all items should be taken literally. Note that Christians are called to obey just laws. Also note that history proves that being a faithful Christian may sometimes be dangerous to one's bodily health (e.g. when persons are forced to disobey unjust laws). Consult appropriate, competent authorities for assistance in interpreting / applying items herein. Be advised that we do not advocate unlawful / immoral civil disobedience and we are not responsible for anything which may occur due to use of this site. We make no guarantees concerning any item herein. Click here for more important terms/information


Today's Prayer Request

Prayer for the Day

Prayer Request: That all may come to have true repentance for their sins

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O Jesus, King most wonderful! Thou Conqueror renowned! Thou Sweetness most ineffable! In whom all joys are found! When once Thou visitest the heart, then truth begins to shine; then earthly vanities depart; then kindles love divine. O Jesu! Light of all below! Thou Fount of life and fire! Surpassing all the joys we know, and all we can desire. May every heart confess Thy name, and ever Thee adore; And seeking Thee, itself inflame to see Thee more and more. Thee may our tongues for ever bless; Thee may we love alone; And ever in our lives express the image of Thine own. Amen.

Title/Reference: Hymn of Praise (Raccolta)

For more prayers, click here

Why are some prayers in Latin? Click here

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Catholic Q & A

Q & A #1

Catholic History, Saints, Apologetics, Papal Facts, Wisdom of the Saints, Scripture, More...


What things may help make the Bible easier to understand?


There are a variety of tools to assist one in better understanding the Bible. For example, consider traditional Bible commentaries, sermons of the Saints, papal documents, writings of the early Church Fathers, etc. [Note: Be certain to use only Catholic tools. Furthermore, one should be cautious of modern tools (e.g. 1960's and later) which may be "infected with modernism".]

For more information try:  Scripture / Parables Section (or search here)

Q & A #2

Papal Tiara, Keys & BookCatholic Tradition, Papal Documents, 'Tridentine' Mass, Latin Language, Sacraments, Theology, Definitions, Modernism, Misc.


What does the Seal of Confession refer to?


The Seal of Confession refers to the confessors' grave duty of confidentiality regarding the secrecy of information learned in confession.

For more information try:  Sacraments Section (or search here)

Q & A #3

Catholic Catechism (Trent, Baltimore, Catholic Church, Neumann...)


What are some qualities the faithful should look for in selecting a confessor?


According to the Catechism of the Council of Trent, "The faithful, therefore, will see the great care that each one should take in selecting (as confessor) a priest, who is recommended by integrity of life, by learning and prudence, who is deeply impressed with the awful weight and responsibility of the station which he holds, who understands well the punishment due to every sin, and can also discern who are to be loosed and who are to be bound."

For more information try: Catechism of the Council of Trent (or search here)

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Click here for Selections From the Baltimore Catechism | More Info.

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Reminder: Items should be considered in light of their original context. Not all items should be taken literally. We may change punctuation, capitalization, shorten items, etc. References / translations may vary. Note that Christians are called to obey just laws. Also note that history proves that being a faithful Christian may sometimes be dangerous to one's bodily health (e.g. when persons are forced to disobey unjust laws). Consult appropriate, competent authorities for assistance in interpreting / applying items herein. Be advised that we do not advocate unlawful / immoral civil disobedience and we are not responsible for anything which may occur due to use of this site. We make no guarantees concerning any item herein. Click here for more important terms/information


Today's Liturgy 



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Catholic Web Links

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Information on the Sacraments

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Information on the Traditional Latin Mass

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Today in Catholic History (Highlights)

Important Moments in Catholic History May Include... 

SAINT: 7/15 (c. 1080) - Death of St. David of Sweden; SAINT: 7/15/1274 - Death of St. Bonaventure; SAINT: 7/15/1850 - Birth of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

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--> "For since the bringing of children into the world is the principal end of marriage, to do anything in order to prevent the accomplishment of this end is always a mortal sin." - St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church. Click here for more information on contraception (including information regarding contraceptives' abortifacent properties and negative health effects). [Catholic Life Section]

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Consult appropriate, competent authorities for assistance in interpreting / applying items herein. Be advised that we do not advocate unlawful / immoral civil disobedience and we are not responsible for anything which may occur due to use of this site. Note that Scripture references and translations may vary. We recommend reading Scripture in full context in an appropriate Catholic Bible. Consult appropriate, competent Church authorities for assistance in interpreting / applying Scripture and other items. Interpretation and application of Scripture and other items should not be contrary to the perennial, official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. We are not responsible for any interpretation / misinterpretation, application / misapplication, use / misuse, etc. of Scripture or other items. Views of others do not necessarily reflect our views. No items on the Daily Digest should be taken as a political statement or a stand on political matters. 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